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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1887)
1’0 ADVERTISERS I ll E (’(>!’ li I E R A. A. ALLWORTH A CO SI HSI HtPTIO* One Year - Publishers hate *. »2 25 «1 25 75c ... Ilk- (in advance) Hix Months. Three Mouths Hiugle Copies Job Printing of all Kinds An Independent Paper, Devoted Especially to the Interests of Southern Oregon. —IN THE— Very Latest an l Best St vie». — AND AT THE— I Avintr LINE.» OF 1 lati -s. TRAVEL. (¡RANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE (OI NTY. OR.. FRIDAY ALO. 10. Hs? VOL. 3 FOR GRANT’S PASS, HURRA!” HIE EAST. NO. 21 Grant’s Pa>w, no named after General Grmt, la a county seat centrally located in Soutbi-rn Oregon. It is a [>rogre«Hivc railroad town of linn» inhabitant», an<l is the main supply point for n large portion of country devoted to mining, lumbering agriculture ami fruit-raising. Climate un- excelied Tin- Coi kick being the only paper pub- 1 she<l in Josephine county, with a goq^l circulation in Jackson county, enables It to Is-one of the l>eat advertising mediums in Southern Oregon. For rates, addrsHS Tu». Col kikh , Grant's Pass, Oregon. of it, crushing the woodwork aside wife, and feeling her loved features like tinder, and resting on the tops in the darkness pressed some bran of the seats, while every passenger dy to her lips, and asked her how CAMPBELL 4 TUFF Of fail n4 health, whether in the form of in the front car was lying dead and she felt. A feeble groan was the FRIGHTFUL ACCIDENT! Night Sweat* ami Nervousness, or in n « IS X«»W BOAST OF HIVING THE di itig underneath. Out of that car only answer, and the next instant sense of General Weariness ami Loss of but four people came alive. On top she died. TORE ROOM• IN’ SOUTHERN OREGON. Appetite, should suggest the use of The man felt the forms of his Cvar 100 Persons Killed, and Several of the second car lay the third, its Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. This preparation bottom smeared with the blood of its dead wife and child, cried out: “My AILROAD REGON Hundred Wounded. is most effective for giving tone ami NLY victims. The other three cars were God, there is nothing more for me strength to the i nfeebled system, pro icturesque ANGES VER moting the digest ion and assimilation of A fispatch from Chatsworth says not so badly crushed, but they were to live for!" and, taking a pistol food, restoring the nervous forces to the train left Bloomington on Tliurs- broken and twisted in every con out of his pocket, pulled the trigger. 225 MILES SHORTER' c their normal condition, and for purify dai night for Niagaia Falls on the ceivable way, and every timber and The ball went straight through his 20 HOURS LESS TIME ing, enriching, and vitalizing the blood. On their Cheap Counters in ill »u. li lines as Illinois Central, tlie intention lieing beam represented a crushed human brain, and the three dead bodies of Arc<xiimodations I'm- ir[<;i"<-<l fur Cpm- Failing Health. to go by that road as far as Chats frame or a broken bone. Instantly that little family are now lying side DRY GOODS, fort ami Safety!—1 'ares ami Freights Ten years ago mv health began to fail. worth, and from there by wav of the air was filled with the cries of hv side in Chatsworth, waiting to via. Taquina and the Oregon l»e- DRESS GOODS, I was troubled v itli a distressing Cough. the Toledo, Peoria & Western. The the wounded and the shrieks ot I k - identified. velopiiienl Co 's .-'te.iuiships Night Sweats. Wrakm ss. anti N'ervous- mi < >i 1 i .-s Ilian by am CLOTHING, change was made in Chatsworth, in those about to die. The groans of neaa. 1 tried \ arious reinetlies pro THE DEAD VUNDEKEH. Jto oilier route between scribed by different physicians, but Livingston county. Soon afterward men and the screams of women HATS AND CAPS, No sooner had the wreck occur iMMaune so weak tha» I could not go up all puiuts iu tlie as the train neared Piper City, a united to make an appalling sound, j without stopping to rest. My BOOTS AND SHOES. stairs friends recommended me to try Ayer’s Willamette Valley aid Sas Frucisco" small town in Ford county, the and above all could lx- heard the red than a scene of robbery com Sarsa[»arilla, which 1 did, and 1 am now GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. bridge crossing the Yermillion river agonizing cries of little children. menced. Some band of unspeaka as healthy and strong as e ver.