Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1887)
ini: coi luci Local and Personal. Correspondence Five tramps were arrested by mar Mr. Scliell, who has lx-en living LAND FOR SALE NEWS FROM VAR OUS SOURCES. shal Colby on Saturday last and had in this neighborhood for some time, :• TO COOS COCNTV. oaclsl Pyer oUwmiH duty. Orem A I INE 4 >-.u,-ri-tract of lNs-dvl Land About S’ in gold-dust has Our thanks are due Miss Murphy lovlgings in the county jail for the left Grau’s Pass for Portland on rlxiut' hi * ami onc-lialf mile» from Granta tii^ht. They were allowed to shake been sold at Jacksonville during Mvxriiv. Or.. Aug. 15. Tuesday evening >f thi.- week. Mr. I’a»», beautifully situated, xml has plen FRIDAY, ......... AUG. t9, ,887. for .Minnesota papers. the dust of the city oft their feet in Schell i- an experienced contractor On the 1 »t of this mouth your the past season. Much of this went ty of gi»»l living water. For further par C»< and hear the Drummer boy the morning. Something sh :uld be arid builder, and can do well wher into circulation, greatly relieving ticular», price Ac., apply to correspondent trom this place, and M. W. WEF.LER. kept on hand for these gantry to ever he chooses to locate, although the stringent time. STATE ANDCOUNTY OFFICIALS of the Rappahannock. Or at this Office. fB-5-lni his knapsack, took the train for stati orrJeUL*: Mr. Royal’s eldest son. Cecil, has work on in paymeut for their board of course, large centers promise the It is not deemed expedient to in Rosburg and after a pleasant ride;.sriH l’ >YEIi, and lodgiug. A good wood-pile best field for a business such as his. Eoard of Equalization. Govrrtior been laid up with billious fever. crease the mail service on the route G XV. Mi B kiue , might answer the purpose. His many friends in Grants Pass ex from Grants Pass of 95 miles, we between Smith River and Eleiisburg. Secretary J. S. Denise and F. G. Burns are G. \V. Wann, NOTICE i« h -ri-bv given that the Bexrd Treasurer H. B. M iller building new barns on tlieir farms, j The S. P. D. ix L Co.'s Clothing ceedingly regret his departure and pulled up at the platform of the as the revenues of the officers will <>f Equalization will inert at tile Cixintv Senator S. V. M iti iiki . l Clerk’» office in tirant» l’a»», dsvon, on has arrived. Call on them if you he carries away the good wishes of former place, where we found our not justify the additional cost. Kej-resentative For Wall Paper, goto the Furni want a nice suit. E. B. McEi R oy Supt. l’ub. old friend McClellen in readiness all for his future prosperity. Monday. August 2!ith, 1SS7. for the pur- Instruction 8- tgtf A Washington Territory printer, |HMe of npiulizing the taxes of the county. llox. I.. R. W kumter 8-ig-qt with his hack to drive us to his well —a Circuit Judge ture store of A. J. Sedge. It has become cronic among tnanv AV.,1. M C ulvw who has jx-en accustomed to take All pt-raon» claiming to have ta-en wrong Mr Schell has lieen obliged, District Attorney The S. P. I). & L. Co.'s mills are through the continued illness of his of our jxopk.- toextol the Willamette known house, wlfere rest and re wood on subscription, received a $5 fully u.»s>'s.»<'d will present their claim» cot STY OmclALs: freshments await the weary traveler. Is-lore the Board at the alxive time and kept running night and day to fill wife, to abandon his fine homestead valley as a paradise for fruit grow Voln.'v Coivi/ .County Judtfe orders. .After a few hours rest and good greenback recently, and not know place. JAB. B. I FU IS. J M. Payne 1 . . about 12 miles down the Rogue ers, in spite of the fact that we have breakfast, there was driven up in ing what it was, stuck it up on the 8-5td Assessor. , < ouuniwiouers Simoon Messenger orchards in Josephine county which Mi»s Mary E. Sey forth of Sucker river from this place. Mr Holtzer. front of the hotel, what is known as wall as a specimen of job work. <’. K. Cbanalor. ................. Clerk