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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1887)
1 —W- ? T’ W J. WIMER ' TO ADVERTISERS •* * > ll. - Publisher. 1 SrHSCRIPTlOX H l TES, One Year (in advance) Six Month*. Three Moutlia Slagle ( ■ ci.'. ¿5 ,7 *- m ■ ft 1 M H < /■ 1H ggg Job Printing of all Kinds —IN THR— An Independent Paper, Devoted Especially to the Interests of Southern Oregon. Very Latest and Best Styles, lowest — AND AT THB— Ijivinir LINES OF TRAVEL. VOI GRANT'S PASS. JOSEPHINE (’OCNTY. OR.. FRIDAY JI N E 2 I. iss. "HURRA GRANT’S PASS, HURRA!" CAMPBELL à TUFF CAN NOW BO 1ST OF HAVING THE FINKST ACIFIC OPULAR icturesque 1) AILROAD K OUTE 1'ANGES 225 MILES SHORTER! 20 HOURS' LESS TIME! Accommodations Unsurpassed for Com fort an.l Safety !—Fares and Freights via. Yaquina and the Oregon De velopment Co 's Steamships mivh less than by any other routo between all points in the Willamette Valley and Sai Francisco'! DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS (Except Sundays) /.tí UY 'Lear«. Yaqnina 7 .00 a m Albany 1 :30 p in .4 rriee. Arrive. < 'orvallis 111 :38 a m Corvallis 2 :02 p ID Albany 11 :10 a in Yaquina 5 :40 p HI O. A ('. trains connect at Aiuany ami Corvallis. STORE ROOM IN SOUTHERN OREGON. —o- Bargains! Bargains! Bargains! On their Cheap Counters in all *n<-h lines a» DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS The eyes are always iu sympathy with the hotly, and afford an excellent index ot its condition. When the eyes become weak, and the lids inflamed ami sore, it is an evidence that the system has become disordered by Scrofula, lor which Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best known remedy. Scrofula, which produced a painful in flammation in my eyes, caused me much suffering fur a number of years. By the advice of a physician I commenced taking Ayer s Sarsaparilla. After using this medicine a short time I was completely Cured AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, TOBACCOS, CIGARS, ETC. ■<> My eyes are now* in a splendid condi tion. and I am as w ell and strong ase\ er. — Mrs. William Gage, Concord, N . 11. For numlwr of years I was troubled with a humor in my eyes, and was unable to obtain any relief until 1 commenced using Ayer’s Sai&upurilla. This medi cine has effected a complete enre, and I believe it to )»e tire best of blood puri fiers. — C. E. Upton, Nashua, N. H. From chil Ibood, and until with a few* months, 1 have been afflicted with W< ak and Sore Eyes. I have used fur these complaints, with beneficial results. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and consider it a great blood purifier. — Mrs. C. Phillips, (.¡lover, Vt. I suffered for a year with inflamma tion in my left rye. Three ulcers formed on the ball, depriving me uf sight, and causing great pain. After trying many other remedies, to no purpose, I was Anal ly induced to use Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. NO. 13. w hich a pine 24 inches in diameter, hears The Rjilrojd Commissioner' north 42 dogs east, 17 feet. \ | ino 8 in ches in di rn‘ter b *ar< north 22 degs. Hon. J. H. Slater and Geo. \V. west. 33 fvet, and dis. cut on claim 38 W iggoner, railniad commissioners, l»eara north .T») fe?t, and lo«*ating monu ment bears < » Oh 87 de^s. 1 ) min. west, were in the city yesterday on their 1148 feet. Thence north 70 di gs east, by return from a trip to Southern Ore improved solar c»»mpas*, var. 19 d »gs. gon. They left at i p. in going on east), 2’M) fe t summit of ridge bearing a tour of inspection over the Oregon vast and west (minus 15), 62*» feet, dry gulch course north (minus 35) 825 fet‘1, Pacific to examine some of the bridges which are reported unsafe. spur I »ears north (plus 13». 