Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1894)
1894 Han f’s Magazins WORK ,01 PLANT PERU V’S SEEDS this year, and rnaK» up for lost tima Ferry’» seed \ fiuunl for 1 mm » m U give you many valuable hints about what to rai- ami bow to raise it. It contains intornia^ tton to bad from no other. ■ou roe. Mica rO . lili YEAH THIS PAPER— ---- WITH---- THE S N FRANCISCO I’KICI S¡.Z> l*Klt V A «, ------ oK------ Hi SAN FRANCIS 0 Mordili? Call! --------------- Pulci. Vti. I • 1'1 li YEA1». Caveats. Trade marks. Oesign Patents. Copyrights, An.! al Pu’ent busineet» conducted MOD’-.' IIE S.W FKANCISCO WEEKLY (ALL a bauli-lime tight- pagi» paper. It is i»*u>'d < Very Thnrsilai,a d coni.liti» »11 uf tue linp rtiint news of thè week, gleuned frulli everv i|U u- ter ni thè globe, complete U|> lo date of pubi cation. it fur. llisli e» the latent and most reti» Ilio tin 'II'- íh I news und nini ket quota lions, a d give, special attenti n to liortlcu!- turai und avricultiii’il news, Htid ts in eveiv re»! «ci a tir*', jiass lantily i »iei, lippe i g lutile inteii'St ol l'Vi'iy Ole i ter iti tilt- hiiuseliuld. for re FEES. h Free to all D.M. Ferrv &Co Detroit, Tltl'E 4 CO., Box No. 400, Augusta. M Intonsatlnn an t r .large. Addros. And book containing all the Nas by Letters for One Dollar. USTRAT ED a ft-xv days, and you will i.e rturl. peeled nuccem that will reward ' < I «I i. «1^« it I «»¡lively liavel.;e beo bii.-liie*» dint tan be f»uud on t .<• fix •45.00 pruUt <‘U S<5 . .. ¡All*! j.isitl tC being i a-ilv and lioiioiao.. I...i .e liniidred, of men, wouic.i, bo ». u. girla i i our employ. You can make money fa-t. :¡t work h»r u, tliiin vou have aux- Idea of. Th< ' a sj IK- s Jb 60 eaax to I arn, a a I imtructioii* ho »I and pb.:ii, that all »’icceiil from llic Hurt Thon- iv'io tai < hold of t'le Imalne«, reap the advantage C ut ari.e« from t ic <min<l reputation of one of the oldest, most «'iceeMful. »nd large.t pebli 'ling house, in America. Seenre for yonr«elf the proLt. timt the buslneu sorendllv »nd liand«ome|v x l> Id.. All beginners succeed grandly, ami mor, than realize their greatest expectations. Those v no fv- f, find exactly as we tell them. There 1«plenty ui room for u few more workers, and w<- urge them to begin at once. If you are already em- ploved, but nave a few spare moments, and wish to ii-e them to advantage, then write us at once fo: this Is your grand opportunity), and receive till particular« by return mail. Address, t«‘ luvrntom without PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEDOiRBURN, .'Isa ig nu .xtîorney, W ashington . D.C. mr 1« managed by « combination of o«t Iniluentlai newspapers in the • e V n a purpose of proferì» .•.eri'wrs against unscrupulous P c it A 'eats, and each paper rii**» niait vouches for tho responsi- . i.i a.Uuuiu, utihu L'lc" Ciu'nib C ul J1< uuv . ili I. Al< >K x I .G CAI I, z (S xvkn l-sinu a W kkk » l.s h live hi L •>'. c <t ni dilli. It is ti'C JlOs I' BELI \ - BI.E. and is tecogn'ze i a« il< Ì|!g tli- LEADING NEWS- l’.\ l'ER I I tilt' l’iteific (' Elidei ol Die »beve , am r wìll send |M>»tn i<l «i a iniiini mi recei t of tin t<>|!ow- illg Sllll'CI lidio l prii i * i.