creek, is working for Mrs. H. C recently arrived here, has purchased have not failed in twenty years. J W. Howard a "buck board," propelled by two The unexpected appearance at Treasurer his improvements and filed on the We have it on excellent authority rough kxiking "mustangs." Not Halifax last evening of the British T. G. Patterson slu-ritl Kinney. that the fruit crop in the Willamette Ed. F. Hathaway Schoo! Sii<a>riuten<lent Mr. Johnson is building a new place. The farm is one of the best valley is this year just as-bad a fail having had much experience with war ship Wrangk'r gives additional I IKS . IT I ot KT—I <>!1 veil..« oil tl e SeeOlbl and commodious dry-house in his uncleared places in this section, the ure as is that of Southern Oregon: “buck-boaujs ’ we simply looked color to the report that English men Monday in April, and First Monday in soil being principally rich red loam. upon the affair as a kind ot "knock- of-war are assisting the dominion hop yard. Govern lx?r Mr. Holtzer should do well there as ami that there will lx- no export this um-stiff ' kind of a go-cart. And fishery cruisers in the Gulf of St. f.oixrY Covur—Convenes on tlie First season from the former locality, Rev. Mr. Riddle will preach his Monday in January. April, July ¡.nd farewell sermon in this town 011 he has a good start. while our apple crop promises to' so it was. By the way, it affords Lawrence. The Wrangler is from September me great pleasure to know that I tlie west coast of Africa, an I there Call and sec the new Window average well. PROPRIETORS. Sunday evening next. am all here after a 53 mile ride over was no previous announcement of Shades and 3 ply Carpet at Hale s Mr. Wm. Saunders, county sur the Uoos Bay wagon road that was GIIANT3 PASS, OREGON. Geo. W. Winter, of Waldo, whose Furniture Store. her coming. 8-ig-jt Hr. Gunn'» Improved I Ivor 1’111«. veyor, etc., has gone to Wilderville built by contract with holes to (Opposite R. R. Depot.) Removes Constipation, prevents Malaria, illness we reported in a recent issue Frank Daniel was last week ar- For the past twenty years widow to reside for the present. He will match the roots and rocks. cure» Dyspepsia, and gives new life to the is improving in health. rested on a warrant sworn out bv Allen has supported old Mr. Martin, visit Grants Pass one or two days svstein Only one for.ulosi.. Frei-sam- There is a very great contrast be Mr. Fred. Otten, of Foot creek, a former friend ot the family, who every week to look after his survey Con McGeehin, charging him with ! ples ut \V. F. Kremer's tween buck boards and rail road fell and broke a ribe and sustained had unfortunately been deprived of ing and real estate business. I11 fu '>!■ '. ucting the public highway. ears. One thing in particular I no LADIES, is life and health worth |>re- other bruises on Thursday last. his sight, preferring to feed and' ture he will devote more of his time ticed in a car, when you wish to He had a hearing before Judge De CAKES Herving f It you think so. use Gilmore’s Secure your tickets early to the clothe him at her own expense, to real estate, and is now preparing rest, you turn a seat-back down,, wey Friday, and was held to answer Aromatic V\ ine. Kremer keeps it. ; ■ in the slim of $250. The ca-'-e lung rather than permit his ixing sent to ¡1 list of valuable farms which he an 1 on a buck Ixiurd we turn our ABE Vol MADE miserable by indi grand entertainment given by the es on the right of the said Daniels gestion. constipation, dizziness, loss of drummer boy of the Rappahannock. the county poor house. It is such will advertise for sale in a few days. seat up and back. to close an old traveled trail through actions as these that keep our be Enquiries may lx? made at this of xpix-tite. yellow skin .' Shiloh’.s Vitalize!