Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1902)
. I < Published in the Croatest Valley of Eastern Oregon. rhoOldefttand Most Reliable. The Best Advertising Medium. t Harney Valley Items t a T H I», M,|i,ly»e. Htuvrieliir l\a». V- Uuahtaue, Killlur and Mauager. VOL, l&, BURNS. OREGON, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER I. 1902 81.AO I'rr Vrar. Mia MuBCb» 74 Cenia. NO.49. ■» engage in coast-wise trade through I the Philippine ¡«lands will relieve ; --------- immediately tlx- interinsular freight i Roseburg Bev tsw : Euginears A situation and will impmve and i A. Liudslev itud Geo. Lyman ! lessen the cost of rice. The civil Initiative ami ltcferencuiu A- Moody, of the Great Centra! Rail CoiMlctiM-d Dfopateh«'« Gitlli«Tcd I commission intends to act at once From ail Parts of tlie Wot id. ineridtnent Noeda No tteip way Co., returned yesterday from aj on the president’s order, hoping reconnoinsance of a route over the ! thereby to avert suffering among Cascade mountains east of acre for J the poorer people. . Reports received from Siberia A special dispatch to the Orc- ( the railroad between Halt Lake ami “I do not think I am betraving say that the wheat harvest there is Hardware of Every Dote ri ption. gonian from Salem dated October ( any confidence whea I sav that ('nos Bay. This very gratifying very poor. 24th says: Major General S. B. M. Young will report is brought back, after a |>cr-1 UVUhU. OUEGON. This evening Attorney-General Frank Norris, the brilliant voting lie the next lieutenant g«*neTal of sonal examination: Blackburn renflcrcd an opinion to “This route is an entirely feasi 1 California novelist, died in ban the army,” said Major General Cur- Governor Geer, in which he hold« ■ Francisco last Saturday. ble one for a railroad.” , bin at Washington Monday. Lieu that the initiative and referendum The engineer« went out by way The great legal battle over the tenant General Miles will retire on amendment i« now in effect, and of Ped and Snowbird to the sum Stratton million« has eornmencetl account of his age next August am! that the people can avail them mit of the mountains near Dia in the district court at Colorado this declaration by General Corbin selves of its provisiotis, without mond Lake, which is reached by a Springs. is thought to have been inspire«! to any legislation prescribing u mode wagon road from east of the Cas- off set some comment on the «-fleet Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the well of procedure other than that pro esde range. They returned by the i of the ap|x-arauee of Corbin’s name H. HTZGEHU.H, F.B RIEDER. BIGGM A 1110(3 known woman suffragist, died at scribed by the amendment itself I rr»i<l«*nt, »ec’y und Treu«. Atlorrey» trail lying farther toward the north her home in New York, Sunday, . in the monthly army list next after It is known that the Governor has but came out again at Peel. The . that of General Miles, tn which he aged 87 years. I said that if legislation is necessary route lying immediately along the , is pointed out as Miles’probable before the amendment can be put North Utupqna river was not in Th« Supreme Court«»f the state successor. in effect, he will call a special ses vestigated. It is believed that to 1 <)f Washington decides that a Jap- The apprehension with which sion for that purpose. tlm-orpom'cd.) follow the banks of that stream so anes«; cannot become a citizen of the British Government views the This question ho has considered many culvert« and bridges would the United States. condition in Ireland tnav be judge«! of great importance Several days be necessary and so muny rocky Abstracts Furnished and Title Guaranteed to all Lands in Earney Bradstreets report issued last from the fact that the Chief ago he submit te«l th« matter to the County. points encountered that the road Saturday says favorable features Constable of Birmingham has is ! Attorney General and that official would be much more expensive to still dominate the trail« anil in«lus- sued a warning to all arm anil am ■W REAL ESTATE - investigated tbc subject in all its build and maintain than to go far i trial situation. Demand in munition manufacturer not to iteli bearings The opinion cites various ther away from the river where low Oillee in Bank Building Bought and Sold on Commission. many lines is greater than in 1901. good« for shipments to the pro- provisions of the amendment, shown passe« through the mountains are | Henry L. Wilson, of Spokane, claimed districts of Ireland, A it.g that the purpose was to secure found available There an entire 'i......... ............. to the people the power to initiate Minister U> Chil«-. has declined the special order has also been issued ly feasible nod practical route ha« I «>«»• l*4r*«*t««ry PROFESSIONAL cards apjHjintment as Minister to Greece, that even to such parts of Ireland !de»ircd legislation and enact the been found, presenting no great largely because of the reduction in as are not proclaimed shipments of name, indep-ndently of the Legt«- Brava I xmiuk N o . 