925 feet Gulch cours? north west (minus 15) 1025 The law, the wmniissioners state, lift, spur b‘.u - north-west phis 10 |5'M) authorizes them to examine and re feet i i<u c«.rn«‘i No. 2, from which imino* 3.» , a fir 1."» inches in diameter port upon the condition of the road b*ais west l.»lt» feet. Thence north 20 and track as well as the earn ing degs. west t»n oast boundary 3 ’0 feet, cen business. They propose to take ag ter line of claim plus 2’)) (»‘.»feet, set p»st gressive measures to have existing for corn r No. 3, from which (minus 20) discriminations in freight matters a laurel 10 inches in diameter, beam north From 6) degs we«t. Sfcet. \ fir 12 inches in righted bv the railroads. diameter, bears <» 31 degs west. 10 what has already lx-en accomplished feet. Thence south 70 degs. W on north it is evident that they mean busi boundary 675 feet, gulch coumu north .minus l;;o 1500 feet, post corner No. 4, ¡less and will do much toward effect On their return the being the same as corner No. 3 to claim ing this end. 37. (plus 173). from which a fir 12 inches commissioners will meet in execu in diameter, bears south 28 degs. west, tive session in Salem. [Dissemina 13 feet. Thence south 23 degs vast on line between claims 37 and 38, 265 feet; tor. summit of ridge beam east and west (plus MEMORIAL SERMON 33) 6 Ml bet, |»o.<t corner No. 1. the place of beginning, and containing 20. 65 acres. Of Rev. J. P. Coleman, of this City, Delivered at Music Hal! cn Tin* location of this mine is n corded in May 29th, I887. tlie «»iiice of the County (’lerk of Jose phine comity, State of ( hvgon, in Vol 4, Mining Records, page 686. The adjoin T iai —"Men that have put their lives in jeopardy,” 1 Citron. 11-19. ing claimants are Willard Young and Ed (l\>Htiuuetl from bief wwf, 1 ward Sanderson Smith. \ny and all |»vr- sons claiming adversely any |s»rtion of In the preparation of battle, or said Dividend mine or surface ground are required to fib* their adverse claims wit'i i the more fearful charge, there is a the Register of the Fnitu I States Land feeling of uncertainty pervading the Office nt Roseburg, in the county of Doug hearts and minds of all. Men stand las, and State of Oregon, within the sixty No jesting days |»eriod of publication hereof, or tlivx in line like statutes. nor merrymaking It is a time for w»ll be haired by virtue of the Statute. C has . W J ohnston , more serious things. Possibly, a 5-6-(Ods| Register. (¡rant’s Pass, so named uiu-i <»e»ieral (¡rant, is a county scat centrally locate«I in Southern Oregon. It is a progressive railroad town of liMM) inhabitants, and ia the main supply point for a large peart ion of country devoted to mining, lumbering axnculturv and fruit-raising. Climate un excelled The Coi riek lie'ng the only )»aper pub- 1 shed in Joeej hi »e county, with a good • ircu Lit ion in Jickon county, enables it t » tie one of the I es advertising mediums in Saithem Oregoi. For rates, a«lureaa T he (’ot kier , (¡rant's Pass, Oregon. in the army, who afterwards be came earnest and faithful Christians. Men who were ridiculed for their re ligious principles were often found to lie the most faithful in the per formance of their duties. Having committed the care of their souls to him who "marks the sparrows fall," they were ready for any service or danger, whenever duty called. Oil one occasion a little soldier bo> was brought to the hospital maimed and speechless. One morn ing as the surgeon was making his usual rounds, he heard the little suf ferer call out clear and distinctly, "Here." Going to his couch he enquired if there was anything he could do for him. "No," said lie. "the angels were calling the roll in heaven, and I was answering to my name." Turning his face to the wall, he closed his eyes in death. •O, may we triumph no, When all our warfares past; When dying find onr latest foe, I'n ler our feet at last." Comrades