Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1886)
»1 ■ WM I » m il •ur* -!-r-r Sellin^ Out to Close Business!! NEW FURNITURE STORE! Railroad Items. when the wretch killed both of them c J shooting the obi man and beating The committee »e-ut below t< in A'.J.SEDGE, the old lady to death with a club. terview the directors in regard to o It )|) M'P.ES of fine farm 1Q,1 1.4 'lUâl Faötf ûf JUtJlll! C.2’7. CrttBB. He then killed the two oldest chi! securing the main roal through Main St.. 'i> -t. 4th ic:d -'th Grints ?i»s. fur 120 p r s«ru. -— Has just o;x-ued a New — dreu with the club - tabbed his para town, rv]x>rt that it will be impossi (i->m Grant » I .iss eti Sortu , If.. ing concha led to close business at this place, I am offering my iti»«r. Thia farm «.•ontains 125 i--«!?“ DEC. 3. '«»6 mour to death and then set fire to ble to gel the main line through Fl IlNTII RE STORE FRIDAY. riih riwr bottom kn-.l ui cultivar,,/1'?' large stock of the house. The woman livetl long town for any consideration. To run Wncresof the inme quality cisilvcLj!f Where will i. J- , t :i I in I a 1 r ■ Itegi-U red at the l’est -'fire in Grant's enough to make a stameut. O' Bri the line to Butcher Hill, a mile and tlu lui'.iueo is ot the firioal suyaj piue?.1, all kinds of Pam. Ore., a» tJeeoud-Clau Matt, r. en is tinder arrest. other timber and puaturt- land, n,,, '■ a half from town, is also considered Furniture. Bedding. Picture Fram:s, pood mill site; county read runs’.,./ Two weeks ago a private letter doubtful, although Stanford has or- Bracket«. Etc.. EiC. CORRESPONDEN« E. place, gomi living wuter runniu. . X- 1 1 r tiered a survey to be made to that Door-Frames, Wiudow-Frar» -». Bra k-tx the place nuar bull lings , also gllOj w‘j. We Invile cormqxin-ieiii'v from all »ec- written by Chas. Nickle, was for- jK)int with a Strong desire to favor Etc., made to order. Sjiecisl attention Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Queens Ware, 1 large hou»c>, 2 Urge barns, gra-im' lion« on subject* of local and other in- warded to u ; in which he made as onr citizens if possible,.provided the given ta .»moke house and other out buUdin»i t 'rest«. | y-nmg orchard; garden and Ixjtt. ,n J?: U N I> E K T A K 1 N O. usual, false charges against us. company can do so without any Willi each letter the name and ad Ire»» all under fence; very healthy locant, Repairing and al! kind« of work in my Glass Ware, &c., &c., This morning we received another great disadvantage in op-rating the ot the M-n 1- r is require«!, e»|x>cially if On tl-is farm can be raised t1>u finest'.» line neatly and promptly executed. road. Chief Engineer Hood wants S,-nt for publication. I corn, KW<se‘. potatoes, melloua, tutnal<iB but written to a differedt person, to run the line on a 52 foot grade to w»m-_ — ALSO — peaches, gram,timothy,- lovir,etc . would make several go«*l homes, an-1 a, Manufacturer’s AT GREATLY EDITORIAL NOTESAND NEWS. from which it seems he prop-sc^;”^”'—and the climate and other advantages c^g^ I'.gg» ,v> it,. j>er 1 dozen is rather I says it will be easy enough ... to reach | be equalled in Oregon it vonld hn « .. AGENT Full Line of Butcher Hill from below on that A I for colonists or otliento investigate I*. high for this country. If beef keeps Portland is overcrowded with for the grade, but has great doubt about ! . iore buying clrewh.