Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1903)
I GIRO CATCHING. ' \ He IV*, The Natives of India «hr M< m | Fiprrt In the World. There is '‘oinethitig almost «super When you can’t eat break natural alanit the dexterity of the na tives of India. A bird i« oeen perched fast, take Scott’s Emulsion. on Nouie ovvrhungirg iKiugh. Very then. The native, with Ilin ent When you can’t eat bread veil. like tread, creeps underneath and lukts end butter, take Scott’s up his |MNdtiou, mot Hili less, breatlile.o, a living statue crouching dowu utnoeg Emulsion. When you have the grass. In his hands ;uv a bundle reeds, one of which is tip|>ed with been living on a milk diet and nt bin! lime. To this he odd* another want something a little more at the lower end. and another and an other. Slowlj the roils grow, so slowly nourishing, take Scott’s that the unsua|H-cting victim does no- notice thnt every net nd it is creeping Emulsion. 11 wrvr and nearer. Length after To get fat you murt eat length is joined, until the bird sees for the first tiluc a tall reixl quivering fit Scott’s Emulsion is a tlightly in the brecae. There is noth ing terrifying iu this. The next in great fattener, a great stant the reed flutters against the gay plumage of the victim and the wait > trengfh giver. ing Indian springs to his feet with a Those who have lost flesh try of exultation. As 3 rule, however, the bird is ».en released again. The want to increase all body native carries his treasure into the town, and finds out one by whose re tissues, not only fat. Scott’s E-gion the lives of birds are sacred. lie Emulsion increases them all, then demands the little creature's ran som with a threat that unless immedi bone, flesh, biocd md ately |uiid the bird shall be killed. The bargain concluded, he lets the fright- r.erve. ■ er.eil creature go. puckets the money Eor invalids, for con .nd sets to work to couture it again. IN THE FAR WEST. valescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for all Mow Freighter* Kept the Whisky*. Weight anil Quality I'nluipalretl. who need flesh, Scott’s A man at one of the hotels the other night told un interesting s tory of how Emulsion is a rich and com the freighters of the far west used tn fortable food, and a natural supply themselves with whisky, says the Louisville Courier-Journal. He said that some years ago ail tonic. freight was hauled in wagous, he hap Scctt’s Emulsion for bone, pened to make a trip of several hun dred miles w ith a train of wagons car flesh, blood and r.arve. rying merchandise to remote station:-. Be s.rc thzt this picture in the form of a label 1« on the wrapper of every bottle of EouiLlon you buy. scon & BOWNE, CHEMISTS, 409 Pearl SL, N. Y. 50c. and $1, all druggists. lU.ny newspapers h ive lately given currency to n-ports by trreiqioiHiblc parties to tbeetleet Huit THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO had entered a trust or combination ; we wish to assure the public tluit there is ho truth in Filch reports. \V> have been manufacturing sowing inachinesfor over a quarter of a centu ry, and have established a reputation for our- f ‘Ives and our machine« that is the envy of all others. Our ** Xeir Home” machine lias never been rivaled as a family machine.—It ► hinds at the head ofall High Grade sewing Machines, and stands on its otrn merits. The 44 Mew Howie” is the only really HIGH GRADE Sewing Machine on the market. It is not necessary for us to enter into a trust to save our credit or pay any debts as we have no debts to pay. We have never entered into competition with manufacturers of low grade cheap machines that are made to soil regard less of any intrinsic merits. Do not be de ceived, when you want a sewing machine don’t send your money away from home; call on a •4 A'esr Home ” Dealer, lie can sell you a letter machine for less than you can purchase elsewhere. If there is no dealer near you, write direct to us. II. Iliul Tried ft. “So you've lieen around the world?” sai<l the admiring friend. “I have.” replied the traveler “And you've seen all the sights anti trie«l all the sports?” « "I have.” \ “Did you ever try tiger hunting?” “I did’.” ORANGE, MASS. New York, Chicago, Ill., St. Louis, Mo., Atlan ta, Ga., Dalias, Tex., San Francisco, Cal. “Where?” “At Monte Carlo.”