Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1894)
—The (0) thinks lie’s in it, but the people says "in the mud.’’ County Court Proceed in es R oad S upervisors ar. Price’s Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. it must be 180 ft Lin»ar measure, or 60 yds which is absurd. Again if 10 ft is an abst-act Number t‘R Brooks save, 18 ft must also be an abstract N imber. Common aenso will prove this. W. C. H oseafon . Tax levy <«>imty p’.rp s j» 10 —News came into town about tu <> mills, School purpose« 5 «..ills. weeks since that the sheep camp of Building purposes 1 mill the largest circulation of Examination of«ln> nook» of .'Tier 1 Richards and Johnson was robbed. “\Ny NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTV. iff. County Clerk and Treasuter One Willis Jordan was suspected a warrant issued for his arrest. and I The balance in Geo. Moore sent in pursuit of the treasurer Jan. V her NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING I >’- i ‘I í ',H. h Merchants'Exehang.-, san trau- thief. Geo. went from here to follows: k- »uthorixed agent. Th.« paperM County Fund, 4109 98 Diamond Valley from there to School Fund. i 3G7 82 Anderson from there t>.> Drcwst y 4052 82 j Building Fand on to Prairie City captuing his man 4520 C4 Virus of W. C. lloseason on Sletl Road Fund. at the latter place. The prisoner i> Local News 15 50 Institute Fund now here under guard. ods of Teaching. —The (0) i? coming again for 39 35 I Estate Fund, Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder Judge. Oh Lord! World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. Total í¡ ! 4105 51 —When we see Jap McKininon After the county state tax is paid we will call him “pap ” Volcano. there will be a balance of $1241 5! O n the morning of the 17 _ The conmunication from in the treasury which will be ap ■‘Dixie” is crowded out this issue as Mount Jefferson was ht-lehinç plied to the redemption of count V ne are anxious to finish up the black clouds.of smoke and warrants. li lasted 30 minutes. t’hcro aro e'liglo retail etorca in our I -r j county court proceedings. eltlci v. hle!> «eil 2,000palrsolaho:-s a dny.uia» i i l£ast boundary line of S ad dl n net prolit of S- A0VJ a year. Wosvil a loi , b it v. o«dl a groat many pairs, tho clear i-r, . , —Mrs Worthington is still sick. The Drain Herald, a new paper I’Uite precinct re established on ourl-ullcs’, r.iUiH.-s’cnd childrens’shoos lurt I t , n ct nts a pair, and on our mens’and boy •’ t' . > Miss I’hmbe Kelly is teaching tie just started by Byrd Bros, has been | range line between ranges 32] and I > c -nts a pair. Wc shall establish shoo sit'-. •-*' ' each of tho fifty largest cities ci tho U. S., c: .! i' primary department of our school received. It is a neat, well edited 33 E. W. M. R J. I vers apjminted they sell only boO pairs of shoes n ¿ay they v t i I o irn $ 2 >,' 00 a year. Wo should bo atlo to p this week. paper, and it seems to have a pro stock Inspector for the ensuing ■ -,ir!y dlvltlendofC >.2'>asharc,oroycr. »per, ■1 year on tho inv< stinci.t. IVe» dl’.io stock at ’ —The (0), for gall, has good sperous future before it. We hope 1 year. :i r.harc. Tho price run t iticvilably I O much r j . ■ t inn C i> a s‘iar.'. Norlotk h-.a over been ro‘! ; measure, and according to his own so at least.—Roseburg Review. Warrant ordered drawn on road i.' B th n ti l I price, V. hich 11 La par valttv. H: < ron-asscssal I limo- porateil. < ;l $t,COO,c estimation he weighs a ton, accord fund in favor of I. S. Geer for j V,'o havo over l.luJ rtaci.holder», arid thcm-ir.