Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1891)
nsi BURNS. HANEY COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1891. ¡-Weekly Herald, I’Eg’l pUB1I8IIEI)|EVER Y WEDNE8DAY >»t f and SATURDAY. I 0 i . C. BYRD k SON. CS I ISHERS AND PROPRIETORS. I I SUBSCRIPTION RATES: hers ». ear nth*. louth* ar (in advance) bep <3.00 1.50 75 .150 .... ■ HERALD CI.I’ll LIST: 1 Harner’s Magazine ............5.00 _ il Harper's Weekly ..........5.20 lg„beral<l in id Harper's Baznr................... 5.20 .fj- erald «nd Harper’s Young People .. 3.75 3s¡±:¡ . erald and Alden’* Manifold Cyclopedia. 2.90 .'. PEacb additional volume after Vol. 1, 55 eeuta: 1,1 lOeenM extra per volume, postage. COME TO I QUOTE 75TOTJ BURNS & ([IERRATE! JULY' 1776, RETAIL ! ! CO. ................ OREGON. G eneral merchandise , 1891. We are now located in the New Brick Block, with plenty of rcom, occupying three Boors, and each iloor loaded With <trOO®S Will maintain our funner rules: O» » 1 IDG j 3 mo j 6 mo Squall Dialing1. One PriCC. Best Ouality. 1 1 00 |H 00 |1 »0 12.50 $.'» 00 1 <H) |b w G 50 12 UJ 1 18.00 24.00 5.00 8 00 15.00 ,0 32.00 |4 AU G 00 10.00 20.00 48.00 It 9 00 15 00 28.00 80.00 B- 10.00 28.00 So uo ;>u 00 40 00 60.00 110 00 i » Dry Granulated Sugar, $ 9.75 per 1001b I have just received a full and 1C Salt, ....................... 2.10 H complete Stock of Dry Goods, Nails........................ “ keg. G-oceries, Hardware, Tinware Flour,....................... 6.00 ” barrel Notions, etc , which I will sei! 13.50 “ lOOtt» at BEDROCK PRICES FOR Omaha Bacon . 3 (X) ” can CASH ONLY Coal Oil (Pearl) . 11. E. T homps > n , Yours Respectfully, Manager. A. ROBBINS HUNTINGTON, ................. il’ttblighcr* of periodical* are solicited ubbing nite*, a copy of their work for eading Room—We tile, and bind the o*e of every half volume, end v«v 11 advertisement. a Year. GREAT REDUCTION IK PRICES ! AltijW^’ffc'pie* of all the above work* can be ex ir Vinlueif at leisure ia the Reading Room. p u k $2.50 GRAND CELEBRATION, JULY 4. 1891 We buv Flour, Meats, Stoek Salt, Barb Wire, Liverpool Salt., Canned Goods, and Coal Oil in CAR LOA DS. Our Puices are LOW. I SEND FOR QUOTATIONS ! ! JOB WO UK *.x . J description executed with nPHtuess leh, at reasonable rates. Pamphlets Posters, Letter Meade, Bill Heads, ( arde. Ti< Ketn, Note Heads, Dodgers, Etc. a. Invitations. PROGRAMME: -< • CO R RESPOND E N CE SOLICITED. • Prprietors Huntington Warehouse. Yours Respt chilly, J. II. ATKIN, Manager. SALUTE OF 45 GUNS AT SUNRISE. Music..................... l>y Burns Brass Band. bald is kept regularly on Bln for re tlio Geo. 1’. R«well Newspaper Ad President of the Day ..................... Harrison Kelley. ureau, 10 Spruce nt.. New York. Vice-Presidents: M. IL Drake, P. F. Stenger. A. W.«Waters, Ilenrv MRS. THOMAS GIANNINI, . Proprietor Chambers, Harry Thompson, Peter Cleineiub' L C. G Vrct, Ed, Haiitiv. ^OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. II. C. Levens, Fefer French. Chas. W. Jones, M. Fitzgerald, G. W THIS IS THE MOST POPULAR HOTEL IN TOWN, BECAUSE IT IS THE BEST CONDUCTED. V____ '_______ Wilshire, Mervin Sworts, Glenn Miller, Louis Racine and Win. Miller. EVERY THING IS NEAT AND COMFORTABLE ITS PATRON’S WANTS ARE CAREFULLY national : CONSIDERED AND TABLES FURNISHED WITH EVERY THING THE M ARKET AFFORDS. Benjamin llar riso Grand Marshal......................................................................... J C. Garret. Levi 1’. Morton James G. Blaine Aids: W. E. Grace, Lee Caldwell, Ed Joy, A. W. Gowan, J. C. Wooley, M*lf' Charles Foster. retarybf Treasury retaryl 01 Interior JohnW. Noble M. R. Biggs. Redfield Proctor retarylof War at 10 A M. Benjamin F. Tracey Parade.............................................................. ^^^jof Navy Jeremiah M 1 Rusk ini Aarlcultnre. it* Procession as follows: Grand Marshal and Aids, Band, Liberty Car. W m H. II leurrai . ..John Wan^make : r General President of the Day, Vice-Presidents, Orator, Reader of Declaration of STATE—OKt.l.ON: Proprietors. J. N. Dolph I Independence, Citizens in carriages, Citizens on horse-back. R tors . w J. H Mitchau I _________ lan Hernienu 1 R. Binger • -* - »»----------- Procession to form in front of Land Office, march down Main to Jeff D.Sylvester yiVVDIK.