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About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1891)
3Payette 1MT ursery, THE HERALD 1891; j me. The loveliest, the most lova- - ■ Me, and I lovo her; the whole itory Of Payette Idaho. Il so far is told in that. I doubt if WEDNESDAY. MARCH 18, 1801 you have heard the name. There illuxtr ^. are those who may tai take exception aro A HARDY TREES to Miss Trent’s position i—she is com SPECIALTY. • panion, • or something .1 of the sort, “II 113 ! Tom. Gl.i I to y«'U. old fellow [ ILLUSTRATI]) ft ’ auhr-»-' ti iiy n .«rlnccwe v-'t* married, bl to Mrs Evcrleigh; but my life will down: let'« have uu cxpvrkmco meeting, llow'r THE STOHY OF A WO be crowned with its greatest hapoi- Tbb Extensive Nursesy, comprising 123 AÎ1h/r1,ÎL,r-rî,ns‘Æh‘'^1 the wife ? ” “Oh! >!’<•’:< 80-80, wnr «« nxiui!,—always wsnt- MAN’S SECRET. nesR and greatest honor if sho can fogu »mi’tlinu 1 can’t uffonl.” in Harper's Mausiin. acrc.% is located one half mile from Tay- •• Well, we u I wmi something m re than we’ve of the ittir ism She arti ifornia, bv ( I.arica iiVn t,e#J give fiivoruble regard to my suit.” ettc depot, on the 0. 8. L. Ry. Thin got. Don't you f” t* »••ntlilue.|arïï1J|d,2»ii “ Yc«: but I giic!*« ‘ want will be my master.' ] DY JENNIE DAVIS Bl ¡’.TON. started to keep down cxnen-c«; nmi how says “Can you doubt it? But, August, Nursery has done more to pro I’m *mca:>.’ an.I she’s tired of wiving and nt ver having anything t > show lor ir. I m » w your wife mote fruit growing in East a companion!” -Li make FV. L. KU down •• re. t and she looked as happy as a ou< en I ’• CHAPTER T. »<■*.{'-:»rd Í.?M| ern .Oregon and Idaho There was remonstranco and con “I think she is : and we uro economical, too,— end u- the r* VIS- A YOUNG HOMAS’» H1KAKGE have to be. My wife c n make a little go further // •</'19 • t I I OK. r <• rp wee, than all other Nur . pr.<4> f sternation in his tone. For in our than anyone I ever knew, yet she's nlwiiy.s sur London by Walter < From New York Weekly. S M w,ti>h t .*o»pxrei, prising nio with some dainty contrivance that $ .a z to. 1” the uumber ami vartôbr . tselies combined. .1 f.iLrive. hirmpniud ,|y own democracy we have our social q;;u!«d «Uuve. U hud« f> adds to the comfort and beauty of our link* home, per. ami Olhor «rii,. r,‘,rt„ f« “Come, Dillon, there's a good fel-1 ilcx-iUlu »tyle Ail thia, t.ibt'iied, porfc-t in Cl. anJ and she’s always ‘ merry ns a lark.’ When I tisli ere,'.,;, «elln,lntK°n“S'fe< ....... ... •ubotanUa! » u ■», 1-« what lia« buhl up for — • as the tress I. r h how she manages it, si e always lanrlis an I sari: low—go along to the Everleighs’ to-1 g-.ides as distinct as in those older ). ' • .t L’. fiall Ord. « World. A.e U-.uV I ** 4 r- e7!IT>7 ( I ■ ,h.>ri a . ri,.,. |M„„" XA'li ‘Oh! that’s my secret!’ L t I think I’ve J.-- S w u oe tao i^vCu.ap^tClutUinrf n«r»c-. -. 4,'-. /’ir* .'.J ( cluapvot Ck<biA< • II • uh z will < ..u:Ibue h, n l.S are ac countries where the yeomanry, the eovered her ‘ secret. ’ When u o married, we both ^¡xî.iurww“'"Ât;ï / IdJ. i. HfTNTLEY A CO.. night.” knew we should have to bo very careful, bu: tdie li2 xxo l£i Kaax&r r vfcarr, climated and CHICAGO, ILL. ) made one condition: «ho woul»| Lave her Mngiuino. *1] .My dear August, I have re- gentlefolk and the aristocracy pre- ) > rcetoftae Drawer W. Ami she was right! I wouldn't d<> without it such varieties are Like mates for double the subscription pr cc. Wo ,..„L_ with ...:L like l.L; in the R. iiuunced such vanities. I am hel j - ! va*L L.L. ^SENyiX CE?!TS FOR POSTAGE. CLOTH SAMPLES FREE} seif it together, from tho title-page to the last w offered for sale that HARPER’S PKRiftr.