-re. on lowering l»eef steak will soon be ducks, pile < i*ts and other game.. GEORGE R. GOWAN, almost as cheap food aslxviled eggs. keeping that grade going northward RACINE I 3* ( .1. < >r.. It’S i'.l-r. I'; M. Mensor will soon Itegin suit without taking a bend eastward in Henry Harvey, murderer of Rod direction of Little Shasta bridge. Administrator’s Sale of Real erick Grant, was recently shot by a against the insurance companies in Probably a survey may develope ( Will be kept in Stock. which lie holds jxdicie to recover mob near Alltel >pe iu Wasco county. for damages by the fire in his store the feasibility of running the line so Property. The Best Mill as to cross Shasta river at or below . c made. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOIl GOODS. IN THECt'UNTY (SH RTirf J ^-j,, The Oregon Pacific railroad has some time ago. the stage road crossing. Mr. Hood A sharj of public trstmn «<re i< re“pect- »¡Hing in Probate. The taxable q>rop-rty in A »bland will get up a new surveying party to ] fully secured all tlic wharves at Albany, solicited, and satisfacliun gnanviteed IN Till: M ATTER of tl.e 1! t.ile >,f h, school district as just assessed by commence work immediately on M-ly 0 atid refuses the O. R. & N. boats al anna A- Benell, dc-evaac-d. have r'10 p^r> this survey to Butcher Hill, as the In pursuance of au order of the i j -Hl,r lauding. Z Thanking the public and my many customers for their patronage ; Court, nui‘1- the itlth day of <>cl.,ler, other parties cannot l>e taken away Nickle has no object, as he says. isbt>, the nmlcrsigned. A.!inini« ,r >>i from work under way, without hin The News and Oregonian are both the past, I can now make it to their • | the estate of Routianna A. Beach, Jr Cor. Tront and Morrison Sts. printing mammoth editions of their Willamette valley exchanges tell dering the graders now following 1 ceased, will oiler for s . i I l - to th - liLhett up so rapidly. This new party af bidder for cash in gold coin of the I'nit.,,1 respective papers on mines and min of !t prominent of Lane ter surveying to Butcher Hill, will PORTLAND, Or. Advantage to Call on me Before Purchasing Elsewhere. States, on tlia county, who sent £1 for a codlin ing. __________ 17th Day of December. 1386, moth killer, which he saw adver- j be sent to Siskiyou mountain, where The Leading Hotel of Portland. a great amount of engineering is re at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at tlieilwell- tised in a paper, and received by re Ex-President Arthur made his , ¡tig hoia-e on said property, :-.ll the right, turn mail two blocks of wood, with quired to map out the easiest and title and interest of the said Roeanna A. will last March. Il is believed he the directions printed 011 as follows: shortest route to the Oregon boun Free Coach to and from tbu Reach at the date of her decease, to Un directs the disposal of alxntt $250,- "Take this block, which is No. 1, dary. The company intend to have following real property, to wit: POPULAR HOUSE. about the fastest section of road i The undivided one hjlf in the SSuth- oooTeal and personal property. in the right hand, place the bug on i west *4 of tlie South-west '4 oi Section 4, No. 2, and press them together. through Shasta valley, on the whole ] CH ARG FS R E ASON A B LE. aud tie- South-east :, of ».» ti-,:- in Workmen are engaged to work on Remove the bug and proceed as lie- line, with heavy engines at Butte-! Township 40. South Range, 7 West.Jese- ville to aid trains below that point, THOMAS GUINEAN, the State Capitol building which fore.” pltiiie County, Oregon over the .summit, and the same as-! PrOprieTOr. GEO AV. HANSEN, Well, yes; they can be cracked sistance no doubt from Klamath1 will probably be completed in time Administrator of said Estate. for tlic next legislature, which meets that way. But with a set of the river to the Oregon line, on Siski-1 36tf] Josephine Comity, Nov. 12, 1W6. [33-4t teeth that Chas. W. Beaconi of tins you mountain. THE VANMONCISCAR in January. If there is no possible chance to 1 city makes, you could eat the ap PRIVATE DISPENSARY. NOTICE FOR P’JBL!C/\T|ON. John B. Coffey, an employe of the ples and crack four tunes as many get the railroad to Butcher Hill, the Bogs leave to inform the public that he is now nicely located 0:1 the corner of E. S. I.ANUOfFlCK, | W. U Telegraph company, and son ' bugs as with the dollar blocks, and next l>est thing will be a branch The oldest and most successful sp-i-ial- ist on the Coast, nsai-ted bv an eminent R '»KBl'v.