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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1887)
T H E COCRIER VV J. WIMER. I TO ADVERTISERS Publisher SUBSCJUPTIOJT K ITES, 13 25 11-25; "S'- Ilk- Gue Year (in advance) Hix Month*. Three Month« Single Copies Job Printing of all Kindi s —IN THE— An Independent Paper, Devoted Especially to the Interests of Southern Oregon. Verv Latest and Best Styles —AND AT THK— Ix> w CHt laving Raten r>onaaiuMAL— legal . VOL. 2. GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE (’OCNTY.. Olt. FRIDAY JANUARY 14. 1887. I From osr fíryttlttr Corrttpondent. NO. 4«. Grant’« Faaw, wo named after General ' .rant, ia a county «eat centrally kicatnd in Southern Oregon. It m * progreeeive railroad town of 1000 inhabitant«, and la th.' main aupply point for a large portion of cuuirtry devoted to miumg, lumbering agriculture and frmt-rauimg. Climate un excelled Tlie ÇoiiuKB bring the only paper pub lished in Jueepiiine county, with a g<x»i circulation in Jacluon county, enable« it to lie one <4 tile lient a. I vert unog medium« in Southern Oregon For rates, mldreaw T h « C oi alia, Grant'« 1'iuia, Oregon. I confine rheumatism to one part of Liver Comptaints, and "BoRchee's : the body. In the case of Gen. Lo German Syrup, ” for Throat and WASHINGTON LETTER. “Good morning, «ir, Mr. Editor, bow aiv gan it was the special aim of the Lung Troubles, were for the com the folk« t' ’ -day ’ , , --------- FOR THE CELEBRATED J-------------- Attorney at Law & Notary Public W ashington , Dec 51, '86. I owe yon tor next year'» paper—I dimight physicians to keep it from the heart. plaints they are recommended, most l'<i rome in and pay; Ga*N»'« P a »«, - - • - O bmom . The city has l>een more quiet dur While they succeeded in doing this, excellent remedies, and only regret And Jone« i« Ruing to take it, and Illi* i« ing the present Congressional holi it attacked the brain. The Prcsi that in much of our practice, medi hi« monev here: Will practice in all the court* of the shut down tendin' it to him. and then day vacation than is usual at such dent hojies, however, to be equal to cal ethics prevent us from prescrib Slat». Office on Sixth «treat, near poet- coaxed him to try it a year times. (Juiix a number of Senators the ordeal of the usual New Year's ing them without making tbe formu office and Representatives went home to day reception at the White 1 louse. las public. When we were shown And here'« a few little item* th it liap- eat tlieir Christmas dinners, the Even if he cannot endure the entire the great quantity of voluntary let S. V. MITCHELL, )*'t>ed l«»t week in our town: I thought they'd look goixl for the piper. death of Senator Logan caused va two hours' task, he proposes to re ters having been forwarded Dr. ATTORNEY AT LAW hi I jirnt jotted them dow n ; rious proposed festivities to be ceive until conqiclled by fatigue to Green, from all parts of the country, And here i« a basket of peaches my wife abandoned, and rheumatism has retire. G rant '« P a » s , - - - - O klous . and from all classes of people, law picked expn-ssly for you, yers, ministers and doctors, giving And a »mall l«mch of Howers from Jennie again kept the President prisoner, A Great Ditcovcry. Will practice in ali State and Federal —■lie thought *l>e must do aome- so that he has been compelled to a description of tlieir ailments, testi Courts. Office on Main street. [thing, loo. forego certain social entertainments W. M. Lee, the well known fruit monials of their cures, etc., I feel SAM. WHITE, '■ You're doing the politic« bully, xs all of given in his honor. • grower of Tacoma, gives the par like endorsing Dr. Green'» sugges onr family agree agn'e ; our To-day almost everybody of prom-’ ticulars of a wonderful discovery of tion that the Government accept ATTORNEY AT LAW Ju«t keep wp your old L c»»«' quill a H ppin- incnce in Washington attended the bones of extinct animals in Wash such valuable formulas, and license Gaixr'« P aw , - - - - U kegon . and give them a p«»l one ter me And now you are eh<**k-full of hoaineM, imposing funeral ceremonies of the ington Territory which will attract them for general use by giving pro distinguished dead, which were held the attention of the student of na tection to the inventor same as pat _ and I won’t be taftuf your time: Will practice in all the Court« oí the State ents generally. —[Copied from N. I’ve thing« oi my own I must tend to— 1.. in the Senate Chamber. _______ . _____ ..... “........... General pxxl day, «ir. 1 !»