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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1887)
TH E COI RIER. THE DRUMMER BOY Water Ditch. A very fine watermelon from the field of Mr. H. Htilburt suffered Mt. E j >IT ok : A l.xik at the gar from the close attention given it by gc ììf ---------- o ■ Six mile« Smith of < ¡rants Pass, J..,-« phirn- the editor on Friday last. For size den-. around town ought to be suffi L * « o.uity, < fr.-gim. and flavor, Southern Oregon can cient to cone ince our citizens of the Having concluded to close business at this place, I am offering my FRIDAY, AUG. 19. 18X7. r.rsc melons equal to any grown in necessity of a water ditch. One of A H CARSON &. SON, large stock of other parts of the world. Proprietors. the finest bodies of water in Oregon ItrTi-t.-n* 1 ai the P.Mtoltie.* in Grant's Our Roseburg cotenqxirary oh- flows past our doors and we make I' iihs , (tri1., ax Matter. jects to the phrase "Fears are enter no use of it. It is valueless, but if Tlia o.< -i w< inter.ul 1 ¡iii'.iio-r in the vorl.i, who iinai-os hi-.1’1'1.atie. s *0 the CORRESP.).\l>ENCE tained of his recovery,” as used by diverted from its natural channel in ¡_r.imt.-t < onsisting of |4tc!> of eniliu-i.i-.n, an laho u.s in a recent issue. If otir would- APPLE, PEAR, ditches and made to irrigate the < n!i.tad ilitlu’ ’Hi 'C: hi.'.ri Infantry, <>.- W.> invìi.’ l.’ii. e fr-.’ii all »«•<•- 14th Is,,I, at tli ■ .i.roftwelve years U >:i< '.ti Hiil.j”. ts . ( lix’.il iiu.l oilier in- lie facetious confrere would pay a bench lands along its banks, we tolx-r PEACH, PLUM. will, ...... tli.-r wit'i t:> • I, -t 11 HU.’ t i.'ai.t, I -re-ts. little more attention to his diction would have one of the most delight 1.1k” part ill th - Entertainment to Ix’^iv- prune cherry With cur’ll l”tt»T ili,’ and a I Ir.- - i n un.l -r tiie G. A. L. at AT GKEATLV REDUCED PRICES. APRICOT, NECTARINE. olili» Meinl’r b r.’.piiri’.l, . specially il ary he might avoid making himself ful countries in the world. Our Mu. <■ H.i ... <,i.0 :- J’.i--, , n rent f..r pii'.lication ridiculous. For his information town site is one of the dry est places ALMOND. WALNUT ---------- A Full Line cf--------- er— ----——!------------- --——— - ( should he K- so unfortunate a- to in the county and one reason of it CHESTNUT and THE SUCCESSFUL TOWN jx>s-i’;s.s no dictionary > we will tell ts the rapid tall of its surface, there him that the wotd "of" is of vari-! being nearly a hundred feet fall in .MAJ. HENDERSHOT A successful town have, in Will be kept in Stock. Grape \ ities, Currants, Goosberries, ous application, and in the above,. a mile toward the river. That fact Brin.-* «ith him tli • <»i-in.d Silver l>. nil addition to its natural advantages, of it-elf is a strong argument in fa pr.—. i t.’.l to him !>’ IL.r.i.’e Greeley, for Blackberries, Rnsplx-rries, was used as “concerning.” Our certain qualifications on the part of vor of irrigation, for it insures the gallantry at t!. ■ I’.jttl ■ of fredvri. kaburg, PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Strawberries, Figs, The authority for so using it is Noah flow of water over the land and in ..ii tie Htli of iX’i-emlxr, 1st,.' her citizens, without which the ilniiE I’ to him by the's Etc., Etc. Webster, “of" whom our coteml sures the necessary drainage to pre ib’li.’t 1 orpx at l'an.’or, llaine, April, most favorable -ituated pl ice will Thanking the public and my many customers for their patronage in Our Trees are grown without irrigation seems surprisingly ignorant. We vent stagna’nt water so that the Iss-. 