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About The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current | View Entire Issue (April 10, 2019)
A6 SENIORS Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, April 10, 2019 GRANT COUNTY SENIORS John Day Seniors Dusty Harris Where did all this rain come from? Have you seen how high Canyon Creek has gotten? I wonder if we will have a flood like 2015. I sure hope not! It might be a good time to start sandbagging your house and making sure your insurance is up to date! On April 1 our greeter was Gregg Starr who was assisted by Dusty. Thanks to you guys! There were 40 regular and 40 frozen meals delivered by David and Rodney, Virginia Miller and Marylou Horton. Our meal was served by the lovely volunteers from the Blue Mountain Hospital Auxil- iary. Thank you for being so gracious. We had a deli- cious, comfort food meal that consisted of pinto beans with beef, cornbread, pota- toes O’Brien, fruit and choc- olate cherry brownies for dessert. The prizes this week were two free meals, which were won by Chris, and a Len’s Drug gift card, which was won by Billy! Congratulations! We were sorry to hear that Michelle was leaving us, but she has decided to further her studies, and we are so proud of her. We wish her all the blessings to make her life much better. Our new helper is Bar- bara Dole, and she will bring us many good salads and desserts. Welcome, Barbara! On April 4 our greet- ers were Bonnie, Jeanette and Gregg. There were 52 total meals delivered by Larry and Rodney and Joel and Joan Tayles. We are so beyond lucky to receive such commitment from our wonderful volunteers. Thank you all! The meal was served by the volunteers from the Church of the Nazarene. Thanks for being so gra- cious and for volunteer- ing your time. It consisted of cottage pie, veggies, pickled beets, fresh dinner rolls and birthday cake for dessert. The meal was donated by Eastern Oregon Realty, and the birthday cake was donated by Driskill Memo- rial Chapel. Pam Lyons won the two free meals, and Tom Rockie won the two free lunches donated by Valley View Assisted Living. Please stay safe with these waters rising! Make sure to put any priceless goods up high if they aren’t already. Ezekiel 34: 26 “I will make them and the places all around My hill a bless- ing. I will send down show- ers in their season— show- ers of blessing.” Monument Seniors Soo Yukawa Oh, we had a great lunch that our cooks Terry Cade and Carrie Jewell made for us. We had burritos with all the fixings! Yum, yum. You know I piled it on my plate, and I love lots and lots of lettuce in my burritos. I didn’t even try to wrap up and fold my burrito. There was no point. Since it was so full, it would have burst and made a mess! Ha. Our greeters at the table were Jimmy Cole, Linda Blakeslee, Kristi Guim- ont and Bodean Andersen. Bodean led us in the flag salute, made the announce- ments and prayed the bless- ing over our meal. Jimmy and Linda collected and counted the money, and Kristi checked in the guests. The number of guests on the books was 43, and we had eight takeouts. We had a few visitors among our diners: Theda Phelps and Maralee Tur- ley’s sister, Arlene Dona- hue, from Cosmos, Wash- ington, came; Maralee’s daughter, Anna Brooks, from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, also came and joined us for lunch; Chuck and Tammy McKenna came from Mt. Vernon; and Katee Hoff- man and Veanne Wed- dle were also present from John Day. It was nice to have many visitors from all over be in our company. We hope they enjoyed the meal. Maralee Turley and Sha- ron Falls both won free meal tickets, and Doug Sweek was the lucky win- ner of the Len’s Drug gift card. There will be two cele- bration of life services hap- pening on Saturday, April 27. Gary Engles’ sister, Janet Engle Hardin, will be having her celebration at the senior center, and Joan- nie Howell’s celebration of life will be held at the Mon- ument Park at 1 p.m. I hope to get more details and let you know at a later date. Veanne had some forms for seniors to fill out for the benefit of our senior center. It has to do with the Older American Act and helps with funding. Please ask for a form at the table. There will be a sew- ing class on April 13 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. followed by a potluck lunch shared around noontime. You can bring whatever project you wish to work on or help sew up some blankets for a good cause. It is a great time of fellowship, girl-bonding time and, of course, sew- ing. We do have a few sew- ing machines available for you through some of our generous donors so, if you would like to sew but you don’t have a machine, there are some available for use. We’ve been getting quite a significant amount of rain, I’d say. PTL! The John Day River looks mighty swollen and high. There are a bunch of trees that are blooming at the Kimberly Orchard. I think the peach trees, apri- cots and cherry trees are blooming. Oh, summer fruit is the best. I would have to say that peaches are my all time favorite fruit. I could just eat one right after another, and it won’t even make me sick. I can’t wait for summer fruit to come! Revelation 12:11 “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto death.” Prairie City Seniors Rose Coombs Oh, my, what a great meal we had today! Chili and beans, cornbread, baked potato bar, green salad, cheesy broccoli and a no-bake cookie for des- sert. I tried to get a better name for the cookie, but Amber said that was what the recipe called it. Made out of chocolate, sugar, but- ter and peanut butter, I think she said. All combined with oatmeal? Anyhow, it was one good cookie to go with our super duper meal. Thanks to Amber, Barbara and Lacy for getting our new month off to a fantas- tic start. Leone Meador led the flag salute, and Jack Reth- erford asked the blessing. Carlos and Jay made the home deliveries. We had 49 names on the book. The table centerpieces were spring flowers, what else? It’s nice to see the spring colors again. Tom brought an old school marm bell to ring to quiet us down for the announcements. Veanne had an import- ant one about the special papers that we need to fill out periodically in order to get our share of the gov- ernment funds. So be sure you do it if you are 60 or over. We managed to get a dozen completed, so there are more of you who need to do it. The winner of the $5 gift card donated by Len’s Drug was Nadine Smith. The Viggers clan was with us today: mom, Nancy, sons, Jeff and Rob, and Rob’s wife, Adriana, and their son, Jack. Another been- quite-a-while-since-we’ve- seen-you was Ivan Nance and his aides. Good to see all of you. Harold Preston was in town, so he got to come too. Hadn’t seen our new doors so it was about time, huh? Lorna and Krystin brought Marilyn Randall, Gordon Sindt, Charlotte Dean and Mary Crawford from the Blue Mountain Care Center. We want to extend our thanks and appreciation to those who have donated to the entrée program. We hope that a representative from your enterprise will be able to join us at one of our meals in the near future so that we may honor you. Things are moving through the senior cen- ter sales corner, and that’s good! If you are doing spring cleaning and come across items that you no longer use, bring them on down! Someone else may need them, isn’t that handy? I found an item that I had bought at a previous yard sale in my sewing cabinet: a spool of 100 percent cotton thread. Guess what the orig- inal price tag said: 19 cents! I hope it hangs together long enough for the item I used it on to wear out. Got to watch the grand- kids for a day. One was suf- fering from the aftereffects of Montezuma’s Revenge after a mission trip to Mex- ico. The other one wanted to know how to connect to my Wi-Fi — that’s a for- eign language to me. Son number two came up with a quip about the mission trip: “I went to Mexico and built a wall.” Rev. 21:12,14 “It had a great, high wall with 12 gates… On the gates were written the names of the 12 tribes of Israel. The wall of the city had 12 founda- tions and on them were the names of the 12 apostles of the Lamb.” Church Services In Grant County Tuesdays at 6:30PM Use Main Entry Front Doors 106280