—Mrs. GROCERIES, E. L. Williams, Alexandria. Minn. gave away, plunging the engine In some instances they lay pinned ble miscreants, heartless and crimi (Except I have used Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, in my PROVISIONS. and several cars dpwn the steep etn alongside of their dead patents. nal. were on hand. Like the guer family, for S< rofula. and know, if it is I, /xen- bankment into- the stream. The A FIGHT WITH FLAMES. CROCKERY, taken faithfully, that it will thoroughly rillas who throng a battle-field the 111 Ympiioa <1:50 a in eradicate ihis terrible disease. 1 huve cars caught fire from the lamps, and in And there was another terrible night after the conflict, to filch from (wvallto 10:42 a ?Ti TOBACCOS, also pn scribed it as a tonic, as well as an a fearful panic ensued. On investi danger yet to be met. The bridge . I.eirr. and must say that I honestly CIGARS, ETC. alterative, 111 Albany 11:15 a in gation it was found that over one was still burning, and the wrecked : the dead, so last night did these hu believe it to be the best blood medicine everconi|K»unded. — W. F. Fowler, M, D., O. A C. trains connect at Albany and hui.dred persons had been killed, cats were lying around the fiercly man hyenas plunder the dead from 1). I>. S.. Greenville, T“nn. Corvallis. and several hundred wounded. the terrible accident, and took even [¡S' All our goods are entirely new and will be exchanged for eash burning embers. rare* Imi w «-«-n Corialll* a-<1 llbauy Dyspepsia Cured. The engines were completely Everywhere in the wreck were the shoes which covered their feet. ami -an l*raarl*e<i : or farm produce. CAMPBELL & Fl 1- FS, It would b<‘ impossible for nie to de wrecked, together with ten coaches wounded and unhurt men, wonien | The horrible suspicion, exists, and $14 IM. Rail ami < 'ahin scribe what 1 suffered from Indigestion Grant’s Pass. Josephine County. Oregon and a baggage car. Engineer Mc and children, whose lives could lie’ there are many who give it credence, l.ail ami Steerage 9 ÜL and Headache up to the time 1 began taking Ayer’> Sarsaparilla. 1 was under Clintock was instantly killed. The saved if they could I k - gotten out. j that the accident was a delilierately WM M. HOAG, the « are of various physicians, ami tried two firemen and the other engineer but whose death in a most horrible planned case of train-wrecking; that «■encrai Manager. a great many kinds of medicines, but CH \S. C HOUCK, escaped with serious injuries. Tly form was certain if the twisted wood ! the bridge was set on fire by mis never obtuine«l more than tein|>orary re A. G. I'. A I’. Agent, Corvallis. lief. After taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla ten ears were piled on top of the I , of the broken cars caught fire; and creants who hojx-d to seize the op- tor a short time, mv be&dachi ■ Bp two engines, being telescoped and to fight fire there was not a drop of portiinity offered; and the fact that peare<l, and my stomach performed its — MANU1 ACTURKKS OF — duties more p<rfe«tly. To-slay my Oregon Devclopnicnt Company. piled across and on top of each oth water, ami only some fifty able the bridge was so tar consumed at health is completely i«stored. — Mary er. It is miraculous hoiv anyone bodied men, who had still presence the time the train came along, and Fir«l ( l.i-s Stcani'liip Li.11" between Harley, Springtield, Mass. esca|K-d, as the coaches and engines of mind and nerve enough to do the added fact that the train was an Lumber, Doors, Windows, Yaquina and San Francisco, I have I mm u greatly benefited by the prompt use of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla It do not occupy over two car lengths their duty. < 'mini eting at Ya<| lina » ¡111 thè li-.iin* <>■ hour ami a half late, are pointed i«»ties and invigorates the system, regu Brackets, and Mouldings. thè Oregon Pacific Itailroad Company of the track. In one coach not a lates th«* a<*tion of the digestive and The only light was the light of out as evidence of a careful conspi- assimilative organs, and vitalizes the In another, only person escaped, />-/>.-■ Aa.-i ¿’-<in ■<<«•«.• the burning bridge, and with so racy. It I> seems .^.... hardly possible that lilooil. I: is, without doubt, the most a lady. A ‘ ‘ later dispatch says: Vt'iii.l-ii U.- Vallai-, Satur i.iv Jiilv 3» reliable blixul puriiier y« t discovered.— much ot its aid the fifty men went man could lx- so lost to all ordinary I. isi . t < i Ore .