'i.i - Gold . b antvl Garii-ld and oil It.- I hill land, and all of known varie remain little better than a town site Aitl 'ir . r no -it. i»s ' I Iss •. mid th ■ Sil health of the community would not the past, I can no« make it to their. tie-that succeed in Southern Oregon. might add that having received en ver iip|x‘d »11< k« pre: . l.ted him l.y < >< o. and having which the most unpro Those eoiiti’intilatin » tree planting «¡¡| couraging news from Mr. Wimer,' lx? affected by irrigation. ni Honolulu, W. I> ’ ¡ l o-l. G. A. K., do well to visit our (behind and Nurserv With a good water ditch we could mising locality can be pushed ahead hopes are now entertained of his re-1 H I. or w rite us lor price list raise abundance of everything with and built tq> into a good city. covery. I’ost-otlii-e— Murphy, Josephine Coun one half the expettsi and labor nec M il. 11 l'urn-id,’'i I for volunteers t<> ty, Oregon. It. 1«. Station, Grants Pass th.’ other l ank. It Locks Like A Cwir.dlo. essary to produce a poor crop, and 'll. ■ !’i.ik-’ pal. A. 11 CARSON A Si >N . ......... I'r’itmu. r Boy wa* The first qualification is enter 6-171fj in some instances no crop at all, un first to leave the rank ; Salem, Aug. 16. The legislative prise the powi 1 to see advanta ■ der existing circumstances. An i nhile a < t> -r ar Il-ill. rs’.ot « nt 1 p :T. tn i-very thr .at, The water of Rogue river brought gt cis circumst jures, combined with .1—ctnbly of this state in 1870 pass N E \V I ed an a> t, which the governor ap in a ditch abti'.e our valley is what TLire :T’l!-.v ■■! tl-.ity otb.ri. j 1st cnoigh the energy an 1 courage logo ahead to man the bout, j.r r • 1 •; alltlu>r we want, and that is what we are II 'slid: ' 1 li st.-ill the battle!” seize every su It point, and dcvclope izing the state ls>ard ofcommission going to have; and if our citizens .And t'. Ii.irrd it i.i th ■ rattle it to its utmost. Tlti is whit ers for the sale of school and universi will not build it and thereby have i hie dr. 111! Front St., adjo'nlng Courier Office. makes the difference between the ty lands to make a loan of Sto,<xx> control of it, then we must induce ... ¡.■ar <r.t ;. o’l.i »st.-i !” -' .i t the e.ipt.lin, GRANTS I ASS, OREGON. successful merchant and the bank to the Baker City academy and take outside capital to build the ditch in ”l‘a. 1. Io . amp 1 bid you go!” a mortgage on lite school property which case we would have to pay Ami mil. ■ a.’.tfi In* un.-wered " I'.-.», A7< We have opined a I ii.-1-<'l.i-s I lour rupt, the piosperous f irmer and the for the amount. Not one cent, in -i: I I. kept o.i thinking “A' .'” round prices for the use of the wa and Feed Stole in the l.lliiding fonnerly drudg, as well as between the pro terest or principal, has been collect if- ■.. .1 I < ’.r i n- . roes that river, so he o<-< upied us 11 saddle mid bmni»sih< |\ ter. ; .-¡urg 1.7held the !»>at where we will keep conMiintly on hand gressive commercial and manufac ed, until at present the amount, The idea of substituting cold well With !u:< lit“.’ legs a kicking—hull a- Neither ill (t'laatity, Quality, V.irieties, Size >f Trees, nor Health and Vigor mid fi r sale the hi st brands oi turing centre and the cross road with interest and cost of attempted water for ditch water for purpose^ s« imiuing, halt afloat; of same. Embracing all the Leading Varieties of collections, has increased the am 11 • ’.’ as e urer lor the battle of irrigation, will surely prove to country village. APPLE, PEAR, PEACH. I’LUM. PRUNE, APRICOT, A.