Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1893)
The Hsrall WKDNBSDAT NOVEMBER «. IW». Business Locals. —Builders tools and all kinds of building hardware at the Burns hardware store, at bottom price« for caah —Mrs. Racine always sets the jl»eet of Ubles, everything nice and plentiful. Her rooms are unex ceptionable, and every one of her patron« know* she «pare« no pains to accommodate and please. AOHTT FOB J. H. Jett Marble Co Baker City, Or. Also takes order« for enlarging pictures: Crayon or Pastel. —The Julv and June numbers of —School book« at the drug «tore of H. M. Horton. I the Century Magazine fer the year ( 1891 are missing from this office. —Peach brandv at Caldwell’« We presume we have loaned them for 13.50 a gallon, eash. to some on« who has forgotten to — Hvgenic Kalsomine all colors return them. Pleasereturn. Mr. K. L. Sultrr A roll kzxrwn pLou>cr*pb«r ot Itaiwad. OsL, ready for uee at the store of Geer —The well known reputation of j te«S«et “My be« aa4 bo4y win corered Bros. the O. C. Company, Huntington. wita r»4 bletcb«« wUlchAlfafcr^dBMMUcsue- Oregon, for fair dealing and reason-' ed «inc» «uffer;at. Oth«r n«dk!se« Ul'.ed • tep wy ae»e, but Biter taking four bottiM ot —The Elite Saloon Geo Tre able price«, guarantees that firm a gaskis proprietor, fine Wines. Li big trade, from parties in ourcoun-| I a* eaUrwly fTM tnxa xny blotcbee ao4 «a tv, who buy their winter supply of perteayw«U - HOODt CURII. quor« and Cigars, billiard and card groceries, etc. at the railroad. tables. Nowd’e Fìtte ‘‘ .T'5/bl* I —This office • is -* ••• in «- gr»-3t nt-ed of pr«j>a.-rL 200. Try • &«• ------ « MBV VM.vv ’ , —On and after Mav first through 1 money to pay debt* and run the Stages from Heppner to Burns in paper Parties indebted to us will | two day«. Fare 114 round trip confer a *reat either bv cash or ncte drawing i Front Saloon keep« the •28 Wsrfe antesd on delivery or no charge« made. Poet Office Addre««, box 361. Boi«s City, Idahs Hood’s Sarsaparilla I / « A. J. McKinnon Shop opposite the Clerk’« Office. — Don’t forget Henry Cheatham barber, desires a part of your pat fil .e«linR up our ronage. at the new barber shop. Au experienced Workman and satifaction Guaranteed. brer and cigars Lw.«.......... ... *~ ‘card. px»l and billiard tables I^ee ■ — Who said you couldn't get a incase we have to employ an al Caldwell proprietor. good tlavored cigar in town for five — Bailey and Johnson, proprie cents? Call at the Citv Drug Store tors of the ’ Tex" Saloon, are doing and inquire at good business, because their cus tamers receive the courtesy and po —Miner« tools and implements lite attention so essentia! to suc in full stock just received, and ' TB on cess for sale at Vaegtlvs hardware store tainly cannot he that we can run a pap«- * He solicit« a share patronage of hi« frend«. —IX n’t forget the eld “stand-by wind. — A farm on Trout creekcontain- French Hotel " Board 41 00 per I This ranch has — Another piop<.-sition to sub- i* 1 1 ______ * ~ « ZVk aeree. Proprietor. _________ day and leas by the week. about 100 acres of meadow and is q H ayks I scriber*. To those who will pay «P • —The Saloon, in the new hotel back «ubecriptions and one year in admirably situated for a first class sheep, cattle or horse ranch, being Arrive« at Ontario in 42 hour« building, Richardson and Stephen« ,3,.o«. .n.l a-i-e ’!