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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1887)
NATION AI JACKSONVILLE DIRECTORV. agriculture and stock T II E ¡Communicate.’ J Letter No. 13. J acksonville DRUG STORI ARRIVAL AND 1'F.PARTI'U p 1 >• DR. W. F. KREMER. Prop’r, »koM MAirre P ass to ne„ ,Sr M ail » l»ailv Ex.-ept Sundav. Lv. Grant's Paa.-, u ». m . Arrive ] , Main Street,................................................ Granfa Pasa, Oregon. Marble Works, raoM aatxrs i-vss to n,|HL 1 latav-Hs Satunfav n ' Two years ago. the legislature ot Arrive» 'sane- .lay this state granted the sum of $t 0,000 ovrii'K uovas. ** being $5000annually, for the pur Ottre open everyday except Sm . C*. W 1 1 I I ’ P . pose, so it was stated, of making a from 7 :3t» v m . to 8:3U r. » success of the Annual State Fu-a day from 8 .3H to 10 v. m . —DEALER IN— ( «encrai < 'oiiti a<-t<>r held at Salem, usually in the Fall J. W. Howtap, p j| It was clearly demonstrated that the Drugs, Patent Medicines, M I CHl’RCH ‘.’•lOLNTMl '.¡. general failure of the Annual State I-'uss was due to financial embarrass The First and Third Halthatta Chemicals, Paints, Oils, month at Grants Pass at 11 u. n, ment; but what caused this was isev MARBLE, STONE or GRANITI p. m. Second Sabbath at Enreka’t,^, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, er clearly explained. It was argued mv at 11 a. m., and 3 n. in at M, that the panacea for the evil was School house. Fourth Sabbath, II;;,’* Shulder Braces, Trusses. vailcy for the State Treasury to pay out a Ila m Kirbyville 7 p. ln '* golden stream of $5000 each year Rev. .1. McIntire, p f Cemetery Work a Specialty. It was pointed out that other states opened the coffers of their treasures SOCIETY NOTICES. Mill»!. BIIÍID', BtlllliS |\|) ST1TI0.W, G ba XT’ h P as » L k I h . k , N o . St, a . p . to help similar institutions, and why A. M.— Meets m their hall, <>,1.1 Fell.,, should not Oregon do the same. ALL ORDERS BY LETTER building, Friday evening on or l,.f,„ / - o-------- That the Aunual State Fuss had full m>s>n. Visiting brother» .onlu been a most disastrous failure, and invit’sl to attend. Wines and Liuuors for Medical Purposes. Promptly Attended To. Pure Absolutely Pure« that each succeeding meeting was •I. W. How.«»]>, w m I I' . >i ' i'. ' worse than its predecessor, if such Thia powder never varies A marvel of PAPER (> a thing were possible, was not de purity, strenglh and wlioletu.meneMi. G oldkm K i ll , I. O.O. F.—Mreuerw nied. Some of the enthusiastic one« More economical than the ordinarv kind ■ Saturdav evening at 7 .to at their hill O rk . os S t ., J acksonville . O gx . Physicians Prescriptions Compounded Day or Night. cannot be sold in eom|x4itlon with Sixth street. Visiting brother» eordiill, -said, “Just let us have $10,000 and and the multitude oi low test, »hurt weight invited to attend. see what a success we will have in ilium or phosphate powder». Sold only- •losKrii Mos», yj; The Rogue River Distillery, A FINE LINE OF CIGARS ALWAYS KEPT ON HAND J. A. Jesstxos. See the Annual State Fair”. The un in can». R oyal B akixo B owpm Co., ’y. UM Wan “ I , N V. o r - believing ones were not convinced Kr.Kawu.i E Lon«;»:. No. 55,1.0. tij JACKSONVILLE. OR. and doubted that any benefit would — Meets everv other Saturday evenm- •> accrue to the agricultural portion of Visiting brother» cordiallv invited t,, 7 tend D vx'l. Ill xt , JOHN A HANLEY our state, however it might help a I’ropr. >• VOCALISTS, PI'BLIC S W. 1'oRHES. Sec'v. long the horse trot part of the Fuss. \riNISTF.K8, sp>-akers and tin- Pmiession» gener At this time another factor appeared ally recommend SANTA ABIE as the: P. of It. JoHephine Lodge, l?i. mreun C. M. STONE, I’mw’n. JOSEPHINE COUNTY Grant's PaM, first Saturday of ea,.