-o'i, An,-. 4 The gorge through which the to work to subdue the flames. For feeling, which animates even the H. I). Johnson, .W3 Atlantic avenne, Brooklyn, N. Y. ft “ It. Willan lette Vallee, Tni-*l.iv The cars went was a small one. HOUSE and STORE FINISHINGS.' tour hours they fought like fiends, basest of humanity, but still men I'a«ter-1 Or. _<<:i. Snidai- ** 14 bridge hail been on fire, which was and for four horn-' the victory hung who will rob a dead man, who will " 2 ». Y.i<| lina City. Iay the cause of its breaking. So far, in the balance. Eat th was the null steal from the dying, and plunder Wi|i cu -lt<- Va'lev. 'fluir' I iv Prepared by I)r. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, M um . i Basi -rii On-jm, Tia— l iv over seventy bodies have Ix-en re weapon with which the fire could lx- the wounded held down by the bro- I’rfce SI: six l»ottles, 85. — The Introduction of covered. They weie conveyed to fought o U h attempt waanMufe to ken beams of the wrecked car, >'«/•<.'«.<.- the town hall, schoolhouse ami on put it out. ‘ There was no pick of wounded whose death by fire seemed II'. • ». Will lincile Vallev iridai 1 >. the dejxit platform. No one has shovel to dig it up; no basket or l-'.i«t>-r.i Ori-.'-m, WcbiC'il 11 can do most anything . 111. Voli mi- ite Vallee. Tm" ln been taken from under the cars, and barrel to carry it in; so desperately imminent, which is base, and that is what Kaxlern Orv-aon, Sumlay 21. not even a sound can I k -heard from they dug their fingers down in the A'uviiiia Citi , Saturday the e fiends in human form did. HAS ENABLED THEM TO REDUCE BRICES FIFTY PER them, and it is feared that all are earth, which a long drouth had They went into the car when the 1. Willain -ite Vali ■ . lìuir- l.ii dead The killed are estimated at baked as hard as stone, and heaped fire was burning fiercely under E.IS- -r i Or -¿mi, «V ■ lm-s<l o CENT. BJil.OW ALL FORMER RATES. 200, and the wounded so far num the prescions handfuls, thus hardly neath, and when the jxx»r wretches The Company reserve» tlie I kt 150. «•baiiy - eh liner' •<! suiiilig date f: i.f For Price List, address, S. P. D. & L. Co. A; we '.ball, ab>ut the won, upon the encroaching flames, were pinned there begged them F S B TOItY, Geli I-'. A I’. V.’cnt When the relief train reached its and with this earth work, built who First of September, move for God s sake to help them out, Grant's Pass, Oregon. M >u| ,0111 -n St . Sali ! ram i * o. Cai destination a sad and gastly sight handful by handful, kept back the! stripped them of their watches and to our new and commodi 14111' was brought to view. Ten coaches I foe. ous .tore, we desire to close jewelry and searched their pockets. had either gone through the bridge out .ill While this was going on. other When the dead bodies were laid out or were piled croswise and length brave men crept underneath the in the com fields these hyenas ---- I A------- wise on the track. The shrieks and wrecked ears, lK-ueath the fire, and turned them over in their search for SEASONABLE GOODS groans of the wounded and dying the wooden bars which held prison valuables, and that the plunder ivas <I kaxt ’ h P ass . O regon and reduce the stock as low could be heard. ers so many prescious lives, and done by an oigauued I mui I wjs as possible before our re At all the stations along the line with pieces of Ixiards, ami .some pr<>\ ed fry ’Be fact that this morning >-r moval. large crowd-, had gathered to hear times their hands, beat back the 'i ’«n purses, all empty, were THE MT. SHASTA ROUTE. the latest from Peoria. Some wild flames when they flashed alongside : ic 1 in one of the fields. <>ur removal sale will I k - rumors prevailed, but nothing of an some unfortunate who was pinned a BONANZA for those in authentic nature could be learned. down by a Ix-ant, and it looked as Several of the fish wheels at the starch of When the train drew out of Pc if lii.s death by fire was certain. Cascades were running on Monday, oria at M o'chx-k. it was loaded to Soon after 8 o'clock ill the morn blit yesterday only one was tn op its full capacity. Every lK-rth in ing there were plenty of |K-ople in eration Probably the “wheelmen” DRY (¡ODDS the six slee]K-rs was taken, and the Peoria to do the work that needed intend to comply with the law. Bought since the Sweeping Reduction in freights, from the East, and day car i carried sixty people each prompt attention. In the town hall The) have had a very successful Samples sent on applica marked down st Bottom Prices. 