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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1886)
OVER THE WIRES. THE COURIER Jlcial Piner of Jiujllie Caity. Onici. Whenever a fresh batch of Ian der i« wanted all you bive to do 1» to look your neighborhood over and EASTERN NEWS. E. A. ESTES r*o.xT »THI XT, Br»al» !*•»«. •»•*«»“ NOTICE! ! NOTICE ! NOTICE!’! CENTRAL HOTEL! I GRANT'S PASS, OREGON. THOSE DESIRING TO SETTLE IN Towns of Southern Oregon — oum I.« — This Hoiel Lias been thuruugkdy Mn.wAt K»; July n. renovated utid FRIDAY, Advices received late to-night therein you are liable to find a per Will do well to consult the undersigned at R efurnished T hroughout from Waterford, a hamlet of 500 Registered »! the Postoffii-w in Grant'» son, so it seems, whose stock in people in Ra~ine county just be CENTRAI pa«». Ore., »« Keo'nd-C! ««» Matter. trade is slander. If you will set yond the border ot Milwaukee coun THE TRAVELING PVBUC WILL rut». this person on the fence, you will ty. are that a strange disease which IN THE CENTRAL PART OP THE TOBACCO. CORRESPONDEN' 1 ’ find that just as soon as the sun get* made its ap|>earance a few days ago BEST ACCOMMODATIONS. HogTie’liiver Valley, on the O < Hailroad. CIGARS. We invite cormaponden.-a from all sec high enough to warm up and loosen is spreading. Two deaths have oc The Shipping Point for the principal portion of the grain producing CANDIES. tion* on »abject» of local and other in ------ <O)~ . I the tongue, the slander will com curred and six others arc txp.cted NUTS. ETC. ter eats part of the County. momentarily. Forty people have With each letter the namM and ad-lresa mence. The Goodyear Rubber Co. been stricken with it in a virulent Address or call on C. MAGRUDER. Central Point, Oregon. y flT" Highest Cosh prion pail lor rd the Milder i- r-pnn- i, e-J .!ly if I had better manufacture a neighbor form, and many others with a mild aent for publication hood gossiping goblin for each and er phase of the malady. The peo- Country Produce, Hides, Furs, every place; one that could be car ' pie are terror-stricken, and the vii EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS Etc , Etc, läge is being rapidly deserted. THE BAR 19 SUPPLIED WITH THI ried around in the vest pocket, Stores are barred, schorls closed, Give me a call and be Convinced. The l»teet device r>f the Knights of La blowed up and set to running any and surrounding town* have strictly (16U Finest Wines, Liquors & Cigars, bor is the "concealed tx>ycott.” place and at any time, even in quarantined the place. The state Wliile the Reading Table is Weaver r>( low», wants the green I wk cloudy weather. This gossipcr lx>ard of health to-day made an in rtaerva fund reduced to |5'‘,‘XX),'I| ai would not have to be fed. Slander vestigation, and found the malady CHARLES DECKER, Prop’r. SUPPLIED WITH THE LATEST Tlie co-partncrkliip li -reto'. re existing Tlie »ppropriation for the navy yard »1 generally originates from envy, but to be a species of violent typhoid between the undersigned 1» this dav dis- BRANDS OF WINES, IJQl'ORS AND CIGARS KE1T 15 STOCK. fever. The attack produces deli BEST Mare I »land, California, in incrvawii from NEWSPAPERS. some times there is no real object. rium. It was introduced into the Holved by mutual eonseut. WM A. MASSIE 1101,000 to »213,(MX). ---------- o ■— Often the talker is the guiltiest per village by a Milwaukee laborer, who j AI-SON EVERY. Tlie senate passed a bill to credit the DECKER BOARDING HOUSE! Grant'» »’as». Or , July xth, 1HW. (-it son in the neightxirhood, and takes went there sick. Receptacles used A POOL TABLE MAY ALSO BE State Oregon with »12,3M for ordnance KEPT IN FIRST-CLASS STY J.E, AND THE TRAVELING PUBLIC WILL by him were washed at a well where j this method of directing attention to Treasurer's Notice. and ordnance store». MEET WITH EVERY KINDNESS AND ATTENTION. FOUND HERE. eighty children attending a paro somebody else. In this way the chial school are wont to drink, and A reduction of »30,000 has been made Orncr. or C ovsty T ksas . , I Granta rasa Or.. July Vtb, I88fl.f in th» appropriation for protecting land» human family asserts its baser qual contaminated the water. Many of j ities. To say the least, these im these children are down with the Notice is hereby given that there ar«- from fraudulent entry. i propose to keep a strictly first- funds in the C-puqty Treasury for the re Hugh T. Thompson ot South Carolina, pure thoughts and « are the disease. It is rejwrted that the epi demption of the following county war class house. Give inc a call. demic has spread to the neighboring rants, protested to June IS. 1x84 Interest has qualified as uMisleut secretary of the ’ emenations of a debased miud and town of Rochester. on the same will cease from thi» date. J. B. HUTCH, treasury at Waaiiington a rotten soul. The large black Numbers, 188. 181. 193, 195, 19fl. Ins. S t . L ouis . July 11. 19», 2'Ml, 202, 214. 2 207, «.'3, 192. 232, This well-known School will be open for the Fall Term on the Grant’s Pass A rumor is in circulation to the effect ! , crickets of California, when a mem Oregon z\ dispatch from Brownsville, It, 10. 2»), 43. 158, 159, 34, 54. 55, 53, 50. that the <-hanga in ths cabinet will l-e ber of their large army accidentally MO. «3, MS, 10, 75, 76, 77. 78. 79, 87,82. 89. Texas, says: It is rejxirted that likely to bring Ex-tiovernor 1 loud ley, of breaks a limb, fall upon their broth 9", »4.'*5, 90. »7,9.1, MO, 101. 1"2, 103, 'General Martinez md his allies. Ohio, to the front. I er ami eat him up bodily. Thus it Svnors Ramirez and Rias, distin 104,10.5,100,92,93, 110, 111, 112, 113. J. W. Howvt.0, After Secretary Manning's retirement, , is with the slanderer. In Asia when ; guished City of Mexico editor*, who Treasurer. Six miles South of Grant's Pass, Jusephin» W ith a F ull C oris of C ompetent T eachers . which seems to have been finally decided County, Oregon. i the smell of blood floats out upon recently arrived here, having tra on, he will return to Alliany and give his S. A. GREENE & SON, veled disguised, overland, are quiet A. H. CARSON, Prop’r. remaining years to managing tlie Albany . the breeze, a thousand ravenous i ly buying up arms and horses. The Main St., - - - Grant'» Paas. Or. Rates of Tuition for Non-resident Pupils: wolves assemble and devour every j Argus. ftfue door of the CoCBIFB otfw-e) movement, while premature, may T welve W eeks . OF PRIMARY—S3.00 P er T erm From official reports on file at the While i .shred of the unfortunate victim. So; have some significance. Tlie fed » » » » * i —3 0,00(1 TREES— GRAMMAR SCHOOL — $5 <*> " Hoiiae it apfienrs that up to the KHh in it is with the wolves who mask as j eral government, on account of the » I —Tn stock, consisting of— ACADEMIC—|8.oo ” stant tlie l*re»id«-nt lias sent to the senate human beings whose baser brain' stringent tax laws, dullness of trade, — Dealers in — 2,427 nominations. ’<X this number tin- governs them. They are ever ready and the poor way in which eni-1 Apple Pear. Peach. senate lias returned only 17. plus es out of the capital are paid, is to devour their brethren, and having Plum, Prune. Apricot, Tlie Knights of Labor of Chicago have a preponderance of animal nature daily losing prestige, and about the A M U N I T 1 < ) N only tiling needed to create trouble ordered all tlk-ir local aascmhlica to ex Nectarine, Almond, Etc. the slaughter is |x.