Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1902)
» / » Published in the i lie Oldiißt and Moat Rniiflhlf*. r t « <_^_r The Best Advertising Greatest Valley of Eastern Oregon. Medium. < « Harney VOL. IÖ. Items BURNS. OREGON. SATURDAY. JUNE 2I. I902. Il, I). Milnlyre. Prvprlolnr IL*»- N. I ul I umh «. HilUur ami ■•Ill Ill« ——■—B— SCHEDULE (iE EXPKNIIITI'BEÄ. • 1.50 I’rr Year. Nix Mott Ilm 75 Cent«.; NO. 30. I reciprocity treaty. an<l expressly provide tor a reduction net to ex- Showing, a« by law required, the amounts claimed, fik<l and re <’<*e<l 20 per cent upon goods com corded ngainst the county of Harney, «late of Oregon, «nil tbo amount« ing from a particular country, leav allowed at the regular June 1902 term of County Court for said Irrigation Hill I» Paused lîv ing tiie tariff rates on the same County._________ Hot It House». article« unchanged ar regard« all other countries.—President'« mes AMT CLM 1) AMT AM. 1) Kilt WHAT ISSI LI» TO WHOM r«aVKi> I sage. » 62.67 $ G2.67 Jay Gould, two months salaiy as janitor Washington, Jur.« 13.—The' Ontario liemcerat. 3.00 ,. 3.00 Geo Shelley, cash for board for Mrs Brenton J. II, Seaward, of Cord, was in Hardware of Every Description. 5.M House today, immediately after the' 5.00 ,. ., stamps.............................................. . . the city the first of the week. He t 24 .OU approval of the journal, resolved J 24.00 Lee Wilson, guarding jad................................. ni'iCNM, OltEGON. is Busy at present hauling hi« wool 27 00 itself into committee of the whole I IJ T Garret.......... „......... . ........................................... . . 27.00 clip io the warehouse at this place 102.00 102.00 Joe Smith ...... ^ ................................................ and resumed the consideration of F. M. Gibler and wife will leave 126 00 . 126.00 Geo Shelley, special deputy hire ............. .. the iriigation bill. General Jebate for Portland on Mondav. Mrs. 108.75 108.75 The Times Herald, ballons ami other printing having closed yesterday, tae bill Gibler has l«*en in feeble health for 1 20 1.20 Haines dr Miller, rope for poles, Burns precinct was read for amendment utnler the some time past and the trip is made 2 00 2.00 Schwartz dr Budelman, hat for Hughes 8.75 8.75 I five-minute rule. A number of a- to consult specialists regarding her Voegtly A’ Kcnyou, supplies for couit bouse ... 9 33 9 33 mendments were olTered but all, case. • Cottage Hotel, meals for jury ............................... •••«< ••••Oft»« ••••••••••• •«•••••n«««&o««co«««o««« Tims. Jones and family arrive«I were lost. J< .33 Mrs Racine, ... ............. ................. .................... JOHN W HIGGS. Prrablent, ILO. LEVENS, « from Boise the first of the week The bill was passed. 146 to 55. J Mrs Sy me, . .. 9 GR I FRY. C.ialnur. Vice President. « Mr. June« has just returned from Tbe S|>eaker'a announcement of 22.33 I Burns Hotel, • ».......... »• • • • <) *»•> Colorado Springs, where be at- the passage of the bill was greeted J »»»J : Chas A nderssu i tended an insurance convention. with « round of applause. 933 lO Calkin«, ¡ H B Maw. court bailin'......................................... The irrigation bill, a« passed, J During Mr. Tot’s absent e Mr. 45.(0 ( I ncorporated ) 27.00 27.