Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1895)
BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. VOL. VILI. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report NOTICE The little Gem Saloon, is a “gem” in every particular. Bob PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY Reed proprietor. Bob says, ‘‘come I Is hereby given to whom it may BY concern that the partnership here and see me.” W. C. BYHD à SON. tofore existing between W. F. P ublishers and P roprietors . • —Mrs.Mary Matthes has received Kingsbury and John A. Robertson —- her spring styles of ladies hats and under the furw name of Kingsbury a full stock of milinery. Don’t SUBSCRIPTION RATES: it Robertson is this day dissolved, i Otte Year .................................................. EJ.Ö0 forgot to call and examine her John A. Robertson having re tix Months .................................................... ‘-J!? Three Months............................................... .70 stock and bear her prices. moved from Ilarney County. • J I HERALD CLUB LIST: —Timothy seed for sale or trade —John Sweitzer,carpenter,under Dated at Drewsey Oregon, March ! Petition for License. Herald and Harper’s Magazine.. . .... 5,00 Herald and Harper’s Weekly .... .... 5.20 taker and cabinet-maker. His work- i 29, is: I To the Hon. County Court of for grain, bv G. W. Young of this Herald .......... .... 6.20 tieraiu and anu Harper xiuiyv* ’ o s Bazar ................................... Q TK. I Meraldand Harper ’ s Young People ... 3.75 shop is the old restaurant building, i place. Lv.«.............. ---. -- - . W. F. K ingsbury . I Harney County Oregon. erald and Alden’ s Manifold Cyclopedia, Cyclopedia, . .2.90 1 i . . Herald £ each 1 H 11!.! - — 1 «ftor Vnl I Af* iumtc ______ i iitiouai volume after Vol. i .’<> cents: Mr.Sweitzer guarantees his W'»rk at We >T V the HIV undersigned U'AV* » -p» ---- - legal O voters e I tn .. .oo ..vtr ’P. I ( 0 10 cents extra U v»oi» ner volume volume, nnfitftQ postage. prices to suit the hard times. Cof I —Mrs. Marv Matthes is sole of Drewsey precinct, hereby petition f SUMMONS. XiF-i opiesof all the above works can beex- fins made to ordt-r. Will take pro agent in this town and county for a your honorable body’ to grant a . t'nlned at leisure in the Reading Room. In the Circuit Court, of the State duce partlv for work and balance in I New York firm for (he sale of lace, license to A. I. Johnson A Bro. of of Oregon for Harney County. Drewsey Oregon, to retail vinous, I ca-l:. window curtains, pillow shams. malt ami spirituous liquors in les-s P eter F. S tenger . PlfT.) vs > —J F. Boyle, photographer, is portieres, table covers bed spreads q , Uantjfjeg than one gallon I at their I jopies bv advertisement. A lam ed a S t eng er , Deft .) and laces, and at prices so low as i j place of business . at .. Drewsey Oregon still here. A rare opportunity To Alameda Stenger, the above ADVERTISING RATES: is presented to all who have not to as'onish the most incredulous^ for the period of six months from May 5th A. D. 1895 and for which ■ rm j 1 wk I 2 wk I 1 mo j 3 mo | 6 mo named defendant: In the name of 'already supplied themselves with Mrs Matthes solicits a call from we vt ill ever pray. the State of Oregon: . Inch I 41 50 112.50 $5.00 $.8 'M) 411.00 $15.00 Re her neighbors and examination of G.5U 12 ■>' 18.00 28.. 0 samples of his excellent work. Dated at Drewsey Feb. 16th ’95.] You are herebv summoned and 8.00 l.> Cl .4 00 4ti W NAMES 10.00 20.00 32.00 50 00 j member Lis prices, $3.00 per doz. goods. names required, to be and appear in the 15.00 28.00 18.00 f»4 “• 1 Jesse Bartlett above entitled court, on or before F L Robbins eabmets. He guarantees to . no r.o o . for 28.00 48.00 40.00 60.00 ! 