Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1886)
Trip South and Waet. LOST. Cold Hill Correapondance. In the issue of July 2nd the mar structure to stand away out of town NOTICE. On July 5th at the Picnic Grounds, a I riage notice of Wm. Baily and Miss without some kind of protection; July 7. Lawn Ornes at Reassess, O r . J German-outer Clarionet key. A reward Alice Hathaway, should have read not that we consider there is any On the morning of July 1st, the June 10th, IMO f will be paid to the finder by returiuug it E d . C ovkikr :—I shall not give u> M- «»* nev ” 1 Deer creek, instead of Williams danger of it being fired, but as a proprietor of this paper chartered a I F. W VAN DYKE. Notice is hereby ¿ven that the follow. creek The ceremony was performed business matter it should be insured. saddle horse and departed for a trip you items to-night, but simply a Grant'» Paa». ing-name<i settler has filed notice of hie FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1886. letter describing the events of the It i« to be remembered that the by B. F S-ott. intention tu make final proof in sunpo-t Nsllea. to the interior. The journey was past week. The attention of nearly of his claim, and that said proof will !>•» state builds this bridge for the coun Mrs. Bybee, the widow of Thos. made through the fertile valleys, all our people has been engaged in All persons knowing themwlvra in made before the Judge or Clerk of th.» Local and Personal. T. Bybee, who was so shamefully ty; therefore it costs the county and luxuriantly shaded hills so celebrating the 4th of July. It is debted tn the uudesigned will ph-arn call County Court of Josephine county Or , nothing. From this view it would at Grants Fam. Or., on Monday, July 2> . J 1 Salomon says he was detheived murdered near Waldo on March 24, seem as though the county can cer common in Josephine county where the first time Gold Hill has under and seule immediately Piuwiv A Coox. 1886, vis., Jas. W. Wimer, Home»tea I last, was in iown Monday. She in variety of scenery seems to be the taken a celebration of the great day •bout dot letter. 'No.. ;iliilb. for the »tj of sstg and Lola 5 Grant's Pass, Or., June 35, 1886. tainly afford to protect by insurance I and 6 Section 11». and I*»t 4. Section The young child of Mr. and Mrs forms us she has made a hand on a fine bridge donated to us by the ruling passion. We passed many of liberty, aud well may she feel Township 37, south range5 west. the farm since her husband was XsUea. Farr is very sick. state, as an indication that we ap- fields of new mown hay, and many proud of the success attained No He names the following witnesses to killed. less than twenty-five hundred peo that were carpeted by velvety grasses AU persons knowing themaelves in preciate the liberality of the statc prove his continuous residence upon, and Mrs. W J. Rogers is sojourning debted to J. W Howard A Co. either by ple, and perhaps more, were on the variegated with flowers of pink and cultivttion of. said land, vis: Iaiuia The first issue of the Medfor I in our behalf •D Williams creek. white, blue and purple. The clear ground, all of whom were highly- note or brx'k account will please call and Strong, C. C. Sumner. Isaac Custer,Chas. Monitor, under its new management Elder M. Peterson will hold a sparkling rivuelets leaped from pleased with the o«vasion. The setth- tin» same, as we must have money, j Bradford, all of Morphy, Or Mr. J T. Guerin, of Medford, ! is before us. It is a vast improve meeting to commence July 30th. J. W. Ilowvan A Co. C has . W. J ohmstom , called on us this week. ment on its predecessor. We are about half a mile below the new many a rock and moss covered hill liberality of our people was shown Register 12 m in the splendid dinners spread by side on their jouniev to the old Pa For Salo. Maj. J. F. Buttles has gone to glad that our friend A. L. Johnson bridge across Rogue river, on the Faruaers m «»<1 Merhantea. has control of it, and predict a good north side of the river, to continue cific. Much of the route was shaded the different families. There lieitig J »cob Wimer hex * fine farm (or sale i Save California in quest of a location. Save money money and and Doctor Doctor bills bill« Relic-»» lieliere more than enough for everyone on by graceful aspens, whose leaves paper. ->n Applegate, upon which arc- two tine »our Mothers, Wives and Hisiers by * to days or two weeks. He will also Rink exercises every Tuesday, the ground. Besides carrying out ■rvluu-ds—fruit <4 all kinds. A large crop timely pun-ha.