-r the i-oinliitiail'iu : SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION f RUruoMf of (} jM Groat Con-h Cure Is ritti.Gt ti parallel lu the hlutnrv of medicine. All drnitffhK irv author1 «H-» < II it on a po<*- it •» »’■ '.tt y . a test fh it it<> otherc reran •istu'iiv atan'!. That it in iv become U, the l*rop. ictous, ut un enormous ex- i so, are pl.tmn* np'<- Hott io Free into bon in the I'nitcd St , ■ :nul Cunnda. If xmi Im. a Cough. Sore Throat, or Bron chi, i. use it. for it will cure von. If your civ Id ,s the Group, or Whoopiuc Cough, use h nronintlv. im! i 'i-f is sure. If you dread that in .t'h.oik insiiv-e Consumption, lino it. A i. xoir Ibr.ggUt for SHILOH'S ''PRE, I'r'cc 11) els. hO cts. and fl .00. If your Lungs are sore or H ick lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 3S eta. For sale by all Drug gists auii Dealers. Pensions IS À In answer to a general demand from all parts of the United States Harper's Magazine for 1S'J3 will centinue ♦o _ he Toledo Blape has publiihed in main tai n I h» unrivalled sandaril of excellence which has ch racterized it from the beginning ¡one volume, cloth bound, all of the Among the notable features of the year there will tie new novels bv A Conan Dovie, Cult- ! Nasby Letters” ever written by n ance Fenimore Wooison. and William Black, short s’ories will I m contributed by the moat I 'the late D. II. Locke, omitting per popular writers of the dar, including Mary E. Wilkins. Richasd Harding Davis, Marvaret I Doland. Cranaer Matthews, and ma'y otheis. haps a few unimportant letters on The illustrated descriptive papers wi 1 embrace local or fogotten topics. Only d few artic'ea by Julian Ralnh on new Southern and Western subjects; by Theodore Child on India; nf these letters were ever published by Poultney Bigelow on RuBB’a and Germany; . by Ki'hard Harding Davs on a L Season: ) ID book form Everybody has read by ColonelT A. Dodeeon EaB'crn Riders; etc. THE DISABILITY BILL LA W Soldiers d’sabled since the war are Entitled Edwin A. . Abbe. Ahhc-. •« ’; illiistrHtions RL.s:,n;;,„ .f Shakespeare ’ ’s Some of them .but who hm read s wi 1 I be continued. Literarv » , _ ‘ "tdu Come 'ieswi continued......... .......... articles’ ,. will be contributed b. Charles Eliot Norton all of them? The book c »ntain 9 Mrs James T. Fields. William Dean Howells' Brander Matthews, and others. I over 500 large p tges. and all the HARPER’S PERIOi’ICS • EERIiMBIP wire rtNulnb Woven NETTING. "a cou'r bu'fov« ' ein - from the bes' writer» i"d ar'ists in'his rountrv. it will continue r. ■ xi el in literature, news, »nd illustrations, al • .’her nulilit ations of its chiss HARPER’S PERIODICALS. DOLLARO per MONTH IN Y our O wn L ocality per year : |3ff"KEND FOR FVRTHEK IAFORMATIOJ The 118 McMullen Woven Wire Fence Co uui' »20 X. Market Chicago. l l M». \ . see WEEKLY ILLUSTRATED. •Nasby Letter- written durin» o a o« period of twenty-five years; also a j Dependent vidows viilows and Parents now de Per Year: pendent who-e -oiis died from the effeers of portrait of D R Locke from his . fki.nt I iiritiy ““rvii'c are included. If you wish IIARI’f’.R’s MAGAZINE... . 4.0 ast ohotograph. Il would sell at voitri Inim speedily ami sueces.-fti lv prese ' 1 A RUHR'S WEEKLY HA RUHR’S RAZAR . 4.0 nted, address JAMES r A > NEIi, H A RUHR ’ S me dollar or more, but will never YOUNG I’EOULE I nie Commissioner of Pensions, I’os'age Free t to ... ” J..', , W Asili N<.TON, I) ¡til Subscribers in tin e placed on sale. Oue hundred I nited States. Canada, or Mexico. thousand copies are now bring Die volumes of the Magazine begin will be Number» for June ami December o printed and bound, and one cupv w, I’ year. \\ hen no time is specified, sui will be sent postpaid by mail free criptioim will begin with the Number cur rent .... at time of receipt ui of urtiur. order. ......... '<> everv person who this winter r.