our work is nearly done. A few more conflicts, a few j?fir* \ 11 our goods are entirely new and will be exchanged for cash more invasions by death, and we Fares between Corvallis a» <1 Albauy ant! Hau Francisco: • too, will lie numbered with that or farm produce. CAMPBELL it TUFFS, Rail and Cabin $14 Ch). great army that is being marshalled Grant ’ s Pass. Josephine County. Oregon Rai! and Steerage 9 00. in the beyond. That enemy whom WM. M. HOAG, By Taking we escaped on the batttefield, is on General Manager. three bottles of this medicine I have been our track, and sooner or later we CHAS. C. HOGl’K, entirely cured. My sight has been re will have to surrender. We are in stored, and there is no sign of inflamma A. G. F. A P. Agent, Corvallis. tion, sore, or ulcer in my eye.— Kendal that war from which there is no dis T. Bowen, Sugar Tree Ridge, Ohio. MANUFACTURERS OF — charge. When the drum "taps" Oregon Development Company. My daughter, ten years old. was afflict sounds "lights out." we will have ed with Scrofulous Sore Eyes. During First-Class Steamship Line between Lumber, Doors, Windows, the last two years she never saw’ light of to <>!«■> its command. Our great any kind. Physicians of the highest Yaquina and San Francisco, few word are exchanged between leaders are going. Grant, the in standing exerted their skill, but with no Brackets, and Mouldings. Connecting at Y-iqnina with the trains of permanent success. On the recommen comrades concerning loved ones at vincible conquorcr, becomes the con- the Oregon Pacific Railroad Company Mining Application No. 51 dation of a friend I purchased a bottle of liotn' Little keep sakes are left quored. t!„ ! brave ------ --- Logan, the and 1 — 1X1» ALL KINDS OK— Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, which my daughtei I'rom Yaquina,* U nite » S tates L and O ffice , ) commenced taking. Before she had used chivalrous, the pride of the volun with those who are to remain l>e- Willamette Valiev, Saturday. . May ID. the third bottle her Right was restored. Roseburg, Or., May 4. 1887.Í liind, with instructions to forward teer soldier, whose eagle eye blazed Eastern Oregon, Tuesday Her cure is complete. — W. E. Suther NOTICE is hereby given that Willard them to friends if the owner did not Willamette Valley Saturday. June with unutterable brilliancy, as he land, Evangelist, Shelby City, Ky. ft Young, w hose post office address is Cas- Eastern Oregon, “ Suddenly, there is the re swept along his wavering lines like cade Locks, Wasco county, Oregon, has return. Willamette Valley Thursday Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, Ibis day filed his application for a patent port of a canon as a signal to ad- . a very god of war, whose clarion Eastern Oregon, Friday Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver X < ’o., Lowell, M. . for 15t>) linear feet of the “Mummit” mine vance. The word is passed along1 notes rang out above the din and Wiilan.ette Valiev, Tues lav Hold by all Druggist«. Price $1; six botlh ►, $5. or vein bearing gold, with surface ground the line; men grasp their muskets —The Introduction of - Emdern Oregon, Wednesday roar of battle, while cheering his d'M) feet in width, situated in (¡rave (’reek From San -Frantitco: When the or Mining District, County of Josephine, and more firmly, and with quick, steady ! men on to victory. Mining Application No. 49. Willamette Valley, Monday 1 State <if Oregon, and designated by the steps move forward. The enemy ders came from head-quarters, quiet Eastern Oregon, Tuesday field noh’A and olfieial plat on lile in this opens fire with occasional shot, re ly answered, "I am ready.” ) U nititi Sr item L anh ( ) ffk f , office as lot No. .’¡9, in iinsiirvovod lands. minding you of the disconnected Willamette Valiev, Saturday Among all that mighty host of Roseburg, Or., Mav 4, 18N7.