-*- of Dr Boeanko’s Cough quiver in the still air, atid many A 12-year old son of Mr. S. An hold a meeting where the railroad fields of golden grain (rustle in the the regular programme, a variety of is also (or »ale with the place. Enquire »nd Lung Svrup. bent known remedy f-je Thursday, and Saturday evenings. drews, living on Jones creek about crosses Jump-off-Joe, to commence breeze. The domestic animals crop amusements entertained the assem of J Wimer, Murphy, or at the Cot'siss Cough», t'oid», Cnsinand Bronchia!effc - We learn that several members three miles from town, was bitten Friday. August 27th. to continue 4 office. (14tf tion«. Relieves Children of Croup in oe-t of David Sexton’s family are quite on the hand by a rattle-snake Tues days. A cordial iirvitation is ex the herbage from natures carpet of bled crowd. J. W. Marksbury fur ----- — night, may suv»- vou hundreds of dollar , green, later in the day wandering nished the supper for the ball, which (“rice 50 cts, and »1.00. Samples ire-, Farm for sals. sick day morning. The snake hung to tended to all who can go prepared off into the shades and shadows of was first-class; 97 numbers being »old bv W. F. Kremer, <»rant's Pass. Eighty acres of good land, one acre o( to care for themselves. Revs. Mes A D. Helman, P. D. G. M. of the boys hand while he was running — ■ ■ —.......... — the evening, the happiest creatures sold. Dancing was also indulged choice gra|s*s. and 3 years old ; 5 acres sick and Stanley will be present to on earth the I. O. O. F. visited the city last and hallowing. in in the afternoon. Fortunately choice fruit tre»-, 2 and 3 years old , new week. Mrs. A E. West, The Benton Leader says that conduct the services. The kinds of crons noticed on our the weather was very pleasant, but house; 15 acres fenced. 8 acre« in culti vation ; water right Ac., location 10 miles , Mr. Bristow living at the old route were wheat, oats, barley, rye, just at sundow n the skies was over from J. R Jennings has been very Geo. W. Howell, of Alsea, was Grant's P.»-w, 1 mile tielow Williams « AHI» RETAIL much indisposed, but is now around married one Sunday and buried the Grant’s Pass stage station has the millet, timothy, orchard grass, clo cast and the indications were that it < 'reek bridge, west side of the Applegate finest garden we have yet seen He would rain before mottling which River. All lor tor sale «ale on easy eaay terms. ten»«, Ad- next. He was making brush fence ver, englisli vetches, buckwheat, all O. K. Millinery Establishment, and Sad cut down a tree which fell pointed out a variety of squash corn, sugar cane broom corn, sweet circumstance detered many from drees, G. A Wilpret, Murphy Ore. Hon. Garrett Crockett informs us on called the Cusha. and the "Potato” potatoes, melons, hops, and in fact staying to the party; at least 40 him, causing instant death. His No. 27 Washington 8t.. near Front Srvet, Proper Treatment For he will move to town in time for loving bride is nearly'distracted. pumpkin, both varieties surpassing everything else that is grown north numbers more would have been1 That the reader may fully underetand the school. PORTLAND, OREGON. A card came to this office describ any of our common kinds. He also of the tropics; all of which seemed •sold had the indication for a clear what csmetitiitex a gtHxl Cough and Lung Rev. Wm. Pullen and family, of showed us cucumbers large enough to lie growing as rank as nature and night been better. The committee Syrup, we will xay that Tar and Wild , ing and cautioning people against a Cherry i« the baaia of the best renwlies 1 Williams creek, have gone to Coos use