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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1886)
AGRICULTURAL. Railroad Building. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTI RE M.UI< Choice Land for Sale. TWO 1H NJ'RED Acre» ■ ( vliuue land raou .»« iNTs rom To cate, INT t in Yamhill county for sale, Is mile« Daily Rarefa Sundnv. Southwest oi Portland. Tu<* wagon rvml Lv. Grant’« Pana, 0 a . m . Arrive 1 A leading to it from Portland i« niecada- mixed four miles and double tracked five This well--known School will be open for the Fal'. Tenn on the .invxri r ias Tuoujct. miles mor..-. The lemaining nine miles u» Leaves Satiinkiv excellent road. Fine »pring» on the land. Arrivea '*un ■ day). Price, 92,000. Enquire of, or address ««»•a W J. WIMER. orricE iioc rh . in ti: Offhs* i »pen every day except Sun I W ith a F ell C orps of C ompetent T eachers . fremi 7-'G a . m . t.. K;;inr. m . ()],.„ <*,*• z day fr.iin 8:39 to 10 a . m . Rates of Tuition for Non-resident Pupils: •J. W. H owabd , P. m W eeks . OF Tw F.LVE PRIMARY—$3.00 P er T erm 2 »» SOCIETY NOTICES. > I * » & GRAMMAR SCHOOL—$5.00 ” > » (J raxt ’ s P ish I. oihík , No. H4. r e I 1 » ACADEMIC—^8.00 ’’ A M.—Meets in their hall, 041 1 . |l,.w'’ 0 building, Friday evening on or lu f. .ro t[ " u « full moon. Visiting brothers cnr-lGlu S /Z. a invited tA attend. *—• È J. IV. IIow tan, W. U For Particulars, Address tu z— Of • J. T G aia in . See’v GRANTS PASS ACADEMY JACKSONVILLE DIRECTORY F argo , Oct 10 The last rails JACKSONVILLE have been laid, and regular trains Letter No. 4. will be running in a few days on the first railroad connection between We will now see if in some man North and South Dakota. The i ner Wi can cure our meat so it will Northwestern has completed its be palatable as well as saleable. northward extention to the new J. < W JI I I’ I’, For it can I m * saleable and vet hard town of (>aks, in Larrnore county, ly fit for food. an«l find its wav to and the Northern Pacific has pushed fieli» r:tl Contractor the soap factory as one of our promi its James river line south to that nent storekeepers can testify, to the point, making a continuous north —IX— tunc of------ Well, I won’t tell any and south line from almost the tales this time, only this, it hardly northern boundary to the heart of pays to raise soap-grease nor is it the south about midway between MARBLE, STONE or GRANITE. needful to so load the meat with the Missouri river and the eastern «alt for fear it can be cut with a boundary of the Territory. The knife, and not have that beautiful Milwaukee road, a little further frosted appearance and come down west, lacks only twenty-three miles —J £ U! with a thump like a piece of an old of connection with the Northern OB • «—4 G01.01 s 111 i . e , I. O.O. F — Meets, very HENRY L. BENSON, A. M.. Principal. tx*ct. And the lard, it has that system, and will soon fill the gap 1 * s> t cc Saturday evening at 7:30 at their hall „„ •Í. /. beautiful shade of color that does The Construction of these connec QC Sixth street. Visiting brothers cordially <u LU not lielong there; and the smell, tions, to be followed by others, invited to attend. ALL ORDERS BY LETTER 1 Ç J<».« f . i * ii M.<«s, n that ii just it too much smell as marks a new era in the railroad pro 0 ICIJ R K KA I -11 C t H S c 1100 E «X» 4-^ J. A. .I ennis '. s , S cc ’ v . the stjrck eper no;e, even when gress, and will effect the political —OF — VI Promptly Attended To. K kruyviilk Iml»GE. N o . N5, I. <).!