Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1903)
Published in the Greatest Valley of Eastern Oregon. Tho Oldest and Most. Reliable. The Best Advertising'; Medium. Valley Items vol . 19. tó V»« nn<| M»u««^r, BURNS, OREGON. SATURDAY. MARCH 7. 1903. • 1.50 Per Year. Hi* MoiithM 7ßC*Mtfu NO. 15 WW 'steals may be made at any time,; Women as Well as Men as elsewhere. Arc Made Miserable by This Butter Creek project is not: I —— on us large a scale as some others Kidney Trouble. that will lx? initiated under the ir I Butter f’n-ek Scene of National rigation law, but. in view of the Kidney trouble prey« upon the mind, dis Irrigation Work, and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor failure of the Oregon irrigation Letter From Professor W. J. courage« < i and cheerfulness soon Spillman, Govern merit Agro- > L 1 ‘ disappear when the kid committee to act and give the de stologist. neys are out of order partment or tlr? delegation the or diseased. Oregonian News Bureau, Wash benefits of its suggestions, it was! Kidney trouble hai become so prevalent ington, Feb. 27.—Representative necessary, in order that the state >. that it is not uncommon f for a child to be Dorn Moody has secured the withdrawal lie recognize?!, that Representative Prineville Review: Mr. James afflicted with weak kid- from entry, aave under the home- Moody act on his own responsi A. Boggs of this city has received 1 neys. If the child urin Hardware of Every Description. ates too often, if the stead law, of 200,000 acres lying bility. ar. interesting communication from urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child Chief Hydrographer Newell, of the agricultural department rela reaches an age when It should be able to along Butler Creek, in Umutillaud BUI4NN, OREGON. Morrow Counties, in Pastern Or«- the Geological Survey, who has tive to the saltbush, which we pub control the passage, it is yet afflicted vzith bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of gon, with a view to its reclamation .charge of the Government reclama- lish as being of interest to those the difficulty Is kidnoy trouble, and the first should be towards the treatment of under the National irrigation act,; tion work, has promised Repre who are making a study of this ob step these important organs. This unpleasant passed last session. Immediately ! sentative Moody that he will send: scure but hardy and nourishing trouble is due to a diseased condition cf the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as on Mr Moody’s return to Wash-1 and maintain throughout the Sum- “weed:” most people suppose. inglon, at the beginning of the . iner a force of ex jrerts, who will ex Women as well as men are made mis Dear Sir:—Your very interesting erable with kidney and bladder trouble, present session, lie had an expert amine all feasible projects in East favor of January 29th, also that of and both need the same great remedy. irrigation enirincer directed through ern Oregon. This work will lie January 21st, both addressed to the The mild and the immediate effect of the Geological Survey to examine done with a view to future opera honorable secretary of agriculture,! Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty- tive arid lands along the south bank 1 tions, but actual construction can- Las been referred to this office. 11 ccnt and one dollar You may have a£ ' of the Columbia from Wallula, not be undertaken until the Butter am very much interested in the, sizes. sample bottle by mail M. FITZGERALD, F. H RIEDER, BIGGS dt BIGGS Wash., to a point near Willows, in Creek work is well under way. also pamphlet tell- noma nt ta«ir>iKx* experience of Mr. Furr, related in free, PrewHlriit, brc’jr amU’reua. Attorneys, ing all about it, including many of the Gilliam Countv, Or., with the view the clipping you enclose. There thousands of testimonial letters received af reclaiming, if possible, a stretch ROOSEVELT HONORS sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer is no longer any doubt of the value from & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and MOODY. of country along the Columbia be of the Australian saltbush over mention