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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1886)
M Money in Chicken*. •nAK LITTLE III «HT 'NEATH THE ItAIMIEM. V ARRIVAL AND l»M*YRTt RE M AILS. raoM UK.ivre ka »» to < kescent citt . ON LOOM IS, At a recent meeting of the Bed Watchmaker «N Jeweler, ford. N. Y.. Fanners' Club, Rev. J. <>K**r'i I* a *», - • • • Oxaoos. Y. Hoyt of Bedford said : IV**r little lumrt ’neatb the dwinMB, "On the farm toxlay poultry is Over thjr pillow i *cep. Ever I murmur thy t>r », king. We used to hear that cotton WATf’HEH, When- the »weet li- w r,d« crwi>|>; CLOCK*. was king or that corn was king, but Wake, only wake 'l eu thv *i■>!»'» r, JKWEItRY, take the official report for 1885. for Make the day» bright »« G-iore, SJ’EiTACLEB. AND The wheat product of Gone with the angel» bri lit number,— instance. Oh, »bull I ae>- ilice no more! HEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, that year was worth $488.000,000; FOR SALE the cotton product, $4to,o<x>.ooo; D.*ar little heart ’n,*idi lie'd . - a , the dairy product. $254,000.000. Why did you leave me aDn>' ' rn my heart pictured your fa, 1», But the poultry product was worth Ever in Invaili v luv own ; $560,000,000, almost half again as SATISFACTION. Yet I muat aamier in »>rr >’r, Ilreatuiug >a day* th ■< ni.e pr-red, large as the cotton product, and i larger than both the iron and steel Waiting live dawn oi >»ch morn-w, With it» »ml »;«'ll ’roc.n 1 .m. ..*•< ! products together. Still, it is not ' half as large as it ought to be. In Ivar little heart ’ne vfli th* <1 ii»i », NEW TIN «SHOP; I 1883 we imported 15,000,000 dozen Why did «bath H’«,' -* *.'' •' I of eggs, worth $3,677,000. Think O. II. STARR, PxoMurroK, Rivaling my life'. ■';* •vu >n u ,— Dim ly in »orrow f »'.My ; of Germany sending us over 2,000,•' —Dealer In— Dear little heart aweetl; nl.-f lng. ' 000 dozens, and China over 1,000,- Wait for me ju»t over llior. , For Itiat bright di y 1 kih longing, 1 uoo. So much for the market. Now A’lien 1'11 la free from alt carv. I think that no branch of farming yields a greater return on a small outlay than breeding poultry. I have kept an accurate record of the JOB WORK DONE ON SHORT T've luren thinking, I've b“»ri tliiking, NOTICE. receipts ami expenses of my henyard Of the days when I '■■■ r- y.-mg ‘ for 1885. I liegan with twenty-five Of those halcyon d.y< • >< <’lnl<H. «4, Prices M odern te. Of the joyous »onp. ih *n -■*'>•_•. , hens, representing at 75 cents a Of the pleasant lion.« »*4», I plant of $18.75. During the year I OREGON. GRANTS PASS, Of a mother fond aiul <1. it, sold 3,040 eggs for $63. .30. I set Who, with loving, thoughtful kin lures, Nought each pas»iiig hour to chaer. 340 eggs and got from them 250 chickens. In October I sold 1 50 KKREVVILLK DIRECTORY I’ve Iteen thinking. I've f*een thinking, 1 chicken« for $75. In January I sold Of the >iome»te.i,l <>1<1 a ml gray, 50 more for $37.50. The 50 that ill the gailv Hower strewn hfll»i.l<*, UNION HOTEL. Where I’ve wandered day hy day ; are left I value at $50. My ex And my thought» sweet treasures gather— penses «luring the year for feed, re- Hai red memories of the f ast— Freighted with tin disnn of childhood, I pairs and the rest were $125, so that the net profit on the $18.75 plant That Were uli too bright to last. was alsmt $100. The exiieritnent I’ve been thinking, I've been thinking, was made, too, under unfavorable GOOD BEDS! GOOD TABLE' Of the broken household band. conditions. The yard was small ill the loved ones who have left ua And the beat of Accommodations. For that lirigW and Iwtter land; and poorly protected. The coops And upon tls* page of memory, j had a northern exposure, and in the Ute's dim slneiows seem to cast Connected with this hotel is a Winter were often more or less filled A dark mantle o’er the prewnt. with snow. I have had no experi- -FIRST-CLASS LIVERY STABLE.