- I’our.d volume* of Harper’s Magazine foi I mis one dollar tor the Weekly lireeyears bacg, in neat clotli binding will lie sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of I’EItbOaXAL AM | Alade one year. Everyuodv invited per volume. ( loth Cases, for binding ,V i ATTENTION ill VIA I cents each—by mail, post-paid. I o send for a specim -n copy of the ENTS, ■ WEAi'. Remittances should be made by Postottic. W' eklv Blade, which will give a Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chanc o I iiff description of the ,o >k ’Tne M A' KS, etc loss. N ’ atbv Letters ” NO I-EE < Address HARUER A BROTHERS. Nm Y ork. T he T oledo W eekly B lade is iSSI.i ’UiE ’he ties! and most popular weekly I W Bat’s lewspaper published hi this conn- I • ry. It has the h igest circulation I '.7 i I L LTSTRATE D. ifativweeklv newspaper, and goes Harper’s Weekly is acknowledged as B'and to every Stat. Territov and nearly ingfiis amone illustrated weekly perio.iieah ■verv county of the U Tnion. Only in Anwriis. ft >><•< upies a p’ai e be’weei th» ■ f’he hurried daily paper and that of the lesr one dollar a year, including the I imelv month!' mttgaxlre. it includes hot’ Send i'erature and neu b . and p ege-Ha with eqna above metioiud book free ■ r< e and fe i< itv the real eve s of etirrem oosal to T he B lade . T oledo . O hio , his’iir and the imn'.'b’n ive themes of fietto > »ceount of i s very i’emplete »t ries of ill, >- f.r a free specimen copv uf the pa inti, t a ,.f the World’s Fair, it will be Send the addresses of your he les’ ini Ic to 'he g-eat Exposition, but a'a « per. I' b ' cr auveidr. Every public event of general friends also RABBIT AND P0ULTR1 i ti re« will e fully illustrated in its pages DAILY CT AHÜ dll, I THE TOLEDO BLADE. | TOUR KÜTURE And lili' P ¡1 s • • ’.i I 'f A RUHR WEEKLY . 4.H, I HARRERS M \G \ZINE 4.0< made easily and honorably, without cap! '! \ RUHR'S RAZAR. .. ' .<» t.d, during your spare hours. Any man, H XRI’ER'S YOUNG UEGUI.E .... ............... ... .».ZU........ ' J *■ woman, boy, or girl cun do the work It;, tid I’liataee Free to all subscribers In the Un e< -td’es. - ii'iHiia.. r Mexico. ily, without experience. Talking un The Volumes of the Weekly wi!! berin wi'l necessary. Nothing like it for money- Arsf f°r January of each vear vt tkittgever offered before. Our workers W 11 n n time is menHoned. an'»• rin'i.ins nil begin wi b the Number current at time of re always prosper. No time wasted in ceip of order. ■•’ruing the business. We teach you in ■ ¡'id Vo umes of Harper’s Weekly for threi ■i. .light bow to succeed from the first ' t rs I a< k. in neat cloth binding, will be sen : ttr. Von can make a tri;d without <x- mail Pos age paid. < r bv express free of ex se I ri’vii'e.'the freight docs not exceed |i p.mse to yourself. We start you, furnish vo time’ for $7 m a volume. 1; th Vases for each Volume, suitable foi cwrytliiug needed to carry oil the liu.-i- ■ 'ong wf:l be sent by mail post-paid, on re ic ss successfully, and guarantee }ou against failure if you but follow ottf simple, plain instructions. Reader, il vou are in need of ready money, and want io know all about the best paying business before the public, send us your address, and we will mail you a docu ment giving you all the particulars. «"lU anreg should be made by Post Office nev Order ur Draft, to avoid chance of loss. .¿dress II ARPFR ,t BR iT'I ERS, N'ew York Sclontiilo American Agency for TRUE & CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine J) 3ZiWi CAVtATS, TRADE WtARK'J, DESICN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, etc I ht btoi IS THE SAFES! •, 'ATF. iiAMPM-^t L T>-cT'rtfSD '2, WOODWORK» Sficntific p.n'ifiifiîr. Î » .et'st ctrciiHtUMi of iwr tetrntlB - VMprr In th* «•«rid. ¡. V» num -vni in.ui should be With.oil 't. SV,»< * i art >l >«tx mom * Ad In*”« X , > tXX ’*i »it l ili.’». òt»L ! Av* "» t.i. V • tit *•«. H UBIOS :^UA»t. » *T LJt'VMa »••”»«“••1 - ..'«.A FOR SALE UY • FOLD!’ ff... CHILD?! ÏN. recwknr V < now «nnv - - e u t fr r il* r uatU Bwecrwrt\ tmrtxr. ».»A; x.