Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1886)
(Communicated i Letter No. 9. A Datrult Husband'« Fond Hope, Crushed by a Disobliging Wife. An officer whowaspatroling Mul- lctt street the other day saw a crowd of people at a corner, and he hasten ed his steps to discover a man sit ting on the ground with his back to a tree, while a score of women and boys surrounded him. When the officer made inquiries as to what had happened, a short stout woman with her sleeves rolled up confronted him , J husband He'sa good- JACKSONVILLE GRANT S PASS. ACADEMY PIGNEY & COOK, JACKSONVILLE DIRECTORS HIS STRAWBERRY. AGRICULTURE AND STOCK. Daily Except Sanity. G rant ' s P ass , - - - O regon . r Marble Works, VKOM OBANTS I ASS TO CUHtCFST This well-known School will be open for the Fall Term on Blacksmiths and Horse Sheers. First Monday in September, 1886, Lv. Grant’s Pa«», H i m Ariive 1 FROM GRATT» PA»A TO «AUCT.. Leaves Saturday Arrive» .'sam'j day). J®»« In the Independent, Washington Waaoa mil Machine Reoililii a Sjecialir. A orricK hoi rs . Co., of Nov. 4. appears a statement AGENTS for the Office open every dav ex.-ent , W ith a F ull C orps of C ompetent T eachers . that a Mr. ScUeiffelin intends to from 7 :3o a m . to 8 :3t) r. M vL'*’**» J. C. WHIPP, John Deere Moline Walking plant 11 ,ooo Bartlett pear trees, and day from 8:30 to 10 a . x . ° — and — Cenerai Contractor __ _ _______ J- w H owa » d . p has contracted the fruit for ten year-, in advance, the contractor desiring Riding Plowsand Cultivators. M. E. CHURCH ABPOÎvSn Rate» of Tuition for Non-resident Pupils : to secure the I ,ooo acres to be plant — in — The Find and Third Habbath» oi SHOP on H st ., near 6 th . ed with that fruit. With these facts month at Grant» Vas» at 11 » ni j _>.tf W eeks . before us, and tne the avidity avtciiiy shown snow.. PRIMARY—$5.00 P er T erm OF T welve n. ni. Second Sabbuthat Eureka’/ÎV abn i„ California as I said before, MARBLE, STONE or GRANITE II II my at 11 a. m., and 3 p. m. at MeD^L S. A. GREENE & SON, GRAMMAR SCHOOL—$5.00 ” w. cannot go amiss in raising that for-nothing lazy-bones of a man, school house, fourth Sabbath in '* > » » I I Main St., - - - Grant's Pass, Or. ACADEMIC—$8.00 vailey 11 a in Kerbvville 7 p.’B, B01* class of fruit. Let us turn our at and we’ve had a row.” ” Rev. J. McIntire, p tention to plums and sec what we (Opposite the 11. Il Shops.) “What about?” can do in that line. The plum, as v““ "Well. I've had to support him Cemetery Work a Specialty, NOTICES. every one knows, is a very proline . 1 r GUNSMITHS. An Extensive High-Grade Course of Study. GnANi’ SOCIETY » P a »» L odoc , N o . M, A p ...a ...,t.<b Y "ashing for the last year, and bearer, and unless means are arc at at b he's — Dealer» in — been humble enough up to a A. M.—Meets ill their hall, Odd Fellow* For Particulars, Address hand to take care of the fruit, 90 week ago. Then he took fifty cents building, Friday evening on or before tU per cent, usually goes to waste. of my money and went to a fortune- ALL ORDERS BY LETTER Guns, Revolvers, Pistols and full nusin. Visiting brothers cordon! HENRY L. BENSON, A. M„ Principal. invited to attend. There is a demand to-day, as it was te^cr- She told him that I would J. W. H owaiii , W M A M UN IT ION yesterday, and more than likelv"be 1 J T. G ai vrx. Sec'v 1 die very soon, and that he would Promptly Attended To. to-morrow for well cured and neatly marry a strawberry blonde with fifty Fisilai-Taclle, Cutlery. Fire-Works. 