( I should only bote ¡natural order of things, and where the stories keep our hearts young; tl c rynop leBsly blase. L of important events ami scientific matters ke arc Known to thrive and Per Yea,: 1 this rule is openly defied, the chal me posted so that I can talk understanding!/ COD ’ myself and everybody else Gouri it in the mountain what is going on : my wife is niw ivs trying son lenge for comment and disapproval new Lira from tho household «le'pnrtineut: fel cerned with me.” country. The “IDAHO” pear make« all her dre—os and th<’sc for lhe c ildrei is flung down. nn I -lie gets all h r patterns for nothing, u itli It HAKl’ER'S MAGAZIXg “To oblige me, Forde." will be <iffi red in limited quami es M igazine ; and w.* i- iv»'d Joe when he was so sic IIAHl'FK'W " kkkly “ She is treated as one of the fam with tho c-oup. by doing jn-t n.* directed in th' Forde Dillon looked up at his HAKI’EIUS HAZAH ...... for tho first lime this year. Thi.-»|>ear b'anit iri i’i Dcpartnic’ f F.ut I can’t tell vou haU?’ »1» ........ H AIU’ER’8 YOUNG I’Eopu TO EVER? READER OF THIS PAPER! “ What wonderful Mar <zino i-it ? '• t friend, with a half-inquiring, half- ily, and Bhe is as perfect a lady as is it native af Idaho is considered die finest 1’oMage Free to »11 bnh-cn ilti"il. il l*, r.nd — '* V7© want to tnerroso our circulation very largely dui hiß tho nnitwj» fnenths—1<> don’ i,» It, if ; »«• ' d to bad, -Whir! Wly lhnt*n u . h it w quizzical expression. He was lying I have ever seen,” cried Fenn Bible To accofitpll-li thia we imiMl tho co-operation ol our pre»*ent mibecrihera » - I rra-lrr-*. il c.» ¡»ear grown and is exTeiucly hardy. Do 1 United Etates, Canada, or Mtxiu tn I (to! I her it wn< nn c •xtriva’-nncc.” one of onr present rewdera w*»u d »»«••.me tor 11» o-e »»«4» o ir uirnuHtio i .. ........11»>- do ii»u I warmly u C h ivlu io von r.mdo r. upon a sofa, smoking and reading not fail to plant a few tr&u . The vo'umes of the Magsan« of< oiir-<* Jhit we kti"Mf tnat It will tike an oxtr »«-nllnnry |iidiv?etnoi»t*t » l-ring »»nt ilio n i.t ..u’«l l> :t« r r ' lify a* of evory nno «»f our i-rb'-'iit MiilitnTlboi-H—we aliali bava t» iii > i ; ìo ^., w !^?’^ n-d ,W- i. v.<» the Numbers for June uuj 0 v»;.r ‘r:i'i.’ il^I.t here», Address, Payette Nursery, in luxurious ease—a man far be “That, of course, or »he would riui :.. um uiuì anxious to <1 »imio our circulation, aud, by spoclal Arrange uiunt will* uLu.vf tuo le- eac h year. When no tiiuoy« «l.miml t.ib-o enchina Payette Idaho.. Ing publishing hoasea wo aro enabled to inuku you 1 scripllon < will begin wiih the N t month. yond tho first flush of youth, and never have attracted vourattention. rent at time of receipt oferctr. An Offor Remarkable» for Its Liberality. » Hut what of her family? Low peo who had outlived youths impulses Hound volumei of llarptr'/) P.-adit: To "m/ (w irhn n'iU w>l m Ono Oubscrlb-er / •• Ono Yonr • hrec years bacx, in lieiitcluhl iptittn pi irr, ire i:itt gire AbHOlÜfOly Fro©, <••«'/ HfH'k hi/ unni, /-.x/- and follies—who at thirty-eight ple, probably, who would revolt a! tli* > wù‘ir be sent by mail. r'»si-piiid,on i STOCK BKAND3. pt,‘i Twonty-fivo Completò NovoiO~««j tio ulj jlot you may ttlect from t\n ft Inn ¡.cr volume. Clodt Ca.**, i<r sauntered alone through existence, you.” ing hu! ; :cnis eadi—Iw ¡anil, po:i;-pud “ She lias no near relatives living N". ?M. Her *!sintFvat ItrnUny. V.J A ushd « IL Dovati«- NS. IM. A T «w Mnrrlnee. B» Ml«« Mwi.aeir. ¡1‘m'rKteJ. Index to Harper’.; illumine and looked with n soit of wonder N., No. 1.15. A XVIr ked! •'» Mia» C m it. II av OlvHipla. l.v M r < * i - i » ui «. Kn. II*. The I’earl olTht. Oveini. ByCl.AU» n.nsr». Dolore-M. I'-« Mrs J auk (*. A.irrtw. N... 2-1. .•al, Analytical, and CuVilkd, » <• ('»»viird. Uy It. L. bTi.ritlMOH. No 1.78. The Old O-I.eii Cheut. Il» Svi ■■ »se« » -nn, Jr, ing pity upon the rushing, jostling She is utterly alone in tho world. N -. 