- Blotting out the sunny past, ¡ence with poultry raising on a large I’ve been thinking Pre been thinking, Mrs. Ellen Ryder, Proprietress. 1 scale, and can say nothing alsmt Of the Year» that lie l»dween — K kriiyvii . i . e , . Ontoox. ! the profits and the peculiar dangers And my heart 1» filled with sadneM, With a sorrow none can feel, of a large poultry farm. livery Forthose year» that have Is-en wiwtal, WILLIAM NAUCKE farmer could increase his stock of For tlxasi sunny dava of y<»»»— chickens, ducks and geese to 100 or They have vanished like a day dream, -KKKI*«- 200 fowls with little additional ex £0 return to me no more. pense and no risk, and get a profit able market. I guarded against Pl*n Your Work. vermin and other chicken plagues For gisxl bargains in the line of How much better any one can by oiling carefully the roof an«l walls work if working to a plan. When (>f the coops. The perches have a a carpenter is to build a house the great deal tu do with the style and And everything in the way first thing he does is to draw a plan shape of the eggs. Narrow poles, ; of the house as it is to apjiear when j on which the hens have to balance I -MINING SUPPLIES — completed. And so clear can this | themselves with difficulty, make the I plan be drawn that a picture of the eggs small and unsymmetrical, flat Thoae winhing bargains should callón house can be made as accurate and ' roosts, six or eight inches broad, WILLIAM NAUCKE, true liefore it is tinished as alter an<l near the ground, are much bet But what if the carpenter builds ter. The fowls do not injure them O kkion K kkhwii . lk , without any plan? We often see selves by jumping off, and the eggs such, a building is put up anil then laid at night do not break and get: N DELEMATER, additions are added to it from time the hens into the bad habit of eat —UKAI.F.R IN— to time, as the occasion and circum- ing them." Some general discus ataacen demand. Such u building »¡on followed lmt no one was in is rarely satisfactory, either in looks elined to put his opinion as an ex or convenience, and will invariably pert IK.rt against that of the principal And keei» con»tant!y on band cost more than if built according to speaker, H ats , C aps , B oots ani > S hoes , one plan. Il is true that often, in Couldn't Aniwcr Direct. building, the cat |«. li tei must change — and — and modify his plans. He finds "Do keep here?" Generai Mining Supplies. thnt he is unable to carry out , you . , - overcoats . his oriRiiml plan, either lx-cause he “fJjf «topi**» of clothing store. has made some iniscaleulation or a .......................... .. Thom* wlalring g<a»l bartraina must not "Of course vbnlk right in. I fail to < all at tile new conditions have arisen, yet he half der liest assortment in tier hull will still adhere as closely as lie can Kerby ville P. O. Building, State " to the original plan. "I want to ask you a plain ques K kbryvii . lk , ...... O rsgo S So it is necessary' for fanners to have a plan of w hat they wish to tion, and I want a square answer.” "Certainly." KERBYVILLE MILUS. accomplish, not only «luring the "Have you an overcoat for $4?" season Ix-fore them, but through lite. I’ M . MILLER, ..... Paor'a "Vhell, yon se, you ” In no other wav can farming lie car . k’» 1 want a "Never mind, now! rie«l on most successfully but by I —T question. having a definite policy which is to ---------- *juare answer —The Bout Oí— Have you on overcoat for i|'" run through the years. It is not,’ "Vhell however; the general policy that we "Stop! Answer me ves or no." wish to insist upon now, but to urge "My frendt, I can’t answer «lot farmers to have liefore them, at the t an lx* Suppheii at Keanoiiable Price.