Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1893)
BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, ORLbON. NO 2 The Herald, clasped and unclasped his hands| nervously and hitched awav from Highest of all in Leavening Tower.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report BY the man whd sat next to him. ' W. C. BYRD a SON. | “¿ay,” he baid fiimally, ' didn’t von ever hear of the Senate of the P ublishers and P roprietors . I nited States? You must have j a kind of an idea that it’s a hoss SUBSCRIPTION RATES: That depends upon the Os* Year ................... |‘2.00 car line or a plank road or a cement bx Months. ................................................. 1,00 Liver. If the Liver is Wiree Months................... 75 • sidewalk. You make me tired!” inactive the whole sys HERALD CLUB LIST: | I suppose I do,” said the other tem is out of order—the tferald and Harper’s Magazine............ 5,00 i man, but did you ever stop to ¡•raid and Harper’s Weekly........ 5.20 Breath is bad, digestion «raid and Harper’s Bazar ........ 5.20 think that bray of yours might make poor, head dull or aching, eraldand Harper’s Young People .. 3.75 energy and hopefulness people who want to think a bit weary ■ «raid and Alden*« Manifold Cyclopedia,. .2.90 gone, the spirit is de •aeh additional volume after Vol. I 55 cent«: also?” 1» cent« extra per voiume, pottage. pressed, a heavy weight . The man with the battered derby £W! 'opie* of all the above work» can be ex • exists after eating, with »wined at leisure in the Reading Room. caught the connection, and wag so general despondency and Publishers of periodicals are solicited c.i effectually silenced that he made «•I, " hd I > • 1 insane appeared to h v • no the blues. The Liver is m «end clubbing rates, a copy of their work for ««r Free Reading Room—We file and bind the the housekeeper of the signs to the conductor when he ' 8e 8ei 'H H, >' ‘ ot n! ’b-.>r, f»‘.*r, and would even rush tatter at close of every half-volume, sod u«v tl »«pie« bv advertisement. health; and a harmless, wanted to getoff.—Buffalo Express [into danger. The cleverness with simple remedy that acts which Prendergast sought to insure I like Nature, does not his own safety is cited as proof of THE HUMAN HEART. •P ACE j 1 wk I 2 wk j Imo J 3 mo J 6 mo constipate afterwards or 1 Iïr his sanity. require constant taking, 1 Inch ■ 1.50 »2.50 »5.00 »8 00 »11.00 ■ 15 00 3 00 4 00 6.50 12.03 18.00 ■28.00 t does not interfere with '1 lie human heart is a hollow 3.50 5.00 8.00 15.00 24.00 40 00 1 4 4.50 6.00 10.00 20.00 32.00 50.00 business or pleasure dur muscle of a conical form placed SETTLED AT LAST. k col. 6.00 9.00 15.00 28.00 48.00 54.00 ing its use, makes Sim 12.«0 16 00 28 00 48 00 80.00 120 00 H between the two lungs and inclosed 20.00 1 30 00 40.00 60.00 110.00 140.00 mons Liver Regulator a in the Dericardum. or heart sac. World’s Eair Jury Finally De- medical perfection. The ordinary size of the heart in the I JOB WORK “ I have tested it personally, and know that for rides in Favor of Dr. Price. Dyspepsia, Biliousness and Throbbing Headache, Cawials, Trade-marks, Design Patents, Copyrights, adult is about 5 inches in length, 3 I it is the best medicine the world ever saw. ” — H. 0f every description executed with neatness I H J ones , Macon, Ga. «nd despatch, at reasonable rates. And m H Patent bualiio.» conducted tor inches in breadth at the bronrdest C hicago , Noy. 21.