2M>. A A Uri» I to 70, includrc, frtiuiJua«.i 'l'miiblvnomv Diri- H»“T hk Durnr«i.’* No. Nt?. The < iiliiurnlii Cubili. By M. T ' n »»■ it. I*» i’- 1?.D <• iiiily orno! tàutlty. Hr A manpa M. D ouui . am flZM No. Bl. The F..reelll»tl Ibtblct». By M. T. <'.«» »... ». Even if it were not so, if it were as 1885, one vol. 8 vo. Cio.h, V.CO mass of jx’ople, struggling and striv I 'nl-vly Avc:»«v«l. By Mr« A wn .4. NftlrillCN«. Jll'il. N«. 12«. The Din mon .1 Braeclef. By Mrs. IF V»*«»na • Jleniitinnces should be juadt; A l‘T»lavb»vcMi. By Sir«. A ikxakpkr . Ko. 128. Cllffis Hou«". I'.v l.i »* Mr rn-m-.v. you say, it could make no differ Money Order, or Drift, to aw 'J hi- »'curl oT Use «tricot. By H»i.v»»»i'»Co««. Jr. No. 127. A citi Im’« lllAlory. By M aii « i » hkt Bi.ovbr. ing about him; looked on their bat Nlni'to l»vrrici»*" l>HiiKl»ter. By M. T. (.' aiwh - No. 12?. Out ortho "ifll. H- f: .»III AV9VBTA. loss. 'i li', t.liiileo Fiirni Bride. B» McituAitrTB lount . Na. r.’l. The Nforv <»t'»» Htorm. Hv Mr« J a *; k G A v « ti ». tle of fume, wealth, power—great ence in mv regard for her.” Addruw IIAKVER &BB01 A l»notteroit- tl uniun. By Mr« A nn -, sn-riiK»«. No. 120. 'I ho Evil Genin«, "v M. T C a . k »:t. It hi cl. bl rd Itili ID E- ihki I N sbi . k K knnkt H. No. IIV. ’lite . .Myaicr.v i»t Black m oo.i Grange. By York« “No relatives! That does n't ■| !i<- I'vrfl oriChdtitrd !*Mrd»t». Bv II. I. I'»wzov Mr«. •I M » v A cm h Ft » »o* goals, but yet not worth trouble The l.iltlc Old .Mun ul' Ihu lhill*;iioHc«. By No. lui 'Ilio “ l.ttAf oí the Knthvena. I’r *'l-« M . r No. 101. Tito . ...... _ .Morniyk ........... „ _ 1 . .triu âljralery. by« spent in winning them, Where speak we|l for any young person i niiii the Earth tatho Moo»». By Jin.ri V mnu . | Col.I.INH, Ilhltll nifi. LOUISVILLE, KY. J .i o Isuordiutt'a I’lot. By l»r. .1. II. K omswu . No. 100. Out of I lie Depili« Hr flcan C.iNivA Y. The lloren'« 11 ill. Hr N vi . vanu « t onn, Jr. No. ““ 0.1. Itctrlbiil Ion. Hr MAKCAHKr “ l'i.<»xr. »vas the use, ho would inquire, I It is only another way of saying i | faa Leading Agricultural F>ur.ul cf tho Sotdh a tJ Too «ray F m I coii . »’• M- T. C alooil Ko. . SK ........... .. ........ A Tal«« of Mi By Mr« H knnv IT .»-a. 'j fie •»arrow »»r " Kceret. l y M*'«v t'ren. H at . N*. . t*r. A F«.iitine lfnnfrr. By A nn k T h . im »«, F.'t'.f. > when life itself was July a summer i that b I ic has no relative- whom she |•^•roy noil Ihr l'roobet. U» Wu no* C ollin «. No. . !<•<. Il'edded tinti l’nrled» Hy »uthrr *Ti..rn T’.ora*.” Mado by Farmara for Farmor T lie .«.lory oí uH'eddfug filiitf. By ilio author Nn. . os. The K nl('lit«hridc<* Mr«tery. >'»• < ..»■« Heu k . is willing to admit. What would t» .ri» 7' l»a»rtic." . »I. |>i«fle«l<*w l>.»t»«e. I«v mulmr r.t ■ Dora I horn«. ’ day, whoso morn or noon might ■ As fi reccr.l of succc‘..-ful rgTic”?.«ire. r .M»u I.» :» 11 itr”*« Triopfnl|o»t. By Mr«. If. Worn» No. . PL A l’n««’» .* <Time tlr ** T hk DrciiK««, * A Modern t iiiih-rcliu f » iiik nor ••Dora TUoriiv." No. . 07. H*t«e l.orlfft*. II.» Mr« IT mw .. ...... . and I ax :; has no equal. ICverv topic rcluting j > August, if they : merge itnelf at once into tl»c eternal vour friends say, The ¡«luud flonie. Bv M. T. C a » i > iv <. . !■». A llrltlffe of Lore. Br ;•»!••»« r |»*r.v Them« " 10 agriculture’s openly cuseuwed in iti column? 'I .e I->itnl Glove Itr (T.Aiit Au'WT». . M. Tb« Fatal Marrlnts«. Bv Ml«« H l- Bn»»i.«»i«. hv the fanner.*» thcinseives. No expanse b sp Th - 11 Hi «Irl of Ty rol- Hr M. I Car r»r»R. .... ... Amuim-t H omen. By lite auifK.r of No. . M. ___ A <>.ic<*n night?—when men only grasp suc were to hear you were msna'red 1 v ! 