(0 creates u reclamation fund from the: Jones acted as cashier of the First | L E Reed, jury .. . ... 3 00 «ale of public lands in Arizona, i National bank. 3.00 IHRNH. — - — — OREGON. I Lute Mace, . . .. ........ . ....................... 15 00 California. Colorado, Idaho, Kan-j Thos. TurnbuE. JefT Billingsley 1500 J I* Dickenaon, ,, ., ................. 36 (X) sub . Montana, Nebrasba, Nevada,: Robt. Elliot on Thursday dispose! 3900 M L Lewis, grand jury bailiff 0 [ Chris Lack man. cleaning water closet .......... 2 00 New Mexico, North Dakota, Okla-| of their wool clip to J. M. Johnson, 2.00 A General Banking Business Transacted. 21 75 21.75 boma,Oregon, South Dakota, Utah,' representing Hallowell, Donald «fe ; Lwin Hodeon Co , supplies for county................ Directors: W. V. King, I S Geer, Geo. Fry, \V E Trisch. ? I ' Burns Furniture Co, mattresses for county . . . 26 50 26 50 Washington and Wyoming. less! Co„ of Boston, at 12A cents per J. C. Welcome. * , , .................... 8 40 the ainouut to be paid to local land pound. Mr. Turnbull had 60,(XX» 3.40 Harnev Valley Items, printing .„. ■ ••••••••••« ft ••••«'»Oft »O'*. a o»a a« «•<»••• . . . a.............. .. 7 20 otlicea and 5 per cent due the 6tate| pounds, Mr. Billingsley 45,000 and 7 20 J P Dickenson, icbnte on tuxes 116 25 under existing laws for educational Mr. Elliot 20,000. .. 139 75 J (,’ Bartlett, traveling exj>ense6 PROFESSIONAL cards . 3 00 3.00 purjxises. the reclamation fund to «tamp«............ Stacey Bros., Carson McDonald. Bi «s» I. oiju « N o . TO, K oí I’ 11.25 ! 1 25 be used for the construction and • , Schwartz ± Budelmuu, quilt« for j'lry.......... F. M. Kicker. A. A, Robbins, Gto., M«'« ib every I lmr.iUv night. •> J *" 2.75 t •) r. maintenance of irrigation works in Sam Moiher«head, messages J It M. MILLKN. McLaughlin. George Pennington. y 1 M Jor.lun. ( ' < ' 67.50 the stales and territories enumerat- .. 67.50 Irwin Hodson Co, election supplies »• . . t > S. Mather «lujad. K of K. S. Pederson A Teter and C. Ixmg, of 4185 41.85 ed. Provision is made for the pay- PHOTOGRM HER N Brown A Sons, supplies for Co th-- upper ’ Malheur valley, deliver 704X) ment out of the Treasury of de- .. 7000 F ) Burrows, registering voters . . Ul.RNH CHAPTER. SO. «V. O EK. ed cattle to Steven Carver this Burn«, Oregen. Meet« «ceotid and fourth Holiday of 2.20 ficiencie« in tbe allowances to-agri-'< 2.20 Frank (.'awlfield, error tn mileage week, as did also Thos. Itrasnan. each month <u Masonic hill, Vœttlv >^~Main St —oppohite Bank 23.00 J cultural college« owing to this di«-' Lunaberg & Dulto i, bedding for ju'y............. .. 23.00 btuhimg. Mrs Msggin Levons, W M. i The price paid was 419 for vear- lOS.OO' position of public lands. The Sec- 168 00 Ferry William, keeping county poor ., Mra. Eunice Thonipauft, Her. 3 Id! retary of the interior is authorized ! lings and $2b for two-year-ulda. 3.16 E C Keeney, registering voters ..................... M AHSPFN A OEAItY 4 30' to examine, survey anti construct I. II. Holland has accepted the BURNS LODGE. NO. »7, A F. <« A M. 1 ;;o .Mrs C Lackman, washing for prisoners........ Me<*t» Saturday on or before full moon, W L. Marsden, W. Gsary, 7.00, the irrigation works and report the position as l»ookke< [>er for the P, L. 7.00 i’scific State« Tel Co. telephone bill.............. y >ia 11 it «, I brothers fraternally inviteli, 1^‘yii'dani æ Snryroni. 