4c.. 4c. G oliiln R vie , I. O. O. F. — Mrvtsevwr packed fruit. To expect to ship thousand dollars in cash.” I Saturday evening at 7 :30 at their hall ,,u our fruit green unless in limited REPAIRING, A SPECIALTY. Sixth street. Visiting brothers cor<ii*l|v "Seventy-five thousand dollars, quantities and at odd times is to me my dear,” sighed the man on the O regon S t ., J acksonville , O gn . invited to attend. StiT All work guaranteed "töt DR. W. F. KREMER, Prop’r, very visionary. That plums have grass. JohEfH JI om , N.G. !4'f J. A. J f . nxing *, See'y. lieen shipped from Sacramento, Main Street, ..... Grant’» Pas», Oregon. "You shut up! He camehomei The Rogue River Distillery, K erbvville L oixie , No. b5, I.o. o p Portland and San Francisco, East stepping high and feeling smart, | — Meets every other Saturday evenir at a profit, I will not deny, but how- and half an hour ago he had the JACKSONVILLE, OR. Visiting brothers cordially invited to - much at a loss will not l»e known, j cheek to tell me that 1 stood in his tend. D an ’ i H i xt , N g " as those cinched, do not always like road. In fact, he wanted to know S. W. F orre ». See’y. Propr. JOHN A. HANLEV to tell, and again, when sent, the when I was going to die!” P. of II Josephine Lodge, 17!i, meet»« —DEALER IN— grocer did not often get more than I "I merely inquired,” groaned the Grant's Pass, first Saturdav of each month a starve-out price for his fruit. By at 11 o’clock a . m . W. M. I’ i . llikk having a dryer, and they are made ; husband. W M. Drugs, Patent Medicines, "And I merely left my suds and) Caton & Garrett, General Agent*. so cheaply and in such varieties that jumped into him,” she continued. , B anner l-oixti:, 1. O. <1.T., 493—Meets Chemicals, Paints, Oils, every Friday evening at Hale's ball. it places them in reach of all, one I "It was a pretty even thing in the1 Kinney A Wolter», Agent», Medford. J R H alf . W.C T has a market always ht home. As house, but when I got out Avhere I. Perfumery, Toilet Articles, to the best sorts what I ¡..ight think could swing my right I gave him a is the best, another person would couple below the belt and tied him Shulder Braces, Trusses. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA add some more, till finally we get up. Strawberry blonde—seventy ----VIA— them all in. But still the German five thousand dollars—second mar Oregon & California R. R. —Article of— and French prune, Petite prune riage—humph! I'm liis strawber AND CON.N'Et TIONS. . ’ I D'Agen, the Reine Claude, Coe’s ry! When I get through with hint —Time. 2 1-2 Davs.— Golden Drop, Peach Plum, Wash I’ll make that fortune-teller see Fare from Portim to San Fraclsui. S32.C0. ington and Orleans are standard strawberries for the rest of her born • o-------- sorts, and should have a place in days!” Fare from Fortiad to sacraEeaic. $39.0?. —And— every orchard, not forgetting the Pure Wiiies and Liauors for Medical Purposes. "Well, be gentle,” cautioned the Close Connection« made at Ashland beautiful Nectarine. Here we have officer, as he passed on. CORN WHISKEY, with the stages of flic Califurnia, Oregon again the delicious Apricot, fine to -o I <k Idaho Stage Company. “Oh! I won't hurt nolxxly nor —In Quantities and at— eat, grand to can, and good to shipj nothing,” she replied: and as the Physicians Prescriptions Compounded Day or Night. to our N. E. friends, lias the lus officer passed on she lifted the man (DAILY EXC EPT SUNDAYS. cious fig been tried here and suc to his feet and banged him up the PRICES TO SUIT. E ast S idk D ivision . cessfully, if so I would lie glad to | steps and into the house in a double BETWEEN PORTLAND .t ASHI.ANll. hear and have any one who has entry style of book keeping that SATISFACTION GUAR A N T E E D M ail T rain . A FINE LINE OF CIGARS ALWAYS KEPT ON HAND. LEAVE. ARRirr. thoroughly tested to let us know, rattled the shingles.—[Detroit Free , Portland *:00 i. u. (irt's l'ass 1 :10 a . for if we can grow this fruit (which Press. Gr’ts Pus» 1 :2'f A. M. Ashland. 4 CO a . m . ---- T 11 E----- KERBYVII.I.E DIRECTORY is done so successfully in California) Ashland. 