1*. «-.•curing a full occur.' t cf every r.clable Mtil»r»r« Hf » eiijjn. By II. Itiin.n II auoahd . " Por'» T'U'ft»*. " a»» adventuress? ” l'nili llerrlvk. I-J U' iii . iim H. Unni ski i .. ............... ccts on the farm. Il is «li«tinctivfly the No. , US. ... Tlt.j Hint eh Ford Ilrqneat. Br lirait C<>- wir. ff cess to fall down powerless and be Ill'll» » ••:»'« Unid. I'-r F s . oiiknck M aiihvat . Ko. , h7. Tb-.» <'nr«t* ol'l'aren . Br nailmr ■ Dor? 'i l.nrt.e ' FARMERS’ GV/M PAPLR, T ho K f«*e«. Hy the noth.'» ..f •• Di.r.i Timi no.** No. , M. A NiliM.loiv '' ** Th«-e»l»»»ld. B» M ■ hv f> ■ 1 1 • !? r 11 will not have such a term ap-) <'l.»<•<;« imd **u»<«hlne. By in »io J'« Hr »nr. No. M. The Filini l.llle«. 'Hv «i.tlior " Dorr. 'Iliuri.«. ' succeeded by the fellow-men who A record of their d -.i!1 \* i \ ; a'o l i*i a form A l n2»»hi«od Her«.hie. Ily Mr«. A Et.WAnno. No. 84. <'nrrl-t<»n'« Gift Ily ........... ¡11-1 STENGER. and Lmgnage which . . it plam to ad. T li»»rii.» crol I «rll•lJ:■•. Ily Hr it IV imwoop , come trampling over their corpses? ! j plieil to her even by you. Don’t i No. •3. Moro Fitter tlmn Dentil- By au kor ut •' Dor« < I«rniil<-I » III 'll K<*. By Mr*. II kmiy V i out». Thi.i •rin*. ' tT3 lilt or ech irrauTCito Tb«? iir.'iHtt It <»iiiiio. Bv W ii . kii : C ki . i . in «. No. . IMI«« or Mr«, t By W». utR Cr»»t in « ZI’u».*/arof. judge her until you have seen her, 1 Contains the namesof ih •. . -q. farm The i'rciiaorv oi* i roiicbord. Dy 11. L. S tkv - No. 81. Ja the llrdlihiy«. By M . ky Ihwn. H ■ » “The comprehension which has No.' Hi The _ Hontniiiic Adiciittireu ufi» AlKkniald. ers of the Sciith and West, 'i !i* •* t’.o net t:* .M ’fit-MAH llAH"V. of theoretical farming, but of tli-. r.cli;. ! »..ndi- TT orfes Lran<’cd ou made great heroes and grand mar- and don’t f-rce me to quarrel with ■ No. ?H : 'to ’¿hi1 I- criltirc« of John Nk'liolion. Dy K«. ». I« TJ. r T""i ' D.-nd Heart. Br nutf.Ar «f •* Dori» Ttioruo.'* A ti ’:s which c*/!.)'. it t to < . y: It. I*'. }■.' ;>*-• n : N.«. Î' llrcnd < »«*••• the Wntern.B- Ml««Mut orit. JM'if. Ko. .. ’ll. Diirk Bay«. Hy lltn.n C onwa v. you, please. 1 have ovc-ry faith in ; No V A I *»•<* «• I'firrv l.l«»-»«-. Hr II. Itn>rn B aco and . No. ». 78. Mitt.lov « .»n the'»cow. Br tl f.. >*»*.•*•■». Waldo F. Broivn : II. r.r . Strwait: Ju! n ’?:. • : 1 . tvrs—the knowledge of hfes noth F iuto Mn»h-Iwo. bv Mm» (Ten. liar. No. ». w. Al the IV»»rid*« Merer. Hy F i . ork . scm W ahi un . A. P. I-’crd ; Jc!T. ’.’.’Jh .: ’i f. M- a .. . ingness—had served to make of! your judgement; I have no fear j M.irv liiirtlwlel.'a Iflvr.I. By Mrs. If. IVoon. No. It. I'iilled Knid». B. limo. C onwa ». C. E Stc«L‘ s 1. • ■ n : 'i B 1’: !d-i i !<d Unii I loner«. Hy M UUuN H aiilani ». No. 71. Mildred Trcvanl.itt. Br Ttt*. Dccnm " host of others make Gh; jouiuu! ijiui..pc ’ |'i»e Mi-rrhiinl*« <'»■!•»»**. Hr lli«n.»»i-> Aratili, Jr. No. 77. In Cnpld ’ « Set. B» Hiit'.nt* nf •• Dora 1 l.orr.o.' ’ Mcrcove», it is equally «corie • < tiuli'.cl.rn Jeitro« ». By M « IJt»*ni>o«i. No. 71. 'I'f.edrcv lV»»in.»n. I’r .’It- U ishic . i ., ¡■‘■<1 him only a wary wanderer on the I that you will find anjj fault in her;, A’v Ni.ter Kali*. H« «uilmr * Du.ulUo.-i>e. " ¡11'1. No. 70. The .Mystr iy af th<- Ifolfy Treu. :i» »h« A HC.VZE ?.!AOAr.IN3. but I want your approval of mv | No < l(eap«-r!*l. bv M T < Aff>ON. o.l.lwrof •• |t. IH Tlmri.« '* ///.<</:-r/c l. • way.” Ko. : i. I » tin I ho Mprl. Hr H ti » anua Cone. Jr. Nn. _ (.!». _ Ga'»rt«-I*« Slarrlase. ...... Br tl'ii »o-Cor ; ,«« f/t'.l. livery subject «f inltrr.rt to the’..cnr.c-nmker 4:qr it Range—dìrant ceuuty, Oregon. No. I rò. A ilari« I t»h»*rl(»»'ice. I'v M ahv Cren. 11 a ». "•*. John lio'rvrbnnl.'M .t....:. , it No. 4M. 71 :r, lf<*. . . m '.