Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1895)
A high clans illustrât» magazine in the hmne is no lnn«^ {arm’s IVFagszie. a luxury. It is a necessity, and to meet the demand» created by I L k (JSTRATED necessity, THE COSMOPOLITAN ILLUSTRATED. COPYRIGHTS MAGAZINE, giving yearly,«^ nleton, a new nine! bv T homas Tl e Simpleton ¿.2”rTaSHnU^^ does, 1536 pages of reading bv th» ill be begun .......... in the H i BUY, will w ¿«»». .. December .........- Number, Ml NPN Ac «.'»., who have b»d *£"'¿£*'¿¿“,5. 1» I and continued to November^!#1’» •xperienoe In th» patent bu»m^. < on,i "ue2!>r^X^E!gH.h Nov ablest living authors, with over ever may be one's f—..... . -....... - —- 7 .. «ton» »trictly ennfldeotljJ. A HandnJ1®“ . elists, it will be conceded by all critics that I formation eoncetning I’aten«» ami bow t .......... 1200 illu'frations by clever artisU, tain them »«nt free. Also a catalogue of 11,<>-.a- hardy stands foremost of a ions tr leal and »clentlflc book» »ent free. «.rot-» ar'la'in fleti n.atid The Simpletut s may i e Pal ent» taken through Munn 4 Co. receive breech, with , p<<od oar use enthusiama not inferthr in has stepped into the •peclal notion in the bclentlUc Amerti d< g e ■ to that v. hlch has marked Trilby—the Iliua are brought »'dt-'r before the public with a reduction in its price that ha» most successful story of the year. Another out eoet to the Inventor. 1 h » »P’endid paper, laaueil weekly, elegant ly III net rated. Iha» tv far the '(lading feature a ill be the Personal Recollee largeat circulation of any »clentlflc Wlirl‘ lhe ti. -a of Joan of Arc, bv the Sieur Loris na tartled the literary world . world. S3 a year. Simple copn-e »ent tree. ci n a, Her Page and rerre ar>. unler which Bulldlnf Kdltmo. mimthly. |i «'» The H erald , fully alive to the us the mist prpnlar id living Amerii an copies tis cent», fetery number contain» beau >■ >■ ■ zim- writers will 1’ esent ahe store of the tiful plate». In color», and Ph<*f*r,Pb,1“,_n,t* patrons, has made hounea, with plan», enabling builder» to »now tne Maid af Orleans In the January Nu uber Will needs of its latent deelens and »enure contract». _ appear a d-oftiseb illustratee paperon Charles- 44UNN • CO, NMW YoiiR. Jttl B hu ADWAT. with thii ioi and he Carolinas, the first of a series of special arrangei.ants s.mth< rn 1’apars, Noailiern Africa is attracting more attention superb monthly, whereby it will a any othertime sint-e it w ns'he seat of em receive orders for yearly subscrip pires Die next voiunu ■->f H A RPe-» M A'.A will four Illns'ra ed arlielesoli thisregin, three of them will depict the present life tions to both publications combined TslE DISABILITY BILL IS A and .lore, iiiiah K a LHII will prepare for the LAW. .M IGAZlNE a series of eight »tori, a. depleting for the sum of $3.00. al j.bases of Chinese l ife and Man. er.. Soldiers disabled ciriee the war an J V|.b The price of the great illustrated ’,-»files’ tie long stories, toere vi d begin in the inun»t y Number the first chapter of A Three Entitled Part Novelette, by Kl, H a K!