Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1891)
BURNS Semi-Weekly Herald, The true story is told of a Lewis ton man who several years ago was N ot satisfied with the high du divorced in the west, came east the and married a woman who was al ties on wool, that are breaking t... back of the trade, the Ohio plat-. so divorced. They traveled south form insists on still higher rates. and there, as they sat on a hotel From the protective point of view, I veranda, the Lewiston man bowed that the greater the tax the greater r | , coldly to a lady who passed them, the benefit to the country, there is hanging on the arm of a gentleman. t possible consistency in this plat Curiously enough his wife also form demand; but Congressmen do bowed to the couple. She said: “To whom did you not get votes in this way. bow?” M any years practice has given “To the lady,” replied the Lewis A. Snow A Co., solicitors of pat ton man, with a Hush. “She was ents at Washington 1). C.. unsur once my wife. To whom did you passed success in obtaining patents bow? Did you know her?” tor all classes of inventions. They “No,” said she, “I bowed to make a specialty of rejected cases, gentleman. I had the misfortune and have seenred allowance of once to know him intimately. He many patents that have been pre was my husband.” viously rejected. Their advertise- And this was their wedding jour ment in another column will b* <>i ney.—Lewiston Journal. interest to inventors, patentees, Altitude Above Sea Level. nanufacturers and all who have to Express ranch is 2750 feet above do with patents. the level of the sea; Huntington, W.C. BIRD ADVERTISEMENTS A Double» Explanation. Editor Dealer in General Merchandise, H arney C< B urns O regon . THE NEW BOOK .................... & JOB OFFICE Harney City, Oregot D. L. 4 N. GRACE, Proprietors, While not yet in full operation, is doing EVERY VARIETY of Job Print ing neatly andfproruptly. This office is strictly new in every respect, both type and presses, and skill ful printers await employment. advertisements . PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. t . a . M c K innon , H. BOYD T he Northwest Journal is in fa- 2240; Snake river bridge, 2225; Ashford Bovd. of abolishing all laws tocolleet debts Weiser, 2250; Payette, 2260; Onta PHYSICIANS A SURGEONS, with tiie precaution that all present rio, 22b0; 11 ar pel ranch, 2550; B urns . ................................ O regon standing debts and contracts be skull spriugs, 41U0; Star ranch, Office in W ,E Grace'» Drug Store. protected. It is hard to surmise 4t>U0; Crowlev ranch, in Barren I what effect such a law would have valley, 4020; Burnt ranch, in Bar DR. H. M« HORTON DENTIST,.......... B urns O regon . on the business interests of our ren valley, 3565; Jumper lake, Office at residence Prepared to all kind of work. country. In the main, we think 3050; Alvord, 4UUV; White Horse dental Teeth extracted without pain by aid of gaae. <uch a law would be beneficial, but ranch, 43UUO; While llorse valley, T. V. . EMBREE, M. D. in a great many instances it would 4050; Anderson valley, 4240; liar- Office at his e Ou Ibe east ide ot Sil work a hardship on individuals and «.ey City, 4075; Drewsey, 3600; viva River, ter. tri let below Burna. Town Atturuev, Over Herald office trade If there were no laws in ex Malheur Indian agency, 2025. J. NAT. HUDSON, istence for the collection of debts, A Cruel Mother. ATTORN EY-AT-LA W. the lawyers would miss seme trade Office: BURNS. OR. E lgin , 111.—George E. Bowen is But, would such a law increase the under arrest for breaking an ice GEO. S. SIZEMORE, volume of business? We think not; pitcher over his wife's head. He is ATTORNEY, it is our opinion it would diminish the son of a millionaire, George 8. B urns ................. ............. O regon . it very much Collections. I.and business, and Kval Dowen, president of the National Estate matter promptly attended to. T he Prince ot Wales, in taking Electrical Society and a well known W.'W,. Card w^Ll, the honorable position of a first- railroad man, who operated in New | ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. class blackleg, or gambler, has , York state. The wife is the daugh B urns , O r . staked all, and lost. England must ter of a Chicago board of trade Practi ’p* in ail (he court* of the State. l»efore the I’. S. Land Office. i e very proud of her aristocracy. operator named Creighton, who Also. L and M atters a S pecialty . And since the late development of owns an elegant country seat here. TONSORIAL PARLOR, the high and exalted moral tenden 1'be couple were married with P rop . cy of the Crowned Prince, his nat elaborate ceremonies about three [ JOHN ROBINSON ural incline towards high, dignified | V-'ars a8°- Domestic differences Everything in their line guaranteed to be done satisfactorily. and governing moral influence, has bvgan before the honeymoon was I’ht- only place in Burns you proven to his worshipful and lov- j ended. Mrs. Bowen had Deen ac can get baths. mg subjects how utterly impossible customed to keep her child in a it would be to have a h‘iilthful and yard made of wire netting while N. B R 0 W N, honest government without these she attended to her society affairs. R E A I. e ’ s t T t f T a G E N T same conscientious, scrupulously The neighbors say she occasionally ' kNnai I.TOWN PROPERTY moral ami virtioua crowned heads kept her infant there all night. Di KEIL ESTATEIN THE COUNTRY HANDLED ON COMMISSION t» deal out justice to the people vorce proceedings are in progress.