8:45 I-. M. Grt's Pass 10 :55> m . another avenue will be opened to Grt's Pu.*» 11 :C0 r, m . Portland 3:45 r. s. I our productions. Almonds should UNION HOTEL A lbany E xphees T rain . fie planted more extensively, not % LEAVE. ARRIVE. forgetting the handsome walnut and One of Best Hotels in Southern : THOSE DESIRING TO SETTLE IN Portland 4:00 t-. m . Lebanon .9:20 r.M. its mate the chestnut. In the not’ Lebanon 1:45 v. M. Portland 10.1'5 cm . Oregon. very far future, (»erhaps when labor Fnllinan Palace Sleeping Cars becomes more plenty, and persons! Daily between Portland and Ashland. instead of looking uround for some PAPER GOOD BEDS! GOOD TABI.I! OFFICIAL The O. 3t C. R. II. Ferrv nia.V* Con- Will do well to consult the undersigned at thing to do, will look for and make .. »ith_allthe Regular ., ..... Train» i.., And the lient of Accommodation*. nection 'Ii® the something come to them, some Kant .de Division, num iuut ui L , ’r of our waste and now condemned CENTRAL POINT, Jackson County. Connected with tliis hotel i« a lands will be utilized, and among W est Sum Ihrnuosi ' IN THE CENTRAL PART OF THE r.EN IX »KTLAXP>t-UOUVA l.I.IS -FIRST-CLASS LIVERY STABLE.--j other things the mulberry will lx- — OF — given a thought We have here a ! M in Tn ax. Rogue River Valley, on tlieOfc C Kailrouci. Mrs. Ellen Ryder, Proprietress. leave . climate almost identical with the The Shipping Point for th» principal portion oT the grain producing Portland. 7:30 i. m Corvalli* i2-'’A r.w south of France the home of the Kr.RBVVII.LK, ..... . OllKG.IN | Corvallis. 1 :30 r. u. Portland. .0:15 r. m . part of the County. silkworm, giving employment to At Corvallis connect with trains oi 0.1’. thousands of young people of both for Yaquina Bay . Address or call on C. MAGRUDER, Central Point, Oregon. JOSEPHINE COUNTY. WILLIAM NAUCKE sexes, in the fields, the home and E xi ki :.- s T kaix . the factory. I may be out of my LEAVE. ARHIVE. -KKKN*- Choice Land for Sale. reckoning in inserting an at tide on Flouring Mill and Farm Portland. 4:50 i '. m . M’.Mn'vlle 8 :'•>'r.x. M’Mn’ville 5 :45 a . m . Portland 9:00 A. M silk culture in the midst of one on TWO HUNDRED Acres of choice laud DRY GOODS à GROCERIES FOR SAI.1'1 Lix'nl tickets for sale and baggaga fruit planting, but when planting in Yamhill county for sale, 18 mile* Situated on Murpliv Creek, Josephine checked at Company’s up-town office, trees for fruit we do so with the ex- Southwest ot Portland. The wagon road Fur good bargain* in the line of county, Oregon, eight miles south of corner Fine and Second streets. Ticket* C££&tion of finding a market for Printed at Grant's Pass, Oregon. leading to it from Portland is mecada- Gl int.-, l’.i--. a First-class FLOI'llIX« i for principal points in California can only our prtxluct. and the more consum Hats. Cans Roots nd Shoes or General Groceries mized four miles and double tracked tile MILL, with Patent Machinery, doing be procured at the Company's office, ers we can surround ourselves with, miles more. The remaining nine miles is good work and has a good custom The Corner F and Front Streets, rortlaid, Orcrw And everything In the way of the less distant do we have to go to Till* powder never varies A marvel of excellent road. Fine springs on the land. FARM contain* 33<) acre» of land: 50 Freight will nut l e received for ship strength and wholeremenes* I acre* in clover, and over 100 acres under ment — MINING SUPPLIES — find a market. Far more chimeri purity, ' Price, (2,000. Enquire of, or address aft"r 5 o’clock p. M., on either the More economical than the ordinary kinds, cultivation; also good Orchard, good cal ideas, so called, have come to and cannot lie sold in competition aitli W. J. WIMER. , House and Barns and irrigation ditch. Fast or West Side