- FANCY and STA^ At 6 o’clock p. m. of the same AVe regret to learn that I). W. lief in human nature from being fice during Mr. Saunders absence is 1 p<'-ilive cure. For rale at lireiner’s his premise«. [Gold Beach Gaz- day. yve pulled up at Fain iew sta drug store t Hardin of the Grants’ Pas-; Brick wrecked among the licentiousness from town. At the earliest intima I ette. tion, in Ctxrs county. We were VuAA al «-ays 11 a vo A'ard is seriously ill with typhoid and iniquities of the present age. tion. however, he wili be prepared Next year’s round lip of cattle on simply a dusty ruins, and unrecog ‘ Acker’s Buby fever. CANDIES. FRUITS, Men's Suits for $5, for sale at J. to locate parties or come to the Pass nizable. soother at Land. It is the only safe However, after a gcod the Colorado range will propablv lie to do dusittess. Mr. Taybor, of Jacksonville, is W. Howards. the last, if the Denver Republican medicine yet made that will remove all 20-1 2. night’s sleep, we awoke to look CIGARS. TOBACCO. infantile disorders. It contains no Opi nn visiting Grants Pass, and proposes The following appointment made back over the past as a dream, and is correct. Cattle raising on the City Marshal Colby was delight or Af>r])hiiu, tai gives I tie child notorol loccting in the neighborhood should Broad delivered Tree of Charge. range exclusively is said to lie a case from j>ui i, 1‘iico £5 cents. Sold by ed a few days ago to receive a let by District .Attorney Colvig, will wish for something better—and it thing of the past in Colorado, the [<M7tf he find ¡1 suitable place. give general satisfaction in Grants came to pass. On the 3d we took XV. F. Kremer. ter from Lieut. Hall, who com change having lx-en brought about l ’ as:; where Mr. Smith is known as the hack for Ctxpiell City, some 10 Prof. Black of Medford, preached manded the company in which he A NASH. INJECTOR free with each 1 by tanners settling on the grazing bottle of S'liiloh's c.itiirrh remedy. Price in the M. E. church on Sunday- I Colby) served, when captured at a young man of more than ordinary miles from Fairview. We traveled land, which they are taking up till 50 cents. At Eromer's. + night last, to a large and deeply in the explosion of the mine at Peters intelligence and is much respected some 6 or 7 miles through an un <lcr homesteads and timber culture KE.' E .L WHITNEY of Clarkson. terested congregation. burg. July 30th, The com for his many excellent qualities:— settled licit of gixxl productive laud, laws. N. ¥., says Gihii'ire’s Aromatic Wine for “ Grants Pass, Josephine Comity, free of reck, and partly timltercd The discovery of gold in the vi munication referred to was the first State ot Oregon. Be it known, that a i'e we ikn slan ts without a rival In an examination of the books with fine yellow fir. The writer it for sale. 1 cinity of Seattle has caused great that has passed between them for. I have this day appointed Robt. G. was informed that those lands arc and accounts of Mr. Jordan, late AND 22 years. Lieut. Hall is now a rcsi excitement. Nearly one hundred the United States, Now Han l’.iHh. dent of Wallisburg, Lincoln coun Smith of Grants Pass, as Deputy- all vacant; if so, what a fine'chance treasurer of claims have been locate«!. which has just been concluded, the ! h.i l bi-, a troubled all «inter «¡tin old ty, Maine, and is enjoying good District .Attorney for Josephine for the home seeker. Seven miles liad pain in the chest ,11..I got tin n •lini The Oregon Conference will hold county, giving him full power to from Fairview we came to a small only disetvpancy wa ■ a shortage ot IJfgÌHlS its next annual session Portland Or. health. from remedies r s-oinuu -< L J by Bru/,, appear and represent the State in stream known as Cunningham's $2.50 in the weight of gold coins of a id 1‘iiysici.ias. At tlu- »¡uno time 1 war Aug. 31 st. Complaints are continually reach- all matters in Justice Courts and be creek. We followed the banks of that denomination, which hail lx-en Bishop R. S. Foster ¡.«in.: lb-. Eo.sxnko’s (’oiv.-li un.! Lung Svrnp. 