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About Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1902)
F l he Initiative <1 Referendum THF LOST OPI’oR Tl NI TY. that this part of the state uill be i long without another such opportu received 19!) vol«-» >»r a tnajority of — - Mr Furnish’s home pajx-r, the nity and the les*«'ti thatsoiueot < in this county, ami amiething over tJO.Oflu votes in the stilt«1. This Pendleton Tribune, r« ferrittg to Lis the republican* have assayed to tench will come horn«' to their. A is the first constitutional amend defeat, suts: principle of vast importance to ment that ever received a majority The reverses th it came to th«» Eastern Oregon lias been sacrificed vote of the people of Oregon. republican party Monday full on the altar of personalities, false y S ITI ROA Y JUNE 11 I ' heaviest on Eastern Oregon. It were hoods ami calumnies, «lisappoint- According tootlicial figures, pro better that th«1 attempt hn<! not ments and jealousies and when the The Kind You Have Always llmiglit, mid which I iiim beeu mulgates! by Secretary R'ot. the l«eeu imide to secure u state otlice injustice that has been dour is In us«' for «iter .30 xeni-'. Inis born«' the slgimtur«' of i rcciepta in tn«' Philippines since There’« a limit to everything, tor th«- people of that part of the righ’ed the citizens of Eastern — nnd lure livcii nmd«« uiiiler Ills per- even democratic obstruction. The American occupation, have been state, l ilt it was not lielieved that ()i«>g«m, who contributed to i1 s <le- f sonai sti|»«rt Islon sin««- its liifmoj. ** • Allow no olio to<l«»«’elve you In tills. Senate has passed the Philippine greater by ♦ S,l.'»S.2tX) than the ex they would be so short sighted as debut, will feel the sharp pangs penditures for governmental pur All Coiiuterfelta, Iniltntloire and •». Itisi*. is-g««o<l ” nre liuti bill. to vote against their own interests. frequent, ami be ashamed of their i poses in the islands Thia, of course Uvperlnients Unit tritìi« u llli mid entlanger tli<> beultli <»f The disappointment that came to lack of foresight ami the prejudices i lutanti« and Children I'vpcrieiie«« agulust lApcrinienU does not include military o fiera- W.J. Furnish as an individual that led them to pur re such a What has become ofth«» prophets tions. who were a short time ago so posi .should be equallc«l be th«1 disap- course. tive that the Senate would not take i ¡«ointment every Eastern Oregon It was because its blunt truth- citizen shotil«! feel m his defeat. The jury in the celebrate«! Bal- Castorin is a lmrnil« «s substitut«» for Castor Oil, Piirc- up the (.'anal lull? go.le, l>rop:« mid Soolliing Sirups, It is I'leireuilt. It fulness hurt them so much that the Mr Furnish has accepted the re ' lift cast in tire United Stales court eontains ueitlier Opinili, .Morphine nor other Nurcotle b« ing at Dea Moims. Iowa, aft« i Was the ui-h father to the cemocrats declared President Roose- sult very manfully an ! not a iionl Mibsian«'«1. its ng«» is it . i.tiaraiilee. It «lestroy« VX orma out six hours, rendereti a verdict of th.night when Mr Brian predict*«! ve'1 ‘ magnificent Memorial Dav of complaint has been heard from lind iillir.s I '«-i eiisliiiess. li eures lii.irrlorii und \V lu«l Coli«-. It iiili«>v«-s Teething 'Trouilles, «'tires Coiisilpnllou civil war in Cuba? We trust not speech to be inappropriate. Mo«t him. He is made of th«1 material guilty I’hursiiay ofla't we« k, Bal persons think that a more appro liet i* the owner of th« Baker City amt t'tatiil' iic». li asshiiilates tin» l'«»o«l, r«-gulut«<s thn of which men nre made, not babe*, but it looks suspicious. Stoni.