this paper. tween these two points for from ten Don’t make any mistake, but remem Would Give Him Appointment. much of the Western country- to 15 miles buck from the river. There are two drawbacks to it. One ber thename, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's < I Mcurpora'ed.) But He Would Not Acci pt. It was hoped that it might lie is that the bay is so heavily charged Swamp-Root, and the ailJresa, Bingham ' possible, by building a canal from Abstracts Furnished and Title Guaranteed to all Lands in Harney Washington, Feb. 2G—Several with mineral matter that it is in ton, N. Y., on every bottle. Snake River, in the neighborhood Countv. days ago, when the Congressional clined to give stock the scours if of Riparia, Wash., not only to re- delegation visited the President fed unmixed with other hay; and quantity that Mr. Boyer's faith was I claim the arid flats around Wallula, personally to indorse Representa the plant is rather tender as re strong enough to try piping it to REAL ESTATE ; but also the sage plains along the tive Mercer, the retiring member gards frost. I will ask our division . the house, and it has proved a northern |>ortione of 1'matilla and from Omaha. for a Federal appoint of publications to continue to send | matchless success. Mr. Boyer, or Office in Bank Building. Bought and Sold on Cnmuiiesion. j Morrow Comities. ■ ment, the President stated to a you whatever may be published on Boyer Bros., are arranging to pipe Upon careful examination, the California member present that salibushes. You speak of the al gas to their store for lights. engineer reported that, in order to there was one retiring member he kali bottoms in the Yellowstone get water enough oui of Snake would like to do something for and I Valley. Is this the name of some Jorgenson has a complete line of Dlreotury. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. River to cover any considerable that was Representative Moody. stationary; school supplies; books, local valley in Eastern Oregon, or Ih MB Iziixo: No. 70, K of P. I ■ " - ------ ' I portion of the public lands in these ! When this was reported to Mr. do you refer to the valley of the etc. plains, the length of the canal re-1 Moody lie took occasion the next Yellowstone river in Montana? If Meets every Thursday night, i F M Jordan, C C. ¡J."-—«1«». ¡quired would necessitate an ex- day to thank the President lor his ' you mean the latter, I fear the cli This paper and The Chicago 8. Mothershead, K of R. K. I pense that would r.ot be warranted kind and complimentary consider mate would be too severe for the Weekly Inter Ocean $1.50 for one PHOTOGRAPHER. year. “Special deal” 'for the limited amount of public J ation, but assured him that he did ' saltbush. BURNH CHAPTER, NO. 4». O. E. H. | lands there available, as much of Meets second and fourth Monday ot not desire any Federal appoint-1 Regarding your request for seed Biirnx, erregen. ¡this territory is in private owner-! ment. He told the President that of the Australian saltbush, I will It’s a real pleasure to wear the each month in Masonic lisll, Voegtly I building. Mr». Maggie livens, W. M. lz^r*Main St.—op|>osite Bank. 'ship. fine fitting clothes made by ¡Strauss he should, as soon as his Congres say that I am placing your name Mrs. Eunice Thompson, S,-<- The engineer was then directed sional term exnired, return home on our list of experimenters, and i Bros., America’s Leading Tailors, I BURNS LODGE, NO. 97, A. F. <« A. M.' to examine all sections in that vi and resume active business life within the next few weeks will Chicago. They’re so reasonable in M AKSDEN A UEAKY cinity where there was any con again, which, on account of Con send you some seed of this plant. prices too. Robineon A U’alton, Meets Saturdav on or before full moon. siderable amount of arid public gressional duties, he had had to! The quantity will of necessity be will take your order, Qualitied brothers fraternally invited, W. L. Marxien. John W. deary. <!. E. Kenyon, W. M. F. S. Rieder, lands and report on the vractibility abandoned during his terms in small, but should you wish more of Pbynciane <(■ Surge one. Secy. of reclaiming