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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1886)
T he ROGUE RIVER COURIER. courier W J WIMER. - Publisher. A /.•//•/'/o.V l: 1 fl ■ One Year (in advance) Six Months. The-»- Month» situ-l»' <.'"’,'ies »2.25 »1.25 W» ■ Job Printing of a An Independent Paper, Devoted Especially to the Interests of Southern Oregon. 1 —IN THE— Very Latest and Best Styles, VOL. 2. — AND AT THR— IAving Lo w • »nt Rates GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY. OR.. FRIDAY DECEMBER 3. 1886. NO. 36 I TO ADV ER1TSERS. Grant's Paa«, so named after General Grant, is a county seat centrally located m Southern Oregon. It is a progressive railroad town of t*M) inhabitants, and is the main supply peint for a large portion ot country devoted to mining, lumbering agriculture and fruit-nusing. Climate un excelled The Cot'BM* l>eing the only paper pub lished in I’'••ptiine county, with a g<«»l cirvuiation in I.Ackaon »»auity, enables it to l>e one of tile liest advertising mediums in Southern Oregon. For rate«, addrese T he C ocbikb , Grant'* Paes, ttregnn. Correspondence. were transferred to the Interior De partment during the year for the O. 'tia all one to me, all one, Close Political Figuring Over the Re L inkviujz , Or., Nov. 24. maintenance of Indians. The ex Whether I've money or whether I've none. suit of the Election. E d . C ourier : - The of Attorney at Law & Notary Public He who lias money can buy him a wife, — manufacturers of — tra duty pay on enlisted men 111 in de- -- - » »CIS . l'IX ■ _ M.I 111, tow tu» l.inkvilk is c prosperous communi And he » ho has none can tie free for life, W ashington , N ov . 8.—A good tiaiNT'a P ass , - * - - O regon . lie who ha» money can trade if lie chose many curious results are developed , aplier may be ab ty, and the county-seat of Klamath, ( Lumber, Doors, Windows, And he who has none has nothing lo I imc . with a population ot tlrith of about 600. at that time. Will practice in all the courts of the He who has money has earea not a few, from a study of the late election re- t 1 situated as it is in th# heart of a [25tf State. Office an Sixth street, near post- turns. The Senate will liecome so < And he who has none can sleep the night Brackets, and Mouldings. office. .f Blackberry, Ills., !' ine agricultural and grazing section through. close in 1886 that it may often co- t '.o Gilmore's Mag He who has money can «quint at the fair operate with the Democratic House, , nd a ................................................... water power unequaled on the 8. Ü. MITCHELL, Halo at li is for ‘ —.O'D ALL KINDS OF— And lie who has none escapes with much 'acific slope, lakes that are navaga- as Riddleberger and Van Wyck, i care. ATTORNEY AT LAW. •s >1 for vessels of light draught, with who will then hold the balance of He «ho has money can go to the play, TS. liiude miser*- >le .250,000 acres of excellent timber And he who has none at home ean stay. power in the Senate, are not in bar- . G rant ' s P ass , .... O beoox . gh. Shiloh'« Cura He who has money can travel about, 1. ! Kremer's drily Juuls within the limits of the coun- motiv with the Republicans there. CZ5 And he who lias none can do without. t it t 1. it is destined in the near future Will practice in ali State and Federal He who has money can drink the best Neither are they in harmony with place of great importance Courts Office on Main street. c finest and best U‘ •1> corporation influences in the Senate. l be of a benefit wine. Aid to our State. Game And he who lias none w ith the gout will ! The closeness in both houses may 1 SAM. WHITE, r «»>i no» nut more 4nan 500 plurali-! atul fish abound in immense num —The Introduction of— not pine. make another troublesome time in He who has monev the c«ah must pav, 1 .... ,, .. v r>_ t? Ver Swift. Waterman, Rep., is bers. I saw some of the finest trout ATTORNEY AT LAW. And he who has none saya, “Charge it, I tbe quotion of the I rest elected Lieut. Governor, and the caught near town, yesterday that I U baxt ’ s P ass , ... - O beoox dency. If lucre should lie such a ’’ The