>• surrounded by the very best range. Leave« Burn« daily at 6:30 p m . proprietors, is nicely furnished and Title sood For terms call at this B1U».««I One way 17.50. its customers is given the best the Herald and Blade for 4-5- office or write Rvrd Jfc King, 1 Real Fare, round trip, 112. Estate Agents. Burns Oregon. brands of liquors and cigars I I • Through freight 2Jcl«. a pound. — Fer a fine 8 day Calender Clock. 8 day Cabinet and 8 day -¿-■A3 One section of land about 1 miles Mantle, go to Jorgenson» the A number or.e Durand Organ for jeweler. .»»«-«iy k north of. Good outlet sale cheap Call at the H erald w —««eued at the S----- to range For sale cheap Capital. Bright. br*e«y, reliable. Office for further inf rmation. B yrd A- Ki*'». independent, literary and newsv. I I —The Beat Weekly Paper m California Only 4150 p«r year. A good ranch belonging to H. G.' ’ Campbell, containing 160 acres 1’2 Addrers T hk B ee . Rea! Estate. Life and Fire insur miles south east of Burns. This Sacramento, Cal ance Collections a Specialty. ranch has stool 100 acres of good — Lytle Howard, th- proprietor KIRNS. Price 1800 or will ----- ORBION* meadow land. of the Burns mest market, will en trade for sheep. dravur to, as far as i«esible, keep B yrd 4 K ino . an hand [vrk mutt- :i sod f tor ti»e acevmujedstion of his cu-»t<*tu ♦re Hie prio-e are rea- ■.»’ le and A «•»»•l»«t Dltcwvvr, Free b* expect« and must have prompt •ettlement — at * ¡east !__ l ,>ncv a m<nth rR w E GRACE. Superfine^* Lair remove! per manently. instanvaneouely. without * W«W«rftil Or- g». Me ha e* pain, by Electro Chemical Fluid A ’ c a ’ • {n order tv p* >re supériorité, we Dr Ch« ■ Electric 8 will for r-x: • days «end sample Cur* puaiu v«ly r -• S'tt.e and v-cmvniala tree, on re Ringbone. 8| 4ö ceipt o' nineteen centa to pav poat Iwure without p.v ' # '**.> -»«ml age Electro 1 :.e cal Co . ‘23 East failure or «lightest :■ ry "■.3Î..'! • ry 14th St. New Y *k greatest w.yJJer of fie X ->v t Century, a«toc *■ ■'< aa it th PRESCRIPTION’S CARKFt’l IA • lire veterinär« • r;d l ircv *r? and testimonial« free Dr Gut CO M POU N V H t BY A PH ARM A- becint. S'* Cane. M New \ork »«IX VIST. 4 » LUEEB & [0 Edwards. Bur n s Drug Store. Manufacturera Tinware dt Shee 'iron Goods also dealers b» « •OLOiîwa. CHILD« «H « t » V • ** Wm «fc»v -< ' ‘ \ r ****** "• W4 \ \ A a ****** ’ ? »X * ▼ «»«. <** w f iicntific American • 4 T A . • r* "3 -* -«• ’ ».TV ter -< nr-:-: HARD- PAINT3 OILS WARE GLASS. IDOORS CYTnmr/-\n STOVES & & WIN- RANGERS DOWS AMMUNITION a FISHING TACKLE TINWARE. GRANIT W a KE, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE GARDEN’ SEEDS. FAB- MERS’ ± MECHANICS’ TOOLS JI UNDERTAKING GOODS < all and k - cur Holiday goods. H 9 «a-. a . - CV « •* M HORTON', Proprietor t- ____ -lRT’r.e vvnrrTXKS rRTMTrALS. PATENT MEDICINES. «TCTTOK try DTAMn\'D DYF9. CHOICE PKRFUMF9 * F ‘ V Y T°n ET ARTTCT ° TOBACCO CIG ARP ETC. A Liquors for Medical Purpo enptives accurately cxxnp urd-d First Claas Der.tai Work Dews « u » vy I