1 lia I little faith, but of Bosl(.:i, one of the grandest pul 1U£ us from Applegate and Wikler- fore the County Court of the afore this stream for 3 or 4 miles on which counted by weight many years ago t.iol-.dit totrvit a» a last resort, now 1 pit orators of America will preside. villc uiat our subscribers do not said county." we noticed some fine farms; also, and passed along from treasurer to Calls answered beli-.r <»\¡-¡i inoro than i:. -y tc'l me of i:» regularly receive their papers, | The i here is located 3 miles from Co treasurer as correct ami the mistake The finest and largest niel in we Tlie strange power exercised by Frf>m The Nuws, i- n-il • qualitiw papers are mailed at Grants Pass tad" DAV or NIGHT M was discovered by actual count. some eats over snakes, was illus-j quelle City, C<w>.'5 County’s Poor Sample live have seen so far this season was lx-tlitown. k regularly Thursday evenings and The tracer »bowed the name of House or Infirmary. The county W. M. ROYAL, P roprietor . i at W. F. Kremer < raised and presented to this office should reach the post offices named trated on Tuesday last at "the resi board have provided for their |xx>r the clerk who made the mistake, 5-13-41 by Prof. Shattock. It was of the dence of Mr. Royal. Attention regularly every Friday. We must ltEV. IV. F. REQt’A. «I “-I chnnh, with a nice farm, and everything and as he is still in the service the "shell-bark" breed, and rich in fla was drnvn to the strange antics of ■n •'» A minata Aurora, 1’1. »■ iv«tlcit Gi! request our subscribers to report to seems pleasant with the inmates. matter was called to his attention M’iue i.« a lm:i«e!i.’!.l rain ami that li»; vor us at once any future irregularities a kitten recently taken to the house! However, they arc few. Coos is too ¡mil he immediately made the short Fi.r .-al ■ at family should hr without Wm. Helms and wife from Spirit and we promise that the same will and on an examination it wasfonnd’ rich a county to ever lx- burdened age gcxid, so that Uncle Sam's cash Kremer's drug store. riaiM STIirr r. irsals las». <'l»g.n tint she had a “ra'tler” charmed, j Lake, Io. arc visiting-at Grants Pass. be t'i...’oughly investigated. We account now balances. WHY WILL YOl e. The snake, a large one, was coiled ; with paupers. I' U41: IN He speaks in the highest terms of cannot afford to lose subscribers on lob's cure will give ¡mined We arrived at Coquelle city after A despatch from Eugene City, 1 : i ts , 5) cts., mid f! for sale at Kre our country and climate, and in account of official ncgligen i 1 the and with it- head followed every I a pleasant ride of three hours from gives the | articular* of the death of motion of the kitten in front of it, mer's drag store t all probability will post ot>i.-e. until Mr. Mosa, who was present, Fairview. We find this beautiful M Hathaway, druggist of that city. anT T1'rr’*- ci future home. The S. P. I). & L. Co. have the desp itched the reptile with a club. • I river-side town growing right along He was in the Blue Ridge Mining X>V>«V V. Lnnsl ease. If you Lavo z\ ditch will soon be built from best line of Dress Gingham», Prints During the whole occurrence the ; in a most substantial manner. Co- district, and left Gotxlfellows' camp a Conan or Cold, or tho rilldrca ere tbrw.ti .,-dwi LCr :;>< rM'iiocphigCoorh, Rogue river, runing thiough Suin's an! Indigos in Grants Pas-. 8-19 kitten seemed to lealuc the impor I quelle City is located on the north on July 29th, t > go to another a TOBACCO. use .Vi r’e Engllz'i Ihn.idyaud prevent valley, and will irriagte about loo, bank of tlie Coquelle river, a navi short distance off among the mouii CIG A RS, fuiii. r t--.¡.Lie It i-s r. p.-’itivo cure,' It i. Estimated that it will require tance of tlie situation and never razd we yuarKr.»