Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1891)
PUT YOUR WHY! id rciiûit ¡VERTISEMENT IN THE HERALD. OL. IV. BECAUSE IT GOBS BEFORE THE PUB- TW1CK WEEK BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, AUGUST 29, 1891 ni-Weekly Herald, ISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. r. C. BYRD & SON. LI8HERS AND PROPRIETORS. NEWS IN BRIEF. THE NEWS OF THE WOULD Cl'I.F.D FROM EXCHANGES. How the Renders Were Swung. Balloon Fatality. Three balloon accidents have hap pened in this country in the last ten days, two proving fatal. The last one a lady—“Mlle Frankie Lavelle, the Queen of the air”—in attempting to preform on a trapeze bar in mid air, 1000 feet from the ground, fell to the ground. Those who witnessed the terrible catastro phe, hurried to the spot where the body fell, and behold a sickening sight. She had evidently struck on her head, every bone in her body was broken and the frame reduced to a pulp. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES I I QUOTE YOU Dry Granulated Sugar, I 9.75 per lOOfb I have just received a full and Salt,......................... 2.10 U «4 complete Stock of Dry Goods, Nails,....................... . . 7.50 “ keg. Groceries, Hardware, Tinwar« Flour, ..................... 6.00 '* barrel Notions, etc., which I will sell Omaha Bacon........ . 13.50 “ lOOîb at BEDROCK PRICES FOR Coal Oil (Pearl) . . 3.00 “ can CASH ONLY H. E. T hompson , Yours Respectfully, Manager. A. ROBBINS K. B Randolph, an attorney of this city, who has just returned from fear 13.00 Mi ths. . ... .1.50 Nickerson, Kan., says that he there Months ■ .. .75 ’ear (in advance) 2.50 made the acquaintance of Tom ■ HERALD club list Doolittle, an old time fighter, who ■Mid and Harper’.- Magazine........... 5.00 ■gHanii Har|«r’» Weekly ....... 5.20 told him a story of the famous Ben WHOLESALE ! RETAIL ! I ■goldand Harper’» Bazar 5.20 leraldand Harper’* Young People .3 7.1 der family, which if true settles all laraM and Alden's Manifold Cyclopedia, 2.9c O. O. CO- ■aeh additional volume after Vol. 1, 55 cents question as to the whereabouts of W cents extra oer volume, postage. HUNTINGTON, ............................................. OREGON. the family 01 murderers. M9*Copleaof all the above works can be ex Doolittle says that after the mur wined at leisure in the Reading Room der of York a band of searchers, ^Fublishers of periodicals are solicited Martinique Is^nd Swept by a Cyelene. HRbbing rates, a copy of their work fo> headed by the murdered mansbroth- so Reading Room—We file, and bind the er, went to the Bender house and We are now located in the New Brick Block, with plenty of room, it close of every half volume, end r*v < i Official advices received announce by advertisement. occupying three floors, and each floor loaded With gOOOS. extorted a confession from the old that a terrifitc cyclone swept over woman. They then quietly proceed Will maintain our former rules: Square Dsalillg. One PriCQ. ADVERTISING RATES: the Island, Martinique, on the 19th ed to hang old man Bender, his wife 1 m<> 2 wk J1 wk I-1— and son to the rafters of the house. I in6t, destroying twenty vessels, and Best Ouality. 115.00 All 50 |2 50 15-00 We bnv Flour, Meats, Stock Salt, Barb Wire, Liverpool Salt, The damage 1 » uo 4 00 6 50 12 01 ! 13.00 28. CO During this proceeding Kate Bender killing sixty persons. I 3 50 5 00 8 00 15 00, 24.00 40 00 Canned Goods, and Coal Oil in CAR LOADS. Our Piices are LOW. to property and especial 1 7 the ship I 4 50 fi.00 10 00 20.00 32 00 50 00 uttered some protest, arid was shot ¡ing was enormous. Numerous I 6 00 9 00 15 00 2«.00 4« 00 54.00 112.00 16 00 28 00 43 00 30.00 120.00 to death. After the family had sugar, coflfce, cotton and cocoa plan- SEND FOR QUOTATIONS I ! tuo 00 30 00 40 00 1 tio oo no oo 140.00 ’ * destroyed, '■ ' All been dispatched, York’s avengers J tatious were totally CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. took the bodies to the creek bed J the improvements and forests in the JOB WORK Prprietors Huntington Warehouse. Yours Respecfullv, some vanls distant from the house 1 ¡path of the cyclone" were swept iy description executed with neatness J. H. AITKIN, Manager. | away. patch, at reasonable rate«. and buried them. Never Touchad the Chicken. Pamphlets Posters, The attention of a family living Letter Heads, Bill Heads. Salem Ill., Aug. 18.