-i, Or., Oct 20, 1830. f of Alderman Jas. Coffey, of the First the thoughts of the awful death im road or side track, to bring freight surgeon 6TH AND H STREETS, GRANT’S PASS. OREGON, from the East, both regulargra I- Notice is lien’>v given that the follow ,and passengers to this place, the ing named settler has filed notice <>i hi» Ward. Salem, was sand-bagged in pending, might, scare his bugship railroad company being willing to , uates with long experience in the treat With a I.argo AsHurtuieut of ment of all intention to make final proof in sttp] ort i t that city on the 25th tilt. establish the station on main line at his claim, an I that said proof will 1« | out of the country. CMc. Nemns ui made before the Jiid.-e or Clerk of th.- such point as connection would be ' Revs. Jones and Sails have been county «wilt of Josephine county, < tregon, desired, and furnish extra cars at A Good Showing. PRIVATE at Grants l’a»s, Oregon, on Saturday, And everything to be found in a First-Class store, which I will sell ■conducting their meeting» at Silver any time needed for running over it November 27, 188<>, viz.: Horace lt,-,- IliseaWK MH, »| ,|S ef ’ * L - The state tax levy this year is two to town. Several large towns in uoldx. Homestead entrv No. 3'1 is, for the’ VERY LOW FOR CASH, OR MARKETABLE PRODUCE. fect the young, .'did and one twentieth mills on the dol Southern California are thus accotn-1 5 E ', See 20, Tp iid. S R <i West. \V M dle aged and old, jttY'Call and see me before purchasing elsewhere. He nuiW'i the (allowing witue»»eH to lar. This administration has been modated, and might be here, with ' singlu or married prove li.-S continuous rexideuce upon, and men, and all who an economic.d one. While public great Ix-nefit to other places now 241,1 L. VANCE. cultivate n of, »aid land, viz: .John W. P* sutler from improvements have been made in making Yreka their most central j Lei’, of G.aut’a 1‘asx. Daniel M .lliewx, A. LOST MANHOOD, ali directions, the debts constantly point. : H Thur-'nn, H-.-nry <iroii», of Woifcrt vk, decreased and for the most part en The railroad workers will un- Nervous Debility, Kpermolorrheii, Semi Josephine county , Oregon. t ':i is. \V. .lotixen.x, tirely wipeil out, th«- tax levy lias doubtedly complete the track to: nal Losses, Sexual Decay. Failing Mem Weak Ev< < Lack of Energy, Impedi 3)0t] Register. In-eti gradually lowered, and this Butteville, for a winter terminus, i ory, ments to M u riag ■; Blood and Skin burden gradually lifted from the even if heavy storms should occur ' |tiseii«C“. SvpliilTi:! Eruptions, Hair Fall Notice Fcr Publication. shoulder» of the people. The state's s«M>n, and unless the storms are very ing, Bone Pains, dwellings, Sore Throat, finances have also been put on a severe, may continue the work right Fleers, Ette, is of M r.-nry. Kidney »nd IloHKin m., Or , Oi t. 2'1. 