-rfortned accord is that a strong man shall step for- For Particulars. Address p»-l anarchist t members uirinvx;in The .r>v •«•.rv» lal«>r ■* lead- ■«■• . j FlsMil-Ticlii, Cnîlery, Fin-Worts, it., E. —Albo the Celebrated— with _ th» plan of , ">K to me dictates of the lower or i ward for the disaffected to rally on. ers have no »wniMthy t.._,___, ___ __ ,____ ' ‘ propensity, . . ’ .• We ¡Martinez apparently desires to be! eievatitig lale.r by killing those who give tier of animal their man. but it is a question if he REPAIRING, A SPECIALTY, Ktls.'V .Tapan I’luin! labor einployuient thank G>xl that a large majority of -------- The Great-------- has the requisite strength. guv-All work guaranteed •'tea — All trees Warranted — It having Is-cn imeertained that the wo- ] mankind hold themselves alxivel (Ntf B oston , July it. nun vote in Washington territory, or a these people, anti that their prefer- TRUE T<> NAME, A table compiled from dispatches E. MARTIN A CO. large part of it, can lx. dr]s-nd«-d oil for, ,.ncc j# for inoraJ converse and civil the support of tlie liquor traffic, it is sup- , , , , . , , to the Post from tlie managers of And Natural Curiosities of Josephine County, \ii i -rowii ->n natural unit land without Col Hum» occupies the proud dist-m-t-, ■ .1 •„. , .. . law. Slander, lawlessness, not and the leading clearing houses of the rri ; itii»i. sii-i irne Iroui all ins-ct ¡--«1» there will bo no further opposition ion of n-pmeiitinn the olitext and tnoet ------- OWNED BY------- itid -li-«-a«es, suc'u a» Culia-rni* tree« »r» to woman sufferag.- there. | murder go hand in hand, and one is United States shows total gross bank reliable I ioum - in tin- trade in tin- Lhiited 4 , uil-jeet to. ,, , _ , . : little better than the other, and but exchanges for the week ending July State», an-i be a»rHiti gr.s-t" hie many HARKNESS A BURCH. TbC western I mon Telegraph opera-j friend», reminding U h 111 that th.- season Tlr-si- w l><> contemplate tree | laiitin» torn at Omaha have .truck lor extra p»y wors,‘ Mark thew «landerera. to, 1886, in comparison with the of " j»-aee 011 earth and good will toward will du well u- g«t inj i-iici- liit Letura corresponding week in 1885. Total, men ” is rapidly approu« lung, wlien nro»- for all overtime work Operators at t ig 1X» not forget that whenever you $796,607,408, an increase of 3.9 per| perity and g»-nero»ity go hand in hand.' den and Han Francisco have notified du- hear a wolf howl, there is going to cent. i PURClIAhlXG ELSEWHERE. . i and the whole eivilize l worM seek* fol .uipany that unless extra pay is allowed j ]*. a h|)tep killed tlioao tributes and mementoes which wy will do Itkewiao. j —- -■«■■■ ■ — W ashington . July 11. Post-olii« -e—Miirpliv, Josephine county. serxe to bind «loner the triend» ot fleeting The owner« of the«* Wonderful Caves have complete ! » trail «.