« m ;-:. « j.t choice. You will come? ” fully treniad. t.izry Mais-kn,» C--«*,vsi.-;-*. */ No IM. T ivlnt«*r Nljsbt Bv K>»HKi r B uchak AN. No. 1)7. usar* “ i his was said by another writer, Bf. J j»»*r»er Dime’« “ Serri t Hy Miss M t! I' ha I iln . Brawn. Mrs. Davie: s, Mis^ OV'Jl, Mis.® ’. L. -’ v, Tho KeiK'ro«». Bv M. T. <'*t n.■«. 1’. 0.—Burnì. Grant county, Oregon. No. r-1 ï.c.lîi line. B.t II av . f.e »!»•»•*. »' M any <'« i.. tiw. “I will go, but I do not need to Nu. l'or Low or Hieben« Dy nuifior "A Grant No. "1. Alice Winstca and a :.coic o> oLhc. 7 i. iil contrib - 1-. * I.inljr G Wendell»»-’« Dteuu!. Bru.uuu hor«f of another man; would that it had ••I»«r« ?n ‘ i • <>rn«*." ¡»’^h tite-l. ute regularly. Fl»« IVIrnrd of «rannda. By M. T Co «»a. No. n. ' Itoti Cntirt Fitrin. Hr Hr«. tt««nv IVoan. 1’ri. reserve mv judgement. I am as r;.:7H utikzr F 1 IV ooiHit*« •*< rrct. hr fi. ana A i : ii '« ta . No. a. The V’rwacn t'.-cn. Itr W ii . kiic Lot.: i»m ¡U'<¡. been left for me to say, for it might The «util v Hirer, i y IVo nuc Cm t No. 03. Huck 1n the Old Ifitnic. •'» M.ittv «T» n II av HI 11 iit charge of cur Chi’. - n’s - a? tr.*.cm'. I (..retire I vlitgluii*« Vuth. Dy Mu. M arv A. No. Ol. 'i'he I.»»t Bank Noi«*, n.r Mr«. II knnv V.<». t-. Jll. she has the necniiar of Ltsr.j budi ir.- iiavc be truthfully written of Forde flYinly convinced now, ns I will 1 ' No. ro Il v*f er. "v Jh Arno i: M. ht» i r ///»««o < ALM EDA A. STENGEI? tereBtni* and iustrnctive. I .nut*., «i vr ’ « < »iLti». By Mr« M V. Vieron. JIVJ. No. 49. A Bride fro«»» the Non. H< nu'hui i'.rr»7'.«.nm" feur hours hence, that ^uno Trent 1««.nt <«rMt»n** *’• M'* lIXNt-v IViHie. ' THE UVcinhY Gf THE ’ 'iit.l 45. Thel'rtvl.«. . t <»1» I he tlcni’th. ACbiirtma« «» • ». Dillon. The I'til-«»ti of A«fi«. I-» I i'«« knck M ahhvat . Ur Ci.., .. IO Y« D i CHKN«. H!llrbKt..l was not the one who would be ap L urjtfr-Bf ? ;»c l'ftlvr«. Hr M» «. A trxA.*.i>»*. C attlx branded ¿ _______ ________ Nn. 44. The " Yellow Musik •■» W’li.atr. C<o :.»»•. Is a Irri:!::-.' s!erv eppearini; i t i-?r> ■ \*;- "What’s the object, m v dear fel- Xo A v. rl«hl'« |>.»i.£|it<r. By Mrs. Arinin 47. Bell Brititdon. Bri »' . nii . iun AJrxii« zr t F a ’ ot . by John K. Kib-yis. r.i'i fu-«. I11"»!' tt’-l ' !*8. Mla*l<»K. M 'ltv ' u H az . proved by Colonel Fenn as his son ’ s f attention. Short stories 'ey c. -.;»?» jy.. •ixu u r.iciT H.iUoiv ,\*h Holl. ”r M«noAiirrIti.ncN?. Ill'll, 3.1. Arnie. Ily Mr«. Il» nh . W<» oi ». low?” he inquired, lastly, “Of on Lef: side; circle- ( A li*»r|i*.,ed I.He. M inkin H aki . ano . 3?. M«tvr Ho*"*. By tfn ioh t ot t •»<«. appear- from tinre to time. - ir X.»i I < Heir. Bv M»«. M ay a «« k < I t kmin «. 31. Valerle’« I'nte. H) Mr«. A t kx » > » ft. BILL APiF'S tSTTr.’:«; course there is one, when you ask wife.” ¡B«rl«*« I'«»rlrtrit*. by * t i . kyni « IV aio »: n . J. A Split in each 7'.». A <«t»lden Dawn. » «» !-r I . ■ • • . ■" I lie \fw>*»»r Helft«. It« Il I. i -' a U j - i *:. Í7. ! .■!<.tO «»r, thu Myntcry of the Iteu.lh.tii'.M Appear In each*. and this iv.' ir;-»*’1-p:* • tur. { .<jy lalwor.h'a illontuiidn. Hy "T ur me to give up my faverite novel I “Colonel Fenn's prejudices are No Il v F t t . W. I’trl». K. ///Ns.'r.ifot. p’ucr v.*a4 never i-ci<- j/.;-. ir.a; ’¿.c l » ir >4" 7.1. Dudley < urleu:». Hy MI«sM F. i!re t < n . strong, but he is not utterly unrea t'-dr rt.1-e. Hr » * arri ••fl-.ra Tlmm«.” Hl'f. No. Jl. f'ur l<! Itnnt- Hr Mr«. A nn S. Srrt ■ ......... in its lditt H ul Dr:»*:;/ . t * r nod meerschaum for the glare and 'i he 11 (itiirn Hüter. H.» >>' J IL H« hin ». in . Hi t. No. S3, The Heir to A«Mey. B» t'r«. Hi ■ v. <•<*»» — N* Il« li» «•<■•» l'*»o Mio«. Hy il<» author «f *• Dura Vn. ff. Keni»!ti^ I he \V hlrl wlntl. BrMrit.' • i I'.v. /•.?.:> F arm speaks • d v. ?