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About The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current | View Entire Issue (April 10, 2019)
COMMUNITY The deadline for What’s Happening items is 5 p.m. Friday. Call the Eagle, 541-575-0710, or email editor@ For meetings this week, see our list in the classifi eds. Wednesday, April 10 Luncheon and church service • 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m., The Church of the Nazarene, John Day The Ministerial Association churches will observe Lent with a special luncheon and service held at various local churches. Everyone is invited. This is the last service of the season. A soup and bread lunch will be served from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. The service follows from 12:15-12:45 p.m. Art center meeting • 6 p.m., Outpost Pizza, Pub & Grill, River Room Kim Randleas will hold an organizational meeting with a progress update regarding a proposed art center in John Day. Attendees can learn about volunteer opportunities and poten- tial paid teaching positions in art, music, theater and writing. For more information, call 541-620-3788. Wednesday, April 10, 2019 WHAT’S HAPPENING Friday, April 12 Cancer benefi t dinner • 4:30 p.m., John Day Golf Course A benefi t dinner will support GIST (gastrointesti- nal stromal tumor) cancer research. There will be two din- ner times, 4:30 and 6 p.m. Dinner is fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetables, salad and dinner roll with apple pie and ice cream for dessert. The cost is $15 per person, $25 for couples and $7 for children under 7. For more information, call Linda McClellan at 541-620- 2352. The Eagle/Angel Carpenter Grant County Fair and Rodeo Queen Trinity Hutchison and Princess Courtney Nichols sell raffl e tickets at the 2018 Strawberry Mountain Gun and Knife Show to Jesse Randleas of Canyon City at the pavilion in John Day. Saturday, April 13 Tuesday, April 16 Spring Bazaar • 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Grant County Fairgrounds, Trowbridge Pavilion Free admission is offered for this event, which is held in conjunction with the gun and knife show. Several crafters, vendors and booths will be on site. For more information, call the fairgrounds at 541-575-1900 or email Mindy Winegar at College Prep GED information session • 3 p.m., BMCC John Day Center, 835 S. Canyon Blvd. An information session about obtaining college credit while earning a GED from Blue Mountain Community Col- lege will take place. Students must be at least 16, and students under 18 must present a release from compulsory attendance from their high school. A placement session will take place at 3 p.m. Thursday, April 18, and students new to the program must attend both sessions. Classes begin April 23. For more information, contact Ashley Armichardy at 541-575-1550 or Saturday-Sunday, April 13-14 Strawberry Mountain Gun & Knife Show • 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 13 • 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 14 • Grant County Fairgrounds, Trowbridge Pavilion Admission is $3, or $5 for both days. Ages 7-18 cost $1 per day, and 6 and under gain entry with one can of food. For more information, call the fairgrounds at 541-575-1900, email Mindy Winegar at or visit J.C. Oliver Memorial Team Roping • 12 p.m. April 13 • 9 a.m. April 14 • Grant County Fairgrounds arena Books open at noon on Saturday followed by the rac- ing at 1 p.m. On Sunday the books open at 9 a.m. with roping beginning at 10 a.m. For more information, call Oaklee Clark at 541-620-4587 or MT Anderson at 541-477-3816. Sunday, April 14 Trap shoot • 9:30 a.m., Seneca Trap Range Practice begins at 9:30 a.m. followed by the shoot at 10 a.m. Shells and food will be available. Everyone is welcome. For more information, call Ab Bezona at 541-240-1452. TREAT YOUR FEET Our Services Include: Friday, April 19 Easter egg coloring • 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., John Day Fire Department The John Day Fire Department will host children to color Easter eggs. For more information, call Joy Brown at 1-602-882-2397. Wild & Scenic Film Festival • 6:30 p.m., Madden Brothers Performing Arts Center, John Day Featuring 11 fi lms, beer will be available during the event, and raffl es will be held during and after the event. The cost is $10 for adults or $5 for members. Children 17 and under enter for free. For tickets, visit or call 541-620-5754. Good Friday service • 7 p.m., Grace Chapel, 154 E Williams St., Prairie City The service remembers Jesus’ sacrifi ce with hymns and scripture. For more information, call 541-820-4437. Saturday, April 20 Bunny Hop 5K • 8 a.m., Dayville School gymnasium Registration begins at 8 a.m., followed by the race at 9 a.m. Participants will park at the Dayville School Gymnasium then be bused up South Fork Road to the starting line and fi nish A7 at Dayville City Park. The