Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1886)
HOTEL ARRIVALS. Heavy Tax-payer* of Josephine Taliny^ : The followiug is a list of Jurors The Drama entitled "Among the F. wm /A/- County. draw n for the November term of the Breakers" rendered at Music Hall Chicago hams arc agaiu coming COMMERCIAL. Wednesday evening by the Grants to Ashland. Following is a list of those who Circuit Court for Josephine county 01:111 Pioer of Jossnii« Cooifr. Oroioi. Mr. A. A Wimer was in town on Pass A. Antone, Williams Creek; J. M. Peter Hansen, Miner, Althousc. Dramatic Club was a grand last Monday. More mining excitement on Wag pay taxes on amounts exceeding ASGraves, Farmer, Jump Off Joe. Whitney, Roseburg; Wut. Wiggs, success, pk-asing all and disappoint $1,000 : E RI DAV_______ OCT Col. J. S. Gage returned from ing none. Between three ana four ner creek this week. J E Peterson, Carpenter Gr'ts Pass. Roseburg; M. V. Nichols, Osage, Adams, R $ 1,080 00 Hulmes brothers have purchased San Francisco Wednesday, MDLCrooks, Fanner, Kerbyville Ill; Sol Berliner, Chas Berliner, San hundretl persons were seated in the STATE A N D COU N T Y OFFICI ALS Anderson Andrew- >.*75 00 Francisco; H. E. Shields, Roseburg; the farm of J. Cunningham, on Elk A Vannoy, Fanner, Granta Pass. Two hundred and seventeen pu larg^hall and the best of order pre creek for $81x1. kt its orrkiiL»: Antone Joseph 2.000 uo J. R. Spencer, Washington, Kan.; Wm Sanders. Miner, Galice Creek vailed. Of the characters we may- < iovernor pils in our school this week. W. Brown, Wilbur, M. Chapman, Z. F M oody 1,795 00 Mac Wilson has sold 27 acres of Allen J D and Mother C W Craig. Farmer, Kerbyville. Secretary say that Mr. Kinney personated R. P. E abhast 2.300 00 Williams Creek; Isaac ¿itauffer, Abraham Sol Newt Yocum and family return Treasurer J J Moore. Farmer, WildeA'ille. David Murray, keeper of the Fair- unimproved land near Medford to Borgman Wm E. Hissen Wilderville. 1.930 00 8e natur ed to town the forepart of the week. point light house J. W. Short for $10 per acre. H F. M illes J V Daniels. Fanner, Murphy Larry Divine 9,65o (X) * CENTRAL. Beach & Platter Representative S i'. M itchell J C Campbell, Merchant. Gr'ts Pass. The latest offers of the beef buy - Bryant T J Now is the time to secure bargains his assistant, by H. L Benson; Hon. Hupt. Puh Instruction E B. M c E lwoy >.5.V> 00 Chas Ladd. Galice Creek; A. F. Moris Savage. Fanner, Grants Pass. Bruce Hunter, City Gentleman, by ers for three-year-old steers in Klam Brockman H M [28-4t Circuit Judice at Geo. W. Riddles. H *N. I.. R. W eiistek 1,000 00 Johnson, Siskiyou; Chxs John«on, District Attorney A Anderson, Farmer, Kerbyville. ath county were $24 to $25 per C O Morgan; Clarence Huntef. U m M COLVIU Bigelow R 2.850 00 Wolcott it Denise have been de W S Hyde. Farmes, Grants Pass. A. Anderson, Owen Merry, John CUCNTY officials : Boat Henry. livertng baled hops this week at the Ward, by Joe Moss. Peter Para head. '.«75 00 Henry Rogers, Carpenter, G’ts Pass Garman, Chas Bradford, Sucker .County Judge graph. Newspaper Reporter, Charles Vdlney Colvig Geo. Jackson, of Rogue river, has Bigelow O 0 1.510 00 depot. J M. Payne Chansler; "Scud" colored sen ant. shipped over twenty car loads of Blue Grav liv'd Min Co 3,000 00 S B Hathaway, Farmer, G'ts Pass. Creek; J. C. Etigleman. Deer Creek; ■ CotnuiifsionerK Simeon Messenger Grants Pass needs a good laundry. Captain's Right Bower, by Samuel tnelous from Central Point this sea Henrv Hutchins. Miner. Galice cr'k A. A Wimer, Waido, J. F. Meiss Clerk Bain Calvin 1.400 00 C. K Ch tnalor. ner, Frank Vaughn, Kerbyville; M. A H Platter. Merchant. Althousc Treasurer Why don’t some enterprising lady White: Miss Minnie Daze. Hunter's son. J 5V. Howard 1.870 00 Briggs Geo JL Galvin. Brigs Cicek; J. W. Fields, Wm Pollock. Farmer. Jump Off Joe Sheriff start one. Niece, by Mrs. Judson; Miss Star- T. G. Patterson 1,000 00 