|, . in the field. The State Board of Im best ot al) medicines for diseases of the at 11 o’clock A. M. W M’. Poi.,,,, , ' migration desired an equal sum, for THROAT, CHEST, LI NGS. Caton A Garrett, General Agents. - - - - Grant’s Pass, Oregon, ¡ Maine Street, W \| the purpose of enabling immigrants Beware of Imitations. B axxxk L odge , I. I). G.T.,4!C—Mw„ Kinney A Wolters, Agents, Medford. coming to the state to secure infor ------ DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY,------ even Friday evening at Hale s lull See that our trade mark. SANTA ABIE, mation as to the prices of land, ca ¡•on W. J. K azf . k , W.C. t every bottle. Satisfaction guaran pabilities, etc., of the different sec teed or uionoy refunded, by W. F. Kkc- Printed at Grant's Pass, Oregon. tions, free of charge. In fact, to fur MKH. nish all arrivals th it desired, a list of lands and businesses for sale, to —Article of— BEsT BRANI’S OF CIGARS AND TOBACCO , 1)AILROM> protect their interests as against un < \ OLITE ’ 'VER 1 School I Books. I Books I and I Stationery scrupulous persons, to give them, as icturesque 1 'ANGES BOURBON, RYE far as able, welcome and reliable Fast Time! Sure Canneciion’ New Ewpsr statistics of the products of different —And— 2F5 MILES SHORTER! sections. A few public spirited men A Full Line of Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Brushes. • of Portland had for some time, at 20 HOURS’ LESS TIME' CORN WHISKEY, their own expense, been carrying on Aceomin.slations Ciiniiri>a»sed i»r(.«„. —In Quantities and at— PIISICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. an Immigration Society and it was fort ami Safety!—Fares and Fh'igl.t« AND PROPRIETOR ------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ~ V «licit less than by any oilier the state at large, which was deriv route l«etween all |s>iiit» in PRICES TO SUIT. ing the benefits front the exertions Willamette Valley and NOTICE I I I NOTICE ’ I I of these few. How well applied, San I'rancisco! satisfactory anil profitable an invest ment this grant of the state has been, YAQUINA BAY! th osi : DESIRING TO SETTLE IN the pamphlet recently issued by the KERBVVILLE DIRECTORY. secretary will show. It is proposed by those who feel SAN FRANCISCO. UNION HOTEL. aggrieved and think their section of i HTBSCRIIT1ON RATES the country has not received as large Daily Passenger Trains Will do well to consult the undersigned at One of Best Hotels in Southern au influx through immigration as (Except Sundays) others, to stop further appropriation Oregon. f.eave ('orvalliN at 2 I*. M. CENTRAL One year (in advance) $2 POINT, J.-iel<ss< >t i Counts 25 $5,000 - REWARD $5,000 for the use of the Board. I hat the Ix-ave Yaqilina at 7 :30 A. M Board was entirely unsectional, that For a Isitter or more pleasant remedy for Six months ........... . I 25- IN THE CENTRAL l'ART OF THE Oregon andt ulifornia Westsi.le train« GOOD BEDS' GOOD TKBIJ they favored no part of the state to ( the cure of Consumption, Coughs, Asth Three months conueet at Corvallis. 