— « ORRESPONIO N< E SOLICITED OFFICE AT N.BROWN’S S TORE, Our government has made mis East Oregonian. Burns................................ Oregon. takes; but. thank God, the citixens A Terrible Eight I o the Death. have always showed a disposition W- N. Jorgensen Chief Mate •xjwell, of the steam to correct such, and the people is ship South Portland, from Jamaeia the government. ports, tell* a story of a horrible J W. ASHFORD. Hand in your orders For Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envel opes, Business Cards, Posters, Hand Bills, Calling Cards, Wedding Cabinets, Funeral Notices, etc., ¿Ji All Job Material is fresh, and of best quality. Prices reasonable| BURNS, OREGON W. E GRACE P roprietor , A Large Assortment of FINE CUTLERY, NOIONS. Etc Has just been Received. PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED JW Everything guaranteed pure and of the very best quality. PATENT MEDICINES SOLD AT MARKED PRICE FRENCH CHARLES ANDERSON HOTEL. - -- -- P roprietor ____ This House has a wide and well known name, and under the ’manage nn-nt of the present proprietor it is bound to go further up the ladder of- faine and renown. No pains spared to please guests. Sure to suit flTGood table service, and tables furnished with all market aflwd« Ail men are naturally somewhat tight at Port Mare he witnessed. selfish, and selfishness, like any Fourjcuolies. all natives of the town, other trait of character, will, if al had been involved in a bitter feud, lowed, grow up >n an individual and decided to tight to death ^i The development of any tendency the center of a green enclosure, Watches: «if the human character grows in roped off. At each corner stood ot.e accordance with the will of the in ' of tin' men. They were stripped to I have a small but select assort- j vidual. That is. if he wills to be the waist, and each man grasped in ment of Diamond jewelry, both dia- pearls come more seitish and arrogant, he his right hand a knife, with a blade monds alone and ... with rubies, * « VX- garnets, etc . all in fine gold. Fin seven inches long. For a moment will cultivate the inclination, until ger rings, necklaces, bracelets, etc., | it gets to Iw a hobby with him. and the men stood glaring a*, eachother. for the ladies, and studs, cluster his own feelings lead him to Oelievr , Then the won! was given and the and scarf pins. etc., for gents, with that no living man deserves the no fight began. It was a case ot every diamonds and other stones. Cail and see me. Always at my tice an 1 applause that should fall man for himself, with a vengeance. post, in N. Brown’s building. Low« 11 says, without any exception, to his own beautiful self. A man. though, should weigh carefully his l it w as the most fearful sight he ever own strung points and weaknesses, saw. I five minutes it was ail ever. Hon Panisi F Beat living careful to give himself credit When the police arrived three ty. W MhiuiOon. Ad.irvaa. N«w Jeraev. for what he is actually worth to the bodies, hacked almost beyond recog- community, without allowing him nition, lav insid« the ropes. The self to drift into the l«el'vf that the fourth man was so crated bv his world would be a great loser should wounds that before the police could he die. lav hands on him he drove his own Burns is not free from selfishness knife through his heart by any means, and there are per sons here who think our town The treasurer’» statement for would "gw up the tfuine'* in an in- June shows a deficiency of »tiüO.tW credible short lime without their instead of the usual net cash bal aid and assistance. ance. I *• Burns T^hotgranh Grallerv, W. H. CANADAY,.................................................. P roprietor . --------- :----------O------0--------- :---------- Nothing l ut first class pictures leaves this Gallery. Duplicates furnished at reduced rates. gW“Givc me a call. Buns-Canyon Stage Line, I. J ewitt , P roprietor . Leaves Burns on Moc<iays. W ednesdsys, snd Fridays, st 6 s. m f y «'..nneets «irti the Ontario. Prineville, snd lakeview stsg«s. at Buras. <i<rad se «.<.■« tions for passengers. T he drewsey S aloon i e . M c K inney , - - - - - pbopbut »*. Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Whiskies, Rrandiss. Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when you call on “Mack.” at Drewsey, Harney owunty. Or. J NO. W SAYER BEATITSOBGÄNSä MONEY PwnpRîwro». All kiwis of snrises lumber tboewnehly seasnsied for balMlag Farreara sad •« REprCEI» PRICE N