W. H. Wickham sent some j>o- Bennett J \V J. Duffey, Sakin; Frank Dawson, E.d. F. Hathaway Schoo! Superintendent D I, Green. Farmer, Wilderville Judge Davis Brower has his house bright. cast up by the waves, Mrs. tatoes from his garden in Ashland Bolt John 2,000 (X) Ciscvrr Cot sr—Convenes on tO.e Second Portland. E J Holland. Fanner, Althousc Blackburn; Mother Carey, a reputed to the Vreka fair, and carried off the Bagley \V E up and well along. It presents a 1.500 00 Monday in April, and First Monday in W I. Blackburn Ren! Est. Gr'ts P. lss Fortune Teller, by Mrs. Kinney ; neat appearance. premium. Bvbce Jane «.4»5 (Xi November A Krliabl«* Artici«*. TJ Bryant, Farmer, Jump Off Joe- Biddy Bean, an Irish girl. Mrs. Van 1.090 uo CofSTV CotRT—Convenes on the First For enterprise, ¡Kish and a desire tog«-t W. P. Hammon, of the Wagner Bybee T T Estate The Rev. M. Peterson will preach dyke. The characters were well Ben George. Miner, Waldo Monday in January, April. July and at this place on the 31st inst., 2,970 <#) KiK-h g,««ls as will gÌA-e Ita- trade satisfac Croxton T F J W Vork. Farmer, Murphy sustained throughout the long play creek nurseries, lias started a fruit Crooks M D I. September tion, W. F. Kremer the Druggist, leads 1.260 00 and vegetable cannery at the Ander morning and evening. Nels Johnson. Fanner, Waldo ill competition. He hc II h t»r Bosanko’s particularly David Murray, Larry- i .460 00 Custar Isaac son place. OUR BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Cough and l.nng Syrnp. fwcaiiM- it» th« Lew is Hayes, Fanner, Murphy Mr. George W Lewis presented Divine. "Scud," Minnie Daze. Miss 1.490 (X) I h - s I Medicine on tin* market, for Cotiglis, Jackson Hocketsmith raised over Cole Abram C J) Sexton, Merch ’ nt. Jump Off Joe Starbright, Mother Carey and Biddy- us an extra fine large squash, for 1 ,<xx> uo Claussner Dav id GRANT'S PASS. P C Reams, Fanner, Galice Creek Colda, Crmip, and primary Consumption. Bean, all of which were rendered 1500 gallons of blackberries on Caaipbell & Tufts which he has our thanks. OBTESAL MKECHANKWE. 5.55° 00 Dan Englcmen, Fanner. Althousc IVice 56 cents and «I. Simples tree. about an acre of ground at his place I. . V an « r—Cor. Gth and H street*. Two "dusky maidens of the for almost to perfection. The play con in the north western part of town Chiles J M «.395 00 E D Lister. Fanner. Grants Pass Cnrr For Vites. cluded with the intensely funny G eo . IV R iddle —Main st., near 5th. Dimick Ben est" may have been seen "galvan 5-295 00 E<1 Wade, Fanner, Grants Pass. l*iles are freiph-ittly preced,-<t hr a sense this season. C amphei i . A T i ffs — cor. <>th 4 II ats. farce entitled "A Quiet Family" 1,850 00 oi weight in the hack, loins and lower S. I’. D. A L Co.—office and store cor- izing" about the town last Tuesday. which was decidedly well rendered. J. B. Williams rc|x>rts that five Denise John |sirt of the alsiomen, reusing the |>utienl From Eight Doltar Mountain. 2,250 001 W 6th and Main street*. We were so hurried on our trip to The orchestra was good; Mrs. Hood, members of the family of II. C. Daley to su)>|sHi< he has sonic* affection of th« 3.800 Oii Desellis & Connell aSOCEHtE*. Waldo this week that we did not Prof. J. P. Randall and E. A. Estes, Fleming of Little But'.e precinct are Jack frost has made his appear kidm-.A-s or neighlioring organs. At times, Dimick Eb 2,37° 00 J. M C hii . f . h —cor. 4th and Main st*. svinptonis of indigi-stion are present, Hat- stop at Kerbyville as we had intend down with typhoid fever, some of ance. participating. The entertainment J B. M misham . & Sos—cor 7th 4 Main. ulenev, uneasiness of the stmnaeli, etc. Decker Charles '.495 00 ed to do. w as gotten up to raise funds to re them very low. G illam 4 C h Ar« vs—Main st near 6th. O11 the 4th inst. occurred our first 1 A moisture, like i>re«|N*ration, producing 2,685 (Mi DeLamatter N I a very disagrei’able itching, alter