70, K of P , difficultie« either to buikl or to salarv that would his transfer from * 058 t»ust be clearly marked as : lalurc, and to order that any act of J It MeXULLBN, Meet« every riiurmlay night. maintain. The exact location of f ®uch under pain of stringent pen I M Jor lati, < ' I ’ the Legislature be submitted to Chile. this route cannot 1« state«! until alties. 8. Mutherwliead , K of R. 8. them for upproval or rejection. I The growing importance of South PHOTOGRAPHER. Í After discussing the principles of the engineers with their instru “The title to the Panama canal ments make a definite survey- Africa as a market for products of BURNS CHAPTER, SO. 4V, O. E. H. Burnì, Oregon. construction of laws, Mr. Black is valid,” is lhe gist of the report Marte «tra-oiid airi fourth Monday of However, the line will very likely the United States is illustrated bv burn lays «lown the rule that “ a to President Roosevelt by Attorney carl« month in Maaonic l«-»ll, Vorgtlv *j*"MainSt—opposite Bank. pass over the summit a few miles some figures just received by the building Mr» M um« I.even», W M. constitutional provision may be Mr» Eunice Th<>Mp»on, So«-. north of Diamond Lake. The < leva- Treasury Bureau. In ten year« ¡General Knox on bis investigation said to be aelf-cxocuting if it sup tion of this pass is but 5400 feet the volume of American trade has ; of the offer of the Panama Company |ÿ| A RHDKN A GEARY plies atiilicient rule by mean» oL says a Washington dispatch. The BURNS l.orXiE. NO. »7, A. F. à A M. above sea level am! present« no increased nearly sevenfold. W. L. John W (Jetty, I which the right given may be en-| M«.<« Saturday on or before full moon. serious engineering difficulties. In j A dispatch from Copenhagen says next step, on the part of the Unite«l I'l'¡/tv-ia ñu tí' Sv.ryetjni. Qu.lirt-d hr«»lh«r« fraternally invited, ¡joyed ami protected or the duty fact this elevation is reached grad I the I.andsthing on Oct. 22, rejected 1 States, wiil be to negotiate and ratify < E Kinyon. W. .M. F. 8, Rieder, Burns, Oregon. : imposed may be enforced, ” Ihc Hecy. ually, making no very heavy ! the second reading of the bill pro a treaty giving to it the rights de closing clause of the amendment is manded under the casiai legislation Office «t residence. ‘Phono 20. grades. viding for the ratification of the of last session. President Roost- BURNS LODGE, NO. M, A O. 17. W. then quoted, as follow«: Owing to the near approach of | tr« aty between Denmark an«! the Meet» at Brown hall ev»rv Friday eve “Petitions and orders for the ning Visiting brother« fraternally In gitili« A BIOCS. winter it is not likely that engineer I United States in regard to the ces i velt will do every thing in hi* : initiative and for the referendum vited, rio»« Sagem. W M. Cha«. N. ing work will be undertaken in sion of the Danish West Indies to i power to secure the completion jf j. w Bin»- r>«iion niet». Cochran», Recorder ■«hall be filed with the Secretary of such a treaty iu time fur. presen the more mountainous region be Attorney t-at~Law, ; State, and in submitting the same fore spring, as storms may come on ) ’ , I the latter. . al the coming . i tation to Congress . U IKNEY IXiDti“’. NO. 77. I. O O F. UVRNH. okbgox . t<> the people he and all other offi- r i It is officially announce«! in Lon-1 short session, as he believes I ample Morta every Salimi «V evening, B own’» there at anv time. The work ol . . __ Cham- _ . ; time-inttrycnea . . lull Viatting brolti-ra fraternally in gWOffi««- in Bank building. icers shall be guided by the general locating the line between here anil ■* 1 ¡don that Colonial Secretary for accomplishing vited. Franko Jackaon,1 N. U. laws and the act submitting this Mvrtlc Point is to lie push' d right berlain has decided personally to ; this object. Should the Colutu- I C. «i. Mini h. Secretary ^ytt.tJ.iMii ¿ nrzuERALD amendment, until legislation shall along, however, as well as the first vieit South Africa ami examine on I bian government d«-la> or decline to TH« K CIRCLE. NO IM. WOMEN OF .. , the spot