Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1887)
THE COI KIER THAT CHARTER, Administrator s Notice. BRIEF MENTION. Heme Seeker, Alt^ FOR sale Sellin«- Out to Close Business!! Ben Holliday, Jr., died in Wash- It will be tcniemlxred that on NOTICE IM HEREBY ClVF.x that the undersigned has tde-l bis lliml ae- Dec. 13th a public meeting of our iugton City on the 3d. inst. ACRES 0fZelinn , ■o- i-oimt an adiniti'atratur "1 lii»- . »late of S> John Roach, the great ship build \V. Sawyer, .!e< eased, in the' "'intv ( < u»t citizens was held, at whi 'h com ciii'l larlJO 44 • ’..i, „ FRIDAY, ..JAN, 14. 1837. Item (.rant's p;1KM .,n y.«.' ’ Having concluded to close business at this place, I am offering ui> mittee of six was appointed to draft er, died of cancer, outlie 10th, in of the slate 'g (Jregun fur Jo- ¿ ix in ly, an.I Hint rtixer This f4rm . J,..tal, New York. a charter, ui«,n which the town was large stock of rich river bottom laml in <•' ?„ *’••** . Tuesday, the Sth day of Apr!!, IS37, 50aerre*of thn same -itulitv ? «k All the street car employes of I to l.c iucorpor.’.tcd. Following the the hour of 10 o'clock, ■> ui., has bean Boston struck on the loth, iioston : at th.i balance m of the finest »T’ J ’Lr, appointed bv mid court, 3» the time for purpose for which it was appointed, < (her tunls-r am! ,.a*,ur„ , CoRREM’ON’DI.NCE. must walk. hearing objections to euid final account U-ood mill Hile; eouutv r.,.,1 , the committee went on and drafted and for the settleuient there >f. All per- We invite correspot' i’li.-e from all sei .- pla.-e, g'sxl living water ruiT'“'b-' A fire in East Portland on ths 9th, son* interested ar • bereliy notified to up, tlu> pla.-e near buiidi,,^ Tn‘"« t inn* on subjects < j ( local and other in a charter. Sir.ce that meeting was damaged Burkhart's pa< king house pear on it before raid lime and die oh 1 larsp houae, 2 large bin?/"1'1 terests. held, all kinds of rumors, opinions about $6,000. lections, if anv tliev have, to mid final ac- smoke house an.l „t|„.r nn, '. With euli letter the name nnd aii lress and expressions have been let out WILLIAM HAWYEK, count. young orchard; garden Hnd’^S Administrator of Ilia Estate of of the M inier i- 1.'¡'iited, e-nx’i ially if The Review prints a list of im regarding the acts and purposes of provements for the year, amounting all under fence ; verv .hi Y® Uw S W. Huwyer, deceased. ».nit for pablieation. On tlii.1 farm can bo rai—i a? Dated January-ttli. 1SH7. Hl-.w the committee, all of which have to over $30,000. eorn sweet potatoes, inellon» « SDITORIAL NOTES ANU NEWS. been duly and fully -noted by us, ‘ A large crop of bills have been NEW FUBNITU RE STORE! \T GREATLV reduced prices peaches, irr.mi, timothy,clover’ N would make several good lu.n;„, from which we draw the fact that introduced in the Legislature uow climate and other udv3I1» . 184“ Secretary !.. Q C. Lamar was the people lack organization. They in session at Salem. I the A. J. SKDGH, be equalled m Oregon it A Full I.ine of married on the 5th instant, to Mrs. for colunuitM or ollit n* tu mk-.t■ ;* •. ¡th and 5th; Grants Pass. do not understand each otlier, in Kane’s Illustrated West for Dec. Main St., fore buying ebteuherr b*. Holt of Mavoir. Georgia. — U.K just o]M»ne.l a New — which condition thev allow tlieir is a handsome affair. Its picture •’5 6. .1 GEO‘“’E K !i0*AN 0,411______ Unuit'a i>aMi fl* We regret to announce to our imaginations to run rife, which re of Mt. Hood as seen from Portland,. is beautiful. tards, rather than assists the com SUMMONS. readers that the Medford Monitor Where will be kept <-n han 1 and for sale Will l>e kept in Stock. Jim Carney, the English prize! till kinds of mittee in its labors. I11 the commit has suspended publication. I IN the Circuit Court of Ulo sf4.p..