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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1887)
A Correction. n». ««•■•» impro»«a Lt»«r Pin». J. Winter & Sou c.f Waldo, have, 1 L. Vance has ojiened a branch' Father F. X. Blanchet mil Misses • < which . ■ • is in Removna Constipation, prevents Malaria. at . Galice creek Katie and Maggie Connell, came The gentlemen who undertook ' the largest general merchandise store , r *r> ______ t _ 1 cures Dyspcpeia, and give» new lifeto the from Waldo ou Wednesday’s to take Grants Pass last week, | store 1.^ the county, and are doing charge of Tommy Clemens who, as »T<tein. Only one for ados«.. Freeanin- ormi Thanks to Sheriff Patterson for over 42-it usua! will obligingly wait on all,; pies at AV. F. Kremer’s stage en r jute for Jacksonville. The and were themselves taken in, more business ever. favors. both great and smalT. [4O-4U , ... ------ - girls will attend St. Mary ’ s Acade were not given three days in the John Bucher, sheriff of Modoc JAN. 14, 188; FRIDAY. The Oregon legislature is now in my at that place. DR. FREELAND, of the M F. church, MH'DLE-AGED MEN who lack vigor cooler for participating in a riot. Co., Cal., has removed his family «av. th.! two bolt!«« of Gilmore'. Aromai K session. Kremer a t The Methodist Workers will give The charge against them was "Dis from Fort i.idweU to Alturas, the tie Wme eurcl hi» w tie of Nervous Hebil- Aru'«»'lc w>»" STATE ANDCOUNTY OFFICIALS Mrs. Yocum is in poor health, we one of their pleasant sociables ou turbing the Peace.” Participating county seat. The Independent says itv and Sleeplessness. Kremer keeps it. • CATARRH CURED, health and sweat state orrictAta: regret to say. TH AT HACKING COUGH can be so I ±-‘*V^",SVnVh,N^HXtt^’ Tuesday evening the 18th, at Music in a riot, is a charge of which a •‘Welcome.” Governor Z. F. Moonr. quickly curod by SHUofes Cure. We guar- N““ Secretary There is a deficiency of rain all Hall, to raise funds to pay for sing Justice of the Peace has no jurisdic R. P. E arhart Judge Colvig has been notified Treasurer over California. an tee it tor .ale by Kremer. t __ _ ing books for the church. Admis tion. E. litascu I that the $500 subcribed by J. Sen;» tor H B. M iller sion I'X'U. cake and coffee, 15CU. »»tt»r »!»•• o » m F or S ale —One flue fine thorough- Representative J. B. Marshall and John Jones H. r. M itchell Below we present our rea lers with Bourne to the county buildings bred lersev bull twa vears old also Can be truly »«id of that new and efflea- Doors open at half-past six . Pub. Instruction Supt t>re<l jersey Dull tw 2 years otu. also conaumpdon «nd di»- fund, awaits his draft. Mr. Bourne E. B M< E lroy have gone to Coos Bay. an accurate canvass of the business Circuit Judge Hott. I- R- W ebster of thez Tbroat> ch«»t and Lmi»«. J. Wimer & Sons of Waldo, have houses and residences erected in is uot in the least a penurious man some fine thorough Bn)wn Leghorn District .Attorney Arrangements have beeu made to YV m . M C olvig Santa Abie, for it is pleasant to the pal liee-.t having some trouble with one Grant’s Pass during the year end but on the other hand open-handed, chickens, $2.50 per pair. fence Court House block. cointv official »: ate nnd death to a eeld. Every bottte 39-tf] F red C roxton . of their headlights which they use ing Dec. 31, 1886. This list does and is now doing just what his warranted by IY. tV. J. Krauu r, th* .County Judge , Volney Coivi» Phil Dessinger's owl died at Ker- for night work in their mining not include a multitude of barns and friends expected he would do. THE WIFE. MOTHER AND M\II> ,".'«¿71» drui’iM. ...» Commissioners byville .1 M. Payne who suffer from Female Weakness, will on Jan. 7th. 1^87. claim. Messrs. Greene & Son, and other out-houses, fences &c., nor Simeon Ale■ s.