*-: * II lncreasi:'. ,'daily. Lome of tho principal sloe’, ing to the peoples he weighs [Oj. T he convention of Oregon Demo $1250 paid out on contract for ar example: • ba’.ders are: S. V.s:; ■ g. V.; I J. r..ttcr.Iwt. ’ ; N. t. r.-e<t. Jr.. ( ItieAgoi J 11. Ci !• A ■««■?•! '• ■ Kat iiuah. Lull.- ttock, A:!.u I. I I. 1. I. I 5 a .IKO : ' miles long I Tur,nr. tesian well. M arried On Silver Creek at the cra'ic clubs that met at The Dalles f'lulau B. pardntj, N. Y.-, 1.. .1. I aync, Lai-i- Cre-'t, Mifh.i F. I . Uullcttf, Arcade, b. 5 . only use 1 Wiito for a prospectus containing the names of Sealed proposals of bids residence of A. L. Vanderpool, on a short time since, seventy five dele our stockholders, etc., or tend cn ordrr fur stoc!:, countv 1 880 rails, consequently he builds rnc'o inff conhii r’t check, oath or money cr \ ■ gates were present. In the resolu r< moval of county jail, the evening of the 17 inst Mr.P. M Orders takcu for one or more shares. lTicc, C > Cheney and Miss Lizzie Garrett. tions adopted by the convention it benches and stores from Harne\>the railroad with a single rail a »'hare. I 5280 ft ini mile 5280x3 equals DEXTER SHOE CO., *7 J. A. Wiliams J. P. performing the was unanimously declared that the order« d published. Ord« Afiettl» II itnfecl ' 15840 ft in 3 miles 15840divided b\ ceremony. The H erald extned- McKinley tariff, and republican i.o’ict be published for e; Scientific American 18 [ length of each rail] equals 880 ,111s ¡.re tho sole cause! of the posals for building a co-.i congratutations Agonoy for^^ Fish’s answer present, financial depressii-u. Pres Point out the error An appropriation of $17 M arried —In Burns on Wednt-.- ind shew that it will need 1760 ident Cleveland was indorsed, but1 made for improvements < day evening the 17 inst Mr Hem v , rails also if Prof. Brooks or any other nothing was said regarding our roads in district N«. 2 to Richardson and Miss Nora Good Prof, says that the product is al- Governor, Pennoyer. out of the county road fun man. The H erai d wishes the hap | vays of the same denomiuation as Clerks and Judges of election: py couple, now made one, a prosper WU* DESIOH PATENTS, furry precinct, J. C. Garrett. Fred the multiplicand, shew and proveit ous and contented life. NOTICE COPYRIGHTS, etcJ is not. Example: Required Area Oakerman and R. J Williams For Information and free Handbook write to —P. F. Stenger returned from MUNN * co.. 861 B roadway , N ew Y okk . >f room 18 ft long 10 ft wide. Mui Ol<lo.-<t bureau for securing patents tn Amoi-lca. Is hereby given to whom it may 'jimgr> J.G Craigan«l Tom Shields Kiery patont taken out by ns is brought boforo Canyon last Friday. His wounded iplicand 18 ft: Linear measure. tho public by a notice given free of charge In tlie Burns precinct Judges, concern that the promissory note ch rks. hand is now in a healthy healing Prodmtt 18 ) mj . ft; Surface meaB D. L Grace, Geo. W Haves and given by I). L. Shirk and F. M. condition. are. if the product is of the same Shirk, to C. W. Parrish for the sum Henry Chcatem; Clerks, Geo. W. Largest circulation of any solentlflo paper In the world. Splendidly Illustrated, No Intelligent —Notice of sealed proposals for of $600 dated the—day of May Young ai.d C. W McPheeters It Domination as the multiplicand man should bo without it. Weekly, #3.00 a year: «1.50 «lx months. Address MUNN A CO, building our court house appears 1892 due on or before two years Poison Creek .bulges, Chas. Zeigler, YliBUBHEiw, 361 Broadway, New York City. in our columns this week. The i from date has been paid, said note Thomas Brink and Vic Ottiner; bids will be opened on the 15 th dav >s supposed to haye been lost in the Clerks. S. W biting and Eilis Me Feb. next. None of the bids is to U.S. mails. Island Judges, E. W. Kinnon exceed $5,000. Dated at Burns Ore. this the 22nd ' McCarty. B. R Porter and J. W l Dalton; Clerks, M. B. Hayes and —Chas, and Julian Byrd are day of January 1894. D. L. S hirk . 'Claud McGee. Hwrnev Junges, A I publishing a weekly local paper in _' W. Howser, Fred Haines and Rob I connection with the monthly Peda h| ert Drinkwater; Clerks, Thomas • Drain Oregon. Bain ami L. Woldenberg. Silvies. C andidates —Now is tha winter .bulges, J L. Cross. A Wintermier ' of our discontent, which after the and Thos Craddock sr ; Clerks.’ election to some of us, will be made W. I). Baker and Waller Cross. glorious summer by the votes of the Pine Creek Judges, Fred Bliss, L people. But what of those who get C. Bradfield and W. F. Moffett:'. “left?” Well what? . i Clerks. D A Miller ami William , —We are informed that John Gearhart. Drewsey Judges, Wm.| Jacquemin is coming for sheriff South, N E. Duncan ami P. Ruther- ( ford; Clerks, C. A. Gihler and Will I on the people’s party ticket, We have alwavs beleived John to be a Altnow. Crane Creek Judges, D I democrat, hut be that as it may Cary, Henry Turner and Frank | John is a number one one g( od Turner; Clerks. Grant Thompson I man. and Wm. Trisch. Saddle Rutte | Judges, J. P. Dickenson, Fred Otlev , —After the county conventions and Newt. Hoover; Clerks, Henry of each respective party of our Lyons and J. H. Oard. Narrows county, the lion and lamb will lie Judges, A. Hembree, 8. Goodspeed down together and the [0] will pad and H. Elliot ; Clerks, A. W. Hurl die them, with himself, up salt river hurt and A. Rieneman. Diamond in his little light canoe to rusticate Judges, Jap Smith, T. W. Sear- and prepare their armor for the weard and Phillip Kidd; Clerk. A, next coniest. “Sic itur ad astra.” T. Clark. Catlow Judges, D. L. Shirk, John Hov ami Thos Walls; The State Tax Levy By The Clerks, D. Switzer and H. E. State Board. Committee on arrangementi*. Stevens. Wild Horse Judges, H On the 17 inst the state board Thompson. 8earg. ßiggB. Corp. Tupktr ■ • ----- |E Layton, Chas. E. Turner and Ed imide the levy for the state tax. Floor Committee. ■———»stepiney ; Clerks. Chas. Fieldsand The levy is 4 3-lOmilIs on the dol ■——— ___ (Iowan Lt. 1 hompson, Searg. Jacquemin ■ I xmi Chamberlain Alvord Judges, Sizemore lar. This will yield $722.000. Bigg". Corp a. I upker, Tregaskis, Private« Haves, II 1111 "lYT: 13 p 1 s - ravine. D M Logan and Bart Last year the levy was 7 mills and McKinnon Stenger, Young, Cardwell, ¡Cronin; Clerks, Wm. Gore and C. Jeilded $1.069,000. This year’s levy Mothershead. ¡C. Dunneau. Heppy Valley Judges, did not include the expenditure for the new insane asyum to be built I y "’¿-7.* . Joh" M»hon- D H Smyth and M. Ari invitation is moat cordially extende«! every one By Tr op "A” near Union, nether does it include Horton- Clerks. J. ILN.d and L.' th* tw.i wings of thes’ate peu ten- -U—. S.M—<Mt- ’J « 514 SUlKiift. Grand March 8 o'clock sharp Ticks«, $1.00 liary. ffgDNK8DAV JANUARY 24. 18« >iw»tific ^mencn» Grand Military