„ fighter, leaves London in this month I tee room, nothing was talked of en route for this country, to match ! Furniture. Bcddinj, Picture Frames, gon, in and for Count v of PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. JolmW. Howard I he and □ rackets, Eto., Etc. The Leadville Herald, Democrat, but for the welfare of the communi Charle, Sullivan for the championship of| Door-Fram ■*, Wi», Brackets sent to us by our friend Geo. II. ty. It is true we did not attend partners under the firm naw a , the world. Etc., made to < rder. Special attention of.! W. H'riVARDat'o XX M O Johnson, is a mammoth affair. given to John S. Chatham, <k.fen<i;nt nl,,’'’‘ one of the meetings, but we do know The Oregonian and S. F. Chroni I’ N n E KT A K I N < I. Summon» for the recovery of mWcv Thanking the public and my many customers for their patronage in The Senate has confirmed the that the charter as drawn, contained cle justly censure Gov. Stoneman of' Rejiairiiig and all kinds <4 work in my California for exercising the pardon- j line ueutlv an 1 promptly executed. a clause allosving the people to vote nomination of Win. N. Moore as the past, I can now make it to tlieir — ALSO — on its adoption or rejection, which ing power too freely, among the In the name of the Stateof Ore—. V(, postmaster at Roseburg, Oregon: i worst murderers and villains in are hereby required to appear and^ the committee concluded was all Manufacturer’s penitentiary of that state. Advantage to Call on me Before Purchasing Elsewhere. , the complaint of the aliove nainwi ,1 The President has nominated the towns-pcople could ask. till’s iuthe aliove entitled aeti',n AGENT ! aliove entitled Court, now on tile wit!T" Rufus Thompson postmaster at should lie Ixirne in mind that the Joined—The First Train Crosse« for the Clerk of said Court, on or befom th Albany, Oregon. committee, by its creation, wassim- Bridge, ' t ewitf 1 >e n,’Xt tern> Of s-“'lt ‘rcuit<’m"; RACINE ply empowered to draft a charter,! A hob(lay c“, of fully ,5OO Harry Abram, the murderer of and they were not requested to re-1 peop]ei headed by the Mechanic’s The 11 th day of April. A D. ¡us* Dr. Brownlee at Junction City, five port at another meeting, no appoint-Land Boys Bands, of this city, on And you are beteby notified that if v I years ago, ha-, been pardoned by merit having been made for another j Saturday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, fail to apimar and anawer sai l The Best Mill .,s hereby required, the plaintifi,willta the Governor. meeting. We do not acknowledge' tecciyed the first tiain, loaded with made. 1 judgment against y.>u fortlie sum si ii... j rMkrtrsI«» tlw Bay Uav and f'zs»»«-o 111 e 1 people frnin from the Corvallis, two ami 72-1(10 dollars, with interest,’, A share of public patronage is respect- Corvallis is to have the Stat • Ag that the committee has violated its . , to cross the Willamette from the' fnllv ! tiiirty-two ami 72-100 dollar, thereol in!!,' solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed j January 30th, 1883 at the rate oi t ijig | Pacific. 36- lv ricultural College. Col. Hogg sub trust. eent. and interest on twenty dollar.-thT Mayor Weatherford, on behalf of! scribed $ io : q , to bo paid whenever 1 of from May first 18(5, ut tiie rate ..¡a! It is extremely gratifying to note! the city, delivered the of 1 |«er tent, together with cist, im.) that amotnft would complete the the fact that the (teoplc are at last; welcome. He was responded to by ni ntstolie taxed. And von are inrtli.. Begs leave tn inform tlie public that lie is now nicely located on the corner of amount to lx- raised. notified that upon motion, duly n,ai, wide awake regarding looseness and Vice President Nash on behalf of! ILm. I. It. Webster. Judge of «aid i ;'. 6 th AND H STREETS, GRANT’S PASS. OREGON, the road. incompetency in political and official I Ouray Reed, who murdered Jas. cuit Coii't, did, on the 16th d iv of I. Cr. I )AVII )SON, The ceremonies of reception, a gala With a Large Assortment of lair 188(1, make an order directing il!,- Rinn at Fori Bidwell on Christmas circles. I11 the past, many insults day event, took place at the junction j service of the summons i» the aboven,. leading Portrait and Landscape to the dignity of a law abiding peo right, was surrounded in the rocks titled action be inadv upon said detendx-,' of the railroad and Third Street. John 8 Chatham by publication them., _’O miles north of that place by a ple have been cast and they have Hurrah! Hurrah!