Divisior*. R. KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS. pass, oranges are successfully grown the multitude of low test, sh irt weight 18-tfl Fine situation lor a dairy farm. Can ir- .Manager. <i F. A Pa*« . Ag*- i rigate almost a:iv part of the plant. For 150 miles and less south of here ilium or phosphate |s>wders. Sold only Th roe wishing bargain» should cal! on W. J. WIMER, in cans. R oyal B aking I'nnntK Co., further particulars call or address when it had Ix'cn so dearly demon ,:..h WILLIAM NAUCKE, IM Wall >i . N 1 HOTELS AND RESTAVRANTS. LEWIS STRONG, Murphy, Oregon. s'rated by reliable authority that it K k KII¥VII.I.K,......................... O rkgox was entirely impracticable, t<x> far E. A. ESTES, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. north you see. and all that sort of CENTRAL HOTEL! COMMERCIAL HOTEL. N. DELEMATER, r S1ICKF.T. lirant- I’ i »««. <>rr<on. thing, so it will probably lx1 with Propr'». AHLF A MESSERVE GRANT’S PASS, OREGON. — DKALKH IN — this, .some fool will try it and the J. JORDAN, - Proprietor. — DKALEB IN— i thing will Ite done. Returning to G rant ’ s P ass . M ain S treet . GRANTS PASS, OREGON. Thia Hotel has been thoroughly DRY GOODS & GROCERIES the walnut tree again. I see in an renovated and English paper of recent date, an And krep* constantly on hand stbscbiition RATES ■o article in which the government is The Commercial Hotel is the best regu R efurnished T hroughout H ats , C aps , B oots and S hoes , i-.dvocated to offer, here are the TOBACCO, lated Hotel is this part of Southern Ore Fresh and Salted Beef, Pork, words "a bonus to lx- given to all . . $2 25- — AKO— gon. tiue-ts will always find the liest of One year (hl advance) CIGARS, planters of walnut trees, the amount accommodation*, and the tables supplied CANDIES. . . I 25- MUTTON, Generai Mining Supplies Six months ............ increasing as the tree approaches BEST ACC '< »MMODATION’S. with the best the market aifords. NUTS, ETC. maturity. It would not lx- difficult Three months 75- TERMS REASONABLE. PORK-SAUSAGE, to arrange a scale of terms sufficient Iff Highest Cash price paid for Those wishing good bargain* mnrt not io. Single copy (31U to tempi the grower, without flip fail to call at Hie AND BOLOGNA. ping too deeply into the national Country Produce. Hides, Furs, Kerbvville P. O. Building. WALDO DIRECTORY. ooo--- Is Connected With This House. KtC . jMK-ket.” I also saw in a California Bacon and Lard paper, if I remember rightly, that a Give me a call and I m - Convinced. K kkiiyvii . i . r , ...... Ontoos THE RAR IS SVPri.IED WITH THE grower there, values his trees at 20' WALDO Iliiti THE — HAND. ALWAYS ON vears of age at $75 each, that Ix-ing Finest Wines, Liquors & Cigars, WALDO, OREGON. the value for flint and wood. The P M Meat Delivered any place in Town J. A. PECKHAM, proprietor . While the Reading Table is demand for this wood for gunstocks being superior to my thinking, to SUPPIIEDWITH THE LATEST FREE OF CHARGE. stinkwood, is enormous and that GOOD BEDS! GOOD TABLE! —The Bert Of— J. B. MARSHALL & SON added to the demand for picture NEWSPAPERS. \nd the best of accommodation». to inform the people <'f Grant's frames and furniture makes tin-sup \Vi*h a stare of tie Public Pitroiate Solicited. Fan« aivl nurmundin^ country that ply of this w<xxl a question akin to In connection with tlii* Hotel. 1 have a A POOL TABLE MAY ALSO BE they have ojh net! a new ntock of extinction. The supply both in large and commodious Can be Supplied at Reasonable Price*. FOUND HERE. this country and Europe is so well BARN AND CORRAL. in sight an<l limited, the future val I propose to keep a strictly first- With the best water facilities in the tie is one of the rarities of the time CHEAP FOR CASH AND CIGARS county. 