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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1887)
' " .-¿--X Y” 1 li E cor RI EH. * L-ocal and Persona!. I>r. (¿Mun*« Improved Liver PllSa«. There are several lv. '* an J bail GOLD M.fCNG NEWS. Josephine county will have a Teeth Extracted 'Withcut Pal It. move» <'oriKli|>.itioi>, prevents Malaria, places in the road leading from here • th rec-fourth» crop of pe.iclics and Drs. Key <l< Major, two ti »ted Den- i-nr ■« I*y!*|>e]»>ia, andjfivea new life to the The new discovery in front of ti'ts from the Etst, will I k - in Grants t > Applegate via Mrs. Allen's and 1 about the ’aine of apples. Many Fly vour kites, boys. town ami two miles distant, his F «June 25th, and remain a few system Holy one tor a dose. Fnteaaui* Mr. Hathaways place that should I orchards in favo.-cd L;ca'.i;i.-.s are Hurrah, for the 4th of July. FRIDAY, JUNE 24 1887 been styled bv the discoverers day s. Persons wishing first-class plea at W. F. Kreiuer’a ¡be removed immediately as they not hurt bv f usts. XI e are having het weather again. serve to keep travel off the road and POTENCY in man <>r woman enrol S. W. F. ike; returned < n Sun "Spring Mountain.*' The cour-e dentistry done at low prices will In I'I Gilmore's Aromatic Wine. For sale is North-west a -d South-east, and STATE ANDCOUNTY OFFICIALS Hon. Henry Thornton is building therefore away from town. day morning, from Portland, where the ledge i; very wide. The ruck please call, as our time will I k * lim ai Krviner'a drug store i a barn. stats orricuu : Just think what a fine stream he ha«l been a representative to the ited. [6-24 FOR bYSPEI'SIA and liver complaint, i. blue and white, carrying a large N yi ' e-Tsn P knxoykb , Governor Ca t«» the new 'tore on 6th st:e t, von have a printed guarantee on every The weather is very hot and Rogue river is and that it has water grand lo.Ige of masons. He left per ventage of galena, resembling G \V. Mi B kiue , >*ecretary enough in it to irrigate a d- zen here on Tues lav morning for his if you want to get "Washingtcn" kittle of Shiloh's Vitalixer It tieverfailH G. W. W kbb , . . changeable. the ore of the tamous "Starve-out ” Trexsurer to cure. For sale at Kremer's. 1 counties like Josephine and note its home at Alth >-.tse. H. B. M1LLE3 brand flour. [6-24-2t Senator or '.‘Green M. untain” ledge, more See the petit black bear at Jen rapid flow and then you will lie full H. V. M itchell Representative VI \ r> <» ,1 ‘ » t * re F««vl»h, Muses Kitie a:iJ M iggieC ».inell Quarterly meeting at Grints Pass AlttMtCls cross, or troubled with E. B. M c E lroy »’,, Pub Tnatruetion nings’ hotel. Siipt, of wonder why large irrigating who have been attemling St. Mary s than any rock we have seen in Southern Oregon, So far, there Hox. L R. W ebster June 26th and 27th at M E. church. Colic, Teething Pains, or •-a < irvuit Judge Wheat is selling for$i per bushel ditches have not been taken out of Academy at Jacksonville for the are uo indications of packets, but Rev. S. P. Wilson, presiding elder, Windy W11. M CoLvia Stomach Dinnlers, can be relieved District Attoraev it. in this market. last six 1:1 mths. have returned to on the contrary there is eve.y indi will preach at X 0 clock p 111.. and nt om-e by using Acker'« Baby Soother. COCSTTY omcULs: W. J. Razee returned last Friday their h >:r.e at Waldo They will cation of a permanent lode. Where hold quarterly conference at to o' It contains LO Opium or Morphine, Volnev Culyig Thanks to M. Brockman for a .............. County Judge henco is safe. Price 15 cents. Sold by evening from the “Green Horn" return to -.. h ol in August. J M.Payne the men are no.v at work, a spring clock a. m. Monday. , J- Commissioners box of snow-ice. W. r. Kremer. Simeon Messenger ledge on Deer creek, bringing some In the- correspondence over the I). T. R iddle ('. K. Ckinslor. A. Umphlett of Althouse, was in of that ore with him which look- signature "Traveler.'’ iustead of amply large to run a quartz mill, A NASAL IN'IECTOR free with each ......................... Clerk rises out of the ledge mid ¡lows off 6-24] Paster. J W. Howard bottle of Shiloh's catarrh remedy. Price Treasurer town this week. and assays well. lie says that he "Lula” it should ha e read "Lida" down the hiil side to .he valley five T. G. Patterson t ‘-hi-ritf II. B. Miller & Co., have«m hand .j i wins. At i'renier's. E l. F. Hathaway School I A. J. Sedge is receiving some fine saw the largest straw berry in Win. Day as teacher « f lhe Lucky (jueen hundred feet below. Two more Sigieriiitendeiu a large lot of extras for D. M. Os Frake's garden that !v ever saw. upholstered furniture. CiRcur Coi rt —Conveiv s ontl «■ Secorul sehO'.l. Wc ho; e Mris Lida will large springs ri<e out of it a little it just fitting in the top of a com excuse haste and bad manuscript. Monday in April, and 1 lr»i Monday in further to the South-east. Wood is borne Sc Co.'s mudlines, which they Quite a number of strangers are mon glass tumbler. Novcmls r will sell for less than cost. All along the road leading from also convenient an I the mine caii I k * [6 24-|t < m XTY Coi KT—Convenes on the First noticeable on our streets. , EKONT STIIEET, iruut. Fa.., Orrjn».. By a circular received by G. A. this place t<’ Waldo tliete are the worked the entire year, which adds Monday in January, April, July mid George S. Mathewson of Sucket Agents wanted for the sale of much to the favorable indications R. men of this place it will be seen — DE.VI.KB IN best crops of grain we have ever September Creek is building a barn. Wc hope to lx* able to give a more Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Grape that the twenty-first national en • Mr. Wil- 11 is having a handsome campment G. A. R. to be held in ticularly good. Of fruit there will definite rejKirt from this property as Vitus, etc., etc. For terms, ad Attention Farmers! St I.ouis in September next have lx? enough for home Consumption. soon as the shaft gets deep enough dress California Nursery Co., Niles, front built on his new building. I have a One Twine Binder and Alameda Co , Cal. arranged with all the railroad' in Mr. C. li Carlisle, Secretary of to test it. F. W. Sawyer, the photographer four Combined Reapers and Mow ! the west "lui cue fare for the the State 1'. >.11 I of Immigration, It is generally lielieved that the W anted T wo Fine Young is at Henley, Siskiyou Co,, Cal. ers, all new, and of the Osborne round trip not only to the members came up from Portland yesterday "Green Horn” ledge, recently dis Mares for cash at the lowest cash' TOBACCO, manufacture, that I will exchange CIGARS. About one mile of the Kerby irri of the Grand Army and their fami morning.. Mr..Carlisle is a wel covered 0:1 Deer creek by Mr. prices. Enquire of J. C Boyd. for grain, after harvest, bacon, hors gating ditch has been constructed. lies but the general public as well." come visitor, and we hope he may Frakes, is rich, but nothing has CANDIES, l5»7tf es, cattle, or the cash, at the follow been done to develop it. The rock NUTS, be favorably impressed with our The picnic dinner is one of the Produce such a potatoes, beans, ing very low prices: Binder, $183; W anted -A good milch cow. assayed, which yielded a fine pros town and surroundings. grandest features of our celebration. butter an«l many other articles are Highest t'.