*. .?..* ? •?. T..OII.C. " /i.ast.aXAl. , No. I»». A («IlduMI Mln. Ilv ti H.'ii or-I ■'I'.it:» iteri.e ' din of a great reception. Put it sonable, and your opinion will have Ranirc—Ilarncv mid Grant count ■ Orcsou !■•••:). 'If ci “ '.■'■.■rvn:;-.-' :■ I.a' 1 ; > Tlifl.nw. :f'« '«irr t. *f'-* '* E. ütiiri»w. 7. Th«, l.nur. l Ku«‘L By M -'« Mt ■ F. O. — burns. Harn«»’ county, Ur. weight with him, Dillon. No more mi TI.» Mrniici* <’n«t* uf Dr. Jvl.yti und Air. No. 8. Henry IrLe.B. B» Mi «. li» vi:-i >r. *.f the tariff m bet • • t'’. strong, if yoj want to impress me I*tdc. H’ 11 L •'•» ^»r. K A in«»« Bnriali. Bv Ei 'i, i r< '• for the fanner : I .- : Id <. . 1 he No Hi Ai» <>!4 .Min»*« Niellile«. T.j K.-». Axon. 4. ll!ueEye«tind Golden Hair. Bv ' *.• »• To. ». »« words about it. dear old fellow. fcnner ; Co-operation ¿tl ■ . ndit No. 9. 4 opinili A I LU’- uè». I.» 'I. I t .. i . sufficiently.” Nn. I H. ( a ift-r the I.thicn. B v nntlmr " Dora Tlrnrn«.'* a...; ia to " liu-r. T rc11 l.c ' 8. A ihuijx the Huí».«. B» M«ttv Cun. Il < ». It,;. J mt C .it. .'y <>f li ! V.'c will givo you twenty 11**’ cTìni'tnlng C'»mp’olo novels./)** If you w»l! eet u-i ' Tliere is a reason,” acknowl Wait anil sec her.” W. B TODlIUNTiCIÌ only *»»»c eti iy hii I.« i * i !l>i?i* Tho novels ni<> aplemll»! <*, tvul they tiro imbliaii» il cgihi |.*: p ia Jt was with the air of a martyr !.»• .1 |-:t:i i.i. I tirili. N !»• tho u.'fivs i.ftiin iiuiliopH—tlbiy uro tho most celebrateti wi II cin . bof.t edged August Fenn, coloring to the ot A-n-l! ■ r.'i'i r.ur-'p*. i.'ofn !?••-> ilio long and attract!vo li*-t frcpi which ynu nr * i ri■ ■)»».»,■; CATTJ.S branded (.» hi-’w t. ■ fi.pJ : . rlili'h «.f : I «. n.iv- H jmi c I ioom », you v. Ill bo perfcctiy d - lglikil u I h ihetu. vety roots of his curly hair. He that Dillon prep, cd himself for Mn-I wiih " A-Wreach” on of • •li»» '.'tv**'..« in liti » Usi Fell for 2ír«*cbis <■ .»ch I»» tho Uranitlf. and other llbriirh n. Y« u co** t». *. presentation at Mrs. Evcrhigh ’ s Left Hip. tirenb/f"- 1- id not a »t 1 < yohd the age nt blush •«.' "i.ot- R»iy twenty-flvo you niny elidono -frt, foi'gatllug uh only him * > ■ ;n ly sub»cilbcr. Ou i .Lmiitihat till«» !« hi <- l .V c / h /ep/psr/aiH/y-socJi n otic ns you never hn-1 !»»<.!<« ? Ear marks: Clcee* N.O l< • every reader i.f II: < d *> ¡»er c »nnl-Ier i lili nn a-hlrcNHcd Io littnee f or'.f Indivi 1 ing, if his companion had. “I want m ini r -pniow, but for Fenns sake crop f fTlhe liijikt ear: Dili r ’ »!.<• it • your Hili»«! <»»/>■ •; a will Itavo (wenly-flvo of then« rl»;irnili.»* rompit !•• I.« M '. i’ljdcr s'»»pc in Die be v-.ould make th - eacritic-. lie Ami l».»vv • • ».illy •. >'i e.i*! do It I Whet I« It tn got ow... yearly eubfii rlber to tlitspapor? Then isn«t your opinion of Juno Trent.” • Left car. O>|H bltlg • 1 one ' f «»nr |•l•<•'u'nl f»u' P-TlberH nrd rendoiR hut can do It, If they will ley. JL-ntc inb< r. felt toward him. us ho might,.have I ymi urn i not a?.t -I IO I" *k U • Il chib or tn tin itUV C<inVn?Bilig, but merely lo U-0 lour iliRib- tl •Juno! Pho was the Olympian Cf ths various Baking Powders illus. In iit-1' ■or of your ii<*’;;hb>rj or iflen»!« tn tn ho our paper mr n year Anybody can do thl*« An r 1i hrhhoi a » nd friends fln rn i.s Ct-rbiliily one w ho will subserlb ■ f v our | n* < • nt you; lady v. 1'0 W.I ' boun<l with a ehainl felt towprd a junior brother. Fenn eoli trated from actual tests. •' 1 tu i » i I> « ot put •( <-!i. nr i>t«'p fo think it over, but go right out ot on< n : it 1 pet jour ml» und hung up in the clouds, wasn't ! hitu-elf was a typical Virginian— o r. \ i vmir-elf w ill l.j ►c.ri rluod L» lind how cany O. thing it H tn do. un I v hen you receh i P.O YA L (Pur;).