the problems presented bv acceed to the conditions laid down lx* especially provided therefor." M. PitcgtralC, twenty miles or more east of here. . . « , • , . . , . Woodcraft. Mrei« 2n I and till Too«- T)«ornto:i William,. the termination of the war and the • by Congress, thereby causing a The opinion holds that the pro dal al Brown'» hall. Mr». Tilli * Jordan, 1 Attoruerat I.»w. sotary Publie, This will be done «luring the win .Mr«, lone Whiting Guardian. visions of the t.mend inent provide ter and when spring opens, the settlement and the affairs in the postponement until the first scs»ioii Late, Notarial anti Rial Eitatc Cn-rk. ■of the Fifty-eighth Congress, there for the filing of necessary petitions engineers expect to carry the work i i > new colonies. Practice. is a possibility that the President with the Secretary of State; that (.'Unrch liisoiuiermeiitii. Burn». Oregon. right on through toward Salt Lake, j From authoritative sources the will acain take under consideration they proscribe the minimum num Office in Masonic building Locally the work is progressing correspondent Associated Press has Sunday School at Harney the the construction of the canal over ¡her of legal voters whose names more rapidly than at any time. I(>arne«l that Fram*e, Great Britiar. fir»t Sunday of each month at 10 p M. JORDAN. shall be signed thereto; that they heretofore. The depot site has been an,l Germany have concluded an the Nicaraguan route. The opinion On the second, o’clock, A M prevails her«, however, that a provide the rule for determining definitely staked out and materials agreement providing for the Mili- third ami fourth Sunday» of each Practical Land Surveyor. treaty of satisfactory character will whether or not each such jetition are now being hauled upon the jary evoeua’iut; of Shanghai by month at X o'clock P M P reach- Burnii OregoQ, has the requisite number uf names i he negotiated, and that the first ground for the erection of head- their forces. An open door policy Sunday ing service« everv second steps looking to the «•onstniclkm of legal voters attached to it; and quarters buildings, upon which* ¡g m ho carried nut in the future, lt d P M. g W. MH I.KK, a -anal will ho undertaken early that when the petition iR filed, all carpenters will begin work fnrimr- I ,, , ... At the Presbyterian church A trolley eat ami an automobile next war. that is necessary is that he shall Burns, Rev. A. J. Irwin pastor. Notary Public and Cenriyancer, submit the matter as pclitione«l ___ collided in New York, Sunday, and Divine services the third and fourth Mortrac««. Deed'. Etr . correctly utile. ...___ .. 22 passengers on the were in- iI S tate of < I iiio .C ity of Tot*:i>nj - for. 1 he remtntis of .lun lounger, , , , , , iturnu, Oregon. Sundays of each month at Ila. tu. (AfTiue ut Sture. It is hehl that the provisions for’ .1,. ___ _ interred ____ _ ;.. ..-J'«"'* lh«.ugh it is l»elieyed no L cscas Cot ntv . the bandit ’ were in the and 7:iU) p. m. Sabbath school at fataliv. A man ami two women | Frank .1. I’heney mak<-ao-atf« tiiarf. submission of a measure is manda Cti.iilv lot in the Lee’s Summit. I I (one • I • • 10 a. tn. every Sabbath morning. H. VOLP, A. M , M. D. tory upon the Secretary of State. t who oceunietl the automobile and he is senior partner of the firm of I Mo! ■ ccmeterv last Fridav The * whose names eotihl not. be aseet- F. J. Cheney ,V C«»., doing business i The opinion holds, therefore, that Preaching »ervicea at the Baptist Phyiician and Surqeon, pallbearer* were ohl associate* of tained. together with the chafTeur, in the City of Toledo. County and the amendment “ supplies a suf- • church every 1st and 2nd Sundays, the Younger*, members of Quan iW “ Otfice at residence. esea tied injury. licieut rule L>y moans of which the State aforesaid, and that said firm morning and evening. Sunday . trel’s band, and aiming the mourn UuriiN, Oregon given may bo enjoyed and will pay the sum of One Hundred school every Sunday at 10 a. tn. Vice Admiral Lor«i Charles Beres ers were several who had fought protected ” And that it is there- with Quantroll, Price and Shelby ford who has just returned to Eng | Dollars for emd* anti everv case id prayer meeting every Thursday ) -- ----- evening. tire self executive and now in force ¡Catarrh that eanuot be cured by I ! land from a visit to this country | {t he use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. and effect. Services at Chriatiau Selene -------- James J. Hill, president of the says: “If Great Britain and the iu ’ wk papera bave