«»^L 1 ric»: 10 a&d vbv CKJ zo acres of land that is now of 3 10 hands to harve-t the hop crop allowed her attention to wander, gable stream for sea going vessels tains. Nothing heard of him CANDIES, -de l,v W. 1-V\i. t CO -.iiparatively little value, liceali se i;t this vicinity. !tt a lditioti to the from tlie snake, paying no attention for «similes inland. This place is for several day s. On the <>th ¡list, NI TS. ETC. • some .45 miles from the mouth of lie was found two miles from camp, of liie general lack of wate E WARltA.'. r <.am.•(■:■'.• Magm-tie ya.’ils previously mcnticncd, we to a strange dog which arrived upon 11 ¡¿hunt < '.ih ’ i price paid for the river, and located upon ¡1 high dead. When found liewa» lying ,r to relieve the Asthma ia one min- the scene, The snake had seven Dr. Hinkle of Central Point, v IS t-:ight state that Mr. Johnson, down plateau of land just sloping enough on the rocks with a bull.t in Kremer li.n it for sale. t town 011 Tuesday last, on his the Rogue river, has 20 acres fairly rattles. to admit of good drainage. Water forehead, his pi»t >1 iu the water -■ilACKMETACK.” alasting and fra- way home from Waldo, where he loaded. A new portion of his yard, Our Band. 's. is funi: i the b>'.vn in pip lì in near by and his hat and pipe by hi» ,t». jierfume. i’rii-.» -o an I 50 cents, had been called in consultation ov plant. ! this spring, has a most stir-« Etc . El«’. • ............ .1 ir side at Kr. n: r’.« drug store. + I'lom ap]x-arancis he had Give me a i 11 and be Convinced. We mil l congratulate our Band nice cold springs back of and some si le. er the illness of Geo. W. Wimer. prising yield, the hops being al 200 feet above the town; plenty of been de.ul - -veial days. From his Furr ha. He reports the case as doing favora most as heavy as old vines. Mr. and their teacher 114x111 the rapid im water for a city of 10,000 inhabit appearance it is -.upposed that he The motto of California nu-ans, I have bly. Wolcott’s. 1’2 acres of vim ; are provement they are making in the ants. River boats pass up and lx-en lost and in dispair had fo'i'i 1 it O iiy iii tl'.it i m.i of sunshine. art and science of music. Profi PIGNE Y & COOK have a -pedal weakness f:r abundantly loaded, and .Mr. Run- ciency can only be accomplished by down the river twice a day, stoping shot himself, or possibly death was i> lier ■ the or i'i.; ',.k-:r. in, olive, fig and an cxjKcts a larger yield fr< nt his crap- bl ■ .:ii anil ri|s-n. jnd attain u>''ir 1 choice fruit, and from tile basket of < IREGON. unflaging persevctence and energet at every m ill's landing if so desired, the result of an accident. He was G rant ’ s P as . highest perfi-ction in wid-winter, lire the line large Italian prunes presented extensive yards than ever befite. ic practice. Our teacher seems to therefore affording the farmer a vers near sighted which probably ii r'os nn.i gn:n foun.l, that an' used in [ j us by Mrs. Will Hamlin, i it would The editor’s heart was gladdened fully comprehend this fact and the splendid shipping advantage. San prevented him from finding his way l! t n inedy for nil throat un i I mg troubles. S int» Abie t'.ie ruler of ’ seem that our preferences are well by the receipt of a very fine I kix of unremitting braying of liiim|>cts Francisco Ixiats enter this rivet at out. < 'i.'lis, asthma un.l consumption. Dr. understood by our .fruit . .raising peaches on Monday last, from the and tooting of horns throughout the all times dining the summer and W I'. Krum i h is l.cii appointed n .'eiit country cousins. Thanks. W crci fad Machine Rejdrtig a Specially. Redltinl Nursery. Mr. A. 11. Car- town testify that lie is impressing fall for lumber for different parts of | The great Prairie ranges of Col for tiii» valuable California reniedy, mi l AGENTS FOR THE orado, California, and other cattle son, th prop-ietor, is an old iuws - the Pacific coast. Freights art- very- it upon his -eholars. The first per e 'Its it under a g’.i.irart • ■ ..t i' a bottle, Some "Early Crawford" 'i lir. e f r 13 50. Try Cali orria < at-r- brought us by Mr. Croxton, deserve paper man -has lieeti there, ¡1 • it formance in public will lie on Mon low owing to the great coin|>etion. statesaregradually disaj ¡caring tin < tire, the only t-iiar-anteed cure for catarrh : special mention. Some of the finest lands I have d -r the advancement of settlement. John Deere Melinc Walking One that was were —and knows how it was hint- day night next, at the ‘Dm miner ; I, hv mail (1 .IO. —- and — ' seif. The fruit was of the variety Boy” enteitainment. We Klieve ever seen, lie along the Coquelle It v ill be but a short time when stock measured went to1/ inches in cir- It is not limited cither. will lx'raiseil by farmers on what 'iILOH's CCRE will itiimediately re- I cumference. Taken altogether, for known a “Coolege Favorite,” and they will not disgrace themselves river. moping cough mid nron- flavor, size and appearance, we have of excellent flavor. Messrs. Carson or the town. At the .same time we There are nice vallie-. on either side was but u short time -Igo Isititidlcs' Riding Plows and Cultivators. i at Kremer's. t : seen their ci & Son have an abundance of peaches bespeak for them the indulgence of and all the hill lands are very pro ranges but which have been divided SHOP on n s equal in no country. LWEI.L, of Pavilion N this year an I can readily disp > ■ of the public, as they have lieen organ ductive; of the latter, a great por- up into small holding. to meet the lore’s Aromatic M ine : ‘ I Dr. Whip from North Western them. His is a sample of wh it our >iion i» vi ¡mt. Taking into con- demand of the country, It is said ized but three or four weeks. > l> ■ a iim.-t ¿.‘»irab'e remedy i Kansas,, is in Grants Pass, with X, sidcration the natural advantages that next year's round up on the Notice for Tubile ation. I in every family.” For sn! • a view to locate. He has been in E ten«l>urg Trail. He used fires during the late frosts this county has, who can doubt for Colorado cattle ranges will lie the n drag store • I’. S. L am » <I ffk ’ f , specting Duglas» County as a field which did so much damage toother one moment that it is Ixmnd to be last, The extensile mountain rang A andreliaNeN« I HoH'bnr^, July 12th, INST.i The Gold Beach “Gazette" says: to depend 11 j« ■ Ac., r’» Blood !-.!- for settlement, but is much more fa- orchard«. one of the foremost counties < f the es which exist thougliout m . .•ctions b(»1i< i* i< lH*r<‘by given lb it the follow Letters from parties ¡it Grant - Pacific coast at no very great dis of this state must Ix-forc long be iiirhas been prexcr.lxd for years for all im i vorably impressed with Josephine. ing n.inp 'l FM'f’Iur haft lias n«»ticu of A full line of Saxony and Ger Pass to Hon. A. 11 Crook show a purities of tlie Blood. In every form of Scrof. We hope the Doctor in;1.y see his way utilized for pur|x>scs of raising cat his intention to m ik“ final proof in sup- nloUR, SrpLiliticor Mercurial ci.- -r < i. It is clear to locate in this vicinity. mantown yarns at the S. P. I). & determination on the part of the taut day. One thing is certain. Coo uninty can least of ¡1 line 1 >t tie. Some breeds would do well on |Htr1 ot’ hi« < l.iiin and that ai<i proof will invaluable. For Rheumaiisin, Las no equal. L. Co.’s store. 8-iqtf Iw 111.««If b 'i >rc 1 !»<• lb“.«¡Mt«»r or lieueiver c ■itiz.ens of that place to make an ef- of citizens, goixl humored anil gen just such pasture. Mr. J. Wheeler of Grants Paw, Kr.-mer has it lor srle. of I S Land <>!li. t‘ a? koxulfiirg, < tregoii, tort to buik 1 a trail down Rogue erous |K'0ple. The writer will never Mrs. John, mother of our deputy has been appointed by the Brother on Saturday, Aug. 2 th, v;x: John SHILOH’S CATARRH REMEDY’—a Money to loan oil gixxi security. The conn- forget the many kind friend- we B. Gro-.', lloiiH'M»«>ad i ntrv No. .’»K’JtJ, for ,»>• itive I’tir ■ • lor i<>r c.iCirrti, »liplitl . .1, an I hood of Engineers as a delegate to postmaster, J. M. John, bad a nar river to the county line, of S W «4 Ker canker mouth For sale at Krein- r » the Chicago Convention from this row 1 scape on Saturday last from a ty court of that county propose to had the pleasure of meeting there. Notes .ami Co. ordet» bought. Eli th- K » ol’ N \\ • N \V uh quire ;.t S. 1’. Mill hell's law office. 