> II Ahl ivil D avis — monthlies in the past has been I >e|>en<lciit wiilowt an i Parents now de die loin st work ye' attempted b\ th a wri'er. petuleiit wlio-e sotia died from the effeers of S omp i- e short stories b. | pu'ar w Pers Wiil f.3 00 and $4 00 a year, and they army a*rvice are included. If you wi lt continue to be a feature of the .M AG AZINE were to be found only in the more HARPER S PER Gi K S pretentious homes. Our offer fur nishes a help to all families, no Per Year: mat ter how modest their means, il \RPER\S M AGAZIN'E »I-1" II \RPEIFS W EEK1.Y . .. 4.0s to keep in touch with the greatest k nown il arpers B \7 \ R . 4.0s il \ rpei .- s YOUNG PEOPLE . . . 2.0f min is of the world, as The Cosmo Every where- I’o.'tngc Free ‘ '<> o nl! Subscriber iti tin Sold l-'\crvwhere. politan has today the strongest I llilvtl, ('..iind.'i, or Aiexi, g . Grown Everywhere. regular stuff of any existing period Tbe volume' of the M ipazine liepm will Send orders to 'he N uiiil-er.' lor Jure und I>t. ,-mlier o ical. i nc h l iar. When 110 une h '] ec'.l.ed,-ul. T he H erald , A"k your dealer for them -i-riptimi' will begin wi h the Nitmlur ,- ;r- Kern’« *r«*«l Inniud lor Burns Ore. reni al lime rn'rec,it to' orner. Invaluable to ail planter* and lover« 1893 oun mind u f h ) our F JE TH: PRIGi OF ONE Our Premiums F0< THIS YEAR — Lit. 1 I / » ’ < r t' o- - /. - .. 1, f. J r » ¡ • 4 ( , ’, 1 1 J s « 1 1* • THIS PAPER- *- r ~r . , 1 ■ . • < . 1 t1.. 11 V . ’ ••1 ’ 1 vi I-- ncr Sei 1 1 : i... •* Je .»er . . it., e» i ... ._r e 1 ’ ---------------------- 'M» - • 1 —■ r*- ----- WITH----- That. THE S N FRANCISCO •love Weekly Call ! Poll Ji 4-KICK at.14ñ 4*»:i4 Y. AH, 0 —OH----- r (!<»-•' »1'' f w l( , . 1. 1 ’ • ? 'b i . nd "Hi SAN FRANCIS 0 Morning: Call! v I- ii le 4'4411'». »H O > 1*1 It Y4CA». />< ■« y ------- -+-------- HE NAN I RANI ISt O .. , WEEKLY < ALL 1« a batidsuiiie righi- page paper. Il is ia->ued every Thursday, and contains all of lb» Important new» of the weak, glanned from every «»u ir- ler of the globe, compl- te up to slate of publ cation, Il fur nlaliea tile latent anti aio»t tellable Bilanciai new» «nd market quotation», n <1 given ■peals I' U to imrtlcuL lural »ml agricultural nswq ami la In every rem act a Urst- lla»» family I'nper, appoall g to the IliU-reat ol every member of the houaeholii. --------------------- <•.. CAL. W. D ouglas C*1 L. CUAC ISTHCBCST. QO Wil Wk fit POM A KING. I. CORDOVAN, mtNCM a LNAMtllCD C ALT 4*3“ Fmc C alf IK angama »3.QP POLICE, 3 SOLES. »2. »1 7-° boys S cmml S hoex - LADIEM* ^•»JirtoM. BMOC IftOHMJ »A. OvirOno Million People wear lhe W. L. Douglas <3 & $4 Shoes All our shoci nro equall/ i ...l.