-roN i», c p*RtNT" «U •« re tWSS-Ü! ■» er U'« vr tit iw Uke r » <.• «¿"tue * EW llOMr. ."E g ING i \ I • Ut !.. 72Ô M ark i : - ''m I r 11 r»» t IO<:s A »chs. > . O K 14 k investment i ever wade . breeders er Lit For 'nform»t«on and free Handbo, k writ««,» MISS A Co.. .«1 Uno a ! n ir. X> » VevK. <V. . • I.tie OI tor .curii < |>M. t..In A„„., ■< Kve.i 11’ i t». -i oct tw in I. hr visi i : i ue tliepul .lv I'.ian ucgivou free ut tliarvv in tha .-» » J • .«» -gì ■ *S ikkik-.U! L IN YOUR OWN HAND. p.vbxV ;-r j a^nni ’’ to tell the lines in y I hnnu .i uuaiv. It will a » -e you, if tio’hii Tue m I mvc i i most explain« it- •ui of the L ’ Ob' I.II'K indicates c n> wh ch i " i II 1. r. Each BR '•H V'G) y venrs. We I mntke«i I 's 'ran i'Ovtr: char LINK orri. ii - Jin:h combined m X on i ’ beep n V hh mm I i. You wi i timi p < nty of the* I’ui V Ma so «t ractively very in ni «er of lite family is rt ! n m.ij’ irin a io • tie. A CL Il ' \ r ne-]* aks fendei nera: a -tr il lite; the reic c \ f’ n a .■* ........... » « e LISE OF 11EA « voti duct« ■ lii s ; so w II the I < : tn 1 » »res No ut i r h ngssli v p bli-b *1 ri a to i t . . n . -t ........... ........ . Y _. t ic I .......... unie cirvli '¡vci tOeN’rc nes of I i.*h irirs or d«■? •> • «.TKDI.E OF VR ! ma’ktd k- t pupv > :r *p »in« by having l>cir< Ma tz "p io iv p,y pu'«-, ribii fO it f< ♦ ’» xxu r «t \ s» Herr of rM|ni* te work- of -”it vi'iv’. I vm ’. i « tn»» » mu rh i»n miniti p I V* iudtes. ■ r.n a D .i-y!” whhli is a mos* ’»«’’ y , (nd pqn I to ih« ori-, n al «il paln'ing •.X't <3 0; an i yOn xvj i |1;1V a inM-jnziiH tli t •e c<pi i « d l»\ any in the mo in for iti* be liiKtmi »n« <n -uîijeet matter, t» at wH ron po^ti ii| the op c.« of t e day. •' <1 ** ad 1» nt item« of itdereH ah« hon«rho’d. in - !<•« farti -bin.’ interrating matter ■'. • . -iv? rd car. for the n hole f and w!ii c Be n«»re«t'a I- m»t a fa-hlon n; f - f tab ion pt • < nr,. •, R. d y. n c. t irre of co*t, al’ Jv pa” nt y- n wi I. to it” t e ve ir •, <| uj my w.,,n n<l. ' ’ ’’• ' ' < M» ,-u i -b II r ' X ” i V A i!r i - ir ■ pub. i«h<-r W. Jenni D i e -t. 1 ■ K.-’ HI' St., I ■■ iinucqniilimfl xO’b th« i i n cop, A largì Vi' D- - . ; a I .r.-. '' It! I Xi.I R, I It' r DIVH’ON O I HI MH, IO t) sf O i Y'D Dl\ |*ln\ n im». ' T OF J! Ititi >k< M « i f ' VH I.N, pnwl 'm the'I N, 'I ’ ■ I n r, YPHIX Ím*,•'”»• ' i -ire .1’ I MFI« I UY, it- r ». nboxe .»'d -■ :■ « k><4 and iu<»t «tlualJr fhcro nrs .'nglo retail ebre rt< re. nouH , eitlr. V bl. b sell i,<t J palrso! e.m. J » > . a nut prol'.t ottJ O,«» «!"■ • b it vo s. 11 3 great many pa rs, ‘ oar Lull..’, r-.H« »’ cr.dU.ildrcn»’ t a cent, a pair, a- d on orr men. and t l ’l e nt.a pair. YY o »aa.l c»t.i '>••■b ■ q & ich of tbo fifty largest cf t..o L , •• . SFii'SiiSe’w.’.SKU; crip’ th re, nini Hin ne e dol r 'Ind elp of t cbarc. 'i ho price t.:ti: t i:u v . .. * - H3Z18 nas-aL. Uo r:o< k haa« ivr <;< ea , UM U.r.n t . I price, x .... a I • J • 1 i .- I'ooc.i. . nn-asse-*.. 1 . 1 / j ibc’nuir' \,’c have o., r’, > G •< '■ . c .ai »:<xl • i. lnerva : «L. y. H>mc of t aj | . !• ildcr» ' - • ■ ’ r M me, ord.., V* 'KPT R ¿ HR THFRS IS1*" "r'I1 «>• ’• "nv -ne nor • Il of th at)?' •. 1 ♦•men • without ihe ■ M»r •• « .u«r of II A R F R hKu HKK m . ♦’ Ä»1* ’ ‘ ’ Y l ► |l 3 u* s U ^3 k r< ¿4 kt I I u- •■.t.i.t mm!. tMinid » G - ' i -AY thLMV U.« ’«e .Ni w YiMlr V.4U’. ».a .. •-• •k., ’. ~i.1 h j IUi “ Tur ur. fh.lx: B. lUrd.n*. X. V. J • Cr-’i. Mich.» 1’. !’• IIn!kXtf‘«Ajrat ' T'.«.e YVi’to for a prtwpcciuz ®.„r our •teekbolder.i.cte., or »e»ari.en^r/ r r»t' < ¡ng cothirr't cAeik., < ? Onl. r« taken for bne or more •narva- • ehare. ..< > pi ”^r.^ =>«* Avmtt II«H «d DEKTER SHOE CO., I 1 I