10 00 llv.o JT Moffet II H Masterson the first day of the next regular please even themost fastidious. Win Moffet T W Lucas term thereof, to wit. the 20th dav JOB WORK —W. N. Jorgenson has just re 1 —The Havana press drill for J R Johnson Willie Altnow of May 1895. sale at the hardware store of 0. II Geo Cap Geo N Rann 31 every description executed with neatness ceived a supply of first class violins, Then, therj, therefore be you, and »nil despatch, at reasonable rates. ■ Voegtlv is a new one. Mr. Voegtly J R Dre wett answer, or otherwise plead to A E Duncan vio in bows, and a very excellent Circulars, Pusiera, Pamphlets M E Anderson plaintiff’8 complaint, in this suit Envelopes. Hill Heads, Letter Heads, selection of violin and guitar I offers it for less than cost for cash, W I’ Robnins Pateinenta, Note llvatis. < arils, TicKetk, Geo Morgan C T Griflin filed against you, or for want there because he wants the monev. Memoranda, levitations. Dodgers, Etc. strings. S B Stewart Jacob Wright of. the plaintiff will take a decree T he H erald is kept regularly on Hie for re S W Hamilton A W Alim 'erence. in the Geo. I’. Rowell Newspaper Ad — Get one of I. S. Geer A Co ’ s against you for the relief as prayed —The two pctlclfrs of ready vertising Bureau. 10 Spruce at.. New York. W A Robertson J H Wright for in plaintiff ’s compleint. premium purchase tickets, 1 ' made clothing, wh¡ "i jfr<‘ ^ere A F Masterson W F Kingsbury 1st: That the bonds of matri- firm agrees to give the holder of September will I e f ■*-«’.» -s,ai?r a few E J Howanl R Drake iiionv now existing between plain OFFICIAL DIRECTORY such -tickets a fine life size Crayon 'days with a full supply of gents A Hassett L N Stallard tiff and defendant be absolutely Portrait absolutely free of any clothing, und-rwear etc. Prices John H Wright James Stirali annulled, cancelled, ami set aside, national : M F Howard Al Weatherly charge, by purchasing $20 worth and a decree of divorce, absolute, be cheaper than the cheapest. President ............. ................ Grover Cleveland | M J Masiker Lou C Bradfield Ylce-I’residcnt. . .. Adlai Stevenson of goods for cash at their store.. granted. Il ieeretaryof state Walter y. Gresham ; . A. Altnow iacretsry of Treasury John <1 Carlisle i jg not necessary that the whole 2nd: That plaintiff by said de Secretary of Iuterlor . Hoke smith • , . .,,,_„U,1U,„1 one cree, be awarded the care, custody 4»er«tiiry of War Daniel fe. Lamont amOUIlt should be plirCnaSttl lit OIIC lecretarv of Navy . Hilary A. Herbert I ....... . z n ts. ' and control, of each, and all of the piNAi. proof _________ lecrelu'' of Ajrrieultnre. J. Sterling Morton time, but anV aiDOUIlt irotll <) C II Ittorney General Richant S, Olney _ ’ -• *’ ’ 'children mentioned in the com Postmaster General wihon s'itiHsefi to $20 as explained upon the tick- LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OVF.GON. plaint. NOTH E—TIMBER CULTURE. STATE—OREGON: I Mari h 25, 1895. ( 3rd: That the money and proper t J. n . Dolph gvimti jK Notice is her» by given that the follow lug I 1 ' OI F H h LAKEVIEW OREGON, J. ».Mitchell, j ........... I ty taken by the defendant, as al named aettler has filed notice of hia intention ■ Feb. 13. 1K95. MUSIU. I Binger Hermann > to v nke fit'al proof in support of bin < laim.and , < , mpiainr naving t een enli red at t tvmpiaint having been cm«re<i Ht this office . If ’ Sed in tiie complaint be decreed^ congressmen ............ I W. R. Ellis that raid proof will be made before Register Ity .. Elizabeth S. Meriit.t against J R Garrison to be the entire interest of defend Attorney General Having permanently located in < . VI. Irlleman L-i.o ... - ................ and Receiver at Burns Oregon, on May 4. UW5. . f or failure to comply with law as to Timber Governor .................. Wm P larrd j vwi » v-i u,vi / I Utilinre Entry No. 911 Ivcretary of state . dated -- June ------ 7. i, 18SS, upon ant, as alleged in the complaint be H R Kinr-aid i Burns, w.ll teach music on Piano. v'?r» J2SK1,1L? 't treasurer R Hd. No. 1287 for the S‘2 NW amt N’2 SW, the W'i W'.. SW SW', A NE'4 NF.', SW' s R 1. & SW1, Sec. ‘ '.'I. .’4, Tp. 21 S R I’hii. Metachaii 2b lupt. Public Instruction 2!; E, in iti Cr. ok County Oregon with a view totbe to the decreed to be the entire interest of ..GM Irwin Organ, Violin and Guitar.- M ueic Sec. ..2, I (>. -is R 2i> E. tute Printer Henamesthe fo owing witnesses to prove . < ancellation of aai<l entry; contestant alleL-imr R W II Loeda hts continuous residence upon ami cultivation | that the entrymun has filled an<t neglected to defendant in lieu of dower, in all furnished . for , balls and parties, of > K. S. Bean. , . eaid land, viz: R ich Attn M ii . i . kr . R obkrt J. break ■" — of .. land . oratty number * of . acrcBof 10 acres •npreme hi Ige« W illiams . G korob M. W illiams , J oseph A. land on said tract, or caused game to b-t done, of the lands and property of the J ) F. wm. p. Lord terms to suit the times. A. Moore 1 — . e , W illiams , all of Riley Oregon. or to plant to tree» tree »eeda, root» or cuttings plaintiff herein, and of their joint H NTH J UDITI \L HtsTRicT: THOMAS JONES, Registeor. A- ‘ uhercr. any number of aerea of galdt-act. or caused • litrict Judge aatne to be done, bin that said tract is in it» and community property. I) M. D. C liffokm ; natural condition, the »aid parties nre hereby Jamis A. Fee. , 4th: That the land of the defend- 5i»trict Attorney Mtmmoncd to appear before A. W. Waters n J. L. Rand I SUMMONS. lot nt-Represent ait I ve ( R) N'otaiy Public at hisOfliceat Burns Oregon, on I ant and the land of the defendant O. L. Patteraou. i John Day ’ Hour at C. 11. Vcegtly ’ s I t.»im 4._...=!.;r .(R) . lidiit Senator lath day of May 1895. at 10 o’clock A M. to re- A. W.Co wan ! and her three children jointly, men furniah »tirnony concerning for sale at $5 50 a barrel, cash | In the Justice Court IOT Durr,a lrurits i i »pond nhege<l and failure, and t< the hearing of the case »aid will COUNTY—HARNEY: tioned in the complaint, be decreed OregOD . I be considered by thia office on June 3 1895, at District Harney County -ounty . idge This offer holds good for the next C. U. Rutherford. 10 o’clock A M. to he for the use and benefit of the ’lerk W. J. J ohnson PlfT) ...(D) . e. E. Ken y on thirty days. W. A. WILSHIRE, Reglater. Treasurer • • (R) children mentioned in the com I. S Geer . vs ñlrwx or T . A. McKinnon Sheriff C. II. VoEGTLY, plaint the issue of said marriage, A lm eda S tenger (R) A. Gittings Deft) >r S. W. Miller j <-* and that the same be held in trust Agent. To the above named U,^u,1Is">,er,n*Pn,I«nt ’Í r ')" .C har . Newe 1 ' defendant ♦tock Inspector . R J. lver* for them, by the plaintiff herein, Almeda Stenger: In the name of f'lNAL PROOF Bi vri < D) > A. B. Mark» ‘he state of Oregon, you are re LAND OFFCE AT BURNS, OREGON, and that defendant be decreed io R. R Siti. have no right, title or interest there quired appear before the under- March IS 1895, harnet r. •*. LINI» office ; A good ranch belonging to II. G. -igned a to Justice in, whatever, ar.d that the decree Notice ia hereby given that the following-i of the Peace for i üegister ......... Titillimi Jone» named aettler hag filed nc.tice of hla intention Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 keeeiver herein, when made und entered, the District aforesaid on the 27th. ............ A. A. Cowing i to make final proof in support of hi» claim, and ' »aid proof will be made before Rcgiater A miles south east of Burns. TI hb day of April 1895 at ten o’clock in 1 that stand in lieu of a deed, for the pur ______ ___ _ Receiver at Burna Ore, on April 25 1895, viz: ' ! R ich Ann X mu.» poses mentioned herein. societies . ranch has about 100 acres of good the fore noon of said day, at | | ^ lid h ^ no ’ iu forth" n ’ i ..... - ■ - ■ No 111 fo, t|„. N'2 NW',. Set 29. <E'4 -I And lastly, for such other and I office of said Justice in said District Sects NE'4 nel , sec .0 Tp 21 s r 27 e . STI.VA REBEK AH Degree No. «8. meadow land. Price $800 or will ’ ... lie ■- name» the VI following wltneaaea to prove , Sd bO Tp*il S r "27 E. M»-e » t very l»t and 3d Wednesday. further relief as to the court may I to answer pi« i 1 continuous I ' >> j — 7” - residence and cultlvaton trade for sheep. ... • the above /• . named PlfT. in . ' hia 1 land, ' —■ 1 W m . 1! upon r HouAn. 1. Z < ai 11»,1 (ill m of seem just and equitable. Lucy Rusk. N.G. ■aid viz: har civil action for the recovery of i? 1'1 vi*: . W illiam 11 H<»« ian , a < hariaii H ogan , J omri ohri - h A. B yrd dr K ing . I a money. M L Lewis. Rec. Sec'y. A. Ore. illiams », , R obert J. J. W W ill You will also take notice that the I I I amb all al) of Riley Ore. The Deft, will take notice that if Summons is served upon von by T homas JONES, Register. A. O. V. W. Horn» Lodge. No. 4< Notice Of Dissolution Of Part , she fail to answer the complaint publication, in the E ast O regon Mut« every 2d and 4th Thur»daya. herein the Pl If. will take judg-1 nership. Il M Horton. M. w H erald printed and published at J. Vt Myer, Rec «> Biirns, Oregon for six consecutive Know all men by these presence ment against her for the sum of JOTTN r. SltlATTOX $7G.O5 an<l for the costs and dis- week«, weekly, by order of the !L»n. I'RNO n IA HONOR Lodge, N o . 8 MEW TORE. that the co-partnership, heretofore bu’sements of this action. verv id and Ith Monday. Morton 1). Clifford Jimge of said existing and known as I). L. and Mr», Sayer Cor H. This summons is published in ¡ , , . —............ Court, and that said orri> r v as W. H. Shirk is this day and date the weekly E ast O regon H erald Im per Ur • and Wkotmle T>-a!er» in til Und* < f ma^e and dated at (’’eain-ers in ► V IXHXit, NO. 77, I. o o F. MUSICAL MfiRCHANOISZ. '1 Fellow» Hall, every Saturday, February 9th 1895 dissolved by for six consecutive weeks in_ ac- I Vlnllr.s. ' anyon Citv. Oregon J- —. 18.1’5. Guitars. Banjos, Acccrd ons. Harmct.e J. C. Wool» N.o. cordance with an order made by mutual consent. Furthermore las, tc., • '1 ! : '.’scf Strirt-’S, : to., e'u ______ C. B y r< I, y. Hyde dr I’tirkwiioii. i that each and not one for the other, me Justice of the Peace for the Attv. tor l'lff VKNEY POST NO. <8. G. A. R. above named District, County and every lit and M Wednesday of each but each foi himself shall assume at odd Fellow»’ Hall. All Comrade ■? - his own obligations and that neith State, of March 13th. 1895. >d »tendinginvited. Eurns-Canyon Stage Line W. C. B yrd , er shall stand as ‘surety for the Justice of the Peace. other. In witness whereof we have ». MAILS. T. A. M c K innon , contractor. set our hand and seal, this 9th day BTlNt—■ YaLB’ Carrying U. S. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express C<»’« * tri ve» an ^depart, <jany, of Feb. 1895 •‘AlUKEMS-g, lïY*itoC In '$j| .. YOW CÎYY : Stages I^eave Burna daily for Cany on City, and interme l-.*r pointe. .Hily, 8BO<1,y I). L. S hirk . seal Car»forme». . DruggfcUor nm,,. — Fare $5. Ml. (irti.. 15 ‘ a T,f, W. H. S hirk , seal A<l<in-w- n AN tJU.MS, ,------------ n . , , Lp°r‘ Brown’ Express üux 24U,New York city. Ben Brown, local agent for contract B irtH* Oregn. Th® -T"",' i 1 4 Rp/ai & I •I ABSOLUTELY PURE * * mi U FÎLES