Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1886)
THE COURIER osclil Piw of JûseDMine CGUity. ureioi. FRIDAY, DEC. 3. 1S86. STATE ANDCOUNTY OFFICIALS state orrictAUt: .................... Governor Z. F. Moonv Secretary R. P. E abhast Treasurer E. H irhcu Senator H. B M illeb Representative S. U. M itchell E. B. M c E lroy Supt. Pub. Instruction .Circuit Jmlge I I on . I.. R. \V eh » t :-: k District Attorney W m . M C _ olvio county official »: .. County Judge Volney Colvig J M. Payne j- Commissioners Simeon Messenger Clerk C. K Chanalor. Tiv.tsurer .1 W. Howard ..... Sheriff T. G. l ________ ’attemon Eil. F. Hathaway .Schoo!Superintendent CtHcrrr CoctiT—Convenes ontl e Second M -n lay in April, ami First Monday in November Coisrv Cot’RT—Convenes on the First Monday in January, April, Julv and September OUR BUSINESS DIRECTORY. GRANT'S PASS. HESrtttL MEBCH VNrUHE. L. V an . Cor. 6th and II street». Geo. W RtntiLK—Main «t., near 5th. C ami * bbll &T i rr»—cor. Oth 4 H st». 8. P. D. A I. Co.—office and store cor- Ctliand Main Htreets. HBOCKRIES. J. M C hill :»—cor. 4th and Main st«. J B. M v:i it ill Jc 8. ix— or 7th A Main. G illam A C hai ’ m ax —M tin nt near lith. E. A. E stes —Main st., liet. 4th & 5th. ATTOBXBYS- VT-1. VW D avih B kower —(itli st near PoHtofficc. S U. Mtrcnri t.—Main »t next door to Cocrur.K office. H am W hite —Main »t , bet. 4th and 5th mtt'ii stores N vtiox vt. Dm <i Sr iri:—Main nt near Oth. C ity D rlo S tore —Main »t liet 6th .t 7th. rnvsictAXB .vxn scroeon * W F. K rivifr —at National Dni'g Stor". F TV. V andyk —Main “t bet 6th and 7th. W. H. F lvx . voas —Cth »treet below H. W ITCHES VXD JEWEt.llY. C. L. G ray —cor Main and 5th sts M. V. L oomis —Main st bet St It and oth. MlHCItt.1. VXEOl'8. A. J. S edge —Furniture denier and Archi tect— Main st. In t 4th and bill. tV. R azee a S ox —I lour and Feed »tors— Main st. adjoining Courier building. S heker A li ih os—Ilar !«are un i Stovei- —Oth street, betw« n Main and H. J It H ale —Furniture &c —Otb street, between Main mid II I’ ionev A C ook —Blacksmiths—11 street, near corner of titli F. A. Gar::xE A Sox—Gunsmiths and Machinists—Main st bet 4th an I 5th. <’lTY M arket Main st nearbtli. I I’ci in s M arket —Cor Front and 4th st» ’ H. Srvit—Tin Shop—cor 6th A H st». L 8. Sunn—Livery stable—H »t bet 5th au.1 Gtji Smru Ba«* -Ft I St. i 'J—6th<t. C bxtbal U • : l —J B. Hutch, Proprietor «-Main jti t-i t near 5th. G baxti , P a s A. adzmy —Henry L. Ben- sot^rf'rirv ipal. ■ NittSi • H» he —Milliner—C oi kibb build- ing, s*K.n Groot, between 4th and 5tii. . \V vTct: S M-' i\ —4; nvis-« from Jaclwion EtM. Hill—Rea! Eeta« . tr.’.'rfT. Insurance etc. Lnwi- -rnoxii—Flouring Mills, Murphy. J a . mps W W imi . h —Murpy—agent for the Economist Sulky Plow and Mason A Ilamlin Organs ami Pianos. JACKSONVILLE. Roort: R iver D istillery —John V Ilan- lev, Proprietor. . J AIKHOXVH.I.K M ariilk AV orks —J. ('. Whip, Proprietor. C. I. kmi 'E kt —Physician and Surgeon. attorn eys - at - law . II. K elly . H. K. II vnxah . T. B. K ent . WALDO. J W imer A Sox—General Merchandise —Main street I’liii. D ecker —General Merchandise. Hotel and Liver’, »table— Main st. J. A. P eceiiam —Hotel and Livery barn —Mam street. CENTRAL POINT. R obt . W esik :■—Fee 1 and »'tie stable. J. S, Hot i x—Stoves and Tinware L ewis 1’ axkey —< ’ Point Hotel. M voRi her —R ■ il Estate. KERBYVILLE. '.V m Nat < x "—General Merchandise. N DHLVMArrr.K—General Merrhandi»e. U m ,.x H otel —Mr«. Rvd 'r, Proprietor. Kcam ville Mtia.»—P. M. Miller, l’ropr, Ktctt iKi> P. lisoRiii:—Saloon—Main st. Special Announcement! The readers of the COURIER are in form.ul that we have ma le arrangements for clubbing that famous 44-colnmn week ly story pajx-r, T he Y anrre B lade , a js'rio-lical which needs no recommenda tion from n«, us one of the brightest, cleanest ami best story papers in Ameri ca. Each nutnlier contains nine or ten complete stories, one or two serials by the best authors, jtoctrv, household recipes, witty sayings, and in fact everything that goes toward making a bright and in teresting story paper. The regular price of The Yankee Blade is $2.00 a year. We offer to either old or new sulxtcriliers. The Root e R iver CofBtr.a and The Yankee Blade from now until Dec. 31st, 18-9*. for $2.00. The regular price of tmth ]>a|>ers is $4 25. Tlio«e who wish to take advantage of this extraordinary offer, can secure a sample copy of The Yankee Blade by sending their addresses to the Publishers of rhe Yankee Blade. 