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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1887)
THE COI'lì I ER. Th Tourt?» »I Crini» Pi«». GRANTS PASS N E \\’ CELEBRATION! Flour, Crain, and Feed Store, On Tuesday levenlng the pa- - -n- ' ger coaches from the terminus of the Our town has shown commenda , California & (Ire-gon railway brought ble energy in the arrangements for in addition to the usual number of Having ci ncludcd to close business at this place, I am offering my Front St., ad oinlng Courier Office the coming Fourth of July celebra through passengers, about forty la JUNE 24. i»S;. tion. l-evi -. hundred dollars have dies aud gentlemen who were r.iem- FRIDAY, large stock of GRANTS PASS, OREGON'. l»ers of an excursion party from « Registered <t the I’-.-: '>-■ in Grant’« Ixten subscribed by the citizen*, and Boston, New York and Ph? : ielphia Be l.ave o|«ned a First-» h*. 1^.. the various committees are working Pasa. Orc'., a» Secorid-Clasx Matter. Orali, a at to o'clock A. M., by and reed store in the l.'iiiditi^. former!.. making a tour of the Pacific c-.i -t on-npted as a «addle and haruew «Mfi with a will: and everything bids under the auspices of the Raymond (’•regou’s fiviai'.e orator yliere we wJi keep i-iinstantlv mi h... CORRESPONDENCE fair to make this day one of elegant & Whitcomb excursion agency. anil for -ale the best brand« of They had ’’finished" Calif >rnia and W.-c«rr ;“>:,! n<-r fr i:n all «’e- eutertainmeut and amusement. ftonsou subject* ui local and other in The ground* will be cool and were on their way to "do” Oregon terests. and the Sound country, after which Reader. With each letter the name and a t !rp«< pleasant, free from dust, with plen they will take the it irthern route t > of tli“ k<-:>'lT is required, e*|>ccully if ty of shade, goo lstau ls, plenty of Yellowstone park, and thence for ---------- A Full Line of---------- sent for publication. scats, ubundanev of g<x»d water for home. They pay for the whole ex and everything pertaining to a < pense of the rottn I trip before l”av- OÍS ers of the Day: EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS. people and horses. i:ig home, and are given a whole first class feed store The oration will no doubt be the Will lie kept in Stock. pad of tickets, for meal», fare. etc. finest delivered in tlie State, judg W. RAZEE de SON. Saunders h is been on trial at the y : whole expense, including Preddcnt. •»■»bl Proprietor».. ing from the reputation of the ora ever*, tiling, is about five cents . . r State capital. ■.. ■ is--- - — tor, Hou. John A. Gray, of Coos mile of distance traveled, they re Thanking the public and my many customers for their patronage in The President has appointed Hy county. Grand Marshal. port. Six stage coaches were re- The music by the Medford Bant! <iuire,’t to brinK -a!1 the past, I can now nuke it to their man Abraham of Roseburg, col Mu-ac by the lector of customs for the Willamette is very highly spoken of, and they over the mountains.- [Ex. Main St., net. 4th ami 5lh) Grant« Pa»» When the above parties passed valley district. will no doubt add to their laurels — Has juBt opened a New — through this place, there were three — Atti thî — on this occasion. Hon. John A. Gray, who has ■ keepers on. requiring double head The vocal by the Glee Club, consented to deliver the oration at ers to puli the traiti over the sum Where will be kept on hand «nd for sale under the direction of II. C. Kinney, all kinds of this place on July 4th, i ■ said to be IL C. Kir.ney, Director. mit. Furniture, Bidding, Picture Frame«, will be one of the