75- ma, Croup, Whooping eough and Bron Rogue IlivGT And the <»f Acruinin<xiatioiiH. Valley, on the (.) Ac (' IlailrotuL the detriment of another, is a fact chial Trouble» than < ¡KEEN 'S l.l’NG THE OR EGON DEVI'.J OPMENTtl) S io. that can be sustained and proven RF.RTORER, san a AI'.IE, ABIETINE Single copy • l ine A 1 Steainsiiip The Shipping Point for the principal portion of the grain producing beyond a doubt. Why don t the an.l MOI M A IN BALM t IH t ill Cl’RE. Connected with tins hotel is n . “SANTA MARIA" part of the County. grumblers find fault with the Board Not a Secret t'onip.un.i A .omplete -FIRST-CLASS LIVERY STABLE.- ----- SAILS'----- of the Annual State Fuss? Here is mixture without tin- addition of any pow- Address or call on C. MAGRUDER. Central Point, Oregon. uoo the title of the organization in full; d i. Mrs. Ellen Ryder, Proprietress. I Sunday, Jan 9 j Tuexlav, Jan 4 “A bill (an act) to provide for the J. S. HOUCK, Friday, “ 21 I Sunday, “ ’.6 KKKnvvii.i.K, ... - - - O reuon . organization of a State Board of Ag Wednesday Feb 2| Friday, riculture, to promote the agricultur THE PROPRIETOR The (’ompany reserve« WILLIAM NAUCKE aland othei industrial interests of, change Mailing days. -KtEra- the stite, encourage immigration Fan-« bcluceit 4'ortnlli« a <1 H 1 IM- viftco: and make appropriations therefor. ' Rail and Cabin (14. Rail and StecraiT DRY GOODS à GROCERIES Now what, I would l>e pleased to $11 tot. For further information ap learn, have they done to encourage f’l ARANTEEI’ A POSITIVE I T1U. ply to . CHAS. < ll<" immigration and what appropriation ' ’ for Catarrh, Cold in the Head, Hay- For good bargainii in the line «4 G. A. G. F. A 1’. Agent, Corvallis. T O V S have they made therefor. A diligent Fever, Ko«e Cold. Catarrhal I leafne»» and T W A B E, Hats. Caps Boots and Shoes or General Groceries search in the records of the Annual Sore Eyes. Restore» the seine of taste OVERLAND TO CAI.1E0RNIA --- JOB WORK, Ml I H AS---- ami smell; remove» bad taste and un State Fuss, has failed to show anv pleasant breath, reuniting from Catarrh And everything in the way of ----- VIA----- any light on the subject I could Easy and pleasant to use. Follow direc Roofing, Spouting, and Repairing of all kinds a specialty, Oregon & California R. R. -MINING SUPPLIES. — see nothing that aided the immi tions an<l a Cure is warranted bv all drug AND CONNECTIONS. gists S.'iid for circular to A I'd TINE AND DONE AT REASONABLE RATES. grant; (when 1 say immigrant 1 ex clude a horse trot man) that part of Ml.l’lt AL COMPANY, Oroville. Cal. Fare from Porllaid to San Francisco. $311M Thöne * foiling bargains «huukl call on J. S. Houck, Central Point. Jackson Co., Oregon. the arrangement was all right. 1 he Ask for SANTA ABIE CAT—R CURE Fare from Portland to Sacramento, 138.81 For sale by W F. Kremer, Druggist WILLIAM NAUCKE, exhibits were meager ami the pre I Close ConiKs tioni. made at A»h!»nd miutns for agricultural prtxlucts, Jumbo, Jumbo. KÖDERT NV EST Ito P. K erryville ,............................... O nego with the atages of the California, Orefiai small. I will admit that the atten The Original Abietine Ointment is only A Idaho Stag«- Companv. —PROPRIETOR— «lance was large, but take away the put up in large two ounce till I’oxes, and N. DELEM ATER, an absolute cure for old sores, burns, I horse trot ami the management and is (DULY ENCEPT SUNDAYS wounds, eImpped hands mid all km eiup —DEALER IN — the Fuss is at an end To s|>eak lions. Will positiveh cure all kinds <>( E ast Siru. Ihvmiox. H.c recently licen supplied with