-i.l to 1 ; I th in «¡til the rattle ount which the state is out to about lx- a failure so that the quicker our (>: !<;s drum! #24,000. The last session of the people awaken to a sense of the teal NECTARINE, CHERRIES. ALMONDS, Etc., Etc. Public spirit is necessary to the legislature authorized the present --------- 000--------- L“' .s hi't ’ia i <■ is--t tiring from the situation the better. h -i.’ht.* iwyond tin’ town, progressive town the spirit that board to forelose the mortgage and We must build the ditch or our Or Burn SI ’ ECIALTIES. ‘ - 1 • w .t i Ilia <• vin-.’i would have to a great extent drops individual sell the property to the Baker City town is doomed to remain at about and everything pertaining to a ken k-d th-’ villa/” down. ity and personal interests, to work school district nt a price to bv' fixed its present size. With a ditch we Wh. o <!, - litil • l, .;t lunik’ I through FIRST-CLASS FEED STORE’. by three appraisers. The projxirty tiiat "pe. id storm of i.-ud, for the general good of the com consists of four acres of land and may reasonably exjx-ct a large city- N ari;. all t. ■ ui.’.i « t .’ wounded, more devoted largely to manufacturing. li.iii t.u’ braves «ere dead : P. Barry Pear,’the best late shipping variety. munitv. A town where the citi the building of the academy in 34ti] Proprietor».. That's the difference—which horn And .. shell from out the I attic Peach, (freestone) still head- the list. which the public schools of Baker zens are all fighting for their own of the dilemma will you chose? 11.ei ’ bust. I up” th? rattle Kauaday's Cling, the uanner's pride. Of his drum! •selfish ends and personal agrandise- City have been held for several years. _______ _______ . Kelsey's Japan Plunt, has no jx-er. inent at the e spense of their fellows 'Phis property is located in the north ■ f WMIfl’ii >6 r rvc^v.'. - V- uk • .nr w. f X-Tv W With a dying soldier’s rifle s<s>ii he claui- Kobe de Sargent Pr.liie, never liefore oflTere I in Oregon. It is western part of the lit), and is near Ix’red up the hank can never hope to grow rich and property owned by the O. R. it N. th which, in a diied state, forms tiie celebrate 1 prune I) £nta, Notice to the Public. I oak’ii/ every in< ii a hero though a very (French Conserve»), influential. Men must be willing Co. little " Yank Il V Virine of thè Stile of III'’ < 1 11 li 1 EU Berkeley Goosberry, the most profitable of them all. He rushi d into a building just as if he'd in compliance with the require Printing, all tinpaid siibn-riptions to do something more than that “.liny (<oo:l.-i of .ill kind . so! 1 .it take the town, owing», e” p .yabh- Mr. A. i. All- Languedoc, .King's, Soft Shell and Paper Shell Almonds. which will bring an immediate re ment’, of the law, the appraisers now Bui finding it deserted thought it best 1-. «orili, als.. all tinpaid Advertising freni BED-ROCK PRICES. were appointed and met. They .lune lst, ls<7 limn it down. turn into their own pockets. W .1. WIMER. LARGE STOCK SHADE and ORNAMENTAL TREES. Adding to the smoke of battle, placed the value at the enormous Summer Silks, - 55 c! •. p r y ard. And to make tip for the rattle sum of $300. They reported the Lawns, - - - - 5 “ “ ' " E vergreens, shrubs, roses, clematis and flowing plants, siiiall fruits, grn;>e ( k his drum ! The |>eople must be united in a result of their deliberation to the vines, etc., etc. Othi ’r piopoi-iion . . 