cost is $15 per person. For more information, contact Ruthie Moore at 541-987-2188. Mt. Vernon Easter egg hunt • 10 a.m., Clyde Holliday State Park, Mt. Vernon The Mt. Vernon Volunteer Fire Department will host its annual Easter egg hunt. Fire truck rides will be available from 9-9:45 a.m. at the Mt. Vernon City Park with the actual hunt to follow at Clyde Holliday State Park with prizes for all ages. For more information, contact the city of Mt. Vernon at 541-932-4688. Dayville Easter egg hunt • 10:30 a.m., Dayville City Park There will be four age divisions from infant to sixth grade as well as a fun hunt for the parents. For more information, contact Ruthie Moore at 541-987-2188. John Day Elks Lodge Easter egg hunt • 11 a.m., Seventh Street Complex, John Day The Elks Lodge will host its annual egg hunt with a visit from the Easter Bunny. For more information, call 541-575-1824. John Day Fire Department Easter egg hunt • 12 p.m., Grant Union Junior-Senior High School football fi eld Age groups are 0-3, 4-6 and 7-11 for the event hosted by the John Day Fire Department. Food and drinks will be pro- vided. Participants may bring a camera to take pictures with the Easter Bunny. For more information, call Joy Brown at 1-602-882-2397. Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation dinner and auction • 4 p.m., Grant County Fairgrounds, Trowbridge Pavilion Doors open at 4 p.m. Dinner starts at 5:30 p.m. and is fol- lowed by an auction at 7:30 p.m. Proceeds benefi t elk and other wildlife. For more information or to purchase tickets, contact Gale Wall at 541-575-2661. Clay pigeon jackpot shoot • 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Smith shooting range, milepost 9 on Highway 402 Men’s, women’s and children’s competitions will be held with concessions available by donation. For more informa- tion, call 541-934-2143. Sunday, April 21 Easter sunrise service • 6 a.m., Crisp Heights off Airport Road, John Day The Ministerial Association will host a sunrise service. Rides will be available from the street parking area. All are invited to attend. A community potluck will follow at the John Day United Methodist Church, 123 Canton St. For more information, call 541-575-1326 or 541-575-0766. Community Easter service • 10:30 a.m., Grace Chapel, Prairie City The service will be followed by an Easter egg hunt and pot- luck at the Prairie City Senior Center. For more information, call 541-820-4437 or visit Saturday, April 27 Youth track meet • 11 a.m., Prairie City School Check-in begins at 11 a.m. with events beginning at 12 p.m. Events include 1500-meter, 100m, 400m, long jump and turbo javelin. Top fi nishers will advance to the Tracktown Youth League Championship at the end of June in Eugene. Ages 7-14 are welcome to participate. For more information and to register online, visit Long Creek fi rst responder dinner • 6 p.m., Long Creek School multi-purpose room Tri-tip, baked potatoes, vegetables, salad, dinner rolls, des- sert and beverages will be served by donation. Live and silent auctions, a 50/50 drawing and raffl e will be held. All proceeds go to the Long Creek Ambulance Crew and Volunteer Fire Department. RSVP by April 22. Only a limited number of din- ners will be available without reservations. Contact the city of Long Creek for more information at 541-421-3601 or email info@cityofl 541-575-1648 - Skin Inspection Call for an Appointment - Nail Trimming $35 fee - Callus and Corn Reduction - Electric filling of thick, hard to cut nails Services available at - Basic foot care provided by a trained CNA Home Health Office, - Advanced foot care provided by a Certified Foot Care Specialist 422 W. Main, John Day. - Monument/outlying foot clinic every 8 weeks GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE 7pm at Grace Chapel Remembering Jesus’ sacrifice with hymns and scripture. OLD TRADITION, NEW LOCATION! Prairie City’s Community Easter Service now at Grace Chapel begins at 10:30am followed by an Easter egg hunt & potluck at the Senior Center. Blue Mountain Hospital We provide Basic and Advanced foot care nursing based on current medical FOOT CLINIC research and professional guidelines. Reduce your risk for foot infection and injury by scheduling with our professional staff today. | Find us on Facebook! 154 East Williams Street, Prairie City, OR 97869 | (541) 820-4437 114057 WRIGHT CHEVROLET HAS SOLD! April 15-22, 2019 If It’s a NAPAGold Filter It’s On Sale. John Day Auto Parts 721 W. Main St. John Day, Or 97845 541-575-1850 So stop by, save money, and stock up for the season. Open Mon-Fri 7am-6pm Sat 8am-5pm Closed Sunday Bill Jr. will still be selling but beginning in May, your choices of New Chevrolet, GMC, Buick will quadruple! Choose from over 125 used too! The shop/service will be shut down but Warranty Service will still be available! Same Two Contact Numbers for Bill Jr: 541-763-4175 • 541-980-2917 Still In Fossil! 114303