elegant features j the most talented speaker in the Bracket«, Etc., Etc. of the day. Avers Sarsaparrilla operates rad state. Door-Frames, Window-Frame«, Bracket« The free dinner, under the special ically upon the blood, thoroughly Etc., made to order. Special attention to I» Mr. E. M. Burton, a pioneer who supervision of J. W Howard, will cleansing and invigorating it. As given to has redded in Portland for ,15 years be, perhaps, the most delightful so t safe and absolute cure for thevar- r N OK KT \ I<I NG. Rcpairii’g and all kinds of work in my and father-in-law to 11. I,. Pittock, cial event that has ever transpired , ions disorders caused by constituti line neatly and promptly executed. of the Oregonian, died in that city in this community. onal taints or infection, this remedy — ALSO ~ Li the evening, at The races, under the direction of has no equal. Take it this month. on the 10th. .■wtai Manufacturer's N. ither i i Qn .'itity, Quality, Varii’i■•«. Size Tree«, nor Health and Vigor C. K. Chanslor, will occasion the n: sani.-. Embracing all the Leading Varieties of E. F. Thompson, a clerk in the l! t ier t!:c t ' . '.n.tgcment of the f- 1- most intense excitement, anti enthu agent SUMMONS. last Oregon legislature, and broth 1 ai . I" • r Committee: APPLE. PEAR. PEACH, PLUM. PRUNE, APRICOT, tor the siasm, as the best blixxl, of the <-r of H. V. Thompson of Portland, In the < ircuit Court o the«» of Ore- NECTARINE, CHERRIES, ALMONDS, Etc., Etc. L. I • J- "tin.; ', J. A. Wilson, county have signified their inten »n, in an<i fur the (’ounlv of Josephine died from over drink at Tacoma on C. K. C!: t : l->r, Jo;. Moss. ---------- 000--------- tion of participating. I. huv Blaukwood, PlainirT, vs. WiJiatn W. J. Wimer. the 12th instant. H Blaukvvood, IMemlant. The Ball in the evening will con Suit in Equity fur Divorc?. There has been a crash in coffee, elude the day’s programme. From S ToWiiii.ini H. Blackwood, the above 'f id.... The Best Mill Bitt.-i.i ii't ; S;t’>- and New York houses suffer se present indications, there will be a , named defendant: made. in the name of the State of Oregon, vou riously. I11 Chicago tlicre has been very latge attendance. A slnire of pu’die ¡'atr.iii.u.i- is rci-pecf- r. ISar:“’ Pear^the b?«t late shipping variety. are hereby notified ami required Io appuar fuliy s-Vieited, and satlstai tion guaia1 te.-1 a bursting of wheat corners and a and answer tlie complaint filed aj.dn.-t H '.r Peach, (freestone) still he ; is thy lift. What has become of the water ::«-i.v yon in the alwivu untitled wnit in the office heavy decline in price. Kanaday's Cling, th-- eanm-r’s pri le. ditch committee ? It begins to look »f the Clerk tsf Raid Court, in whi h I 1 »y Kelsey's .Japan Plum, lias no ¡x—r. Notice For Pctlication. Bla« kw<H» l is plaintiff, and you, William The P. rtland "Journal of Com as though it is dead. Tlie necessity ¡1. Blackwood, is !< hurlant, on or !>:•.' re Roho de Sargsnt Prune, never b-’fore oì T tc - ì in Or'iron. It is U. I i.-.i) (tirici:. ) t.'ii- which, in a dii -.1 alate, forms the i-elebrat« i prime D'Ente, There v. ill be a match game of merce” of the nth, contains an in for the ditch and its feasibility are »tie First day of the next t »rm of sai l R< .-i Bit.i; Ou., Abiv ii. IAK71 (I reneli CoiiHerves), Circuit ’ourt, t «-wit: the First day oi not dead, nor will they die, no mat . : . teresting article on the lime stone \ir.m-t, 1SK7. An«l ii y< u tad to appear Berkeley Goosberry, the m 4 prof table of them all. itiv nami-d setti -r I,..- in.