—[Democrat. in the Rogue liiver Cotiuxa, a weeC. t And even thing to be found in a First-Clam store, which I will sell ]>os*e of men aud killed, Jan. 10th. been met in a quiet and peacable newspiqier published at Grants P. um J j From Dear Creek. 125 First St., Portland, Orason. XII cold blooded murderers should manner. But when it came time to VERY LOW FOR CASH, OR MARKETABLE PRODUCE. i said county of Josephine, for a period k (Opposite First National Bank.) six weeks suceessivelv. cast their ballots, either in recent! News very scarce. be served in that way. DAVIS BltOWER. l'.-x'‘Call and see me before purchasing elsewhere. convention or at the polls, they Attorney for l‘lainti:b. Anlauf and Shell Moore are build Tly order of The great falls at Oregon City, stublxirnly "hewed to the line," ing a barn for M. I>. L. Crooks. 1.. K. WrnsTER, including the canal, have lately and so exacting were they that in 1 Several petit thievings have lieen Circuit Judge. Utlft been bought by a syndicate, and a some instances innocent men suf- j committed in the valley recently, more liberal policy than heretofore fered defeat, because of false charges | Rev E Potter preaclle(t at the For Sale or Rent. is to be pursued in the investment against them. Without lengthening I school house in Deer creek valley ------ IiEALtiRS IN ------ \ l’ARM oí 160 acres siluated 011 M Pictures Enlarged in of capital in the building of machin this subject, it can be truly said j on the 9th. xlianis l'roek, f<. 1 Sa!eor Rom. Al. . 04 acres utidcr cult'vation. well ;ui;¡|.tot ery at that place. that never before in the history of Rev. Qim Hathaway preached India Ink, Water Colors or lo grain and vegetables. Por particiiluni Oregon have her citizens been so three sermons at Deer creek on the and terina, cali onor addrcaa 6th St., between Main and H, Grants Pass, Or. Our old friend Frank wants us to detcrminately set against corruption I CRAYON. s'.MITH BROS., a11^ 3’1 insls. 36tf (¡rauta Pasa,Or join the A. O. U. W. He says on Have the Largest and most Complete Stock in tlieir line in Southern Oregon, which and crime, as now. It is now a safe M. I). L. Crooks received as a OI T-IM >' >R GR( d’l'S they will sell account of a long and painful ac rule that the officer who associates Christmas present a bouncing baby RESIDENCES, ETC., Blacksmith and Wagon Shop AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. quaintance ami friendship, he will or connects himself with corruption girl, orthodox weight. INSTANTANEOUS PROCESS. -------- AND -------- let its in alniot as cheap as anyone or crime, will lie very appropriately AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED Miss Inez Frakes ......................... and William 30-3iu 'D own LO ts else, and that the lodge will take retired to the real, never to rise 'Harmon of Deer creek, are attend- tit the small diffidence in printing. again to a jmsilion of trust, the lllK l''c *'.ureka High school at Wil- I'OK h a LEjn FT1CEN1X N K W P. M. very first time the people are called1 er" C' Desiring to co to Germ iny on business The New Northwest. Mrs. Ditni- j s a I Central Point Notes. I offer for mile nt low r ite«, mv Sho»»»-. upon to vote on him. This Flock 0:1 h:i:i I. t ,/etl er v. ith two lots ii|- wav's woman suffrage organ at good remedy when all others fail. 1 Our Christmas festivities ware a Front St., adjoining Courier Offlco, 011 which the ahojM are locate I. Alw, — and — Portland, has been sold by that lady one acre of ground favorably located far and it is in this predicament that! success, the first being the shooting, GRANTS PASS, OREGON. ruri.lence. Callon or address ■ > Oliver 1’. Mason, Maggie Allen t)lc I but the writer did not learn- who an independent paper serves MIKE FORMAN. and Lucca Mason. The Northwest 1 was best shot. Wo have opened a FirH-Closs Elour dU-(Jtn) Phoenix. Jackson Co.. Or. county lietter than a partisan sheet: has had a hard struggle to gain it. A ball was given in Sattis valley and Feed Store in the building formerly because it owes no party allegiance occupied as a saddle and harness shop, present position of prominence in on New Years eve. by the Nichol where we will keep constantly on hand to the wrongs committed and will . - . | ****-».