9.50 : cost thereof to Congress at each ses- S. Co., with headquarters at Burn« 9.50 H Richardson, stamp« ............................... < E K«n>uu, W. ,M. F. N. Kierier, and will soon leave for his new 5.001 sion. Mecy, 5.00 Bums, (iFegou. D Jameson, justice fees. State vs Wilson As aoon as Mr. Holland 3 80.' Section 4 provides for the Jetting home. j Robert George, constable, . .„ „ .. 3.80 EM^Offlee at midenca. ‘Phon«' 30. PI RNS LOBGE. NO «3, A O. C. W. 1.70 of contracts for the works cor.tem- can secure a dwelling he wilisepd 1.70 witness fees Ja« Evan«, Moe'.» st Brown hall every Friday eve 1.70 plated in sections when the neecs- for his family and we cm assure ning Vi«itiny brother» iraternallv in- 1.70 Ed Caldwell, vtu»l. Tlio» Saliere, W. M. Chee. N. pino« a Diuca 1.70 sary fund« are available in the rec- . the people of Burns Hint they will I. 70 China Joe, Cixlirati«, ¡(reorder. •> oq I isolation fund for such section. be a valuable acquisition to their J W Bits«. l>«lton B!»<« Ruben Hughct, juror coronore inquest 220 i . • ' • 2. ‘ 2 *j' Section 5 provides that • ’ no right ; community. 2.20 M H Brenton, Attorneyt-at-l.av, Meets everv Kalurdav evening, B owti’s o 20: to the use of water for land in pri- i Abncr RtlbbimJi tbe well-known 2.20 > Alva Springer, Hl IOS. OKRGON. hall Visiting brothers fraternally in 2.20: vatc ownership shall be sold fur a Drewgev B:erch*ut. and stockholder 2.20 , J ns Hutchinson, vited. Franko Jackson, N.G. gyflT’Otfiin Bank building. Kmi'h, Secretary. 2 20i tract exceeding 160 acres to ar y ’ of the First National Bank of this 22 t N T Kimball, o 20i landowner and no such right' eju wh<| bo bc,.n iPriou?lv Hl 2 20 John Harper, • • »' TCI E CIRCLE. NO 105, WOMEN OF ;;.20 shall permanently attach until all! here for tbe pagt iodilvg, was taken 3 20 witness | Burt Bailey, Wftodrraft. Meet« 2nd «nd 4th Tu«s- M^ll.t-IAMS ft FITZOERAI.D da« at Rmwn'» hall. Mr«. Tilli’Jordan, 20: Payments theretor are made, an^ ’ to Union on Thursday. Dr. Ewin j Mrs Warren Curtis „.... 3 20 Mr«. Ion« Whiting. Guardian. Thor h io u William«, M ntajarald. 3.20 no such sale shall be made to »“X Came h?re from the above place. 3.20 .Thus Allen, Clerk. AHornay al-Law, xotary Cubile, 3.40 landowner unless lie be an actual a|ld af(cr a COI)8ultgtiori witb Dr. iCas Hays, 3.40 /.uic, Notarial and Real Retate I 3 t60( bona fide resident on such land or Pogue it Was decided Mr. Bobbin« 3 60 Clin reti AiiMoiini'ciiients. i Harvey Muller, o Practice. the cou!,i u,ake the trip in safety. The • ». 20 occupant thereof, residing in 3.20 M B Murton, Sunday School at Harney the • » Burns, Oregon. many wurm friends of ti e gentie- • i. 20, neighborhood of auch land. 3.20 | F C Cook. first Sunday of each month nt 10 ftF~OHice in old Masonic building • » Section 6 authorizes the Seere- luan’hope for a speedy recovorj. O. 201 Gen Curtis, 3.20 o'clock, A M. On the secopd, ,, of, tarv to use the reclamation fun! 3 20 Nancy Simmins third and fourth Sundays of each 33 00 for the operation and maintenance <-• M- Kellogg has renewed the 33 IX» W L Marsden, fees examining physician .. . Preach - month at 3 o’clock P M 22.50 of tbe irrigation works. contract to carry the mail from On- p M JORDAN. 