Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1902)
DON’T USTEN Slaug in K«tnentIon Oregon Notes THE HOME GOLD CuRE (President Had. oi Clark Uni need An Ingenious Treatment by whleh Several of the country schools in versity. save ; “Bov» i it To what people sav when the»- wonh) slang It's good for them Let Polk County are unable to meurv Drunkards are Hvdug Cured Daily U icoursje your hope yi exchanging oowanfy wenkne« and sickn««s fot ]>e: teachers, and some ot them may them use it. Hl.wg aids the hot or in Spile of Themselves. *ect health \V<»uien who have Jwen girl of from 14 to 19 years of age to l avali«!» for years, scarcely »Me to be ’ j> remain closed all winter. So Noiiou* Poses. So Weakening of half the tiiiie, Uhl acquire fluency ’’) the Serves. A PleasaHl and Posi Frnnk Strong, foimer president i ! t!»e «Ahtt F ib "I Aw I cheese the cultured layout; tive Cure for i he l iquor Habit. their lime spent in of the Oregon Stale university, was t-e.1. hate hem Cut out the brainy talk, nia>le health v. last Saturday installed as chan I It is now generallv known and This wise guy has it coppered, hearty woii-eu tn cellor of the university of Kansas undrrelood that Drunki-uvss uadi- the u»e of And he wins in a walk. lhene’s lavonte Incendiaries made another at sea** and not weakness A body fill Get onto education — lTescription. It ed with poison, and nervt-sooiuplrto cure» the womanly tempt last Friday to destroy Port \ ou'll nab it in a bunch. <li«ea«e« which tin Stevens at the mouth of the Colum lv shattered bv periodical or con If you’re like old Columba» dern-ine the st ant use of intoxicating liquors, re- strength. It e< bia. Efforts to find the inceniaries, And follow up your hunch. t.ibliahe-i re^'.l.i'- ¡quires at> antidotc capable of neu- live within the fortifications, who itv, dries weiu en Who was the luck that figured ing drain«, he»;» have proved futile tralizinr and eradicating thia poison Similar efforts This lot of grammar dope? inHanunation an. I and destroying the craving for in u leer at ion an. I to burns the post were made some Oh, pass him up’ He,« nutty, cure» female weak time ago toxicants. Sufferers may notv cure What us kids need is rope. ness. themselves at borne without pub- "With ptetou. I The mine owners and operators We're next to all the gabble — «end a lew hne% d *«•<. ' licitv or loss of time from business vou know th««t '. :* of the Baker City district have or But when we're due to balk miK'h better than ? by thia wonderful "HOME GOLD eight year« beu re tak ganized for the purpose of securing Is when the teacher orders Hg *our Fav Hl*" ' CURE" which has been perfected Preacrip’.ioc ' wiiTr- a change in the recent order of the A first class string of talk. Mra Fierce »ieiae t after many years of close study and Weal Philadelphia Secretary of the Iuterior creating Street Yota. Petr- - That gazabo — that Euclid — treatmentof inebriates. The faithful *» Will recommend Hr. the Eastern Oregon forest reserve. - . • « itiedi.ine to everv person wh«- iaa\ • He rubs against my nerves use according to directions of this - t uhat it ha» done for me I A »nesting was held and it was re •d with female weakues» and Veve-» ' With all his ruzx'e-dazzle wonderful discovery is positively nk : w. ini never e well ll I liad» u»t»n- solved to invite Senator .Mitchell r .i.-jtrneut pretcnhJid by my ck.-.t- r I »1 ’• t On getting onto curves. guaranteed to cure the moat obsti kr n what w >uM have bee line of me UNm to visit Baker City and look into treatrie : waa c n.tneuced mv we»< a o « And history? Say fellows. nate case, no matter how hard a . 