«»li price paid for Combined Reaper and Mower. $135. Enquire .it this otlice. [5Jtf Now is the grin les*, jpportunity peet, was rock. The creek bed Call on, or address, The tide of immigration is grad living shipped in from the outside. Money to loan on good security. Country Produce, Hides, from the ledge down prospecting ually approaching Josephine coun We notice Chicago lard. Missouri you will ever have to get your teeth well lx>th in iron ruck and rough Ni>t»-sand Co. orders bought. En J as . W. W imer , dried peaches, California beans and extraetc'l without pain with liquid Etc . Etc, ty. Murphy. Or. 51-3'!'] Portland potatoes. The merchants gas They have had over twenty quartz gold, almoit assures the quire r.t S. U. Mitchell's law office. Give inc a call and l>e Convinced, Ex-county clerk Hughes came [5o-tf. j t'le butter made here is of in ye.>.rs experience in manufacturing owners « f a good lode. The dis (luti Hereafter all notices of any na over for a sulky rake a few day-, say ferior quality in a majority, of cases I'.id administi ring the g is and h ive tance from this place to it via Deer Hotel property in the country for ture or kind in our local columns ago. and those w ho make a good arlicl ■ never ha i one unfavorable result creek valley, is alxrat 30 miles; but sale or lent. Enquire at Cot'RiER will be charged ten cents a line PIGNEY & COOK, cannot supply the demand. from its use. Ollrre at the Bagley the road via Murphy mills, thence office. [5o*tf. Messrs. Butler. Ilos ’ . ey & Thomp first insertion and five cents a line across the summit to liver ereek, is G rant ’ s V ass , - - - O regon . House. t 6 24- tt GIVE YO('R CHILDREN, for «-ougli« G. M. Caldwell of williams pre every subsequent in .ertion. [3-1-tf son are buying cattle in this county now. Gen. Passenger Agt. Goodman, a much nearer route being probably out «« i ’ i I k . « roup, n hoopiint eon -h mxl cinct, visited our office last week. ARE Vol' M ADE mi.-0r.1bk» by indi ' alxrat 10 miles shorter. lioar.-u-a«— k , Giiieo.e’.« Vlaeiieti«- Elixir. gestion, c.kistipatiini, «lizzini-ss, loss of The Medford cornet band will be From him we learn that Prickett. ofthe Soutl’.crn Pacific system, in J. Wimer ¿ii. Sons are working yet reply to a letter from th? Council G. Davis returns thanks to the Sherer and Finney are placing in appetite, yellow skin? Miilvb's Vita'iz r here July 4th. Don't fail to hear is a positive « ure. lor sale al Kremer's at their Steamboat mine committee of this city, indorsed by with a force of eight men. They people of Grants pass and vicinity WiíM ZD1 Hickiie Repairing a Specialty. them. •lrugstor,* t 1501 ft-of hydraulic pipe from 11 to the State Bmird of Immigration, mule u cut three-quarters of a mile for their patron ige tor the last year. J. T. Kellogg is building a large 16 inches in diameter. Mr Cald writes Pa - ig -r Agent Rogers, of 1 ng and from 40 to feet deep, and He will from this «late make l!«>ots AGI NTS FOR THE WILLI L. 1 Cl.VER oi Pavilion. N Y , sivsthat Gilm ire’s M.i inetie F.iixir addition to his house on Jerome well and h\; father H011. G. II. have the O. ¿t. C., that about tlie 1st of will mine in earnest next year. and Shoes cheaper than you can get < ired him of a long standi : 2 Throat and I’rarie. The Scotts gulch claim, owned by them in the stores. Repairs neat ' a mine at the same place which they October he may I k * able to perfect Lung lio ible. Kromer w'.ls it. arrangements ly. which immigrants Simmons, Decker & Payne, is run and cheap. Chi;. Decker is putting up a 4 29 tf. Ii ive cleaned up very sati ;factorily. — and — “yX.-vvx'V to*»* " ory- Tl-roct or REV II B r.tVFI.L, of Pavilion N jJ'kjVv Lung Io.-i. c. If you have barn an 1 an addition to his hou e They found some fine specimens of from -’Frisco” to Oregon may have ning with a full crew, and we hear . >-.iy- ■■: Gilmore's tronrili<-Wine : "I I a stop-over privilege of ten «lays . they, are making a very satisfactory a Cough or Cold, or .ho clillaren rro at Waldo. cinnabar in the tailings. i-lii'v«* it to Ii,' .« mo.-1 ir.i’ile ri'iiii'tly- Riding Plows and Cultivators. threatened withCro; >. r Whooping Cough, . clean tip. along the line. II. Woodcock and E. Sjiencer tolm every Utility.” For-ale There are alxmit 24 men working use Ac er's E:\-li .h 11-, ricdy and prevent SIIÜP ON II ST., NEAR 6TH. Wc have r.