Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1891)
o’ IV —Nc 39 BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1891. I fi ’ • Semi AV eekly Heral d t U HI. ttt I i I I ......... If ■ V E ............. 1 i Y YV EI» ......... N E8 D A Y jrviMAiiF. GHÏ AT F. EDUCTION IN PRICES ! X QUOTE YOU * r !■ W AM» SATURDAY. AND BY’ A i W. C. BYF.D P ubmfiiers and Dry Granulated Sugar. $ 9 .75 per 10011» I have just received a full and H Salt................... 2 li» U complete Stock of Dry Goods, Nails,..................... . . 7.50 “ keg. «¡■■oeeties. Hardware. Tinware Flour....................... (>.00 ” barrel Notions, etc , which I will sell Omaha Bacon . . . 13.50 “ 100ff> at BEDROCK PRICES FOR Coal Oil ( Pearl) 3 00 *• can CASH ONLY IL E T humps > n . Yours Respectfallv, Manager. A. ROBBINS SOU. P roprietors . i ; i I'Tl'.'N ■ne Year IxSonils. hree Mo is . FHUne Year (in advance) in.oo ’ ilie^^^K-'i: A l.l> Litrahl and Harper’- Magazine ■raid amt Harper's Weekly 1.50 ..75 '¿50 ... I 5.20 5.20 •raid ami Harper’s llaz.ur 3.75 ii .«raid rind Harper's Young People i| Tald aiul Alden'« Manifold C nlopcdfa, „ tach additional volume after Vol. 1, 55 cent»: o cent» ext :a ner volume, poatage. WHOLESALE 2 ex o T rW“Co*dcs of nil the above work» can be ex »Hied at le sure ia the Rending Room. _____ F»-Pul>ll«her» of periodic a’.« are soli« ited ^'■aenTeiUbbing rati«, a eopv of their work for 1;irt Free Reaiiiug Room—Wefilo. ami bind the ter at close of every half-volume, i'«>d f-' < t Ties bv advertisement. •% JULY' 4 'ACS » 2 V k I J rr.G J 3 mu | 6 mo | 1 yr $2.50 4 00 5.001 4* 0 00 9 00 ; eoi. 12.'-U 16 00 I ** *4 kifciv ¿0 ‘JU I inch *4 < AbVBir« rSTNG R ATES: 1 uk i-'1 Ï - 4 ........ I »15 JMI I 00 I 00 ! I - li.«VI j 0.50 J 12 UÌ i IN.CC ! a oc» ¡ j . .co 21 ‘ on ■ i 40 00 10.00 I 20.00 Bi. DC I 30.00 15.00 ; 2«. Of) I LX.'JO 45.00 SO.RO I 1.0.00 10.00 I MJ Ü0 110 »V I 141.00 GRAND > 1S91. We are now located in the New Brick Block, with plenty of room, occupying three floors, and each lloor ¡Qadcd With 5‘ OO^S escriptie.n executed with neatness h, ai reasviiable rates. Pamphlets Pc sters. I citer Heads, Hill Heads. < aids, licKt a, Note lit a* b , Dodgers, Etc. invitations. Will maintain our former rules: SquaTg Dealing» Olie PflCe» Best Ouality. We buv Flour. Meats. Stock Salt, Barb Wire, Liverpool Salt, Canned Goods, and Coal Oil in CAR LOADS. Our Paices are LOW. CELEBRATION, JULY 4. 1891. JOB WORK OREGON. MERCHANDISE, .J > ’V 11 RETAIL ! ! CO. HUNTINGTON, ................. * P a Y ear. SEND FOR QUOTATIONS ! ! I COR R ESPONDENG E SOLD UTE D. Prprietors Huntington Warehouse. PROGRAMME: Yours Resnecfully, J. II. ATKIN, Manager. SALUTE OF 45 GUNS AT SUNRISE. is kept regularly or, fib? for re Music................................................................................ by Burns Brass Band. T his ll he Gw. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad irence, President of the Dav ................................... Harrison Kelley. eau. 10 SpHive at.. New York. Vice-Presidents: M. IL Drake, P. F. Stenger, A. W. Waters, Henrv GIANNINI, .................................................... Proprietor Chambers, Harry Thompson. Peter Cletueiis, J. C. G r:.etkF<l llaniev. MRS. " ■ ■ _ THOMAS ■ , , . FFlClAL DIRECTORY. IL C. Levens. Peter French, ( has W. Jems, M. Fitzgerald, G. V THIS IS THE MOST POPULAR HOTEL IN TOWN, BECAUSE IT IS THE BEST CONDUCTED ■* Wilshire, Mervin Sworts, Glenn Miller, Louis Rucine and Wm. Miller. EVERY' THING IS NEAT ANP COMFORTABLE ITS 1’ATRON’S W ANTS ARE CAREFULLY NATIONAL : CONSIDERED ANDTAB1.ES FURNISHED WITH EVERY' THING THE MARKET AFFORDS. Benjamin H ir riso Grand Marshal................................................................................. J C. Garret. 're«i<leiit l.evi P. Norton i. e-Pretld, id Juin es G. Blaine Auls: W. E. Grace, Lee Caldwell. Ed Jov, A. W. Gowan, J. C. Wooley. eeretary ol fiate ( haiirs Foster. ecrulary oi Treaaury e< retary Bf Interior JohnW. Noble M. R. Biggs Redtield Proctor Parade ■eeretary of W nr at IO A M. Ben juin in F. rpiai ey lecretary bl N»vy Jcreiniah M Rusk eeretary at Agri« ullnre. Procession as follows: Grand Marshal and Aids. Hand, Liberty’ Car, meral m li. il Attorney (mu —’ .r\ ~F *T /FT? u«una«ter G îeneral................. John Wan, t* make President of tlie Dav, Vice-Presidents, Orator, RemliT of Declaration oi BRENTON A* BAILEY, .................................. ’ Proprietors. 