20 Hawley St . Boston. Mass. In ordering plea is remit to this office th- .-Amount above stated, giving your full address. CROUP, WHOOPINt; COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shil oh's Cure Kremer keeps it. t Jons If. Y. vte ». of Batavia, N Y., says ■ “f cheerfullv commenced Your AROM ATIC WINE . It itid new life and vigor »end Thmngh this week frame of mine. It did for al! my stomach ills M ire than the doctor and his pill».'' For sale at Kremer's drug store Paid up subscriders or new sub scribers to the C ourier , bv paying the sum of cash will receive both the C our 1 hr and ' West Shore ' one year. The West Shore will be ac companied by a magnificent holiday engraving of Mt. Hood. 18x24. printed in eighr colors, alone worth more than the amount paid. tf THE WIFE, MOTHER AND MAID »ho «offer from Ft-rnale Weaktu -«. will find Gilmore's Arotnat’e Wine a positive Kremer has it for sale. For lame Ivack. «ide or che»t, u h’s Porous 11« ITice 2 Ur. Ulina's Improv.» l lur Pill«. A Sad Accident. JAMES St AN 01 Saletu. Oregon, An entertainment during the hol Hon. Henry Rogers and wife are »a>» he w.tHCurtHiof Asthma by Gilmore's Reinovoa t'onsti|Mttion. prevents Malaria, a. Salem Mr. Rogers having se idays the pivceeda to be ap;Mied to Early last Friday morning our Magnetic Elixir. Kremer keeps it. : cures Dyspepsia, and gives new life to the cured a job of work on the State ward purchasing buckets and pro little city was shocked by a report Only one for a doue. Free sam Hdw are you Parley ? The undersigned lias two farms system ples at W. F Kremer’s house. He will returu to our city viding a hook and ladder company that Joseph Moss had bet a fearfully to rent in Jump Off Joe precinct, Don’t miss the drama, its im about the beginning of the New in cxse of hie is now in order. and probably fatally mangled by both improved and have comforta SHILOH’S VITALIZE« Í» » hat you mense. * Year—come ou. yon are welcome. John Hartman rented John having lieen caught in the machin ble buildings. For further particu need for Constipation Loss of Appetite, Diumess, and all syiutmn« of Dyspepaia. Chas. Decker came over from Wal Mrs Benson mother of Prof. Ben Bolt’s place in Jerome prairie and ery at the mills of the S P D4 I, lars euquire of oratklressC. D. Sex Price 10 and 75 cent« per bottle It is do Tuesday. son and Mrs. Goodell of this city has moved thereon. Mr. Hartman Co. l'he report proved to 1« too ton, Luckey Queen, Josephine Co., for sale at Kremer’s drug stoffi. true and the many friends of that Hon Binger Hermann hxs gone has gone to her home in California. is one of our Itest citizens and we Ol on. Cur» For ril«». We had the pleasure of making the hope he may succeed well in his estimable young man were pained MIDDLE-AGED MEN who luck vigor, to Washington. to the heart upon sight of that once and vitality can I«» cured by Gilmore’s Piles are frequently precerljd by aaenae acquaintance of this intelligent lady new venture. of weight in the back, loins and lowor Our friend F. M. Nickerson has and were much pleased to converse The collection of birds, pictures, perfe< t physical form now so fear Aromatic \Viue. For sale at Kremer's t part 01 the abdomen, causing tlie patient, our thanks for favors. with her. She will tarrv at Drain coral and other beautiful and inter fully changed. Ilis right lower jaw CATARRH CURED, health and sweet to suppose he has Homo affection of the Hiram Young, of Polk county, a short time visiting. Master Ar esting things to lx? seen iu the pri bone was broken into fragments his breath secured, by Shiloh'nCatarrh Rem- kidneys or neighboring organs. At time», thur Benson accompanied her as far vate rooms of om frieud F. Burk right leg smashed to pieces below the eily. Price 50 cent •. Nasal Injector free. Mvmptoms of indigestion are imveeut, flat has been adjudged insane. t ulency, iinearuness of the stomach, etc. knee beside other bruises on different Kremer lias it for sale as Drain. hart at Albina is both entertaining portions iiM>wturv\ like preaperation, producing What shall we call our town? Call Persons desiring pictures should it A very of the body but less serious. disagreeable itching, after getting Caldwell and Son have their mine and instructive. a public meeting and decide. not delay until winter sets in, as At the time his life was despaired warm, is a common attendant. Blind, on the head of Applegate ready for Eggs are selling as high as 30 operations. It we have a good min S. M. Keenan, a quartz man is in of but at this writing there is every Everitt the photographer may be ab Bleeding and Itching Pilon yield at once to the application of Dr. Bneanko’» Pile this vicinity from East Portland. prospect of his ultimate recovery. sent from his office at that time. cents per doz. in Jacksonville. ing year, there will be more gold ■ He informs us he h is seen some As nearly as wc can get at Ute 11a Remedy, which itifs dinrtly U|K>n thn [25tf T. Y. Dean has been down to dust taken out than for anv corres very fine quarts in this section aud ture of the accident it teems that ANSON HOUGH, of Bl.ukbcrry, III»., parts effected, absorbing the Tumors, al the intense itching, and elfis-tinga Canyonville enjoying himself. ponding year in twenty. ’ for the that he and others are going to. Mr. Moss and Frank Tuttle went say» lie owes his lite to Gilmore » Mag laying permanent cnn*. Price 50 cents. Address. netic Elixir. Try it. It is for »ale at reason that all the mines are in The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co.. Piqua, O. Wm. Malony contemplates mov work on a ledge near the old Jewett down into the basement of the fac- Kremer's drug »tore. ; good shape for work, aud many new claitn. ing to McAllister precinct soon. tory where a feed chopper teas kept SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made tni»era- Sold by W. F. Kremer, Grant's Pass. giants have been added to the dif Henry York called and paid a ferent camps. Jupiter Pluvius turn Chas. Kohn, of the well known for the purpose of putting the belt ble by that terrible cough. Shiloh'» Cur« D r . J. B. PILKINGTON, the remedy lor you. Kremer'« drug firm of Charles Kohn & Co.. Port- 0:1 l,hat machine, Mr. Tuttle was is year in advance for the C ourier . Surgeon. Oeulint, Aurial, and proprietor the other faucet. »tore is the place to get it t standing in a stooping position ui Ilin Eve fntlrmaev, and Sunitariain, of land, gave us a call this week. Smith Bros, offer 160 acres of land The McGibeny family consists of Charley says he has traveled all holding the t>clt on the small pulley Having two of the finest and best Portland, Or., may until further notice for sale. See ad. in another column. the following persons taken by us over the coast country, and that of the mill while Mr. Moss tried to improved small farms iu Southern In' conanltod at the Clraal*« Peaa, Don't miss seeing “Better than from the Esmond Hotel register, as good times are about to dawn npon throw the belt on the pulley of the Oregon. I desire to sell one of them. mi tke 2nd House. <if ntry tn»nth, ull dny. registered by themselves: J. B. us; that the entire coast country is main line shaft. Some how unex- All under cultivation. For terms, Gold.” Its a splendid drama. * The afflicted by diseawe in any form am Mctj’.beny, Mrs. J. B. McGibeny, in good shape and about to share a plained the Itelt caught which enquire of R. I). S andford , made welcome to a free consultation. U. S. Senator J. H. Mitchell left Prank McGibeny, Mrs. Frank Mc pulled the main shaft out of it s 19-3111] Grant's Pass, Or. Hi» »pecialtie» are all form» of Eye and Portland for Wash iti g ton on the 25th Gibeny, Yiola, Hugh, Victor, Fred, general harvest of good times and bearings and bent the shall which MR. A. HI(<SINS,of AVvoming, N. Y., Ear Ailment«, Rectal A Nervou» Di«ea«e«. prosperity. inst. Allie, Florence, Duckie, Grace, caused