>i ,,, caves of this county, also an article ter how many committees pass in and ans ver sai'l complaint, default will in the ifternoon after the Races, fur iiif.-titi a to maso Im.ii pn.-.t i i pon I.angv.-Jt>c, King's. Safi Shill and Paper Sh !l Almonds. Im taken against you. and for want of an iu-r claim, iin-l -aid i ioo: \iill i . a purse of $23.00. <>n our mines. Our friend If. I). their checks. The lime is near at, tin» plaintiff will apply to said ina !.- In-fi re the .li“V<. orCl.-iki t tl,« Harkness hansled us a copy from hand when tlie country on both (’ourt fur tlie relief prayed for in s ii i com g • ' ..;:»y t 1-iirt i f Ji<..-¡ i.’mc í'.-JIMy ( I, plaint, to wit: l or a decree dissolving Following are the Chairman of the which we will make sonic extracts side; of the river will be covered I lie rit irna/e < ■•ntraut hi ret * ».'or« , and now .'mi. a! Grunt- l;a-- < ire ;.on S.iiunlj,, Ever .reens,-Imi!-, lose:«, deniali-an.! t'owing plants, small iruiis, t;r.i|»e several C<mimittees: .'tine IKili. .»j,.- j|,j ¡.¡Ji , viri.’«, etc., etc. with large and commodious water listing Imtween th.* said plaintiff and IL L- Benin. Literary Exercise.«. next week. formerly v. blow r.f SV. I Kito iiuan, <l<- von. the defendant, aiul for the ciiMtodv £■*¿7 “ I',. • r.> pardia.sing e!« ‘ wb -re, parties intending to plant tree, will find rights and privileges, a iding about i'i-a-i-1'., lb !• .al i ntrv No : irvi, nu »nd care of (lie uliildreii nam«*d in sail H >n. S. U. Mitchell, Finance. it to th -ir i::terc-t Io com - and -ee oar stock and learn prices Can the country be improved ? otic-half to the value of the lands complaint lli.- ,— »V ' ( o; N E i ; .-imi \\ (,f SR:,, to be awarded to plainldf, and J A. Wilson, Grounds. < 'at.- ignee 1.1 .1. ■ I ¿rat;- i’.| on ap| ’ . .(i i . Ai hire— ,|| communication« to Sec ¿ j Tp S I, 7 vi.-t, \V M. Um Can the people lx? improved? If below them One thing was ac or judgment against th” defendant l’ur C. K. Chan dor, Amusements. I'.nues the fi ¡ “ witl t.-.- e* to p’-i io • o.-ts and disbut'rinent« of this suit. L. L, Jenningt, Bail. one cannot, neither can the other. complished. By the last meetings her c< ntii min- ¡i -i.i.-i.i e u; on :ir-<i i-’i 'i- HAVIS r.kOWEll, J. W. 1 low ir I, « 'inner. I'Tbv”,ix. bickqnn uoii’dv, ( M'Y <»n vafi-ei oi, s.-.iii tu’«!, »r : JoJin i.eDuittle, r.hf B >th go togetlier and it is as easy we learned that there was almost a Solicitor :or i’laifitiir. W S. !.■■■ :..u Jam- 1’ 1.. v.i«, G,>.■. \V Mrs. S. U. Mitchell, Décoration. P»y order of L. R. Weh>tur, Circuit to improve one as the other and unit of expres;iou in favor ol build- 1 l.ewi* Jr., all of Alile.e. e, Jisi-ptiira u lju, da‘ <i June I7lh, 1 a S7. A •l'.iti'y. Oregon. pcihap: easier to improve the coun ing one or more large ditches out |C»<4t»l I.. W. CAT!.- k 9 ( has . V,’. J.inx j , try than the people. We know the of Rogue river far enough above! ú-13-,4] Register. ------ • Dl’AI.EftJ IN------ HENRY I.. BENSON. jteople have made much advance here to irrigate all the valleys in r jx M.l. cuix. «. x,..-¡.sot I <:. ment in Southern Oregon—theci-un- this section, and for mining and 1 Six mil s South of < ¡rants P usm , Josephine j ya.-Ti!ri:t. t ime v.;.vt. tnr is therefore moving ahead at no town purposes, Of course the main < ’«vim v, (Iregon. Gth Si., between Main an-I H, Grents P »ss Oi l ier With Hon. S. I’. Mitchel) .slow rate of speed, but the brakes reason why tnen vere not sent out A. H. CARSON ck SON, I!..- :hv Lir, ahd ir Comp’.H-* Stock i i th lr line in Sutith. r:i Or GRANTS I’ASH, OHEGON. (6’17 nrc still on. F'r prictors. to survey, and the woik of con- th y wilt He!! struction liegttn, was the busy sea- NOTICI’. X.S Low AS ili;: LOWEST. Kentucky justice goes to .