->. Bros. A large ICli crowd was klUHAl <17» III in <11 atten- and fur sale the best brands of the journalistic field. assist to defeat a trail character, let; dance and a good time resulted. Cor. Fiont an,I Morrison Sts. Hour, Corn and Oat Meal, The World Renouncd On the yth inst., the Salvation his politics l>e what they may. The fat metis race was the most PORTLAND. Or. Wheat, Barley, Oats. Mill army of East Portland, numbering It is seldom the West Shore de-, laughable feature of the day. A tie isselt and Chop Eeed, Bran, The Leading Hotel of Portland. two dozen, marched to the front of viates from its great aim in show was prevented by Mr. Amy ’s falling, and even-thing pertaining to a Fritz Krauze's saloon and gathering ing’up the resources and wonders of which gave Mr. Caton the race and the boot*. FIRST-CLASS FEED STORE. a crowd, began to sing: "It is wa liroe Coach to and from this the Northwest, but forliearance has The days sports closed with a ball; t' .- we want mid not beer,” when W. RAZEE &. SON. evidently ceased to lie a virtue, In wliitli was a success in every respect; I POPULAR HOUSE. •34 tf] Proprietor».. one one turned the full force of the December number it deals the 77 numbers were sold and all were' CHARGES REASONABLE. XI ILLS, tb-hose upon them, wetting them Oregonian some heavy blows for satisfied that they had received fail ■ dectually. They got what they treatment. THOMAS GUINEAN. publishing the disgusting details of asked for. Simms & Carney have received' ProprieTOr. the Colin Campbell affair. It ac 36tf] nearly all their lumber from Glen lhadatreet’s for January in an cuses the Oregonian of pandering to dale amounting to 52 car loads, and I the "mosquito" press. Among oth L. S SMITH, - - Proprietor. • hturial <>u the failures of business Central Point can now txiast of the er things, it sax s: largest lumber yard in the county. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. hou s in the United States for six "What but evil to the minds of the1 Cor. oi Front and lili St*.. And all goods handled by • < says they run as follows The Central Point Dramatic Club In young who are readers of the Ore Grant’s Pass, - - Oregon. STAVER & WALKER, iSst. there were 5,929: ill 1882, í I gonian will follow the publication: will give an entertainment about the ' 1883, 10,299; 1884, 11 ,620; of this noxious stuff from London’! 20th of thi* motiih. It is also the ------ Including the ------ intention of the Club to give enter- 1 “85, 11,116; 1886, 10,568. In What will come of it but an ajipe- tainments at Grants Pass and other The PEOPLES MEAT MARKET « EMPIRE MOWERS. REAPERS and BINDERS. now open and prepared to supply custom 1884. ' the mercantile failures of the tile for that character of reading towns. HYDRAULIC PIPE and GIANTS ers with the choicest cuts of cou 11 tr had almost doubled within matter, and where will the appetite Furnished on short notice Next were the horse races; the thus created lie fed’ » ♦ * ♦ We cordially invite all to examine our goods BEEF. •hree vears. There is therefore a * * and prices liefore purchasing. * * The old defense first, best two in three, '4' mile, MUTTON, ihh I vi tc revival in business and a that "The public demands it" will won by Flora, owned by Baker & PORK. in the numliers of failures. not answer, If it were true, it Kincaid. The second was a single Special Terms to Commercial would be the duty of the Oregonian dash of '4 mile, won by Cap, owned FISH and FOWL, Travelers. it is - lid that Chicago is to have to create a different public opion by Pankey & Rippey. A match \l prices ranging from race of 200 yds, made between Cap :iew hotel built exclusively for ion." £<F" I !"r«e» B arded Reasonably, and C.1RXEK M ain A F roxt S ta , G rant ' s P as », O regon and McDonnei ’ s Puss, was won by Eight to Tan Cents pec Pound. We believe the publication of the ' nder no circumstances will Satisfaction guaranti I. the former, contrary to general ex 33tf) details of crime only leads to crime. All kinds of : l>e admitted. There are so pectations. F rkd . Having opened a Family Grocery, I hereby announce to the public that 11 who go to Chicago who The Oregon legislature convened SAUSAOKS I have a new and well selected stock of The west side trains will stop at New Millinery Store. .!