(hit ( arite* go The Postmaster-General has, in ' ve.irs. After the lull CTMMF the “tonii ing from 1 «rant's I'a-s can re.ich them be travi-iinv 28 miles—all b it eight mile-» be On-ten. Tlie notorious Carrie Bradley, who was It appears that Secretary <»f State Railroad Station—Graut'» Pas» compliance with petitions signed by theix-asoii of depression is rapidly ]>aKaing ing traveled by wagon and team The route immmi » 13-ii. A. H. CARSON. aentenied to tile |s-nitentiary in |HH2 for Earhart in sending a certificate of away. The sign» of the time» indicate a a large number of business men in lutter and more active future, amt in an- BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAIN LAKES AND OTHER FINE SCENERY twelve years for the murder id J. Nelson election to Win. M Colvig, District numerous cities amended the postal tieij-atiou oi an incrcum-d demand for tine Brown, has ls-< n pardoned by Governor | eryfl whtski-«. he will give persomd attention Mi«»lv, alter having serve-1 one-third of Attorney elect for the first district, law so as to ]x-miit transmission to th« b -t of European and Fiistern , ALL KINDS OF LARGE AND SMALL GAME AND TROUT. through the mails within the United her time. There were no mitigating cir- mailed the same to Grant's Pass in | liquors. lie now offers to (Nitrons the ad- —GOOD PASTURE FOR HORSES— cmnstances and tlie case was an aggru stead of Jacksonville, as lie should States and territories of liquids not vantajje of selecting from these tine liable to explosion or spontaneous wliiski--», which lie guarantee* will not vatrd one. ; have done. Mr. Colvig could not Propr. cumlmstion or ignition by shex'k or l>e excelled <>n 111- i-oast. Tlie firm h Th* Wjfer from th;»e Cave« 1« Excellent on Account of it. Medical Prop»rtie». .JOHN A. HAN LIA Tliere is a growing belief that Congreaa qualify until his certificate of dec jar, and not inflammable such as represent* has in stis-k J. f Cutter, Ex » ADMISSION TO CAVES,............................................. $1.00. tra. Old Bourl»in and Argonaut whiskies may possibly adj-Hirn ls-fore the close of tion arrived; ami as that document soft soap, paste or confections, oint from i » E Martin A Co.’s distillery, Ky the present month The Henate has fie- did not reach its destination within ments, salves, and articles of simi Put up in hall and wlxilc blds.; also« ».-«-» ClltOII A G irn U. (renerà! t gent a. gsn toeihibit sonic interest in tlie ques of Cutter, etc. Order* addressed to John the time intended, Mr. Colvig was lar consistency, under certain con I.. Burns, couiinvreial agent lor E Mar tion of adjixirnnwnt, and as (his I sk I v lia» ditions, insuring safety to other Kinney -I Wolh-r*. (centi. Medford. tin A Co . 4i'H Front street. San 1 ran- li»n<l» _ not ‘inalified on the regular day. the mutter pra< tically in its < own __ ____ mail matter in transmission. — MANVI'ACTURERS OF - cisco, will n-i-eivi- th«- same caicful at there Ms-ms some pms|wct that it may j We learn that T. B Kent ha* filed tention us though the or-ier was given W ashington , July 12. txtsh the business tli'otigli by tlie 20th of1 a protest against Mr. Colvig's tak him. Dr W F. Kreiuer, agent, Grants Lumljer, Doors, Windows, A feeling is growing in Congres i fa»*. the present month. I ing or holding the office. Here is sional circles that some such scheme Senator Warner Miller thinks thst the the luw 111 the matter : j as Mr. Morrison proposes will be —Article of— influence of Real in engineering the oleo , Hue. 1 Tiiwre »hull I* electad hi tile adopted one of these days, by which ■ margarine bill is unnecessary to secure general »lection, by tlie qualified eltx-loni o - on ILL a;*.» .