Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1893)
I “A. •<* ç ..r> Jtj /X’ • k/ f F 1 ; O ii. .r iJ fa b BURNS. HARNEY Mil MY, ('Kit.ON. N ovember 10 i«93. 'll •> •xx Till Y rimi NC ED A TR a MP. Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report It is 8 nd that a l> a’< »titan was rii tiiitig over the top it’ i tra n was s-.> j arc.!;, ze ' - > ; i y- t ni’l'.ü) ut when h<- f tw -G P ublishers and P roprietors . . Cui.t a. toili'lsis 1 h it i.e ..... a >1 overboard. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: That depends upon tho ‘ Where are vou goirg. inv prettv 1 On» Year ............................................ Liver. If the Liver is fcx Mouth». ............................................. maids'. ’” he politely asketi, ;.:,d three Months ........................................... inactive the whole sys One Year (in advance) gallantly lifted his cap. tem is cut of order—the HERALD CLUB LIST: The girls told him ; 1 lii ly tha1 breath is had, digestion Herald and Harper’s. Magazine......... Serald and Harper’s Weekly ........... poor, head dull or aching, they were going to California; t'lht eraldand Harper’s Bazar................ energy and hopefulness had no money to pay their fare. eraldand Harper’s Young People. gone, the spirit is de and that they had no monev to pav Herald ami Alden's Manifold Cyclopedia,. .2.90 pressed, a heavy weight «ach additional volume after Vol. I 55 cents: their fare, anil that they did nut 1« cents extra tier volume, postage. exists after eating, with propose to be put off the train. np-Copiesof all the above works can be ex general despondency and repe .1 bill th it be was no less a Th eie i- .i li > ' • on the M issi .sip rained at leisure in the Reading Room. None of the train crew interfered the blues. Tho Liver is pi ci'.ist, it v > il I not bo wino rosav /^■Publishers of periodicals are solicited friend ofsilver then he had slways the housekeeper of the 10 seiri clubbing rates, a copy of their work for ' with the women. At various sta i just where in t< 1 i ng a true tale, and ,ur Free Reading Room—We file aud bind the health; and a harmless, tions the girls went about anti beg | I been. At any is thoroughly latter at close of every half-volume, sod v»v v) such a tale, for t his horse has a jopiei bv advertisement. simple remedy that acts ' ged food. At one place, it is report understood the silver qut st ton is not ini’.-'er who often takes a drop tni like Nature, does not ed. a tramp insulted one of the “lu-lvi-d by the passage of the repeal constipate afterwards or nob-h, and to ritie, t brows ADVERTISING RATES: women, when the three sailed in l ill. O > the contrary, the silver 1 wk 12 wk 1 1 IDG J 3 mo 1 fi mo |_lyr SPACI require constant taking, hiniHelfon the ground “to sleep it together and gaye him a trounc does not interfere with 1 inch 11.50 ' 12.50 i' 15.00 is. 00 'iii.00 115.00 oil " Then the horse grazes around men say the fight has only begun 3 00 4 00 <•50 12.09 18.00 28.00 2 “ ing ’that he will remember for business or pleasure dur 3.50 5.00 S.OO 15.00 24.00 40. OC- 1 “ patiently tn.til it is time to go home When congress assembles they pro- 4.50 6 00 10 00 20.00 82.00 50.00 4 “ ing its use, makes Sim many and many a day. — Telegram 6.00 9.00 15.00 28.00 4S.00 54.00 l'-í eo1- Í - mons Liver Regulator a 12.00 Ili .00 28.00 48.00 80.00 120.00 j pose to keep it wi ll to the front in when lie arouses the tmtn by pulling 20.00 30.00 40.00 13).00 110.00 140.00 i 1 “ his sleeve, makes him mount, an 1 medical perfection. AWFUL DYNAMITE EXPLO connection with every great issue “ I have tested it personally, and know that for carries him safvlv home Dyspepsia, Biliousness and 'i'hrobbing Headache, SION. JOB WORK 1 between the parties from the tariff it is the best medicine the world ever saw.”—H. H J onbs , Macon, Ga. Of every description executed with neatness I to the repeal of the federal election »nd despatch, at reasonable rates. M adrid , N ov . 