getting E. A. E stes —Main st., bet. 4th A Sth. It is still expected that trains on Daniels Samuel . . . H. Gasquet has a large force of seat the school building, anil we are •53° OO falling weather. warm, is a common attendant. Blind, ATTORXRYK-AT-I. AW men employed constructing a trail pleased to say succeeded, there hav the California & Oregon R. R. will Every C 1* OO i,7<» Mr. Wm. Hixlges. lieixmiing sud i Bleeding and Itching I’iles yield at nn<-w D avis B howei :—Gth st n< ar Postoffice. ing been about one hundred dollars lx- running to Sisson's by Nov. 1st. through from his place to the Ore t,600 the application of Dr. Bosanko’a Filo Even- Walter. denly ill. returned home to Grant's to S V. M itchell —Main st next door to realized from the sale of tickets.— This will leave but 8.8 miles of stag Elder J C Iteinedy. which acts directly u|>on lh<* gon line on the Howard survey. i .670 00 Pass on the 28th lilt. Cot RIER office This community should not forget ing to Ashland. IHirts etrected, absorbing tie- 'lYunors, al S im W hite —Main st . bet. 4th and 7>th Frakes Wm 1,110 00 Mr. T. F. Croxton gave us a choice that all the time of those w ho origin laying me the inu-nae intense ncning, itching, «na and enecting» effecting» Mr. McAlister, of Applegate, Mr. permanent , DRl'O stores J B. R. Hutchings has gone east Keister Daniel 2,020 CXi, cure. 1‘riec 56 cents. Address, melon of the Casaba variety. Mr. ated and successfully consumated Plaster and Geo. Neal, both of The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co., 1‘rqti«, <>. N ytionm . D ki o S tork —Main st near 6th. of the mountains with Ashland l-'awn Wong Baek uo| 1,270 C ity Dm o S toke —Main st bet 6th a 7th. C. procured the seed from the Agri this drama, has been given gratuit woolen goods for sale; and also took Gibson Estate j ,200 (X) , Grant’s Pass, were here last week Sold by W I’. Krrmer» (ànint'n 1' mm . cultural Department six years ago. ously to this noble purpiose. rilYSICIANS AND Kl ROKoNS one wagon load of fruit —choice ap- Gowan Geo R 2.620 OO! prospecting for quartz. D r . J. B PILKINGTON, AV F. K ramer —at National Drug Store. Miss Mary Anderson, who for H. C. Ransom one of the exten pies and grapes. Gotcher J N Mr. Ben McClure,-of Grant s! «.750 CK) F. W: V andyk —Main st IsU 6th and 7th. Siirgciui, Oculist, Aurist, and jiroprietor eleven months has been in Happy sive dairymen of Smith River valley The conference of the M. E. George B F Nc Son 1.530 °° 1 Pass, was in camp on the 4th inst of the Eye Inthrn.u-y, and Sanitarium, of W. H. F lanaoan —6th street below II. Camp, returned to her home a few and his son have just returned from OO Church South, which met at Wes- Ghewrdelli John 2.035 He said he expected to kill a sick Portland, Or., may until further notiew WATCHES ANU jewelry . days ago intending to remain dur a trip to the end of the C. & O. R. ton lately, failed to make an ap- Hyde W S he i-oiiHulted ut tlm 2.5.55 <X) buck on his way home. C. I. G ray —cor Main and .Mil sis ing the winter. Hagl*} lloiinr, GraiiUw !**•■. R. near Strawberry valley. They I pointment for this circuit; but a Hogue Samuel. M. V. L oomis —Main st het 5th and 6tli. 2,670 00 i I caught a glimpse of Jim Wilson <>« /Ar 2s«f .I/ojduy/ of rrrfff wc*w/A, all rlatfi Hanseth Jacob 1,200 00 AXKOl'R. Wm. Coker and wife. Miss Boer were driving four very fine mules, minister will I m ? supplied. last Sunday, driving the white Tin- affiicted b.v diseasi- in any form an» S herer AJ iwn -Hardware and Stoves and Mr. Fanner came over from the size of three of them being six 3.240 (X) N. A. Steadman is now the pro Harkness Samugl horses with his "lx*st" girl by his | muiie AAekume to a free eoiiHultation. —Gth stn-et. between Main and H. Kerbyville on Wednesday. Mrs. teen hands and one inch high while prietor of the Ashland delivery and Holland J E ' .8.5° OO His H|H-< ialtii-s an- all forma of Eye and