< ti *c-d that wheiK-vet at Kn ¡net'» «irug -t iro t It ^cure, . i«i t;,.- S.-ott'j gulch mining claim have re-located the Rough and further trouble. I isj'. . From Kcrbyvllle and Althouao. [20tf there is a gathering at Music hall ttud we gtxranleo it. Price 10 find CLc ( ue.-ir Waldo. THE REV GUO. II THAYFR of' , Rear y quartz ledge upon which, in !’•■ ■ ii'"«" t'lil , says. • Rolli iny-self ami I lay harvest lias begutt. which costs a door fee, there arc l'or s lie bv 'A'. F. Ki r. early days there were expended tvn\* ow. o ir live« to Sliiloh'a «-onsuni|- The singing, reading and speak several sm ill boy . who. not having Fourth of July will be celebrated lion cure " lor ".!«■ ut Kremer'« drug * <• .*. J’ h « 1 .**•*.h. ing at ¡he M. E. Sunday school about $>1500, and which, he says, ni jney to pay their wav, climb tip •it Kerby. »tore. f is very rich, being from 125 to 190 ! km '.... a I roubl.. 1 ; :i v ; m-r witli i--h! was very nice. feel wide for 4500 feet which they to the wi:i.lo.-.- ; endeavoring to look uml p.iiu i'> Ih.- « ii-:--i potilo ri-lii-f Messrs. Wells, l’.ayne. Mathewson N otice Having concluded to Thi' is wrong: these boys an 1 Hansen h ive built new barns MISS MAUD TUFFS, R. M. Th -np on of Jerome Prai have located. 'i'll.- lock yield; from in. fremi rem-* lic.< r ■<-o:nini-n<! -1 bv i'ru JWtí discontinue business at thi« place, all «night to I k allowed to go in and lately. H'i.l l’hy-m-i,i*i.e. At the* 11 >11 1 n ■■ rie is working improvement.; in the $¡2 to 5?5 per toil, Three holes SueceHsor to Mrx Flanagan & Tutts knowing themselves indebted to me ndveili-in ; 17. Ibr-a-.k'i's Coligli and way of a barn. have been stink from two to forty not thu; tempt them to do that a,-<* requested to come forward and Mr. Tycet's youngest son is quite L-ang fo.rup I I-, id Idle faith, bill which is not proper, simply beca.i < thoiiglit lo tiy ¡t .1- a Li-1 r<— rt, r. V I fS ■ is situated sick with ihphtli'.ria. settle up by June 1st, 1887. Road supervisor Mack of Waldo feet deep. This ledgt ! tinnì ih-y lull in ■ oí its '¡strict, has been doing some good ibout 12 mileo north-west of Wal they h ive no money to pay their lr-li >-.’C evell II G eo - \V. R iddle . School begati list Mon-lay in the 1 22tf] ESTABLISHMENT r.; ri T' i . i News. wiy. Some ar« in,cmc-nt should «arative quali do. work on the roads. REV 'V. F III ip A. B.i|ti-i ihnri'h, Eliz.l',ctat' v. n be made iu I k I i . i II'ofthe boys. We Seyferth district with Prof. Robin Opposite Campbel) .1 Tufts' «tore, un <itU t'lrora. 111 r.i> > that Giltiiori' Aronmlic cerna at W. t The Phrenological lectursof Prof. are in favor of li iving them admit son as teacher. Our fourth of July celebrat’on Wim* i' a I101 "h il l remedy mi l that no hl lUl-t . Morris delivered at music hall sev ted somehow. Either have it un Mis; D ¡lie Des in ;■ r, who has 1 imilv Om ild ’«• without it. For sale ut SHILOH . CLL11 »-..J ¡i.ime li;.t dy re- committees are working like tigers eral time*; last week, attracted much derstood with lhe proprietors of the been attending -chool in Giants Kremer'» drug »tor«*. ; ’ HA1RW0HK Ml STAMPING neatly done L?vc croup, xsI••>»;»«r»vt « »'¡.¿Ii and bron to make it a success. u'.-.eiiiioti .-.nd large atvlTence.s. Ilis hall that small boys are to be ad Pa*. ie'.a:n 1 home laM Sat trday. | chitis. For s.tb: st Kr.'im-r'u. + (27-6iii WHY WILL YOl’ «-ou/li whonSlii-j Owing to our from town comments are a ery amusing while mitted, or else take tip a coll -ction I’.!’. .’ I I. V. HITNEY of Clark- n. Church was held at the Tyre: l-ii's <- it ■ u ill Jve iininedi.ite relief. Price tin« week we have Ijcen unable to N. Y., ■ . ■ ‘ r ' Aromati WI m foi examining a head, and somewhat for them and thus get them i:i out school-house last S uik I. iv , ais > in 1 ' <!