and melons six inches in di the “sweat of the brow” could make invested $115 in music. bilk who dresses well, and repre to yet discovered. Tliene ingredienta with Bay on a visit. ameter. All the seeds of these vege them. Of fruits and nuts we no The Jacksonville Silver Cornet sents himself as a buyer of farms tables having been introduced here ticed an endless variety, among «••veral others equally ns ertb-acioiis. enter band furnished the music fbr the largely into Hr Boeanko's Cough and David Lehman absconded from from Ohio. He has “long sandy Lung Svrup, thus making it one of the Waldo a few days ago, leaving cer beard, heavy clothes, low cut shoes from east Tennesee last spring. He which we might mention peaches, day. Messrs. P. D. Hull. Adam moat reliable now on the market Price! also has a stalk of the old fashioned pears, plums, cherries, Iowa wild Schmidt aud Eli Batnhardt supplied IN TH« CITY, AT TH« tain bills unpaid. and cockeyed,” so says the writer butter bean. The tomatoes, pota plums, is-nts and «1.110. Samples free. Sold by apricots, walnuts, prunes, it for the ball, while Tom. Centers N> M ost R easonable R ates W. J. Wimer has gone to Waldo The court house is fast assuming toes, and beans in this garden are quince, figs, almonds, hickory nuts, and Tom Anderson did the calling W. F. Kremer, Grant's rasa. to be present during the clean up of proportions. Its size is, main build superfine, going to prove that our grape, black berries, straw berries The very best of order was pre 1 the Wimer mine. ing 35x60, wing, 18x20; height 34, up-lauds arc equal, if not superior, and many more too numerous to served, during both day and night Dissolution Notice. JOHNS ft WOODWARD, I Mr. Calvert, stage agent for the with truss roof, one fourth pitch, to our bottoms for vegetables and mention. We could not avoid-con which was due the high standing The partnership heretofore existing (ie- G rant ’» P arr , O moon , trusting the producing qualities of of the people assembled, and the t*e«n W. J. Wiuvtr hix I J II S’ine i» Idaho stage Co., has go”.e to Cres with mansard angles. A brick vault fruit. is also being built. The whole —Idealer» In— Our citizen* should look close to the country along our line of travel excellent manner in which grand ' i tfii« day diasolved by mutual content, J ' cent City on business. structure lias a good brick under prevent fires these dry times. Heavy —which led us through the Rogue marshall, J. W. Fortune, and his II Kline retiring. The »ul>»H-ri|>tioii», W. S. Bailey and wife gave us a pinning. fires have been raging all over the River, Applegate, Deer creek, Illi aids attended to their duties. Credit | ! printing and »dvi-rtiaingowing »nd duelhe Saddlesand Harness, friendly call, and subscribed for the Rogue River, and Grant’» I'll»» (' olruk coast, sweeping away property in tiois, Sucket creek, and Althouse is due our floor managers for the from Attention is called to the adver and after April 3rd, 188ti, imum »- s to C ourier on Monday. valleys — with the constant call for care they exercised in making the tisement of Mr. E. A. Estes in an Independence, Cal., to the value.of the credit of the »uceeasor in busine»». J COLLARS, BRIDLES. WHIPS Geo. W. Merrill passed through other column. Mr. Estes is a new $275,000, and also to the amount of produce, such as potatoes, bacon, ball a splendid affair to the enjoy- The Rubacriptiona, printing and advartix- And everything kept *n a Fmt-claM I ing due said paper, prior to April 3rd 148(1. here Monday, tarrying a day to comer here, and has purchased 4he $217,000 in Denver, including the beans, cherries, dried fruits, which ment of all. are due and payable to J. H. Stine. Each ' shake with his friends. are at this writing being shipped Hon. R A. Miller did much to property he now occupies on Main Academy of music, A delay of a HAHNE8H HI I O P partiu r 1» to )>uv his own private deht». WJ.Wixm. I Phillip Olwell, of Phoenix, was street. Permanent settlers is what few niinues in procuring a ladder at into Josephine county from the out enliven the occasion, and we hope