Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1891)
VOL. IV. BURNS, .HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, AUGUST 22, 1891, Semi-Weekly Herald, NEWS IN BRIEF. PUBLISHED VEERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. BY W. C. BYRD P ublishers and THE NEWS OF THE WORLD AS Cl’l.ED FROM EXCHANGES. SON. Mrs. Janies K. Polk Dying. Mrs. James K. Polk was taken seriously ill Wednesday the 12inst. and is in a critical condition. She has passed a quiet day, hut suffered periodical attacks of intense pain. Iler trouble is general congestion of the system, which her physicians regard as promising a fatal reeulL to-night or to morrow, owing to her extreme age of 88 years. fil.OO .. .1.50 75 .2.50 llER.KLL) CLUB IJSTr Elerald and Harper’s Magazine ............ 5.0(1 ftlerald and Harper's Weekly .. .. 5.20 llerald and Harper’s Bazar ... 5.20 Herald and Harper’s Young People 3.75 Gerald and Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia, .2.90 I Each additional volume after Vol. 1, 55 cents: I 10 cents extra uer volume, postage. I jTS^-Copiea of all the above works can be ex a’niued at leisure in the Reading Room — Publishers of periodicals are solicited to 6eud clubbing rates, a copy of their work for bur Free Reading Room—We file, and bind the latter al close of every half-volume, end < i bopie« bv advertisement. lilaiue’s Big Boom The Blaine boom still goes mer- rily on. Five county conventions in Pennsylvania Aug 11, taking the H-4CE 1 wk 2 wk j 1 mo 3 mo j 6 mo I-1-” j tip from Quay, no doubt, indorsed 11.50 Î Inch »2.50 »5 00 »■> -X) »11.00 »15.00 4.00 6.50 12 bl 18.00 28.00 the Plumed Knight for President 3.00 ¿ “ 3.50 5.00 3.00 15.00 24 00 10 00 4.50 6.00 10.00 20.00 32.00 «50.00 A friend of Quay says that he told 4 “ 6.00 54.60 9.00 15. CO 28.00 48.00 U col. Í* “ 12.00 16 00 28.00 48 00 80.00 120.00 hi min Philadelphia that every coun 20.00 30.00 40.00 60.00 110 00 14>00 1 “ ty convention in the State would instruct for Blaine, and that every JOB WORK delegate elected from Pensylvania every description executed with neatness tud despatch, at. reasonable rates. to the national convention would* Posters, Pamphlets Sirculars, favor Blaine’s nomination. Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Stuteinenis, Memoranda, Note Hellos, Invitations. Cards, Tickets, Dodgers, Etc. T he H erald is kept regularly on file for re lerenve, in the Geo. P. Rowel! Newspaper Ad irtising Bureau. 1U Spruce st.. New York. i A Strange Marriage. About three weeks ago Alfred White, aged 78 a wealthy and re OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. spected citizen of Medina N. Y. eloped with *13 year-old Ida Bis »ATioNxrr- sell. The couple went to Tillman, ............ Benjamin Har riso j President Levi P. Morton ! in the western part of the State, and Vice-President. James G. Blaine | Secretary of Stale Charles Foster. ' were married. peeretary of Treasury The girl’s parents John W. Noble i Bcretary of Interior Redfield Proctor : arrived on the scene just after the Bee let ary of War Benjamin F. Tracey Becrelary of Navy Secretary of Agriculture. Jeremiah M. Rusk ceremony had been performed and Win. II. Miller Attorney General .......... Of . John Wanamaker brought their daughter home. Postmaster General STATE—OREGON : ficers have been searching for White p / J. N. Dolph D. 8. Senators R j J. II Mitchan ever since. He came to Medina se bon gressin an R. Binger Hermen u governor I).Sylvester Pennoyer cretly on the Sth inst.. and induced Secretary of Stale . .R ’* Geo. W. McBride rreasurei. ..Phil. Metschan. his youthful bride to ilee with him. R Kupt. Public Instruction R .. J. B. McElroy State Printer . Frank Bakei The couple were caught at Tillman, R ) R. 8. Bean. where the Sheriff, who had read the R upreme Judges R / Wm. P. Lord > W. W. Th a ver dispaches in the papers, detained 11 Rheubin 8. Strahm the strangely assorted pair until SIXTH judicial district : Dint riet Judge .......... D M. D. C lifford officers from Medina could Arrive. Inai riet Attorney .D C has . F. H yde loi nt-Representative (D). D. S. D ustin White is now safe in jail and will loint-Senatur .