• I kit 1 will climb” i<Ogan and his wife were mem tiers tural history and archseologv all V. Druggists'Circular of Oct., 1886. II. KELLEY, over the world In a letter from The editor aat’town m hi« «anctuni, and ot the Methodist church and Rev. Spokane Falls, just received, he ATTORNEY AT LAW. From Yreka to Grant« Pa»« on Foot. brought dawn hi« tint with a thump; Dr. Newman, the AVashingtonpas- says: ' ‘The face of the whole conn J ackiokvu . lk . . - - - O regon . “God ble«« llmt ol.l farmer," he muttered, tor of Gen Grant, officiated at the BY J . M MACDONALD. try shows unmistakable evidence of And til. thn«\rhhom)'n.ibl,<' I'lZ’J’ion, f««*™’* agisted by the Chaplain of great volcanic upheavals. On my Will practice in all the Courts of the As an evidence of the unusually and tlm« it will evei«be «till;______ the Senate, and the Rev. Dr. Butler trip south through Spokane county, • State. Office in Court House. There are «orne wli.i appreciate it« lab ire, of the Lutheran church. The futie- I stopped at Lathan, and in conven mild season, we note that the road over the Siskiyou mountains is dear H, K HANNAH, and some who perhtpa never will, t al procession from the Capitol to satiou with Mr. Coplen, of that place, of snow at this time (January 6th). Hut in the great time that iacotning, when thc cemetary, which was lengthened ATTORNEY AT LAW. regarding the volcanic formation of Considering that the summit has an Gabriel’» trumiwl «lmll Bound. by a number of civic and military that section, he informed me that he______ altitude of atout 4000 feet above sea J «CXSuMVIl LE, O mboon . Ami they w ho have labored and r ated organizations, was in charge of Gen. had examined some large bones of' level, the fact that the road over it «hall couie from the quivering ' Sheridan. -- 1ST” [gn n-id : great antiquity. Accompanied by [ js a nlass of s„ft inu<i ¡nstead of sev Office in Orth building. Oregon street This was the sixth funeral that When they who hnve itrivenanu suffered to teiu'li and ennoble the race. has taken place in the Senate Cham» Mr. Coplen I went to the spring eral feet of snow, is remarkable; and 8. W. FORBES, where the relics were dug out. It , taken in connection with the severe Shall march at the end of the column, |>er. ™. The first was that of Senator is located on a low strip of springy weather prevailing in the East, leads each iu hi« God given place— NOTARY PUBLIC Hicks of Maryland, the next Sena- A« the} march through the gate» < f the prairie. The excavation around , us to account for the fact as follows: K ibbvili . k as » A ltiiocse , J oki -1- hin »: city with ' ' proud _ 1 an«l __ 1 vi<'tohoustread, 1__ 1__ ___ ' t°r boote of \ erinont, then Hon. the spring is twelve or fifteen feet: 'fhc currents coining from the CoVNTV, ORI-OOS. The editor and hi« •i«»i»tant« will travel Charless Sumner, Vice President not (ar from the head.” Wilson, and last March Senator deep and thirty or forty feet across. nurth on the Atlantic coast, cause a The bones were covered by several contrary current west of the Rocky < -«rlton. Miller from California. Collection* u Specialty. Legal Instru I Mountains. And this wind from the ment* promptly executed. Among all the tributes that are distinct layers. now the boxes werk COVERED. South, which has prevailed since President Cleveland has rheunia- paid to the deceased Senator, the MEDICAL. The first layer was ancient peat. October, is doubtless