-.ce l son and lack of capital, Thcse IHUS for Htan<l privilu^cM will bu re- again. 'This time in that State TS FOR THE CELEBRATED C«»:wisting of catt-es may combine to keep down • ivi'il by the ('oinmittuu <»n , elu!»ration Prior to the «sth the two Logan hilv 4th, at any time beton* li p in. <>1 APPLE, PEAR, the ditches for a time, but they are ni I litlav, July All l»i<h n I mu 4 l»u, brothers were killed, then on the I’EACII, PLUM, 129 & 131 S::?cz: EL. Sa r:c:Ee. Cd.. coming, aud that too at no distant handu.l to * HENRY L BENSo night of the 14th, ex Deputy Sheriff 6-l7tf Sevrut PRUNE, CHERRY. day, so that "all you who canm t Ramey and his son Henry aged 24 !• Autory, 115 117 e < Str« * !. APRICOT. NECTARINE, swim had better get a boat or climb" years, were ambushed and shot, ALMOND, WALNUT tor water thi- c mntry niu-t and will also on the same date, Dr. J. Gra have. CHESTNUT nd ham was shot and killed by licit The approval by President Clevc Hubbard. It seems Hubbard w.t ► J mie 3 H h Thvru w ill I» justified in killing the doctor as he land of "a recommendation that all uolh'uti »11 ad<bd .1 tur Grape Yine«, Currants, G »>-lierri..’ .. VI Cl W L. BLACKBUKN. Blackberries, Ra pberrics, went to Hubbard’s house for the battle-flags in the custody of the own lots District ( lurk. ---------- ALSO ---------- war department, Ix'lc.nging to South Strawl'erries, Figs, purpose of killing him. UOK SALEj ill It j LN IN ern states in rebellion during the Etc., Etc. By reference to the map, it will late civil war, be returned to the < >nr Tr-'i-s ai • ¿i-.iw n ivitl.oiit irrizatiiHi T\ irii-z !■> go t < <¡crii: .■ ■ .■ , !. -.. ......... on !(•- I hill I.ill I. amt ill oi k iowu varie- Í .'tt'.-r r M' l.'-i r < . - ■ lie seen that the proposition untile respective state which bore them, PRACTICAL Ui-c-i-l ill .--■•itliiTii < tregon. I 1 --,Tl'. . I.'-;;.- by the people of Ellensburg to for such final disposition as they I’ll. -• i-ontrin; ',iiinz tri«- pi.mlmg w ill 01 whielt the :-u >p< >-i-. local I. Air--, J i I to vi-it o n- < iii-h.inl .m i Nur--i v. <• ic iii-r» ot ■ r.ei id :„i.-.o - • 1,,.- build a trail to this place is a fca- may determine," raised such a * or nit- n* for pii.-e li-t re.ddeio'e. fa’. - • t .-. I it.•*< ible one, and that this place is their breeze among Grand Army men l’o-t o:!in—. t’lrpliv. 'o-.-phi-••• Coun ty, Oro.0.1. 1;. It. Maiion. tint.t-i’i- J «un nearest p int to the railroad, and the Pre-i leat revoked the order in A ll t A 1 O.X o > >.X I k -ides that they have the Rogue the following letter to the secretary O-t7t. river, bridged whereas upon any of war. dated June lf»th: other route that stream would lie I have to-day considered with an obstacle in their way. < >ur cit more care than when the subject ‘••t'liJu, <z'>»'gi»n. u-tghr iih I uk seuth <>t GRANTS PASS, OREGON. izens ought to do all in their power was orally presented to me. the ac- ■ Gu.nD Paa i'irat-ui FLOURING ?«‘)LL, Bjth Patent aMauhinorv, d«»in^ y -ar to secure this additional feature to lion of your department directing Ail wat h Wi-rk warrant. I ¡ r o Pu i 11 pts, 2 > «1 work and i. i- a ^»•>1 unnt. in Tint letters to be addre— cd to the gov lam v < ¡.».Is <>f a’! kind*. »<4.1 at our town. k. 1AKM uoriUinn 3.1» uur.