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About The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current | View Entire Issue (April 10, 2019)
NEWS Wednesday, April 10, 2019 A5 Flood danger: Bridges, roads close in Grant County By Richard Hanners Blue Mountain Eagle Runoff from mountain snowpack combined with signifi cant rainfall in past weeks has contributed to high creek and river levels, posing fl ood risks to many areas of Grant County. The county declared an emergency Monday, and rain fell through the night in the John Day area, bringing river and creek levels even higher by Tuesday morning. The National Weather Service in Pendleton issued a fl ood warning for small streams in Grant County on Monday through 4 p.m. Tuesday, when rivers and creeks were expected to crest. NWS forecast about 0.10 to 0.24 inches of additional rainfall in the region on Tues- day, with cooler air moving in later in the day and light snow expected above 5,500 feet elevation. The cooler temperatures were expected to slow mountain snowpack runoff. Canyon Creek was fl ow- ing freely over several bridges in Canyon City, including Nugget Street and Inland Street. In addition, the Portal Road and Adam Drive bridges were closed to traffi c. Several highways in Grant County were experiencing fl ooding. Flooding from the North Fork of the John Day River had closed Highway Canyon Creek was fl owing over the Inland Street bridge in Canyon City by Tuesday morning, April 9, and extensive sandbagging was in place to protect nearby properties. The pedestrian bridge and the railings had been removed to improve fl ow. A county excavator was in place to remove logs and other debris. Eagle photos/Richard Hanners Canyon Creek was fl owing over the Inland Street bridge in Canyon City by Tuesday morning, April 9. School teachers, staff and students joined other volunteers in sandbagging along the creek to protect school property. 402 and Highway 19 near Kimberly, and fl ooding from the Silvies River temporar- ily closed Highway 395 just south of Seneca. Emergency workers were called out in Mt. Vernon, where lots of sandbagging was underway on Tuesday and the city park was closed. Much of the Clyde Holliday State Park was underwater from the overfl owing John Day River. All Grant School Dis- trict 3 schools were closed on Tuesday, including Grant Union Junior-Senior High School, Humbolt Elementary and Seneca School. Canyon Creek was fl ow- ing about 1.5 feet higher at Inland Street than one day ear- lier. The railings and pedes- trian bridge at Inland Street had been removed to prevent logs and debris from lodging and preventing stream fl ow. A county excavator was in place to remove debris as it reached the bridge. Extensive sandbagging and barricade placement was established from the Inland Street bridge downstream in an effort to prevent any creek water that overran its banks from running onto the Gibco and Grayback properties nearby or to the Grant School District 3 bus barn and super- intendent’s offi ce or farther on to Grant Union High School property. School buses had been moved from the bus barn to a parking lot just north of the high school. In 2011, fl ood- ing at Inland Street ran into the Gibco store, with about 1.5-foot high fl ood water run- ning through the north side entrance door. Flooding that year also reached the school superintendent’s offi ces. Some evacuations were underway along Canyon Creek on Tuesday, with one family in shelter by Tuesday morning. The Red Cross Cascades Region opened a shelter Tues- day morning at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 944 E. Main St., John Day. Individuals and families who have been impacted by fl ooding conditions and are in need of shelter assistance are encouraged to simply show up at the shelter for help. Grant County Sheriff Glenn Palmer issued a press release warning the public about fl ood dangers and ask- ing people to cooperate with emergency workers as they deal with