22.50 „ coronor fees .................................. ing services every Hccond Sunday Section 8 requires state control * af io to Burns. Tn a conversation 41.20 Mrs Jordan, meal« for Miller, Colwell et als 41.90 at 8 P. M over waters of non-navigable w * tb R Deuiot'rat reporter last even Practica» Land Surveyor. 12.00 12.00 J A Weatherley, witness, grand jury.............. At the Preshy terin n church he would shortly Hurns. Orvgoi 12 60 12.60 strcams, such as arc used in irrigit- 'nc> be Wm Hall, Burn«. Rev. A J Irwin pastor. tj()U put on 4-horse stock the entiro N J Lewis, 860 8 60 Devine services the third nnd fourth i --------- I route uud make other decided mu - 8.1X1 Harve Muller, 8.00 M ashing'on, uune II, The irri-: provernen|8 jy^jng fbe comfort Sundiiy« of each month at Ila. m. | g W MILLER, 1400 Fre«l Riggs, 1 * '-°:gAtiim bill sliptred through the Sen-! j of passengers, lie also has the and 7:3<) p. in. Sabbath school at COIAI Wm Ward, jstnj' at(1 t<M|ar as easily as though it had' 10 a. in. every Sabbath morning. mail contract from Whitney to < 'an- Notary Public and Conveyancer, 8 60 Myrtle Curtis, S.t>0,|,eeu grva?(.j for t|ie occasion. yon City ami from Heppner to Can Preaching services at the Baptist 9.00 Thos Allen, •’C;0 ( q'jiere Were very few Senators pres- yon Citv. C. Y. Kellogg will m-t »• • • • r Mortuaire«. Iieeth. Etc., «orrtclljr made. church every 1st and 2nd Sundays, Office nt dlorr burn», <>r«s»B. | N J Simmons, 9.00 '.t.Oo enti anj ¡« anybody liad an idea».f in the capacity of division superin morning and evening. Sunday 2.20 M H Brenton, - opposing it, tbev abandoned it. tendaist of the O-i! line . school every Sunday at 10 a. tu. 1200 Ge«) Curtis, 1There were some Republican Sen- prayer meeting every Thursday H.VOLP,A. M..M.D Chas Reed. 24.00 ‘2o.0O atorswhodid notlike its provisions, !» Suit for Damage«. evening. 29.00 29.00 but they well understood t.;at toj AustinCraig.poe.tmaLtcratM liit- Annie Hayes, Physician and Surgeon. Service« at Christian Science 11.00 fight the irrigation bill at this time ||ev ba|. II. 00 R R Sitz, « • 3<.ujt agani8t p. Hull, corner east of the Bank, every 32,00 would disarrange all plans they ((;OM thc gumpter banker for $2(), 82.00 . State vs Miller «fe ' Fred Cook. Sunday at 11a. m. and 8 p. m. ( i^“Ol!ice at residence. 27.00 27.00 • have for carrying through the (,u- : James Simmons, as damaces for false imprison- Servico Wednesday evening« at 8. 6uri»>i, Oregon Joseph Corte, 26.60 ban reciprocity bill and athcr leg- mrht an,| .^.j tt9 expels incur- 26.69 Everybody is invited to attend 28.(X) islation, and secure an adjourn- rej after his arrest. Tne case grew 28 (XI N F Kimball, these services. i 18.20 1820 meat within a reasonable ti»’^- out of a caie filcd tgaiMBt Craiu J T Ware, WANTE0—TRUSTWORTHY MEN ANU womruit»» travel an«! advertl*? for old estab 10.00 10.00 1 here is no doubt that the I rr!‘'’; (¡ogg |a9t December, wherein Goss lished hotim of »olid financial Ntandinir .salary Sid Comegj-s, >7s0a yo r and ex|»<H)M'0. Nil pitynbie in 17.10 17.10 dent will sign it, as the bill is sub- cbarge(| Craig, wko was the apeirt No c :tnva*Mng required. Give references and Harve Elliot, eneloNft Nt*lf-addressed Uampku cnvrlor»vd. 27.20 27.20 Lewis Marshall, . I Address Manager. 