50 cents. Before purchasing elsewhere, parties intending to plant tree will find belief of the town's future, and co state board, and that body very One lì. h Mileli Cow and one Three 'ADMISSION it to their interest to com ” and see our stock mid learn our prices Chi! Iren under 12 years .25 cents. Jersey Bull Enquire at operate one with another in schems properly refused to accept the ap punter x i<ij ' • S. • •■ 1'. 11. A !.. Co. Store. ( ata'.ogues mailed gratis upon application. Address -ill eoiniiiimi.-ationii to praisement, to foreclose the mort public improvement, There is an J. W. HOWARD. gage or make a deed to. the property. Estray Notice. unconquerable strength in unity They did this on the ground that Flux-nix, Jackson ••ounty, Orejion. * 51tf that can sweep aside till obstacle s. the appraisement was either fraud TAKEN up on or about June First, ---- -- r..» „.„—re. ....... .. .1 I , wre . I at my piace on the Wheeler ran. h. ulent or made through a mistake. a two year-old roan heifer, branded W W A. J. SEDGE, Grants Pass is just at the stage They knew that the former lxiard on ilio loft hip, and marked with an un I- II’.«- i i.’pa: Ito ^ive l'ri.’at.' la--son : had been, at various times, offered der l.i' in the left ear ami a hollow fork in ii|x>n th-’ Mjir. St., '■■ ■(. Ph iin-i’.th Gr«nl» Puts. where these qualities can make the ------- DEALERS IN #4000 for the mortgage, and had the rixlit ear. The owner can have the FLUTE. — 1 - t i-| ■ r T town iluvc t.ipiilly ahead and soon refused to accept, and unless the sam. l.y pioving proper')- and payin’» VIOLIN. chaw* W. 8. B Aiutili. becottie the chief nlace tn souiiiou plot., rtv was worth that amount no PIANO, A Gninls l'axs, Vng. 16, 1S87. 8 l'.l-lin Otcgoji. We have railway coni- su< Ii offci would likely have bn n ORGAN, will I..? k • ’> h.itvl ti’i.l hr.-.i'.’ Gth St., 1> -tween Mein .md H, Grunts Pa all kimi- <»t lUtinlenfinn and a long system oi .-’made. However, Baker City dis < >r any Brass Inxtrunii nt. For partii-n- Have the Largest and most Complet * Stoc’; in their lino in Southern Or trict is bound to have the propcity Furn.'lure, Deciding. r'lCu-a Trami». l.irs. enquire at this otliee. [7-X’-lin valleys, with their choice fmtt and' they wi’i sei! Notice in hereby given that fur the pur- under that price and yesterday, bv Brackets Etc., Etc. <>f milking an exuniinntion of ull per- rich mineral lands, all deuciviing Attorney Gienn t h . T ' Holman, ap- ]H.--e Ni’ir-i'’s, V, indo«-¡'raines, llr as as id .iiH who ma. otl’i r theinselvi H as . iindi- Lt.’., made tu order. ;-pis i.i; att: upon it for necessary supplies and plied to Judge Boise, in the state dates for tv .. h.-rs of the schisili of this ,:iven Io to provide a market for their pro- circuit court of this county, , for a .■niiiit), the County School Siijs-rintend- I’ROF. BLOOM ent thereof will hold a public examina F N I) U II TA K I N < I. ducts. We have splendid ttndevel writ of mandamus, requiring the tion at Kerbyville, commencing at m on Is fitting up a tine Isiard to make a deed. The matter, Ri’I'idrii'/and id: kin.l.< oí «oil; in u y oil the last \Ve Inesdav of tlie month, be ope»l water privileges that might line neatly and proinpiiv executed. on its face, is a blind steal and ing ti.e :;ist day of August iss;. 1 L\K1-’»E1< SH< )1 lie employed to run a dozen factor should be carefully looked into. - 1 • O — l'H I-'. HATHAWAY, In the i,|<l ('cnti’.il llnb’i biiililing, where ics. (We have many advantages, Co. School Supt . Josephine Co. lie guariinti ’ es to give satisluctioil in r L t < 1. rer's The State Fair. I’ated this lath day of tug., Iss7. 