8TATE—Ollb-GON: H . ' " .1. N. Dolph Independence, Citizens ir carriages, Citizens on horse-b ick. J. S. SenAprs « ! J. 11 Nitritati ... Binger Hennenn R. wngn-BBiMai' Procession to form front of Land Oilice, march down Main to Jeff 1 i.Svlvea'er Pannoyer Governor . K ’(.to. W. MeBriik erson, up Jefferson to Second to picnic grounds. -eCrelary ai -lute Phil. .vlelsiliaii. K rreaauren J. H. McElroy Supt. PilbHv I Iistria R Frank Bakei Praver by Chaplain......................................................... Rev. M. 1). Wilson. R State PrMk'i ) K. 8. Bean. Music.......................................................................... K Band. . Win. 1’. Lord dgvs K Supreine > W. W. Thayer Oration (!>v Orator of the Dav) ..................... K J. B. Huntington. Kheiiliin 8. Strabili KTH Jt DICIAL DISTRICT: ■ Music ............................................................... ........................... by Glee Club. 1 ■»<■ D M. D. C lifford I District Parker. The Proprietors of the Red Front and White Front Livery Sta miev D C has . F. H y he I Reading Declaration of Independence,.................................... J. C. District ■entativc (1<). D. 8. D ustin Jolut-K bles assures the public that they are prepared to accommodate Band. t r .(D) H enry B lackman Music. J oint in every way in their line of business. COUNTY'— HARNEY : gBF“llav and grain constantly on hands, and (Nireful hands. W m . M ille »: i ounty Jwd B (D) i -BASKET DINNER. Passengers taken to all parts of the country. Job Wagon in connection. Clerk ..Sfc .W. E. G rack (D) HOTE I,: BURNS ♦ white FTLOKTT Tr sehue Stock rintvndvnt T. II. R obert « : (D) <D) T. A. McKlSNON A. A. < OWING I • (D) ■ ID). W. E. A lgernon < HAN.N ew ELL I (R) Tilo«. G. D odson (D) t '!>' I, J Evening exercises consisting of Footraces, Tournament Riding. Climbing Greased Pole, Sack Races, etc. T3urs Meat SMITH RICHARDSON, We wish to inform the pub- W k . A ltnow ' Lytie How »rd. k . LAND OFFICE: HARNEY C. ». ............. .L B. H untington H akri - 'N K ei . i .» »■ CHURCH VRMsfr 1THODIST EPISCOPAL « 11CR< 11 M D WII44ON Paator. There 11 be preaching by the paator in each >llov5 b , until further notice* «14» th—BiirnB—at 11 h m, and 4 30 p m |h—Island school House— at 11 a in —liaruej —at 7:30 p in. h—Burn>—it 11 o m. and 4:30 pm th—Harney—at li a in, and 7:..0p m Mustang Uniment. Soi IETIES. IE Y I.oln.E, NO. 77, I. O O F. iudd Fellows Hall, every Saturday F. M JoRDON, N. G. BT<i«. Tress the ed at upplied with goo I mcatii m * rn »»-A a L k * I deperii ¿ally, Mind«: b *«<epted. Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All dr igg'sts and dealers have 't. » Incorporated • and TRANSPORTATION Ccmpanv. C. C. McCoy, General Manager, ------------- ()-:-()-------------- Stages leave Burns. Oregon, daily for Harney, Drewsey, Beulah, Westfall and Vale, where Close Connection is Made with the railroad. Good fresh horses, careful drivers, new vehicles. RATES OF FARE FROM BURNS To ONTARIO AND INTERVENING POINTS Hum* t<> Vate Burn», to Ontario »U> (X> I •• •• West Fall 7JW> •• •• GroveCjty •• ’’ Drewsey I ra “ “ Beulah . . •« 1 •• Harney 14» •- • Pine Ctreh 2 50 | * 50 L iniment . Bl lXF-f ’rYM CITY: B Wednesday b . FridayI,6pm.• hunklftYB A sa.urda'BlO 4¿m. patronage. NORTHWEMN NAIL A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an elective liniment N*o ether application compares with it in effica< y. ri»is well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of M ustang V. S. MAII». the old stand and The A Cure for the Ailments ci Man and Dea ÍRNEY’ PUS T NO. 4«, G. .A. K h-' !«• ami* 3d W «lnc«Tay of each I >a>l Fello»» Hall. All Comrade, tiding in' "1. M. M BKIERLY. P. C. t*ILL. Ad’j’t. Meh l*-l« Shop lie that we have again open- I DIRECTORY. t Proprietors. We solicit a share of I Baggage, BOfbs to each Passenger. Frieght and Passengers must *»e way-billed. Passenger fare paid in advance. N eri Ai Ki.Fs, J. M V aighn H arry F loyd , Division Agent. Burns Ag«w». Gen. Stip’t. I