J It H ale —Furniture 4c —Gth street, side. Jitn is a "solid" man. the fourth one was seventeen hands O() Hogue Eb. Coker was enroute for San Francis ',7'5 express business, having purchased between Main and II Ear Ailment», Rectal & Nervous Di»e«»e». Mr. Win. Johnson, of Jewell mine and one inch high. They loaded it of R. T. Vining when the latter Hopkins D L '.490 OO P ioney 4 C ook —Blacksmiths—II street, co to lie gone indefinitely. Rider» toalrnoat every old Portlander; 2.500 pounds of Eagle Mills flour moved to Washington Territory. Hays Lewis 1.025 O(> fame, who has given the liest years also Ja« S Cherry. Albany; R. A. Rum- near yurner of 6tll Baptist services will 1>e held at of his life to the development of 1 J ohns & W oodw ard —Saddles and Har (X) 1,106 they hauled over the moun Hamlin Wm pv, I lairisbiirg ; I W Bond. Irving ; ltev. the Methodist church in this city on which G. II. Lynch ami Mr. Hopkins Hansen Peter ness—Main st bet 4tli and .»th. county's mineral re \ .C Fairehild. Ja» L Ebln-rt, Eugene ; tains on one wagon. I11 this con 1,100 (Xi Josephine S. A. G iikesf . 4 S on —Gunsmiths and Saturday. (to-morrow ) at it o'clock found a rich prospect in decomposed nection we have noticed two signifi 5.7'* 00 sources, has gone to Sink.- I’n-vk \ I pay. Wilbur: R B Dixon, W.C. J W i\r Co .Machinists—Main st bet 4th and 5th. a. m., and on Sunday at 11 a. in. cant fact? towit: Del Norte county quartz last Monday on or near an Howard Winston. RoM’htirg; Jiu« Thornton, Wui. Harkness HD <>.292 00 to mine. C ity M arket —Main st near 5th. Butler, Aahtand, and over a hundred Su|H.-rinteink’iit Coker went to I U. O. II. S tar —Tin Shop—, or 6th 4 II sts. and 7 p. m. All are invited. uses about 300,001a pounds of flour extension of the Ho|x- ledge, and Jess A M 2,050 00 <-aM*s of the worst forms of I'iln, Itrrfat S i - i : ars 4 F kascke —Painters—5th street. I'lrrrt >>./>,/,>«, etc., now licmgsni-ccsHiully Two bids were put in at this of annually all of which she imports the report created considerable ex I Johns it Bm. (Xi Grant's Pass on the 4th inst., re 3095 SttiTli linos.—Feed Stable—Gth st. citement in Ashland. treated, witlmut using tlm knife. fice on the proposed mail service to from San Francisco, while Josephine (X) Jones Mrs D H. 1.830 turning on the 5th with a goo lly C entral H otel —J B. Hutch. Proprietor The boys with the Patterson it I Judson it Sherer Crescent City. The Valas post of and Jackson counties arc entirely —Main street near 5th. E. MARTIN & CO. 2,23.5 (X) supply of the "dollar of our deeds," G rants P ass A cademy —Henry L. Ben fice department is running, an ac , out of butter and cheese. Southern Grttbli machine in Klamath county Knox Thomas 1,000 00 and on the 6th. the ditch la-ing near Col. Burns <M-<-iipu’s the pimsl diatinct- son. Principal. commodation business nowaday s. < Iregon could exchange her fine think they made the best short time Kelly H 4.720 (X) ly completed, the most of the boys M rs . M. H ade — Milliner—Cot emu build ion <>( repreminting tin* oldest an I most threshing record of the season. At j i. 290 00 received their time and money. ing. Main street, between 4th ami 5th. Last Saturday night Mr. G. Alics flour for the choice butter and George Rigg's place they threshed Kramer W F reliable hoiiHC ill the Irude in the United 2.416 00 L imestone C aves —25 ni les from this city, met with quite a painful accident, cheese of Smith River valley, but Leonard I. Stilt,,«, and he again greets Ids many Maj. Buttles paid his family at friends, Det Sucker and Williams creeks. reminding them lh»t the season somehow the ¡>cople of the two full three hundred bushels of oats Lynch Wm 1,000 00 while operating A. J. Wolcott's hop Grant's Pass, a visit last Friday, of "peace on earth and goodwill toward hek a Hutu Seiiooi — I II Robinson, states have an antipathy toward in just fifty-five minutes. 