4: present it 1» • • Have nenlth* » the condition of affairs. I mv »ar I! *-k well. he*' thank-» It jolts me up a lot drinker Our records show the mar ■< a- d tu> t-eat a n >ea b K-r w- at jvit e «¿one for me.” The Secretary of tho Interior, on To read how some old has-been velous transformation of thousands l-avorite Prescription ” tnokrs weak recommendation of Commissioner Was Johnny on-the-spot. of Drunkards into sober industri men strong, sick women well. Ac- t no substitute lor the niolicin? Hermann, has appointed R. A ous and upright men. Say, this slang education win.’» works wonders for weak women, Emmett, of Keno; Nathaniel Lang- WIVES CURE YOUR HUS die C unmon Sense Medicsl Ailvirar, Will cop out all the trade, S large page« in P*pvt cover«, i« sent ell, of Medford, and Elmer I Apple BANDS!! CHILDREN CURE We’ll pass around our language on receipt of it one-cent stamps t gate. of Klamath Falls, to appraise YOUR FATHERS!!This remedy ia expense ot' mailing ealv. Adilrwa A la Professor Ade. certain lands formerly a par. of old K V. Fierce. Buffalo, N. Y. I in no sense a nostrum but is a ape- The comi ng school commencement Fort Klamath military reservation. I cific for thia disease only, and ia so Will be extremely fly AU/ADTUV ClirrrQQnn The lands arc to be sold at public skillfully devised and prepared that With hot stuff umpalazsas WUninT OULUCOOUn ianction at nU less than lheir ap- it ia thoroughly roluble and pleaa- About the ‘‘Goo-Goo Eyes.” "Something New Uuder the Sun. • praised value. — Baltimore American anl to the taste, so that it can be given in a cup of tea i»r coffee with It has been definitely decided All doctors have tried to cure that the Oregon Short Line will out lhe knowledge of tho person Snap bhots. <’ ATARRH bv the use of powders ' build and operate on the Pacific taking it. Thnusands of Drunkards a id gases, inhalers and drugs in Ocean at least one line of Oriental The clock never strikes for short have cured thctuselvee with thia nu-te form. Their powders dry up steamers and a coasting service as er hours. i priceless remedy,aud as many more die mucuoua membranes causing great as the tratlic may demand. The grass widow sometimes finds have I wen cured and made temper them to crack open and bleed. The The headquarters of tho service ate men by having the "CURE" ad herself in clover. powerful acids u*ed in the inhalers will be at Portland and it is thought A wise man never gives advice ministered by loving friends and have entirely eaten away the same possible that another port on the relatives .without their knowledge until he is a«ked membranes that their uinkers.liave Coast will be opened to this navi in coffee or tea. and believe today A bigamist is a man with more to .cure, while pastes and that they discontinued drinking of gation in the near future. wives than brajns. <>: tuients cannot reach thedisease f their own free will DO NOT WAIT Many a fellow has gotten a bad An old and experienced practioner Do not be deluded by apparent and WAGONS! WAGONS! fall from th«-tree of knowledge who Las for many years made a misleading "improvement ” Drive We will sell you a .Mitchell. ><>•««- study and specialty of the Candor compels mine m«-n to ad nut the disease at once and for all Rushford or Webber Farm Bed treatment of CATARRH, has at I mit that they are above the aver time. The”HOME GOLD CURE' is Wagon : 1 »«t je’rleeted a Treatment which age. sold at the extremely low price of •9>i Steel Skein $85.C0 »■• Io n faithfully used, not only re The difference between a jmaition One Dollar, thus placing within .. 9000 lieves at once, but permanently un the point of arul a job depends reach of every body atreatment more 3 J „ ., 105.00 <• ires CATARRH, by removing th- v.ew. effectual than others costing 125 to Send your orders to us, O. C. Co. ■ ri«-. stopping the discharge«, and ♦50 Full directions accompany extern fioraneotia It takes an For a bilious attcck take Cham curing all inflammation. It is the each package '-pecial advice by speaker to talk fluenti» about only remedy known to science that berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab skilled physicians when reunested nothing. :i I'uilly reaches the afflicted parts, let» and a quick cure is certain without extra charge. Sent prepaid Before some preacher* coi.d- iun ibis wonderful remedy is known. For sale by H M. Horton, Burns ; to anv part .of the world on receipt a sin they investiga e its financial r.x “SNI FFLES the’ GUARAN Fred Haines, Harney. ot One Dollar Address Dept 11491, standing. TEED CATARRH CURE,” and if WOOD.—Good Juniper wood EDWIN B.GILES A- COMPANY, The uses of adversity may be 2380 and 2332 Market Stieet, Phil .