«< h ami ltou<-|., ghlng healthy nuil natural sleep. priate dav to speak good word* of ami be is still a republican uml Herald, and the promoter of th«1 The t liildn n’s I’niau'ea The .M« tiler's I'rleuil. the American army could not be »tiling to work for lhe interests of While Swan Mining ('<■>. au«l H I* Detnocracv’* shortcomings tire so chosen. ■ his party ami the people of this «•(aimed itsc«l th« mail in this lat iiu r.erous that it is unnecessary to GENUINE ALWAYS Oregon, in spite I ter connection to defraud th«- pub ’ county ........... .. anti ’ Eastern .......... ......... ................... Tiatiie them in detail to those who Senator Patterson, Henry Wat of the fact that they “turned down' lic. lie Inis taken an .i]>|wal. nre at all familiar with political his cundidai v for the governorship terson, and other big democrat s » history. lie will not allow his defeat to uf The hor«e rustling story which will have to give the country some feet his career ns a business man wa* circulate«! here lust w«ck. and guarantee that they will not change The Baker City IDcmocrat .*n»s. and a citizen of Umatilla county, of we published an aecoui t, by the aid of kind Providence and their present opinions about the nor his loyalty to republicanism, was probable a hoax. Sherill republican votes, the d.-tnoerat' of Philippines as easily as they did but he cannot prevent it from nt Lawrence w:i* unnble to tin«! ai.y Oi-ego.i have elected (.¡»■urge E. those expressed bv them several feeling the future ot Eastern Ore trace of ll «• all«-g«<! rustler* Th«* years ago before they can hope to Chamberlain governor make a dent in public sentiment. gon. He has, however, the satis ban«! ->f horses were umlisturb«-«' faction ot knowing that he did hi* — \ .«!« < ia'i-lte. part and tint the blaui* lies chef- Mr. Bryan wasn’t invited to at Secretary Moody’ in a tine speech Iv with the people who wrought Mental science is all right f< r ten«! that democratic club meeting before the Michigan Republican ' | lie downtaii. if such it mav be call heurtaeh« s an«l things like that, which is t«i lie ad«lrcssed bv Mr. but it has t<> take to the woods club, on repubücan policies, utter- cd. for the time Cleveland which imlicated a ilesire I e«l one sentence that deserves atten whet. it meet* u good oil t ishto'ivd The causes of Mr. Furrisl« ’ * de- « to spare Mr. B’s fveiings. I . s lilt lit », ItltiGH A ItlGtiH m . i'iTZt;i:i< \i i». «•as«- of rheumatism. tion. localise it relates to one of feat aie unfortunate to sav the least I I i « »ident st « *y .«ml '• e, «i». Atlori ry* the most extraordinary «-vents in He was made the victim of false The supreme court of Idaho has history—“You may search all re- charges am! malicious eland« r of The truly vi*«- mm groans und-r :itlirm-«l th«1 validity of the I aiv corded history an«l you can find no which he was never guilty. It is the burden ««f In* wisd-in. None which prohibits sheep owners from parallel to the relations of this re fortunate that h- never \swip«-d” ti will case him of it and none w ill grazing their flocks within tiro public to the Island of Cuba ” I iicorporn'«'d.) melon when a l«ov nr the ta- t would "top to u*k him where and how lie mil-* «if inhabit«'«! dwellings. have been published far uml wide gol il- \' -tr'< t* Fiirn sh«-«' an«l Title Gn irantts-d to alì Lami* in l.arn«'y The daring break of convicts Thete accusations were brought in Th«- harmony and enthusiasm in Countv. his own county ami the leaven