3,800 o» : Lav ton I T. press he got his right hand crushed •vr.z Mneipal—Wilderville. returning to camp on Sunday. The men" is rapidly approaching, when pros- The total amount of taxable pro Lee TP 2.970 (Mi av ,/ . th G iving W ateks —S. McCallister. between the follower and some cast each other that is as inexcusable as Major has shown by the admirable! |s-rit\ and generosity go hand in hand, pertv-in Douglas county for 1886 is it is ruinous to both sections. Del < -"¡..for—:15 miles from Jacksonville. ings. 3.205 (X) Messenger S way in whi' h he handles his men, ; and ilr- Ailiol., tivilLil world seeks for ..-/itiiEEls. Gold Hill—Real I.-late, Norte county Cal. and Sourthern <2,8-5 093, and the following k-vj Maloney Ed 1.195 (XJ ami the dispatch with which he those tributes and mi-iiicntoes which We have to beg the pardon of our ' Oregon arc divetsified sections, that was ordered: For county purposes, Mash Jesse Lumber. Grain. Insurance etc. serve to bind clo. er th« liieiids of Hi'-ting 3,060 00 JACKSONVILLE. turns oft work, that he is not an vears. After the lull comes llie storm, readers this week should our news is, their marketable products arc of 9 2-5U1 mills; state, 4 mills; school, McBrcartv P. 1 ,oto 00 tin- season of doprv -ion i > rapidly niiKaing Rissvi R iver D is T ii . lkby —John I. Han columns lack in quantity or quality, amateur foreman. a diversified nature and therefore 4 mills; military, 5 10th mills; uni Mixire Sarah A 3,000 (M > away. The signa <4 the times indieate A lev, Pro|wietor. for the reason that outside business Total, *8 McFadden J S < >f the ladies who formed the fair Is-lter and more a, live future, and in an* 1.440 (X) J acksonville M ahri . f . W orks —J. C. has kept us out of town most of the interchangeable to the profit of both versify, 1-10th mills lii ipation of an im-reased demand for Him sections, both mutually and pecun mills. Mathewson G S 2.3«'» (X) sex of the camp. Mrs. Farlow and Whip, Proprietor. whiskies, lie will give |s-ri«>iiiil attention week. ('. l.EMri nr—Physician and Surgeon. Mr-. Neal have returned witii their! iarily- Will we let our wisdom pre (Mi 2,220 Mackin Margaret In.tin- trap-shooting last Sunday, to the best of Eiiro|s-iiii and Eastern ATTORNEYS- AT-I..AW. husbands to Grant's Pass, hik ! Mrs.! 2.380 (Xi The Southern Oregon Hop Grow vail in this matter or must we lie E. V. Mills made the best score on Miller Mary L liquors, lie now offers to patrons tIm ad 11. K elly . II K. H annah . T B. K ent . ers Association recently delivered to starved to it? One or the other of the first ten shots, breaking eight Miller Chanslor <t Moss 2,O<M> (Mi Rea is on her w ay to California. vantage of selecting from tln-si- tine whis WALDO. 1.3*0 (X) The former lad*, presided over our kies, which be guarantees will not he ex- J. T. Cochran & Co., 17,500 pound these causes will lead us to make ball - <>f the ten. Messrs. E J. Far- Mensor Menaor eelled on the <-<M«t. The firm he repre J WiMiat 4 S on —General Merchandise . of hops which were contracted to the most of our situation and deal low, E. V. Carter anil O. Coolidge Newman E 1.850 (XJ table, and the fine well cooked sents has in stiH-k .1.1'. Cutter. Extra, —Main street (X) meals made me think of other days i Avitli each other. 2,850 Neely Jas them some time ago at 30 cents a Old l’>ourls>n ami w biskirs from were alxiut a tie. In fifteen shots C iian . I» i : i ki : k —General Merchandise, 8,188 OO before I left a pleasant home in the 1 E Martin 4 C'l.'s distillery, Kv. Put up pound. Hotel and Liverv stable— Main st. In our day from first to last, we E. V. Carter made the best score, Naucke W J. \. P e < KU AM—Hotel and Livery burn 4.000 (Ml fairest city under the still, to I k - couic in hall ami w hole lib's . also cases of Cut () H G Mine. While at Waldo the other day we have heard some "gol Avholloping" breaking twelve balls. ter, etc Orders adrc.ia*-d to John I. —Main street. I I 8. I69 (X) a "bad” man of tile Northwest. Burna, an nt tor E. Martin 4 The Ashland rod and gun club () it C R R Co went doAvn to the mines of J. Wimer big yarns. So awfully big that af CENTRAL POINT. 