-—nr y.-urt' o tv iivo i l E.p’eit» rnvo'M nnti i-ntnnioivoretullDtf them, you will bo delighted to think yv. i. ’ In » then von wilt ho rl«.:». !.»,..i « - m.*. t- . .. Ji«RSE8*ar^ btnnJed she? Great Jupiter! how they j frank, generous, and cl ivalrous; l<n id!<« -.1 r_’n nr ¡ it ;» ■ .! »(-. V libor . 1 OlTcr. COAKTS* (Alum)....E • h ‘‘S-wrench”on lhe Wo ■•.:! p vefiMv <»f tli>- imvelH f,-r t'.vn ynar y Hnin-’rlhcrw, soventv-flre for throw mhsrrlhers. ntid and Dillon had constituted himself troated women those days! Even Bo -it f- r a / i- »tiil'.i’f »let :noie t.-au r.iv nnl»t«crlbrr if y«MI «'an Without ton nun h tro»:b!»-. but < o Left thigh. RUMFORD'S* (.'nth)... n< Vail iv.-l -o«,u:o for ymn 10'f t .•.•■■ity flvo rharmilitf ••ctnj- t In v-vu> free. Ton the gods diiln t get along without, ns a sort of guide and protector vi',1 i-iMaj: > ‘ 1 o-a .-(Kat opi orlut--tv- if yon pass thio o£A;r by unheeded. Ord« r yvur novels by the iiiiiuborH m given. Address a'.l loltere: tiffs after marriage, curtain lectures ¡during this the y< ung .fellow’s first CHARM* (Alum Tswder)..CZZ-:-L£«,¿.=3 and the like, it appears. A clear winter in New York. In Mrs. Evcrleigh ’ s niarblo man Rantfo: Grant and Mülhenrr-OHMl’-» reason, to my mind, why men F. O. addriBs: burns. Giant »u., ¿rj’un. should avoid the noose matrimonial. sion, in Mrs. Evcrleigh’s gas lit PIOL’EL a (Saa Frazc’.scc)............. KESE5SEES313KZ3 room-, amid tho slowly ijsoving. It is hoped thM this Jnno of yours i’KAA 1 w'**1 Pn*’’ 1 ivc Ilu*<lrc i D.iUats for v 0 W U the ui ret*,! and convie! i«n of any per- CZAR....................................................... E3ECH2fr3SE2J may b<i of a more amiable disposi well dressed, well-bred throng, Dil un or p-.B »ns, killing er > ea:in<? any of lhe trick of the above brand or bel.iuiinz thereto. tion than h r predecessor, if vou lon’s misanthrouic sentimri.ts were SHOW FLAKE (Greffs). ■ not dl.-pl tyed. All men sc, in mad. 2Z&3EZ1 have made up nn,r miud, ¡n the 1 after one common model .when in- eOlGRESS.t...................... face of all precedent, to rush Info Ur. Lrn. “ Why, Add: j . yon r.?ct!n’'crya’jdTit I cased in regular evening dress and HECKER’S.......................... it! I on f did....................................... very well, that lovers paradise which inevita informed voihan, cud £ v.i*uiu wou.d fuhow on regulation - v- ning bchavioi ; but culets .......................................................... czz=sxsa her rxam.-lc.” bly ends in I'cncdict’s niiserv. Is M’B “Tea. tnd la ‘vrrek von raid you HAHFORD’S (Noaa Such), when cot Ecsh.tEZZZZ-ZT wished I couhl mx..a e l. t ,-.k r. j i as Jus. it a bad case, August? Let’s have I as ho moved on by his friend's side, A fOURXAL FOR ADVERTISERS, ZUea.- anti rhe make» ali q ,..; c.cihcs. Dot PEARL (Andrew! i Co.)................................. E^KSSH , --•mi.liug.the tleryotvped suulc.'-, and a. e ha« \.ka; I hav n ’ f* th- ry atoms, mV dear boy!" Is Ln&d ci th» first ui fiftesath days cf each Un. I d : -. *• Wiut 13 tija!'” sjteaking the accustomed society RUMFCuD ’ S * (Phosphate), when nst fresh. . M ::s Lsr. “ W ell, die r • t •• all c? tcf!“ foma- "Not while it pleases you to take azd is the rejmatetfre jcaraal—the trade Hon from Vs ’tr-’as.iv t: eytr.ko. I admit that platitudes, he was keeping wateli ehc knows al! that is pu!»v on. rr.d is bright anil Beportz cf Government Chemist*. that lone.” fonA cf ¿aerie» advertisers. It hdicates to ths cut.» rtAining in couvoisaiiea but I coc d do at '* The Royal Baking To’.vdar is composed of for Fenn’s enchantress. Keeping as »h-j dees f? I F.V V A rrtr.e sourco of Uexicrlesccd advertiser 1 st , vhea, aad where he Dillon raised himself frem his .'