H. SriNK. here doing business with our mer we want, and they should be en Independence doomed the city. side world. Crossing the Rogue we may often have the pleasure of Grant’» Paas, June 28, J. 1880. Work done to Order on Short Notice Water was plenty but there was no River on a ferry-boat and fording entertaining him, and l>e able to couraged. chants 011 the 4th instant. , All parties knowing themselves indeht- i ladders. This is nearly always the the muddy depths of the Applegate enjoy his society. J H. Stine prior to April 3rd, 1886, j llepaii-ing a Specialty! We accidentally omitted the name case in the beginning of a fire. A we thought how much the two Hon. Dan. Green came in this Miss Rhoda Swinden received the I ed to please i>e pn-pan-d to ret tie the same j 4 JOHNS, *• • • Manager week. He is one of the substantial of Dr. W. F. Kremer last week ladder cannot be had at the "nick bridges now in course of construe- prize cake as the most popular will J. H. S tixb . 1 ’ ’ among the officials who were sworn of time.” Every reader of this ar tion across these streams are needed young lady in the hall. Mr. Thus. when called upon. citizens of Josephine county. into their respective offices. Why We took in the towns of Wilder- Chavner deserves especial mention Fred Geyer's claim against the did you not notice it Doc. and rush ticle who ha# a house without a Flouring Mill and Farm New Store county for damages caused by the down here with 452 pure Havanas? good ladder enabling him t& reach ville, Kerbyville, Waldo, and Alt for his liberality in aiding the com FOR SALE ways, house. ■ mittee in various ways. The pub- , its top in safety should go straight- county road has been settled. We would have given you an extra. ' way and prepare one. Don't put it I,. Vance, the popular and oblig lie spirited ladies of this neighlxir Situated on Murpliv Creek, Josephine New Goods We exceedingly regret our ina Try it National drug store. county, Oregon, eight miles south of. ing merchant, and Postmistress hood contributed a magnificent flag Grants 1 off but build one now; its only a few l*asa, a Firat-el.m FLOCRINtl bility to attend the organization of J. B MARSHALL ft SON The Methodist Workers, an or work and it is the next best Jones are the promoters of business 9x15 feet, which Mr. James Walker, MILL, with Patent Machinery, doing Medford lodge I. O. O. F. to-night. ganization recently formed, will give minutes thing to insurance. Go on now and at tile first named place. Mrs. Jones had the honor of unfurling at tilt- j gissl work and has a g'*»l custom The Wish to inform the people of Grant's Elder M Peterson held religious a Pink party at Music hall, on Tues i build a good substantial ladder to is building a large and commodious top of a pine tree, 175 feet from ( FARM contains 33(1 acres of land: 50 Pass and surrounding country that acre.' in clover, and over 100 acres under, they have opemyl a new stock of services at the M. E. church last day evening, July 20th. Refresh the roof of youi house. barn; «’so a large addition to her terra firma. The cominittee of ar-1 cultivation ; also good Orchard, good; rangemenu as well as the people of House and Itarns and irrigntion ditch. Sunday ; both morning and evening. ments served from 7 to 9 p. m . Pro hotel to which she has added a large The following little girls <x-cn Fine situation for a dairy farm Can ir T. P. Lee and R. D. Sanford are ceeds of the entertainment to be pied seats in the liberty car at our glass room, in which she proposes Guld Hill will certainly appreciate! rigate almost anv part ■>! the plaut. For : to cultivate a large variety of lieau the manner in which the different used in purchasing chandeliers for raising large crops of fine vegetables late celebration: 1 tiful flowers. Mrs. Jones is a very towns and surrounding country put further particulars call or addn-sa which they are peddling all over the new church. Admission 10 cts. Goddess of Liberty. Allie Everitt; jxipular lady: keeps a first-class ronized the occasion. AND CIGARS.