3.280 (XI ter stretching our neck like a goalin will adopt a constitution and effect O T Co Of the thirty men who formed Co , 4 IN Front street. San I r.iuciseo, will R out . W estroi -—Feed ami sale stable. 1 & Sons and picked up five dollars 2,020 (X) Major Buttle's camp one week ago, ...... ive th - s un - c ireful attention as J. S, H oick —stoves and Tinware. and twenty five cents in a few min swallowing a grain of corn, we a |M?rnianeut organization soon. It Powell J L Ihoiigh the prder avis given him. Dr. W Pcttingill S B could not lielieve them. What we 1,40.5 (X) but four are left. L ewis P ankey —Central Point Hotel. is to lx: hoped the club will be able The rest have F. Kremer, agent. Grant's Paas. utes, which we found lodged in old 00 C. M agri nt R—Real Estate. Pollock Joseph like is stories based upmn reason 1.395 to devise some plan to cheek the gone to their home . or an seeking sluice boxes. KERBY VILLE. and in this we feel safe in matching ruthless slaughter of deer for their Porter A A 1,050 (X> their fortunes on the neighboring W m N accke —General Merchandise Mr. A. A. Porter, ex Representa Josephine county against the world hides, which is disgracing South Robinson H L C L. GRAY, 2,380 no creek - or elsew here. Among them—General Merchandise. tive made us a pleasant call 011 Mon 1,400 00 were men of sterling worth, hardy Rast At Crhzer as witness the following: A few ern Oregon at this time. V nion Horta.—Mrs. Ryder, 1‘ropri« for. 3.'95 rx) miners and wage workers, ltcneath Practica L WatchmakcR I nehhaailia YI ii . ls —P. M Miller, 1‘ropr. day last,and informed us that rela days ago one of the citizens of this Congressman Hermann when in Riddle Geo W tives of his will arrive in a few days county stated to one of his neigh R ich A rd P. G eorge —Saloon—Main st. 2,200 Of) whose rough exteriors Ix-at the Ranfan J P direct from the East to permanently bors that w hen his father was a boy Ashland last week, stated that he Strong Lewis I.930 00 purest and noblest of lieatfs, whose was informed that the Secretary of t or Sale. locate in our midst. 8,640 Of) honest hands fashion from crude Smith Henry his grandfather lived on the frontier J u-ob Wimer has a tine farm for sale War would likely decide aliout the I.250 (X) nature, Imth the necessaries and on Applegate, upm which are two fine There are 28 pupils in attendance entirely ticyond the settlements, and 15th of this month whethei or not Sexton C D 00 luxuries of life, or. d< Ive from moth orchards—fruit of all kinds. \ large crop at Prof. Whitelaw’s singing school that'his grandfather was very jxMir Sexton Caroline is also for sale with the place. Enquire in Waldo. We are glad to know so poor that he could not provide the order for removal of troops from Scott I! F <x> er earth the virgin gold aid native ALL W'. I1 II WORK WARRANTE!» Fort Klamath should lx- carried out of J Wimer, Murphy, or at the C ockier ()O silver that greases the wheels of FOR ONE YEAR. Savage Bros that an organization lias at last been suitable clothing for his children ill or indefinitely postponed. office. [14tf Oí) coiniiien c and sets in motion the Simmons Ennis At Co effected among the young folks of consequence of which his father Itw’lrr Lid SpecUdu o( ill Kinds At the term of comtni --¡oners' Sparliu H II Choice winter apples for sale at that vicinity by which they may I k - ‘Ione of the boys) had nothing to fK) whole mass of civilization. court for October, at Jacksonville the orchard of Jacob Winter, on improved in vocal music. 