—A .peculiar Cards, Tiegeta, Note Heads, on an adjacent ranch was attract piece of evidence was developed in Dodgers, Etc. Invitations. ed to the Bender place some days the Coroner’s inquest held by Cor- is kept regularly on file for re Portland Boot & Shoe Store. Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad afterwards bv a starving calf, and 1 j oner J. H Lakin aver the bodv of Inreau, 10 Spruce at.. New York. LUNABURG & FRY, P roprietors , B urns , O regon . then the absence of the family was Miss Mary Wilson, who was killed by lightning in this city yesterday made known to the public. This1 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. afternoon. The Adv was' greasing $3,000 Stock Boots snd Shoes, of the very beet duality . )uet received gave rise to the report that the the heads of some little chickens Cheapest Place in Town for Cash, murderous family had fled to avoid with a preparation to kill lice N ational : Benjamín Har riso When the stroke of lightning killed Aino, Custom work and Repairing neatly done. Levi P. Morton punishment, and caused the pro Meut. JamesG. Blaine : her she had a little chick in her left of State longed search after them by the Charles Foster. of Treasury hand and was in the act of taking John W. Noble officers of the law.—St. Joseph, Mo, I of Interior some grease out of a cup on the Redfleld Proctor ’ of War Benjamín F. Tracev Special to the Cincinnati Enquirer.groi]n(j i of Navy ____ 1. When she was found. Jeremiah M. Knsk ’ of Agriculture Wm. H. Mlller General TT . , zv • which was several minutes after she John Wanainaker er General Under a new law in Georgiai kjlle<] she W|,R Btin 1)((1(lillg the STATE—OREGON : when a doctor is convicted of' chicken by the limbs with a tight J. N. Dolph latori Proprietors. longer, • The chick was released and J. H Mltchau drunkenness he can no R I Binger Hermelin practice medicine in that Mate. Im an r . ~ j * an H away unhurt . ‘ _ - T D.Sylvester Pennoyer SUBSCRIPTION RATES: r ( of State W. McBride R Geo. .................... Phil. Metschan. V K J. B. McElroy blic Instruction R Frank Bakei toter R- i K. 8. Bean. R [ Wm. P. lx>rd R Judges J W. W. Thaver D Rheubln 8 Strahm SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: 1) M. D. C lifford idge .D C has . F. H yde ittornev (D). D. 8. D ustin iresentative ■ .(D). H enry B lackman Mor ■ COUNTY—HARNEY : Wn. M illes (D) ,W. E. G rack (D) T. H. R oberts r............................. (D) (D) T. A. M c K innon t .(Dj .(D) A. A. COWING ..(D). L . . .IV,. W. E. A i . bkkkon II) C has .N ewell Iperintendent . (R) T hus . G. D olison ipectur ............... nidge (D) i 'DJ ( Boners ■ abney u . '........... CHURCH Wn. A ltnow Lytle Howard. a. land ottici: . J. B. H untington ..H arrison K elley DIRECTORY. IETHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH M.D. WILSON Psstor. ill be preaching by the pastor in each follows,until further notice- «th—Hurns—at 11 a m, and 4:30 pm ath—Island School House— at 11 a m —Harney—at 7:30 p m. Btb—Burna—M 11 a m, and 4:30 pm bath—Harney—at 11a m, and 7:i0p m SOCIETIES. IEY LODGE, NO. 77, I. O O F. tOdd Fellows Hall, every Psturdsy H, M H obtom , N. G. n, Trees tRNEY FOB T NO. 48, G. A. R. rery 1st and* 3d Wednesday of each l Odd Fellows’ Hall. All Comrades lading invited. M. M. BR1ERLY. P. C. ■ will , Ad’JT. Mchia-l# U. 8. MAILS. aOBNS—VALB. departs daily, sundsys excepted •PUNS— canton