«- the country will lx- flixxled with z Hie passage of Iho measure, and Hint eve of the several Judicial di»tri< t» of tin» state, H money and the dixirsof the national a district attorney from each of such dia- ry dollar w hich lias been contributed to trteta, who aliall lioid his otti,-,» for the banks made to bang. He proposes X E3- pish the bill through Congn-iu* Ims been term of two yearn, amt until In» successor — Ami— CD to keep the «tirpltis in the Treasury > thrown away Not a single cent was is ohs ted amt qualified. at not over <100,000,000, anti to 75 necessary The farmers and dairymen Rxc. 2 The term of office of »district call in bond* representing the inter X CORN WHISKEY. J <~o X who liaie put up their money have sim attorney shall connm nee on tlie first Mon est bearing debt with the accumu ► day of July, next following the election of —In Chiatitiüe« and at— CT) > U ply I mm - ii mulcted. — The Introducti'>n of- er» ■uch attorney, and Indore entering upon lation from time to time with all in m z <T < T The acting socn-tury of the treasury has such ofltve tne |>erson elected thereto must excess of that amount. Thi* would O I PRICES TO SUIT. »- ZO sent a letter to the senate from th« tn-as- qualify therefor, by tiling with tlie seen- at once throw something like f 140,- C tarv of state, his certitlcate of election, CT) r>- 000,000 011 the country and decrease $ urer of th« United States, recommending with an oath of office endorsed thereon, ’Z m SATISI- At TItiN GUARANTEED La that the >nm appropriate,i for the recoin- and Kiiliaeril«*! by him, to the effect that the capital stock of national banks X w HAS ENABLED THEM TO REDUCE PRICES FIFTY PER o 2-» »ige of gold and silver coin for the current he will sup|»>rt tlie constitution of the to the extent of perhaps two-thinls > s "i JACKSONVILLE This, of course, con “r- ST year ts- inenwaed from »10,000 to »3-1,000 United States, of this State, and faithfully the amount amt lionostly demean himself iii office. CENT BELOW ALL FORMER RATES. templates some other basis of secu Xn his letter the treasurer save th» de * Mr Colvig can legally (jualtfy and rity for national banks a cash de- ■i mand lor sulmdiary silver coin is largely I ►r For Price List, address, S. P D. &. L Co. as he receivexl a majority of ,p<6 in c posit of a 3 per cent, bond exclu in excess of the supply in the treasury of -1 •Ä the district, he is doubtless the sively for the bank*. fices »nd mints, and is increaaing. Grant's Pass. Oregon. r* » It ha* come to the time already ■e A man supi-oeed t > l-e Saunders, the choice of the jieoplc for the place. J. < < ’ ' . \Y11 I PI’. when government bonds are an im escaped luurdcri-i ».>< . aplun-i at Wails We do not think that a Democrat /. practicable investment for idle 3 Sc I I < X ) I < «eneral < 'ontfactor Wall* on the 12th ui»t tie answers the who has Ixx-ii honored by his jwrty money. The pn-niiittn is too great ■kwription in every (»articular, and is as has Mr. Rent, should add any —OF— and fluctuating, and their liability -1 positively identified by an a- qualntanc* —¡V o Thorough an 1 Practical. Instruction, near W’ilderville, Josephine County, thing to the unavoidable complica to Is- called in t<xi constant. With from Corvallis. Raunderi was camping money in government l»>nd* the in Oregon, Will commence its first session, with inimigranta in the outskirts of town tions in the way of his Democratic v« ster is onlv sure of one thing after and went to the heepltal Friday, claiming brother. The |x-ople of Josephine the «late at which