«. licginuing of the season's work of vhav. I haf some overcoats for $6, mid if I can’t s**l| you one for jw. crop growing, what they wish, and CHEAP FOR CASH. expect to accomplish, just as the den inaylie I come down to J, mechanic has before him what ami Come in mid we shplits <ler differ KranYVictK, ■ < lain*»* how much he has to do in the ten cnee und call» it seven!" Ar. < mint'» Paa», MotxGv 7 i'll ani Wednn'y.. 7 Akt»tn 7.<<0am To Restrain Him from Selling his Largo and 'A ell-selected StocK of Friday I .eave« Sat urlar H :ft) n ai Arrivée ,sain ■ day). 6:00 r> n> orrii'K hoi k ». Ollbv Open everv d iv ex.-wpt Sunday, from 7:3’1 a . w. togdlO e. x. O|«n Sun day from 8:30 to 10 a . m . J W H owakd , P M. ROCUE RIVER ------- lie in also Agent for all Kindi o f SOCIETY NoTKES. MACHINERY AGRICULTT KAI. C 0 U R I E R s G kast ' s P a »» I. o I mik , N o . 84. A. F. A A M.—Me. t« in their hall. Odd Fellow's Isiilding. Fi . lay evening on or before thw full rrr »>n. Visiting brothers cordially invited to attend. .1. W. H uw . ikd , W. M. J. T. G alvix . Sev’v Sold by Knapp, Burnii A Co., Including the CELEBRATED BAIN WAGONS AND RACINE HACKS. Stoves Tin-Ware, Pumps. Pipes, lite.. Etc.. Etc. G olden R ci . c , I. 0.0. F.—Meetaevvrv Saturday evening it 7 JIO .it their hall oil Sixtli street. Visiting brothers cordially invited to attend. ( . K. C hanslob N.G. .1. A. J knninu », Sec-’y. O -TH E - ------- Also Agent for Park A Lacy, Portland, Dealer» in------- K ckbyvii li 1/ voi'. No. sá, 1.0. O. F. — Meets everv other Saturday evening. Visiting brothers cordially in . ited to at tend. D v . n ’ l H int , N. G. S. W. FoBtlKM, See'v ENGINES. WIRE-ROPE, CAR TRECKS, DRILLS, STEEL. RUBBER HOSE, PUMPS, RO< K BREAKERS BATTERERS. GIANT POWDER. OFFICIAL PAPER 1*. of II Joaephiuo Lodge. 179, meets at Grant’s Pas», tiret Saturday of each month MACHINISTS’ TOOLS AND Ht 11 o’clock a . »1. W, M. P ollock , W. M. Supplies of Every Mining -OF — One of Best Hotels in Southern ’ Oregon. AT HIS STORE. on Demand, Description GRANT’S PASS, B asskh L odge , I. O G.T.. 4IKI—Meats every Friday evening at Hale’s hull. j R If U.K. W.C T OREGON. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA —— ♦ NATIONAL STORI1 I — VIA---- Oregon & California R. R. ANI» CONNECTIONS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, —Tinti*. DR. W. F. KREMER. Prop'r, Main Street, Druggist and Apothecary. ,W. J. WIMER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR (DAILY EXt l.rr ST NDAY'S.) E aut Smr D ivision . BETWEEN lttliTLANDA ASHLAND. M ail T kaix . LEAVE. AltKIVI. Portland 7 .JO «. M Grt's l’as» I :15 a . m . iir’tHpH-w 12» «. M. Arhluml. 4 :15 A. M. Ashland. 9:30 i’. m . Grt'e l’a». 11 :55r.M. ( irt’a P aks 12 ;0ô m Portland 1:2.’> r. m . Drugs, Tatent Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Perfumery. Toilet Articles, Shulder Braces, Trusses. Puro Winc3 for Medical Liouor3 and One year . in advance) Six months.............. Three months Single copy r vm FINEST STORE I i**.v,:i Miti n,,i I,' h-i-eiv, ,| for shiji- n: i' a -, r I.» k e. *i <>,i either thè East <*r V>'e«t !-' Divisinn». K. KOiJlJ.ER. I l 1; i »GERR. Maii.i-'-r. G I . A Pau» ,Ag*. MOW HO A KT OF HAVING TU« ROOM IN OREGON SOUTHERN A NEW ERA Till Bl .id ITS of —IN AMERICA— GOODS. DRESS Special attention given to Cœi.-entr.ited in one Dottie without th» ti.e E.vpcii»,* of an Europ.-a , Journey. GOODS, clothing . 11ATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. GROCERIES, PROVISION'S. CROCKERY, TOBACCOS. C It JARS, ETC. i<P~ ill our goods are entirely new ami will l>c exchanged for cash or farm produce. CAMPBELL A TUFFS, Grant’s Pass. Josephine Countv, Oregon New Store SAL—MOSCATELLE New Goods Th,, . ry »talli'.