-•>ld at the extremely low price of por Haje ¡n any quantity. Prices < >ne Dollar, each package contaii- going up. Cali E. Huston sweet but it is apt to sour a man’s adelphia Call on on W. W. E. All correspondence strictly con- disposition. i c internal and external medicine in the Dnrkhcimer building, ’ fidential. suili -ient for a full month's treat-’ A Remarkable Record. Jorgensen is still to the front ment and i-vervthing necessary to Chambet Iain’s Cough Remedy BOTICK TOM PUBLICATION, with low prices. Cali and see his i’- perfect use. has a remarkable record. It has U H Land nflee, Burna, Oregon, Sept. 22, \W2 line of watches, clocks, jewelry, SNUFFLES” is the only per- been in use for over thirty years, Notice ia hereby civen that the following, named aettler has filed notire of hia intention f.-i-t ( ATARRH CURE ever made statiutiary, etc. during which time many million tn make final proof in aupport ef hia claim an< and is now recognized as the only For Sale—Hay at #5 per ton with Imttles have been sold and used. It that said proof will be made before Kegiaterand Receiver at Burna, Oregon, on November 1, -afe ami positive cure for that an- good pasture and plenty of water. has long been the standard anil 1FW. via m.ying and disgusting disease. It Enquire of Ira Stubblefield. Daniel W. Jordan, main reliance in the treatment of cures all intlamation quickly and HU entrr No. *16. for the 81%. Sec f, Tp 25. Clubbing rat’s given with any croup in thousands of, vet . ft MM K w M- I ■■rnifinently and is also wonder- naruea the following witBewaea to prove i illy quick to relieve HAY FEVER paj<-r or periodical published in during all this time no case has hi& He continuoua roaidenee upon aud cultivation i or COLD in the HEAD. the United States. ever been reported to the manufact of »aid land, via ’ ATARRH when neglected often J L Sits. Noah Oard, H F. Ileinc and Vet Jorgenson repairs watches and urers in which it failed to effect a Jameaoo, all of La wen. Oregon. I- I Is ».»CONSUMPTION— -8NUF cure. When given as soon us the W m FatkR, Keglaler will save vou if vou use it clocks. M ">rk guaranteed. I'Ll child becomes hoarse or even as a’ • iii-e. It is no ordinary remedy. NOTICK TOK PUBLICATION. I nt a complete treatment which is Mr. D. I’. Daugherty, well known soon as the croupy cough appears, j, -«Lively guar infeed to cure throughout Mercer and Summer I it will prevent the attack. It is U H, I «and office. Burnt. Oregon, Sep*. 1?, 1902. Not’ce 1» hereby riven that the following • ATARRH in any form or stage . I aeeordmg to the direction W . \ a . most likely owes I pleasant to take, many children timed »etiler La« filed net I re of bln intention if used It contains no opium or to make final proof in support of Uiw claim and wlii -h accompany each package, his life to the kindnessof a neigh- like it. that »aid proof will be made before Itrgiatcr D i i’t d«-lav but send for it at once bor. He was almost hopelessly af- other harmful substance and may and Receiver at Burns, Uregori, on October iind writ«- full particulars as to dieted with diarrhoea : was attend lie given as confidently to a baby Z», (Ms Vie Mark A. Kanarvn. vour condition, and vou will re ed bv two physicians who gave nitn as to an adult. For sale bv H. M. ¡Id entry No. 1094. h»r Inn 4E^NVV%, Section ive special advice from the dis- Tp rt. a . k w. m • little, if any, ro.ief. when a neigh- Horton, Burna; Fred Haines, Har a, lie niuie* the iollowiuit witnear^a tn prove vrer of this wonderful remedy ney. B' m rontiuuo K rwxideuce upon and cultivation 111.vour ease without coat to bor learning of his serious condi- nrdiiig of »aid land, via: i h' voi»d the regular price of tion. brought him a Lottie of Cham* Henry Jenning«, Thomas Baker, Joseph 'NUFILES" the ‘ "GUARAN- bcrlain'e Colic, Cholera and Diar- Buchauan a; 4 Henry Caldwell, ail of Burna, o Tonx ri>v »» ’ TIED CATARRH CURE. ’ Ilu tad Y h H in la^ Oregou. rhoea Remedy, which cured him in DrarstU Wm, Farr**, Keel hier. >• nt prepaid to any address in Eigirtua tin- Unit«-«! States or Canada c-n re- t less than twenty-four hours, For rf «->-pt of < >ne Dollar. Add re«? Dept sale by H. M. Horton, Burns; Ered II 1’1 EDWIN B GILES & COM Haines. Harney. Bauratk» Kpalm PANY. ’’AJO aud 2332 Market TRY A it <tr<-et, Plii)a«lelphia. stop the Cough miti Work oft'tlie Cold. I ax itivf Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure. N > pay. Price 25 cents. \ I s . and r weal ■* !.i . * .