State* that have held republican Merrill and Tracy at the state leavened the whole state. I hey REAL ESTATE conventions this year shows how pn«on. mondai*, is the first effort were *prea«i alike by democrats and ••Something New Inder the Suu, ’ visionary 1 ho democratic hopes of <>f the k’nd in almost 20 years. On j« alous republicans and fanned in Bought n»i<| Soul on <'uiuminbioh. Otlice in Bunk Unii ling. July o. 1S83. there was it general controlling the next House are. All doctors have tried to «-ure to a blaz«1 ny democratic cam- mutiny at the prison, and fourteen puigners, The fact that he was a CATARRH bv lire use of |«owd«r«. prisoners broke through th«? gates, Gen. Leonard Wood says there- four of whom were killed, two bunker perhaps a**iste«i the belief acid gu-e«. inhslers 3« <1 «irtigs in I ar«-no beggars in Cuba, but the wounded and all th«.- survivors ex that he was a "boodler.” u “free pa*te form. Their pow«b-rs «Irv up new* from the island indicates that cept one were captured and return booter.” etc There ass rtious, of the mueuouH uemt«r«ne* causing course, were absolutely untrue but, them to era« k op*-n un«l l«ivr«l Tin- to- wa* mistaken, as beggars for of- ed io the prison. nevertheless, they made goo«l cam- powerful acids used in tin- inhalera fu** are as numerous over there as paign stuff and Mr, Furnish be have entirelv eaten away lhe same ul him««'. The latest news from Washing came lhe victim of traducer* whose membrane* lhat their maker* hav»- I <«r bi\t% )»*.«!*» I lie VH1K WI.EKI Y .N b hio» brt*n 11 national ton gives reassurances of the early lread«|U«rter* werein his home city. aimed to cure, while pastes and n»« ki\ i c• p.4j»« r, r«1 ,t i»iu*i • ntiiflv by (nr.iicrR, and ¡ ims the conti S-matnr McCumber corr -ctlv sai«i ointment* cannot r» uch the dis«-u*«'. <it i < <• and MUpjoit of tin- Aint*ri<*an propiu to h «iegrre nt*ver attaineil by any that when the Constitution « f the passage of the irrigation bill A Other cases of less significance en An ol«t and «-xp'.-rienced (tractinner ainnlar publication. THE tered into bis defeat, the result* of I’. S. was adopte«! a nation was late dispatch savs: National legis who has for many year* mad- a to isti- ■ difficult which would be NEW-YORK TRIBUNE EARMER «•reate 1 with all the powers of St. v lation for the reclamation of the Simon's « close study and ►(¡«•cialtv of the mate separately, Sena'or arid public lands is assured before i< iiih 'I«- loisnliit■•'» for furi««« «* und tii«-ir iulnilxu. Thv first mnetier »»• ismird of »■reignty. including the right against treatment of CATARRH, has at influence was doubtless yi«>v-nil>« r 7lI«, ’!»!«!. the- adjournment of the present aiding toit? territorial domain. I .v rr 'l«'pirtiii«-fit of a»rr'<->■ !t>>r.«I in I ,»' ri :» <-«>v«-rvil l«v «|n»« ial rontrilMltor* Congress, The scheme will be in him. Governor Geer also was out la«t ji<-rf«-ct«-d u Treatment which win. in- l«-uil«-r* in their n--|*-i I«»«• line», and tin* TRIIIt'.NE l AlCMEli «ill I« when faithfully used, not only re accordance with President Roose of sorts and remained in tin ill hu in <-vt-rv «•»•!> «• it fn_-!i < I <i-*, up to« , liv«-, «-nlerpii>*iiix arreni turai |M|x-r. pro- Th«1 republican party is perfect lieves ut once, but permanen ’ lv velt’s recommendation—an im mor. While he wus disappointed fii««-ly illustrati«! with pictiir« s oí loe »t«« k, inixiel furi«« building* und boma««, ly willing to stami bv th- record provement to prornot- home build because he fa tie I t«» be renominat «•urea CATARRH, by removing th- avricnltnril nia<'liitn*’yr, «•!