1 4841.1 * Troubles, Weak Back, Burning solid basis, and her credit is as sound along to the Klamath river. The Bladder I’line, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture—re N'-ti e 1» hereby given t! at th" f«-l'- » as that of the government. If the surveyors, culvert and bridge build ceive »enrobing treatment, prompt relief ing n unwl »ettlrr has filed notice oi id- i'in-r'. >n to pnx.if in »iip’xwtTf same wise policy is pursued in the ers are going right ahead with their mid cure for lite. 1 . • .iin>. o >d that ».u<i pr- - t w !! t«» future, there is no necessity for the advance work, to keep ahead of the HO I II HKNEH n»ade la-font th-- Judge or. 4 i. r» of tile 7i' levy to ever again be raised above graders, which .»hows an indication < onsult confidentially, call 1 w rite. No. eotinly court of .1,»« phinc con..',* '*> . el 132 and 134 Third slr-' -t. ( Iliff the figure at which it has I k - cu to make no stop unless the weather Grant» I’;!. » on ?N:tUrit:iy Nor.27th. B»< . Mrs. Henrietta »»». . viz.: Ucnn tir s«. 'f-amstead Entrv No. land, vs. Win F. Highfiekl of Ore- I placed this year. That the same prevents a continuance. N K W 344 4 forth«- W b. oi N E », S 1 '. >.i N general course may lx- pursued is It m.iy lie an enteiq>ri»e of no very- gon City, has created much talk in [ the wish of every taxpayer.— W N E of SV," < i'. Tp.%:. < R distant |>eri«xl, when a branch rail- j 6 AV. AVAL IJenanicstliefol'owinstwil- that section of Oregon. The plain- [Statesman. [ road leading through Yreka to Scott ucssos to pro'v hi-t coti'.inuou» resideu'W r upon, an-f cultivation of, said tiff obtained judgement for $14,000; valley from the California and Ore-1 Froht St., adjoining Courier Office, Work on the 0. A 0. R. R. John \V. lee. ->f Grant's Fa«», IkinM and cost», which does not knock [ gon road, will prove a good invest GRANTS T’XSS, OREGON. Mathews. A H. Thur; ton, Horace Rey much of a hole in the $ i 5O,< kk > that] S an F rancisco , N ov . 27.- The ment. A narrow gauge road could | nolds. “I Wolf Creek. J<"pliinc county, * the old Engli->hinnn is w<;i)lx. ( California Nr Oregon extension of be built at small cost- compared to j We have opened a Fist t-< E ism Elour Oregon. C iias . \V. J oiinstox , tlu-Southern Pacific is being pushed the main trunk bfpafl gauge lines, and Feed Store in the building formerly 30 fit. | : Regi*’ r. . JTtiey’cttW tramp in Australia forward with the greatest energy. and answer every purpose needed occupied a* a t addle and harness whop, This place is resen d for a "sundowner,” la-cause he alway s The immense force of men at work for easy, cheap and speedy trans where we will keep constantly on hand 5. an«I for sale the best bran Is of reaches a cattle or sheep ranch at there, besides vast quantities of nvi portation. [Journal ~O .sundown, t«x> lite forwork and just chinery, etc., enables the railroad Elmir, Corn and Oat Meal, œ X Q to be constructed with great rapidi H in time for supper and l»c«i. There T5 Officers of the penitential} nnil 6th street, between Main and H Wheat, Barlev, Oats, Mill O r= is nothing in the name, however, as ty, On the 5th of next month the asvlutn report those institutions full (V w £ S3 and Chop Feed. Bran, th<- animal is the same in the anti load will lie ojxMied to Edgewotxl, of inmates. The institution used Bl r c; podes as lie is here—a cunibercr of a small place about twenty miles for divorces would also he full but and everything pertaining to a ’TJ 0 z the earth, wh > i< m >ic worthless from the present terminus of the it expands as business increases. FIRST-CLASS FEED STORE. 3 o road. The grade of the road from o' thana coyote or a codlin nioth.- » W. RAZEE & SON. Dunsmuir to Summit is very ste«-p. | Hillsborrough 1 ndependent. w id c For Sale or Rent. r* «*. Proprietors. 34tf] c> “X Some tim-s he stops at Hotel Ix-ing seventy five feet in the mile, 3- > rt CD while on the down grade to Edge- I I '. K 4 ' I ■ I - ' '■ Ib- 1 on 'Vil- D'Russell sleeps in the bam and wihm I the fall is 116 feet in the mile. A limis ('re -k, its Hille or lv nt. A!»