< . G-ts.. and 11 Fur Rule at Kre- ASK YOUR DEALER FOR f -m 1!1 a -.i'i»>.--■*. ai 11 1 < v.*".it u r;. 1!. rca 1 our exchanges. ini-r's drug »tore t lnilrtitive. Many of our people -ecu- the first steps to crime. the evening at Kerby, by Rev. Mr. , . ........ ™—................................... ’ ■ ■- Kremer 1 as ' - r m’e. Miss Matic of this place, red chart'. We a-.lted the professor Frank I’ayne, of East Portland, Riddle, of Gr ints Pass. We have A and reliable Li- . -o left 011 the 20th, far Pennsylvania, if he hail anything to say for our peo called on us the 1 itter part of last heard that same of the young folks 1 JACKSONVILLE 'O ’»kA togependv.r ■' ■ ll'a. 1 ’ ple,he replied "Yes I have observed week, sh >wing us a photograph of were very rude during the services lllrlias been prer-.--:b< ■'.for y< :.n for all bn- where she will remain. liiirlticeof tbs-Blood. Incv«-ry fomiof; j i f. Twenty four pupils are enrolled that as a rule human heads are lar a li-.w quar z null invented aud pa it Kerby. They mocked the min ii'oes,'iticor II, rt-.'ri. 1 <".« -. i.n ger on the Pacific coast than on the tented by him and now for «ale. ister, laughed and talked aloud and invaluable. For llkcumatim, lias uooqu.iL in the Waldo school district. Miss Atlantic, 'll - largest head I ever which seems, from appearances, to some person or |>ersotis to >k the Ida Woodcock is the teacher. A .1. r .11. it l-ir sib*. examined was at Albany, itrthi.s I k far ahead of any thing c-ver intro -a Idle off hi, horse and put it under J. C, W U I P P, Mrs. ?I. Ilyde announces that she .state. CoNC'jMPTfOH C ured . duced bef re f >r crushing rock. It its feet. No one invited the minis OltEGON ST., JACK.SONVÎLEE, has a line stock of Millinery good; An obi ;.hy='ri.ui. rii, I irmi ai-live Fruit trees need no irrigation in was patented February 221I, 1887, ter home with them, so he went pr ii-li-' ■ li.i-.i-'z bad piar -•! in fó - luimla which she will sell at cost. (¡•■ni’ ( oritru« 1« i in this climate. This fact lias been ful- with No. 30 screen It crtrdr.n * home with two young ladies who [6-24-it 1 y a:i i.. I ludia Mi« :.»liare Ilio b-rn ula 1 d. : l.().ir lulls ¡>. ■ capacity is eight tons per «lay and live out of town. Mr. Riddle was <■! a simpl-i veueta'ih.- r--m .iv I- r tin- J. w. I Jennett is still sawing t g rod soil and are not visited bv will run suece.'sfully with greatly surprised to be so harshly b.t -p Jv /.'i I : iTìnant-nt u’i!“ «>f < «»tiN'i!i;p- 1 near Waldo. Mr B. IS fro it- especially when they slope power. We are -peaking now of a treated and says he does not feel tioi. Bronchi'i*, Catarrh« AMliina, and his 1 *i!l Thr mí ir» i ! n» ; ; i -. i;«•:•** ift-T li iv- improving in health, we are glad tJ away from the morning sun hence, six-stamp mill. '1 he weight of the ' conscious of having given cause for ing ¡li.iro’i-tìtly t ?*te I il* w«>n«l riul say. Boots and Shoes, prune; and peach orchards ought entire mill, .a ni’gamiting pin and such awfully rude conduct. i cm tei j Work a Specialty, 1ivr’ p- 'A r i:i 1 h'iMF’iind.s ♦»« c:i m *.4. le* is it L illian D idi . ev . — Thrv :ire the — ili* (biry ! ) iii.ik’ it known tu hi* i-udici- Old lady iiawycr, near Kerby, i.-> t > be planted on them for a sure all. ¡13800 [> >'.i;i is. The heaviest juz follow*. Til * r :ti t’f l«»aH somewhat improved after a louy. crop. Ex-county commissioner Jas. piece weighs 450 pounds, while no Bl STAND CHEAPEST IN THE From Wildorvllle. v h*> m.iv «Ì: -’.r.