----- LEWIS STRONG, Murphy, Oregon. J, H. G, the cvAintrv. An immense lot of bridge irons Rose Galvin, Minnesota; Maggie hotel, and is deserving of public COLD HILL NEWS Miss Minnie Tuffs was down from have been placed 011 the ground for Casey, New York: Lu Celia Brower patronage. We took breakfast with D r . J. B PILKINGTON, Rock Point last Sunday on a visit. the bridges across Applegate, near Pennsylvania; Katie Campbell, Cali our old friends Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Siirseon, Ocnliat, Aurist, and proprietor J uly . 14. They have also in Connection a Her second term of school com Wilderville, and Rogue river at this fornia; Ida Dimick, Nevada; Ione M. Anderson at the old Thornton of the Eve Intlniiiu-y, ami Hanitarian, ot There is to be a dance at Chav- place. Mr. Bates has the manage Vannoy. Oregon; Lizzie Woods, stand. Mr. Anderson keeps one of I'or 1111 nd, Or , may until further notice; menced Monday. FIRST-CLASS R IiSTAURANT, ner's Hall Friday night. ment and will build both of these Florida; Emma Woods, Ohio; Fan Is- consulted at llir The head-line of the Drain Echo bridges. llRglrv lion»«*, Grant's f'asa, Jacoby Bros, are enjoying a visit These bridges are to l»e I uie Brown, Maryland; Orrie Wimer, I the finest tables to be found in where they will feed the hungry. is a fac-simile of the hand writing completed on or before the 1 st of Alabama; Lizzie Smith, Massachu Southern Oregon, and so obliging from their uncle from San Francisco. on //w. 2nd Afondtit/ of rirr// monlk, a/1 day. are they and so homelike and hap- of Prof Benson of this place, hav September. Tlit* ttftlirtcd hy tliiiciiNc in any Corn» an*1 setts; Edna Sheerer, West Virginia; i py at their place, that one prolongs L. D. Brown ft Son are going to made ICE CREAM ! ICE CREAM ! I welcome to a free conwuhutiu'1. ing been designed by him. Maud Kremer. Georgia; IdaColvig, erect a new ten stamp mill on the M. McBrearty’s dwelling house His N|M*cialties are all forma of Eye ami i the stay, leaving finally with most Once, Twice or Three times a Week, and We want a Normal school, a near Waldo was burned to the Vermont; Dora Colvig, South Caro happy thought, and pleasant recol Swinden mine. Ear Ailments, Rectal A Nervous Disease«. will funiiidi |re-ctesm for Festivals flouring mill, and mountain water ground on the it th inst. They lost lina; Maud Yokum, Illinois; Julia lections. Tliosf who do business Rav ft O'Donne! are working the Refer* toulmunt every «»hl PorlkatHlvr; and all Public Gatherings. brought into this town, and we will most of their household fixtures. Jordan, Connecticut; Maggie Chiles, at Kerbyville the proper postoffice ore from their ledge with an arras also . I a«. 8. (’berry. .Albany; R. A. Ram* Virginia; Minnie Hutch, Iowa; have them before we let up. This is a sad loss to Mr. McB. as py, IlnrrlHburg , I W. Rond, living, l(ev. name of wliu'h is Kerby—are Wm. tra which is paying well. —TIIKV ALSO KRAI. IX— \ ( I'air« liil«l, J hr A Ebbrrt, Eugene , i Thomas P. Lee has 28 acres of he is a one legged man and not very- ’ Clara Bacher, Missouri; Cora Grif Naucke aud N. lk-Lamatter. Both Sclioot is out at the Dardenells. N i iir. w 1 in» . K B INMi * • fith, Deleware; Mary Griffith, Indi Flout- nini Provisions. choice melons, ¡which he proposes able to lose so much. He will no Grace Catching, Rhode Island: 1 of these gentlemen are well known and is not likely to resume again Winaton. RoHeburrf; J hr Thornton, Wm to ship to the Portland market. doubt receive the sympathies of his ana; in Josephine county, having been until after the warm weather. C. Butler, Aalilaiio, and ovr a hundred Alice Thornton, Wisconsin: Hattie- good neighbors. »■ h « m * n of the worst forniN of /*»/*«. fifetuhu, They are beginning to get ripe. Cooke, Kansas; Allie Cooke, Neu in the inercaulile business at Kerby I Crops are going to lie much liet «*tc , now Iteinic *|i< eesafully treat J. G. Vandyke, whom we report Jersey; Eva Stillinger, Tennessee; 1 for many years. R P. George, one ter in this neighl>orh<M>d and Sam's ed. without uriiik the knife Ed. F. Hathaway was appointed of the cleverest and best of citizens, ed as being in a critical condition valley than wai supposed two weeks school superintendent of the county Essie Hartman, N. Carolina; Nettie ( uir Fur I'ilrs. AHLf A MES8ERVE - • Propr'». —vice Arthur J. Chapman, deceased from the growth of a sarcomous tu Hamlin, Texas; Emma Greene, conducts an orderly bar, where ago those who wish can quench the ' mor in the thigh, resulting from a —by the county court last week Summer fights have commenced. Kentucky; Annie Hyde, N. Hamp Pile« nr»* (!