4 —From Santan I laws Every stage of the tariff dis Circulars, Posters. Pamphlets envelopes, Hill Heads, Letter 1!. ads, der, the capitol of the province of I’atemetits. Note Heads, Care’s. TieKcts, cussed will be punctuated by per Nerve Memoranda, Invitations. Dodgers, Et<. that name, comes a frightful story Builder Tonic tinent queries by the silver men T he H erald is kept regularly on file for re of explosion, fire, havoc and dent h. ference, iu the Leo. I’. Rowell Newspaper Ad tending to prove it was the demon- vertising Bureau, 10 Spruce st.. New York. Ths British steamer Volo with a ' etization of silver, not the McKinley cargo of dynamite, hud put in at 'tariff, which caused the financial [Santander. Last eveningjthe vessel EROM OUR EXCH ANGES. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY I depression. Indeed, it is intended took fire threatening flu* skipping, Rend for the silver men shall act as a body of dcsutii lt\e national : the docks ami ai'joining hiiuse. Tim paini .bleu i obstructionists, as did the Parnellit- president ..................... Grover Cleveland TRAVEL ON * BOX CAR. governor of the province, chief of fiee-President. .kdlai Stevenson I FDr. WILLIAMS’ I as in parliament, till silver shall Jeeretary of State ............. Walter Q. Gresham 1 municipal affair and many leading Ml DIC1NE CO., secretary of Treasury ............. John G . Carlisle receive a hearing. Secretary of Interior . Hoke Smith Schenectady, N.Y. leerstary of War Daniels. i. i.aniont Three Portland Girls Beating citizens were engaged in the work and IMlKkvillc, Dili. Jeeretary of Navy............. Hilarv A. Herbert I of subduing the flames, when they Their Way to California. leeretary of Agriculture. J. Sterling Morton Attorney General ................... Richard S, Olney reached the terrible cargo and with rostmaster General................. Wilson S Bissell STATE—OREGON : According to the latest reports I a deafening roar it exploded, 1 J. n . Dolph •• tor» destruction I J. H.Mitchell. from Sacramento, Cal , that state -tering death, fire and (Binger Hermann is now 1 eing overrun with tramps, on every side. M halves, shipping ’«ingresstnen ........... ■ (W. R. Ellis A S^ Frnnclsco Paper •overnor D.Sylvester I’ennoyer hundred of them having j and neighboring houses were t u n leeretary ol State • K Geo. W. McBride several ï>re,r-- R ......... Phil. MetBehan. to fragments. Fire rt once broke Would Form an Interesting Addition itoL' d U ”le Disfructluu R......... J. R. McElrov just arrived from the mining com »Ute Printer r ....... F rallk B akel munities of Colorado, Idaho, Mon out in the ruins of a shattered to Your Winter Reading. <Oreme Judge» ................... < WmS pBLord tana and the Dakotas. While building and spread to those Hill > F. A. Moore scores of them belong to what is standing with great rapidity, and SIXTH JUDICIAL, DISTRICT: THERE ARE MANY REASONS WHY Oi'triet ‘iUHBe..................D M- D C lifford known as the “hobo’’element, there as the dispatch was sent the des- L ‘o u Altomey ,p C has . F. H yde tub • • • • loin <?‘r‘‘’tfnlative (R) A. W. Cowan many who ar» truction of the entire city was I Joint-Senator ............ (D) H enry B lackman are among them honestly searching for work. A threatened All soits of reports I _ COUNTY—HARNEY:, are current a» to the loss of life, Cuunty ,J(jge .■ ..(D).. W m . M iller I vast army of the unemployed are lerk . ..(D) P. L. Shideler coining into California on freight ranging from hundreds down to tt'Murer ....(R) 1. S. Geer urvei-or IS THE BEST PAPER IN THE WEST. ....(R) J . H. Neal beriff trains, the railroad company hay fifty. Among the prominent people A. Glttipgg «BVHor Ji!’ A»s-,s».ir S. W. Miller ing given them permission to ride missing is the goyeruor of the dro ..CH AS.NEWELL vince. O'h »rs supposed to be de; <1 Q AAA SPECIAL PREMIUMS David Cary THREE PORTLAND WOMEN. VALUE, $136,000 8,itniniBgi01l#rg (D) i include several representatives of J,UUU GIVEN AWAY W m . A ltnow ____ ,R? ( ill itz It now appears that a number of the municipal and provincial gov H arney u . s . LAND office : women have taken to the road a> ernments. It Is brimful of new» from all parts of the world, »ad Its Literary Department la supplied by th» Jester J. B. H untington Receiver foremost writer» of the day. In addition to ita great news aud literary feature», ...H arrison K f . llky tramps and are traveling toward , ONE THOUSAND DEATHS REPORTED. IT GIVES TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER HIS CHOICE FROM TWO California as a sort of Mecca. 1 hey * MAGNIFICENT WORKS OF ART, 1 rivate td- gram.« say that over are said to be honest women who SOCIETIES. ¡are searching for employment. a thousand i>*op!e m t the rdeath The Examiner’s Art Album, A REBEKAH Decree No. 43. ContiRtingof eight beautiful reproduction« from mawterpfere« of the wnrM'i gr it» ,e" eTer>-1« an-1 3<1 Wedne»d«v. , These women, who are no v head by the fire and explosion at .San tft artiata, the wliole collection bound in a baudauiuc bamboo leatherette a e| Eunice Thompson. N. G. tander. Tn addition a trans Atlantic ing for some pftint in California it K May Worthington. Hee. See’y. Or a beautiful reproduction. In all of it« original color«, of the faruem hintot al painting, 22*28 inc he«, - is said, hail from Portland, Or steamer was burned arid forty of A. 0. IT. W. Burn» Lodge, No. 47 her crew perished. Of course their names and ante W«et,every 2d and 4th Thurídnv». It is reported that th-.» whole city Columbus at the Court of Ferdinand and Isabella. [ cedents are unknown. They were W. Y. King, M. W. And beside» all th!». THE EXAMINER w-'I1 this year distribute among 11» subscribers 9,000 Pra- J. W Sayer, Rcc’d. without means and could find no is likely t) be destroyed and the mtums aggregating in value the stupendous num of $135,000 Tins is llie fourth annual di»tribr> rendered tiun, and the 11 k of premiums is 1 ir- r and ru .rc valuable than ever tv-fore off.r. <1. keme tuber that *r*SOi«ÎA HONOR Lodge, N o . H respectable employment in this population of «0,000 these premium» entail no additi e»j>ensa to the auliar riber whatever. They ate ab-M.lutely free. •»«ry 2d and 4th Monday. j citv, so the trio concluded to start homeless. The cost of the WEEKLY EX AM !N ER, together with these tuagnileeut premium udcra, Il —- Br» A E Young Cor H. for California in regulation tramp B irney lodge , no . 77, 1. o o F. are not vet beaten . "•'Pm* ' • • i’eîl-jw» Hall, every Saturday, fashion, although it was a decidedly — M, R. Biggs N. G. bold thing for them to do. . W ashington , N ov . 6.—There are Itarnrilar »nbxcrtptlon price. Get the full particular.of thia grind nffrt hum the EXAMINER f Accordingly, so the story runs, Vee.,HARSEY P°8T NO. 4Ä, O. A. R t.xtren Page I'retniuiu Uat, which we can atipp'.y to you, or you can prx lire on> Itotn your Puafe rumors that Voorhees will introduce ■laMer or Newwfealer. Then, haring considered the ri.,tter. call on u> a . f t I ■ -nbln itlon autr •«nih a ”,?• *?'* •’•J Wednesday of each they sal'ied forth and climbed to «»''• AH Comead. a free coinage silver bill at the op «criptwa for 7R£ WEEKLY EXAMRiEli audyuur Lviuc paper, auj ae»~.L- »».unkiug <4 th« th® top of the first freight train they came to. and. seating themselves on ening of the regular session. Voor hees declines to talk aUut the P. 8. MAILS. the edge of a box car, they allowed natter, but it is pointed out that he BURN«—VÀLB: their feet to dangle along the side ' «rtVMand .leparía dally, and waited for the locomotive to has always lieen a silver man, and declared during the debate < n the ‘ dally, eart-pt Hand«? I roll away. PUBLISHED EVERY BY WEDNESDAY W. C. BYRD & sour. I Blood Í W eekly E xaminer 4 31,50 ONLY $1.50 PER YEAR $|.5O THE HERALD AND WEEKÏ EXAMINERONS 13.15 A YEAR CASH.