the accident or else the »ayn ho had th” Pile» for nearly 4.) ware, to almost every old Portlander; Mr. W. P. Hammon, of Hamtnon bursting of the large iron pulley and u is cured bv using Gilmore'» Pile u 1 m Refers S. M Wilcox and wife gave our Carl, Jamie, and little Leo, the baby, > Jas. 8. t'lierrv, Albany; R. A. Ram Bros. Nurseries, will deliver all trees Specific. Go to Kremer ’ « for it. t py. Harrisburg; 1. W. Bond. Irving; Rev. office a pleasant call on Thursday who, though the least one in the pieces of which flew through the air Fairchild, Jas A. Ebbert, Eugene; with Dyspepnia A. last. family, is the best performer of sold in Josephine county, from their like hail caused the bending of the WILL YOU SUFFER Shitojvi nurseries during the next few days. main shaft at any rate the loosening and Liver Complainti’l.lU.’. ’ ‘ Viuiizm .“.„’d... . -[,.»' Day, Wilbur; R II; Dixon. W. C. them all: i. e. he receives most of Winston, Roseburg; Jas Diornton, h tn. Our old friend Mrs. J. F. Mack, H. McPhee is with him. Their aud liending of the main shaft was in guaranteed to cure you. Go to Kre C. Butler. Aaltland. and over a hundred t is again engaged teaching school at the applause. dates for delivering are: Myrtle the immediate cause which led to mer'» drug »tore and get it. I'lises of the worst lorni» of PUtt, litclnl The first term of school is out to Waldo. Creek. Dec. 3d; Riddle, Dec. 4th; the injuries of the unfortunate man. fletrti I'intulur, etc., now Isringsuccessfully C onsumption C ured . treated, without using the knife. Rev. John Howard of Roseburg, day, and the next term begins next Grants Pass, Dee. 4th; KerSyville, Mr. Tuttle had his head down watch I An old physician, retired from active returned home on last Saturday Monday. Pupils will bear in mind Dec, 6th; Glendale, Dec. 7th. fisc ing the small pulley and did not practice Now llao Faith. having ha I plaee.1 in his hands > , that their tuition must be paid be burg, Dee. 9th; Oakland. Dec. 10; 1 night’s train. I had boon troubled all winter with cold bv an East India Missionary the formula fore entering upon the term. We Drain, Dec. 11th; Salem, Dee. 12th see how Mr. Moss was hurt and so ol a simple vegetable remedy for the and pain in the cheat and got no relief quickly was it done that it is doubt Ex - Governor S. F. Chadwick was have nothing but praise to offer the and 14th. and permanent cure of < 'onHtinip- front remedies recommended by Druggists [36- tt ful if it will ever l»e explained. For H|»'edv in our town again this week, look management of our school so far as tiun. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthms, and and PhysieianH. At the Mine time I wu • On Thanksgiving day while in an instant the room was a perfect all Throat and l.img atfectionH. after hav advertising I’r. liosanko’» Cough and ing cheerful. it has gone, and the teachers deserve Protland, we took occasion to visit storm of flying shafting and pieces ing thoroughly tested its wonderful cura bung Syrup. I had little faith, but great credit for their untiring efforts Ex-county clerk Hughes and the store of our old friend S. \V. of wool ! and iron and before Mr. tive pnen in thousands of cases, feels it thought to try it as a last revert, now I George W. Wimer were over from in behalf of their pupils. The indi King, of the firm of Olds & King. Tuttle could even look up it was all his duty to tuako it known to his sutfer- believe even more than they toll me of its cations are that the other school ini’ fellows. The recipe sent free, loall curative qualities. (From The New*, Waldo this week. room will have to be finished and Mr. King was formerly principal of over and Mr. Moss was lying in an who may desire it, with full direction» Elisabethtown. Ky.) Sample hottie five A child overturned a lamp at Mr. another teacher added. Count us our academy at I.aFayette in Yam insensible condition in one corner of for preparing and suceeasfully using. Ad- cent■ at W. F. Kremer'a. Estes’ Tuesday evening, almost in. I pon the success of our school hill county, where he gained many the pit. Joseph Moss is 011c of our dress, with stamp, naming