* IV»»VJV> I’unnoyer ■ I lovernor ecretar* of State .K. Get». Geo. W. McBride . erson, up Jefferson to Second to picnic grounds. Phil. Metschan. j I reaaurer K J. B. McElroy I " Upt. ■Mir Instruction R Frank Bakei Prayer by Chaplain...................................................... Rev. M. D. Wilson. K tie IUM Prii.ivr egw' ) K. 8. Bean, j K Band. J Win. P. Lord Music........................... II tupremft Judges R I W. W. Thayer I K Rheutdu 8. Strahm i Oration (by Orator of the Day)...................................... J. B. Huntington. ¡SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT! •littf Music................... by Glee Club. t s 4 inti »ldge D M. D. CLIFFORD The Proprietors of the Red Front and White Front Livery Sta Reading Declaration of Independence, .................................. J. C. Parker. iriilj Attorney ,D C has . F. H yde i I loint- breae utatlve (D). D. s. D ustin bles assures the public that they are prepared to accommodate Band. ps < luint-1 Blor .(D) H enry B lackman Music ..................................... in every way in their line of business. worn» I'D Si'S • COUNTY—BARNEYÎ £W"llav and grain constantly on hands, and careful hands. WM. M iller udire (D) ■ .BASKET DINNER. M Passengers taken to all parts of the country. Job Wagon ir. connection. .W. E. G ka < K (D) • •• perintendent pector T. H. R obert * (I>) (D) T. A. M c K innon COWtNO • (D) - A. A. ------- .(D). W. E. A lbekson < K) ihas .N ewell T ho *. G. D odson (p) I oners BURNS Evening exercises consisting of Footraces, Tournament Riding. Climbing Greased Pole, Sack Races, ete. W k . altnow Lytle How «rd. We solicit a share of AUNKY U. H. LAND OFFICE: J. B. H untington ..H ahriron K elley th< | l Hl RCII DrWECTORY ---------------------------------------- | UR)*4ilETHODIST EP1SCOPAL CHURCH M D WI'AON Pastor. ip<M There ill h« prea« hing bv the paatnr in each ih '«onth a* foilou*. iintll further notu e ist »ab >ath—Bum*—at 11 a ni. and 4:30 p m I,rb»' M Brtt ath—Island sehool Hou«e— *t 11 a m dF "l —Harney—at 7:30 p m. M Hab’ *th—Burn»—«t 11 * in. and 4 30 p m ,)f ' 4thggl" »th—Harney—at 11 a m. «nd 7.»0p m f 1 F.1- SOCIETIES. i*. " 'Ul 3 E- HARNEY LODGE, fco. 77, LOO F. at 11,1,1 FeUow* Hall. . v. rv Saturday F. M JoRDON, N.G. I ortox . Trena ^B arney pos t no . 4*. g . a r . Me«* every 1st and*3d Wednesday of h month, at odd Fellow*' nail. . All Comrade« la toad- audin* Invited. M. M. BRIERLY. P C. ^■N iull . U. ». MAILS. Al Brasa— val * and depart* dall). Sunday* exrepled ara**—into* city : Mandara Wednesday. Friday*, tpa a IBda;* Tharadar* a Saturda)Bia «ban. > Mexican Mustang Liniment. * A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Bca& A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective liniment No other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, alma t generations. No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of M ustang L iniment . Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it Shop lie that we have again open- the patronage. ed at the old 6tand and upplied with good tneata The Incorporated NORTHWESTERN MAIL TRANSPORTATION Company. C. C. McCoy, General Manager, -------O-:-0------- Stages leave Burns, Oregon, daily for Harney, Drewaey, Beulah, West fall and Vale, where Close Connection is Made with the railroad. G och I fresh horses, careful drivers, new vehicles, RATES OF FARE. FROM BURNS TO ONTARIO AND INTERVENING POINTS Burna to Val« V mi Burns, to Ontario Sinon i •• •• West Fell 7.50 •• •• Groveí'fty « 50 •• Drewaey 4 flO •• •• Beulah 8 00 “ I •' •• Harney ............. I On •• •• Fine Creek .......................... 2 | Baggage, 30ta to each Passenger. Fricght and Passengers must ••e way-billed. Passenger fare paid in "advance. H arry F miyp , Gen. Hup’t. N eri A cklkb , Division Agent. J. M. V atghm Burn» Agent