Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1903)
Local and General. Oregonian and Items, $200 Seed Grain, N. Brown A Sons. Fay ( omegya is a visitor in town. Proper Compounaing I* March 17.— K. of P., Grand Bull. Wheat, barley, out a. N. Brown A Sons. Don’t forgot the K. ot I*., grand bull, March 17. J. W. Buchanan wan over from Harney this week. Lonsdale Muslins 11 yards $1.00 N. Brown A. Sons. Thurtduy’s O-B stage did not arrive until lust night. Of prescriptions in no child*« piny. It requires conacientioue caro and accurate knowledge of drugs and thei’ relations to each other. We take an lmneat pride in (lie purity R. R. Sitz, of Lawen, was u visitor of our drugs, and the skill and ac several (lavs this week. curacy with which we compound The m-w city officers take their l.ein on your pliyeiciau’a orc«r. offices next Wednesday. Tims. Jenkins is in from the Diamond Valley country. Burns Drug Store Stockmen look pleased ns they watch the snow rapidly disappear ing. If you are in need of glasses con sult Jorgenson the optician arid jeweler. Geo. A. Smyth, of Diamond, is spending a few days in the city on business. C. G. Cornett, the I’rineyille and Burns stage man, was here looking after business this week. The friendly chinook struck us this week and the water has been coming down the hills in torrents. The Burns Fire Department gave a bnn juet to the business men of the city Tuesday night at the city hall. A rangements aro being complet ed bv the members of Inland Lodge No, 70. Knights of 1’ythias, tor their first annual ball on March 17. Nothing is being overlooked to make this the swellest affair of the season. Don't misa it. Tho vari- ous committees are: General—F. O. Jackson, H. E. Thompson, J. J. Donegan. A rrangementa—Thornton Will- ianis, Dalton Biggs, G. A. Reinbold, John M. Budelman. Hull and Music- -*.i. B. Waters, Charles Lewis, Frank I’au), James M. Dalton. Reception—Mrs. W. E. Triad), Mrs. 1. S. Geer, Mrs. H. E. Thomp son, Sam Mothershead, Julian Byrd, F. S. Rieder. Floor—C. F. McKinney, C. IL Peterson, James F. Mahon, A. M. Byrd, H. Richardson, C. N. Coch rane, A. Venator, R. A. Miller, James Paul, Geo. A. Smyth, I. S. Geer. i- 1 About the 1st of March we will begin "taking stock“ and will until that time aose out many useful articles for less than actual cost, IMe need room for our Spring Stock. Tho cash and room is worth more to us than the goods, the more we sell the less we have to invoice. Now is the time to secure bargains. Call and see if we don't mean business. Lunabcrg & Dalton STATE NORMAL SCHOOL MONMOUTH,EOBEGON. (¡rad i itA* of the School are in i-onstant demand at.salariea ranging from $40,00 to $100.00 per month. Students take Uia state exaiainatiuni during their course in the school andjire prepared,U> receive State Certificates on graduation, Ex|»em- -i range from $ 120.00 to $175.00 per year. Strung Normal course and well equip ped Training Department. The fail term opens^Hept. Id. For catalogue containing full informa» lion, address E. D. liEKSLER, Wash Harkness is over from the Tents, wagon sheets and bed Agency valley on business. covers used bv sheepmen sold by L L. Poujade, of Cow Creek, was N. Brown A Sons. Send us your County Court Proceedings. orders. in town on business Thursday. In the matter of insuring the Mrs. Elma Jones is having an Dr. •’’rances M.Tillerof Schnee- court douse, furniture and records. addition built to her residence. tady, New York, is in Burns look or J B. '¿Butler, Sec y President. HATH KPA Y, MAIU’H U 1903. Judge authorized to insure same Andrew L. Sproul has been reap- ing over the country with a view of as follows: $4,OOOon building; $1000 locating in this section. on furniture; $1000 on records. The beat way to get business is imintid postnaster at Ontario. Inland Lodge, No. 70, Knights In the matter of bids to grade (>> make an effort for it, and if this I 'Valter Cross was down from his of Pythias, will giye a grand ball home on Trout Creek, Thursday. the Island road. Two bids were is important nt one B'-uson of the j the evening of March 17. See an received, one from Jos. T. Barnes year it is important at all seasons. All giudes of chewing tobacco 50 There are many who will not have cents per pound. N. Brown A Sons. nouncement of committees in an for $933, and the other from John other column. W. E. 72I3CH. Prepristcr. the op|mrtunity to do more than E, Johnson for $1745. Contract j F. G. Blume was down from his merely announce their intention of awarded the former. New line of Clothing samples doing what is fair for the people. home on Upp rSilvies Wednesday. just received by N. Brown A Sons. In the matter of the final settle BEST OF WINES, LIQUORS AND CIOARS. There are others who are anxious Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Dibble, of A Fit guaranteed and every gar ment with W. E. Harris, supervisor to expand