a plainly, the members of the Board piles Ask for the I triginal A I,let inc I tint- BETWEEN PORTLAND* ASlll AM' DRY GOODS & GROCERIES 3t>-ly are all capable gentlemen, but let , ment. Sold by W. F. Kremer M vit. T rain . fine selection of And kee|>s constantly on hand me ask «me question: How would AKIllVE. C kxtrai . P oint , (Jackson County) \ HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. M. Grt's Pass 1 :10 a « it do to have one fanner, just one, < >ftF.G”N. H ats , C aps , B oots \ ni » S hoes , A . M. Ashland. 1:00 ’ » as a member of the lloari. The ti I*. M. < ¡it ' h Pass lb :.Mi'.». ---- )o(------------ — ixn— tle of the act calls it a State Board ««.Portland ¡.(»I* of Agriculture, ami vet not one mem — Havjtig Completed my new Stable I am prepared to— Generai Mining Supplies li BiN’k Exi'Risa T hai «. l»er ot that Board has learned Agri culture by the experience that teach I.E a VF. ANK1VK. and everything necessary to do first Those wishing gissi bargains must not I'ortfond 4 :(XI r m . Lebanon 9:20r.«. THE BEST OF HAY GRAIN. es that is. earning ones bread by it Thia Hotel has been thoroughly fail to vail at the I/Cbanon 4:4”» m . Portland lOJId'.M. If a few farmers were to try it awhile class renovated and To Hay and < «ran Per Head. Ovi-r Niirlit, ~ < ’Is. Pflllman Palsce Sletpiie Cirs Kerbyvillc P O. Building. they surely could not do worse than Daily ts-twes-u Portland and Ashland. has been done any change could R efurnished T hroughout KcanYviixc.................................Oaxoox BEST OF ACCOMMODATIONS FURNISHED FOR HORSES. The o At. R. It Ferry make» I'* only I* for the lietter. Now, in the m-etion will, all th.- Regular Train» ne th* name of common sense, of wnat THE TRAVELING fl'RI IC »11 1 F1M» z. East Side IHvision, from foot of F street. WAI.DO DIRECTORY benefit to the farming community rZ. BEST ACCOMMODATIONS. z. (not horse trot) of this state has ev tVrsr Sn.n D ivision . CO » wJ en the last State Fuss been, livery x** BETWEEN PORT!. \N D,k ( I til VAl l 1* I IO I TIIE 1,11 E iilli !ill,IIH\ tub should stand on its own bottom, M hi T wain *. —The Best < If— Which will tx* executed promptly WALDO, OREGON. I.KAVK. ABRIVK. it is said, and if the bottom of the I ’ ortland. 7:30 m . Corvallis 12 r M Annual State Fuss must fall out Is Connected With Inis House ÎCKHAM. PROPRIETOR. and in neat strie Corvallis. 1 :30 p. m . Portland l>:15r.R. (which it must unless the State At Corvallis connvet with train“ ofO. !’• TIIE BAK IS M’PPt.lCD WITH THE Trvasurv keeps <t togelhet) then the DS' GOOD TABLE! for Ympiina Bay. Cun l>e Supplii-d at Reasonable sooncT the oonrerti falls to pieces Finest Wines, Liquors & Cigars, ExrwE»» T h ux . e best of accommodation.’. AT REASONABE RATJ-S. the better How the appropi lalion j I.EAVr. sanivi was sreuird aud what means wen While the Rending Table is etion with tliis Hotel, 1 have a Portland, t.tfli'.s. M'Mn’vlle s Jior » M ’ Mn'villa 5 :45 v. m . used to pa-” the bill through t-> not Portland 9:00*.» -otnmodfaN I-oeal tickets for sale ............ known Perha|* it may thrown SUPPLIED WITH THE LATEST and baggap RN AND CORRAL checked al Comiumv's up-town oflur, back at us that we slioakl be quiet N EWSPAPERS RICHARD P Gl-Ob . comer ........ Pine IS— and —..1 rLeond 1 stns-ts. ■ -r 1 Ticket* atiout appropriations, swing that j e he«t water facilities in the for I’Hiu-i|>ul p’ints in California «-an ’i>'.' — K««-|>s the Finest — county. our c iuiity icceived We A Sl'ccml attention given to !