( Eastern Oregon, Sunday Said lol being (ieserihed as follows, to-wit : HAS ENABLED THEM TO REDUCE PRICES FIFTY PER patter of hail u | m > ii the roof. Pies great Captains who achieved such Willamette Valley, Thursday ■ NOTICE ¡ m hereby given that Willard lh‘ginning at a ¡»st set in a mound of Eastern Oregon, Friday Young, whose |w»st office address is ( as stun • 4 feet square for corner No. 1, from ently there breaks forth one contin- world renowned tame as successful CENT. BELOW ALL FORMICR RATES. Willamette Fallev, Tuesduv «•ade LocLs, Wasco county, Oregon, lit-* whit h loc ding monument Ijears north til ual roar of musketry and artilerv. leaders of the union armies, but two Eastern Oregon, Wednesday thisdav tiled his application fora p.itent d<*gs. 15 min. east, ! 14 feet. I run north Gn at gaps are made in the lines, remain. S. P D. &. L. Co. When they are gone, the for 1500 linear feet of the “St. I'vtura” 20 (legs, west on line between claims 37 men fall like grass before the scythe, last link that binds us to the great The Company reserves the and 30, (var 10 degs. 30 min. east) 3 Mt mine or vein, b'aring gold, with surface change steamers or sailing dates. Grant's Pass, Oregon. But their ground (>‘M) feet in width, wituated jn fret, |H»st corner No. 2 of claim 37. and but the ranks close up and still thej past will lx? se vered. S B TOBY, Gen. F. A P. Agent 'Pile colors go down, but names and the memory of their no- (¡rave ('reek Mining District. Count) <»t center line of claim 30, fl)0 feet, a fir 14 press on. 2D4 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. los.'phine, and St ate of Oregon, and des inches in diameter, mark it for corner No. are seized by willing hands and ble deeds, will lie forever enshrined T '4ltf ignated by the field notes, and official plat 2, from which (minus 50; a fir 30 Inches liorne alxive the smoke of battle. in the affections of their greatful on file in this office as lot No. 37. in un- in diameter bears south is dugs, east, 23 and -urveyeil lands. Said lot No. 37 being feet. Then«;» noith 75 «legs. 30 min. wcat Minutes crowd into hours, and countrymen, while high on "the OVERLAM) TO CALIFORNIA o:i north hound.oy, 1500 feet. Set |x»sl hours into davs; where a life time is scroll of fame, side by side with the as follows, to-wit : ( in am 's P ass , < I ufuo . v descrilaMj C. ir . nek M ain A F hoxt S ts , —VIA— There being no public sin vev or estab fot* corner N<>. 3, from which (minus 25D) | spanned by a moment; no note of great licnefactors of mankind, will lished corneiM within the re«|iiircd limit . a laurel tl inches in diameter ÍM‘iirs west tune is taken. Finally theeneinic’s stand the immortal triumvirate, our Oregon & California R. R I therefore establish a locating monu 141 • loot. A laurel fi inches in diameter •o- ment, or initial point with which to con I" irs south 02 degs. east, 22 feet. I'lience works are gained; then comes the \\ ashington, Lincoln and Grant. AND CONNECTIONS. nect said Murvev. Said monument con south 20 «legs, east on end line parallel hand to hand struggle with bayo Let tis cherish the memory of our sists of a trap rock in plac«*, 8 by 10 fe. t with end line of claim No. 37,425 feet,' nets, swords, clublied muskets, re fallen comrades who have heard the Having opened a Family Grocery, I hereby announce to tin “ public that TEE MT. SHASTA ROUTE. at the ban* and 8 feet liigli, and marked summit of ridge In ara east and west (phis volvers, hand spikes and even stones last roll call, and are now numbered on the south side thereof with the letters "3 , ILK) feet, set post corner No. 4, fi«»ni I have a new and well selected stock of S. P. cut w ith a chisel in the rock. From which (minus 10? a yellow pine, 24 in are hurled at each other as was