-nger f Dauie! W. Jounsou, Joseph E. find Gilmore's Aromatic Wine a positive ( lerk C K, MR. A. IHGGINH,of Wyoming. N. Y , The Ben Bull bridge has lieeti O. II. Starr, of this city, repaired it does it include the expense necessa Dasher and Henry Green, all of Kan- Cure. Kremer lias it for sale. I ' ’:iys ......... Treasurer ' J W. Howard he had the Piles for nearly 40 »ears, in fine style. ry to go on and complete many of <as, called on us yesterday in search condemned by the county court. ,'inrlll SHILOH'S VITAI.IZER is what you ami was cured br lining GII mon *» Pile T. G. Patterson the houses already built. T * Fifty- of vacant land. We have directed Schoo ’ Superintendent County Commissioner J. M Ed. F. Hathaway noed for Constipation Loss of Appetite, Hpccilic. Go to Kremer’s tor it. * Further news from the Johnson —J them to the Deer creek and Illinois Duxinewt, and all nymtoma of Dvnpepnia. C ikcvit Covrr- ■—Convene» on the Second failure at Medford, are discouraging. Payne complains that the Althouse nine dwellings were erected, and Cure For Pile«. * — » It Aloudav in April, and First Monday ill mail does not make proper connec thirty-three business houses—in all valleys, and hope they may Ite well Price 10and T5 cent» |>ei bottle t November E. C. Landers of the Ashland tion with tlie main line at Waldo. uiuely-two: Piles are frequently preceded by a sen*’ I cared for by the people ot thosc J ^r sale at Kremer e drug store C ounty C ourt —Convenes on the First roller mills, was in town a few days This is caused by the change of The attention of Road Supervis ; of weight in the back, ioins »nd lower niiSIDXNCXS. sections. j part of th» abdomen, eauaing the patient Monday in January, April, July and ago. ors is called to the fact that the un schedule on the main line increas A. II. Ahlf . 300 00, $ Keptemlier On last Saturday, J.W. Hannon, dersigned wants to paint Guide I to »uppoae lie ba» aome affection oitlh» I kidney» or neighboring organ». At time», Grandma Taylor is now at Med ing the time. A petition should be A. Behtue. 35° 00 F. W. Chausc, E. A. Wimer, C. Boards at ten cents per letter, com avuiptonm of indigestion are present, flat OUR BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ford where Dr. Geary is treating her gotten up correcting the defect. 400 00 ! Prof. H. L- Benson Messenger, J: W. I.iudsay and E. plete at his shop in Grants Pa is. ulency, uneasiness of the «toinach, etc. eyes. 1,000 00 F. Layton, all pupils of the Eureka A moisture, like prespenrtion, producing C. L. Gray deserves credit for or Judge Davis Brower 40 2t J. A. F reasvre . ORANT'S PASS. a very disagreeable itching, after getting 300 00 High School, came bolting into our Wni. Newrath has a fine well of! ganizing a string band at this place, Bunch Bros., 2 resideu's GENERAL MKBCUASDIHE. I ANSON IIOUGll, of Blackberry, Ills , I warm, is a c"mm"n attendant. Blind, 700 00 office with cheeks all aglow with water just finished, the water being something long needed. It con Major Buttles J.. Wiser—Cor. 6th mid II Htreet». says he owes his lite to Gilmore’s Mag Bleeding and Itching Piles yield at once sists of C. I, Gray. Walter Jordan, W. L. Blackburn 75° o° honest manhood, having walked netic Elixir. Try it. It is for sale at ' to the application of Dr. Bo«anko'a Pile Gr.o. W R iddle —Maili »’ , near 5th. choice. Jack Chapman 700 001 C.iMi-Hi Lt iTurvi—cor. Sth A H from »chool, a distance of about eight Kremer’s drug store. Remedy, which Bets directly upon tho William Jordan and Frank Jordan. ‘ Judge Strahan has decided that S. P. 1). A I. Co — offie • and »tore cor- 1 part« effected, absorbing the Tumors, si* ........... 300 00 miles. In looking them over we They have just received a fine first S. Corm.t WILL YOU SUFFER with Drsjsvstia laying the intense itching, and e.Tectiug a Cth and Main »treets. the Kcady liquor law is unconstitu-. 275 00 failed to detect any weak points ’ and Liver Complaint f Shiloh'» Vitaliacr violin from Chicago, and a large T M. Cathcart ill s v n.iiuer .K>rnl ment cure. Price 50 cents. Addre««, grot Hams. 1 tional. 150 00 among them, such as a cigar dud- j is guaranteed to euro you. Go to Kro- Ybe Dr. Bosanko Mediclno Co.. Piqua, 0. bass viol from Kholer & Chase, Win. Dickinson J. M C hiles —-cor. 4th and Main st«. Hon. U.S. Davenport 250 00 ishly held between two fingers, lui r’s drug store nnd get it. M«>1»1 hv F Kromer, Grant's Pass J. A. Jennings has treated his Portland. Look out for them. Hold by W W. F. J B. M irhk ill Ai'oj.