00 wear until he was 25 years old, but Shumake W B KEPT ON HAND------ A lpha . Applegate, for one cent j«er th. 00 a long tow shirt. The next day in this week, matter of purchasing the Stiles it Soil Simmors. Decker & Co., who re [26-tf 00 conversation with the same man. Rock Point and Chavner bridges Sawyer S W Estate I f om Alt hoUMo. <x> Persons desiring pictures should cently bought out the Scott's gulch this citizen stated that his father for the county came up, and tlu- Sey forth J E mine near Waldo, are enlarging the owners of the liridgcs were invited Al.THOU.SE, Oct to, IM85 M V. LOOMIS, 00 not delay until winter sets in, as Shehan Dan was a scientific physician and sur 00 El>. C«H-RIER Dear Sir Asvou Everitt the photographer may be ab main ditch from their mine to the geon and that he began to study to apjx-ar at the November term of Sandford R I) 11 <-11111 ;il< i-i- iK. Jewelei*, Illinois river, contemplating the ad medicine in a medical college when court and submit their propositions. Stone J J ÍX) were kind enough to print ni) first sent from his office at that time. At the city election held in Rose Severson Ok G kant ' h P am , * - - O suiom . < JO letter, I will write again. [2$tf dition of a large giant to take the he was 15 years old, continueing place of the small one in the claim. for eight years. burg last Monday, Rev John How Simmons ( bf » 00 There is but little sicktii s here w a tu tn: . 1 have a pair of large mules which ard was elected marshal; Rid Fish <X) at pnSi-nt. Our readers have doubtless no I Co I desire to sell or exchange for cat (LOCK', Dr. J. T. Ireland of Soda Bar. er was elected treasurer, defeating S P D A E (X) ticcd that the Cot rif . r has con eight miles north of Henley. Cal., Smith C J tle. Enquire of. or address A lovely raiti fell at Althousc last JEWELRY. John Chase: T Ford was elected 00 week. tained some very interesting read has exhibited at our office a mam- Trimble MrsC G. W. W imer . Jr., recorder, defeating E. G. Hursh 00 ing matter in the recent past from mouth tooth evidently from the jaw Ty cor J E 25H] Waldo, Or. Prof Wlntelaw -.till continues his In that city there are never any Of) Having two of the fine-t and best its correspondents. We appreciate of the great but extinct Bison that nominations made, but the aspirants Thoss N singing school-on Saturday night ijO our corps of correspondents and re Thornton H improved small farms in Southern in ancient times roamed these lands. for municipal honors announce anil Sunday in Stv ker creek valley. Oregon. I desire to sell one of them. quest them to continue to write for The tooth has fine cutting sections, themselves through the papers, and Topping F We arc glad to say that William Of) the C ourier Tuffs J P All tinder cultivation. For terms. is ser-en and one half inches long, the best man generally wins. Tycrr is recovering front hi-, illness. 00 Vandyke F W enquire of R. I). S andford , John R Spencer, of Washington three and one half inches tlncl? by Financial Statement. 00 Mrs L I. Payne wh< has ber-n Vannoy Ellen rrotffjce 19-3m] Grant's Pass. Or. Washington county, Kansas ar six and one-half inches deep, weigh f X) visiting friend , in Kerbvville says Wells John rived at this place last Friday He ing six pounds. The doctor found The following facta and figures J. Wimer it Son at Waldo, arc 00 fb it it is still alive and that a lively now receiving a new and complete is the uncle of Thomas T. By bee six of the teeth, a jieice of jaw Ixme have been taken from the assess Wimer A A 00 time was enjoyed at the .inging New Store Wheeler M W Stock of Boots and Shoes. Gent's who was so brutally murdered near with two of the teeth attaihed and nient rolls of Josephine county f'»r • f I vhord Wells At Son a horn five feet three and one half Furnishing goods. Gent's Diagonal Waldo in this county last March ■ M6: New Goods. OU While Alexander Farmer- *re quite bti g.itberin. suits. Dry goods and Ladies' Fancy Mr. Spencer informs us he will set inches long being eight inches at Acres of land, 70.368 (JO White J R in t,heir crop- which are very good MARSHALL X SON goods. They have also made a tie up the business of his deceased the base and weighing 100 pounds Total value of same 00 except fw>tatoes 00 Wimer W J great reduction in prices for cash nephew as speedily as possible, and Also the first section of the back 04 C R R Co WiHi nik»rtii 111«* »<1 <irn?il*n fro Wimer J W Mr Payne attempted to put an Ran ■ I Mirroiiriding vmriitr; They arc determined to sell cheaper that Mrs Bybee and children «ill l»one mexsnring sixteen and one- Town lot« 1 00 ìli • \ !