•**<]itentlv hy aflen* thirst off the inner man. provided . bad knife wound, went to Portland in th« loin* and loner M ais S treet , - • G rant ' s P ass . Hon. Geo. W. Riddle gave this last week for treatment in the hos shire; Lillie Wilson. Ixiusiana; Amy they do so within the letter of the Your conTsjx indent took a hand of |K*rt of th«* «Iwl'tincii, rausinc the patient office a pleasant call on Tuesday. pital there, and expected to submit Beam, Aakansas; Susie Davis, Dis law . P. M. Miller owns and con this time, and we painted the toll io hii PI mw » he b ik Romo affcftion of thoj Mr Riddle contemplates moving to an operation for the removal of trict of Columbia; Nellie Spencer, ducts a first-class flouring mill. He bridge red. ki<ln«*)d or neighboring «»rgiuiM. St time«, Maine; Myra Smith, Mississippi; Quartz mill men are becoming nu Myiiipt<»i»iH of hi(ligt»*tkm ur« pr»*«w»nt, flat Fresh and Salted Beef, Pork, his family to Grant’s Pass this fall the tumor.—[Tidings. is an industrious, progressive ger j ttlcnry, itneftHinefw of the Ntonuich, etc. Bertha Wilcox, Nebraska. man, a good citizen and safe busi- I merous. There is some pros|»ects of A inoiMttr»*, like nr«*»*pc.ration, proflitring A lawsuit before his honor, Jus Over in the west end of town we there being erected here in town a Dedication. « %««ry didagreeiibic itching, after getting MUTTON, ness mail. tice Smith, created quite a stir this observe the finest vegetables grow Hurtii. in u common attendant. Blind, | The ball at the ex-county seat 40 stamp custom mill this fall. The Methodist Episcopal church week. J. S. Gage was plaintiff, and ing upon what is popularly termed Bleeding and Itching Piiea yi«*M at on< e Mr. H. W Shipley, an experi was an honor to the times; every- ! POIIK SAUHAGK, recently completed at this place will Nickerson and Hervey defendants. white granits soil. Those who are to fir* applii-atimt of I >r Ikmnko'd Pile , enced millright, is ordering ma body was gay and festive and seemed be dedicated on Sunday, July 25th, Remodv, which in t*» dirwtlv upon the • Mrs J. W. Howard is paying her skeptical about granite soil will Rev. I. D. Driver. As that will to vie with each other in the effort chinery for Oscar Ganianl's (louring l«irtd etYerte’l, n>i5”rhing the Tumor«, al AND BOLI NINA. parents, Mr. and Mrs. David John, learn something about its producing by laying the intent* itching, and effect!»»;/« be quarterly- meeting occasion, to add something more to the eti-! mill. Mr Ganiard intends to bring jN'nnRfieiit of Williams creek a visit. We are qualities if thiy will visit that por there a will cut »* Pric * .Vlrenta Ad the capacity of the mill up to 50 l»e preaching Saturday at quette of the evening. The deco 1 rim |)r. Howanko Medicine Co.. Pnpia.O. Bacon and Lord glad to say she is much improved tion of town and see what fine gar J. H. G. 2 and 7:30 o'clock, the first service rum of the merry dancers was well barrels |>er day. Hold by W. E. Krrm«»r, Gn»nt*a Pina. in health. dens are growing there, and no irri to lie followed by the business meet nigh perfect; in short, the ball was Murphy Items. ALWAYS ON HAND. D. H. Burroughs is overhauling gation either. NOTICE. ing. Preaching by the elder Sun a grand success. The writer inet and rebuilding the old saloon form Ex-Gov. George L- Woods the day, morning and evening. Every many old friends who tried in every Health is very good in this part U. H. f.Awn Omet, I erly occupied by Edgerton & Bur “sneezer,” delivered the Fourth of body invited to attend the dedica way to render our stay pleasant At of the county at present, Meat Delivered