—eor 7th A 'Lun. C. Edgerton 200 OO gaudy jewelry, large oaths or other residence and fence to a handsome I Git: iu A C hai m in —Main st near 6th. No» Ila» I'allh. The daughters of ‘ the white J. A. Pressure E. MARTIN 4 CO. 400 OC indications of worthlessness. On E. A. E stes —Main st., bet. 4th 4 Sth. ____ coat of paint. I had ____ l>een __________ troubled all ____ winter with cold man's friend,” old Umpqua Joe, are G. C. Farr. 250 OO the coutrary, they were the embodi- ami ¡.ain in the chest and got no relief a rro BRET s - at - la w • .1 Col. Bums occupies the proud distinct- Senator H. B. Miller, and Repre proceeding to homestead their tarms C. L. Gray 450 OO nient of a lot of good boys on the from tn reuiedie» recommended by 1 ruggltts ¡OI) o)- repre»«ntink; the oldest and most D avis B rower —6th «! n< ar Postoffic'1. 1 lb\ ’ U'i.iiis At th" «aine time I was ri.ljablF b„llg<1 inthe trade in the United S U. MiTcnxM —Main st next door to sentative S. U. Mitchell went to Sa-! where Joe and Pico fought their Wm. Griffin. 400 OO sure road to useful manhood. 1 Dr. 1 lent a few days ago. deadly battle recently. The place Sam Gerky L.»*ank’>M ( <wh an<’ States, anti he again greets his many Cot RtER offie?. 400 OO «« . W. »» . Scott vjvvvi and Msix.« Marcus i»iaivno| Lung cv Syrup. --- r’ I had lUHl little littlO faith tHltll, ......... iHlt I , friend*, reminding Watt» ! ml! •».» lliuinthat tli® ofinentv Messrs. W* S am W hite —Main st , bet. 4th an 1 5th them that the Beasoit 600 OO Day. the gentlemen who recently Fifteen supervisors reported and > is a good home, having a fine or J. S. Gage ,o ,r-v il "" “"‘J«; DRVG BToaEH of "peace on earth and good will toward chard on it. It is said a large peach 7 believe even more than they te.l me oi its men" is rapidly approaching, when pros- 700 OO N ational Dni <; S toig :—M.iin “t imirGth. were discharged. The total amount crop almost went to waste there last Mrs. E. A. Griffith live qualities. (From ihe News. perity and generosity go hand in hand, S. A. Greene 250 OO came out from Iowa with Mr. Cole- C ity D hvu S tore —Main st bet Gilt A 7th. paid them was $460. , man, returned last week. They ex- Elixabethtown. Kv.) Sample bottle five and the whole civilised world oeeks for season. John Goodell . .. 75 00 pressed themselves as being well 'cents at W. F. Kremi'r’». rHYBK'IAXS AND BVRftKO.NA The shortage in the account of tlioso tributes and mementoes which Dr. Chas. W. Beaconi of this city, Thomas Hood 700 OO W F. K ramer —it National Drtu Store. ex-Sheriff Hervy of this county has SLEEP1.ESS made misera- serve to bind closer the friends of fleeting has just completed a very neat build S. E. Harkness 400 OO pleased with Southern Oregon and F. W. V anuyk —Main st bet Btli and 7th. I all been paid by hint. years. After the hill comes the storm, AV. H. F lanagan —6th street liciow H. ing on Front street, which he pro Mr. Helman.................... 150 OO wer. particularly delighted with the I b|0 bv that terrible cough. Shiloh’» Cure the season of depression is rapidly passing climate. They expect to dispose of is thé remedy lor you. Kremer's dru» ‘ The S. P. I). & L. Co. continue WATCHES AND JEWELRY. away. Tho signs of the times indicate a poses to occupy professionally. The Mrs. Jas. Hunter 200 OO their property in Iowa and remove »tore i» the place to got it t better and more activo future, and in an- to add to their plans until they have carpets ‘and furniture came up on O. T. Hamel T’. I. G ray —cor Main uml 5tti sis. 200 OO to this county within the near future. NERVE LIFE AND VIGOR restored . ticipation of an increased demand for fin» M. V. L oomis —Main st bet 5th and Oth. ' assumed gigautic proportions. Wednesday’s freight train. The D. W. Hardin 450 OO Mr. Scott is an old pioneer, having in men and women by u»eing <iilmore’» «htaklee, he will give iiersonal attention MtSCKLL.lNZOr». Treasurer Howard this week paid office and operating rooms arc nice Dr. 1). S. Holton. 