1ml our people are not united, they SI IA VI NG and IIAIR-CUTTI NG. A C E N T W anted . The Oregon state fair of 18X7 pro pull one against »another and in Ladies' Hair-cutting a specialty. for the consequence nothing is lieittg ae niises t<> be one of the most inter esting and successful in the history I’ROl- BLOOM «ill cure Corns, Bun cnnplished and some are losing of tile Society. It will begin on ions, In-growing ami nails ; ubo, warts courage. ) 8-j-linl taken ont w ithout p un. the i2th of 'September ami continue for \o . lire, no pnv 8-ótf through the week following that ALSO - Our endeavor- hould now be, to date. It is certainly .1 good imlic.i SHERIFF'S SALS. unite our ranks, cheer up theshaky lion to see liberal premiums offered tot special exhibits of cereals, grass BY VIKH’E of an rxrrution <1 i!v is- and make an advance that will car) F. M. NICKERSON, ".•1 out of th<‘ Circuit Court of the - es and vegetables, while some effort i 3ISRAELI*'v -,t-.-.I and satisfaction gitarm t. I of < >i _'un tor Josephine county, on the :»«l all lieforc it. As an assistance to is being made to arouse the long :c>-iy — IV.iler in — Liy of August, A. P. J8S7, an.l to me di the progressive march, we would slumlx-ruig interests that used to rect el and delivered, in favor of Samuel HT XI’LEtuid FAN« '¥ Baniels, I'laintiir, who recovered a judg again urge upon our business men make the plowing match at the fair ment and decree of ior.\ l »sure of a eei the advisability of forming some a thing for the eager conijx tit on of tain inert r i/e in the above named Court, farmers’ Ixn s. on the 2d day of August, |>. Iss;, .ri | kind of a board of trade, a thorough Ila- op. tied up a m« stock j.i-4 received, T own LO ts The races will lie the prime fea against flu* hereinafter ¡esurined real ¡»ro- ly organized society meeting to ture of the fair and will secure the consi-ting in part of ¡ h rty belonging to II. S Davei)|»oit and F< )R SAI .¡'.in 1’1 KI1NIX Ellen Davenjiort. his wife, defend mis I gether regularly for the discussion highest premiums and draw the big Fresh Canned Fruits, I am commanded to levy upon and . - ’ ell said I’ -.-iri u to co to < ivriiiany cu l.iisiiies-, Candie-, Nuts, A number of good of public affairs and deciding on gest crowd. property to sati4/ the judgment of Sam i oiler 1er sale at low r U.’«, ttiv hliojn, horses are already in training. Tobacco, Cigars. Ect. uel Panieis lor the miih of |!.h‘»J.14. and what is to carried out. This is stm k on lian I. to^etl i-r « ith t«o lots "p- There seems to lie every indica the furl her sum ot’ $1 !i* 2*> attorney’s fee, on which the sho;« are locatisi. Als", one of the best mi nis to develop and the sum of 4 ), costs ami disburs- tion of improvement in the m.m up le.'-Cream a Specialty. oiie aera of irronml favorably loante I h r ments. and also the costs of and u|s>n thi-» those characteristic-, without which ment of the whole affair, and it is residence. Callon .r.«hires- 8-51Í writ ; and in olx*<lience to said 4nt. I did MIKE FORMAN. any town is a failure, and which we to lx’ hoped that the financial re on the Ith «lay of August. A. I>. 1887, |e\ v And all goods handled by 4 )-G:n) l*h<x*nix, Jackson Co., Or. Notice For Publication. suits will testify to the approval of on sai l realty a-cording to law, ami will have in this article endeavored to od’er 1« r sale for cash in hand, at public ST A VER «X: WALKER, urge upon the people ot this com the agriculturi-t in Oreeon. V. S I.iso Orru r, I auction, to the highest bidder, at the Rosi m mi, <>r , Aug. |.’>, iss;., ------ Including the ------ Court House door ill (»rants Bass, in sai«l munity. 