the cause of tisni iu the knee badly. Hispliysi- honesty of bis legislative life was then gravel, then volcanic ashes, ‘he mild weather experienced on W. F. KREMER. M. 1»., cian says: “Mr. Cleveland is a lost sight of. In an era when cor then a layer of course peat. From the Pacific slope during the past ruption was rife, and when many of very heavy man. He is gainiug Physician ani Surgeon. -------------------(000)------------------- the strongest men of Iwth parties this spring were taken no less than two months. As a rule, severe flesh all the time. He takes no ex were broken down and blasted by nine mammoth, or elephants of dif weather on either coast beget» the O regon . G kast ’ s P ash , 111 GOODS SHIPPED DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY and sold ercise whatever, ami the methods public exposure or denunciation, ferent sizes; the remains of a cave contrary on the other, and natutally nLL to the farmer at from 25 to 50 per cent, less than similar Good* which he has employed to reduce which was almost as fatal, Logan liear, and hyenas, extinct birds, and from the causes stated above, arc sold at. Our PLOWS are given to the Farmer on a a sea turtle. Mr. Coplen kindly I The unusually high tempera- his adi]K>se tissue are merely tempo escaped all those long years un- , presented me with some specimens ture at this season, has been pro touched even by suspicion. Al W. IL Fl AXAGA5, M. D. rary in their effect, He is just of though his political friends accused of these relics. The dimensions of1 portionate all over the Pacific coast, I’livMcian and Surgeon, that build which makes one look for him of lieing narrow in his preju some of the bones of the large mam At San Diego, the weather in the fci" For further particulars of Prices Etc., call upon our local agents, apoplexy, and a stroke in his case dices sometimes, even they acknowl moth were wonderful to look at l.itt' i p.ut ol Ilecemlier, approached O rast ’» P a ««, ... - O reook . GEO. W. RIDDLE, at Riddle and Grants Pass. would probably prove fatal. Then edged that he was a firm, sincere The horns were a sort of tusk and nearly to the Summer conditions of protruded from the head just below ■ that part of California, although in DR. J. HINKLE, Central Point. Office at residence. corner Main ami his lieing subject to chronic rheu friend who never stooped to hypo- the eves extending downward below j October the thermometer there sank A. DUNLAP, Phoenix. Third Klrccts. Call attended any hour, cricy. matism leads to a suspicion of some day or nigh. C. FARNHAM, Ashland. The re-nomination of Mr. Mat the jaws, then upward alxive the unusually low for a few weeks, cardiac affection which is likely to thews, the colored lawyer from Al head. Bv dropping the head in the During that few weeks, snow fell Or Address lie fatty degeneration.” banv, to lie Recorder of I»eeds in act of feeding, the circle of the horns a»d lay on the Siskiyou range to the District of Columbia, promises that extended below the jaws par | the depth of about a toot; but it has 'fHAxr* I't»« - - O hi o on . Murphy, Josephine County, Or. The Portlaud News in noticing to liecome a celebrated case. The tially rested on the ground giving now disappeared and left the mud support to the head which is csti j on the slopes in a liquified state, English ani German Spoken. the death of Gen. John .A Logan, . President holds that since the Sen mated to have weighed a ton " *"* ate rejected him last summer much Office <>u Main »treet, nvardriigstore. A Happy N«w Year. 1 among other appropriate words 'S : of the opposition to Matthews' ap- ENORMOUS HORNS. . says; ' pointmcnl has been removed by the The friendly greetings we toss so The horns were worn away seve "The troubled life, the conflict latter's management of the office. ral inches deep at the bottom of the freely about at the opening of a new —MANUFACTURERS OF and pain, the grief, bitterness and The Democrats are indignant that turn or half