ami who have the ability ' Silver Creek, were visitors in Burns ment handled by us is made by of Road district. No. 15. It appear f if Drinks mixed to suit your taste. Courteous treatment guaranted to plan the expansion and to get | this week. ing that said su|iervisor has col White Labor. the beat for the energy expended. lected the sum of $182.45 belonging Your patronage Solicited. Jasper Davis and W. I). Martin, The ’ "p-shearing machine re to said district and has failed to The time to work for better busi of Harney, were over on business cently ordered bv G. W. Waters ness is all the time, and the way to | account thereto-, he is ordered to Thursday. und the Jenkins Bros, is at the rail do so by the first day of the next | be sure of Iwtb r business is to do Register Newell’s family have road, and will be brought in in regular term of court. what will bring it. There are no points of business enlargement moved to their desert claim south time for the shearing season. In the matter ofthe appointment of Dog Mountain. which n be neglected if a nier- of a supervisor tor Road district. SEND JN YOl’R ORDERS. chant wants to do nil he can in a A pair of full slock BAH, Royal SEED GRAIN. No. 1. Cary Thornburg appointed. given vi ar. The year will beat show Cow Boy Boots reduced to $5.25. In the matter of the bids to grade Wheat, the n nils of his efforts if he starts N. Brown A Sons. the Lampshire Lane. Continued Oats, win : the year is young and makes for the term. H. W. Welcome A Co., exjicct to Barley. the best of lilt* opportunities of each commence the removal of their stock In the matter of bids to build N. Brown A Sons. day. Keep the business booming to their new quarters today. the Stenkcn Water Mouutain Governor Chamberlain has filed Road. Two bids were received the all through the year in order to be 1 J. W. Crawford, merchant nt in the office of the secretary of state one by J. W. Buchanan and J. O. L sure that the greatest amount may i be reached as u total for that year. Smith, was in the city on business the bill passed just before the ad Caulfield tor $2350 being the lowest £ journment of the recent legislature they were awarded the contract. i» 7 What is needed is action which severul days during the week. making an appropriation of $100, will make business, intelligence The other hid was by John E. John Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Baker came s which will properly guide action, in from the OO ranch Monday and 000 for the relief of veterans of the son tor $2690. mid energy which will give the mer were guests in the city a few days. Indian wars of 1852 and 1856. This Scalps to the amount of $896 r. will rnuke about $300 to each living and numbering 448 counted and chant the stamina to keep at his Ex-County Judgo James A, Spar eteran. work until it is finished. The year destroyed. row is having the building south will show the advantage of the Bills to the amoua of$980.54 The largest and most complete Successors to R. A. Miller it Co. activity of the early months. The of the poatofiice fitted up for an stock of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, were allowed. office. iiiiiotinl of business will lie greater Furnishing Goods, Clothing, Hats, C. J. Johnson, of Lawen, accom the merchant hustled when others Don’t be afraid to be called a Boots and Shoes and Groceries in panied by one of his little daugh were restinm—Ad-Art. ‘‘ booster. ” The man who helps Eastern Oregon. Sold at one price ters, was in Burns a couple of days the other fellow along does two to all. Every thing first class and It’s a real pleasure to wear the this week. good deeds, and in the end gets his we solicit the patronage of the fine fitting clothes made by Strauss Elliot Lyons, the murderer of people of Harney County- N. Brown reward—if he doesn’t get it in the Bros., America’s Leading Tailors, Sheriff Withers of Lane County neck. There is no gospel that does A Sons. Chicago. They’re so reasonable in has been sentenced to be hanged more for this world than the gospel prices too. Robinson A Walton, April 17. The latest railroad talk is a line of boosting and it has the sanction will take your order, from California north to either of divine authority for it is nothing I Governor Richards, of Wyoming, —--- -■*» — ----- Butte, Montana, or Celilo Falls, less tnan the gospel of charity— For a bilious attack take Cham has begun aciinipaign against Presi Oregon. The movement is said to the substance of the best too re berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab dent Roosevelt’s renomination on be backed by the Northern Pacific, ligious teaching. There is no labor lets ami a quick cure is certain the issue of his forestry policy. which has long wanted an outlet too arduous to be sweet when some For sale by 11. M. Horton. Burns ; The dynamo has been installed at San Francisco so that it