any place in Town R oki . hi *<«, Or , June 2,3, 1886 ( roughs. The place begins to look July oration at Ashland. George tion of the first protestant church in half past three, fully persuaded that Isaac Custar splitting in awheel Notice ir hereby given tluit the follow among the people of Kerby and in the Applegate on his place with ing nauied iwltler hsr tiled notice <4 Iti» very neat. was raised and got his start in old the county PRUE OF <11 iKOK. vicinity there are many of the best which he intends to raise water for intention to make final prooiln supirst of The West Shore for July is be Yamhill county, where once upon County Court Proceedings. Il ir claim, and that «ail prof will lie people living, we set sail and de irrigating purposes. fore us The people of Oregon have a time during his boyhood, after de made IrFforv the Judge or Clerk of the A Mart ef tie Ptailc FitroiaEt Solicite^ parted. livering a speech his father remarked JI LV TERM — V. COl.VIG. JFDGK. shown their appreciation of advanced A. A. Wimer s clear «»gar pine •• court of Josephine county Or., ut Our visit at Waldo was a plea«- 1 , “ Joe's dead, if George L. ain't a i >1 ,.nfR I’a-H on S.ttnrdiy July 31, 1 886, The county court sold to Wm. literature by sustaining this valua White Sulphur Springs sneezer;” since then he is popularly- Naucke, all the county property in tire. Chas. Decker. J. Wimer ft lumlier is fast diminishing and will viz . J. O Wetherlx-e. Homestead No. ble magazine. soon be no more. He has however, 3-311, for the sw'4 n section I "», township known as a sneezer. He is a good Kerby, the proceeds to lx‘ applied Son, J. A. Pec kham and J. F. Mack * W M lie natn -a quite a lot of fine common lumber 37. smith ring-- » The Lost Ledge Mining Co. has talker, too. to the Court House Fund at this are die business bouses here. The of all kinds on hand. II OT E L, the f illowing witneeee« to provo his <-on- a claim three quarters of a mile from the Decker boarding house and tunion« r««,-fence upon md cultivation of place. We learn a certain partv wishes the old Jewett ledge. They report The claF.5 in vocal music al this ■aid land, via A. A Wimer, I G I>.«1 root or first vvsxub ,' Contract for building the vault in Waldo hotel are two of the best good prospects and have some nice to start another paper in the county. place are progressing finely under of Murphjp arid Orr ßruwn al ! W Y Mr houses in Southern Oregon. When he doc« he will find that it is the new Court House was awarded Saunders of Wilderville, .illJ< M-pluu** looking rock. ASHLAND, OREGON. Peckham has recently purchased the leadership of J. W. Wimer. The county, iiriyih I hi « W Jn,isai- s, a ' hole in his granery” before it to Messrs. Holt ft Hardin. the last named house and will soon class consists of th<- following mem 1*64* I te« IZ 1er Messrs Porter & Harkness have runs long. The question with us T. W. Price D H Burroughs and other« were take charge of the same. Mr Mack ber»: Mrs. J W. Wimer, and • Manager. our thanks for a very choice bottle now is, can one paper be sustained granted a license to sell liquor« at Missto Lucy Strong Lilley Nicker is the village blacksmith, and is a NOTICE OF CONTEST of soda water, the quality of which in the county ’ It is requiring out son. Viola Lewis, May I«ewi.s, So Ila» Is-en Thorough!» rvfi»t<-i snd reno- could not be excelled. They manu side capital now to sustain the Grant’s Pa«* for the term of six good workman. T. S I. t«n ' »rricx. > vaici, tnd <Mt-re extra indu >menta The town of Waldo seem« to Is pranos ; Paulina Green, Alto; D facture it next door to the City drug printing of both sides of the Cov- months. commencing August 1. Kosagi bo , O h ., May 27 f*u*' i to the traveling public. Ed F Hathaway was appointed on the improve, and has around it H Wimer, Tenor; J. !•'. Strong, store. Complaint having l.