—Chicago Post She Reverse«! the Order of Thing*. When 1 am <1r« sa ng,” said Miss Fos- dick. "I alwayt put on iny shoes and stockings first." “I don’t," replie«! Miss Kittish. “Don't you? What do you put on first?” “My stockings and shoes.”—Town Topics. TRY A JMarlin THIS TRIP 5 4 400 THS TRAjFCTOkT 200 YDS TRAjrCY^RT Hr'l’h’ «f 50 yard* »ieght at 100 yerwt I-J3 inrhra P2 iatoc doo v<»ns Ys/jFCToar at I 50 -/ari* .»8 inches Li?1 "j- ■ '' t nine MULTUM 12 40 Hitch r -w irt cariri.ltr -Hl» I 0)0 fret r*r vrrnnd vrlncnv. in **’r •• * •»•’h. •• »hr rrjiil r twi«r of one fu> a in tigteca «•»"h*< is u»rd in rifling. T-if* r»f»iMf. Jon I' 'utrationt. cover fa morf.-d for J itampt irti MARLIN FIRE ARMS COMPANY NFW MAVEN. CONN.. U S. A. Reduced to FIFTY CENTS A YEAR HIS is the cheapest and best Nsw Iders in Fashions in Millinery, In emtroide.-y, in Cocking, in Woman's Work ard in Reading: beautifully illustr. ted in colors ai.d in black and whit:. Above all, it shows the very fashionable N ew I lea S lles . mads fr :n N ew I dea P at - rtRNs, which cost IOc. each. Send Fiv? Cents To-day fcMtir.rle copy of the I dia W omam ' s M agazine , tn J see what treat value tzr tne money it car. t m you- ;• THE NEW IDEA PU3LISRI3<O CO 6 >6 Broadway. New York. K Y Love tn the Superlative. She—If you had never met in«-, would >011 have lovcil s«'tu«' other girl 11s much y«»n do III«'? lie— My darling, if I had n«'ver met ion I la-lieve I should have «-otniuilUxl suicide. Truth. The Spice of Life. Mrs. Kcal I think. Mr. Pen that >he fiction writers are so different from >thor writers; they an- so unique. Mr. Pen—Certainly, they are novel men. To Date. Too Many Check«. ”What is the inattrr with IHiillips senior? He has l>eeii ill ever since his ton went to college.” •• lie mit tent fever, |>oaKÌbly.”—Detroit Free Press. TvmiwrMncv In rov* rty. Clerk (in ten-eent lodging-house)-- Tliat felh r in bunk 40 unis’ ben n-gulur prohibitionist. Proprietor (amazed)- Yi- don't so? Clerk—No doubt of it. He says there’s bugs in the lie«l. Noiw of our other guests ever --«-s anything but snakes. — N. V. Weekly. "It must take gnat strength of mind for a man to say to a woman that lie larca L. r too much to think of salting her to marry him.” “It must. In addition to sacrificing hia own happiness he knows that the girl thinks he is a liar."—Indianapolis Journal. IN PARVO. F a free pattern I irntir own M’lcttioti • io cvrrv sub- I «briber Only 5o moi I n . i sear. MS CALL’S MAGÄIIKE A IADI l S’ magazine A . !>«• I'tlthil <..Liir<| |il itr« ; lafe*1 , <|t* sHiii.tkn.i; • « II|I>■niK s ; f> work . hotiMrhohf I mt . . fit n«m, rtr <u-rilw* to «My, <ir, m - im I w for c Lady -ternis want rd S. ml lor Imus. Sty!i«!i. Reliable. Simple. Vj dite. K on. mi h .11 .uni \ h'.oltiieiy l’cricci-Fiiiiittf P.i|M-r P.iitvriis. . KSCALUiö BAZAR. I PC-rs. Lauro. S. V»ebb A l<-«>-l>rc.hlcti< V uiniMi'v Urline miti«' v tuba «»1 N,»riU..rn Olilo. •| dix-adcd Ibi ilun ;r uf IJi i»lii«Jl v»j, (ad 4 i|>roaihiiiii. I noti««! Hin» ol Cardai, and d.vided lo trv a boi. ile. I expcricnved soma r<lkf Ih« tiri! monili, i > I kepi on t.ik 114 It lor thr.e ni. nth» aad uow I inemt uatt v>ith no p.iin and 1 ihalltakc itoli and on now unni 1 hava paoed the climax." Fcimde w.-akn. -.v, ilisoidcrvsl nu'i'ses, falling < f ilio womb and ov.iiian lioubli'« «lo not wear ut*, riie; 1..1I.1W I V. ornali lo tin i bangi' i l lifr. Do nutwait but tnku W me <>f ( 'ardui now a::d avvili thè troll- I le. Win.- i f 1 n-iliii nev.T fuils to l» n<tit a silft.'rmg w iiunii of an_v age. \Vineof Cardili relieved Alni. Wcbb wheu she w.ia in ¿un ger. V.’hen yen i ani'totkecliangc .T lifo Mr<. Webb's letter will ma to jr<m tban • - 11, v.. Uut voti m.iy no'» avoid Ibi1 ufferiiig sito emliired. DruggisU OREGONIAN and ITEMS, one Year, for $2.00. 50 YEAR9’ EXPERIENCE TRADC MARKB OrSIGNS CorvniGHTS Ac. Anvone «erullng a nketrti unti i!< ««rriptlnn umv qiilrklv tidi crtniu «.tir i.piuion fr»••• wlirlhrr nn hiviHition m prohnlily p.itentHblc. <*'>niniiinlm- ti« »ns «tricflv l'iiiflili'iif In!. I Luti IN wk mi Pntenta soni free. OMeat waency fot aerurmg Mtenuu l*:»t«*iHM «akeu Itir» tu.’h Munii A Co. rocelve fjh'rkiZ n<>tU t , wifhout c hurcc. in tho Scieiifific Bmirican. A ’ 1” * • ■ 'Ir Hhn»trnfe<! yeelt't. I »ruvut clr- <"i :t! t' 'D <.f n-, . 