Latest Improved Machinery, I He w ho prav. has money must die some day, close vote between the States as to Republicans also elect two Supreme ever beheld. Dr. Warren of Janes And he w ho lias none must go the same throw the election into the House, Judges, Attorney General, Survey ville. Wis., bagged upward of one Will practice in all the Cyurta of the State way. HAS ENABLED THEM TO REDUCE PRICES FIFTY PER the Republicans would have the or General, two R. R. Commission hundred ducks, and it was not a H. KELLEY. O, 'tia all one to me, all one, ers, with the third still in doubt, very goed day for ducks either. Whether I’ve money or w hether I've none. certain advantage. In voting for CBN r. BELOW ALL FORMER RATES. ATTORNEY AT LAW. —[Melnotta Lowden. the Presidency in the House the two Members of Board of Equaliza I lere arc two hotels, one restaurant, two hardware stores, four stores of J acksox ville . ... - O regon . ballot is taken by States. The Re tion, also four Congressmen. For Price List, address, S. P D. &. L. Co. President Cleveland Attends the Virginia In addition to Governor, the Dem general merchandise, three black- publicans have a majority in nine Grant's Pass, Oregon. State Fair—Hi« Addre««. Will practico in all the Court« of the teen States. Twenty States, a ma ocrats elect Secretary of State, Con I .smith shops, four saloons, one sash State. Office in Court House. jority of all, are necessary to elect. troller, Treasurer, Clerk of Supreme and door factory, one brewery, one >w ww .--------------------- --------------------------------------------- ------ peJlou.'-C^tizcnn of :— The Democrats control eighteen Court and probably' Superintendent newspaper and printing office, two . IL K HANNAH, ' While I thank you most cincere- "HURRA FOR GRANT’S PASS, HURRA!” States only, although they have a of Public Instruction and two Con livery stables, three wagon shops, ly for your kind reception, and re gressmen. one jeweler, one shoemaker, one pub ATTORNEY AT LAW, cognize in its heartiness the hospi majority in the House The vote The Legislature is Democratic by , lic school house, one court house, CAMPBELL à TUFF of New Hampshire is divided, there J acksonville , - - - - O regon . tality for which the people of Vir about eight majority 011 joint ballot, i with county offices and jail, three ginia have always been distinguish being one Democrat and one Re the Democrats having 10 in Senate, public halls, two physicians, three HAVING THK NOW BOAST OF CAN Office in Orth building, Oregon street ed, I am fully aware that your de publican in the delegation. Rhode and the Republicans two in the As law offices, one real estate office, one monstration of welcome is tendered , Island's representative is not yeti sembly. For U. S. Senator the harness shop, one barber. Also, in 8. W. FORBES, FINEST STORE ROOM IN SOUTHERN OREGON. not to an individual but to ail in settled. It has one Republican Democrats have the say, but if the vicinity of the town are one NOTARY PUBLIC. cumbent of the office which crowns elected, and it is believed that a Re-: Hearst is the caucus nominee, there saw-mill, one flouring mill, one nur ---- o---- K kiiby ’' illx and A lthovse , JO.ERMIXB the government of the United States. publican will be elected to the va , 1 is not likely to lie an election, as sery, one bath house supplied with Republicans C ounty , O reuox . The State of Virginia, the Mother eaticv, aud so the IG? Democrat 1 9 that as theirs. Ifa Dcuiuvrai . le J) v »" kt ; i 1 .. s of , the counties figlit- hot spring water, fine race track, of Presidents, seven of whose sons count should be elected, then the vote of aK ; 'R> s l S bckens will never meet lime kiln with plenty of limestone, Collections u Specialty. Legal Iuatra- have filled that high office, to-day Rhode Island in a Presidential elec- 111 caUt u* t,,r Hearst s election to with an abundance of sand rock for ments promptly executed. greets a President who for the first tion in the House would be lost and building purposes. All that this cand'daey ot the party. time meets Virginians upon Virginia In matters of legislation the Re section lacks is connection by rail O11 their Cheap Counters in all such lines as MEDICAL. the vote» »1 the Democratic and Re soil. [Applause.] publican States would lie each oth publicans will have as much say in road to make it one of the most DRY GOODS, W. F. KREMER. M. D., HE IS GLAD TO MHKT US. er. The Republicans are A’ery anx making laws as the Democrats, by flourishing sections on the Pacific DRESS GOODS, I congratulate myself that my first ious to hold their present advantage t. having control of the Assembly, to slope. Isolated as it is, new im Physician and Surgeon CLOTHING, introduction to the people of Vir and claim that they see evidences gether with a «peaker to appoint' provements can lie seer at all points < ¡»AST's P ass , .... O beoox . ginia occurs at a time when they are of the _ ___________ Democrats planning to con-1 committees and a Republican Presi of the compass. The varied scenery, HATS AND CAPS, surrounded by the exhibits of the tr „i other States, . In the Indiana i dent of the Democratic Senate to as climate that is healthful, and the Calls responded to at all liogra, day or BOOTS AND SHOES. productiveness and prosperity of delegation there is a Republican sist him. advantages above noted will no night. In the Senate the Democrats have dpjgbt be an incentive to the immi GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, their State. \\ hatever there may 1 majority of only one. W. H. FLANAGAN, M. I». be of honor in her lristoiy, aud how- It is probable that there will be 14 hold-overs, or four year meniliers grant and the country will soon be GROCERIES, ever much of pride there may be in one or two election contests from from even numbered districts, while thickly populated. Physician and Surgeon, ’ PROVISIONS, her traditions, her true greatness is lllat >State q-lle Democrats having the Republicans have only six. Of The trade of this section- should Oraraox. G kakt ’« P aa «, CROCKERY, here exemplified. I11 our sisterhood control of the House, would have the odd numbered districts, electing by rights lielong to Portland, but of States the leading and most com- it jf in jn their power to unseat a Repub- two year members, the Democrat.« the merchants of San Francisco arc TOBACCOS, Offi'ce at resHwica, corn» Main and manding place must 1>c gained and lican and so piaCe Indiana in the have 10 and the Republicans 10, in taking time by the forelock and are Third streets. Call attends»! any hour, » CIGARS, ETC. kept by the commonwealth which Democratic column. The Republi whose places four year members will endeavoring to the liestof their abil day or nigh ---- o---- by the labor ami intelligence of her cans are prepared already to filibus- lie elected in 1888. thus electing one ity to secure the trade. The mer half the Senate every two years chants at Portland must lie taking DR. F. W. VAN DYKE ^le. * 1 job bur goods are entirely new and will he exchanged for cash citizens, can produce the most of ter against any such attempt. The thereafter.- [Journal. a Rip Van Winkle sleeporhave got those things which meet the neces- Michagau delegation has only one G rants 1'1«. - - O beoox . i I or farm produce. CAMPBELL »t TUFFS, sufficieLt trade; it is a fact that they sities of mankind. [ Applause.] majority for the Republicans. There One Feature of the Lease. are letting many millions of dollars Grant's Pass' Josephine County, Oregon But the full advantage ot that which wi|j 1h. coulcoU iu that State. TUc English and German Spoken. may be yielded to a State by the toil | Democrats will have to unseat only Said a well known capitalist of slip through their fingers by their Office on Main Ktrect, near drug Moro. and iiigiiitu»/people, is not Olle mem tier in the Michigan and Portland to an Oregonuu reporter: lethargy. The interest of Southern measured alone by the xionev value i^Iiana delegations to secure con- "The lease of the Q- R & N. Co b v. Oregon and the whole of Oregon to ,ur Indiana C. LEM PERT, M. D., nt, is at stake in reference of the product. ■ I tml of the TToiisé, so far as tlie the Union Pacific means a great dealt some to changing mail route lie Graduate Leipsic University,Ger. EFFORTS ANU STRUGGLES. Presidencial election by that body for Portland It makes no differ-1 tween Ashland the and Liukville to C. M. »STONE, I’Ror’K, of is concerned. The Presidency of ence whether the lease is obtained [ The efforts and the struggles that of Yreka and Linkville (here t'all« répondes! to st all hours, <lav or Maine Street, ...... Grant’s Pass, Oregon, her farmers and her artisans not on the Senate becomes very important, through the Short Line or by buy-1 tofore nT*ntioticdy. The people of night Office o|>po«ito Slover'a hotel. ly create new values in the field of owing to the closeness of the power ing a majority of Transcontinental Oregon «hould arise efl- Jacksonville, Oregon. agriculture, and in arts and manu of the two parties in the House over stock. The lease means a vigorous Southern ----- DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY,------ masse and remonstrate against such a Presidential election. contest Ixitli by the Union and factures, but they at the same time DR. CHAS. W. BEACOM, ere it is too late. More Drugs. Patent Medicines. Perfumery. Tolle! Articles. Shoulder Braces, Trusses, Etc. produce rugged, self-reliant and in In the event of failure to elect in Northern companies for the trade proceedings anon. F rank . the House, the Presidency would Detntist, that centers here, and reasonable dependent men, and cultivate that • ---------o-------- go to the presiding officer of the freight for all time to come. It is product which more than all others Strange Citizenship. G rant ’ s P ass - - - O regon . BEST BRANDS OF CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ennobles a State—a patriotic, earn Senate. With Rtddleberger and tile interest of both these companies "The Muddle in Jackson Co., l»c- est American citizenship. This will Van Wyck as dictators as to who to have a city of metropolitan size All work w ranted. Office at Cora* tween Kent and Colvig has been shall hold that place, it is not easy School I Books. I Books I and I Stationery at its Pacific terminus, ami they will flourish in every part of the Ameri mereiai Hotel. --..... can domain; neither drouth nor rain to foretell what they would do. As do all they can to assist its growth. settled; Colvig carrying off the cake can injure it, for it takes root in true they both have the reputation of be I happen to know that the Union —the attorneyship, awarded by MISCLL1.AXKOV«. A Full Line of Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Brushes. 1 hearts enriched by love of country. ing very cranky, it is possible they Pacific officials look forward to Port Judge Webster. As this was a con There are no new varieties in pro- ' might oppose each other and so land’s doubling its present size in a test between twocasehardened dem NEW TIN SHOP; duction; it must be the same wlier leave the Senate powerless. It is very few years. This great corpo , ocrats we feel a little like the man PIISICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFI LLY COMPOUNDED. ever seen, and its quality is neither further possible that the complica ration owns 5ooonrilesof road with w ho watched the blacksnake and O. H. STARR, rBurursTuB, sound nor genuine unless it grows ted look of the situation in the fu out co lilting the new leased line. crow fighting did not care much —Dealer I11— to deck and beautify an united 11a ture may force Congress to adopt It constructs an immense amount of which whipped.”- [Plaindealer. Stoves, Tin-Warc, Fumps, Pipes, ROBERT WEHTROl’, 1 tion, nor unless it supports and stis- j some legislation for the lietter deter rolling stock every year. This roll 1 The above is from the pen of our 1 tains the institutions and the gov- urination of the results of a Presi ing stock that is to say, the box cotcm. It is a strange conception Etc., Etc., Etc. —TKOPKIETOK— and flat cars—will now lie built here, of citizenship to be so indifferent as , ernment founded to protect Ameri-: dential election. The old plan of having the Presi where timlier is only 60 ,*r cent., to the rights of diffeient men simply can lilierty and happiness. [Loud JOB WORK DONE ON SHORT A dent elected by the popullr vote and iron is less in price than it costs because they do not lielong to the applause.] NOTICE. may 1»c brought up again. Some at Omaha. There is no timber in party of which that pa|>er pre FAIKNHSS AND JUSTICE. Prices Moderate. of the newspapers are making the the world that equals the Columbia tends to be an exponent. ‘‘Case- The present Administration of the point that Mr Carlisle cannot with river yellow fir for box cars. The hardened democrats'* indeed, Mr. GRANTS PASS, - - - OREGON. « government is pledged to return for propriety become a candidate for demand lor this branch of rolling Colvig and Mr. Kent are both con O regon . (Jackson County) C entrai . P oint , such husbandry, not only promises, the Speakership in the Fiftieth Con stock cannot lie less than 2000 cars tending for a certain position in WILL Q. BROWN. j but actual tenders of fairness and gress because Mr. Thoebe intends annually."--[Oregonian. ----------- )o(------------ Which the people in their section ■ justice, with equal protection and a to contest his election. They say Assayer & Analytical Chemist, are interested. Judge Webster de —Having Completed my new Stable I am prepared to— full participation in National that the House would not elect a cided in favor of Mr. Colvig, and Two Valuable Invention« •vREGON NICKEL MINK, achievements. with the evidence and law before man Speaker who would be after RIDDLE, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OGN. If in the past we have been es wards called upon to appoint the Mr. George H. Chick, oflhiscity, him lie reached the above conclu FURNISH THE BEST OF HAY AND GRAIN. tranged, and the cultivation of tribunal which was to pass on the has invented a silver plate for apron sion. This was iti fact a celebrated Analji.i mails of Complex Rnbataaeaa. To Hay and Gran I’er Head, Over Nisrht, 7."» < 'ts. American citizenship has lieen in legality or propriety of hi« seat in to battery of quartz mill, with met case in some respects, and then for terrupted, your enthusiastic wel alic chambers that causes the plate M1XKS EXAMINED AXD BETOBTED ITON. BEST OF ACCOMMODATIONS FURNI8HED FOR HORSES. come of to-day demonstrates that the House. There is nothing in to at.ract gold and silver, as a mag a public journal to be "like the man that watched the snake and crow this point. The rules provide that J 3 00 Assay for Gold and Silver there is an end to such estrange the House shall appoint the com net will attract iron. Sulphurets fighting, and did not care much li 00 Assay for Nickel or Cobalt ment, and that the time of suspicion mittees. The custom has merely ^nd iron will pass.over the plate which whipped.” shows a peculiar 2 00 Assay for Lead or Copi>er j. S. HOUCK, and fear is succeeded by an era of grown up of delegating this power without adhering to it. The metal sort of interest in public affairs. faith and confidence. to the Speaker. The House has to lic chambers can Ire attached to old [Review. CHANGE IN| MANAGEMENT PROPRIETOR In such a kindly atmosphere, and ratify the action of the Sjicaker l>e- plates with the same result, and A Harveit for Uncle Sam. 5 —or , thk — beneath such cheering skies I greet fore the committees can be said to cause no loss to those having them. ' the people of Virginia as co-labor- be appointed. Below this plate are a set of silver When any one cuts timber on Central Point Hotel. ers in the field where grows the love Mr. Carlisle if elected Speaker plated riffles, with pockets for quick- government land he sow.« the see«i of our united nation. [Cheers.] —DEALER IN— LEWIS PANKEY, - Propr would simply decline to appoint silver and amalgam, which is kept for a fine crop of lawsuits. First, God grant that in the years to the Committee of elections and in active motion by water passing the mail who cuts the logs is tried Meal», - - 25 Cents, Virginia—the old Dominion leave its selection to an open vote through perforated pipes. Quick and then the sawmill man who cuts I N W E, , I come —the mother of Presidents—she in the House. It is possible for the silver or amalgam cannot pass the them up is tried, and next comes ---- JOB WORK, sum AS---- who Irxiked on the nation at its birth House always to change the action riffles no matter how great the pres up the man wli. Ixjught the lumber Having lately taken charge “t thin hotel —may not only inscrease her tro the Speaker in making tip any sure of water. The Invention is also from the sawmill man. In the I’.