<»ut « d GRANTS PASS c rustles for his grub. T‘ From E-lgew-xid to the has«- of the Gt) ucn s iifnltT cult’ v.ition. well adapted, o - t> — gr.iin and vegetubiet«. For ¡articular^ Siskiyou mountains the construction to N X iiddiv s We notice a great improvement of the road will be plain sailing, but mid terms, cull on or SMITH BROS., <5 z ^3 3 Grants l'ass, Or. in the decorum of our passenger on reaching that point it will lie 3<ltf r $ 70 I L. S SMITH, • - Proprietor. cars over former years. The} used very difficult and costty. A force NOTICE. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. to I k 1 almost disreputable so far as of men were sent up to the Siskiyous Tn on Wc«liu-sday last to commence /. p P n hen by given that 1 n ill ap I 0 V that which happened therein was woik on the large tunnel that has ply NOH« K to lb - Couniy «'--urt t-f J“»ephiuv st concerned, but now with such con to I k - constructed in the range. t'ountv, Oregon, on tlic Itli day of Jan r □ uary, ISS7. for a li»-» nm- to »»-11 »pirituous. ductors as Barker and Kearney, a y> 0 e> m:iit or vinous liquor» in the precinct >>f The next morning after our ar different order of things is apparent Granta i'a»«. raid County and Stat--, and rival 111 Portland wc arose late, the will support raid application witli tlx- fol a and nothing lewd, boistrous or itti ¡rain was descending in torrents, the S.Ï r* -< pious is allowed on the tram. Mr. [fog hung low, mud was thin and lowing ¡s-tition. 1». II BURROUGHS. /. Fine Buggies, ’J. Barker remarked to us that lie did 1 deep aud everything was rather PETITION T Hacks and Carts. not allow the tram men to make a ! gloomy m and around the great To the Honorable County C-nirt of Jose S3 23 7> business of forming acquaintances , city. Wc di<l not feel much hungry phine County. Oregon : I» ' < J* Your pelitmner» w-uld respeetfully rep aboard the train. r\ * 1 so thought that we would have to resent that we and each of ns are legal Special lerms to Conimeri ial and i ' |>ct our appetite a little. Accord voter* and residents of the Precinct of Travelers. Chas. T. Bailey, editoi amt pub ingly wc went to one of the leading Granta l'as». Josephine County, Oregon ; ' G rant ’ h P ass , O k EGON Usher of the “American Headlight" hotel restaurants (not the St. that we are a< <pi linte l with I* II Itur-j ¿^“i!or slloirdi'd Reasonably, and C orner M ain A- E kont S tr , roughs, and would most respectfully rep- ‘ IF YOU WANT TO SAVE Sutisl.i. lion guarmle.'d. .jggjf adopts the Fylological rule for spell Charles) c\]<’ctitig a first class resent that he 1» a suitable yerson to| Yourself and team, buy an ing. In his editorals appear the meal. The glistening waiter came whom v-v.i should grant a »alo -n li • 1 —. 33U] Having opened a Family Grocery, 1 hereby announce to the public tliat that - - wc d.> by this,Our petition, pray . ' 1 I have a new and well selected stock of following words spelled out phoneti to our U cue forthw ith by placing %nd spirituous a glass of water at our ellxiw. you grant to him a li- - use to cally: fre, livs, ar. peaceabl, artiel, Knowing that there was nothing ill malt and vinous liquors for the peri-xl of j six month» from date of such lieense. ami i Cor. of F rout aud 4th St» , GROCERIES. CONFECTIONERIES AND TABLE WARE. Sulky or Walking Plow. ex unpl, giv, vinyard, hcliev, bronz. a breakfast of ordinary water wc will ever pray. [;iU-4w supposed of course this article was singt, giauit. e.itu. i.iiivl, ¿te., but Grant's Pass, - - Oregon. Bought since the Swccpiug Reduction in freight», from the East, ami Sulkies all run on wheel». NoTongii1’. .r. ,m anti harmonizer to the rule the very latest possibly Bull Run no sliding land side. Kuns ONE-THIRD marked down at Bottom Prices. 