(D) H enry B lackman be tried on the charge of abduction. COUNTY—HARNEY : County ujdge W m . M illee His child wife is again with her par (D) Clerk ,W. E. G rack (D) freagurer T. II. R oberts ents. . (D) - 1——— —i R~ ifinTi'innirr iifMJir - rrjn rm GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! T Henry Jenkins of Bolton, Lan- . i casbire, England, lived to be 169 p Dry Granulated Sugar, $ 9.75 per 1001b I have just received a full and years old. Mrs. Anna Saville, a Salt 2.10 u complete Stock of Dry Goods, writer of Jenkin's time, has the fol- Nails,. . . 7.50 u keg. Groceries, Hardware, Tinware lowing in her account of him: “I: Flour, 6.00 u barrel Notions, etc., which I will sell questioned him about his age. He ('*naha Bacon............ 13.50 <« 100 tb at BEDROCK PRICES FOR ., he , was . lb2 or 163. I asked , Coal Oil (Pearl) 8 00 can CASH ONLY said ' ......... , . , , I H. E. T hompson , Yours Respectfully, him what pubic event he could long-1 Manager A. ROBBINS est remember. He said the battle I of Fiodden Field, when Henry VI11. RETAIL ! ! was King. He said he was then WHOLESALE ! between 10 and 12 years of age, and was sent to Northallerton with a HUNTINGTON, . . ............... OREGON. horse-load of arrows, but that a big ger boy was sent to the army with him.” All this agrees with the his ♦ tory of that time, bqws and arrows We are now located in the New Brick Block, with plenty of room, being then in use. The battle of occupying three tloors, and each floor loaded With gOOOS. Fiodden Field was fought Septem Will maintain our former rules: Sauare Dealing, One Price. ber 9, 1513, and Henry Jenkins was then a boy lietween 10 and 12 years Best Ouality. We buv Flour, Meats, Stock Salt, Barb Wire, Liverpool Salt, of age. He died on December 9, Canned Goods, and Coal Oil in CAR LOADS. Our Paices are LOW. 1669, so that he must have lived at least 169yeary, lGyears longer than SEND FOR QUOTATIONS ! ! Old Parr, who was bom in Shrop CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. shire in 1483, and died in 1635. If this account of the age of Jenkins Prprietors Huntington Warehouse. Yours Respeefullv, is reliable he lived longer than any J. 11. AITKIN, Manager. other man in the known world, ex cept Methusalah, concerning whose age there has been much dispute.— The Republic. Portland Boot & Shoe Store. LUNA BURG A FRY, P roprietors , B urns , O regon . C- R. Farwell of Chicago has re X QUOTE YOTJ-- CV P roprietors . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year Six Months. Three Months One Year (in advance) Beaten Only 'iy Methuanlnh. NO. 54. 1 A ~ - ■' O. GENERAL C CO- P.CHANDISE; ceived a telegram from Professor 4^3,0 OO stockliuola anil Shoes, of tlie very best c-imllly . just re-elved Shyrenfurth. in (, of the rain- Ch'?Tcfnust Place in Town fo Cash, Droducing exneriments provided for by the last congress now being con £9*-Alan, Custom work und Repairing neatly done. ducted on the ranch of Nelson Mor ris, in Texas. Th? professor says that the first exp.Tin.ent was made Monday, powder being exploded high in the air; that clouds began to gather, and that it was raining heavily there Tuesday. One of the party in an interview, said: “Wedonot thick the explo sions actually produced the storms, but they were undoubtly instru mental in precipitating the mois ture which the clouds brought to that locality, and greatly increased The Proprietors of the Red Front and White Front Liverv Sta bles assures the public that they are prepared to accommodate the intensity of the storm. The in every way in their line of business. amount of precipitation was great fWllay and grain constantly on hands, and careful hands. est in the vicinity of the operation. Passengers taken to all parts of the country. Job Wagon ir. connection. [urveyur .