1 )epartment to come. It is a fine tree in it's class house Give me a call. O regon foliage, takes very little care, txirers Glass -ware and Queens-ware i\ KRRYVII I It. RATES VERY REASONABLE. J. B. HUTCH, do not trouble it and even if you They have also in Connection* RICHARD P GEORGE No pain* will be «pared to make guc«t* do not profit by it. posterity will, Has recently been supplied with a Grant'» Pa«», - - Oregon comfortable. (19tf as you have profited by the fore FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT, >—Kec|ia the Finest— fine selection of where they will feed the hungry sight in tnanv wavs of those before 1 ♦ ......... ♦ * * you. J WIMER & SON. ICE CREAM ' ICE CREAM ' NEW TYPE. NEW PRESSES. Buried by s Snowslide. Have the largest store in Josephine » » » NATIONAL DRUG STORE T II E Druggist and Apothecary, ROGUE RIVER SCHOOL BOOKS, BOOKS IM) STATIONERY BOURBON, RYE G 0 U R 1 E R NOTICE!! NOTICE Towns of Southern a NOTICE!!! Oregon POWDER Absolutely Pure* Market. Citv Iiopica! Fruits, Staple and Fancy GROCERIES, THE 1.IIT (UK SII.OON HOTEL. New Store New Goods. C 0 U R 1 E R Flour, Cracked Wheat, Corn Meal Gioceries, Candies. Tobaccos. Whisky Brandies ani Wines. Once. Twice or Three tini.-* a Week, and lee cieam for Festival* 16. —Late this wilt furnish and all Public Gatherings. D en vi r Nov evening the stage containing nine passengers that left Leadville this morning fo: Aspen, was caught in a snowslide on the top of a tnoun tain fifteen miles east of Aspen. The entire outfit was carried over a precipice 2uo feet high. A relief party from the home stage station succeeded in digging the passengers and the driver out of the avalanche Four were unhurt, but R<>lx-rt Dwy er. Chris Conn. Duncan C Robeit •n. F. A. Bardwell and I.illie Me herson are expected to die As ic telegraph wires are down on a. •unt of the storm further particu J rs cannot be had. Br the Cof’FTFU And all other Liquor* and everything necessary to do first —HK ALSO KKR1-* TH»— Very Best Brands of Cigars, Don't fail to call at the n»* innr «rm» I* iMttwl Mrp<. and Manli, Mrh yenr. •«* 314 poa^ra, • %i ll\ tiache»,w ith utrr 3.000 tllMraUuna a whole Picture Càallery. UIVKS WMatoeato Price« direct ta nowurnrri un all auoala fur perennai or faually uer. Telia how tv no«» run best tinier, and iflvea ria<t mat of every- thing yon nee. eat« drtnh. wear, or h.« . fun with. I liew I \ \ k I 1 < HI . I»4M>K» innUiii informalion gleamr»! All kind* of plain and fancy work done fron« the Mai heta af the world. We will mall a c«»|>y FRKK tn aay ad- drew ttpn« racclp« vf 10 eta. to dciiar ripruw ui tuallin« Ix-t uj » hear fTviu Will also take contracts for a ood chopping, yuta, H« «pratfally, O JOB WORK LU O THE KERBVVILLE SALOON. SING LEE Washing, Ironing and Fluting. MONTGOMERY WARD 4 CO. - cla,ss .. ..V . . . . . bl. ..... III. Which will be executed promptly and in neat style AT REASON ABE RATES Special attention given to SATISFACTION Gl ARANTEED Legal Blank and County Work clearing. etc. OFFICE, on Main St . between I th’and Uh Wadi bra> i i V-rt .»-. I « 4 O LU O 1 car <— •— s z. X ** county, which is 63x32 feet, and two stories, filled with McCallister’s Soda Springs. Choice Goods in Every Line. 8i lusted on the North Fork of Hutto creek, 32 mile* from Jacksonville, in a cool can yon near Mt. .McLaughlin, arc a delight ful resort for WE BUY FOR CASH, • »—< a■ X AND 8EI.L FOR CASH, Gut Homt Wtint nd Mei3ure TRAVELERS MINERS' AND FA R M E RS SUPPL I ES I N VA LIDS! These waters are highly medicinal, cur ing in a short time I) V S P K P S I A \nl all -un.'iiCT ( mpla.nt-. M well »• many CHRONIC DISEASES! The Springs are ease of ni ce«*, and par keep even thing needed by the ties who come without tents for camping out ran I* accommodated with cabin* at people. trilling expense. S MH’U LIFTER. Prop mil ( OR PROhVCE. Water fra sale at J ft. lint.-h's and \>«'. »