might ■ one speaks kind words of apprecia Free I II nines, Harney. in the new power house ofthe elec hold the other lines level in all tion. A little praise or friendly i Chicago tric light plant east of town, and transcontinental competition. encouragement seems to make blood for one power is now scoured by means of It is current report here today circulate through the tired limbs steam. that our townsman James J. Don- with fresh energy; it makes the Send N. Brown A Sons your negan of the Capitol Saloon has en weary throw back his head and Jorgenson has n complete line of orders for Boots and Shoes during couraging prospects of appointment take a full breath of reviving air stationary; school supplies; books, the next (¡0 days. Twenty-five to the receivership of the U. S. into his lungs; it brings restful etc. cents reduction on all foot wear ex Land Office at this place. Jimmy’s dreams at night. And all this is cept Queen Quality. Oregonian and Items, $2.00. numerous friends here will be pleas accomplished at almost no cost ed to see him in a position where whatever, The “booster” is not Only 15 times in the last 132 S tate of O hio ,C ity of T oleoo J L uscas C ounty . | years have we had a month of Feb lie can recoup the amount of his poorer but richer for his generosity ; Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ruary like the one just past in the losings on his favorite(II. W. Cor- he is the man who moves things ho is senior partner of the firm of respect that each day occurs four bett)tor U. S. Senator, two years and keeps everything going but a F. J. Cheney A Co., doing business times. In the next 50 years the ago. Jimmy is by no means unre neighborhood quarrel. Blessed is in the City of Toledo, County and same coincidence will occur five sourceful, if occasionally unfortu the “booster” for he shall inherit the earth—if some one don’t break nate. State aforesaid, and that said firm times. for your new Fall garments. It is the only proper will pay the sum of One Hundred Percale 86 incites 10 cents. N. the will.—Ex. Everything new for Spring will and satisfactory way of buying your clothes. Dollars for each and every case of be in during this month, Bad Brown A Sons. Make your selection from the tailoring line of Red Bell. Dixie Queen Tobacco. Catarrh that cannot be cured by roads or not our stock of new goods Mr. I). P. Daugherty, well known 50 cts per pound. N. Brown A the use of Hull’s Catarrh Cure. will be here and the newest and throughout Mercer and Summer Son 8. Good tailors for over a quarter century. Frank J. Cheney. best goods in the market will be counties, W. Va., most likely owes S’torn to before me and subscrib shown by us this season. We so You’ll find a world of pleasure in wearing the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. his life to the kindness of a neigh- ed in my presence, this 6th day o licit tho patronage of the ladies clothes made by Strauss Bros—faultless in style, j bor. He was almost hopelessly af U S Land office, Burns, Oregon, March 4,1903. December, A. I) 1X8(1. Notice is hereby given that the following, fit, finish and materials. They’re so much better and will try and please you. N. flicted with diarrhoea ; was attend named settler has filed notice of bin intention A. W. Gleason, than the ordinary run of clothes, yet prices are Brown A Sons. ed by two physicians who gave nim to make final proof in support of his claim, and Notary Public. BICAI astonishingly low and you’re perfectly safe in that said proof will be made before Register ami little, if any, relief, when a ueigh- Receiver at Burns, Oregon, on April 13, 1903, WAGONS! WAGONS i ordering, because if garments are not satisfactory, Ml,of We will sell you a Mitchell, bor learning of his serious condi Vi«: Hd Entry, No. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in you needn't take them. We will be pleased to John H. Culp, ternally. and acts directly on the Rushford or Webber Farm Bed tion, brought him a bottle of Cham for the SL,NW^. Sec. 2, Tp.23 8 , R snow you samples—Call berlain’s Colie, Cholera and Diar 31 E. W. M. blood and mucous surfaces of the Wagon ; He names the following witnesses to prove rhoea Remedy, which cured him in his continuous residence upon and cultivation 3| Steel Skein $85.00 system. Rend for testimonials, free. i less than twenty-four hours, For of said land, viz: 90.00 F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O, 34 „ Ernest Williams, Ira Williams, George W. | sale by H. M. Horton, Burns; Ered Shaw 105.00 Sold by all Druggist, 75c. 3; „ and Ray Dickenson, all of Burns, Oregon Wn F abhr , Register. Hull's Family Fills are the l»eat. I Send your orders to us, O. C. Co Haines, Harney. U. W. WELCOMED CO., Proprietors. HARNEY VALLEY ITEMS. The Capital Saloon ? 1 7 r 1 Pl H Miller & Thompson, i i g Have your measure taken Strauss Bros«, i»™ Chicago I