1 ’ :tl-• 1 itrn.d. T iti . • f i n »■•»r: tour montha, f I. Kold by r.l! nrw’MlpalrrR. MUNÌ! & Co.33’“2 New York Braci h OH’tce. <Ì2S F Ht.. WuNhuik't<>n. I». ( . Ill» Real Need. “You are asking for alms, are you?" asked a benevolent individual of a crip pled lieggnr. “No. sir." icplieil tju- unfortunate man. "I have iny arms all right, but if you get me a good cork leg I'd be forever in debt to you, sir.”—Pitts burgh Clironiele-Tclegraph. IF YOU ARE A FARMER Ono CJont /Lncl His Life Savttl by ('haniberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. “B. L. Byer, a well known cooper of this town. Hays he believea Cham- beria'n’s Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy saved his life last summer. lie had been sick for a month with what the doctors call bilious dysentery, and could get nothing to do him any good until he tried this remedy. It gave him Manager Wanted. immediate relief,” savs 15. T. Little, merchant, Hancock, Md. Eor sale Trustworthy, either hex. hy by H. M. Horton, Burns; Fred Wholesale Mi-rchnmiire ¡Company Haines, Ilarnev. of solid financial standing, toman age Ian ul Representative who will Stop th«- Cough organize clubs among consumers, anil Work oil'the Cohl. 40 per cent saved for our customers. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets Business no experiment but a prov feure’a cold in one day. No Cure, en success. Salary $18 a week, ex Na pay. Price 25 cents. penses advanced. Experience un necessary. Address, I). B. Clark Oregonian and Itcrre, -+21)0. son, Mgr., 3”> I Dearborn St. (Chicago. Stock Inspectors. Notice is hereby given that I have duly appointed the following deputy stock inspector fur Hurnev I County, Oregon : A. B. Colcnbaugh................. Burns John Jenkins..................... Smith Dick Smith........................... Andrews N ewt H oover . Stock Inspector. OA.OTOTi.Xyi.. New Idea ■ . Woman’s & Magazine - T Fashion Magazine now be- f r* the Ame-ican public. It shews sure Sign. "There's u woman diaguimai ils n ni.-in." "IIow do yon know?" “She gralilnal nt her coat-tails and st«-pp»il off the i-ar Uickwiirtl." Chica go Record. Mind unemployed is mintl unenjoye.l. —Bovee. They that stand high have many blasts to shake them.—Shnkespcnre. Let not anyone say that he cannot govern his passions.—Locke. The greatest misfortune of all is not to be able to bear misfortune.—Bias. The mind grows narrow in pro[x>r- tion as the soul grows corrupt.—Kous seau. A poet must need be before his own age to be even with jiosterity.— Lowell. The coward reckons hiroroH cau tious; the miser thinks himself frugal. —Ilume. I I The Up-»t>-datn arm in high rrprttrM is the ?? 40 Marlin with Smnkelrst Steel Darrel using 32 40 High Pressure Car tridges This (.artridrc has a ve locity of over 2,000 fet t per second u nh consequents.^ flat trajectory and great kilbn power the ordinary j M iMlllHivrMtlMMl. "lliinnuh," >.ud thè nòstre««« to ber new girl, “you cun tnk«' lliut brow 11 -w l'ge diessof mille and pili it ili Miuk." "A vs ' iii ," M«id lliiuiuili. "uh«'» \ our fav'l'itt- |Miw ubroker?" Detroit F rev Presa. t I THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO .1] Haiti. The Bent They Could Do. "Don’t you sometimes make a mis take ami lynch the wrong man?” asked th« visitor from the east. "We did once,” replied the native, "but we offered to do the square thing by the width r.” “IIow was that?” “We told her she could take th«- pick of the crowd for her second husband.” I - -Life. Stranger “If a fellow lias tichance to marry n |sKir, hiindsoin«- girl, or a rich, plain girl, which do vou think lie ought to «!«>?” "It looks to m«‘ ua if pro|M-r course is a phon one in that cua»*.