—On the anah - •irculars, Posters, Pamphlets Envelopes, MODERATE FEES. Bill Heads, Letter Heads, part, and 2^ inchesin thickness, Its | sis and recommendation of Dr. ■tatements, Note Heads, Cards, Ticxets, Iuforumtlon and ailvu••■ >-.'v*u to Im *■ torà without Memoranda, Invitations, Dodgers, Etc. weight is from 10 to 12 ounces in \\ iley, Chief United States Govern charge. AddreM I T he H erald is kept regularly on file for re men. and from 8 to 10 in women. ment Chemist at Washington, and ference, in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad PRESS CLAIMS CO., vertising Bureau, 10 Sprift-e st.. New York. I)r. Beneke. of Marburg, has made gr-iatest living authority on food pro JOHNWEDOERBURN, known his obseryr i nis of the grow (iiu'ts. the World’s Fair jury today J Mounglng Attorney, OFFICIAL DIRECTORY th of the human be:.n. the fact ap gave the highest. awar<^ fenerfta. P. >di Q. bq * ‘ r ’’ D. Cl W ashington , D.Cl ------------------- I il li uoskcaJbera agaln.t uuseJdRWWi and most ripiT during rrro ... I >»ir ( ream Bat (JlltAS- . I ,.t l’ ,< »l Agent., and oach paper i 1 his conein'-1vr-.j on national : . and second years of life, its on - il i ltlvtr;rt< niant «»i.clw.forthere«poBM- ....... Grover Cleveland I President ................. Dr. Wiley re inty uud Uu,lirt !'J<lUuoi lb« Pi.SabasCouipaay. Adlai Stevenson THE SILVER BILL PASSED.' the end of the second yedrs of life, ’ tion of superiority. ■ice-Preaident.............. Walter Q. Gresham : Secretary of State jected the alum powders, stating to John G. — Carlisle ' Secretary of Treasury.............. ................. its bulk at the end of the second ,, Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith Hcretary of War ....................Daniel 8. Lamont year being exactly double what it ¡•eretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert “Well,” said the man with the - - Secretary of Agriculture....... J. Sterling Morton ho sat originally was. . Between the second Attorney General .................. Richard S, Olney battered derby to the man wl... — Postmaster General................ Wilson S Bissell and seventh years it is again dou next to him in a west ayenuc car I bled in size. A slower rate of — STATE—OREGON : . . ( J. n . Dolph ,ori ....................... I J. H.Mitchell. last night, “1 see that the silver bill ¡growth then sets in, and continues i (Binger Hermann has passed.” • during the period of maturity of congressmen ..................... <W. R. Ellis A San Francisco Paper Governor ........................ D.Sylvester Pennoyer “Up or down?” inquired the man |Other i portions of the body. After Secretary of State............ R. Geo. W. McBride Treasurer . R ......... Phil. Metschan. who sat next to him. Would Form an Interesting Addition ... .thefifteenth year up to the fiftieth i Supt. Public Instruction R......... J. B. McElroy L_ annual ... ..... .1 growth of IU ha.rt is' State Printer ................. R............ Frank Baker ' ( “Up or down? Why, ne,ther;L the the heart is, to Your Winter Reading. R. 8. Bean. Passed the about .061 of a cubic inch, the in j Wm. P. Lord just passed, you know. ■ «preme Judge« F. A. Moore Senate.” crease ceasing about the fiftieth sixth judicial district : THERE ARE MANY REASONS WHY “Made the Senate take liis (lust, year. »¡strict Judge .................D ....... M. D. C lifford District Attorney ............ D . C has . F. H yde THE•••• Joint-Representative (R)......... A. W. Cowan hey?” The heart, although so small, is a Joint-Senator ...........(D).H enry B lackman whose the Senate take “Made wonderful piece of mechanism and COUNTY—H ARNEY : • ¡dust? ” of great power. With each stroke W m . M iller County ujdge ................ (D)., P. L. Shideler Silver Bill’s.” Clerk ............ (D).. “ Why, ! or beat it projects something like ...... 1. 