high-water dangers. “Typically, fl ooding and high water events draw crowds and onlookers into areas where emergency and maintenance crews are trying to access,” he said. “We are asking people who do not live in specifi c or general areas of where this fl ood is taking place, to stay out of or away from these areas. Traffi c and congestion generates delays and a potential for accidents in these areas also rise. As of right now, we do not need additional issues to contend with.” green marijuana. Michael S. Thomas, 28, was given a fi eld sobriety test and then arrested. His blood alcohol content was measured three times at 0 percent. Follow- ing a drug recognition eval- uation at the Grant County Jail, he was charged with driving under the infl uence of cannabis and inhalants. April 1: Served a Grant County warrant on a woman on Overholt Avenue in Prai- rie City. The woman said she had a hypodermic nee- dle in her bra. Cheyanne N. Marquez, 26, was arrested. the week of April 1-7, including: • John Day Police Department April 6: Responded to a video store on West Main Street in John Day for a burglary report. April 6: Dispatched to a report of possible explo- sions in John Day. • Oregon State Police April 2: Received a report of a burning vehi- cle that was abandoned on Highway 26. • Grant County Sher- iff’s Offi ce April 2: Received a 911 call about a kidnapping from Buckhorn Road in Canyon City. COPS AND COURTS Arrests and citations in the Blue Mountain Eagle are taken from the logs of law enforcement agen- cies. Every effort is made to report the court disposition of arrest cases. Grant County Circuit Court Cashelle J. Miles, 25, Medford, pleaded guilty March 28 to misdemeanor failure to appear on a crimi- nal citation committed Dec. 20. She was sentenced to 30 days jail concurrent with a March 28 supplemental judgment for violating pro- bation conditions. In that judgment, she was found in violation of failing to com- plete community service work, failure to pay fi nes or fees, reckless driving, reck- less endangering another and endangering the wel- fare of a minor, and she was sentenced to 45 days in jail. Cathleen A. Rose, 63, Long Creek, pleaded guilty April 2 to misdemeanor criminal driving while license was suspended or revoked committed on Sept. 19. She was sen- tenced to 18 months proba- tion, 30 hours community service and a $1,000 fi ne. Grant County Sheriff The Grant County Sher- iff’s Offi ce reported the following for the week of April 3: concealed hand- gun licenses, 27; average inmates, 11; bookings, 10; releases, 13; arrests, 1; cita- tions, 0; fi ngerprints, 7; civil papers, 12; warrants processed, 2; asst./welfare check, 0; search and res- cue, 0. Justice Court • Violation of basic rule: Tristan G. Bass, 43, New- port, March 12, 74/55 zone, fi ned $140; Amy E. Cha- rette, 42, John Day, March 26, 79/55 zone, fi ned $225; Bradford H. Williams, 57, San Jose, California, March 2, 74/55 zone, fi ned $260. • Exceeding speed limit: Joshua W. Reynolds, 35, Richfi eld, Utah, March 2, 80/65 zone, fi ned $225; Jeremy D. Field, 40, Prairie City, March 21, 75/65 zone, fi ned $165; Tamera C. Ban- croft, 51, Klamath Falls, March 1, 78/65 zone, fi ned $265; Carrie E. Sullivan, 47, Dayville, Feb. 5, 42/25 zone, fi ned $165. • Violation speed limit: Harry P. Hosey, 72, Walla Walla Washington, March 3, 44/25 zone, fi ned $165. • Driving uninsured: Nick Gibson, 27, Prairie City, Jan. 23, fi ned $1,000; Victoria J. McLean, 36, Baker City, Jan. 19, fi ned $300; Tami L. Sasser, 37, Canyon City, Feb. 25, fi ned $265, March 26, fi ned $265. • Driving while sus- pended: Nick Gibson, 27, Prairie City, Jan. 23, fi ned $2,000; Victoria J. McLean, 36, Baker City, Jan. 19, fi ned $500. • Failure to obey traf- fi c control device: Wyatt J. Waliser, 18, Prineville, Feb. 10, fi ned $165. • Exceeding maximum weight limit: Carroll Wal- ton, 68, Prairie City, March 13, fi ned $150. • Exceeding permit- ted weight limit: Paul V. Novotny, 36, Imbler, March 