-en m ete itici en rthr at home. Two papers could School Superintendent, vice A J Jacob Strong. Ed Jotieti, Frnnk tered the best deep mine« on this coast,' NEW MANAGEMENT at this otte r by Charirs lt.uiseri. Our attention has been called to not sustain patent “outanis.” Chapman, deceased. which alone gives the town the as Jones, J. D. Hayes and A. D. Cus eamtestaiit. against Andrew I M-s-relor the fact that all those indebted to ill amre no |>s<ns in makii-g Ibis of W P M Miller, of the Kerbyville abati<k>ning his Hotr.*'«fead Entry .No., Damages to the amount of $ i < to surance of life. The Wimer hal’ tar Bass lite Blust < mlorlahle and le-mv-like the county on account of subsenp flouring mill«, has made extensive 4*2.->l, made N,-ptem' **r 12th, IHM3, for the has been ceiled and re-fl<s>red, mak were allowed Fred. Geyer for right hotels ill tip- pi ne. hi -', of xw'4 ami w', of xr’,, ami the tions to building and locating a improvements on his mills such as M AKUITI» ing it one of the best ball rooms in xw'i <4 si'-, -4 S.s tfon a. ToatFship 41, court house are requested to pay adding new elevators, new shafting of way through hi« land for road the county Mr Decker is also re tvxlks ii woi »< rrnsh with rnr ntnu»‘ 7 i t »■»»’I h I t . leading from Rogue river bridge. the same COOPER— M<S <H.I.I'M - At Be,r< reek UTVMim, with m VI fw to (Im • aiiod.tli* and a new middling« purifier The Best the Market Afford#. - License wa« granted to J. B roofing his boarding house. precinct, July 4th, ISuti, at th.* re«i- miry ** »¡»I \ridn * I S|»i«»ri-.K here This town has a man in it who increased acreage of wheat near this Hutch for six month« commencing We also visited Althouse. where ■l.u»-.' <4 the i>ri'tr « father, by K.-v It •Mid by «iimiiH>M*<l to and *|>|»*Mr hHhni the I’l.KA.SANT ACCOM MoOATlONM FOR picks up old segar stubs and carries mill over former years is considers July 7th 1886. Messrs Beach ft Platter keep a F is, rtt. Mr E II (.'-»'’per and Mi« f-onniy ■ Icrk uhin«* »-ounty, < Ìn*x«»n. • FAMILIES. Martha A McCollun. them around in the corner of his ble so that his business will be con first class sto< k of general merchan «•i hi« at (¿ratso* i*»>**<. in «»tii«l county Petition of H. Anlauf and others dise. miners supplies, etc. This on tha *jrth day «d Jtilv. I hmi ». th»*n and l'assengers i ar- ici lo and iroin lite hot-.I, mouth. lie never lights them be «iderablv augmented this year. Ere cause if he did he would burn his long be will have a bandvme run for county road on north side of time honored firm controls a large I WfjuM rwafwirtly ann«»<in« * Io tny |Mt then* tn FHaprvnd a»»«l (Hrninli teMim«»ny and fri«*n<la that (It** Jik'kaonvilh* crHMvmin< paid allt*ite«l «!athh»nm«'h<. FRFE OF CHAKGK of custom. The farmer* «hould en Rogue river wa« granted probascis. trade ani'ing men who have been rorui Maride Wfjrfca will Fontinm* the mu me aa and furth«*r h«>fi«*»* is hvrrby giv«*n that The bond.» of county and precinct their customers for years. courage Mr. Miller by every po-si — Patrona «ili ite anpphed with—- liefore the aaMi<nment. AO who have h**Arinu _ anti trial of th«* <aid contnKt will Hon H B Mitler has gone to ble means. officers were approved. With thanks to these people for contemplated having work don« would b*> had by and h»-fore th1 R»*tfiMor arid Portland, and will continue his trip HOT AM) COI.D RATliS, Letters of administration were increasing our Milrxtiplbiu list, we • me a gr« at favcw r»y fmvtfkg tl*c sume ** R/*< < iver th«* t S f,und (HR« e at R« hw * One thing which the C ockier to Eastern Oregon, and perhaps fur don«* at <wuw, V» help me o«it my tinan* burg. Orrifun,on dav <4 July granted to I»r W. H Flanagan in wended our way back over cool, Froiu thè »srn-ei«— ther He goes for the purpose of favors, Ls iusuranc: cu the bridge o*rh>*li a w by ord*r eia» ThMhking all f«ir at • 4 ibi» R./i-trr «nd Ri'fHrrr. soliciting orders for the S P D ft which will soon span the river at the case of W W. Jn»tns. deceased shaded hill and lovely fringed dale paat farrw* I dm wwire truly, ’A HITI IT.PHI R SPRINGS I4l»ii J C. 'Viirye AL Ibvoi at to our po-t r f duty. Court sd’otirntd for thi terin this place It will be too co«tly a L Co. k of thi« place THE COURIER- ilclil Piper »f Josepàlie Couty Ortioi Largest Stock of Hew Us Groceries, Candies, Tobaccos, Citv Mi