•'. to wink at women at the on the totli instant and proceeded Fourth and Yamhill streets instead put up by Experienced Pirst-CluM Butch f ' he hotel before they know to organize by electing Hon J. C. of Fourth and Morrison, as hereto ers. A share of the public patronage re spectfully solicited. 1 heart to lead a different Cation "t Multonomah. President fore The ticket office has l»een MRS. FLANAGAN &M. TUFFS BUNCH BROS., ■ thjs new hotel without a of the Senate, and Hon. J. F. Gregg moved to the northwest corner of Bought since the Sweeping Reduction in freights, from the East, and Have opened a new 32tij Proprietors n Ins been decided upon. of Marion, Speaker of the House. Font th and Yamhill, the room for i marked down at Bottom Prices. I also Fell the inerlv occupied by Sant Beary — j Millinery and Dressmaking '■.lie only a few old bald E. G. Hursh oi Roseburg was elect [Oregonian. >sters and men with red ed Chief Cletk ami Chas W. Watts ESTABLISHMENT Call at the Cot kier Job Office for sore eyes, stopping at the ' of I.inn. Axsi -tant Cletk of the Sen which ha» no equal in eaoe of management and great range of work Opposite Campbella Tuffs' store, on tlth Superior Job Work. •v ’■ I I AHLF * ME8SERVE - - Propri. ate. Hou A C. Jennings wa* —............ ■ - — — ■ street liSTla“ "" -,h •» no- elected Chief Clerk and J. I). Cole THE CELEBRATED HA1RW0R1 ill STAMPING Kltlf ione Board of Supervisors, sa M ain S treet , G r ant ’* T aa ’. of Clackamas. Assistant Clerk of (27-fini _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J- M- CHILES. 1< nd. have provided a "re the House Hon. Henry Rogers of ■ !und" for the benefit ot the Josephine, was elected Scargent at •‘Cnl’fp'T’? GO TO THE SUPPLY STOBF. 1' ■ hool districts of the coun r4h. ’ AY> Fresh and Salted Beef, Pork, arms 1 and 1'hos. G. Young. Door J- Fnd>, . ' H J v- ■ "ider if it is m the C >lt s kee(>er Messages passed between ÁiiFtisrjA' 1 tÍA» .tíltúR f - it so, it is dangerous when MUTTON, GRANITE. the two Houses, carrying the infor • t j . . no account when empty, mation that thev were ready for FiR General Mining Supplie* It 11. .clung the young idea how to PORK-SAUSAGE. fa J business > The rules of la »t session aUC .is never taken this form SWM a CH ARLES DECKER. Prop r. j/ A XI) ROLOGNA. were ad pted as the rule of this one l.av ing all jokes aside, a Bb>T BRANDS OF WINES, LlQfORS AND CbiUD* vf -o’* , ' inart to buy text books is W Carey Johns' u wishes the ’•y Bacon »nd Lord ■O -H _ ILLS . I Lu. By the way, wc arc legislature to approptiate enough . ALWAYS ON HAND. I’ECM'.I; HOARDING HOUSE! n.nded that revolve or no money to send a messenger to rati— t *-■•-»— •— . saiii| le« on cxbiMthwi at the Corxita KF IT IN FIRST-CI, \>s sTYI F, AND THE LACES . 'he school laws of C.ilifor- England to exhume the remains of office For epe» tal information apply to TRAVELING PtBLlC WILÎ MEET WITH EVERY KINDNESS AND ATTENTION. in advance of Oregon’s Ex Go' Addison C Gibbs and XV. J. XVIMFK, b-ln-v »’.Rm C.r I ...I-’ Incation PPEE CI CHABteE. ■ sent Ut Giani* Pa*' •Scili Paper cf Wüt Cocily. Orem FANCY GOODS, DRY GOODS, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Queens Ware, Glass Ware, &c., &c., . 1TRNTH KE STORE staple : groceries ¿r * GEO. W. RIDDLE, ItIMI HILL! NEW GOODS!! NEW STORE! NEW PRICES! EIVINGSTONB VANCB PHOTOGRAPHER BOOTS and SHOES, DRY GOODS. 2,1,1 L. VANCE. SHERER & JUDSON, Hard-ware, Stoves and Tin-ware. Studebaker Farm Wagons, « ■ .. Flour, Grain, and Feed Store, Smonti Hotel, IB Chilled Plows ACME HARROWS, VICTOR WIND GRANTS PASS Autocrat Wood Force LIVERY STABLE! I'EOI’LE’S 1IEIT HIHiET. New Store and New Goods. GROCERIES. CONFECTIONERIES AND TABLE WARE. Citv Market. CELEBRATED DAVIS VERTICAL SEWING MACHINE, .^Vstatuary. J'?! A For Dry-goods and Gr i I:!.?