1 also sell the The train was so heavy that two was the main hospital, and in it season as compared with the boat tion and orders promptly « imfokn : i exi ’ r : »* r.i\: n engines were hitched to it, and anxious relatives and sorrowful men at the mouth of the river. One filled. Smith. when it passed this place it was one friends sat fanning the sufferers' wheel is reported to have scoojieil 4 1» in and a half hours Ix-hind time. faces querying the attending sur up $20,000 worth of fish this season <» :4 > a in Tin: rt-; ini't t. i-i.r.wi;. geon as lie bound up the wounds, A great quantity of blucbacks have » :itO a in and insisting that there must lx Ix-en -old here and -hipped down The Chicago Tinn. s says: to the canneries. One party at the hope. Chatsworth, the next station east 186 First St., Portland, Or. .1. M. < 'i 11i.i-x I »own in the dead houses, moth Cascades shipped to a dealer here of here, is six miles off, ami the run there was made in seven minutes; ers, husbands, brothers, sisters, in one day thirteen ton of fish, the I so tin terrible momentum of those- wives an I children tearfully inspect greater part of which was passed I fifteen coaches and two heavy en ed each face us it wa* uncovered, on to a cannery. There are several gmes shooting through space at the .»lid sighed as tile features were un wheels :.t The Dalles which have al OF THOROUGH AND PR ACTICAL INSTRUC DON, rate of a mile a minute can be un known or cried out in anguish when so done 1cry well. ()ne firm there is C. L. GRAY, the well known face, fearfully man said to have taken 150 tons of sal Near Wildcrvillc, Jose- phine County, Oregon, derstixwl. gled, but vet recognizable, was un mon this season, and otic wheel No stop was niai'i- at Chatsworth, Will com mence its 7:3‘l a m l.v. Portland Ar. <1 :1."> p in and on the heavy train, with its covered. The entire capacity of the caught twenty ton in a day. The 12:25 pm Ar. Corvallis l.v. 1:30 •* living freight, sped through the village was taxed, ami kind I carted men who own fish wheels claim Third Session, O ctober 17th, 1887, KXMU>- VRAIX» II.IILV (FACEI-T si M>AV.) darkness of the night. Three miles women drove in from miles to give that they ought to I k - allowed to 4 :xi | in l.v. Portland Ar !» :00 a m And continue Five Months. catch all the fish they can, as the east of Chatswortli is a little slough their gentle aid to the sufferers. h :<M “ Ar. McMinvIlk* l.v. 5 45 - There ivas an ¡„cidcnt in the af more fish caught the more money where the railroad track crossed a At Albani ami Corvallis nxinect with R A I IX < )F dry run, about ten feet deep and fif fair which was not only remarkable, conns into the state, and the state trains of On-gon ami Pacific railroad. teen wide. Over thi' was stretched but shows how terrible those six should maintain hatcheries to main Primary Branches, per Session of S.s 00. R. KOEIII.ER, F. P. KOGERS. will appear an ordinary wooden trestle bridge, coaches were jammed and smashed. tain the “ Manager. G I-. A Pass tgt. Intermediate 6 00. view of the When the accident occurred R to some and as the train <ame thundering Higher Branches, from $7 to ' $9 00. who catches OREGON. down on it what was the horror of M<x»ii<-y, of Peoria and Conductor matter Board, including room, light', »tc.. ]K-r week, pnyablejn advance. • $2 50 GRANT» PASS MIM KI.HSEol *. it that the Stillwell, who was in charge of the the fish Incidentals, pavable in advance. 5<>. All Mat li V rk Marrante I for oik * v ar the engineer of the front engine train, were three cars from each supply ws.i kept up the river would when he saw the bridge was on file Strict Discipline will I k - maintain ed. Special inducements offered to Watch«, Jewelry «id Sptctsclii if all Hili There was no chance to stop. Had other. Mooney was on the second not I k - exhausted and no one would But it remains to tie there Ix-en a warning, it would havi car and Stillwell in the fifth. The complain those preparing to Teach. No pai ns or expense will lx- spared to Have the largest store in Josephine taken a mile to stop that on rushing next instnnt they found themselves seen whether artificial means can make the School equal to any in Southern Oregon, in point of ••unty, which to 65x32 feet, and two inass of wixxl, iron and human lives in en< h othei s arms, the car in keep up a supply for all the traps, stories, filled with Thoroughness and Practical Work. As it went over, the bridge fell which the conductor was riding wheels, nets and seines that «111 I k - beneath it. and it could only have having I k - cii carried over the two in put in the river.