thev may lx- re 2 he wm sick He did not -b-nv hi» identi want Mr. Colvig to lx- seated We deemed ha* passed he is sure of ty al first. Ixit now claims Ins name is ho|>e Mr Kent has not tiled the pn> the face value. Chestnut» Z ---------- RATES OF TUITION ;---------- test as rv|x'rtc«l District Vote. Th« hoti«e bill grunting pension, to Primary Branches. $5 00 per Quatter. Thi following » the vote of tin* OreyonS P*»t Governor«, ftv. sailors and soldiers of the Mexiran war judicial district, as canvassed bv the Intermediate Branches 00 per Quarter. has iwwe-t Tlie bill din*'la the secret»- LEWIS PANKEY Proprietor All of Oregon* governors who Secrvtan of State: Circuit Judge, High Arithmetic. N itural Philosophy, Mediaeval and Modern r-- of the interior to place »al the (n-liaion ALL ORDERS BY LETTER • • Oacoow History. Physical Geography, Botany and Retaric ^7.00per Quarter ¿11 the naiiM 5 of surviving oftierr«, er»- have served since the slate wa* ad Wv’wter Jackson. 1,091; Josephine Crtrrxat IM ixt t »led men, in -luding marines an,I militia mitted into the Union, air vet living 49B: Klamath. 4”. L.A. ; ii X'c;l Algebra. Chemistry. Astronomy, (kologv. Moral Philosophy, Jacks >u. 1.057; Josephine, 410; House-Shoeing h Specialty. Mental Philosophy, Physiology and Hygine. and Ancient Histor- Promptly AtL nded To. bad 10I iiitc-r*. « lio, I ciiig duly cuhsti-d. The*, .tn Whiteaker, Gibb* \Vixxi* Total I would respectfully in’orm the public #7 50 jx r Quarter m-tualh served *txtv dues with tlie urtnv Grover, Chadwick, and Thayer. Klamath, 158; Lake 16X for Webster. 41S. Total for N< it. that having lately taken charge of the cr navy of the United Mate» in Metlco, Ot the territorial governors none are (k-ometn . an.i the Higher Mathematics. Book-keeping, Latin, and living; of those under the old pro t. 795. Prosecuting Attorney, Col Black-smith Shop »t Central Point, I or on itu* coast» or frontier thereof, or en O ri :>.' ix S t . J a < K«<>svri i r„ O«s. the Principle* of the German Language visional government. only P. G ng Jackson 1.4.15: Josephine. 474; Mould aak a liberal ehare of tlie public route thereto. during the war with that Instrumental and Yocal Music will be Taught on Rexsonable Ot her «citator*. Klamath, tin; Lake. j ; o . Total. patronage l.Kwi» Pvxxr.T 1-aUori; <x who wer» a. tivelv engagrst in St. -w .nt i» living terms. I vtth-n <J sai l war. and were honorably Iklazon Smith. Baker, Unte, and J. ■»•!. Kelli Jackson. qo S. J.esi Geo. H Wil phiiii-, 474. Klamath. 277. latke. Board including Room, Lights. &c., *2.50 per week. discharged, an I to anrviving widows, Nesmith are dead Total Weli*tir's ma provided Hint »is li wid.-w» have not re liams. Ben Staik. Harding. Cor .’40 Unfurnished Ro ms tree to Student* Isxtrding them-<lve* not» Till »1st married and provided that every such belt. Grover and Slater, are living jonty over Neil, 545. Colvig over The School Room will be furnished with Good Seat* Will \l Wishing, Ironing and Fluting. ■” ‘>es also ”*** oflher. enlisted mal or widow who is or Stark served a few month.« by ap- Kelly, yS'». M'Il irmke thè «ewum l*Xt> m hdlow» : Globe* and and Cubical Cubical Block* Bl<x-k* ;___ |x»iutment, in place of Col. Baker, Wihlervdle. Moml.o ; Murpliv, Tuesdav; may hsmme tit) year» of age. and who is til kind» of plain »nd fancy work done. Or.irit - J'.i-- Wedr d-o ui>l Thnrwisy • who wa* killed at Ball's Bluff He Russia has again put a chip upon PHILOSOPHICAL AND CHEMICAL APPARATUS nr max become »«inject to any di*alxhtv ■‘•■v •«>'«. i ri.Uy „nd Saic.niui «A «*• 1« now lives iu Connecticut. Of those SATIS»' M'TlON Ut' AR ANTEED her shoulder and assumed a hostile or depetwh n« e equivalent to some cause Wtw-k i* the necesitk-s of the Scoool demand them. recognis.