lutei? gl ve ri currency Frank J. CI hoh - v . Hall. cort>er east of the Batik, even fo Man? United States were joined in the reputi* liy irr« sponMbto partios t<» tliueflect who built the Great Northern railroad told in I ! George Hull, Sworn ft» before me ami i-uLseril«- f hai Sunday at lla. ni. and 8 p. m the hearing of the government’s interests of universal pence, anti if ed in my presence, thisGth «lav <» THE NEW HOME SEWINfl MACHINE CO 'Cardiff Giant, ” is dead here sn vs Service Wcdtigsdav evenings at 8. hiul <’nt« ri ti ii frutti or ■•oiuhlntitlo»; we wlnli ■ the rest «if the world wanted to fight Binghatnpton, N. Y., dispatch case against the Northern Securi these countries, then let the rest of ■ December, A. D. 1SS6. Everylfitdy is invited to attend t.» ut-uro ih-- publlc fluii li» re I h nu trulli li> .neh rr|Mrt». We bave tx«ci> nianiittictarlng o the New York World Hui’« ties company, why the Northern * the world look out.” A. W.G)ea«on. these services. tewlng itca-lilnmlorov« riinuiirt. rofaccntu- • seai . ■ Notary Public. vho was something of an inventor, Pacific and the Great Northern I ry, iiu.l bave <«tubl|»ÌM'<i ur<-pututlou torour- u lv. « unti olir iiiiii-hiti’ «tliut 1.« thè euvy of all bought the Burlington system. Ina report upon the accidental vas credited with having initnu- so YCAwr othvis. Our •• A«-«r nitrite" machine liti» Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in- '^^^■^.EXPKRIENOE iicv.-r I h . n rlvtik ci uh ti luinily ititicliin.-.- It t'actured in 1868 the figure men- The principal reason was togain death of President Roosevelt’s ntiitid« ut tu Inulti ofall Hl»h limile «cwlng mat-hln. H,uml »turni» <m U h tuoi merita. ■ ioned. It was said to have been the westbound shipments in order bodyguard \V. A. Craig, and the ternally. and acts directly on the The •• JVetr Hume." in thè only rtullu made from stone secured near to avoid hauling empty cars west injury of President Roosevelt ami blood and mucous surfaces of the Itimi GUAItE Scici ny .Vachine un thè. market. Fort Dodge,la. The “Giant” was for the Great Northern’s heavy Secretary Cortelyou at Pittsfield system. Sent! for testimonials. Irtv- ttlsnot nto-.-wiry for usto enti rlntoatniKt F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, <L aken to Cardiff, the story runs lumber traffic from the state of last month, the Board of Railway tu Miveunr ernlll or |my uuy ili lite uh we luivo TRADC MARKS lioillbtH to p.iy. Wc huve n> ver i ntt reti tufo Solti by all Druggist, 75c. Commissioner* find that the re Washington. md was later dug up as a relic of Otsiaos <nhi|«t II ion wlth miitiuiactun r» oí low grolle CorvwiQMTe Ac. tìv tip intieliiiii h tliot ore Iliade tondi rt gard- prehistoric races. It caused sponsibility of the accident rests Hall’s Family Pills are Che l«'sc. An,no, M«U|n« « ,kM«-b and ««MvlBtk'n nm, |<-M uf iiny lntrln»li! nu-ritn. Po noi bc <le- «pili-li, „« M <■«, M , m« whMIicr with the motormaa of the electric TO ci ne a < oti» in one day in,«iiik>n pnmalily iMtMiteN«. « oniniunle». <•« iv< <1, wlieu you hi - w lui? luueliinedoii't siderahle speculation at the time I l»m «t ri.Hly < <>MM*nU«l. Iluidknok Hl l',t«ii<« ,. mi your tm :iey uwu.v (rom liomu; culi un u ’ ear which ran into the PresiUeat's nr ». I iron, lltitrat o«,m, S« Mrermf ,>,m«,. and was widely discussed. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine I-atan«« i aken lliriHi«b Mmm Ato. raclr« •• Arto Itnme " llenler, he i-ui» nell yon u bell, r iiiueJiitiv for k s» «han you etili purcliatu io/ «wkk«, wlthoMt aharwa. In lk«i | Tablets. All druggists refund the carriage. «-¡iwiwhvn*. li tli<-re I» no dealer tirar you, write illroet to uh . A Manila dispatch says it is ba Hearing in the case of the State money if it fails to cure. E. W. A ban.>«o'«,l, IlInMrated wwkl,. J*ra«aCdr TN» Bignataro ia on every bos of Iba gvauia« Wmi W « THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO of Minnesota against tho Merger Grove’» signature is on each box. lieved that President Roosevelt’«- . nlaflon of an, adanMIl« tournai. Tarin». vaar ; tour montea. ,L BoM krall nowaAaalar». Ijnative Rromo Quinine tom «» ORANOE, MAS‘3. 25c. order permitting foreign vint Is to •a» rouwly tint v«uv» u eeM In »n- -I’T MUNN ACo.M’,’**"»NiBwTorl( New York, rbioagn. 111., et. I nule, Mix, Attin bagan at St. Paul Wednesday. LAW NOW IN EFFECT Geer& Cummins I NOTINANYTRUST P atents w m hiti o iihh mi Sdentine Hmerkan. üiBNt.u >.»< 4 h F !»t.. i». r. ta, un.. Palla». l'ex.. Han t'r.incl»«*', *'al. F»*Mlble Ituutc Fur ltaflrouU. GENERAL NEWS