with the waters of Congress. The largest and most complete it 1 think you can secure if of E. J. Burna. Oregon. BURNS LODGE, NO. S3, A. O. U. W. the Umatilla ami tributary streams stock of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Bowen, of San Francisco, Calif. Q^POfliee at residence. ’Pilone 20. Meets at Brown hall every Friday eve along that spur of the Blue Moun The Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean Furnishing Goods, Clothing, Hats, Yours very truly, ning Visiting brothers fraternally in tains. His report on this latter in ! is the only weekly newspaper pub vited. Thus. Sagers, W. M. Chas. N. Boots and Shoes and Groceries in W. J. Spillman, Coahrana, Recorder. vestigation results in the order just lished in Chicago in connection glGGS .1 HIGGS. Agrostologist. i Eastern Oregon. Sold at one price issued by the Secretary of the In- with the gnat daily papers, It j to al). Every thing first class and HARNEY UBBÌE, NO. 77, 1. O O. F. J. W. Illg««. Dalton lllgg*. I terior. contains a judiciously selected Meelx every Saturday evening, Brown’s A Lawful Fence. i we solicit the patronage of the lull. Visiting brothers fraternally in Attorneye-at-La w, i It is the purpose of thq Geologi- summary ot the news of the nation people of Harney County- N. Brow« vited. Frank O. Jackson, N. G. III IlNS. OKKOON. | cal Survey to build a dam on the and world, the best stories, home, Wire fences east of the Cascade ; A Sone. C. G. Hmii li,Secretary. Umatilla River at a point a short farm, woman’s, and other special Mountains must, after the middle EJ^T’Ollice in Bank building. jdistance below Pendleton, and, by departments, and fair, patriotic, of next May, be constructed in the Stomach Trouble. TUI.E CHICLE. NO. l<r». WOMEN OF IVoodcrait. Menta 2nd and 4tli Tncs- “ I have been troubled with my a ditch approximately 30 miles able editorials, written from a Re- following manner: They shall have Jav al Brown’s hall. Mrs. Tilli « Jordan, ^^II.I.IAMSA FITZGERALD Mra. Ione Wliiting. Guardian. ! long, convey the water in a south i publican viewpoint. It is by far posts 64 feet in length and not less stomach for the past four years,” Clerk. westerly direction to the head of; the best general newspaper ot the than four inches in diameter, set j says D. L. Beach, of Clover Nook Thornton William«, M. Flt«gernld. I Butter Creek Vulley. On the route Western States. The regular price in the ground two feet, and shall I Farm, Greenfield, Mass. “A few I Atlorney-at law, salary Public, CTiurcIi Announcement!«. the line of cnnal passes thiough for the Weekly Inter Ocean is $1,001 not be more than 32 feet apart. days ago I was induced to buy a I ’ r I Law, Notarial ami Heal Estate Sunday School at Harney the several natural depressions, which anti for the Harney Valley Items | ; There shall r.ot be less than three l>ox of Chamberlain’s Stnniaeh an4 first Sunday of each month nt 10 Practice. it is proposed shall, by means of. $1 50, but subscriptions will be re-j | wires, of the ordinary kind, the Liver Tablets. I have taken part, o’clock, A. M. On. the second, earth dams, be converted into stor ceived at this oilice for the two lower wi"e to be two feet from the of them and feel a great deal better.” Burn«, Oregon. third and fourth Sundays of each age reservoirs. The limited vol papers in combination fur one year , ground, the second 15 inches above If you have any trouble with your fWOfiiee in Masonic building month at 3 o’clock P. M. Preach- ume of water in th“ river to some for only $1.50. the first and the upper wire 15 in stomach try a box of these Tablets. — ■ ■ ing services every second Sunday j extent governs the area that can be dies above the second, making You are certain to be pleased witk at 8 P. M. A Remarkable Record. R. D. Burrow, M- D. reclaimed, but it is roughly esti I the top wire 4$ feet above the the result. Brice 25 cents. For mated that the 200,000 acres now At the Presbyterian church Chambei Iain’s Cough Remedy ground. zAt the distance of every sals by H. M. Horton, Burns; Fred Physician and Surgeon. withdrawn, which is fertile, but dry. | | has a remarkable record. It has ! eight feet from