*! hy the («ension lass as sufll- who served as Congrv*»men J. H attitude by taking the first step to Will alno take contract» for w.sxi chopping DK-H'IIIJTI o N and RUffGdEE - u N.°ne WiI* ** a,towed to attM,d lhUKYS Avlnle Students of ciant rr*»on fora prnshwi. »hall t-e enti 1’ Henderson | S Smith. Lansing ward the il.'iiutv ijtion of the treaty the clearing, etc .VnooL Stout, and J W Nesmith are dead <>f Berlin, in declaring Batouni no CiH ’t Rthrnrt. Ir . is » Iwautitul o-sl tied to the benefit» of this a< l, cxce|*t ft aeh li.aise -n Gilbert creek '■ >■ L.. 1. luin-l- t,i<i>. weigfis abolii l,*4 when- mich disability or ,|e|«en,leni v was J. G Wilson and Geo A Lutow longer a free port. The eastern STRICT DISCIPLINE WILL HE MAINTAINED t»>» , i* nenrly i«.rfr<.-t m io» |<opueùvo», died Ix-fore taking their seat. L. power« have threatened so much i«M-urred in aiding or ai»-ftmg tlie late re • >f thè finca» s*y)e, and in niascular i*>**'r F. Grover, Geo K Shiel. John R and exhibited «0 much fear of each Special Inducements Afforded to Preparing to Teach rcnixikaMv t**i.|-* l« in.'"f hellion. The ptns.ona are to >«r f* i*r « v-ry kind diagxrtilknn No pain* or expense will 1« *?an*i to make the tChuol to PO»» TWI »«»T month, payable only after tl e j*«"aagr at M. Brute R Mallon. J H Slater, other's big guns and btxwns that the '■«1« Sii» ,rt. Jr . waA-irwl hy < »!■* 1. I' Lane. Richard Williams. John average mident of these United any the »t The law is wx applicable to i«*r- tn Southern (Oregon, in point of ' .'-ri, cr.i» l-irv » ftr,.- *;r p- ami*Ir r*c, Whitevkrr anti M C George, an State* has loug since given tip anv eom already r -eaivitig pension« at ->r over b.» g»Mt «nindpirv Wo.lwxrd'« Si.ThMW- vet living, and all reside in this y ope of au advance of wheat thus a», he In lu><n -4», Jr.. and bc hv im- that ruts, and where prrauM «niv ietl un tn.t »alirit» a Uberai »hare cf pstr.irxgv state, except McBride, who lues at hear from an eastern war. O-rtrd lh..n f H . ,U.n „ 14 1 y der this l«w are already rues'vr-v per Salt Lake.—[Eg '(««gali, »ir • l hy thè wall-kiavwn Are Sefwid •Trrrl nc »r .<•*<- tien h«m«r Good prmt.we taken in part pay. Patronage SnHdted. ■«nna teas than f" a morrtli ppmu'-ns »halt m-mi . ¿-in.t ni B marwi.wnr-l by Small pox h.i» >*tr>k»n out in ... .>!• t <f, .«»re «r’»L SnMcrtK fOI th. b' • n -X -L-w-i hil ’-«irli cent a' Ulin >n • OHN H. ROBINSON P »nr.¡pel. Tropical Fruits. Staple and Fancy groceries , POINT, Jackson County. THE LIIE Olli X.ILOON GO TO THE SUPPLY STORE, Is Connected With This House. [)rv--foods and Groceries, Dissolution Notice. General Mining Supplies Etc,. Etc., Livery Stable in Connection. Waldo, Oregon. GRANTS PASS ACADEMY. First Monday in September, 1886, GUNSMITHS. Guns, Revolvers, Pistols and An Extensive High-Grade Course of Study. HENRY I,. BENSON, A. M., Principal. LIMESTONE CAVES Fine Scenery and Magnificent Discoveries. SUCAR PINE DOOR & LUMBER CO PIRE. BOURBON. RYE House and Stoic Finisliinffs The Latest Improved Machinery, Mar lClTREKA Wt s I Il< .11 1 October 4. 1886, To Continue Six Months. Cemetery Work a Specialty. New Blacksmith Shop, SING LEE W I N G CAPT. SLICART JH. L E 1 Of Washing and Ironing Thoroughness and Practical Work. THnr Tn E. e N t