‘ it, witi> {’.J ¿ rectior- Prompt Attention gfwii to all Or.lvr« MARKET. [526111 ell of;. kness, we arc pleased to Necla informs us lie planted a peach other piece will weigh over 200 f-»r prup.iring and *-;u»i> ••- .i» ;• Ad orchard 3 « years ago in one of these pounds. It can pe packed any It seems a if old J., k Frost is on lv Ix-ller («-Ulti dre-**, v,¡th i-!.uni’, nanòri : thi* paper, protected places which has born a where. The amalgamating pan a general spree this season. Please Ih;. M. E. CA>S, Kerbvvi'd; i • working hard f< r a Lilt crop every year since the first forms the bv THE CELEBRATED Brick! Brick!! Brick!!! I th? mill. Tin old fellow, give u. a rest. ucee-'itil fourth of July celebration cron. The hint is a broad one. t hammers Weigh 185 pran is. they Mi-.. es Emma and Martha Ann- ’0 A a p a::d they have favorable in lieatioiis iu •'llACKMETACK” listisc ;-.n«l fra u u I < 1 M ♦ i ti ', J . Tin>rv >rtii drop six in-lie; a 11 m. ike 900 beats tro-.ig of Jacksonville. who have ( he ipfi than the ( licapcst, for such. grant ¡*-r;‘tn;«*. Price un«i < i cenh a' our per minute on rotary be I. grinding been visiting friends in this section, of Smith river. Cal., called at B i ; BT H. For nil.- at Kr.-m r'e dru,- Mor!». + S. U. Mil hell is having his resi office for a pleasant chat, an«l to an 1 beating automatically, hoisting hate returned home. AT LAldl. - I I <«Uh worth P" dence finished in cottage style. With Fece nt ImprovcmenU. subscribe sub ribs for the C ourier ovrier . The by concentric motion entirely new. Miss Bell Wade, who has taught .«■•ruing? !■ yon think ho . u.**e Gjlmoru’ The hammers cm I k * removed and a successful term of school at Je Anv “ui will tell vri timi th'H re • ................... Dr. was enroute to San Francisco Franci Aromatic V» ine. Kremer kc»:ps it. $ bed replace'! without in? mvenience rome Prairie, v. iil commence a term II » wium | pM*lt J h »*<►»•.■*•;<j cmnplett! < ¡4I it very much. wl; le lie will take the steamer f >r vanir Elrrtrir i’iitffrv. with !\. iiivr h * i «I V O\VfrC AV C \\X I a \\ t r We learn that Mr. Tycer'-> son. Smith river. Chas. Trefethen and These mills are ■ >ld for $8<x> for a of school at the Slate creek school Nr^.div! ¡‘».I <, iln*rc;< r» . by it we» BRICK VARI). T»*5ults, aro Acker’s Dyrpcp i Ti-bl.ts. who has been very sick with diph Josiah Il.iin caini >e across the six-stamp mill, which in hides the house soon. init the <*h*<*tri« il current* to the i.w» lleco.iimcnded by physki.—s au Jcn lur -1 am llgam iting pan and all complete. nt rue cvntciM o( the human ho lv, tini» tains with him. Mr. T- inform ■ u-, Ail kiii.!» <>f Why don't 'ome one introduce a ch .rw'iiikf Ih«* H)ctciii with Ihrtt mo*I po ly all who have us. d them. 1«.el> st theria over in Sucker creek valley, that R. I). I), Hume is building a They run with jmt one third the portable sawmill into this section tent oi nature'.* r^medic*. I’Jcrfrn ity, hr rcmedy for Drcpepaia, Flatulency,t: I Con is now out of danger. usual p iwer, a 1 ar? nr.tch more stipation. G uarantocil, end told at L5c. hy brea kwatcr at the niauth of Smith and saw up some of the fine oak m I I ami citritiniKHif* currei.t*, < au in# m» MASONRY WORK Mrs. J. A. Matney of Indv]>en- rivi er. and otherwise pushing around -imple a id ire <la able. Wc advri'? and pine timlx-r that w ill otherwise I hk I ì I v tli-*'«»mfiat, v lii!u ai I ìdi » tiittircl«» W. F. Kremer. dence, 1 formerly of Missouri), is in hio progressive way. A our mining 1.1 ?;i to coaler with Mr ctpiiili/c thr.i ir« «il.»t|oiiH hv Mi •n^tlirn- 7 T»-'!•!•<!* <’f Dollars staying with her sister, Mrs. J. R rac :e track is being prepared near I’ay ne. or call at hi« offi e in East have to be dedroye I by the settler in,» anti r»’\it jlunni th« ulmlo nerve mm - Prompt h ami mntly »Munit I thprvhy givni.' ^urc relief to tin* fol »peilt e-.iTV V cur l'V Ille pl« | " of tlli» Jennings, of thi, place. Portland befne buyin.; quartz 1:11 should lie wish to clear off hi i land? ten», We estbrook .......... .. ks place. ,___ lowing «li u< and u- ikii«--' - ( old »t st-' for «orifil»-" medicine« for 1 l.e < nre Would a turpentine distillery pat chinery els -where. I xtrrinifi« **, Khriinidii*m, Neurnluin, D. W. Hardin has just finished < f t'.ii' it and lung di-ea-1'», vhen « • Childrc — s ’ Dav was observed by here? The writer h is b txed the II td.u’l", S ia <' i * Pvbility, ('oii*tipa kirn'., ii Ihey »onld «>nly inv. t tl in the burning of a kiln of 150,oxa The Ball. yellow pine, and find that it ex timi, L\*|h’p*ii, I >i r-« • 11 oi Kilm-XMithd Santa Al i-. Ihc new California «h'i-overy brick which arc pronounced by ex the Sunday school and congregation Spine. Lame it nd ik Buk, Stil’ and at the Methodist church last Sab Most excelk-n’ ,ri angentents have tides a very fine crude tnrjx-ntine. for eonsiimption au'l kindred enmplaint-, >»nj Joint* ami Mm*» !< - St minai E id Ì f - tliey wo-ild in thi-» pli-a-ant re>n««lv llml perts as being of superior quality. bath The services which were Ijcett made fu the Ball at Grant' and that too. 111 sufficient quantities hion*, limi r*i <•< i.ilh rtM.onimi mic i for till rnli'-f. It i» reconnnemie«! by minia r». For Parlor Suits, Bedroom Suits, composed of reading, recitations and Pass on the Fourth. to justify an experiment by those I cimile Complaint*. phvRician» and pubiie »!> ak»-rs of the and Wall-paper, goto A. J. Sedge'- singing, were exceedingly interest Mh.s. ( Il II \SKELL. Prof. Ganiard ■ G. ind Orchestra, who would wish to embark in the u Stute Bol I an* -”1 «r l"lee 1 W. F. Kn-o-r ut )1 u tx'lll’*- Tlirt e ! r Furniture Store, opposite the Round ing an 1 highly appreciated by all from Asliìati I. ba; been engage 1 t > Ira in -ss. I enclose an article, dip left at ( ifv Eiuz Stori will re '1 :ie m—t »tidil; a-n I .1- of « atarrh house. pr .- cut. The obje.-t of this service fumi h mu a . 6-241111 pc-d from an ca tern paper, givine ti OnUir* • prompt uttrntion. 6-10-lni will »peedily suceumb to California < d- is to raise money for the Childrens' an incite into the industry as car The S'Jjrp. r wdl I k * the I I. C. Hendrix and »i..-. with R-«-um Six months treutinent f-.r )1. Bin; RIFFE) HAIt^. Ehi- iti m Fund, for the purpose of ried r ii id die turpentine regions of set in the t .wn. their little boy, started for Lal-ay- By mail 51.10, the wrath. The commit', -e i ■ savins ette on Tuesday evening's train, educating young men for the min Bv tirine <»! vi »•»*• duly i « i l SHII.oH S ( ATARRH REMEDY—» istry. Its observance by the church pense in m .kin , this the fu I like to sec the intcrc>t th • Cov ■ H of th«* Cir« I i ’•> r! <»f i’liiiH* 'U’e-t »4 l>< |w»t, on th ilr»>4<l Truck. poitive eure for « atarrh. ilifditheri», and where they will remain for a time, is of recent date, a- d the success at ever given 1:1 the eo-.inty. arm has lx tn taking ill tiehalf of < «> intv, St th* oi ( >n-j*»11, «»h th 1 I ii Ji' «•anker m»"ilh F-r lato at KrMMra fc Sheriff T. G. Patterson and wi! tending it so far, has surpassed all AMHI.ANP, <»KE<iO\. nf May, |H*7, and to hi « ’ <lir »rh* I uti-l »I» our comity and county •scat. s-. at. The druz «fort» ;»?1 I In one of ott local garden-» is a people of Grants Pass have enter- li\Ted. ill U ut oí wtl¡/¡ r I’i’H* the exjK-ctations of those having tlie «VE WARR AXT Gilnoie.* M i/m-tie l.tiiiil»»*r (’« mi pauv, *n«l H/aiirt M.try Elixir to relieve the A»thm» in <>ne min but went on to Ashland I u< >day nutter in cltarge. du oldj^t is most licuutiful j!it and one which pri sc and public spirit They can- Ta' - r, I will *4*11 .at p’ihi;»’ «virtioii to the jntiful liberality of ute. Kremer h in it for »ule. I We are sorry to say Mr. I’, is no worthy <»f the j.atr ciage of all illu*trati - T>r<l fur th«* high** 1 l»i I I r (or u.a- li in li «n«l, ut th«* not aff >r.l tube to I k * otherwise; otherwi I" asset V-. - iiiuio l.iti«>n<* (■ r I'liiiiiii«-». ,- »red section of the better. Court lf»» i’-«’ <l»K>r in (»rant* i’.i**, < utili I'. i - k tigers i irrji-d to "ud from th«- H«*l«-I ate interested in higher education. •AV X’v¿\<V ’ ■ tree of four years bu anci n Man who ha 1 not public ty and r«* .if«»r»,*.iid, on Grain and hay crops are letter in FREE of CHARGE. Two ladies called at our office Booth«r at Laad. It 1» tl.e nnly *af» led so with luscioti-i spirit, act ntnodalioii and enter- Fatarday, 1-th, I prise, will gc ■t kit in the lurch. The ul 2 <’’a'l«R medicine y<*t msde tbat will remore all th:.