«■ prix nrvd at the Company’» office, did. ami made good uw of it. go* a VERY REASONABLE. Corner F and Frcat Streets. Portlni. Orcin good bridge which is a credit to the Freight will not be received for «Np • w ill lx- epare.1 to make guest* state as well as *h« couatv. During Legal Blank and County Work ment after ."> o'clock r. n.,on either u* And all other Liqiuwv le. [I ’ . ttf i propose to keep a atrietly first- the past year <mr taxable property East or (Vest Side Di>'“icin’. has increased fioo.iwx» ami our ]*’p K KOEHLER, E. P. BOGER!» clasa house Give me avail —nt ALM KKKTB TUK“ Manager. G F. «k Pa»» . 'U’ OFFICI-: on Main St.. Iietwecn ulation, rjoo To the Immigration J. B. HUTCH, Bureau, we owe some ot our pm« 1 |th and sth. Grant's Pass Oregon. Very Best Brands of ( petity; but the Annual State 1**11««. Hunters and Fur Collectors. (fregón Don't fail to call at the as far a* I can see, did not do U« an Send for quotation for raw Furs at** iota of good. 1 have linked these Skins to 6.000,000 PfOfiLRse THE KERBVVILLE SA two matters together because they COMMERCIAL HOTEL W. GOULDSPEE. were in a certain manner before, .ind n»« nnictis nt because there 1* some talk ot dm ng J.JORDAN, - Proprietor 39-2m] Boston. Mt'' ......a «- V’ ’ wk 111 , away with one or both. It it Ì« tO GR ANJA PVSS. OREGON. Flouring Mill and Fann be one. certainly let •! b< the Ann «rual State Fuss ROGUE RIVER Druggist and Apothecary, POWDER OFFICIAL PHYSICIANS, CITY DRUG t NOTICE Towns of Southern Oregon I ’ruin I I'iinit ial_• j !>P C 0 U R 1 E R s E I N .1 <> II 9 FURNISH AND JOB WORK WALDO El h Flour, Cracked Wheal, Cor Whisky Brandies and FERRY’S SEEDS Tìm < 'ommarvial Hot« I i» (tic tvsl regie Hotel i» this pari of Southern Ore We Mt in daily receipt of of snow Id ickades au 1 freezing gon. (illesi» will alwav» fimi thè beat of weather fiom all parts of the cotitry •c.-eWHnnds': >n», and thè Hb'ee ■iij'pl'.ed north aud south, meanwhile ranch «ith th<- fs-a tini market attarda ers bring into Market tine celery, TER MS REASONAFLE otttons, lettuce aud garden sauce Ulti grown out of doers, and the weather is mild and pleasant as an' one O ti S'. « 11l, lwrk«»,v. 1U» a,er 3.BOO IlluAirtaUona a Ptetatrr (wkllrry. iilVM PrW« iHrrrt f» rnnjMdmer« ou all good« for prrwowal or family Tello how $<» orUer, a*«l <!▼*• •«•ct root of every- am, eat, érinh. wear, or Mich. Thru* IXVAlat ABUC eoatala Inft.raotloi f leaned ft rem the taarhoto <>f th# world. ÌW r wUl aoall a ropy I RKF. ta amy a4- Hrvw upon rrectpt Ot 10 eta. to defray • iproae of mall$m< lari *• hear from y»»a. It« opor tAklly, MONTGOMERY WARD 4 CO t.-T a ?••*•«>•.» i h SING LEE for sale Situated on Murpbv Creek, Jooepl * county. Itregon, eight miles aoutli " DOSS TH» BEST TRAVELERS MINERS' AND Grants l'as». a Fir»t-cl.u« FLOl’KD*' MILL, with Patent Machinery, doin’: Washing, Ironing and Fluting. FARMERS SUPPLIES. gtxsi work and iuo* a gno.1 «-iistom U-1' FARM «smtainn '.¡3o acres ol land •' All kind« o( plain un i tv •• work d>»r>”. acre« in clor«-r, and over 1<>» a« rv« under We keep iv rytuing nceiled by the cultivation, al»> g..>d t*r.4>a»»l, v«*" 'ATIslAI Tl<>\ GV 1R XN'TEED Houee and Barns mid irrigation ditek. p»^pk». Will alsot-vke«smtmetsfor wood> hopp’tig. Fine «itnativn f,< a «Inirv f.i> m Cm it- CHI.IF FO|t clearing. rt<- ’ ASH OR FRonrrr r**lr aim«*» »»IV part oi'the plan!. 1 ■* further particulars call or a'i.tres- Wash-hrare •«< GilU •T* tV i!.l .