(D) T. A. M c K innon We will continue to make tests as lherilf A. A. 1' owino .(D) kssesBor ................... .(D). W. E. Al.BEKsoN to the density of the atmosphere so k bool Superintendent. . < R) C hah .N ewell itock Inspector T hus . G. D odson that bombs may be adopted to meet Phoenix, Ariz., Aug 12.—The every possible condition. When (D) ( Ww. A ltnow lommiBsioncrs .......... Manager. Lytle Howard. I last snake dance of the Mogin In sufficiently satisfied upon these and We solicit a share of HARNEY U. 8. s. LAND OFFICE: dians is now in progress and will similar points, decisive experiments egister ..J. B. H untington deceiver ..H arrison K elley last till August 21. the patronage. Shop will be made. The rain to-day was lie that we have again open- The warriors belonging to the | the first good rain in this vicinity CHURCH DIRECTORY. I ed at the old stand and upplied with good meats snake order have already gone into for several months.” the camp, or under-ground caves VRNS.METHODI8T EPISCOPAL CHURCH M.D. WILSON Pastor. prepaired for them. They have The Insurgents have Receive«! Arma. 1 There will be preaching by the pastor in each taken snakes of all kinds with them bonth ng follows, until further notice* The Incoporated 1st Sabbath—Burne—at 11 a m, and 4:30 p m The Congressional party in Chili 2d Sabbath—Island School House— at 11 a in and will not see the sun or a human —Harney—at 7:30 p in. "d Sabbath—Burns—it 11 a ni, and 4:30 p m face outside their order till August ¡have received a large supply of [4th Sabbath—Harney—at 11 a m, and 7:30p ni 21. At that time the Order of the arms and ammunition. The In-i Antelope will be put on gala attire surgents are now well armed and SOCIETIES. TRANSPORTATION Company. and get on the house-tops to wel equiped and feel confident of sue- [ C. C. McCoy, General Manager, HARNEY LODGE. NO. 77, I. O O F. come the snake dancers. The 300 cess, and what is greatly to their Meets at odd Fellows Hall, every Saturday -------------- O-:-O--------------- P m- II, M H obtom , n . g . warriors belonging to that order advantage is the willingness of the Stages leave Burns, Oregon, daily for Harney, Drews«-y, Beulah, len Brown, Tress. will come out of the estufa’ and, soldiers to fight in the cause, while Westfall and Vale, where harney pob t no . ss , g . a . r . on the other hand there is no doubt with the reptiles wound around Meets every 1st and* ::<1 Wednesday of each Close Connection is Made lunth, at odd Fellows' Hail. All Comrades their necks and in their mouths, ’ with the majority of soldiers in the with the railroad. Good fresh horses, careful drivers, new vehicles, Kvodstandinitinvited. M. M. BRIERI.Y. P. C. they will engage in the most pecul army of Balmaceda, it is a forced RATES OF FARE FROM BURNS TO ONTARIO AND INTERVENING POINTS ' ■*’ N ewell . Ad’j’t. Meh 10-16 Burna, to Ontario |10 0° I Hurna to Vale »<> Mt iar of all Indian ceremonies. At put and it is impossible to compel a *• •* Gro<e<‘itjr fi 50 I •• •• Weal Fall 790 •• •• Beulah ... « no I U. 8. MAILS. “ " Drewaey . 4 00 soldier to do good work against his the close of the performance the - •• Pine Creek 2 M> | •• Harney ......... 1.00 snakes will be taken to the river will. A great many of his soldiers BURNS—VALE: Baggage, 30lbs to each Passenger. Frieght and Passengers must an'1 ««parts daily, Sunday! excepted. and set at liberty. The govern are in sympathy with the Insur- i be way-billed. Passenger fare paid in advance. evens — canyon city : H arry F loyd , N eri A kles , ment has interfered, and this will gents, and it will not take much to J.M. V achon . '•iMonday! Wedn<*sdnii, Fridavi. 6pm.E ratedaig Thursday! <k Saturday!-® tom. Gen. Sup’t. D vision Agent. Burn Agen be the last dance.—The Republic. put them to flight NORTHWESTERN MAIL