circle, indicating con year have a lieautiful meaning and ! stainless honor, all were his, and the President should have again stant use by rubbing on the ground value. They mean that we have for Lumber, Doors, Windows, the sorrow of the people is such as seen fit to send in the name of this or rucks. One of these horns was once at least risen so far above the Calls reponded to at all hours, dav or night < Mti,s- opfsmite Mover'« hotel. is only felt when a great man dies. “caqietbagger from Albany" as they ten feet and one inch long, and narrow life of self as to wish others Brackets, and Mouldings. Jacksonville, (trogoli. Were a star quenched on high, call him, and the Republicans are twenty inches in circumference. It well. This is no small tiling to do. For ages would it» light, watching with interest to see how When one can sincerly wish onty DR. CH \S. W. BEACOM, — ANU AU KINDS OF— Still traveling downward from the sky, the Senate will treat the case of the weighed 145 pounds. One of the good for all others, he has got be tusks measured twelve feet and Shine on our mortal *ight, Dentist, same nominee which it rejected last nine inches in length and twenty yond self and come into the great So when a great man die«, For years beyond our ken session. O regon . G rant ’ s P ass seven inches around. It weighed warm life of humanity. He’has con- The light lie leave« behind him lie« In renominating Mr. Matthews 295 |»ounds. The jaw weighed 6.} quored enmity, envy and jealousy. Upon the path* of men. the President said to the Senate, “I pound*. The molar teeth weighed This does not meat»’ to overlook the Ml work warranted. Office on Main have ventured in view of the demon wrongs and vices of others, for s reel, above Post Office. —The Introduction of— Bradstreet's Journal of Finance strated fitness of this nominee, and 18 pounds each. Some ot the ribs that would net l>e well wishing No were eight feet long. The pelvic MIRTEI 1.1NEOUI». and Public Economy puts the for with the understanding that the ob arch was six feet across, and an or greater evil can liefall many people jections heretofore urged against his dinary man could walk erect through than to go on happy and content in eign question as follow '' “Affairs still remain at a stand selection have to a great extent sub 1 this opening This huge and an their present wav of life. It means NEW TIN SHOP; HAS ENABLED THEM TO REDUCE PRICES FIFTY PER still in eastern Europe. No prog- sided, and confessing a desire to tique monster was eighteen feet and when we can wish all others well, O. II. STARR, I’RorRtETon, rees has been made toward the set tender to onr colored fellow citizens ' six inches high, and was estimated we desire for them all honorable CENT BELOW ALL FORMER RATES. —I »caler In— success and all proper enjoyment. tlement of the Bulgarian question. just recognition and the utmost to weigh twenty tons. good faith, to again submit this | There is a real value in this state of The representatives of the regency W For Price List, address, S. P D. & L. Co. IN THE BACK AGES. Stove*. Tin-Ware, Pumps, Pipes, mind. It is a blessing tothe one who are still engaged in making the cir nomination to the Senate for confir Just imagine far back in the misty I Grant's Pass, Oregon. Etc.. Etc., Etc. cuit of the European courts, where mation, at the same time disclaim by gones of antiquity, probably lie possesses it as well as to others. It the disposition apjiears to lie to re ing any intention to question its fore the appearance of man u|«>n the increases the joy of one who lives JOB WORK DONE ON SHORT "HURRA FOR GRANT’S’ PASS, HURRA !” ceive them, not in an official, but previous action in the premises." earth, that Washington Territory ■ in that state, and it goes out in fra » NOTICE. in a private capacity. No conclu The matter will cause a warm dis was the home of these monstrous grant helpfulness and encourage CAMPBELL à TUFF sion as to the result of their mis cussion soon, and it is