the with the "silent Grand Army." Close Connections made at Ashland and . fought _ ’ nobly _ and well, _ _____ with the stages of the California, Oregon locating monument, Sexton mountain ches in diameter, ln?ars south 85 degs. | [case in the desperate charge at the They GROCERIES. CONFIiCTIONERIES AM» TABLE WARE. the bears S 3T> deg. 20 min W, about fl miles. west, 14 feet. Discovery sh ift and < ut I battle of Gettysburg. A Idaho Stage Coinjsiny. Some of the ' we trust have received the victors ls*ar north 1.» degs. cast, 250 feet Thence Dutchmans Peak in the Siskiyou moun fiercest conflicts ever recorded in crown. Let ns see to it *hat we Bought since the Sweeping Reduction in freight*, from the East, and tains near the State lim* bears S 1 . south 75 <!egs. 30 min east on south Only 20 Miles of Staging. boundary 13 )0 feet, post corner nt place the annals of war wcurred around have on the uniform of the great W. Dyserts h vilraulic mine on To n F ist marked down at Bottom Prices. I also sell the Timo between Grants Pass and San Fran creek bears S 52 (lega. W. rettingills'"t beginning phis 23.» . containing 17. 04 the colors ol the contending forces captain at.d lie ready to cuter the cisco, 27 hours. hoUMC on <«rave er«*« k Ijears S 30 degs. 20 acrcH. Flags were taken and retaken until "golden gates." Be as true in your CELEBRATED DAVIS VERTICAL SEWING MACHINE. The liM*ati«»n <<f Ibis mine in recorded in min W. Said monument is located on the ground would Ix'ditterly cover devotion ami defense of the banner CALIFORNIA EXPRESS TRAINS d X ily . the summit of Mt St. Peter, on the'livide I he (»dice <»l the ('oniil v < lerk of J<»nephine which has no equal in ease of management and great range of work. between < »ra\e and Coyote Creeks, and ('•»iinty, Oregon, iif Vol. 1, Minin,r lie- ed with the slain. At the close of ■t king Emanttal as you have lieen North. S"iith. l’roin May 1, 1887. at the head of Tom East creek I com cords, on page G31. The a<ljoining ula.m the day when men gathered for the in your allegiance to the dear oid 4:00 p m Lv, Portland Ar. M:10a ■ Mv object is to make it to the interest of those having cash or pro menced said survey at the S W c«»rner at ants are Edward Sanderson Smith and evening roll-call, how few of the flag that now waves in triumph from 7 :00 a m “ Grants Pass Lv. 7 :0."> |> ill Any and all persons post No. 1, from which the I'H-ating m« n- Willard Young. brave fellows are there to answer to the rock ribbed shores of New En duce. to trade with me. 5:00 “ 0:00 am Ar. \shland “ mnent Iwars N 30 degs. E, 523 tm t, and a claiming advrrwlv any portion of said their names. All around you are gland to the flowery coasts of Flo Summit mine, or Miirfarc ground are re- white oak 10 inches in diameter bears N Pallnai Bur Sleepers 38 «legs. W 1 i feet, and a black-oak 13 «piir- d to file their a I verse chaini.« with white faces turned up to the stars tilla and to the sunny slojies of the inches in diameter bears N 10 «legs W I I the Register of th.* United States Land which have now appeared to keep Pacific But fora kind providence, Daily between Portland and Ashland. leet. Thence I run N 20 degs. W on W Oilice at Ros<*burg, in the county of Doug their silent vigils over the dead. we might have licen stricken down The O. (’. R. R. Ferry makes Con boiimlarv of claim, var 19 degs. 3 • min. las and State of Oregon, during the sixty with the fatal bullet, or have |>er- nection with all the Regular Trains on the But before you do that, come ’round to E. (Instrument used is improved solar d ivs publication hereof, or they will h - “Tlio iinittl"<t drum's xnd roll has ls-i»t Th« * soldiers !a*t tattoo: i-hed with dke.ts.' in the hospital, East Side Division, from foot of F street coiiipass300 fe«*t—center line of claim, barred by virtue of tin* Statute. No more on life's parade sliall meet, STIfOlIIX KEirs HARNESS SIIOI ( ' ham . W. J ohnstox , plus 35. 