-ifactory 1 hey glv» th» het 4 value lor tbo r. >n, v. '1 hay equal ciiatcn *h«» In »«, le an I fit. T hair wearing quelltle» »re unaurpaaard. The price» ar. unllnrm.—at’tnipe.l i n aola. Pram *■ tn * « a vvc.1 over other niche». it your (kak i CAiinvt au|>|dy you we uiu. Sokl by 4 -*|h*alors evervwliere Wanted, »gent to take «ti lutoe »als fur Ibi» vieillit) lit MOHNING <' II I (SKVBN I »OU A Wk»K> 1» a live m< trot o it its dally. Il is the .M on I RF.1.1 \- lll.K. atisi 1» tacotfiilxe I ns being the LEADING NEWS. PAPER . t the I a. iti.- Either o( the above i »p.-r- *e will wild |O’tl> hl it* a pre. inlum on r-r.-i t of li:n follow, lug » h>ilfu prk • I.« tLa rou.bhia'! n : Pensions, fiRRYs S eed of Pine Vi getablvj» and Beautiful Flowers. Write for it Krrr. I». M FLKKÌ A < <».. »« trull. Mlrb. radu - ît I i gei.t ni ■’ exi in»h<- <!< »tgn» for Out d-mr •!......... ... I"‘it'tri'», 'ravn from W obtm m.Ä ; » ' ' is• . i »■ d i t ir i--, a-e an imp >- an ic by mimi c » ,1,, „ allli B¡ „ \bb •"■•'-etc. -.. K dll dll' K • ft Fo»l>l, ■» u ■ e» ' ri; - -!,!„• ,hr |., . ¡|. , .1(| ,.H _ .' " «Ilio! ,''' a "■ I -r th.- .„ X...V Y„.K , „. », J,^ , „ „ „{ f|||] t,aoj,,ll. » ► a «■ alvei m .. »ti»p. , l;t;, . , trhnmi-iL» -i -I «.i-ceo » e.of the .. urne» f wel'-er, »»... me ' l'i“irvi • t lo receive» prai ti. « ‘ ’ t • ■ A l.’ttlilglitn ............. a ., ,. 'll ■ t 1 OJ. . » .. ad, ta to, llt a,„| ,l>rk,.,h, jr ■O" h I ■ i- «onmii v. lio tai, « 11 \KI-Fl.s pt » poi»..- I -or, ., . uccaai . , M.¡ ,„ ’ '* »prepared fur »rgr >n i„ In li|v Ilf« r-e t ni« ■ 'ï ! pii r*. < k «>>• .* . r» ,.f .-r infarinili informal, u w h» hire » u ir if.i' '. t-i e. ÎJDlUb 11. . , P.. ÏEI I .’’'15 .(10 *-l«t WH « • A I«»» ««>•«»*« I W At»HkNOÌt»S I». C. 4 i iu<n mxb r»'’t WIDOWS, I >1 a SHLUW’-N, PUH NTr, n4 MPurv «IhNihhMl in ihr Hue rruuiai v. t Na v alnrr *» . t •ar* •( t» l»4’¿ « ih I • una ■ muli'I t'.lAvirvi 1 I 1*1 • • i »I» * I UM tula «Mittlkd to h|£h«r r etra *...• law» K- rharro fur idik«. b »IV« Il I ,MK TOI R tTTl’ÜE 'i: - Ki. \\ EEK I Y ‘ lit I l; ' M AG AZ, N E 'Kl El; s |l \z.\ r ' I PER ' A o|'\(, pp ,p| I'"- az - Preet,, all »1 »critter» t'i the U i >FlM»«»k. l N 'liiiH or Nlvx I 41. The \ olm.., » ,,f th,, u . , kh « lhe t-r»t N,|. ■!.,.. (u, jan,i,r. » hç» >i„ tliae I» ineatutned »1 ""■ with the Nurnlat c irro cvipt of vrih'r. '<•>" •,-»„f IlHiper » W . . »1, f„, Ì, ? “ iL ia' ' l",h !'i'i.linv. wi.: b '■ - ■ - t-l 1«'' I ibi, or In e \,,r. »■ f- ,-u ; Aud Ihl » P'p •, P r Ï l"Ï2 AO a I Soieatitlo America« Agency for ■ ■ ' HH».i,,, »h,,«',j I h . 