this paper, 1> k . M E. CASS, E. MARTIN A CO. causing a conflagration. laurels as a tutor. Afterward he foremost young men of untarnished i depends the success of our town. 210 Grand St., Jersey Citv, N. J character and esteemed by all and went to Portland where he filled the 34-Sni] CoL Burn« occupifH the proud distinct- Hon. G. B. Caldwell gave us a \\ e had the pleasure of meeting of repi-eswutinK the oldest and most pleasant call Thursday and left his Dr. S. Hamilton, who came up to position of Superintendent of the besides receiving every attention NERVE LIFE AND VIGOR restored I ion reliable house in the trade in the United that the people can give him he is a public schools of that city to the measure for the C ourier . Roseburg where he lives, on the advantage of all with whom he member of tlie I OOF lodge the in men and women by UMving Gilmore's States, and he again greets his many Aromatic Vine, For nule ut Kremer'« friends, reminding them that the weanon "Dat pore ole man! Pore die fool! train Saturday evening. He was came in contact. Tiring of a teach members of which true to their or drug »toru. i of “peace on earth and good will toward Dat’s what lie was!” Asa’s a trump one ot many ot our early pioneers ers life which he had followed so der are bestowing their love of bro can bo so' "l*“ rapidly approaching, when proa THAT HACKING COUGH who carried their lives in their many years, and believing other therhood upon him. of darkies. * perity and generosity go hand in hand, quickly cured by Shiloh'» Cure. We guar . and the whole civilized world seeks for I antee It For sale by Krem-r. The “President’s Car" came up hands. One day in 1856 in the vi- avenues of business more profitable Murphy Hums. those tributes and mementoes which cijiity of Glendale, while in compa- he embarked in the merchantile Tuesday bearing Receiver Kohler serve to bind closer the friends of Meeting FREE TRADE. 1 ny with Capt. Barns, an Indian ly Nov. 28, 1886. • years. After the lull conn's the storm, business in which capacity Mr. and Stipi. Brandt. ing ambushed behind a log within King has been very successful. Be-I Another wedding to-day and two [ Tl.n reduction of internal revenue and the M'ason of depression is rapidly passing Rose A. White of Toledo, Benton twenty feet of them, fired a shot at sides their large city trade they do1 I the taking tiff of revenue stumps Irom away. The signs of the times indicate a county write« that »he desires to lo the doctor's neck with unerring aim. a large country order business, and I SC juls made happy. While our cars Proprietary Medicines, liodouht ha« large better and mure active future, und in an were readiness lor the merry wed ly beticfltled the consumers, as well a»re ticipation of an increased demand for tino cate in Grants Pass. 1 Two holes, one on either side of the being strictly honorable i*i all that ding bells aud our thoughts drifting lieving the burden of Imine luanufactnr- whiskies, he will give personal attention Hon. Theo. Cameron and Frank . neck and just back of the bone, at tlicv do, they seldom lose a custom-' along on the luxuries of a nice wed- er». E»pccially is this the case with to the best of Eitro|>ean and Eastern G .-l«y.7.e 'F7 oh , .' and for- liquors. He now offers to patrons the ad- Ennis were on the train bound for test to the accuracy of the aim. A er. While there, Mr. King exlii-1 ding dinner, we were almost para mioi .\vri.p, uh the reduction of thirty-six vantage of selecting from tliesc flue whin- ! narrow’ escape. Calice creek the 22d. ! bited the celebrated Lainson cash ' lyzed to hear that the wedding had cents per dosen, has been added to in kies, which lie guuranteeH will not 1* ex \\ liile in Portland, we visited the ' railway, a system of making change1 quietly taken place nt Squire crease the size of the latttlc» containing celled on the coast The tlrin ho repro- ’. P. Killinger, f reman in the those remedies, thereby giving one-llfth scuts has ill stock J. r Cutter, Extra, L. M. Waite of Salem, I ^ ^»¿^»uu^car dispensary whose ad- : between the customer and cashier, I Brown's. No cakes or pies to fig