>. p s— he docs not say much. But one status of Dakota, as it will remove i 4-J 3: O TT trough and Practical Instruction, near Wiklerville. Josephine County, — Meets every other Saturday eveninc thing is sure, the farmer knows the one of pie piost effective arguments Visiting brothers cor.ludlv invited n, ;1,1 K •—• » Oregon, Will commence it.s first session, .same when lie receives his pittance for division. Heretofore there has tend. I'vx’i. Hi xr, N'. Lui 5* Z for the stuff, and he then can cogi been no railroad connection between O regon S t ., J acksonville , O gn . O S. W. F oriiks , Sec'v. Z. * • r-M tate on the fallacy of human hopes, the two sections, and it was neces ’S QC I', of 11. .Josephine tsslg,-, 17'.), ineetsa* X 0 on his way back to hi« home Hogs sary to go through Minnesota to .3 k Grant’s J’ass, first Saturday of each month 1 <x> LU don't pay; <>f course not. Thesoap pass by rail from one division to at 11 o’clock a . si. W. M. Poi.L.x k a RATES 0E TUITION : CO, 0 man pays aliout a cent and a half the other. W. M. cá «X3 Primary Branches, S5.00 per Quarter. f X JACKSONVILLE, OR. to two cents for the stuff, frosting B. i . nsek Lom.e, 1*4*. G. T.. 4:U—Meet* i V. It even- Friday evening at Hale’s hall. and all. It pays the soap man, but Intermediate Branches $6.00 per Quarter. C harleston , S. C.Oct. «—There 4 < J B H alf , W.C T how about the other fellow A were three shocks at Summerville JOHN A. HANLEY 0 Propr. High Arithmetic, Natural Philosophy, Mediaeval and Modem 3=1 fanner told inc that he could have last night. Rejxirts differ widely ♦— History, Physical Geography, Botany and Retoric, $7.00 per Quarter. X engaged his hams in one of the as to the intensity of the shocks, •o- H <L-4 Algebra, Chemistry, Astronomy, Geology, Moral Philosophy, OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA towns of this section for fifteen cents some residents dec taring that they 0 z -----VIA----- Mental Philosophy, Physiology and Hygine, and Ancient History a pound, six months in advance and were more severe than any disturb r Caton Ac Garrett, Ger eral Agenti. $7.50 per Quarter. Oregon & California R. R. had refused, holding out for six ance since August 31, while others L AND CONNECTIONS. Geometry, and the Higher Mathematics, Book keeping, Latin, and! Wit my A Wolter A/enti, Mediorl. teen, and the storekeepers to take rejiort that they were slight tremors. the Principles of the German Language $9.00. .sides and shoulders as well, at a No one was hurt, however, and no —Timo, 2 1-2 Dav«.— very small reduction. He had sold damage done to property. A slight Instrumental and Vocal Music will l»e Taught on Reasonable K the winter previous, a big lot 1.» shock was also felt here at 5 o’clock terms. these same partie anil must s.iy I this morning. Board including Room, Lights, &c., $2.50 per week. never tasted better meat, or saw Close Connections mad«* at Ashland —Article of— Unfurnished Rooms free to Students boarding themselves. with the stage« of tin* California, Oregon cle.-yier or sweeter lard lxfore or N kw Y ork , Oct. 8 Henry Vil The School R«joni will l»e furnished with Good Seats, Wall Maps, A Idaho Stage Companv. since. He had about a ton of it left lard will arrive next week. He Globes and Cubical Blocks ; also then, waiting for the rise that gene comes in the interest of a syndicate (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS., rally takes place in the spring. The of German bankers and capitalists E ast S ii . e D ivision . PHILOSOPHICAL AND CHEMICAL APPARATUS. — And — hogs were fed on ground barley, which pro|M>se to invest large sums BETWEEN PORTLAND* ASHLAND. as the necesities of the Scoool demand them. cooked or soaked, 1 forget whicji, in American enterprises. The prin M au . T hai «. CORN WHISKEY, ground wheat, skimmed milk and cipal menilK-rof the syndicate is the LEAVE None will lx? allowed to attend Dances while Students of the ARRIVE. Portland 7:30 v. M. (>rt’n Pass 1 :15 a . v. a few roots. Th» hogs were of good Deutscher bank of Berlin. Villard) School. —In Quantities and at— < ir’tn Pass 1 :20 a . M. Ashland. 