3 .ti .i Adiittaa H VHP« k O4YY4T», THADI MANK«, f DIBICH FATINTS. coavaicMTa. ««oJ v» ll»«aA wilt»«., •OAUB AV, Naw Voaa. W ... '**î* •" A m ,. nr*. »...................... '.................................. CM- pui-w 1 y a buauw go«, hw A m , m lu < ¿»rirntifit $mrman ttor IS IN YOUR oM N HAND. ■ •*«. I« V»IM »Ç0AM 1» • »»•'-“"•'a rOR SALt MY \ru HOMI 8KWIN M \ t lllM- CO 7. V nk. 81., I’aicri«- Sa«« ErAiK Íeco. Cal I L-pitrt metti. îâ ; B.MI J-MM J! _ ah-«'« » . ,i| >1 M4»u»aa. HMtrilh 1 ■ ’ » — KN|Mto Ila« 4 » tor« IM b«NÙiir<< iiklAArt, w .. telava I H 1-vMUto «r i si q. • 4 ' fe « avvito «dklH . («,»'■ ’ • 1 »«■ •avt'k j s « * tu f w«4 to |*àk«a4> I«-.-« h.v! « fâ'itai» igtAUO av m «< i CNN». «Of Vf MA a-u» .’ — - --- •— «1 I ■ f. MIME ■HtUflfUHit. CCUM u C.A.SNOW&CO. O vs - a ' i fsRsl «»»foro»;*. J 4L mit» w nl»tr awme- u> mh w I at the line, la yew« ha d i i ata |i will a u -« <■■». if Mutung ae-te. The «box» aim -t »’plata» tt». I* 11.» ton<<h of I ha L»SK Ol. ID 4» Itvdka.'. • p..-‘u<t ■'» io w h w- » M t Ka<h liKAl M KT f-hea T»«ai thl’tjr »rara u u a km 1 NK <‘lt I Ex % I » «I • an ». ; cU-ar LINK OF tvmilNK rameotrfcSv H h roaubi«*»! nwaa tn l.*bj but jnm ’ ,. I> » with nual. r» hiaw» tu »I.» i. \ ».U . I | -uty of Ihew la lK»«.vfv : » Fatnuv Ma,wa -> at ¡ai >r y pt> •ofthM that rvorj m« m r 4 lb- family la ente». laUteai It • a dor ta m - • In • •» A ( l.K )R LixK or ■»<> A. i A toe*» »»might UXK or FKTK pea ». lhe rv>e w if CVTMUod A «ri «'cd*- d I INK OF II4.AI TH •fkarv-* duct**r»' bl> • ; • «III 44» hea th biBli I« |h r«««'«. Ma «i r e ■eaalM» » b.i»h»» •< ■uan« avorta*® to li»larv»l t » iw» «trxü- V« atU bo »iiMoci to astpY*uao uf •tu*» if ban* tho G‘ Ui» MVhwd href» V *kf I !«la m»«u «*• io I' fk«W • . y. of fT**ai «alea too • * FA ft -nrboe •* I'm a l> be»»« and a*|« Ito» • »«at •wM |3«*. and jpoe « I ha* •a a^nand by env in Ito 4iea»mi «en an l •ntt,( * 1 fwe pot»*« -»«a all the • hala. a <4 MbtoHl V« bkkowbe'-d toa-1-a fur*. ■Mtter toqb •» * bed «hie tbp^W'WVM'a tea f w* toe ba^ nom» t ftoa c< ettoi, al- tb« re V tbo voer, aj»d to a«y venr tehe-nt* «a •• « r*Md'fy if*I 13 *’ «•terf W Jr k‘'f» h \cw T at If ■ mt *r aa 4 *« WtMOLX 1M« gtokc-a— tv h«- r pt •Btor g « b , I *» **11 W T-- * ••Wt w <• «. V e w «r • t- w* t—♦ ««•14 «M w V Hora brn-i-l bar ten on left shoulder; Catt!» •ir te-« oh left hip and upper clip on both Hrs. T. I. McKinnon; Büro» Ore. .*'• . ra»t1c brand - on ri¿nt aid* urbv Grand on lei' ahuu'rler. *■ - I on righ 1 'I. on lef- rll n-der Id' In * pe in ri ht ear Horae brou I » i-ie. r k J. A. William» P, O. 9 Hlh'v Of '<..-»,»1-» ■ ni > • 1 ) f on kft »t|fle fa-tlebrand. ip. Marton bit ¡yard, PO Bure.