75 00 spent a number of years on the ^mmatic Vine, Fo? sale at Kremer’», to tlie best .at A. J. Srnni:—Fnrnitun-dealer and Archi- . . . . tlrui; ♦ liiiuorH. ilo now oilers to patrons tnc ad'* 200 OO .* <lrug »tore nt orc. the state taxes due from Josephine ly finished. The Doctor is a gradu John Jordan. ... tert—Main st. bet 4t'a and Sth. is an old experienced __ s a vantage of »electing from ttowe tine whla- ate and first class dentist. Try. L. L. Jennings. 650 OO frontier, and AV. 1’ IZEK a S on —Flour and Fee l stere— county, amounting to $1296.90. miner. I Mr. Dav is a voting man of V»i\\x\.C Vk '“»t are fretful. pe»Tl»n, kjCH wb;cb be guarantoi'» will not be ex Main st adjoining Courier I uilding. J. A. Jennings. 800 OO [42lt character, perfectly upright òr wlfe.l o» tho <■<>»«. The firm he repre- Vegetation is growing nicely. I him. sterling character, Sim-iui 4 J i u ’ on —Ilarl vare an 1 Stoves Henry Kelly 1,000 OO >1 in bi« i f,. olnllv T. *£“*•_, r*rtltai ®r hits in Hock J. F. Cutter, Extra. ' and moral his life life. VVe weeds and grass being up several I Our old friend Malachi Baughman —6til street, botwoen Main and H. 11 in Wegladly stomach Disorder. c»n b» wllejed old Bourlioti and Argonaut whütkie» from I so 00 I’lCrNZY 4 C ook —Blacksmiths—H street, inches in pastures and ou the hills, j was in town Tuesday, from Days! S. M. Lane welcome all such to our favored at once by using Acker's Baby Soother. E Martin 4 Co.'s distillery, Ky. Put uj> 4<x) 00 It contains no Opium or Morphine, in half and whole blds , also eases of Cut near corner oi 6th gulch near Kerbvville. for the pur Rev. J. McIntire country. The county court audited the bill 1 N. A. G reene 4 S on —Gmisniiths ami hence 1. safe. Price 25 c«nts. Sold by ter, etc Orders iidreared to John L — Mansfield 600 00 pose of recording mining claims, Machinists—Main st bet 4th and 5th. The following Road Supervisors W. F. Kremer. of expenses of the November term ! lie is sanguine of having discovered . E. E. Moore.................. 80 00 Burns, commercial agent for E. Martin A C ity M arket —Main st near 5tli. of circuit court amounting to $.869. . Co., 4 >S Front street, Han Francisco, will 575 00 ! were appointed for tlie ensuing year, I’Eoi’t k ’ s M arket —Cor Front and 4th st« a very rich quartz ledge and we hope E C. Newell. JAMES SULLIVAN of Salem, Oregon, receive the suiu» careful attention as 500 00 at the last session of the county | suya lie was cured of Asthma bv Gilmore's O. II S tar —Tin Shop—eor lith 4 II sis. '90. it is so, for lie has labored long and I Robt. Poole though the order was given him. Dr. AV Magnetic Elixir. Kremer keeps it. ; I*. 8. S mith —I.ivery stable—11 st lx*t 5th 200 OO court, Jan. 5th, 1887: F. Kremer. agent. Grant's Pass, The ladies of the Episcopalian hard in the mines of the county. • A. W. l’resslev an-1 6th. Peter Summers, district No. 1. 5OO OO CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH nnd Aid Society desire, through our col tought in the Indian wars and is J. E. Peterson. Sitirit B ros .—Feel Stab!:-—(?th st. A. M. Jess, district No. 2. Broil« hitis imine Lately rclii'vtHl by Shil- and reliable Medlelnaiare the beat 5OO OO C entral H otel —J B Hutch, Proprietor umns, to thank the Band Boy s for therfore entitled to all the money he Rotermund Bro.»............. oh’» Cure Kremer kee|»H it. t VJ AW depend upon Acker'» Blood El 400 001 John A. Niday, district No. 3. .Mrs. Ruby Rice . . —Main street near 5th. favors. can carry. ixir ha» been prescribed for ye»rt for all im- Chas. Gentner, district No. 4. G rants P ass A cademy —Henry L. Ben 200 OO j W. B. Rigg« puritle»oftlieBlood. IneveryformofScrof C onsumption C ured . Miss Kitty Faith took the pre A. D. Helms of Phoenix, has W. J. Rogers son. Principal. C. Stiles, district No. 5. 7OO OO! ulous, Syplillltlcor Mercurial dlieuet, it Is M rs . M. ll-.-tu:—Milliner—C c 1 ntth : ’1- mium as the prettiest young lady at bought the variety store of Messrs. An old plivsii ¡.in, retired (rein active invaluable. For liheuniatinni, lia» no equal, J. E. Holland, district No. 6. 