-» oi land: 5» emors of all the states, offering to Wà!c!ms, Jiuelry usi spectacles d ¿11 lie’s a» r. * in ( lowr. an«! over l’JO uurrn under BED ROCK PRICES. And all goods hmdled by return, if desired, to loyal state- KEPT ON HANI». — 'Mlivitioii , ; also »trtO ixood Orub.H'-l, p >« m ! Mrs. Clara Kelty. who was so Union flags caputrcd during the : 'louse anil Bams ar.I irrieat at ion ditch. Summer Silks, - 55cts. p ryard. -h.itncfully tgtit duetl on the toth at war of the relK’llion by Confederate ■ Ji ic situation for _ a ■) — dry ......i. farti, <’un ir- Lawns. - - - 5 ................. ■ u t- rate ... alni< ----- M . — .. . |-... , ,,,; plant, i or anv part , .., oi the ------ Including the ------ the home of her patents, in Polk force- and afterwards recovered by (t»-17lt further particulars call or a Idre»* Other gixsls in | n>p<.r'i.>a . EMPIRE MOWERS. REAPERS and BINDERS cjunty , was an exemplary lady. We govctitnt nt trixips. and to Confed 1.1. - i * STRONG, Murph v. i ’t -, 1*. x)'»-n’sî --4M-* HYDRAULIC PIPE and GIANTS have known her since her bi: th and erate states flags captured by the WWW Union forces, all of which, formally J. V/. HOWARD. Uu:ni : -1; ice. We d >rdially invi’.v all to examine out gixxls [ know her parents an I al! her family years, have licen packed in boxes i» : tfi and know them to lie the b. -t vt and stored in aud attic of the Cor. of Front and 4th Su.. people. No cause could have ex i war department I am of the opin Grant’s Pass, - - Oregon. isted for such an act. t if cont-e as >»n that the return of the flags in The PEOPLE’S MEAT MARKET is I the manner thus contemplated is — AND — now o | mt and prepared to supply custom- .’•> >'t as he employ an attorney. lie 1 era with the choicest cuts of no’, authorized by existing law nor PROPRIE TOUS. will be advise I to deny as much of justified as an executive act. I re- BEEF, MUTTON. PORK, the crime as jx».-ible, by charges qiie-t, therefore, that no further 1 GRANT.; PAS.-. - - - Otil-GON. All kind« of against the dead woman, hut he steps be taken in the matter except it 11 )j>|x»site R. R. Ik ¡« t ) 5S s\ I . S x-\ C r E is had better not bring them. He to examine and take an inventory Bi-K* leave Io Inform the public that he is now nicely located on the corner of A share < f the public patronage re- of the flags, and adopt proper meth -houid lie hung without ceremony. fpectiullv solicited. ods lor then preservation. Any di BREAD, GTH AND H STREETS, GRANT’S PASS OREGON, Calls answered BUNCH BROS., PIES, aud rection as to final disposition of 4-8tf] List week in reprinting an article Proprietor* U; ’ DAY or NIGHT. CAKES. With a Large Assortment oi them should originate with congrvs-. roti, »lie Sentinel, our printer made Yours truly. W. M. ROYAL, P roprietor . 1 say A'tat Bro. Bell of the Review GaOV l-K Cl.KVELAXD. »1:1-41 > t- iumlvetit. (Mi, no! It should And cm rytliiiii; to lie found in a First-t’lasS «tori’, which I will sei] I Raeva. rijiur For Publication. J. H. AHLE Proprietor. "ms»lent.” We might with VERY LOW FOR CASH. OR MARKETABLE PRODUCE. One of tlic intere-tiug features of ■i priety «ave ad N-d P. S 1. isn llrrii r, • M m \ S treet , G rant '» I’ a .«*. tlie Fourth at Grants Pass, will l>e T-. Cali an I see me before purchasing elsewhere. K, -i su.<»„.. Jiini1 7. 1—7 t he Re gt’:tieman has folded a tlic Raevs, viz: Foot races, Sack CANDIES. ERVITS, N ¡- r.- ■« ¿1.,-'i that the u-dle of «vrruption, with whom i.ues. W heelbarrow race, for which, i'l,: naic.- l i-.tli-r tin« If I notu-e ••( hi* |.«J CIGARS. TOBACCO. iiitenti'»-i tn in ik - tin.