the posts, false Haines, Harney. Burns, Rev. A. J. Irwin pastor. Divine services the third ami fourth >l)i(te at Burns Hotel, Rooms, can be readily made productive at j been in use for over thirty years, posts, 44 feet high, must be placed, Sundays of each month at Ila, m. 1 and 2. Calls answered any hour $10, or, at the outside. $12, per acre, during which time many million resting on the ground and securely i Already J. G. Camp, a depart- ! buttles have been sold and used. It fastened to thc’wires, A pole two and 7:30 p. in. Sabbath school at1. day or night. ' ment irrigation expert, has been J has long been the standard and inches in diameter or a six-inch Oregon 10 a. in. every Sabbath morning. Burna. ; sent to the withdrawn lands, upon ' main reliance in the treatment of board may take the place of the Preaching services at the Baptist' “My wife had a deep-seated cough which there is very little settle-1 croup in thousands of homes, vet middle wire and false posts. ohurch every 1st and 2nd Sundays, for three years. 1 purchased two incut, and in a few days will be. bottles of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, I during all this time no case has morning and evening. Sunday p M. JORDAN, large size, and it cured her com joined by D. W. Ross. Together ever been reported to the manufact Natural Gas. achoolevery Sunday at 10 a. tn.i pletely.” Practical ¡Mild Surveyor. they will survey the proposed urers in which it failed to effect a J. H. Burge, Macon, Col. prayer meeting every Thursday Burnn, Oregon, route of canal to determin«' the best cure. Ontario Argus: It has always! When given as soon ns the evening. location, and will formulati plans child becomes hoarse or even as been claimed that natural gas and Probably you know of Services at Christian Science j for damming the Umatilla River soon as the croupy cough appears, plenty of it is in and around Ontar cough medicines that re Hall, corner east of the Bank,every! g W. MILLER, and completing the system of stor it will prevent the attack. It is io even on the surface, but this lieve little coughs, all Sunday at 11a. in. and 8 p. in. age reservoirs. When the most pleasant to take, many children time it has been found 210 feet be coughs, except deep ones! Service Wednesday evenings at 8. Notary Public and Conveyancer, economical and practical plan has low. Mr. Boyer, resident and mer like it. It contains no opium or Everylxidy is invited to attend Mortgagea, Deed«, Kte., correctly mule, The medicine that has i been devised and the project ap-1 o^er |]arinfn| substance and may chant of this prosperous city, has these services. been curing the worst of office nt Store. Mera«, Oregon. proved by the Secretary of the In- ;H, given , as confidently to a baby his dwelling house lighted with I terior. the work of construction will | aH to nn adult, ___ For sale by H. M. (5as fro,n a well 210 feet deep he I deep coughs for sixty Jorgvnsen is still to the front be commenced immediately. Horton, Burns; Fred Haines, Har had put down for the purpose of I years is Ayer’s Cherry TO CURK A COLD IN ONK DAY with low prices. Call and see his getting better water. The well also I Pectoral. line of watches, clocks, jewelry, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine I The withdrawal of these lands1 ney. is flowing at present about one inch I T1> n . i 1 m «: He . Mc .a AHIrwnW«. stationery, etc. Tablets. All druggists refund the was ordered to prevent speculators; Con suit your doctor. If li*> aaya taka It, A pair of full stock BAH, Royal of water perjietually, and the same F then OJkSTOTAXA.. money if it fails to cure. E. W. or corporations from rushing in d«» as he «ays. If l»e Ulla y«»u ml Th« Kind You H»w Alsup B mj M tn t ike it. then don’t take It. He kikNi. ¡and getting control of more than ; Bcuath. Cow Boy Boots reduced to $5.25. is proving to lie good for all kinds I Leave it with him. We are willing. Grove ’ s signature is on each box ttfut.r. J. C. AYER CO.. Lowell. Maae. IGO acre tracts. Bona fide home- N. Brow n A Sons. of use Gas appeared in sufficient | 25c. Of FIRST IN OREGON MORE ABOUT THE SALTBUSH Geer& Cummins C7O E. 0. T. G. CO. I