200 OO ing, Main street, between 4th nnd 5th. Prof. Albert’s entertainment last Giliam ¿c Chapman. Mr. Helms W. J. Razee....................... praeti^ having lia.l plaee l in hi» hand» j ,,r sa|e hv w. e . Kremer. 350 001 S. W. Forbes, district No. 7. J. W. Sherer IL vlt : i G ivis i AV vfe . i —S. Mi Caliister, bv an h»»t India Misnonarv the formula was raised in this valley and is a; A. A. Stiles John F. Mack, district No. 8. Proprietor—35 mile.-, it •■■in Jacksonville. Friday night. 500 00 oi n (iinple vegetable remedy for the ————————————— live and energetic man with means, J II Criitruts. Gold Hill—Real Estate, M. Bour, district No. 9. 300 0 L. S. Smith Thos. H. Chapman of Kerbyville, 1 Lumber, Grain, IiiHuraneo etc. enabling him t; buy at the lowest II. Porter, distryt No. 10. 400 00 L ewh Sri."No—Flouting Mills. Murphy. has been appointed administrator of I cash prices and sell accordingly. He Smith Bros. a'I Throat and I.uug affeitioiw, after ln»v- PRIVATE DISPENSARY. S. Dysart, district No. 11. 500 001 O. 11. Starr J AMSS AV WiMi-r— Murpy—iwnt for tho the estate of his mother. Mrs. M. A. ing thoromihly tented its wonderful cura- ■ i conies as a permanent citizen, and J. \V. Wimer, district No. 12. i.nist Sulky Plow and Mason 4 Chapman, deceased. 300 001 John Taylor tivo j>owt rs in thouaamlH of cases, feels it The oldest nnd in >st siuveudul apccuf- will doubtless add to our staunch ! Haiulin Organs ami Pianos. J. Hanscth, district No. 13. 200 OO bis iluty to make it know n to bis suffer-1 ist iitw on the bbi^ Coast, assisted _ ... ...... . Frank Tuttle by un . omlncnt Douglas Holton arrived here Sat- citizenship. We hope the old firm ‘ JACKSONVILLE. II. Hurlburt, district No. 15. ing fellow 1. II10 recipe sent. fr‘o, tonll mrgi’oii from llm Ei«t,botii regulargrail- 25O OO■ Jas. Woody......................... R oger R iver D istillery —John V Han . urday from Grangeville, Idaho, and will remain among 11s in some kind M. Woody........... Wm. Rich, district No. 16. 25O OO lev, Proprietor. will visit relatives and friends in of business. District No. 14 did not report. 600 00 i Mrs. Walters J acksonvilli : M i rule W orks —J. C. Josephine for a few weeks. 300 00j A contract'has been made by the A J. Wilcox. We deem it pro)ier to commence Whip, .Proprietor. 210 Grand St., Jersey City, N. J. Albin Taksa. now at Lootnis’ old county court with J. F. Kellogg for C. W. Walker. 800 00 this item by saying that Dr. James C. L . mi - eiit —Pliysi.'ian an 1 8urg> on. PRIVATE stand has been making some of the the maintainance, doctoring, burial — Young................ 300 00 Spence of Althouse, is one of the 34-Rin] attobskys - at - i . aw . . . S y I»ÌH«a!«!R mtch n» «t Jons H. Y ai eh . of Batavia. N. Y.,»Ay«: 150 001 most enterprising stock men in this 11. K elly . II. K. H annah . T. IL K ent finest gold and silver pins, mono- &c., of the county paupers for the J. F. Jaeger ¡•“foci thè young, Mid- "I cheerfully commenced grams, etc., we have ever seen. WALDO. 1 county. At great expense he hast ! term of 12 months, at the rate of IMPROVEMENTS. i>; die uged and old, Your ARd.V \TK' WINE; J AViMits 4 Sos—General Merchandise hì ligie or inairi< l F. M. Nickerson, I). I). G. M. W. $3.75 per week each. There are at E. A. Estes......... It did new life and vigor wind 200 O) imported the justly celebrated York —Main .«trect 1 _ j 5* inen, ami nil wlio Through this week frame of mine ■ C has . D ecker —Gener.l Merchandise, of the A. O. U. W., will soon or this time five paupers in the county. Jas. Stuart..................... I 50 OO shire hogs, which, in point of profit,1 ‘-J1’-» Hull'-r front It did lor all rnv »toniach ills Hotel and I.iv rv »table— Main st. ganize a lodge of Workmen at this This is a rate very favorable to pub 200 OO have no superior. Au exchange! More than tile doctor nnd Ills pill»." J \ P eckham —Hotel ami l.ivory ham place with about 20 charter mein-' lic economy and the court deserves J C Wilson..................... LOST MANHOOD, says of tnem : I ____ JOO OO For aale at Kromer'» drug »tore f 1 praise for their management of the Wm. Wood........................ —Main street. I Ncrvoua Debility, Hpermotorrliaa, Semi ■'They make the most pork on 1 oers. CENTRAL POINT. SHII.flH'H and Connmnption ' nal mil I.owies. L<'«»ei. Scxmil Dacay, Failing Mem- BUSINESS not SES. matter. It is much better that* a the least amount of food. They of Cure 1.« Hold by COUGH uh on 11 vnarnntee. It ory, Wenk Eyes, Lea k of Energy, Impedì- R obt . Wit.-rnot—Fi 1 ami «ale stable. Article No. 13 on our fourth page poor-farm. ten keep fat on grass alone. They cureBConBiiuiption. Kremer keep» it. t I menta to Marriage; uiao iiluod nnd Skiu J. S, H ovck —Stoves and Tinware. S P D & L Co. mill and prefer« the existence of the State' I, eavis P anxey —Central Point Hotel. 32,500 co fatten most readily at any age, and 'W jxvs 'N trifle with any Throat or ItisenMi'«. Syphili!» Eruptions, Hair Fall factory plant On last Saturday we had the Hoai'l of Immigration to the State ing. Bone Pilin'!, Swellings, Sore Throat, C. MtuRVPEH—Reii Estate. 9.750 co their meat is very fine in texture .»>v»w w J,aI|g DincAHe. If you have I’li t », Effects of M ri'iirv, Kidney an»i Fair, if either one has to be abol pleasure of a visit by Prof. Robin Bridge......................... KEPBYVILLE. and quality, with more fat than the n Cough or Cold, or tho children nre J W Howard & Co.,two son and six of the students of Eure Ulndiler ironbli'ti, Weak Back. Burning ished. AV m . N accke —Grnctal Merclian ilse. 2.700 00 Berkshire. They are of a size that thr.wt. ned with Cron p or Whooping Cough, I line, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture—is- story brick ka High School. The Professor is N D elamattex —Genentl Merebanilise. cue Acker's Etigllbli Remedy nnd prevent is very desirable for family or pack I A Mr. Schtnidt is building a res 800 00 U nion H otel —Mrs. Ryder, Proprietor. in high spirits over the Success of Music Hall. further trouble. It Is n ponitlvo euro, (■elre »euicliiiig treufiuetit, proti pt relief K ebbyvii 1 r M ills —P. M. Miller. Propr. idence and business house on 6th > his school, and surely when we con I W Sherer, warehouse 2(X) CXJ er's use.” and wc guarantee It. Price 10 and 50c I and cure for lire. street. Also a Mr. Mansfield is I sider that he has built such an Giles Davis, shoe shop R ic 'I ae . d I*. G eorge —Saloon—Main »t. It is useless to waste feed on in For Hale bv W. F. Kremer. I U >TI I SEXES 250 OO < oriault con li ■ l.-nt i ally, call or write No. building a residence west of Gilliert institution in our midst and has it Mr Scranton same 60 00 ferior hogs that will not fatten, when ' 132 nnd 134 Tiiirl street. {Stitf , creek. 240 00 good ones are near at hand. Go to paid for and 011 tlie road to success, T. P. Judson, office the Doctor and get a profitable hog j 150 Of) We regret that the county court we accord to hint the privilege of I). H. Burroughs, saloon The reader» oi the COURIER are in- that eats but half the feed required , Obtained, and all PATENT buslniMS at* proceedings this term are too volu enjoying the fruits of his labor. S A Greene & Son, gun ten led to promptly and for Moderate f I I that are ha ' shop .............................. 150 oc for a hazel splitter, and nets double Our ofliuf in oppfAhn the I.’. S Pal ent G rant ' s P ass , - - - O regon . fcr clubbing that famous ls-column week minous for our paper, hence we The country loses nothing by such tlie amount of meat. Otlive, and we ran obtain Pat» ntw in lews Bunch Bros., butcher ly story paper, T he Y ankee B lade , a have to condense and leave out por men. time than tlnne remote from Waahinjfton. 