8. Geer Treasurer ......................... (R) j. H. Neal »; this wasn’t no trottin’ two and a half ounces of blood into IS THE BEST PAPER IN THE WEST. Surveyor ......................... (R) “ No, no A. Gittirrgs Sheriff .............. (R) 8. W. Miller race. The Silver bill passed the the conduits or channels of the Assessor (D). C has .N' kwkll Sch<>ol Superintendent.. .(R) >» David Cary Senate, you know. Stock Inspector body, throwing it for a distance of special premiums n» VALUE, $135,000 W m . A ltnow ID) 1 “ Anybody hurt? nine feet. This is done 69 or 70’ (tommissionors t j itz GIVEN AWAY By this time the man with the times a minute. The number HARNEY U. S. LAND OFFICE! , battered derbv didn’t know what its pulsations varies in the sexes, R h brimful of new. from .11 parts of the world, sod It,«y «• Register ........................... J. B. H untington foremvst wriur.of th. day. In addition to IU great new. and literary featsraa, Receiver .................. ..H arrison K elley He stared at the man who to say. and according to posture, In the IT GIVES TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER HIS CHOICE FROM TWO ’ i amazement. ’ sat next to him in male it beats 81 times a minute MAGNIFICENT WORKS OF ART, Then be straightened up and tried when standing, 71 when sitting and SOCIETIES. | it again: “Of course nobody was 66 when lying- ’s Art Album, the female it is The Examiner SYLVA REBEKAH Degree No.A3. Consisting of eight beautiful reproduction, from masterpiece, of the world', r «*• hurt. How could they be?” ' 91, 81, 80 in the similar positions Meets every 1st and 3d Wednesday, ast artist«, the whole collection bound in a haudaome bamboo teatberrtU a «1 Eunice Thompson, N. G. same respectively ““Leisu re Moments. I “ Wasn ’ t running on the ft May Worthington. Rec. Sec’y Or a beautiful reproduction. In all of Ila original colora, of the iamuua hirtm ai .track, hay?” painting, 22x28 inches, A. O. Ü. W. Burns Lodge, No 47 “On the same track9 Do you Columbus at the Court of Ferdinand and Isabella. Meetsevery 2d an<l4thThursday« think this was a bloomin’ cattle As to Prendergast’s Sanity. W. Y. King, M. W J W Sayer, Rec'd. andbe.Mes.nthW, THE EXAMIXER will th!, year • dlrtrjmte train goin’ by a fast mail, or some thin’? The Silver biil—that bill C hicago . Ill—Lawyer A. s. BPRNO m IA HONOR Lodge. N o . a about repealin’ the purchase clause Trude is preparing an article for a Meets ever» 2d and 4th Monday. „ Mrs A E Young C of H. in the Sherman law—parsed the magazine, presenting a theory as to harney lodge , no . 77, i . o o f . Senate of the United States. Now I Prendergait’s responsibility for his . Meet« at Odd Fellow« Hall, every Saturday, *0 P m, M, R. Bigg« N. O. do you understand9” action when he assassinated Carter “Didn’t the Senate want it to get Harrison. Mr. Trude’e theory is .......... HARNEY POST NO. 48, O. A. R. Meet« every 1st and 3d Wednesday of each past?” ... that Prendergast was sane when he month, at odd Fellowe' Hall. All Çomrad« • ‘ Why, certainly, most of it diu. committed the deed. He cites the ’• good standing invited. have passed, would 'fact that the man was animated by or it wouldn’t 1 a siBse of fear in fleeing from the it?” V. t. MATT.8. Thev might have •ervant at the home of Mayor “I dunno. • VUN«—VALE : built a fence across the or Harrison. He cites ca«es where Vwivasaad ¿apart«daily, built a I locked the door, or somethin . men who had committed crimes ÌMBI—CAWTOW CWT: The mar. with the battered der . ‘"Inint Pe^eiw^. eiee»t Iwadwy PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY | Is Worth Living? oya | lewder ABSOLUTELY PURE i S W eekly E xaminer n nnn y,UUU $|.5O ONLY $1.50 PER YEAR $|.5O W.IIERALD ANDWF.m EXAMINER OKU 13.15 A W CASH.