000 feet—set |s>st tor corner or left to starve amidst the sicken The brave and fallen few. Register. W est S iiik IhvixioM. No. 2, on «livid • Iwf ween < ¡rave and ( ing scenes of a reliel prison. We On fume's eternal camping ground, <»te creeks, from which a fir 3<i in< he- in BETWEEN PORTLAND A CORVALLIS owe it to God. our supreme com Their silent tents are spread; diameter Iwars N 23 degs. W 11 fe« t, a fir While glorv guards with solemn round, man ler, that the few remaining M xil T baix * D aily ( bh eit hi suit .) 40 inches in diameter bears S 70 de,.' E, '1 lie bivouac of ths dead '' years of our lives lie devoted to his 85 feet. Summit shaft l«ears S 70 degs 7:"0ain Lv. Portland Ar. A :15 p tn lb, 340 feet. Then« «* N 70 degs E on N How many homes have been sad service. 12:25 pm Ar. Corvallis Lv. 1:30 “ Isaindary, along hill-side facing north. dened by this days work, and how There is one thing connected EXrXKM VBAIX, DAILY (KXt r.l-r SI SDAV. ’ 1500 feet. Seta post for corner No 3. many hearts will grieve for loved with the closing scenes of the war from which — 13 » a fir 12 in» lies in diame 9 :00 a in 4 :3‘I p in Lv. Portland Ar ones who will never conic again. that I was deprived of, which I have ter Iwars S 28 «legs. W, 15 feet. ( Ut No. H:00 " Ar. McMinville Lv. 1:46 " I'rancaise Silks. 3 I Muirs S 13 degs W, 200 feet. fliencc When news of the battle has liecn always regreted; and that was the Summer Silks. At Ul.aiiy and Corvallis connect with S 20 min. east (»11 east side line 205 feel- received, many names will lie re- grand review held in Washington trains of Oregon and Pacific railroad (or Black Silks. Miimmitof ridge,(-oiirs**east and west plus |x>rted missing and for long weary City. There are none who partici Yaquina Bay. 35. (»00 feet set |>ost forcornrr N«». 4 fiom Albatross Cloths. months, a fond mother waits, still pated in it but what feel a thrill of which — 35a pine 24 inches in dianedcr. Etatiiine Cloths. Corner r and Front Streets. Portlaml. Oreioi. I »cars N 42 degs. east, 17 feet A pine s hoping to greet with loving embrace pleasure as they think of the asso Super Cloths. irn hcs in diameter b ars north 22 degs. R. KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS. her darling Ixiy The wife looks ciations of that occasion. The un west 33 feet. A cabin and spring and Manager. G F. A Paw« ,Agt. Krinkled Stirsinker. down the lane, carefully scruteniz ion ot Grant and Sherman's armies bla» ksniilli simp !>rarw south 54 (legs, Lawns. ing each passing stranger, with a after four years of conflict, march west 250 feet Disc(»very shaft No. 1 and Battistis. longing desire to meet again the ing through the streets of Washing tunnel Iwar north 88 degs. west K<>2 leet And buy a New Set of Hand made l/M’ating monument b-ar- south 87 degs Foil Du Nord. husband from whom she ha«l parted ton. living reviewed by the l’resi Io min. west, 1148 ks*t. Thence south 70 Laces. with the farewell kiss. The sad dent of th.' United States, with HAKNHlStS, or ¿1 S aijpij d“gM. west along south b>midarv. 132 1 Lace Flouncings. maiden fondly lingers over the faded tn nisters and representatives of for feet—summit oil line plus 125, 15 mi feet J. WIMER & SON, I keep even thing in the Harness and Saddlery line, and have one picture and well worn letters, sacred eign countries, and by their great place (,f beginning, and containing 2‘». <’»3 I * \ I.’ \ .