7 ho Fishery Wrangle. Kotin* is her by givi n the follow- Cor. of Front and 4th Sts.. EMPIRE MOWERS. REAPERS and BINDERS. Ottawa. Aug. 15. A sensational Ing named wtt'i-r has filisi notice of his <’oiinly and State, on The dramatic instinct of the new statement w.n made here last night intention to make final proof in sup|>ort of Saturday, Sept, loth, iSS;, HYDRAULIC PIPE and GIANTS Grant’s Pass, - - Oregon. Medford "Tianscript" editor haw by a gentehnan who arrived from his claim, an i that saitl pr»s»f will be At two o’clock «'f <aid day, all the right, Furnished 011 short notice. We cordially invite all to examine our goods The PEOPLE’S MEAT MARKET is made I »»tore the Judg» «»r Clerk of the title, and interest «4 the said H. S. Haven- now op. t: and prepared to supply custom and prices before purchasing. Ix'cn awakened by a contest be Bactotiche, a small village on the C v Court i.f Jose| liine County. Ore- jH»rt and Ellen Davenport, defendants, in ers with the clioicest cuts of (.lull of St. Lawrence shore N\ w g n. nt (:rants I’a-s, Oregon, on Satunlay, , an i to all of the iollowing described real twien a goat and kitten. The fol Brunswick, lb.’ stated that about S* pt“iid»er L’4!h, 1887, viz. Milton Rey- proiw rt v tiF-wit BEEF, MUTTON, PORK. lowing vivid ili’seiiolive is taken eight days ago while sleeping in n«»!ds. H«’! g «‘>:» a«l cuti \ No 4r.‘.l, for the \V. N. SAUNDERS. i’i • I i*t h i!f of th«' X >rtheast «¡uart-r. All kinds of X E ’ i ami X > E ' . Se • 32 ami th Su'Uhwest quarter of the X'orth- from hi- article anent the -ante : a house in the village, himself and Tp ». > R C» Wot. W M <■ i>t quar’er, and th«» X<»rth-w«'-t quarter M c are in want of a few more g .... I men S A IT S A ( r E S wile were awakened bv two loud. "Then the dreamy, hazv. tat He IUIIIIF8 the following witness. # to of th«» > nth ea-H «imirter «4 Section Thir- Io canvass for the -ale of choice sarielies In the morning they wen- pt away suu-et l.x>k in the goat's eyes re|xuts ! ■ • . ’ 'in.- ■ te-i lem iq • n. ;yd tce!i, i.i Town>hi| riiirty-s4*ven 37 south 01 Nursery Mock. To men who can make And General A share of the public tmtronage re- dies out. there, i- a sudden tension told that thev had Ixen re|x»rts ot cultivab«'ii «4. said lamb viz : Jas. Ager. «•: K.iu.Six «. Wot. containing One a sn.s-c.-» of the business we can pay! speetfullv M.lieiti’d. Jessie .Mash. Holman Pe ’ Ts. .1 Y. Hus Hundred ami Sixty acres, situated in Jo salaries or commission an I give |s-riia- LAND A (3 ENT, BUNCH BROS.. in every muscle of hislxxlv. a quick two cannon shots, which were fired scy, nil of (ir.lids Pass, Josephine Conn- sephine County, Oregon, with all ami iient employment We have many lew Propi let ore 4-8tf] blat as if in pit)- warned and from 1 etui er in pursuit of AmOri tv . Oreg a. Will lx‘ always ready rea ly to Locate «•very of the appurtvnam es then»to lie an.I choice sps laities. b.tli in the fiuit lunging -trike. The kitten sprawl- can fishing schooners. The second «ht V- AV. JolIX- N» all parties coining to liiin. on Vacant Land longing. and ornamental line, which othersdo lot 3 l.i C.t li.’, *ter. Given uml« r my hand this 4th day of handle. Address nt once, w ith r.