21, fi ned $150. • Use of cellphone while driving: Diane Hartwick, 64, John Day, March 2, fi ned $265. • Failure to renew reg- istration: Tami L. Sasser, 37, Canyon City, March 26, fi ned $440. • Andy R. Chester, 60, Myrtle Point, pleaded guilty April 1 to second-de- gree criminal trespass. He was sentenced to $940 in fi nes, fees and restitution. • Brian Johns was con- victed April 3 of failure to perform duties of a driver. He was sentenced to a $440 fi ne. Oregon State Police March 25: Follow- ing a traffi c stop on High- way 395 north of the Sil- vies Road junction, the trooper allegedly saw drug paraphernalia and empty open beer cans and smelled 1809 First Street • Baker City • (541)523-5439 BARGAIN MATINEE IN ( ) Adults $7 ALL FILMS $6 ON TIGHTWAD TUESDAY MOVIE SCHEDULE APRIL 12 - 18 $9 Adult, $7 Senior (60+), Youth Many heartfelt thanks, 113886 MISSING LINK (PG) LAIKA Animation. An explorer travels to America’s Pacific Northwest to prove the existence of a legendary creature. FRI & SAT (4:10) 7:10 9:45 SUNDAY (4:10) 7:10 MON - THURS 7:10 SHAZAM! (PG-13) By shouting out one word - SHAZAM! - Billy Batson can turn into the adult superhero Shazam. FRI & SAT (3:45) 6:45 9:35 SUNDAY (3:45) 6:45 MON - THURS 6:45 PET SEMATARY (R) A family discovers an ancient burial ground behind their home with the power to raise the dead. FRI & SAT (4:00) 7:00 9:40 SUNDAY (4:00) 7:00 MON - THURS 7:00 114247 Join our School Today Love to Learn! Class sizes are limited ENROLL TODAY Evelyn Ogilvie! Thank you to the Long Creek Volunteer Ambulance, Myla, Craig & crew. Also to the BMH Ambulance team for the quick response and care you gave my husband, Allen Chappell, when you responded to our call. Dispatch John Day dispatch worked 141 calls during Join us to celebrate Evelyn’s 99th birthday at the United Methodist Church in John Day on April 13th from 1-3 p.m. (No gifts) SONSHINE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Registrations are being accepted for 2019-2020 We offer a high-quality school-readiness program for little learners. *Eligibility requirements apply. Pre-Kindergarten (4-5 yrs): 3 days a week, (T, W, TH). Now registering for afternoon classes 12:15 pm-3:15pm. *Must be 4 years old by Sept. 1, 2019. Pre-School (3-4 yrs): 2 days a week, (T, TH) 8:15 am- 10:45 am. *Must be 3 years of age by Sept 1st, 2019 and be independent when using the bathroom. Register before July 31st Office Hours: Tues-Thurs 8:00 am-3:00 pm SONSHINE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 521 E Main Street John Day 541-575-1895 or 541-968-9865 office@ johndaynazarene. com Kelly McGirr 113568 Grant SWCD Weed Control Dept. Working for You in 2019 Thanks to the Grant County Court and Northeast Oregon Forests Resource Advisory Committee, Grant Weed Control is able to offer a 25% Cost share program for Noxious Weed Control on Private Grazing Lands, through a Title II funded Grant Project. This program will provide a maximum $5,000 of noxious weed control services with a $1,250 maximum landowner contribution to qualifying participants. To be eligible for participation, the treatment property must not be actively irrigated and must be primarily managed for livestock grazing, minimum of 20 acres in size, located within Grant County, and must contain priority noxious weed species. Applications for this limited weed control assistance opportunity will be ranked and funded according to a priority noxious weed list.. Contact the Grant Soil and Water Conservation District Office at (541) 575-1554 or visit 721 S. Canyon Blvd., John Day, OR 97845 for applications and additional information. The application deadline for this program is April 12th, 2019. 107999 WHERE ACTIVISM GETS INSPIRED FRIDAY, APRIL 19 6:30 PM MADDEN BROTHERS PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 116 NW BRIDGE STREET JOHN DAY, OR 11 FILMS • RAFFLE $10 ADULTS; $5 MEMBERS 17 & UNDER FREE FOR TICKETS: BMLT.ORG/EVENTS • 541-620-5754 A BENEFIT FOR Ar twork by Lawrence Lander