probable that animals that roamed over the great inent to all others. And how much we Prices Moderate. sion can lie formed as yet. An oc Mr. Matthews will l>e rejected prairies traversed the Columbia river all need encouragement, and what now Rolar «»r iîavimu the GRANTS PASS, - - - OREGON. casional ripple on the surface is again. and made the genial climes of Puget .1 sweet inspiration there is in the Congress did a good deal of work thought that in the hurry of life caused bp a flash of Russian or ROOM IN SOUTHERN OREGON. sound their haunts in winter. It WILL 2 BROWN. English jelousy, but lieyond that in the brief time that it convened matters not, what the theories may we are not forgotten, Blessed will there is nn immediate stir in the l»efor/tlie holidays, and it should lie in regard to these imlx-ddcd be the day when every human soul Assayer 4 Analytical Chemist, dispute Meanwhile the powers not lie severely censured if it were bones of such huge proportions, can say from the heart, "A Happy oaruoN xn « el minx , who are likely to have a baud to do nothing more this session ex why »0 many of them were piled New Year'“ [Mining and Scienti in the dispute are silently arming. cept to pass the regular appropria together in these springy places, fic Press. RIDDLE, DOIGLA8 COUNTY, OGN. Journals which devote leaders tion bills Still much more is pro what periixl or age the animals lived; On their Cheap Counter« in ¿di sw h lines as Captain Mike is tbe Idnian who For instance, Representa to reassuring declarations regard jected Àn.lll.i mud* nf «’ninpl»«, at what time Ijie great change took now pretends to know all adout tive Springer says lie will do all he ing the permanency of jieace pub place which made them disappear the wreck of the Brother Jonathan Murr« riAMiwen »xn r»r>«Trr> t ros. DRESS GOODS, lish advertisements calling for ten can to pass his bill enabling the Ter from the continent, whether they <lers for military supplies. In Ger ritories of Dakota, Montana, New first made their appearance, in this and where it can be found. It may Assay for Gold and Silver * hO CLOTHING, l»e so, but there have been so many Assay for Nickel or Cobalt ti Oil many the government continues Mexico and Washington to enter part of (America and whether or not Indian stories in relation to the Assay for l ead or Copper 3 00 HATS AND CAI’S, to press the army bill, and the the Union as states, and he thinks it was then a tropical climate. Cer finding of the wreck, that too much he ma} succeed. BOOTS AND SHOES. inspired organs are calling upon tain it 1» that they lived and flour reliance should not lie placed upon There arc two propositions pend the Reichstag to obey the voice of ished here thousands of years ago, what they say. It has been so the nation. In France the nianu ing licfore Congress now relative to and the remarkable discovery of long since the disaster and this the subject of marriage and divorce, factories of arms and ammunition these Ixmcs may lead to fresh re Indian, although he has been in are being worked to their utmost and whether or not any action will searches in the vicinity.'' [Tacoma PROVISK )NS, J B MARSHALL & SON this neighborhood since that capacity. Italy is putting herself be taken on either of them, the Evening Telegraph Wiah to inform the (irople of Grant-« tune, is liable to tie mistaken with CROCKERY, question involved is one of great in readiness for possible war, and the Pa»« au*l snrrounding country that many others, still he may have a TOBACCOS, they have opened a new stock of (German trooi«i in Alsace Lorraine public importance and constantly Propri»t»ry Medicine«. clue and it is worth trying for. increasing interest. One of these CIGARS, ETC. arc being reinforced. There is not measures proposes a Constitutional A visit to Dr Green's Laboratory [ Record. quite so much uneasiness now a» was felt when Von Moltke made his amendment for the establishment of at Woodbury, N. J., has considera FREE TRADE iH^All