-iereli vs <>f all descriptions. Such as away a rod or two, cat alepsy un shot struck otic ot the sehixmer's August, 1887. masts, which tell with the sail and der this "crack of dixmi," or dull Nvii 'S for Publication. L. L MAY & CO.. Nurserymen, GOVERNMENT SCHOOL T (. PATTERSON 'thud,' the goals countenance turned the schixmer complete!» Proprietor. Sheriff. rt-KMtt ST PAUL, MINN J. H. AHLF over on her side, when she and filled wears a Ix-tiigti. autumnal look, and l»\ K. R. M Kins, and sank lmmediatelv. r.t Ever) ull It pictut- -que again." IVputv G rant ' s P as -. RAILROAD SECTIONS. M ain S treet , The It the people of Medford can •man on board went down. -o At reason able terms. He has also some GRANTS PASS [i\cs lost numlx-r 12 or 15. give this m.m, we will. CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE. A F. Shultz of Canyonville K)kl Grape growers in Jackson county 12.1KXI (xiutids of choice ba< i at 8-12 MUTTON, find a ready market for their pro Glendale and this place last Mon — AT — County Treasure: ’ s Gth Notice. PORK-SAUSAGE. day, at 10c the hog around Our ductions in Eastern Otvgon. The merchants bought most of it. lie (»» tick •>»• mi-<’.» s-rv T--lSt Ki. H> t •'Sentinel" commenting on this fact AND BOLOGNA. MtitaSn. COBURN £ PRESLEY has a large quantity yet < n hand. *S «iranís Pass, July i.jth, 1SS7.Í savs: Would ann«Min«v to the nuhli»* H ’ -t they .. I Ins is w hat we call 1 ¡1; ; ili.u. ti tsacon and Lard »• u tailliere are 1 t»»‘u up 111 upnnection with their BRIC K V \ R D iun«i- in the u- “It scctns surprising '.hat more do which is I k tt. 1 than Josephine conn- ( • ¡Dty Trt .isurv f«-r the re- not enter into tins in<lustr\ T'-. •iuinpb 'Ti .»f .the i »bowing Cimnty War- ! y bwiCvu. • simpiv txt-cause the lu . s ALWAYS ON HAND. — All kinds of — • rani- pr«4» -L-4 to No. l ’. i , Julv li. Issò .iiv utvusaiMls el acres of land ly it arc inmmv ‘ snd rej........... I» Nuiuhrrw '.... '---- *>- 6, 7. H. 0, 1ÌJ, 1’., 17. Meat Delivered any plaie in in sight nf t’.i-- uu- v- à liât is all tin dilTcrence th-'.e is in I'KIi'ES MilBEItATE, un.l Siti. J»'î l* ìli MASONRY WORK 13, 11, 17, _ _• i. < iiurantevd. ) eeiallv adapted to the growth of the two cot Interest on the same will cease from f REE OF CH Alii iE. in the production M l*n nipt)) and ix-utiy 1 xecuti-l xt dtx>r to Rak •r\ Ibi« dale J. W. IIOW ARI». iiroi* 4tKi Sirre *i tie Fir-li: Pitrsi -r’f'iicc* IIEKLIM) NIIISERl! Well! Paier cf Jcsepilie C ’ , Orem. MAJ. R.H. HENDERSHOT, DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Queens Ware, Glass Ware, &c., &c., Monday Eseiiinj ’og. 22d, '87. STAPLE GROCERIES 100,000 Trees in Sleek, , Shade and Ornamental Trees, Advantage to Call on me Before Purchasing Elsewhere. GEO. W. RIDDLE. TREES! TREES! Hammon Bros.' Nurseries. flow, Crain, and feed Sfere, PÏÏŒNIX. Oregon, and OAKLAND, California. Our Stock this season Cannot be Excelled on the Coast Fillin', Corn and Oat Meal, Wheat, Earley, Oats, Mill and Chop Feed, Bun, fire, tees, and ipricots on Myrobolan Flnm Stock. V'/. RAZEE c< SON. Spring and temisi IMI! CHEAPER THAN EVER! For Sale Cheap. I v/iil not be Under Sold. Music Lessons. PROF. ‘SUTTMER, HAMMON BROS., NEW FULNITDBE STORE! Sil 1C R 1C K ót Jill )SC) N, Hard-ware, Stoves 1TRMTEIŒ MOKE Notice to Teachers. Low New Barber Shop! I I-A : Lowihs r. 1 kick 1 I 'i i R/CINE Mi'¡I -LI! The World Renouned Chilled Plows, B'acksmiih and Wagon Shop ACME HARROWS. VÍCTOR WIND NI i r. es , GROCERIES, Autocrat Wood Force 1 ’umps, •*> ita. creas abili' will í. I’EOI’LE'S HEIT MEET Salesmen Wanted. COUNTY SURVEYOR, Market Brick! Brick!! Brick!!! BARBER SHOP — INI) — BATH ROOMS! I er ?ar. I äm of anti .M tabi i Nort , tice s if this ci- Fresh and Salted Bc.ef, Pork Cheaper than the Cheapest, D. W. HARDIN’S Hot and Cold Baths. PVi. TY À-U bitluulst«. Livery btaoic in connection. J ▼ Waldo , 1’ui li«h<-d in JuMeplii.H* Comity.