“ diamijtolis Journal. Nearly every wagon contained or.e or mira barrels of whisky. "The th st night out I noticed," said he, "great activity around the whisky barrels. The wagons each had a hatchet nnd a gimlet. They would knock lip a hoop, bore a hole, draw all the whisky they wanted, then put alioiit as much tine gravel in the burre’ as they had drawn out whisky, drive a plug in ** le and put the hoop back in place. “I lea-ned afterward that the bar- rels were weight'd nnd the whisky tested before it wa» turned over to th“ freighters, and that when it arrived at its destination it again weighed and tested. The gravel supplied the weight r.nd bulk and the quantity re mained tin same, and this is why it was used instead of water to supply the of "hat had been taken cut.” Wc will send you a free sample. a “Bo you put mi '«*' in whisky here?" asked a new rvpurtvr of a Ixelitucky |xi|>cr. "No," rcpled tin* editor, who wit* -lightly deaf: “w«< put nothing in whis ky lict-c. We take it straight.''- Buy ( itx Chut. Bear, the Bignature I'-11’11 Y'11 Ha»!) Always Bought Buy a postal card ami send to The New York Tribune Farmer, New York City, for u free specimen copy. The Tribune Farmer is n National Illustra ted Agricultural Weekly for farmers and their families, and stuntls nt the head of the agricultural press. The price is $100 per year, but if you like it you can secure it with your own favorite local newspaper, The ITEMS, at a bargain. Both papers $1 50. Send money and order to The ITEMS. Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent ability of same. “IIow to obtain a patent” sent upon retjuest. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in T he P atent R ecoiid , an illustrated and widely circulated journal, «xiusulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Synd for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS A CO., $20 to $25 WEEKLY Work at your home. No canvars- ing. Work legitmate tin«l horora- hie. Address HOME WORK CO. 211 Spring St. Seattle, Wash. DBJKRL LAND, FINAL PROOF. (Patent Attorneys,' Evans Building, WAS'IINSTON, D. O, I ©1.03 ©I. 00: « — TliE W e EKLV ÊÜTErç OCEAN F. S. Lnn<l Olflee, Burns, Oregon, Febr. I, 1903. Notice is hereby given that M. Me ll nlltn.of DreW'ey.lIarney,county Oregon, has filed notice of intention to make proof on his de.-ert-land claim No. 199, for the HE^NEVi Hee Tp 21, S It Bl E W M, before Register nnd Receiver at Burns. Oregon, on Saturday, the 28th day of March, l‘J'3. He names the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and reclamation of »aid land. Jacob Wright, Eugene A, Heath, Notie Onrd and Frank Holliday, all of Drewsey, Oregon. W m . F akhk . Register. Thd üreate t Republican Paner óf the Weat. TT it th 1 most stalw.ii t ani uns* e> v n" Republican Weekly pan- • 1 lished to lav an I can aiway.« I«: relied upon for fair and honest re-J noris of all p-nitical afta ir.-» • ‘ t ? I he Weeklv interOcenn Supp le» A I of the Neuvs UWJ 5 and the Best oi Current I. tarature. It is Morally Ch an, and a", a Family Paper is Without a Peer. //.< /. her ary columns ai c equal io those oi the best mauaioies. NOl K K roa PCIILICATION. c S. I,«n<l oWre. Burn«, Orvgon, I'cbr. :i, DOS. Notice I k hereby irlven that the following neniert nettler h«K flleil netlce of I i I h Intention to m«ke Until proof in enpport of I i I h claim anti that .aid proof will l>e made Ix.-fore Rexlrter and Receiver nt Bnrnr, Oregon, on March lit, 1008, vis: lid Entry No 123.’«. of K. Stanley Thompson. for the WSSW'4. Ser. .It. ami N>„N W';, Sec. -i, T. 20 S., K. :W E. W. M. lie namrx the following witneffCK toprove hl- contlnnou- reddence ttpmi and cultivation of ul'l land, viz George Mar-liall, Walter Cr- -« ¿n<l Laurence Sheppard of Burn,, Orciton, nnd fim Roach, of Hilvlen, Oregon. - • • < : ■ Its Yout >’s Depart mi nt is the f nett of its A nd............................ r~ »» It lirlnps to th kun Iv I'm civ of ihr finir- Vorlil and give« Ino In ni lina ib .nt d «euaaton» o' all qn-silonsof the .lav. Ilio Irii.r <• mi gives .«-.-I« p ,s nf re.u’tU'.* mutter .-ach week iin.l bi-iiig ,.ui. -h .lin h curo ______ la Letter adapted to ihenrodiof ________________ _________ ________________ the people «e«t of the Alle h mv Mountain! man any other paper. Sl.co_____________________________ SZEJCSAJ? e e : : ei.OOJ e I Tb? Daily and Sunday Edl- tons of The Inter Octtall are J th3 beet of their k.nd. . Price of Dally bv mi’!... Prf 'o tf Surdny by mil. • M no per y»»r* K nn per y»«rj pt <* per year* i>all> mit Srini.y ty m.ili Addreaa THK I OCEAN. Ckieasa. J «i«i««t4(OH«ifOoioo e aeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee«