Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1902)
< / • ■ a ..... ii iwa esi si wa li js. Mlsfa ji tastys y s -. 1■ ■«» —.......... .... to the department of the interior, WOOD.—-Good Juniper wood Local and General. whereafter eight tears of litigation, for «sle in sny quantity. Prices he secured for the settlers tho title The Ciliseos Business College going up. (.'ail on W. E. Huston to some of the best lands of the opens Monday. in the Dnrklieiuier building, value of $2U0,(XX>. The part Cap J. L. Sitz, of l.awcn, was in Jorgenson repairs wat< lies and tain Waters took in cont< i.ding for Burns Monday enroute to Mayville, clocks.' Work guaranteed. ths beet interests ei* the settlers Gilliam county, with a bunch of W. J. King, of Laweu, huh tip naturally incurred the bitter hat 213 head of cattle which be and C, red of the cattlemen whose inter on business a co utile of days this T. Miller had sold to I). W. Ralstcn. ests had been harmed. It was not week. They will lie feed in Gilliam coun surprising then that the captain Carpenters have began the erec ty and placed on the early spring soon thereafter received from a tion of C. E. Kenyon’s new resi market. mysterious organization, that styl dence. The city council has passed an ed themselves the “101,” a per Our old friend M. V. Smith, of ordinance makitiir it a $100 fine, emptory notice to leave the coun Lawen, was a plearant caller one for selling or giving whiskey to Of prescriptions is no child's play. try, and remain away. Captain day this week. Indians, half of the tine to I m .- paid It requires conscientious care and Waters did not become at all alarm Daniel Willetts is in Burna to to the prosecuting witness. This is accurate knowledge of drugs and ed, although the notice he recieved day as witness on Mart Hensen's a very commendable action on the only save him ten days to make their relations to each other. We final proof undertaking. ¡»art of our city fathers and the good hie departure. Tho recipient of take an honest pride in the purity the note was of the opinion that a For Sale—Hay at $ > per ton with results are already noticeable. of our drugs, si.d the skill sud ac “bluffer” could be “bluffed,” and good pasture and plenty of water. Mart Beneen returned the first of curacy with which we compound he made tbo •‘bluff” in the follow Enquire of Ira Stubblefield. the week from Prairie City, where Lem on your physician's order. ing communication, which he had Cashier Carpenter of the First lie went so ne weeks ago after fruit. ■ printed in the Burns Items: National Bank roturned Sunday He had the misfortune while at “ ‘Editor items: It seems that a I from a business trip to Ontario. Prairie to have his right leg broken I I H. W. WKLCOMK Jt CO., number of the beet citisens of Har at the knee caused by a wild horse Proprietors. Kam Mothcrehead returned Mon- ney Valley have been notified to which be was trying to catch in a leave the country. I have received ^rom Portland whore he went as a corral. He is able to be out on the the following, and other* I have delegate to the Grand Lodge, K. of P. street. seen are similar: H. S. Williams, the Ontario- G. W. Emboden returned from “ ‘A. W. Waters—Sir: you are Burns stage contractor, was looking «Tifici) IY, OCTOBER 25. l«O2 Grant and Hurney counties last hereby no!ifled to leave this coun after business in Burns during the week, where be went on a hunt for try forever within ten days, never week. the famous Blue Bucket mines. I to return. By order of 101.’ Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Mason, of He reports having found what he “‘At the top of this notice is a Portlaud, are visiting in Burns the ' believes to be the identical spw‘, skull and croaaliones. Now Mr i guests of Mrs. Mason's mother Mrs. but save a slide in the mountain An ln<ere»t lutf Nkrtch of u Editor, through the columns of your Tupker. had coverrd the ground ti> a depth Former Prominent Citizen of paper, I desire to notify the *101" Hurney County. of several bundled feet.—Ukiah Jorgensen is still to the front ' that I am not going to leave this Sentinel with low prices. Call and see his i country. line uf watches, clocks, jewelry. Mrs. Zuercber and son, G. Zuer- “ 'Come on you 101; come on The following article which we stationary, etc. cber, took their departure Wed you filthy mob; come on you hiro- take from the Weiser World was nesday morning for their home near | Fred Racine and Rush McCard printed in the Salem Capital Jour- of monopoly; come on you fiends of August 30 The article recalls j of hell and attempt to put in ex nrc now proprietors of the Red Portland. Mrs. Zuercher took her an exciting time in the early his ecution the orders of your superiors, Front Livery barn, having purchas little grandson with her. and will tory of Harney County as well ns j 1 but 1 advise you to bring along ed the interests of Biggs A McCiain be followed by her daughter-in law ftrs. I.ulu Zuercher as soon as she showing the characteristics of a your asceution robes, for by the James Reel, after a year’s ab former prominent citizen of this eternal, the unerring leaden mes