2H an I S I 11 o! \ E «. s#.<. 29 Tp 34 S R drug »tore She was engaged appoint a committee, to enquire in J. W W imeh . section of tlie O. & C. Railroad. fatal accident <» weM \V M He r.niMM the .................. following (y> tf. WILLIS L. Cl IA ER o( I'aviiiori. N. with other-, in fighting a bush fire- to the pr 1 -ticibility .oi l exjiense of witncNHefl f», prove hi 4 < • •ntinumiM rm« Y.. ravs that Gilmore’s Magnetic l-.iixir The engineers have shown their such a route. Curry county should When you broach the ubjt-cl of denut» up I), and cultivation of, *«ai<l Lend, cured him of a L>na »t.-in.iina D-roat ;’i.d wisdom by the selection of a man of on the Appk-gdte, and getting b o do a« much, and meet them halfway. .\\<i v\\ 1 “ *"L n,; ' vi/. I rank Si lav, ( I ihm . Sext<»n, lUvhl old m n, Southern Oregon can jump V OW-V-e irtVWV, clo-’.e to the flamci inhaled some of Mr. Wheeler’s stamp. mill In tl¡. r Lung trouble. Kremer sell-» it 5 Let the c iiuniiitecs I k - appointed, r<-«tilta, nrx Aii'er'a Dyxpcpuli» Tableta, ’-c'.ittii, < birr» tt < r- ■ Lett, all vt Lm ky Dr. Watt, one of Oregon's most the intensely heated air. She was explore the country, meet in con up more that are” full of years !L'<ointnei,de<i by ¡.Lysleíun» Atal endorse'1 Oucrn, Josephine < ‘oiint v, < >r. < urr For I’lle«. than any other section of the st it.-; prostrated at once, and for a long < a 1». \\ Jof! c»n.x. successful orators, delivered power ference and decide on a definite jil in and they are sprightly, wi le awake, l.y all who lumi u i-.l them. Th» beat Pile« are frequently prccoled by awr.»>' time it was feared that she had lieeti HI." a It<'iti*ter. of weight in the back, loins and tower ful lectures Wednesday and Thurs fatally burned internally, We are of action. By all means let us build lively men t<xi. There is Jr- -e Wil- remedy for Dyspcptdn, Ilatuh ney.nnd Con- atlpation. Uuanatocd, and aula al £5c. by part ■ -f lire al •’■!'•:'. <’< -. 11 z tie' pc nt day evenings this week, on the side the trail Th. 11 we can have a mail Notice for Fublicatim. son, for instance, who live, just lx- W. F. Kremer. to »nppora he lias some affection of the of Prohibition. Gen. Applegate is pleased to state, however, that she kidneys or neightairing organs. At times, announced to give the anti-prohibi is now recovering rapidly, Parties route that will give us much b.-ttcr low town, and who not only g'x-i ! . S. I..txi, Ort ica, svmptoms of ind;g«-»tmii ar» present, flat fighting fires in close proximity, mail facilities and a more direct about doing chores at home, but Roseburg Ori son. July latti, l:lX7.i ISOIt lileni'V, uneasiness of th.' stomai-h, etc. I tion side of the question in the cannot be too careful to keep their route t 1 th interior.” walks t > town, at a pace equal to Noti.- ■ is In r.'liy given that the follow A moisture, like nresperntion. ing course of a few weeks. man; of our younger men. Fora SH \IG IX - At Willi, iinff < ff'k <»!i f|i<» ing nam.- I »eitler lu » tiled notice of Ida mouths «hut. Heated air and flame a very iliaagreeabH» itching, after getting Dougl r. County l air will I k - held l.’ltli in t., 1 0 die w 1 < • ui H. II. Miitflin, ii.t.'iitiou lu make coin in nt at loti pr<x*f in A cheap excursion has been ar week or two he lias been suffering is not nearly so likely to lx- fatal warm, is a common attendant. Blind, 11 M«ni. -apport of .4 Iii« .Loin, ii'.q that raid Bleeding and Itching I’ile« yield at once ranged all along the line to enable when breatheel through the nostrils near Dill ini», from September 7th with a crippled, a:i I when we I'r.s.fwiil ta» nei le I »'fore the Judge or to the application of Dr. Boranko's Pile parties