•' efiec: <c hi.-’»Ci.* treated * ?.h Lt reka Hir- r.e'3 C*il. it re- — th- damp, . '•< ; b ■. tr <ft 'id p i- UuK. £: 'chea do net btci.k. No roti '; *ur- fac- to chafe arid cut. 'il hamcM net only keep* !«■ in • n*w, ’ r we«rs iw. e ìfUREKÀ H arness CASTOR IA < O Bran Ue Stgutsn •t ta» - a I*» «—e -«. «. .•. '« H>M Atwan JVIarlin THIS TRIP 1MTPS TtAjFCWtV 2X VM ItAJfCTQar MsM»« et 5» ye/tfs •« lW v«r<a »«»Me • •! «Mbw M« Ta tn*. ▼•AJTCTOtr. M» m A* at ISO «arda VaA4..<m» Tbe Up-to*daHi »rm id Inib »over rrgeartr» it the JI 40 Marltri with .Sfrrl ««ing 1J-4O Frwrt Car- * I'Wg*« Thia <:»rm4gzj bit a v» tacfiV uf a*cr 2,<nK) feet p«-' vnb -.iinae Oat frajvciory aod gT«»t killing povar. Bears the OREGONIAN and ITEMS, one Year, for $2.00. For Winter Reading vou cannot And a more liberal offer. If any of the above, however, do not strike you us what vou want, write us. we will give you a good liberal clubbing offer with anv periodica) publish'd in the United Stales Don't put it off. New is your time Address. The Southern Oregon S'a » Normal School opens Wednesday. September 10th Full faculty ; improv.d building; exhaustive course of studv ; each department filled bv a specialist Latin and economics added for the benefit of those pre) «ring to leach in High Sch ols. but are optional. I2IMI in ca-h prizes for excel knee in oratory ami athletics. Fx|s ns. s light; soria' conditio is ideal Send for catalogue. B. F MULKEY, Pre-ident, CI J F FORD TH(»M AH. Secretary siiuilar publication. THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE EARMER is made absolutely for farmers and their families. The first number was issued November "th, lWd. Ev ry department ol agricultural in>1'>»*ry is covered bv special contributors who are leaders in their respective lines, and the TRIBUNE FARMER »ill he in every sense a hijrii class, up to date, live, enterprising ngrii-nltural paper pro fusely illustrated »¡th pictures of live stock, model farm buildings and homes, agriculturtl machinery, etc., Farmers’ wives, sons and daughters will find special pages for entertainment. Regular price |l per year, with Hl Mb 11X0. Addn sr 1*11 MS, I urns Or. BICYCLES BELOW Ü09T E AAA hl oft orna» Vuarnntaod 1009 MOOi, •11|IlII ovfist.H k of one of th«- Ix-m known fl« ft . fw-torlua ot Oxi country, secuml ¿hjfl [C by ua kt oDti-half cost. Foaae A»o</ato ....... VW 1900 and 1901 Models Jÿ* |7 f0 $|] Catalogue with large photographic engrat-iog» uml full detailed stx?ciflcatJonH tent Jrcc to tiny ml ln ss. We SHIP ON APPROVAL to anyoue in U 3 or Canada a c>-f >r .--6o>oe and alii lODÄYSm ‘¡Ld. ; «.> jcu .. no l'iule in ordurlnH noeti to pay a cent if tbe bicycle does Dot suit you. SOO SEOOND-HANÌ) WHEELS l»k»'n in tr*»* by our ChlcMno ret alati ore». n nd n rd niakra, many food an new,. Qv IV VU t.anndrlca.aportfncwnrwla of allkbid. t IU r. Tir»«», ••«ftiiymenl«ar «ir^ry ratei.,. A ...rid *'f Infornali. , Urr.-i .11. nr1c” fn r.ttr big ?rw avisdi, _____ _ ___________ ~ In rsch town t Io unti calili>11 u jiie 1WJ model Hrjrcl«. In your hi>an» time you can make F M ’<j kigiauj a wiw’k tauridas navlng’ a whm?l to H<|<» for yourM-lf. a pvllftbta In each town to <1 latri lai Ut uatalofriii- for us in exchange 'or a bicycle. Write ladar for frvn *atBl«iie and our bp* • »ftar. h » RIDER ROEHTS W1NTED For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought To any one rending us fl fiO, one year’s aubacription to the ITIMI, we will mail the Chicago Woexiy Inter-Ocean one year free, or to any one «ending uh three oualt aubacription lor the two paper we will give a year'« subcriplion to each paper free, everywhere in can»— atl abet. Made by Standard Oil Corr piny It*« MAMUN Fine ARMSCOMFANV hiw comm , v a a. J.L. HEAD CYCLE CO Okicas-C .<>!