-( >LM. of the liest stock of goods ever brought to Southern (tregon. acres nieinentos of one to whom her faith k-iders. The sigh t was grand and We are constantly receiv Have the largest store in Josephine The h> ation of this mine is record'* 1 in I use nothing but the BEST leather. had licen plighted. But the sound imposing to behold. ing the (»flice of the ( minty < lerk of Josephine county, which is «5x32 feet, and two of a familiar i«xit-step will never Oak I I a ri iuss Xi at It* to Or« lor. But O, comrades, there is to l»e county, Oreg»»11, in \ol. 4. Mining Re NEW (¡ODDS a tones, filled with again fall upon her li-tening eat another review, the sublimity and cords, page 038 The adjoining < ’aim- A. J. STROHECKER, - - Grunts Puss, Oregon. ants are Edward " ind»*rson Smith and in tjie latest styles and de Among the last thoughts of the dv in ignitude of whose grandeur no •5-27tf Willard Y«»nug Any and all pcraons signs from the liest East ing soldier are those of home and finite mind can grasp. Before it all claiming adversely any is»rtion of said ern markets. friends. other s encs pale into insignificance. St Peters” mine or sunae«* ground, ar* I “ reipiired At the battle of Lost Mountain. Seated ujhiu his dazeling throne and to file lheir adverse claims with (»rders filled |iroinpt1y the Register of th I'nite«! States Land * Georgia, a heavy detail of men was .urro'.mdv I with a staff of shining Send for Sample- WE BUY FOR ( ASH. Olli» •• at iloscb'irg in the ( «»’intv (»1 fsmg made from each company to care tor couttiers with ten thousand times las, and St it«- of Oregon, during the sixty ANI» AND SELL FOR CASH, the wounded. I happened to ln- ten thousand attending angels, will day* ¡M*ri«sl publication hereof, or they onc of the number. A little soldier lie the supreme c<>tninaii<!cr of the » ill b* barred by virtue of the provisiun- (|f the Statute. was brought to mv text ven sick. armies ot earth utiH skies. At his Bite Hcnest Wfiill nt Measure ( Ills W. J(»HNSTON, I went to the -urgcotts for tnedicit e command the chief uf staff will Register. 18« Firat St., Port'md. Or. >-0-4 »Od 1 SMITH Ï3KOS., - - - Proprietors. but was told that they had no lime Miiuid his bugle hla-t. the thunder t<> look after the sick. 1 called of who echo will awake lite slum- 6th street. Grant»* Pan, Oregon. TRAVELERS,' MINERS' AND Mring Application No. 50. again after dark, but could not find lifting tniilioti from the battle ........ft ..... C xituii LcuiOrncr them. About one «/clock in the fields < f earth; .-.i, and faun uld FARMERS SUPPLIES. Roseburg, <hr.. May 4, 18 AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED night, while passing back and forth ocean - brincy <le«(> they will come, NOTICE i- hwebv given that Will ar I among the sick and wounded, 1 no- hen.e • who have fuiuHit and died in 3 «cmg wlims* Post Office addnw* is Cas Mitchell and Lewis Wagons, Hacks, Buggies and Carts, cade 1/ k«. Wa#M o Conntv, Oreg«»n, ha • T ticed the little soldier h»>v t-i ilinx the 1V - I* Fvf fr,.—<!,,«.< f ., 0s We keep everything needed by the this div fi led hi< tin ----- Also, Agents for tex icw comjXMed of innumerable people <lo\vii by bin «tide and pti the star» in innl my face ckme to Ins in order t< r AKAI 1 A< . 1 XI1 ’l.l'.M HNTS, icuti the sand« the taintent whisper, the little e. n<> traitor t<> Any of which we will exchange for hay and grain. CHEAP FOR CASH OR PRODUCE threw his arms around m\ iix -uprvtue onimati.ler n itli the word Having complete«! our new Stable- wc are now prepared u cd to m tn’h. None Waldo. ... - Oregon spoken, fell b. h7> have *w< rn allegiance the best of accommodations AT REASONABLE RATES (hir soldk crmil King and Cail at the C ourier Job Office for SUGAR PINE DOOR & LUMBER CO HOUSE and STORE FINISHINGS. Ifa B B B a SB ihn The Latest Improved Machinery. New Store New Goods. e 8s : ft ► 4 ft a > » 8 * w I «8 fa 4 New Arrivals. New Livery, Feed ¡md Sale Stable BLACKSMITH SHOP. Superior Job Work Horse Shoeing and Wagon Repairing a Sp< < ialty. ent to the cl lands .,f th ute (»1 tl:- 1 •.uiM. r tuli „1 ♦ Ì - — j 9 E m * 1 Jr ■ Jr ¿ J