to visit St. Louis during the as when takc-n directly into the to 10th. t 87. Among the many met him a day or two ago hr re Clerk of (lie I oimtv Court ‘4 J*e»v|iliilie attractions are: a fine campground; Remedy,'whk li a» ts directly upon the Grand .Army demonstration thc-re Conntj. < >i ne», at G i.i I it« l'ara, < tregon, New Millinery (Store. part» ctfe. t»'<l, ab' >rl'ing the Tuin. rs. al this fall. The tickets will be sold lungs through the mouth. Gold Premium» will lx; awarded to marked “if it wasn't for that I e \ M M he would lx- a “pretty laying the intense it« bing. and eflectinga A fine a-sortment of Dried Fruits exhibitors: pur-x-s are offered for lameness, '- i .i I entri No 4'<;i. iortlm j«.'mianent cure. I’ri •• .'»i.eiit«. Id in -« ¡Sept. 19, 20 and 21st. good for re- go-xl boy yet.” Mr. Wilson was MI'-J s M n |> * MINNIE Ti l I S. I I..' t, 11, iih I I . . e . f V,’ « « Ï, . The Dr. Boaanko M. di. net'«.. I'iqna,«». | turn to Nov. 30th. Fare from this at the S. P. D. &. I.. C .' s store. trials of sjieed; all entries for ex born in 1796, and Ir.-ing a good 'I. II mtn:. « lb.’ !■ o' ¡ng «interne» Io d-or to Mr . Ä ’fi¡tr» Try our dried Apricots, They are hibit free, and to be’nivle by noon Bol<i bv W. F Krenu r, Grant’s Para. point, jiziq. I row I.i« .«Hilimi'.ii» I ■■. I. h e upon, xml of first day. F> ed stand.« and res Ilemocrat, has voted for every presi «-tgtf Mr. and Mrs. ( »eo. Simmons, of fine. lit.. .(lion of, em l land, viz. E thmi. k, dent of that political J» rsuasion Millinery and Dressmaking i THE REV GEO. II THAYER «f taurants on ground: Benj.imin Mi-ixdi, Smith Cook M.itilo,i Mrs. W. A. Hunter, of Apple B“ rlx>n. Ind.. rav»: ’Rolli tny-.-il an I Waldo, paid us a very pleasant situ 1 1817, except Franklin Pierce. all Wli.xder at! «4 Grant» l’.r-s, Jio.-pliiiin will be Wil- ' X'- «Mir hu - t" sinioli » ■ ■ -*niri|'- visit on Wednesday last. Mr. Sim gate, n et with an accident on Satur- ESTABLISHMENT He knew personally of the C< uiity On goy. ■»11 eure F.,r ►. le ut Kn»in»»r’s >lr ir mons is engaged in mining near day night which will lay her up for Democratic president*, h iving lived Opp • ita l'.ii'qJ» il i Trill»’ More, >>n Gtli < 'it is V.' toavsro», <o- ♦ Waldo, the firm. Messrs. Simmon» some days 7-l'M.t Mr. Hunter was taking !» Ris'er. near the Capital, in Virginia, iti »tn'.-t c¡ |M I ’< >Tl'N.'<' Y in man <-r « -man <-urvd Innis Ac Co., are opening up sonic home a nt W wagon witlm which State he was bom. Mr. Wil hjr i >i:m->re's Anxnatie Wine. Fori-ai*- good ground and expect handsome S á S hú Ü im STA1HNÖ and with tXMrds plaved son has «'■'•era’ ;t:; <■> uiw valley. at Kr ta r'a inrz rt -re returns next season. i he night was [.Medford Transcript. TliAArU. thatare fretful p-«ri«h rmii’h «»p? M.-. <•».»«. or troub -d with A new variety of melon to this West .-I IVpU, ■a I!.l!i.i.d Tra»k., Colle, Teething Pain«, or locality, the “hanaus ¡u.loii. was ed to draw up on V-llIANI • •ÜEG.IN MMaich Disorders, can be e .«-»! brought to our office on Thtir«dav 'ey using Acker’s Psby Neither. 'll driv- it a <ick t* i f..».»« rar. Izee s melon • S'iW.Ao / ■ iftr-tl.tjCj It epatains no Opium or JfomMae, O.GÂNIARD, - Proprietor ran bi , «Mtaso« nets zi cents. Bold by patch. We would «ay. while con 1 I W F. F veying our thanks to Mr. Lee, that Tei the "banana melon" is thoroughly : 1 R : you I mc agi excellent and »F-.uld be a favorite linttle <4 sb.loti’s VitaHser It animi in the market. It is shaped similar to curs. I F<waa>e st h ner ut Mistan: to the fruit after which it <« named UIVE kol lit Uli.i’KFN injure and the spccinu n Ln cght a o arwl <«Ms. .vsir. i inches in k WWW CITY BAKERÌ SOMERVILLE & AXTELL GROCERIES CITY EXPRESS Delivery Wagon. Com mereiai and other travelers’ I funks Delivered Promptly, E. A. ESTES Tropical Fruits, Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Country Prodine, Hides, Purs, |HKt. Blacksmiths and Horse Sheers, «iilic ouiuili ( f