1 also sell the prop,.. 1, Ins paper heads by say 1 improved. A careful analysis by easier than the old style. Sold by us showed jxxsitive traces of albu The I ’ EOl'l.F. S MEAT .MARKET ia ing Address all communications n«>w O|»'C and pn-pare,! to «apply custom CELEBRATED DAVIS VERTICAL SEWING MACHINE. JAS. W. WIMER, to the c lit at Valley, Sis men and Warucr's Safe Cure in kiyou Co C.d." This should read about equal proportions, these par I . < MVRFHV, ........................... OREGON. 1 )AVI1 >SON, ers with the choicest cuts of which has no equal in case of management amt groat range of work. Slid Willy, S kit Co., Cal. Wc ticles floating together so .is to form BEEF, Ix-tuling Portrait and lauidscaiH* Also, Acent for tin- Celcbmtc-l want you to st..p otir p.i|»r or else these letters. F. E. A S' and O. I* Mv object is to maktt it to the interest of those having cash or pro MUTTON <>t B This "capped the iliitnnitx" duce. to trade with me. change it until we are satisfied. MASON & HAMLIN PORK. so ordered a flounder. I Hiring the PHOTOGRAPHER i J. M. < IIILES. FISH and FOWL. ORGANS and PIANOS Chas. William», wife aud three next half hour that was consume«! 123 First bt.. Portland, Oregon, 'ite First National Rank.) children, livin'} at a small station c.xiking ».lid fish, we guessed out At ¡'rice« ranging from For Josephine County. A-ldeeae, JAS W. WIMER on the Cana li-ui Pacific R R., took the meaning of the letters in the GO TO THE SUPPLY STORE Eight to Ten Cents per P >und. water thusly From Eugene, Alba 2Rtf) Afurphy <>rec<>ii a R R. employe mimed Richard ny, Salem and Oregon City. P«>rt All Mmto ol M \ LOOM 18 O’Brien, as a boarder. The father land or bust Our guess may have \\'at«'1iiiiak«>i- A- JeAvt'lei' n-id mother of Mr. Williams also been influenced aomew'hat by the S A I I S A < » H JS G xaxt ’ s P aw , - - - . O«E«}ns. lived with them. Suspecting inti fact that we had seen this same put up by Experience«! First-4’1 «w !>ut< h- General Mining Supplies Etc. Etc., water at all the towns ,ib- \t named. em A share "i tlie public pstronsfc re • At this juncture our flounder came spectfully »-'lieitel. Fu ture« Kalat s’-d in CHARLES DECKER, Ptop’r. Mr. Williams Ian! .1 it ip wk’ch t-n ‘ right along "guts, (talkers and BUNCH BROS i'i »1 F.KAM's Ot WINFS, J.IQlORM IND CIG\R< KI pl IN ST«> K abled him to catch O'Brien in lit» all," the only mt« resting fea’ure of India Ink, Water Colors or Klf Ptoprivtura ■ ■ i»— — - — wife's r. "tit with her William.« which was that it was something C R.WOxX. struck O'Rrieu iictvv blow with froi.i the debths ot the sea, j'erhup*» Notice. HECKER BOAHlHNCi I!<>1 —i-;: a club, knocking him down, hut tlic from the very fiottoni lllu.-iraluig OUT* LTOR — " " I 1 herv-by hereby hotifv »11 p rwn. that I will KEPT IN I IKST-Cl '<» <»TYLF.. AND Tilt TI. 'Vm.N'- ITRUl •VILI. of the water in and again the purity villain got up tin.1 shot M Williams " '___ MEET EVERY KINPNr" AND ATTENTION. “' rv'i‘1 «ib'.e for anv lv)>ts >>ntract- RRSIDKNCES, ETC,, iwtr dead. The report o! the pistol and about Portland That was a tine rd’»V-'-V7| ,1 ■ •*’"* ’ * ’ ■ w h «' ' n't been meal fot a half iN»vA«trv!rr*V3 t'»OCES < ; fMi \\ dii ■ ■ U¡ tight flic scream« I Waldo, Orr.jçon. •th of tin dd f. Ik to the scene hnngn *in< c THE (’OFIUER DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS. STAPLE groceries Esmond Hotel, GEO. W. RIDDLE, NEW GOODS! LIVINGSTONB VANCE BOOTS and SHOES, DRY GOODS, Flour, Grain, mui Feed Slore,' SHERER & JUDSON, LIVERY STABLE! f I X New Store 'w Goods. ECONOMIST PEOPLES HEIT HlllliET. NEW PHOTOGRAPH COB For Drv-gotKls and Groceries, A z