more tnedicino in the 75 cent size. The Old Bourbon and Argonaut whiskirwfrom j which entirely does away with the ure in the racket. That's so. In .In i,«l / ' 1 vertisemeu. appears elsewhere in died 1:1 that city onidhe 2i«t. for l>yH|H‘psia and Liver E Martin A Co.’s distillery, Ky. Put up Ithls pAtjgr. Dfs. Xavlor and Clark cash boys. The system is nothing! days gone by a wedding like this Complaint, and tlie f/ccsi'i»« *VveHn for- in half an<l whole bbls , also cases of Cut J. W. Barre, of book agirit fame, are the proprictnrs. both uf wli tn> mu. e than a wire railway over which would create quite a tir among the Cough and Lung trouble«, have perltnp», ter, etc Orders adreaned to John L has just came over from the coast Titre first class certmeaics, and also round hollow balls carry bills and boys. Burins, commercial agent for K. Martin A ____ 1 __ _____ ■ r pop , corn and the largest Hitle of any medlciuos in tlm t'o., Lasses candy, 46X Front atiri t. Han Francisco, will world The advantage of increaxed wire where he has been for several months. many kt’er» of recommendation cash Each 1 HttwQRi» .. - -i a evi -11' 'Tr « cakes ■ 1K"- tv« mi I lx; DC the only conipro- of Siilesma.;±.i' station would the liottles will lie greatly uppreciatsd receivo the sain • careful attention as from which 1 ------ ■ • .. .. he makes change with ini-inj; ilitnuil. M. B. Augustine traveling sales from prominent nl-rt» in Canada and In this case how-' by the sick »nd atllicted. in every ton 11 though the order was given him. Dr. W rail’ . To each station ■vu oy I«!*» «^0; we will withdraw from the mid village in civilized countries. Sam-< F. Kremer, agent. Grant’s Pass, man for J. A. Folger & Co., is in elsewhere. Dr. Taylor'S S regular ! tflie cashier by pie I'«'ttlit for 10 cent:« remain the »mile —————————————— Ibel< mg f. ’ iut mite, there tn- two rnrue after .w ashing the happy) this section. This is a good house. 1 graduate of St. Louis Medical Co1- ■» • . • - ■ ’ Cou‘ nize. 1 ptintl each side ot pie wun are Mr. Aivuzo I tracks passing around -ach »ide -ile wu 'arc Mr. Aiu. ■ IE and Hon. H. B. Miller returned home i lege. Dr. Clark being a regular the store, one inch N l ’. v Lliiiiiitii ¥ Stellte. t.iwart» the Mrs. A ~ M.LiujIley.ii^c- --- and _ nJcasaut DR. I'RF.FI \ND, <•( tlie M 1. » leaving his family in Portland where graduate at University of Toronto, cashier ■G. CO Alito _TA>. the other from him. I “J*-11 dip bottles of ‘ Illmori The pt ,-prrous voyage o ’ er the high | Canada, the latter gentleman hav they will remain during the winter. tie Wine cured hi* wueyi Nervi MRS. FLANAG4N&M TUFiM' X. I 1 ;ty ing had twenty-six years experience balls to the first stations arc the seas of nvT'.rimntty. :tnteJHrspl«»n»W© i c ■ r kl_ . Jas. W. Wiincr and Thomas Mee and practice. There being so many largest, being smaller at each sue- Hawomwd« mw - ' BiilLUii’B COUUH • 1 1 Llnkvlit* Notea. received their car load of the cele | humbugs among the advertisers ceeding station so that they do not1 (’uro w sollt by us on it im.u.mice. It Millinery Dressmaking brated Economist plows last Mon nowadays we took pains to cxain- throw the catch spring which hoists \Ve are having fine weather. I'ltn-»< ’onsiifiifirVm K«Winer keeps it. t day. ’ : ine the diplomxs of these gentlemen the switch gate at stations other ESTABLISHMENT Curley Webb is contractor in We call the attention of our read I before inserting their advertisement than their own. As convenient and stead of driver on the Linkville and OpjMKite Cumpbvll a Tulla’ ht<>r«’, on (Mb rti ‘ct ers to eight new advertisements and were satisfied of their ability i profitable as these railways are, Fort Klamath route, as heretofore there is but two of them in use on mentioned in your papei -an errot Obtained, and all PATENT business at HA13W0BI and STAMPING Dt’tly done which appear in this issue of the and integrity. tended Io promptly and for Moderate fees C ourier . [27-6111 <>iir office is i.pp . ite tin1 I'. 