citv : lavs Wednesdays. Fri<iavs.4pe» a ■ Thursdays A Saturdays~84»m. YOU G eneral M erchandise , W A IN 1 a San Francisco paper and of course you want a good one. Th< WEEKLY EXAMINER, fills the want completely, for it is the best It gives you every week not only all the news, but the best literary and miscellaneous matter published on the American continent—that is its specialty ; bein’ the best. It wants your subscription—yours The Proprietors of the White Front Livery Stable as particularly—ind oilers not only to you, but to every other subscriber, sures the public that they are prepared to accommodate one or more attractive premiums. in every way in their line of business. In the first place, it gives every subscriber, one of the four mag and grain constantly on hands, and careful hands. nificent etchings or paintings described below, and delivers it safely a’ Passengers taken to all parts of the country. Job Wagon in connection. his address, postage paid. ‘‘The Retro it from Moscow,” by Meissonier, “The Roman Chariot Race,” by A. Wagner. .......... Manager. We solicit a share of Each of these pictures is 21x28 inches, and they are elegantly reprodscea in fac simile, showing every tint and color of the great originals, either one of winch could not be pur chased lor $100,000. ‘‘Women and Children First,” by C. Napier Hemy, “Christ Leaving the I’rzetorium,” by Gustave Dore. lie that we have again open- the patronage. Each of these picture* is repr-> ,uc d in photogravure, »ixe 21x23, and eminently litte- for framing, and wi.l a.l >rn the wills of the riost mined house. Each subscriber has the choice of any one of these four pictures, which will be made him in a tube direct from the E xaminer of.’ue, as soon as the subscription is received. ed at the old stand and upplied with good meats In the second place, it will give 5,0X3 premiums, valued in tl.e aggregate at about $125,000 to i.t subscribers this year. If there are 50,000 subscribers, one in ten will get one of these premiums ; if there are 100,000, only one in tweot; l/.:t no matter how many there arc, each and everyone of these premia n-—which range in value from 50 cents to $6,000—will be giv n absolutely without cost to some of tho-t who have paid $1.50 for the WELKLY EXAMINER for one year The EXAMINER is thoroughly responsible, as you know,or as Wells Fargo & Co. or any bank or commercial agency in San Francisco wii assure you, and the leading men of the city will see that its pt mium are distributed exactly as agreed and that every subscriber no matte where he is located, will receive ju-t what is assigned to him. Of course you wint your home paper also, and you can just ; well as not save a little monev by taking the EXAMINER with it The price of the WEEKLY EXAMINER is $i per year, includ ing the premium picture and your <iare of the $125 -‘»D list of pr miurr». which are fully described 1 1 the twelve |Mgu Premium Supp ment, which will be sent free on application to W |4 1. AR‘— n..M< The EXAMINER and the HERALD. ti»e combinedprice of which is $4, will be sent you for one year, postage paid, for 13.20. You can get a Permium Supplement by applying at thia office. The Shop Incorporated NORTHWESTERN MAIL TRANSPORTATION Company. C. C. McCoy, General Manager, -------- 0.-0--------- Stages leave Burns, Oregon, daily for Harney, Drewsey, Beulah, Westfall and Vale, where Close Connection is Made with the railroad. Good fresh horses, careful drivers, new vehicles, <___________ RATES OF FARE FROM BURNS TO ONTARIO AND INTERVENING POINTS: I* 5® 110 O» I Burns to Vale Burnt, to Ontario - West Fall 7.50 city 4» •8 " •• Grove •• “ prwwwy • < J Beulah « 00 I 8. - Fine •• •• Harney ... I desk 7 50 | Baggage. 30tt>s to each Passenger, Frieght and Passengers mus I he way-billed. Passenger fare paid in advance. N rri A kleb , f J.M. V auhgw . H arry F loyd , D vision Agent. _ Barn A Gen. Sup’t.