sence which he lias spent near is able to travel. The latter is still place and will I m * interesting to our senger from the never failing Win- PraricCity arrived in Burns Tues confined at the home of her father,! readers, many of whom have never shooter will kiss your eyelids down, day and will probably winter in W. J. Coleman, where she is slowly I recovering from an attack of ty heard of the contest between the and you will quietly slumber until this section. phoid fever, you awake in hell, where you be | settlers and the large slock com The striking coal miners unani. j long. panies 14 years ago. though there Mr. J. E. Ragon, an old time “ ‘For more than three years rnouslv accepted the President's resident of this city, arrived here are numbers h. re today that can arbitration board for a settlement ■ loo well remember the unhappy you dirty hirelings have been on Friday evening from Smith River, of their differences. Work in the my track, but loo cowardly to come where he had lieen s|»ending a times. The article referred to is to my face. The first scheme to Ulinas commenced Thursday. folio*«: month with his daughter, Mrs. got rid of me was to whisper me Mrs. Sturtevaut hai sol 1 her Robt. Ashworth and family. Mr. ‘■('apt A W Waters, wlio. with his estimable wife,of Weiser, Idaho, out of the country, as you call it. restaurant building to M. L. Lewis- Ragon has spent the past 13 years are visiting in the city, guests at You sent vour hirelings ail over We understand that Mr. l<ewis in Harney county, yet is meeting ths Louie oi Mrs. E K Waters, the country telling the asltieis that contemplates putting the building many old friends here. He will corne• of Summer and Marion I had sold out to the land grabbers, in shafie and opening a first-class remain here for an indefinite time streets, was once piomient in Ore hoping by this means to injure my cafe. with his daughter Mrs J. B. Cawl- gon public life II has been 18 business, and hence leave the "Si” Ankeny writes John Robin field.—Roseburg Review. years since Captain Waters lived country. Next cowardly plan was son that he is located at Drewsev A. R. Green, the special agent of in this city, and his experiences to give me a racket through the where he has opened a barber shop the Secretary of the Interior, re during the intervening period columns of an irresponsible news He 6.iys he will stay there until turned yesterday from the Anderson have been both varied and interest paper. All of these have failed. I Christmas, when he will return to valley neighborhood where he has am now in possession of a pre Burns. ing. l been several days examining the cm ptory notice to leave the coun “Capl. Walers is a brother of I James Moffett and tamily, of government land recently taken in W H Wale a. deceased, and the' try. This plan will also fail. Drewsey, are visiting in the city, that section under the Carey act. I uncle of the Walers brothers of' •‘ ‘When I came to this valley the guests of their old time friends. ' He has also been looking over the this city He was appointed Uni-' and began unearthing the gigantic G. A. Wright and wife. Mr Moffett tracts in this part. The Depart ted Slates Marshal for Oregon un land frauds. I knew it was at my and family are enroute to Boise to ment seems determined to look der President Grant, and held the peril but I propose to continue my attend the fair.—Ontario Argue. after the remaining domain espe ollies for five years, and during a work until I am foully murdered cially where it is trying tn be gob Mr and Mrs. W. II. Culp are in part of that time he was owner of by that gang of cowards. Come bled in large tracts as the land the Salem Statesmen His public before me you dirty currs, and I receipt of a letter from their son. steal being attempted not far from life liegan, however, prior to this will spit in your face, and you will Austin, in which he states that he Burns. time when he served two terms ill be too cowardly to resent it. J can will winter at Culver, Crook Coun the State Senate from Multnouiah be found at all times, and I now ty. and that he may continue his Canyen City Eagle. county. Th<i most eventful part of notify vou that you need not wait I trip into Washington in the Spring. Mrs. Mary Scarff and Mrs. S. I.., the captain's life followed his leav the ten days, but come at once. I II. E. Thompson and family, Bowen came over from Burns Satur-1 ing this city. He left here in 1884 will give you a warm reception.’ ” Mrs. C. W. McClain and Miss Lena day enroute to Baker City. “Captain Waters says the bluff Robertson returned Sunday from | going to the Harney Valley coun Fred Haines, the merchant and worked and he was not further dis Prairie City, where they went to at try. Il was there that he gained postmaster at Harney, Ilarnev , some prominence in contesting the turbed by the “101.,’ He remained j tend the funeral of the infant son ! county, who had come over to this claims of the settlers against tho in Burns and practiced law until a 1 ( of Mr. and Mrs. J. I), Duly, of section after fruit, started home encroaching land-grabbing cattle few months ago, when ne moved to 1 Drewaey. Monday. Mr. Haines was accum-■ Weiser where he will locate. With j men. ; panied by a number of his neigh Yesterday a freshet caused by •'When questioned about his ex Mrs. Waters he is now enjoying; the recent rain in the mountains, bors who was over on the same mis-' several month's vacation. He ' perience in this relation, Captain broke the daru at the flouring mill ' sion. drove overland across the moun-I 1 I Waters gave an interesting account north of town, thus deriving the An agreement has been filed i tains to Brownsville where he left ' of his dealings with the selfish cat and electric light plant of 1 with the county clerk of Grant I his team and came to Saletu by mill ' tlemen, w ho had acquired practic- power of operation for a few days. 1 county wherein J. C. Wooley, of, sdly a monopoly on all of the rich I train. I “Captain Waters says that all is A gang of workmen with teams are i Granite, leases to Sol. Camp, with ' and productive land in the best | engaged in fixing up the break. I the privilege of During at $8000 part of Harnev villcy. The stock- now peaceful between the settlers and the stockmen in Harney coun- ' WAGONS! WAGONS! before September 1, 1908, the men had for years held control Fourth of July ami Fourth of Julv i tv, but he says the opposition that i We will sell you a Mitchell, of these lands and, by No. 2 and Yellow Girl quartz is being offered by cattlemen to the Rushford or Webber Farm Bed misrepresentation to intending irrigation of the Harney valley Wagon ; claims io the Greenhorn district. settlers, hart defeated tlie settle : 1 3j Steal Skein $85.C0 H. E. Thompson, of Burns, ac ment and cultivation of (tie coun country, to which a protest is now 3i „ W.00 companied by his wife and two try They laid claim to the land under consideration by the state beard, is being done hr the stock 3! „ „ 105.00 ! children, Miss Lena Robertson and on the strenrth uf the assertion men for the single purjiose that Send your orders to us, O. C. Co. ; Mrs. C. W. McClain arrived in town that it was all swamp land ami1 their extensive range may not be Th* Secretary of the Interior, on ; last Friday evening from Burns on I non cultivatable, and insisted i reduced. Captain Waters is now recommendation of Commissioner ' their way to Prairie City to attend that tlsev had a right to range 4’4 years of age, hale and hearty, Hermann, has appointed R. A. the funeral of the youngest child their cattle wive re they pleased. uiid a pleasant and agreeable gen Emmett, of Keno; Nathaniel Laug- of Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Dalv, of In this way they appropriated the tleman to meet,, and a most enter ull, of Medford, and Elmer I. Apple i D'.ewoev. When coming down the richest producing lands. Upon be I taining talker.” gate, of Klaraatb Falls, to apprsis* grade to Canyon creek the team ing made acquainted with the con- j certain lands formerly a part of old I Mr. Thompson was driving ran st- ditions, Captain Waters, who al If you deaire to trade for, or buy Fort Klamath military reservation. wav, throwing the occupants out of ways did feel kindly toward the desirable town property call at thia Ths lands are to be sold at public the rig. None of the party receiv under fellow, interested himself in office. auction at not lrss than their ap ing injuries but Mrs. McClain, who behalf of tho settlers, and bsiug a , was severely bruised praised value. Qjegouiaa aud Iters«, 12.00 practical lawyer, carried lheu; <' ' •- \ , — f i NEW FALL GOODS I Proper Compounding YOUR wants can Be SUPPLIED. Call and examine the largest stock of Genera! Merchandise in Eastern Oregon. I I I Everything the best in Quality, Everything full Weight, Everything at reasonable prices. We are after your tride and will um ever honest endeavor to secure and retain it. Remember Burns Drug Store HARNEY VALLEY ITEMS. I I . I z I » •44 w, At the Pioneer Store > ______________________________________ f N. Brown & Sons I I Fall and Winter Goods We are now receiving our Fall and Winter goods dHisistiim of all kinds of Dry Goods. Bouts and Shoes. Groceries. <te Ae. Our stock of Ladies' Dress Goods, Outing Flannels. Ladies and Children Cnderwear and Shoes are unexcelled. We invite you to visit our store; inspect stock and obtain prices. We qua ran tee sat isfaction in every particular. Lunaberg & Dalton STATE NORMAL SCHOOL MONMOUTH, OREGON. Graduates of the School are h . con.-tant <i«mand at saiaews mcginxfrom tl'VOi U *100.00 ]>er month. Students take the Mud* examination« during their course in the K’houi and are preparM. to receive State Certificates on graduation. Expenses range from *120.00 to *175.1 0 per year. Strung Normal course and well equip ped TrainingjDepartiuent. The fall term opens.'Sept. 16. For catalogue containing full inl>>ruia- «ion.address E. D, RESSLER. or J B. V. Butler. Sec'y I'resitleuL W. I. TUSCH. Trejriticr. ------- BEST OF WINES. LIQUORS ANI) CIGARS.-------- f^Drioki mixed to suit your taste. Courteous treatment guarantee Your patronage Solicited. $ ( f 3 F I• & Thompson« J Successore to R A. Miller A Co. ? ' 1 ? ? J • V *< * ’ I « i