1:!.'» i. «. grade, principally Berkshire, and has lieen recently asked to assume i Ashland. tl * :30 r. M. Grt's Pass 11 :551 m . STRICT DISCIPLINE WILL BE MAINTAINED. 1 iiad l>ecn kept growing from the the presidency of the Oregon and ; Grt's Pass 1 12:00 m . Portland. .4:25 i>. m . PRICES TO SUIT. time of their birth. They also had California Railroad. Special Inducements Afforded to those Preparing to Teach. clean cold water to drink in their N<> pains ox expense will be spared to make the School equal to anv G. W. Merrill, who lias lieen pur SATISFACTION GUARANTEED pens which were very fairly con- in Southern Oregon, in point of 1’ortlaml I :U(1 i- m . Lebanon structvl and kept clean. He salted chasing grain for the past few r 11 1 •; - Lebanon 1.4,'» a . w. Portland IO.I i S a . m . by the dry process, rubbing in salt months, shipped five carloads of DIRECTORY. and sugar and putting on inclined wheat to Portland last Friday. He slats, nibbing occasionally tor a few has alxiut 60,000 bushels stored in Daily Iketween Portland and Ashland. Good produce taken in part pay. Patronage Solicited. UNION HOTEL. weeks and then smoking thorough Baker's warehouse yet to ship, and The O. A ( R. R. Ferry makes Con JOHN H. ROBINSON, Principal. nection with all the Regular Train« on tho ly, not scorching. A butcher once has a lot yet to receive in store. Oncol Best Hotels in Southern East Side Division, from foot of E street. told me the best success he ever had | Monitor. was in making a pickle of say j<> Oregon. IV eht S ii » k D ivihion . A gallons, adding io pounds of sugar BETWEEN 1‘OKTI AND.kCORVALLIS •* - O F — (coarse brown) letting meat stand 1 < >1 »• - \ 1.1 : M au . Ti! un . one week, taking out. boiling, skim Xitiiale.l on Mnrphv ('ni-k, J ohc | i | i 1 ii <’ leave . arbive . i.'iinty, Orc/oli, eight mile« south of tiling off the scum, putting back the Portland. 7 .do (. m . Corvallin 12.-2.» r. DR. W. F. KREMER. Prop’r, Gr.iiitH I ’ .i««. a I'irHt-. las.« I I.Ill RING Corvallin. 1 JMI i*. 5t. Portland 0:15»* meat two weeks more, then sinok JOSEPHINE COUNTY, Main Street, - - 1 Grant’« Pas«, Oregon. MILL. « ■'!. I’ati iit .Ma< hiiiery, doing | At CurvalliH onnect with train«of (*< ing with green maple cliips. One g.HHl ('. rnei'Ie.l with this hotel is a work and lias a good eiistoin t he for Yiiquimi Rav. E\. iir.-ioti ticket'»: T’' thing is cel tain, the less excited the FARM contains o acres of lami: .’«) sale fr*-in < want’s P ush f<» Ya»piin 4<N\ FIRST--CIASS LIVERY STABLE. hog, or in fact, any animal is betore a» rcH in . lover, mid ..ver 1IK) acres under and return, vi.i Albany, at $ld.70.4 :l Printed at Grant's Pass, Oregon he is killed the better Some say cultivation; also g.H»d Orchard, uihk I ets good to return until Sept. doth. lHStC»1* Mrs. Ellen Ryder, Proprietress. Hoime and Ilari»» und irrigation ditch. that the new nioon is (tetter than at' Fine situation fur a dairv farm. Can ir E xi ’R ehh T rain . ter the full, ¡is it increases in the rigate alinosi unv part of the plant. For K mbyvii . i . k , ----- . O ric . ion —PEAI.EK IN— leave . arrive ., 4 '»0 i*.-t M'Mn’vlle « «(.»ru. pot; also, not to let the ntcxni shine further particulars call or address M ’ Mn ’ ville 5 :45 a . m . Portland O. i IO a . m . LEWIS STRONG, Murphy, ( iregoii. on the carcass. I have never been WILLIAM NAUCKE able to find qny one who had made lawal tiikctH for sale and iniggngo ehe. ked at ( < mpanv'« np-town oflui*, any i xperiments on the subject that . ..rner stark and S, . ..nd atreetH. Ti keta were reliable, so 1 give this for what for ptim ipal jKiintK in ('.ilib >rnia can only EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR it is worth. The lard wants to be be procured and liaggage checked at the melted fresh in a clean caldron, Company’s office, strained through a clean (loth, and not allowed to scotch or get smoky. ■o--- I might will net 1 <* rccciv»*«! for ship- Why is it that so litt’e mess or tncnl after .. o Hock i*. «... on either tho —80,000 TREES— pickled |H»rk is put up here Pic k East or \\< «t Side Divisions. R. KOEHLER, E. I*. ROGER?. led pork pro|K’i ly put tip, sold readi ■—In xUx k, I'unsisting of—■ Manager. G E. ,% ]*iU,s ,.\gt. ly in the mines of California at 20 cents a |K»nnd, and the writer him Apple, Pear, Pearh, HOTELS AND RESTAI RANTS. Plum. Prune. Apricot, self has grumbled at the price and Otic year I in advance) $2 25- paid it. How often has Grant's Nectarine, Almond. Etc. Six months.............. I 25* Pass been without good bacon; or in — Al«<» the ('el<*hruti*d— fact, without any at all that could < >H»:U«>N. Three months 75- (.KANT’S PASS, OREGON. • .l.-ipmi I’ltim! be used. That good bacon and K< Isu A* Single copy IO. ¡«rd jail l»c put up here is without \ll tree« Wurniuted question, and wh .t's more it will ì R 1 1) l’< > NAM l i. —DKAI.KR IN — llii- Hotel has In on thoroughly lie, you can dejieiid on that, soiuc And grew 11 on untumi fruit lumi without OOO----- renovated and one will do it, and make nionev. irrigation, and frw fn>m all inw. t ¡wt« Doni forget that cooked or well mid diHeasea, mieli as (’nlifurnia trues are R efurnished T hroughout Ami k<‘<’|M< constantly on band "HURRA FOR GRANT’S PASS, soaked ground barley or wheat Hul.jei t to. H U R R A P* makes the lx-st me at Corn will do Ih...«<'who conleniplate tre»' planting H ats , C ai ' s , B oots and S hoes THE the traveling rt’ will una to add, but not as an exclude •«lift, will do well to get mv price list liefon* but mixed with the other two, BEST ACC< >MMt»DATIONS. PURCHASING El SEW HERE makes the charm; and if you let < IS NOW BO 1ST OF chick« ns have the inn >f the manure 1'oat-office—Murphy, Jiwphine county, ------ (o)— . you can have the eggs to eat with ( »regoli. FINEST STOKE Railnaid Station Grant's Pana KooM IN SOUTHERN OK EGON. the bacon. I h ive now written four IS-tf. A. II ( ARSON. weeks on this t ind instead of line mg n<> more to say, the trouble- WALDO DIRECTORY lias lieen how t<> abbreviate 1 stated that hundreds of dollars worth I of |x»rk in the sha|K* of fat hogs to KERBVVILLE MILLS kill, and I micoii have Is'cn itn|xirted I should have san! thousands. A I’ M Mil LEB, - - . - I’Hor'K On their cheap Counter« in ail sm h line» aa party who buys many hogs to kill, DRY GOODS. J told me to day that he would lx* —The l«‘«t (>f— obliged to go to Phunix to Inn GOOP BEDS' DRESS GOODS, GOOD TABLE! some fat hogs as lie* was unable to kml the Is-st of a< coinnealatioiiR. C THING. buy atn hero that wete fit, as aftci Has recently lieen supplied with a HATS AND CAPS, taking otf the head and feet, half the tn connection with this Hotel, I have a A POOL TABLE MAY ALSO BE fine selection of hog w is gone. This is unfortunate large ami conunodiouH ( an Iw Supplì.-I .it Rcar>otnibl<- I’r.. .