-.t «alt» „« extracted from g are*» and fruit; a »„.»t nmn l, rful ¡.ro di» t from Nature « labratorv ■ the great- <M «..ver. : -n prepaiaf* .nrv« r ¡.lami I— C orner M ain a E kont S ts , (i rant ' s P ass . O regon for, tin* Ana-ru an public'lIe i» nature’, own ),n«]uct ; .... Q ..w It supplies to the weary system the want Having opened a Family Grocery, I hereby anr.ounce to the public that of sound, ripe grape« and fruit ; it koe|«* •h- I ¡Hire and the brain ciear; i» a 1 have a new ami well .»•. I<*ctcd stock of natural L. g to if,,* f.,.v ¡-»ut and weary . an im|s*rative **-iinp.inion to bus'- ne« men. ludi •« and cliildren Have it in '<wtr honre», travel», -minier re—rt.» and «ea-enle cottage». Bought since the Swe, pinp Reduction in freight», from the East, and THE TOPIC OF THF DAY. markisl down at Bottom Prices. I also sell the and GROCERIES, C’ONEH'ÏIOVERIES \ND TABLE WIRE. CELEBRATED DAVIS VERTICAL SEWING MACHINE, which has no eqval in eaw* of management and great ranp* of work Sick Headache and Dispepsia Cure. ■■ « _ ■! I-. Ielle i» rbe l» st ¡m-ventir» r " ' fur , I timer ir.l icr..ngr menls My <>hj.»'t is to make it to the inter, st of th..»e having ea»h or pro- th, liver, hr .oiisiie«». si, k lleudadle. doer, tn trade with nie. 1 '••n;¡ or.u v <s>nge»iion arising troni •<).»►• G verag»-«. i iddiiu'»«. ot'iwe-eion, J- M. I’HIJ.FX. ...... >ng ,*r t.vimg ,a lirelan, l,o|y , trrw • ■ i.A to, ail .t,a'id«*nli,I " liK-’ -s««»»« arising in,in h ««tv invai», iier- ASK FOR THE------ v«. r,. ! h .»»L i,etj)« ,a»h. Meli "g. r ,nv 4|„.| ,,Ver a, ,,| atale tire ■"•I : '»«il«.-km en 11H ion«. <«>uuireu,v- ■••.r.t .*! I ¡.l.ilHna th.-el», i.* ,re norial ,» -i.i « an t At the t.-tfonôiig <» all teiere, bl* ken f»,v. pticklv heat. then. . . ' - I ".- li <l*re fo impura •k«al ni t «Mim*«» ,u «tot,,.,, h. — AND — Bref «ans* by th« Boss the of Road Overall. IZ xdox S ai . Standard Legal Blank and County Work l.,*M»>S . OFFICE, on Mam St ., Iwtwcen |th md jth. Grant's Pass. Oregon THE ( ì r ¿ i p e Cure heap C ounters in all su* h lines as Bin Runt W'lill til Meisirt Peittenl, cre«i. Cerner FFin' Bargains! Bargains! JOIS WORK W«1(| a ARKIVK. i.rivr. T H E — House, Carriage, Sign and Or namental < 11F XI* FOR CYMII OR PROM’Cr Purposes. P'irtlan.1. < ' roii'ii» \erv Best Brands of Cigars, Witcin twin m srectKl*s if ill lull Wi»r sit»: Dr i«p..\. BETWEEN PORTI \ND*I OKVAIJJS M ail T k . ux . CAMPBELL A TUFF Whisky Brandies and Wines, by ths ARFIVF. !»jm «. st. <'orvalli». 4 :3i> r.w. J5- s i «. u. Portland 3:20r.M. E xi - hk »» T rain . , Physicians’ Prescriptions Compounded Day or Night. >S« -i;» 7vr_ i . k *vr. 75- Portland. 5:00 i* M. ,!"‘.ln'i lie s.uO r w. io. M’Mn’vi’ìu 5:45 v M. Portland .'I'JO a . m . A FINE LINE OF CIGARS AI.WAYS KEPT ON HAND. D al ti.ket» for ►ule und bagL'Hgir _______ eh.’cked al ( onipafiy’» ii|»'oun i.tlice. , *iner » rk irsi . n,| «treer». Ti -kets lor prilli ij..’! p. ■ «n <'a’i . vniii can only b * pr.s un i a> I . .. . fie. ked at thw Company'» oft’uw. 8 O 35 W» keep svrrvthing|wl pople T rain . Portland -I :• M.J.uban< n !>:20 p . m . Lebanon 4 4’ <. m . Portia *- m ?9 :0’> a m . P’t’bn.n; Pal u u ng ('ain daily bo- twepi» Portland and Uhland. The O. K ( . K. K. I’errv makefl Con* iv.\tioii i\itb al! Pit« Peg’ll, tr Trains ortho E.t.Mt Side IHvi.'ion, from foot of F street •O’ RICHARD P GEORGE The discovery of the magnify mg ¡tower ot the simple lens was no —Keep» the Fineot— doubt made long before the Chris tian era, as rude lenses of crystal have Iteen found in Egyptian ruins, and it is known that the Greeks An.I all other Liquore used magnifiers of glass, w hich they caller! "reading glasses" Thein —UK A14*0 KKFP« THI — vention of the compound micro scope, however, is claimed for ya Has recently l>een .supplirti with a nous ¡wrsons. It is generally be ÎNm’t fail to call at the lieved that the first one was made fine selection of hy Zacharias Jansen, of Holland, in THE KERBVVILLE SAI.