100 00 shop l<eriodieal which needs no recommenda tions of it The Territory of Alaska is one A. J. Strohecker of Portland, has bend Model or Pranin*. Wcadvineas 300 00 Ahlf Messerve, same tion from us, as one of the brightest, fifth as large as all the rest of the to patentability free of charge; nnd we Notice to G. A R men: A meet located here in the harness, saddlery J M Chiles, store and inaku no charge unle*« patent in secured cleanest and best story papers in Ameri ing for the purpose of organizing and repairing business. Hereafter, United States. It contains rich !,2OO OO We refer, here, Io the Postmaster, the Wiioi set! MicMtt Rpp«lrlag a Specialty. residence. ca. Each number contains nine or ten will be held on the 25th inst., if he may be found in the Harkness gold and silver min«*, and immense Ntiprrintcii(l<*nt of Money Order l>iv., an I 5OO OO AGENTS IQ* THE complete stories, one or two serials by the possible. Will give notice in next building next door to the barber Win Neurath; brewery. tracts of valuable timber, and along to ofliciala of the I . B. Patent Ofliue. For Lucy Blackwood, hotel best authors, poetry, household recipes, Cot'RIKR. the coast it offers splendid advan circular, advice, term* and references to shop, where he will be pleased to (xj<> OO addition actual clienta in vour own State or ( aun witty sayings, and in fact everything tages to the agriculturalist. receive customers. Mr. Strohecker The Postal Telegraph Co. are 400 00 ty, write to 0. A. SNOW A CO., Courier office. — and — that goes toward making a bright ami in is a young man thorough' conqietent Opposite Patent (Jtficv, Washington, PC. 2 50 00 M Alimi ri. teresting story paper, The regular price of erecting the loup line connecting itt his line and conies to stay and will S I’ Mitchell, 2 offices 1.000 00 The Yankee Blade, is |_.0d a year. We our town with the main line at old no doubt soon build tip a lucrative Jail . 1,200 OO BRIK KM AN—LIGHT- t'n tin- 11th S. A. GREENE & SON. SHOP OX H ST., NK\M 6TH. offer to cither old or new suhecril>er». Grants Pass. The poles used are business. He will keep m&chine M E Church inst , at tl,e residence of M. Brockman, 150 OO Johnson, variety store rxvu* The R ogue R iver Cot rich and The of huge proportions. made goods for those who prefer Main St., - - - Grnnt's Pasn. Or. by John Goodell, J. I ’ ., Milton II. Dr. Beacoui, dentist of- On Jan. 1st we began making up them. Call and see hint. Yankee Blade from now until Dec. 31st, I’< s'kniun and .Mirs Minerva E. Light, (Opposite the K. R Shops.) C. L. GRAY, fice. 350 00 all of Josephine county. 1W for$3.0;». The regular priced both the town list of the C ourier by ac I J II Marshall & Son, gro- papier. is f 1.25. Those who wish to take tual count and reviewing it a second The cocrier extends hearty con l’radica I, WatchmakeR advantage of this extraordinary offer, can time, so that no mistake can possi eery store, bakery and gratulations, and thanks for wed secure a sample copy of The Yankee — Dealers in — 700 00 residence bly occur at this office. ding cake. Blade by sending their addresses to the Spears & Freaaure, paint Publishers of The Yankee Blade, 20 Rev. G. W. Black came down 90 00 shop .............. iiirii. Hawley St , Boston, Muss. In ordering 4,(XX) (X) W E Baglev. hotel pleaic remit to this office the amount from Medford yesterday, on his way A M UNITI O N SMITH — At Wm'-hirwoii, Hargiwicli Is to a Baptist convention on William- above stated, giving yonr full address I’igncy it Cook, black- lands, I)ee. sth IS'-Ki, Mi»« Carrie Smith creek, on Sunday next. He reports Fisüiüi-Taclile. Cutlery. nre-Wiris, kc.. Ac. 200 OO smith «hop aged 30 years, 11 months and 2 days. N otice .—All notes and accounts a good meeting at Central Point. ¡00 00 Smith Bros., same On the 19th diy <•( October, »lie lift due the late firm of J. Wimer & 400 00 Portland lor tlni IslamU. hoping that the REPAIRING, A SPECIALTY School house addition A dispatch front Jacksonville to Sons jnust be paid on or before the the News, states that A. L. Johnson, 8<x> OO •oft and balmy lireeo-s oi that tropical Mensor Bros., store MT All work guaranteed IM might rowie her from that fatal 15th dav of February or the same former editor of the Medford Moni 600 00 climate L Vance, «tore tlt'f disease, cons'iniption. Mbe rcHi-hed the will be placed in the hands of an tor and prominent real estate dealer 5<x> 00 Islands and the nome of her brother, but Maud Tuffs attorney for collection. 