«-., insde bv Congress and the l arrni-ru' wiv«'». *<>na un«l <langbt«»r* wil) (bul sp«-< pugt-s for rntertair.nient. ing. instead of in the interest of the ed his bitterness might have been cause, stopping th- discharges, and istration. The former isn’t com K«-ulur j ri««' G per y « er, «il h Tl 1 Mb 11 .il. Zddr« »* TJ 1 MS, ) uini Or. ¡ami grabber The incisure has ai softened to some extent, and his curing all inflammation. Il is the plete v« i. When it is. it will r-adv pas«e«l the Senate. T lie support might finally have been only remedy known to science that «•veu more satisfactory than it ib House will dispose of it in a rhort won over to .Mr. Furnish if his actually reaches th«- afflicted parts I now. «•undidacy for the Unitedetates soil« 1 his wonderful renn-dy is known I time. I ute lia«i been treated differently by as SNUFFLES th«- GUARAN Mr. Grover Cleveland has con- TEED CATARRH CURE,” nnd i* “Flag day’’ comes on Saturday, the Oregonian, The Tribune does sold at the extremely low price of eeiiti-d to leave his iishi «g monopo not desire to criticise Governor ly long enough to muke i political June 14th. and will be v.tdelv com- W. E. 7&I3CH. ?rcpriotcr4 Geer’s eomluct nor do« s it wish to One Dollar, each package contaii • speech ' «-for«- the Tilden Club, of men.orat« d throughout th«-country. ing internal and external medi«'ine censure the efforts of the Oregonian ------- BEST OF WINES, LIQI OKS ANI» CIGARS.-------- New York City, on lhe l*)th,,1 It was oti June 14, 1777, that con to briyig success to the head of the sufficient for n full month’s treat which indicates that Grover still gress adopted the sta«s and stripes Drinks mixed to suit your taut«;. Courteous treatment guaranted ticket. It was simply a mistake ment and everything necessary to ii>«|iilges in hojxi*. .IK th«- national standard. The in the treatment of the baby act. its perfect use. American I' ag association, form««! The publicity given Stephen A. “SNUFFLES” i“ the only per Your patronag«- Solicited. Wirt. Howard, th« well-known in 1897 bv committee« from veter Low-Il’“ ¡ett«r to fo.-orge E. Cham fect (. ATA R RH t'( I,’E «■Ver Ill-ole sheepman. i« in town. IL'ca.nein an» military, patriotic an«l his berlain, by the press of state i and is now recognize«! as th«1 only Tnur-'isy with bis w<«<«i clip, 20.000 torical societies in the United States friendly to Mr. Furnish was also safe uii«l positive cure for that nn- pound*. .md sold it to Koshland «V and also of patriotic citizens, to another mistake of no small import, n««y!iig and disgusting dis« iim -. D <’««. before ire got it unloaded from promote reverence for ami prevent to which the Tribune itself pleu«U eur« “ all inflanintion quickly nod tii- wagons. The price received the desecration of th«.- flag, requests guilty. More was made of this (x.-rmaix-ntly and is also wonder Qrnttu guaranlaad IOOH MODLLt >DFLA th«» ’lu« 3II If Cl o-1« of on«- <«f tl«-1« laiown £ A . <» i E va* 12 cent*.— Huntington Herald. that the national colors be run up bugaboo by Mr Furnieli’s friends fully «piick to relieve II AY FEVER fur-tori' * <>r tl«- country. ■> cured Jkw tft Xlrl to by u< al one-liulf «-ost. Four Mndola .... ▼«* ZpZV on that day on every building in at first than by his enemies. or COLD in the HEAD. 1900 and 1901 Models JX $7 fo $11 • ‘ ATz\ RRII when neglcctc«l oft«-n Here is the gaspel of every day I the United States —The Dulles The fact that Mr Furnish bail ('ntahifii'n with large ¡iholiK/ruphic tnynivm'iit ana Chronicle. tiill d' cxllod hpccillcations unljrrctf» any addrem. been a republican blit six yarn lea«l s to CONS I ’ M PT ION —“SNI ’ F life, a* pr«ache«!, and pracch'ed bv Wo SHIP ON APPROVAL to anyone In C 8. FEES ” will Have you if you use it may have (»roduccd some lack of OP Cniiiuia without n nt vi ndinncc aud allow S-i’iitor Dep«.