(X)N 1590. Similar instruments were made nt very nearly the same time SPEARS N ERE ASURE, NEW TYPE. NEW PRESSES, by Fontana, tn Italy Cornelius Drebbel, an astronomer of Holland, All Modern Improvement*. exhibited a microscope in England Ptx’kct nticntscojws were A Dakota hotel advertise» a cv in 1621 and everything necessary to do first clone cellar a« one <>t it» Attmctiuna first made by one Benjamin Martin P A I N T E R S. in London, about 1740. Gieat im The following in it» card: class provcnicnts have been made 111 this SIJDECNDER lint SE Paper • Hangers and Graners instrument during the last century T oknai », Bn. i . • • Proprietor. by Dr Wolleston. Profc«» >r Lister. ---- Al * Iloi and c*4d air in every n«>m [Inter Ocean. Elegant demetery in oninection. Riddell and others CARVERS AND GUILDERS. This i.» lite only ILmaciiiLhe z\ pluck« lad at Invington. C,i Citv ¡itovided with it Cyclone Cellar while « titmg for a rabbit to run by Grant’« Pasa, < Irrgon for com eniencc ot Guests. Guests which was chased b\ hK dogs, was can dro,i from top tlocr in «¡uarter J WIMER & SON. attacked hy a mail dog. The bov nets.iul N** rcqiinvment as to Cos had a light wood knot in his hand, Which will l>e executed promptly tunn s while making Ikescvnt Stop ami when the dog jum|H*d at him Have the lanrcet »ton* in J wphine al the Slid* under mid while Guests county, «h h mSAxSSfert. an i two he killed it with one blow and tn neat style ot other Hotels will Is* mounting HI!r»l with th* Golden St lir v >u will heSc.sit ing down tin- Flume l.-iding to Ab 1 C. L. GRAY. solute Security Mr Ask yours*Ifj AT REASONAHE RATES this Question Am I |>tv|>.tred I« Practical* WatchmakeK die. [ Estelline Bell. J E W E LEK. su o- Flour, Ctacked Wheal, Com Meal Hit- A com-spomleut tells a »’■>,« of remgr« ssineii g ilitenng ar*>utid a pond tn inmt oi th« cat itol m l throwing dimes and nick* Is into the w ater to see the fish dive alter them Gtant'a I'am. Tlw thing is ¡>n-|s>stiroii. |f th« corrcs|<ondent had told us that the fish stood around the ¡said and ILL WATCH WORK WUtlitN'TEI threw dimes ami ni< kela into the K>K ONE YEAR water to kc tlv c«aignssimm dive after tI m tn we might have bclk redl rt. [Cincinnati I'.mjuirer • • \ gooac owned bi Nelson H<>, t n( Ciaftshim . Vt . is Midtobeovrr sixtv year* ol«L E xhli Ai I.KAVK. STBS< HIITI<<N KATES DHY GOODS & GROCERIES hours liefore him. The fanner should know at the la-ginning of the seaaon, just w hat crops he will plant, where he will plant them, ami make his calculation ns to what he may expect from them. The more clear ly In* can have the season’s plan in mind, having all caleuliitioics made, as to when each part of the work is to be done, how much material, la hor, etc., will lie necilcsl. the lirtter able will he be to cany on his farm 1 ing «»iterations successfully. We verily believe that systematic effort counts far more than energetic effort without system [Colman's Rural Wo* Id. I l.’tys.— ( |.*c Connections noi.Io at Ashland with the itaies of the California, Oregon A Idaho Stage ('oiujainv. •<) Pi inted at Grant’s Pass, Oregon. V l-LÎ Fart froa Portail lo s¿a Francisco $32.00. Fait from Ftrikül U Saraeiiio, $30.00. Grant's Pas». Oregon. DRY GOODS à GROCERIES Rats. Cam Boot: aot Sices or Oneri! Groceries Tues, lay A4npm Thursy fi.UOp,,, Satnr’y . .6:00pm FHOU IIHXM I’A«» TO GtLICK. All Work Guaranteed to give Proioce «! [His Tatti li Eicln«. RIDDLE. GEO T 11 E ■ Y J. T. KI TI.F.rXIK. TIIF.Y \RE THI BEST NEUSTAPER RR< >S VXD TAKE xo OTHERS. OREGON Mt scktei . i k C o . ' I SCI AS!,, ■' « The gewinne i* law» wra; ¡«.re refv,” N-n t r.< emu ,,-i.,i, EVANttY ITI H o-Ti* "! Manager. P O B- s ■ New 5. „k < «y ''rent ion tins (Mprr Fw «Je >. y« , Krn„r I • - I kf » . fl