« countv this year than tost, and thi' week to expre’s tlicjr thanks 1'ntro’i« sift 1» -oif p - «I wiih Hot and ;ht readily mistake k J», hi of Mjid d.i> , .ill ! ho right lufanti edisordvrs. h containy na Oj»"W grass is much better. to us for our failing to notice cer » -i 1 i ir i • ? < ■ 1 f. ■ nd '!;( ■- f . ' 1* >r i ■•bl llntlie from th» r siiKNW willow studde 1 with railroad will soon lx* completed, ard er JZ yli o. hui r'»-'« t - « 1 ’' me men of enterprise in and t-»th« f<».'i»-umg «!a ^ ril»** i land Maith of Hay« hill is then will ca tain gossips that was going the WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, red. On one small talé fi vin ¡1 un. l oso íä cef - b «a J iti and public s ipirit, and to them will und pt' rid*»** to-uit fx»l numi» r»! v n to this side of it. r ran Is. Fear not; we are not in that round down with graceful arc'.i W. F. Kremer. ve their patronage, un I I i ill lot 01 j linai I halH*|ot'M Mill Ml vi Muti the people gi Ed. Thompson, one of Oregon’s disgusting business. It i* proper jus ct ve counted ftf Itbx'k tot h* r«** i "K ’ oí J E Tirili*. Jr.** ■OR S^ALE. Corr For Fi’e«. fish commissioners called to see us enough for the people : to discuss .»•3 "OI tier- for the less the btisii less men of the place flr*t .t Idili'i i to ili«? t'iwti <»f* f*.i**. doing. There an- 110 pi’», ar» frsq'ientlv pr*< *»-L-I Ly »wn* »nd Stork at •! »1.» k. adii- one day last week. 1 his congenial actual happ-nings in 1 a sensible boys and birds, i <J vnfl’t i" >be ba' k- *n'’ of :tnes for building up . troni < ir.j’l * I’l-« on l.oyuo way, but lhe Com 1 er : wishes to and stayed on ev< part of lhe .vkl-men. ■ »"*'"/ ,l"' P1"' ;1' gentleman was formerly in the em ,itr niin ii w «• fome-rtv (««'•'*»' «« than the Iw 1 coiitem- all manner the break in stand squarely against a ploy of R D. Hume. if to ■npp»*’ li»* l-a* "" ' ' ditches. (>:»e cannot kidneys <* nci»hl*winit or»n*. At ■ : ■ •if tattling and r. »sing Sj ------- ----- but we scat speculation Most of the Chinese have gone which eminites alone from del»a*ed • i ■••v i.uU Efvui 1 mix »fiance a:ri ai a an 1 pn*«ent. flat ryi.iptotns of in<liseHi««i from \\ Kerby anti Althouse and sensual mm ! not to the extent resume it v tv of rubi lienefit such an ent erprí-»c wo iî ! 1 be nieiK-v, tmeseines* 1 —fSentin* 1 I4fh <ln • k I tn the extension 01 the C. A inoietnr»-. ’ike 1”»'-' to that ¡». hv . Ii i* a biig ti:ling t» aid discuss them in dc- a v«-rv «Usar reeabl«' itch of them have >ne to ’ c men 1. lh< ■1 for bil- I k - sure, lint the: Avoid th are willing to “whack” warm, i» » «•••mtn -n agon road. Cathartic at the bottom of i t. tirait can carry whenever «»p|x>rtunitv lovedinR soil iu-hinz 1 lave Itcn the enterprise to c- »mple tion. if •side «»> I. tritìi» (reit to the spplk-»tio«II'r itself and wc will d in! tk •TV ackuow! «line» - d«.nt thro w to tiracili cold Rerocdv, which ’• v » to merit I or fiinhar l .r- parts ette« te<L «bs dy for tor- ’■ ater 0:1 the projeirt, atw 1 no otic be g<j>»d mciniit; I.« olfi. e. Lying th ■ inters.* •u* and the loo-K-r 1>\ it. Hy all 1 VOI NKER. E. A. ESTES, Tropical Frails, Staple and Fancy G ROCERIES Blacksmiths and Horse Shoers, John Deere Moline Walking New Millinery Store. Millinery and Dressmaking lllHilWHIU HEIHTS - Marble Works«** Moróle, Stone or Granite. Di, Grey's AcmeGal/anicElecIri c D. W. HARDIN’S ile Sulfur Splines Hclel 0.GANIARD, - Propiietor. pyrnia’v -t «-’in* 1 «lo- Dr. Bo-auk«» S..M In- IV. F Kr--1 J Ï