- Roofing. Spouting, and Repairing of all kinds a specialty, phies of growth in agriculture and of the undewigned would re«pertfully inform committee. If the House objects valuable for placer mining its well S. circuit court Yesterday verdicts the jaiblic that the table« will bemipplied manufactures, but that she may be to the selection of any particular as quartz mitring, and from an ex were found against I. and S. Car-J AND DONE AT REASONABLE RATES. with the l<e«t the market affor'in ! among the first of all the States in Chairman it could vote down the amination of both invention» as for $382 40 and against Jas. Cox L ewis P ankey Jackson Co., J S. Houck, Oregon. the cultivation of true American Speaker'» nomination ami substitute shown us by the miniature models, for <240, who had bought lumber Central Point, citizenship. [Prolonged cheers ] we are inclined to the belief that from Rowley X. Whitsett who had some one else. New Blacksmith Shop, they cannot fail to prove practical. cut it from logs cut on government W ashington , N ov . 22.—Seer«- The inventions will soon 1« placed lau I. There, it is l>elievcd, is the Army Subtistance. LEWIS PANKEY. Proprietor. tary Lamar has received the report on the market, and 110 charge will end of the suite of suits on this lot CtXTBAL PotXT * * OBBGOX of the Indian Commission, in which W ashington , N ov . 24. In hi.« I m - made if they fail to jierforni the log«. And now the U. S. attor the Umatilla Indians agree to the annual report to the Secretary of work claimed by the inventor. — of ney w ill gird up his loins and tackle BRO'S Proprietors, H NI I T If Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. allotment in severalty of their reser War, General Macfeely s, the Com [Vrcka Union. another Umber case. By the time Sixth Street, Oregon. ‘ vation in Eastern Oregon. After nrissary General of subststance, says I would reapwtfully inform the public Grant’s Pass, they are rail disposed of Uncle Sum each Indian has received his share that hi« bureau expended $3.175,- that having lately taken charge «i th»- There arc now in the State of w ill feel a« if someone had hit him ■o . of land, a large surplu« will remain, 000 during the last fiscal year. leav North Carolina 1.263 convicts of Black-wmith Shop at Central Point, 1 .1 fortune in Oregon. [Oregonian. would a»k a liberal »hare of the public and this -iirplus it is agreed -ball be mg a balance on hand of whom only 164 are white and 1,072 • • OUR NEW STABLES, WE AKE HAVING COMPLETED patronaga Lawta P axxkv sold and the money re«' ' — eived tavUL.'i4Mi .ku^i. vuüUact iwe ÿ£l;y, h, < ,-ilored. There sre 1,197 men ami "How old are you, little boy?” PREPARED TO «uch sal«- lie paid to the Indian«. tlw year 8 38 fVoi«, *6 Indian*, I beef during tlte vea¡ wa.« w*« 8. a F rrota. t> women. (X the men 169 are Little darkv: "Well, if you g»*s Subscribe for the C ourier . Tin» will throw njon the market a 9.15 cents riic p» »«dU.a tthitc and 1,094 colored, while of by wot mother save. l’»«ix; but if * ' ’ quantity of r------- .SnhaiMence itef>plie« Hne women 61 are <-olrirrr| «nd only vou goes bv dr fun I’ • bad F* uv-st Furnish the Best of Accommodations for Hones, large Rome of 'iJuftit fiacal year. THE PIONEER AND ONLY NEWSPAPEB farmin'; land» in < , W are white. a hundred'" ----------- AT RFASOXAIH.E R\Tt - -------- PnbliahM in Jowphts«' f raorRUMOXAL—LEO AL. SUGAR PINE DOOR & LUMBER CO DAVIS BROWER, A SONO MV A CONIKNTKI» FELLOW. COMPLICATION IN CONGRESS. House and Store Finishings Bargains ! Bargains ! Bargains ! : ■4 CITY J G ZN'ew Feed and Sale Stable Central Point Tin Shop, STOVES AND T A R Feed Stable! A f I À 4 4 •FT».