8. Patent While we were gliding along on the Northwest coast, the other being of mine. in the store of John Cran Co. Office, and we can obtain Put nts in less Nothing particularly new . Will tirn It is said that our county clerk is tlie north bound train the other Those of our readers who desire to ■ than those remote from Washington. HYDE simply superb in his character as a night in a mood of merriment, the see simplicity simplified and ingenu probably start for Lakeview next Send Model or Drawing. Weadviseas M UN MT . iu front «f 111«* Factor). Pea nut vender announced that the Friday, and from thence to Grants to patentability free of charge; and we bald-headed lawyer. * ity brought to jrerfection, will profit time hadarrove to “choose partners Pass, where I will organize a new make no charge unless patent is secured. a new ¡inc of Mrs. A. S. Johnson formerly Mrs. for a tunnel,” Wegot our partners by calling while in Portland and lodge, We refer, here, to the Postmaster, the or transfer the place of meet Sii|s-iinlend> nt ot Money Order Div., and GLOVE: ( ORSETK, John Neuber died at their family as it were, and passed through a examine the cash railway. ing of A. O. U. W lodge from Ker- to otr>i i ris of the I'. H. I'qtcnt Olllce For KUCHINGS. I’Ll MES, residence in Jacksonville on the 21st few of them, when all at once, with From Portland. byvillc to Grants Pass. circular, advice, terms and r, f -renei s to TIPS, RIBBONS, BONNETS, inst. o-tual clients in votir own Stale or Comi out whistling, our train came to a and HATS. Hon. G. W. Smith, ............ County .. J Judge _ _ .................... —-o- ty. Nov. 29, 1886. write to C. A. SNOW & CO.. The ladies in charge of the lx>x dead standstill, and the same indi LADIES ’ an I < IIILDEEN » of Klamath county, keep-, the lx-1 1 tpporiU- Patent <itlb-e, Washington, D. Ed. C ourier :—In the C ourier < 01.1.1RS. VELVETS, SILKS. festival have our thanks for the vidual announced that “we are here hotel in Southern Oregon. He has - IT! INFINI I A' I BON- prettiest box and the tastiest lunch for the night.” A land slide shak of Nov. 12, 1886, I saw' an article also a fine store, and in conjunction NETS, I GdE -’ I NltERWEAU, J. CH M’MAN. en down from the over-hanging signed by Casaraltan speaking of with IL M. Thatcher, sell at the J. C. GILLAM of the occasion. the name of Grant's Pass for your J. O. C. Wimer and family were bluff by the south bound train town and that lie wants something • lowest living rates. Give him a LACES which had just passed, covered the F rank . ou the North bound train the 22d track, and but for the more appropriate. He says he has call. careful hand en route to their new home at Stay and keen eye of Ed New Goods Constantly Arriving. Foreign powers ate still dissatis Elliott, we not been able to find any one that ton, Marion county. would have plunged right into it can give him a satisfactory explan fted with each other with fair pros- Little Nettie Hamlin was success > and then of course we would have ation of the origin of the name. |>ects that they will ere long measure Main Street, Opposite the Depot C. L. GRAY, ful in winning the prize in spelling rolled down into Cow'creek and Some say there is a pass through mouths to sec who will do theswal Dealers in in the academic department of our spoiled the water. One lady who the mountains North of Grant’s lowing. l'radica L WatchmakcR — AM»-- school. Quite an honor. ‘ had a hornets nest among her lug Pass through which Gen. Grant Groceries. When law becomes relaxed and Staple and pawed. This is not the case justice impotent, society becomes The Band boys will give their gage, and another a canary bird, once Cigar« and Tobtu cij, EW neither is it from this it took its Nul» and Candle«, second grand Masquerade Ball at would most likely have fought out name. In the year 1864 or ’65 the demoralized, and life and property Grant's Pass, ... Oregon. all old scores or taken to the woods. Orange», Lenton», Fig» are without defense or safety. [La Band hall, on Christmas Eve, Dec. neighbors opened a new wagon road fayette Register. and oilier Fruit» But Bob Allen and E<1 were in good 24th. Look out for posters. Al.l. W ATI II WORK WAlillVNTI.p In connection with the above is u humor, and she, that is the train, from the Wheeler place to Jump Off FOR ONE M AR. * »1 IKK « T KI I'OltT. Conductor Barker of the passen was on the track O K, between tun Joe over a much lower divide than Room. ger train a few days ago while iu nel 4 and the first crossing of Cow where the old road crossed the di WiUiifs. Jewelry ind EpCCtT. Ul Ol ill G rant '. I' ■. 