our good« are entirely new and will }*■ exchanged for cash warning speech in the Reichstag uniform laws throughout the United bly changed our view», and esj»e The reduction of internal revenue aibi some weeks a ;o, and prices are States regulating marriage and di i cially our prejudices in regard to tin- t«kiin{ off o( revenue »tuiiij« from or farm produce. CAMPBELL A TUFFS, | what are generally known as “Stan-! Proprietary Medicin»», nodouM h«» l irgv- somewhat steadier on the bourses, vorce. Grant’» Pass, Josephine County, Oregon The White House patient has dard Patent Medicines.” Of course: i lv Iteru-filted the < oneuuvr«, »« well as re- but the presentiment of ultimate l»een refractor}- and consequently he we are getting to that age in life I'levin* the burden of home niannfactiir- They have ateo iu Connection a trouble remains." I era. Eiqiecially M thia the ea»e with is not »0 well as he otherwise might when we are forced to conclude Life tjrw«'« zlMyust H'Krtr and G-.- FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT, itself is a humbug, and naturally z\ woman sold her wadi tub to a have been. The President's phy »uos .S//r*^, u* tbe reduction of thirtv*«>< where they will lewd the hungry. party of riflemen for a target. They sician warned him to keep still and distrust anything that has not with cent« |«r doten. h i* l*en a'ldeil to in- reuse the si«e o( th» buttle-* <*>ntuininiC paid her J1.50 for it: and after the} not exjMrse himself to drafts, and stood long and triad expericnct *. < lliese ------ A N I) ------ retnedie«, thereby |fis in/ one-Ultii ICE CREAM ! ICE CREAM ! ! had gone home she went out into the lx>th of these orders were disolx-ved. Being a physician I had thecurioi more nie<liciiie in the 75 cent «ise. Thu Once, Twi-e or Jhrre time* * Weik, and field and lirought it back as good a. Then on Wednesday aftern xm the ty to know how such a sale of two d«yi>>< l>v»|<«|»iia and liver will furnish lce-ciearn for Feativah for President drove out to his country medical preparations could be sus Complaint, »ml th« Hmum it ever was. — (Advance. ,md all Public Gathering». place iu an ojien A’ictoria. wearing tained for so many years. The per Couah hik I Lung trouble«, have perhap", SMI’I’H BROS., - - - I’roprivtors. the lareest ale oi any uwfh'ine« in th” On Saturday the two hundred a light overcoat and caught some feet system upon which the business world The advant*«« ol increaasd niao —TRKV AL»O MAL I»— <5th street. Grants* Pa*». Ote«on. is conducted, and the pharmaceuti (<«'t span of the < Oregon Pacific draw void of the iK/ttle« will he grsutlv uppreemteif Flour and Provision? —« n............ The president's trouble is a rheu cal arrangements for the manuiac by the wick and alllicted. in every town bridge at .Albany, was successfully Having completed our new Stables wc arc now prepared to furnish swung into position and was found matic knee and everything is lieing ture of the two recipes with which and vill.ijp* In civilised eonntries. Mam- Subscribe for the Corm er . pl« buttle« for 10 < «nt« rumain the »e.nio the best of «xomtnodatictu AT REASONABLE RATES to wo’k admirably. Two men were done to prevent the disease from we were made acquainted, are suffi •lac. *p eaditig but. •- »id th" Doctor, no ciently convincing to u« that the able to turn the drao in six mitt TH? P1WK1 AND ONLY NEWSPAPER Stihwrils; for the C"» nirg August Flower fi>i <h «pep<in ’nd Horse Shoeing and W.igon Kenai ring a Specialty. medi- *1 kill 1 - - n -i ,i’»1e t*> nte- I Erb .. 1 Jmrnhl.t» DAVIrf BROWER, -------- HIP, HIP, HURRAH!!!-------- ECONOMIST SULKY PLOWS! OUR WALKING PLOWS T he 'ECONOM Have Reversible Points and Shares. Two Days’ Test TriaL WIMER & MEE, SUGAR PINE DOOR & LUMBER CO. HOUSE and STORE FINISHINGS. The Latest Improved Machinery, Bargains! Bargains! New Store New Goods. Groceries. Candies. Tobaccos. New Livev, Feed and Sale Stable! BLACKSMITH SHOP Piihhehed in J*wrrhi..» '."’ll»'! A Rill r'. *1 BSCRIMKll.