** primi in --int-sttx be< .1 qitirrcling, in hi* re good prize- are to I k given. hi* claim, an,t that “aid po-d will be Th- Horse racing will lie the best arms, aul laid down to rest ni.i'L* l^•ñ»rl■ lin» t'l-ik »X the (.'»Minty MUTTON, Ciaut • *• -Ln U-i'ii ciHUity. Or at JackMvi pturous pciuc. A recent fat ever sicn in th. county, viz: Ponv- ville. On- ii. <m Satnr«l.iy. July hüb. rux*, running nice, free for .ill. PORK-SAUSAGE, w,. ¡.r.. in want of * few ww■ ««I ,nen al »pjXHtitimtil teminde 1 him t*»7. vi»- John II Carter. Preemption M .itched running race between three • o eanvu-« fi* th.. » <4 r|ioii-> v*rieti.'* ’ i» N \\ • ■ N V» I». S \. i • another election is coming Flyers, and a Match trotting race, ANO BOLOGNA. "I X r-.-ry - ,k. fomen make I. and X l;. ’ i <»l X E ’ t v- J, Vp a «ina .« of ()1H W(1 v4n . t> id and that the editors of these best two’n three, hai i-mile heats. ■* R 4 t. W M. lb* n.uu.*j* the ¿41 and Lt> rd • >‘»v i-erriiM- i»i2 m U îh '*'*-s tn prove hi< c’’>ntinw<»U’* Will l»f* in the Mndon and after June 1«* «alari.*« or <• .... worthy party ’organs must NOTICE. ” t Hi- h.n-.. ,„ 4 - . nvw :in«i • nlti'atit.n << «ti l A dispatch says the entire force " •»< I > >noth. ruMÌdviU'e up»«» ALWAYS ON HAND. k»s, no matter what it cost*. now at work on the C. \ O in the -r* «-’I. l oth in tl. • triil ra: H l'a*-. O -.»n, \ ( u ’ a m<»rv at»- t. U , Ilamni»»n«l, ( . ir!» *. hind, 'll prove»! mare« can he taken •< th su «ml onu»n.'nt*l litw, which other* do not Meat Delivi-red any place in Town rkk AUlwubt, S ‘ uphun Ahbri^h». 1rs V ‘ * ■. i-.- w.U I m .- tr.ui cervd to the .HI»»* (hex ly F»»r further inform«- hand.». ¿ililn-M*t otK-e, with reference* th-hb !kvru. all •»< Wiaklvillv. 1’. O extension tn San Louis Olii»- d->n, write «< to r thii uount v* < »r FREE OF CHARGF L. L HAY à CO., Nurserymen, 'A JOHNSTON. r . 'Id 4 Co., Cuff e lenk ; N A' < nnitv, a* > xmi ’« cot::.setion i* * SMITH. 1 ’ •IS-Im R n- ’ t r M an »gur !, .i—ignment .V • with the <» ft C •'T I tt i . MINN OJciil Pager Ei Jo!’?i!n: C.::7. Crina. DRY GOODS, Hon. Jno. A.Grat FANCY GOODS, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Queens Ware, Glass Ware, &c., &c., Flour, Corn and Oat Meal. A T GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. John Goodell Wheat, Barlev, Oats, Mill and Chop Feed, Bran, STAPLE GROCERIES - Hon. H. B. MULLER, Rchcrt lì. Mcrris, MEDTOKI) BAND, ik.:nts Fass Glee Club. BASKET DINNER, ! ERODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. NEW FUBNITURE STORE! Advantage to Call on me Before Purchasing Elsewhere, GEO. IV. RIDDLE, EREES! LRlìES'“.TREES! A. J. SEDGE, I’VJINHTRE STORE Hammon Bros.’ Nurseries, PHŒNIX. Oregon, and OAKLAND, California. Our Stock this ■ asoti Cannot be Excelled on the Coast MI ’SIC HALL Vviili \ First-Cfass Orchestra. RACINE «IXillilLL! SPHCI ALTI ICS. su1 Jfiiccts cn Prunes, and BASE BALL I.AR E. STOCK SHADE and ORNAMENTAL TREES. II AMMON BROS., Sin c K 1C R BEliL'AB MRSEBl! Attorney and Councellof at Law J U 1) S () N -ware, Stoves and 'Tin-ware IN.NICKELiBURG&CO,. in D lid ci 1 ! U School Tax. Shade and Ornamental Trees, 1.1, te, and I'aabn Clippsi Biding and Walking Fi® T The World Renounc’d L. GRAY Chilled Plows ACME HARROWS. VICTOR WIND Flouring Mill aud Fans 1OH SALK Autocrat Wood Force "• ?i ■ ’v“• : ; • XI ILLS, I E V» E L EK, Spiifii, aid Suiiœr Goads!! CHEAPER THAN EVER! STA VER »X: WALKER, Musical Instruments Repaired, I will not be Under Sold. CITY BAKERY. PEOPLES ME IT MARKET. CITY EXPRESS SOMERVILLE & AXTELL. Delivery Wagon. 11 mini ial and other travelers 11 links Delivered Promptly. NEW STORE! NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES! I. IV 1 N( '.S'U( )N 1-2 v AXCE BOOTS and SHOES. DRY GOODS. Citv Market GROCERIES, h. VANCE. THE ' MM Slandanl-brei Trolling Stallion Fresh and Salted Beef, Pork, Salesmen Wanted. ADRIAN, No. 6C53, ! A stir? «í tie r^'t PctrmfWtttM