1ik»r 3 Ashland fell almost breaking his creek in good shape, hence peace vide and at that time we wauled a ----- KE1T ON ILIND. - (wreiclv l»v (». \V. . Where cun lié bail the choicest nvlicacie» leg but is getting well again. on the »hortent notice, reigned supreme. But we never Postoffice established at the stage • leah r in Generili 51<?r<-lumiline. Instruments Rup,tiren. (2»tf tyk Recently Hon. Robert A. Miller sausage a 1 mg four hours in our station where Mr. Iliinick now lives. Wln«a<, per bit»h>-l So there was several names proposed O a U “ * ’ 30c , lives. With «Inc difference to the ▼ of Jacksonville while hauling wood Plo'ir, p*r < $2 <« accidently injured his knee so sever- gastric juices of our equilibri stuni- and as Geu. Grant was very suc Butter, ........ 3fi< i |M*r lb À ly that he has not been about since. ic, Hon. S. U. Mitchell and we ens cessful in the army at that time it 25« • |»«*r doz went forward and compelled the was deci<led to call it Grant’s Pass l»«r<l, per lb tn Tin» l(K- Elder S. E. Stearns and Elder G. tenderhearted aforesaid vender to in honor of Gen. Grant. Now. Mr < ’hi< k«*TiM, jwr i|«»z $’J 50 W . Black will commence a protract take 50 cent» for two cujjs of coffee Casaraltan you have the true origin Turkey«», lb 12‘,c flafriR, per lb Is- ed meeting at the M E. Church in and two cakes, but oh uielchcaedek of the name. W C koxton . Bacon, lb , « ,. 12'..-, this place one week rrom Saturday howler wa»n't they good? At ten \pplet*. dried. 6c ' 1 IJot. next, in the evening. SOUTH Blum*», dried 1 1 we breakfasted at Oakland and Peiirhe«, <iricd l«k* Th° following is a list of 1st ters remain soon over t On Friday evening of next week were «• »jn the summit of the green, per lb the G. P D. club will give another Calap >ia mountains plunging down ing uncalled for in the Grant's Pass |>ost- Apple», ha* *’ib Ir. nin i hin Potatoes, | mt cwt 1 1 Op tbv The O. A R. R., an«l will »«41 of its delightful entertainments at into the fog, mud and mi ss of the office, Nov JI, 1886: Bean«, j*f*r lb 3*- — Miller, Mr« C II Music Hall. They will play Better Willamette valley. We dine at Bennett, Hay, per ton U* f 19.00 Boren, George M* ( arth, Wm F than Gold.” ♦ Albany and reach Purl ■tland two Bin li, F M * “ NOTICE Br mu J to the hielt Kidd« 1. on We contemplate an improvement hours liehind time Financially Casa. At I \Lfz Iho*“* ’vnn know llp iHM we found Portland boom- speaking in the C ourier soon—we intend to Fns».- •b-btvd to .1. W. HoW if'l V (’/>., • •itiier b. roll it right along, and ail the rot ing, and ,ere informed by her bn d- Frady \i»te or ip*» ‘»’int, will pica* • *« Itb* the name I •«•foro ihn F ,r*t davof J aiih urv next tenness we can t run over we intend ness men tliat business is better Gritnt or will 1» <oiui»’lli'4 tn lorn h settle- to mash and don t you forget it ' ' there nov than it has been for years. Gros* J. W HOU'AKb .k CO. 1 If Portia: !K 1 is dead as has l>een often lucrrnn Nov. 15. l«Wrt. '34».l With profound regret we have said, we 1 lould like to see Josephine heard that Frank Krause editor and and Jacksor counties kil1e<1 a little •’HI?1 proprietor of the Jacksonville Senti Erection There ng *raJmit on th nel died last Sunday evening. W vdiffe nd wtre not surprised fot we bad sup T the Willa ON CHRISTMAS DA V. :—< )ne4liiril < z i» i-q’fal papuani» in <me and two posed from the beginuing of his las rr lack»- :l Tlwi • will I«* ii Turkev aud lit int<Tc«t pig mat« it al < if mt« 0:1 1 *1-c XMh, critical «ickne«s that he hn^tiu *** ! ■* fb.s i i f. H it V I h 1 iiiV' jt, ;ain and ! ’erf' •< ’ condì non. I. bdfh tn«'Of rd f ■ * ' *" H 1 Loen! ana Persona!.* and P A T E N T S MRS. M. Fancy J ELEK First-Class Lunch I-RUIT LANDS AT AUCTION! i N LOTS OF ONE TO FIVE ACRES TurkeyaitiJ Beef SîwjünJMdkh