• opmed a new n I»«« k <>( iron *tiop 011 .1 wooden gate, ami b> return to Kansas with him A pub half inches in length and ten and Value <>f same 62,047 OJ Wimer /t Son than the cheapest. 00 vitne 'miss qn- had his hand I>td 42.755 00 Woodcock 11 The undersigned, living five miles lic sale will lie had at the residence one half in debth. The marrow Improvements f»o Wimer Jacob ly ma -lied west from Grants Pass, offers for of Mrs Bybee on Oct. 30th where cavil-, in the spine measuring eight Merchandise and Ini W f Telegraph Co 98, 202 00 Dr Spence exjierts to employ piemen ts sale one span of good heax-y draft all of her effects will be sold at pub inehi in diameter and one rib five 00 Vork Henry teet ten inches long. These rare Money, notes, artn alxiiit l<-n hands next week to dig horses and harness, one firm wagon lie auction. ANU CIGARS 110,090 shares <>f st'x k etc |>otato»-s and hack in good condition one Mr. J. S McFadden of Applegate, specimens «-ere found at Soda Bar plow, three head of full blooded brought to this office a sample of on Cottonwood Creek. Siskiy'ou Co ! Ion«c-h<4d furniture. We are turtrv to ay that Mr. carriage- , xvatche« etc 32,980 ftf) Cantonivine had the mi-futune to male Berkshire hog«, one good grapes, saying they were of the Cal. The doctor has a fine cabinet have his smoke house burned with young milch cow. Also some old Sweet Water variety. From the of curiosities at Henley, Cal. He H<>rses and Mules 10 ìli«*' !»;♦. o a I m « » in < onrv rlimi .1 value of same 5*. 9 (fit all its contents, whi' h t-quite a |->s, first bearing was produced the w hite has recently taiught Harry Ovetrrtts shelled com in quantities to suit The Postal Telegraph rompati) mine on Briggs Creek. placer Cattle FIRST er.ASS RESTACKA NT, MV S andford & C hristie grape, and continued thereafter for to him D uplex . I li* ir c. evidenti) means limine value of same Two hundred and eighty nine three years, when to hi' surprise he 2 2tf. itberr Hiea will ks -,1 th,- hnnjr . agent is advertising for cedar posts « 2227 Paid up subsenders or new sub finds the dark purple grape had tax payers in Jackson county pay Sheep iti the Jackson count)- paperi, and vaine 'tf same ICE CREAM ! ? ICE I REAM • scribers to the Cm RIER, by paying taken the place of the white grape. taxes on over $2jxx>assessments. a -<aw null in Seattle In - a contract bwme 22 ) TheO &C. R R pays $125.780.00. They are fine flavored. He present the sum of S3 cash will receive both the for 6,000 "cros»> arms." From 'IO vaiti ie <»i <mmc 7° $yo <xo 00 C C ft.r, the Cot'R i ER and West Shore one ed us with some pound pears, and Bank ot Ashland uppeaiaiKc IKC of iii-itte! > it looks .1» if "81 J, he-, w iH of p .rx ,t 1 Zxv, H F Barron Gfryx* valtir year The West Shore will be v jlw sample« of potatoe« of hi« own the We tern f’nton company will all >' J-li 181 $21 165.00; A. I. kitter$25,260.00 I ndebti companied by a magnificent holiday raising the Snow Flake and the G -»petiti<m on this •non ha gelive’- Hi TV W Coaksev $25,^82.00 Twcn fixem p* infix Blush He tells us that from nine engtaving of Mt. H ml 18x24 in eoa «♦ m tv -ix more pay on urn -uitvt.a Total Î printed in eighr color- alone worth rods of ground he dug noo pottndsi of ilO/JUO.OU jjd 1’x o'. iou/5. U* • the st Number ct Foil . of the Blu*h variety. mon than the amount paid ti HIE COURIER. Local and Personal. Groceries, Candies, Tobaccos,