35.'» Caxton bldg. Chicaso. stantially a» be wantea it. tbe gosa bank tt» Whitney, with 21 60 21.60 Jus Hutchinson, The granting of reciprocity with ■ misappropriatiug funds. Craig wa« I WAMEG-MEVER a ! persons of char - ¡C A Haines, 4 36,00; 26.00 Refer and ^oo<l reputation in each »tatefone in arrested and placed in Jail, but thisfioimly reqiHrcdjto 1» present at.d advertise 22.00 22 00 Cuba is a proposition which stands I «»Id •Ntkbli*he<t wealthy Ini.^incsx houxe of no H<I Harvey Muller, later was released on bonds. Whet« I financial Handing. .xa»ary SIS 0» weekly with Jesse Woodcock, T rade maivkd 24.60 entirely alone. The reasons for it 24.60 ! exficriMi«n'ldftional. ail payable in » «sh curb the ease was called for trial in OCBIGNR Wtdnvmlrty direct front head office«, Horse.' i Mr« M Woodcock 21.60 far outweigh those for granting 24.60 vryyy* C o » vr « hts 4 c . i and cHrriHc»'' furnrlied. when net e^uar' Kef February, it was tiismissed on Anrua* xaUIng • M«nll anil rt*»crt|,l|i>n mar • erenceN. Enclose xelf uddrer-'wl stamped en Taylor Simmons, 22.1M) 22.00 reciprocity with any other nation.: cutcWlv aacArfain our g pin Ion 1r»« whether an velope. MatJiuivr, 11J6Catxt^u Building, Chirw««. motion of the district attorn* j, and invwtiihHi in probably patwctAblw. Coniniuiilr*- and are entirely consistent with 1 lout a« nctly ••oHtfdwntlal. 11 and In »ok on I'atrntw 3 LOO 31.00 Cash Cooper, arut. frn«. iHdt»nt ngnnry for ■M utinf ^tatrnie. preserving intact the protective I Craig was discharged from custody ridwntw takbn titrouirto Munn A Cu. r« 'ctwe 23.50 31.00 Casper Hays, •Ffsi«ri w«U<e. without cbwrie. in tbe system under which this country 27 50 27.50 j Frank Dutiu, has thrived so marvelously. The N. Brown £ Son« have a tin« 2260 22 60 Fred Osburn, A hMMom.iy Mln,trM«<l wsakly. larva«t Mr- rwluiton of any «rlenfiO* journal. Henna. a line of gentlemen'« fui uirbing (¡onda present taritl law was designed to Tbl» sisnaturo I» on every box of tbo gcauiue J U Harper rear; four month«, |l. •old by all newadealenu 22.C0 22.00 promote the adoption of such » for Su»nw*r w»*»r Bromo Quinine» MUNNICo,”'^ —New York h» Laxative Continued «n requit u-f rwt*> •» «••IH iu Geer & Cummins THE CITIZENS BANK: » Capital Stock 825.000 00 • • « a • ft • ft • a • a «»aaaaaaa ■W ...a,..................................... • a • »•••••a.aaaa «••‘»aaaaftftaa I I • ft • • « • V« «I • %«.................... I • . • • • »........................... »♦ ....................... «I • • • » • ,4 »I V !! 1 • • 4' '! • Colwell • • • >» • • • - «f . a a «s . . M a . ......................... .. • • • • • M • * !» • P atents • • • • n ft a • • • II . . • 1 a a • • !»• ......................f • ......................»»••»»•• • • 44 - • ,» »» • • • • »4 • • »» • • • I ♦ 4 fea aS »1 ■ «X n«.u«..a_ »» • • »4 • •! C. •••>♦• • • • • !• 4» »4 •4 4! •! « • 4 »4 •! !» »• !» »» !» !» Í» !» *» !» »> »? »» »i !» »i »! »! * ft a . ,4 a . . • »» • • •! •4 »4 Sronnd h «« ■ h iw. 0U F Mt.. Wwehinimw . a a »y a . • 4 Scientific American, D M^ft««» » * ..................... • • • ••»»••• • ••»•«■• •»» • • ’ !» • • 1’ . a a . P a .......................... anw*»ndaftfxn • • «» • ••.»,« ..................... !»•••»•• *•••♦»• • •••»» I •» !» P4"e RECLAIM ARIO LAND