95O (X) in four idiort weeks after hor arrival there Smith Bros , livery barn is a defaulter and had attempted J. W imer & S ons . 4,'3tJ 2,800 00 the ang> I of death «utninoned her to a Court house 1 suicide. better and brighter world. J. C. GII.I.AM. J. CHARMAN. L S Smith, addition to For lame back, side or chest, use Shit- FBONT STItrrT. Breul« I’»»». <>>r«uu. Mr. Hartley of Williams, informs 500 00 M< 1 ADDEN.—January 8th, 1 17, G orge The Lot' rter is constantly receiv-J livery stable oh'» Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents, Foe us that Rev. Mr. Kennedy of the M. f lluuli .McFadden, emi of I » » tor McFad IlKAlKH IS sale at Kremer's drug store. E. church, has been holding pro ing new subscribers from Jackson ‘ den, ageil 0 month" and 14 day». county. Our Jacksonville list is a Total 00 Paid up subscriders or new sub tracted meeting on Williams creek Dry tlio»e team and qite'l III •»•■ righa, GII.I.AM Jt CIIA I’M iN, l'nq ». scribers to the C ourier , by paying which broke up on th* 6th inst. long one. We also receive much Nor weep 1’ie ame' he's gone , Thy boy i» now amid the »kies, A poor demented young German the sum of $3 cash, will receive both Over twenty persons were converted. good solid encouragement from all Mani Street, (tppoailr the Depot lie I m . ws at the eternal tfiruiio. parts of that county. Thanks. The appeared upon our streets Wednes the C ourier and ‘West Shore one i W ill <*» iti The New Furniture Store ou plline have awakened day. It !<x»ked hard t » see the han 1- citizens of J year The West Shore will be ac His liap|>itH*M Oh, how complete, Main street three doors West of the t that their own paper de- No earthly care" annoy ; ctiifs put on him, but it was neces TOBACCO, to the fa companied by a magnificent holiday C ourier building has just received serves t iie sustained first of all, sary for the safety of others. The He’« smiling at the R-xlei riwr'a fuel. engraving of Mt. Hocxi, 18x24. CIGARS, a patent pillow sham holder which Then weep iH»t for thy l»>y. Cigars And T"h»e<«>, hence th ry are coming in at the rate unfortunate matt'» name is Align, printed in eighr color», alone worth CANDIES. a. n. it iritAW av . Nnf« htm I < arifl!r«, is easily attached to any bedstead. of about five to te a week with tus Halm, and letters found tn his more than the amount paid. tf Oranp«»», ) , Fìtta NITS. ETC. Call and get one. [4°*4t- their su iscriptfcms. They generrliy poMesaion s.iow that he lias a sister anJ u*hei Fnnta. •KX. MWKl *£Z . t*4r I have lieen taking outside living at Milwaukie, Wise-main. llighent Cash price paid for John Wells who recently bought say. Ih conrim f v»n m th th* .¿bur« i# a Soother at hand. It 1» the only safe the Henry Kelly farm in Sucker P*P« but 1 have c ■ncluded to first He was examined before Judge Col- risalta, are Acker's Dyapepela Tablet«, lleootn inended by physician I and endorsed medicine yot made that will retuoy« ad creek valley, gave us a call Satur take ill) home p-H* and help sup- vig l»v Drs. Kremer and Van Dyke, ly all who Lavo ti-ed them. The best infantile disorder». It contains no Opswm day. Stock men v.-ill do well to port it. Etc , Etc. A home paper w< ■ks for and pro-ont: cd ;:>»a:ie SheriffPkt* rsmody for Dyspepsia,'l Con* Where an bad th" ehnf«-eaf »•■ÌM or Mt'rpkin*. bat gives the child natural ad an outside pa- fiiuity. a its own ter o:i started w till him l »*l night look out for his Vermont horse the eli patina OnaraL ’ ’ ,rr. l I f et ''5»-. by G ’ ’ - v me a call nti'l *•* C ’’'’inccri »»*’’• ',,4« r j»* P» fan frorn pain, rr co 25 cents. 80M by F rf * ,I «vf Iff* ^1 ‘•,1b Ml he alite thtnu W I Limer. 1 Local and Personal. THE ('OUHIElt catiil rar ci JsstrtiK . THE VANMONCISCAR Special Announcement! I ’ A T E N T S PIGNEY & COOK, Blacksmiths and Horse Sheers, John Deere Moline Walking Riding Plowsand Cultivators, GUNSMITHS. Guns, Revolvers, Pistols and E. A. ESTES, Tropical Fruits, Staple and Fancy Giant's Pass Variai’/ Sore, G ROCEli I ES, Staple and Fancy Groceries. f»’ Country Produce. Hide*, Furs, Fiist-Class Lu»ich Room.