■« BOOTS ANI» SHOES ly not a jesting matter, but an un GENTS’ Fl RM-IIINI, GOOD8, FOUND HERE BARN AND CORRAL. welcome costly truth Surelc , there Ni ’ .W type : new presses GROCERIES, CHEAP FOR CASH must be something wrong in all this, With the le.-I water facilities in the b count). and it can be remedied There is K k RHYVII I.It. PROVISIONS, I propose to keep a strictly first- nothing to prevent us from having and everything necessary to do first RATES \ FRY REASONABLE CROCKERY, class house. Give me a call. hogs weighing 300 pounds at IS class No pmu« will ls> x|>an«t to make guests months old but carv and selection TOBACCOS. J. B. HUTCH, comfortable. (19tf ♦ • ♦ CIGARS ETC. < irant’s Pas.«, The Poole Coffin marriage is the Oregon MOMtion <>t the d.n at W' .illi Walla Twenty-four hours after being Ar. I all other Liquen« or farm produce. CAMPBELL A- TUFFS spliced, the bride sued for a divorce Four days afterward John Coffin, _ ________________________ (»rant'« Pa.««, JOR, phine County. Oregon Wir h wiU lx- executed promptly step-son of Mt-,. Poole thrashed the —UK %U»O KKKH* TRI — inebriate husband and wax fined and in neat style ' ' ;»•* i ..nth.- N..rth I -lrnf Ven Rest Bran I n of Cigars, Then Poole was jugged for drunk - mil. « from .1« k«*»«i ville. in a , an- eneas and is pondering over the in Ihiti’l (ail to call at thv fi<- '‘cU"*’li"' «* “ delight* AT REASON ABE RATES THOSE DESIRIN', To «I ft : ) felicities of married life [New-' THE KERBVVILLE SALOON Montana will send fullv 250,000 head of cattle to market this season, and we should not he surprised if Will do well the aggeg.ite reached 275000 head THB MK»T DYSPEPSIA S| h -; attention givMi to From 75 to i ou cars arc loaded CENTRAL l’OINT. J.tekso Ami all Summer Complaint«, aa well aa Washing, Ironing and Fluting. every (lav and it will go on till :;. aiiv W» km*|. everything i»<«- |,..j hr th* AU In tv t a *4 plain an 1 fan« y IN THE CKNTMAL T YRT of THE d >n* [Vr< ka Journal Dec*: in be 1 CHRONIC DISEASES I pc .ph* ■ Rivur A'.llL ’, . <»ti th, ( ) ( > WISE MTION Gl AK kN rEED ; ' ..„,.».... lLi.ii*, >.t«l. The magnesi 1 mine discovered ig Point for the principal portion of tl grai near Livermore. Cal., is said to lie Will alanKfeaeintriv ufora hoping:. C‘.S|( OK pro» hiring rhe only "«e of the kind in tuc OFFICE. « n Main St . between rirarmjr. ttr part of the County. United state« s M<CAUJi«TRB, Wa* h hvU"* ahi GiPrert trrrk. 4th And sth Grant * Pa-- Oregon Addir" or call on C MAGRUDER OnUal Puint \'r '•* J B lint, h - ami * ffrgvn »’tn Nearath «. Graut’r Pa-« 3KJ {('oinmunieated J M; First Monday in September, 1886, An Extensive High-Grade Course of Study. Cemetery Work a Specialty. October 4, 1886, To Continue Six Months. The Rogue River Distillery, g « u Fare from Portland to San Fraicisw, $32.00. Fare from Portlajid to Sacramento, $30.00.- T II ] BOURBON, RYE ROGUE RIVER C R U R I E R Thoroughness and Practical Work. OFFICIAL Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars PAPER Flouring Mill and Farm NATIONAI DRUG Druggist and Apothecary W. J. WIMER, DRY GOODS à GROCERIES Drugs, Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Paint», Oils, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Shulder Braces, Trusses. Corner F aod Front Street?, Portland, Oregon. Pure Wines and ----- o------ Lienors for Medical Purposes. CENTRAL HOTEL! Physicians’ Prescriptions Compounded Day or Night. DRY GOODS & GROCERIES CAMPBELL à TUFF Barmins! Bamaiiis .1 O B Flour. Cracked Wheat. Corn Meal Whisky Brandies and Wines. |OH \\’( )KK N < >T HE! N ( >T 1(10! Towns of Southern SING LEE Legal Blank and County Work NOTICE!!! Oregon McCallister’s Soda Springs, I N V A I. IDs;