—[Coast Mail. trr" Stock or Good Produce taken in part pay Young men will I k - lieen the terrific s|s id ot the train front and «lrop|x-d on top of the one There is n 1 question as to the su given an opportunity to work out a part of the expense- which saved the lives of the engin which Mixincy was in. '1 he strange periority of hill land over low land part was that neither mail was hurt eer and hi* fireman, but the next Patronage Solicited. for fruit growing. In one respect WE BUY FOR CAhll. engine went down, ami instantly A RROKP.N IIHARTKH Ht'SIlANI» AM» alone that of escaping frost the JOI I X 11. KOI 1I.\S< )N, the deed of death was done. FATHER KILLS HIMSELF AM» SELL FOR < ASH, difference is worth much to the 7 29 cow 4111 ] Cars crashed into cars, coaches Principal. Thyre was an incident ot the ac owner of hill <>r< hards. This year has were piled on top of one another, cident which stixxl out more horri Ix-en one of the most precarious for B.i! Hones! Welti! and Misere and in the twinkling of an eye near ble than all of the horrible scenes fruit in the history of Oregon, yet M l. C III». ASK YOUR DEALER FOR J. BASTHEIM. ly one hundred people found in Inoue coach vias a man, his wife nearly everywhere in this part of slant death, and fifty more were so ami little child. His name could the state the hill orchards are re- TRAVELERS. MINERS' AND hurt that they could not live. CAHN, NICKELSBURG <L CO. not I k - learned, but it is said he got ported as liearing goo I crops, while As for the wounded, they wen on | at Peoria. When the acci<!ent trees on low lands art in many cases FARMERS SUPPLIES everywhere. Only the sleeping ( occurred tlie entire family of three without fruit. At the Kingsbury Manufacturer» and Importer» <4 t A 5N0W I CO coaches escaped, ami as the startled wa caught and held down by Bro- place, seven miles south of Ashland, Patent i Illi. ■-. W ashington, Í » < ' half dressed passengers came out of ken wixxlwork. Finally, when re th. old orchard near the house, on them they found such a scene of lu-f came, the man turni I to the the low l»«d. ha., iij iua 41 all this FOR SALE death as is rarely witnessed, , and »S:J si-d, K.vbil : year, while a voting orchard hetnaw such work »•■ it -x.vioe<i i ns it “Take out my wife first I 129 4 131 SrUtae St.. Sil fi’EiiCi CH ...fc *■■ »» . f Monger on the hill H U human hands were utterly incatei «ni me cnifii is dead.” alxmt a hundred feet higher and ¿1U 11. So they carried out the mother, but a few hundred yards distant has ami as a broken scat was taken from a full crop of |waches, pearsand ap he’ crusheil breast the bl<xxl which ples —[Tidings. SING LEE ei-r M<Clint<xk dead iiei'cd from her lips showed how Young, old. and middle aged, all Boots and Shoes, hva«’ Fhw k tbnuitfli th»* w»*sf«-r Ttx* Applegate badly in badly she was hurt They carried lx>U> TH»: SCOT the child, a fair haired girl of three cxfx-ricnce the wonderfully Ixncfi p were piled the three — Tb.1 ire the — Waahing, Ironing and Fluting. *<Hliflit-r htltp* | m »!»• »4 k** jrftiiT ír»»fii Then came the six years and laid her in the cornfield, ciil effects of Ayer’s Sarsaj arili.". '0R) t»> «jai There i» a’fM» fanti' BEST AND CHEAPEST LN All kind, rf plain and fan.» • rk <tunr. p, !«« <ifitiGj fr jjf They were tclestxqxd dead, alongside her dying mother Young children. Mifcring from Mire ing làttwf. m h<Mi»4 * GÛDFBEïlM MARKET Ir»«*»*, ¿ I hu J <4 h»>rw • an«f th<- were liefore. and three Then thev went bock for the f.ither eye». »<>re ear». «•«!<) he-w!. or ulti, HATIHF.MTIoN <11 IK «STF.FI». SALÍ^I^ fuFitung 0 F«»r flirt h*-r | mf - pn »»cd in just s|>acc and brought him out. Both hi» ani scrotulou» taint, liceomc h*al- Will al<* itake < .«itra. fi, < b< <p|«n»t. '»'v- Tli. -«»Ki car legs wire broken, but he r--»w!ed U.i and strong, t»v the mw < f thi* • fearing, etc POSI AGI PM Offrì« 111» ■in In i.K ! Ixittlc» <5. Wasl>'l»*-'irt'--n *•ilL.-rt • rr»k liroii.-li lb* ■ :r ..h*...l ill-ottgil till <of|| to til' 'l>l< •HURRA Bargains! Bargains! The First Sign Bargains! SUGAR PINE DOOR & LUMBER CO. Ayer s Sarsaparilla, The Latest Improved Machinery, IU REKA HIGH-SCHOO I WATCH J E W EL EK, Choice Goods io E/ery Line. ni i mm . uni ôl iimin Boots anti Shoes LEG