*w: “Cultivate men is‘ once: It is no ordinary rymedv, Indications of the interna! enthusiasm for the nomin-»«-, but it who l.ittgb ; It.v«j and w«.-!eomc a but a complete treatment which is n an who t rie* to tell a joke, a-id troubles that are literally rend«-r- di«l not cause any direct loss of' nn risk In ci-dering from mt, as you do net. positively ’ guartnteeil to cure need to pay a c nt. if tlu bh'yclci does not suit » «• try t«»iau«gh at it. B'diev«.- that to ing the bowels of the--arth are wide votes. I’or some reason he lost tt CATARRH in any form or stage 500 SECUNn-HANV WM£L : large majority of the rnilroad em rn «rr««w, under nil circumstances, spread Geysers in New Mexico, ti«k«n fn t-nil« b.. our <tilca*o r, mint I orc«. L*' if used aecorihng to the directions ployes vote and the labor uni«>ns, tiHtHluiil rnnl«'*. r dirij-«rood *s rv w. Wv i« lUUL1 will l«r ¡ntt«r and bright« r than to- hitherto miJrl in their bnhhlirig. Tire«, r<iuli»n»i*nf««»»ndri» «^porting nil bhtrf« M ' »••3-,i! • ptl'-r In ritir bi;'• bJh'lr y « hl.1 «> r A world of Inf« >rin«tl«>ti« Gill. Lave lately become more pronoun- but ha«l he been better known which accompany each package. «lav.’’ Don ’ t «1« lav but send for it at omte RiSER WiHTED ce«l in th« ir expression of «liscon- throughout the Western part of the 1%.’ rn<Nl»»| blcyt h In ron> spare time you cab nnd and writ»- full particulars as to MAO < w«3 k M■slitcs bavins a wins I to rhlc f»' ««*»-* fa# tj tent, pulsalitigeverv thirty second« stat«- this wouLI not have hapnen- WK WAKT .i re liable rwFHon In « n< b tw.n h » dist ribute ratal« ? • ewrhnnrfr for .1 bb’i « Io. U»l»e to<liiv for fn . cutfelurue and our and throwing sm'phuiois vn]x«r e«f. He wotlbl have lieen a better i your condition, and you will re nml boiling water high into the frieti«! to the laboring classes ns ceive social advico from the <iis- whet: it u het al! the year ro“r.d g a i r. Now f.»r \ ellowston«-, where governor »han Governor <-l<-«:lCbam- cover«:r of this wonderful remedy tin geyser* are cons’.-intly in train Ixrlain will be ns well as a better regarding your case without cost to von beyond the regular (»rice of. ing ati«l should be aide to give a governor for the stat«1. There mav ¡“SNUFFLES” tl.«- k IU better th-;i ar.y where cbe f GUARAN- In the world. So don’t »top kki.K £ programme really worth v,hit«- if be minor ca«i“«-s for th«: <lef«;at of 1 , TEED CATARRH CURE.” it ir. semn.c you wilt lo««- l«roh«-rlv wrought upon by th«* vol- Eastern <>r«goi. R candidate, but Sent prepaid t«> any a<Liress in whit you have gained. ! eanic iorcr* of the ru ther world.— lhe chief ones hare been given. i th«- United States or Canada «-n ro- x* ; i let .* iree Bw r p.’>” T< 2; Civri<f* (fregnnian. The victory is to the democrats «•ei|»t of One Dollar. A «hires* Dept fry 43X ?■ rl ’Hrrc; N-« V< II191 EDWIN B GILES <t COM •« i«t<l ft - •i-'i~ •. and we look for them to make the PANY, 23.‘W) nnd “-’f-TJ Market i Oregonian and Item*, ¡iJ.-fO most of it. I' i? a rife p •? li-'Hu'i Street. I’h’ladelpb.ia COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER What is CASTORIA CASTORIA E. 0. T. G. CO. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR The Capital Saloon BICYCLES BELOW COST Eflil A ¡0 Dfi’fS FREE TRIAL »GENTS I Scott’s EmdsionT