« • a’1 ' iiniist .t left hip; horte* CV on lei •iioui 1er t'harlvg 11. Voegtîfy, Bun ® Ore<or -se branded I- >•■ right shoulder, rattle r •>ii right h p. K. a . Hendricks. P.O. l.aweu Or h p ,»• n ¡ .tiTUKii-», A,- . I Y W Hatfs ’■< pi/tOp rllEE BRAND COLUMN 4<-«r..:«i A Riley, ca”'c branded Von left aid* <brand T left side. H o. Burna,Dr» gon PER YEAR: WEEKLY CUI STOCK BRANDS. HARPERS PERIODICALS • DAILY CiLl Is P>-'ir.d vi-lume. of Harper’'Mag.izint fui n-e vear' I. ik k , in real clmh binding 't-iit by ■n:t!, |»>>-paid,on receipt, •■ir volume, ('lo h I'a-cs, for " biaditi • ent»e,u h t.y niuil i»'t-| juiii. K* liii-.i'in, e> »honld be lililí. ma............................. e by I’ i , M - ikv Order, or Draft, f()»void thane o los -, Addr. ;; \i:i er a brothers n ,< Y .-Hi. II..-«,- brin i on left »houlder. a’»-, thr« • 'I ----f ”i«tigit-, cattle branded »am« r or.mi Burr» Or. !‘ k"- »»n I! >r»e brand anvil oa ■ ■* ’ ’ H-, I r R .»1 left hip. f U 141 «en ore I L I T S T R A TED. i.o ' l>i' J1,' ’ brai d J pronnertedua brand anvil on left »tlfie P. 0 k ■' kl, I» a pl. r,trial hlatorv -------- - of ■ it prroeaM <—■- impotm t evr t 1 •"> brand figure 7oneitherhlp; mark light 1 • «tra «-I». and , xhauB'í-è I*, iu ' ib I 1 aiiddroctipthBiexi ,,t ,h(. hl|tn test I etopofle« h ear, alip In each ear, and watt o on cc jaw. ll .ra« brand figure7 on either hip Th, t er 1 ■ «hi. I-, , ml- » I, 4, 1T h„ tr •»« J. H. Bunyard.Bure» Oro. r * bl-aau Kailr. a-i Kttlk. « aid tie i’ti¡ ., :bea,..»i ,t ,>f listar It W«l her».-» »nd mu'ea branded -tea lhe 1 »-»nt a te r “ iln« ".on rlghi », p.o Ki ey Die. li t ie kl>o 4 !, colli ty, w* ■' U d .-«a -ea ur. »», Horae ■ rand j- on right »title. Ja-nea Rouatl <1 cutahrd «ruer »„j » u tu .he ». » of w»-- I* O Bun • ’« *1 i' We..'ou, n,,e y,, a •H-.ah, h.a lw.-n H'’-*'.'»i4k*r* vn left «aoaldwr; Catti« I h Mr. Ra i|h u> -, v.L / c , " hl>’ • 1 «'»tberine li iHl (hi » racbi»;,, fpf„,mi N»r»b«ll pn Narr.iwiOre, • < d >1 Her»« brand on left »houl.ler S H 'HP ER’S PERIODIC xi s T» 1 t Ilm», -rand s on left Bhotttder and aarae on r Ù t ar » of right h nd leg H vkl B« A H I* y fl \KF1 ‘ Il kK»‘» 1 Mita l*ura '»aneli ft, pn re* Ora. « * H Phj gralth BurIU S. Umpahire and Son rattle brand > Q « •M xW tto -Aat -a t'a- a Th- v»'wm waualhri fog , •t»l s* »• Urne t« WH -a *h''n "• * I Mui -r carro« at beuiaLTr^ü MC* ar in i e lot b • ’•». «Ui be Beu4bv mat I* » «ee i JK < j■ v-w'«, »»ve ofeiMt ro p*r b*4^l 11» t«rr ». 1 r a ni a», A Mali «*<•__ t— ibTiar ____ _ 1^ W «*11 to Santb} ma' » p.«i-« . ,. b rorotp Il ex te *' ■Jr °»’ ‘‘"n ' SÄ***’» ’**' F <* '•« »«><«>• nicTEro?¿»E’*’ M»ry J- o t.’.l* *• II*“r ’** * '/ r,.':2 G r —- -r' Piron ' a^r ** ♦ « «i -, ! FT 1 •< i«* tWe ... ...... ». *<lb» abwv« M . -»«—„L •*o»' • • •«<-». < -HHiirrx kkioïHii»1 ’** * In um every when yw fit • SEMS PIANOS /•p Beaty -Art * M