..J well information, bh j l et ne thsi.;$; aamber of lief pure and wholesome ingredients. It docs not watch of Fotin, too, and seeing th- , Combines the juice of the Blue Figs sbesli advertise; L*? to vr?.o » advertlseaost; ho* ? a of recumbent position. contain either alum cr pb.ocphatcs, or other in- I rcaulvj. a'.uu; vri'v.s co.kl r.udicts end t>.« to di:;la7 oae; what terriers to too; hev nuch so laxative and nutritious, tuples of the t'.'T. v.'n I w -.Id p ck up tn jurioussutstanccs.-EDWARDG. L ove , Pb.D.’ “Now,’’ he said in quite a differ-, sudden eager flash of his brown California, with the medicinal virtues cf plan:» ty r.17 o«cas.» cuuti.r.-.ih :r u.ds. ‘ Icccnainly ta<7 to expead—U Urt, ¿kwertos ci even >elat did no', need tho latter ’ .-1 "Tie Royal Baling Towder is undoubted ’ / covers c v ry t 0 ’ 2 f 1 i r ; t. fr-Ti t o nev s uf known to be most to the mt voice, and meeting with kindly that ad<s cf jrtfitAlle dlscudca. livertUlna is tye dry <!• u co the ¿.til’s of bcuj*ekccpirg; the purest and mest rohablc taking powdet humin system, forming the ON LY PER wdr-Is to tell him she was near. and every tilin’ is so bsaulifiiP ■ iilurtmtcn. too. •veg the others indignant gize. offered to lhe public. ia art fiactlsed h7 n»7 tet udetsteod h7 fe?. The FECT REMEDY to act gently yet Every tiuo .'..aru.o over ta tho Ai m»’ sto “ There she is! Wait a moment comes b. c ’ : ’ cA's mo to ret yen to take promptly on the •» H enry A. M ott , M. D., Th. D.” "I hop« you know me too well to eoedu .tors of FZIMTZ23’ &«Z tadcrsUsi it, Sid DtmorcsTs kr.uiJy i:a r^ioo. r j th • stacies ara •' The Royal Baking Towder is purest in quid- to goo I. Eve t.i I -ys watch fer i every month, lh«lr airt^ la hisai « u cleric::« cf are th» he oi..'in|t d at anything I may snv —take one look. Is she not lovely ?” cj* a j Keo is found r t era cl 0 in its; and Ity cr.d highest In strength of any baking pew Dillon did look critically. lie tvnty-fire 7«ara is jUdxg adrertlsUi eotracts for Mr. Alien r-uetrs ly it. It M r oily wonderful old fel. w." -AXO T»'—• dcr of Which I have knowledge. hour it F»i*.scvery rvabrr cf th ±-milv l*‘ racy cf tho latest sad awt sucmfal advertisers. Mr I.c “Uvl! ; rhn sib . rFcn.Hora " W m . M c M litbie , Fh. D/' "All light, Forde. .Only I can’t saw a petite lady, fair-haired, dark- Specimen Copy; 1- r. if? ¡anything like what yea A rtsfinhsCTiyf.oa costsh^t Cae Solkr ; taa;le eyed, features jR^uent and com *A’1 Alum baking powders, nn matter hoa say i£ i« it nd.I ip .>10 . idirur’ c thewholeef os.” hear chaffing on that »uvject. My high their strength, are to Lc avoided r 3 dan Mrs L’ V. • I e ill a V»’ • -cnr.jry JJemcrcst, copies Pea. Aiircss PURE BLOOD* tho pub: nr- 1 > t 1 th MV t. ?»cA» York. A gerous rhosphatc powders libcmta their s-a« ease, as yon call it. is so hod |I m I plexion dazzling, arch, bright, and oileria r t • v. nd a -‘ , cimc.-Y < ppy for hi cents, so CEO. p. R0WSLL a co., too freely, or uiuicr clixnauc ch&agvs suiwr d©. REFRESHING 6L* EP, thoroughly charming even t > one . W'Cir ti )’- nyt’i > ca 1i nr.tnh<'t eoi tcins •er ¡oration. Nttnpaper ¿¿venidog E ltuu , p H the hopes of mv life arc ven* HEALTH and STRENGTH n Tiitum Or ti.i eg lb-' Li’c’er to sur Fatten -h« nj iv choos-. end in «»^t>i r vbich S?™* St. Nr. V o ,». V-red on wiunlnft ,huio Trent fur blase as liiin.-clf, but hi* mi. .-ion IT itur-.’.’y ftnb'w. Every one h »sing it . I -t was to put do"Xn mn-lr.i'S.-. Tint e.i- •n<l all are «tel’phted with it. A ;-ret ’8. Tho my wife. If I fail - .> d(Q a ye r: »nil I druggist for SY KUF CF FIGS. Manti' I t'X’t I can’t p •' w Vi v tan inilhah so A swift flootn ’I lotted out the courage it, so ho coolly answered: factui ed only by the a ,. jj i r »»• ti.l. i money.’* "Lovely, 1 admit—under the gas. g!ntrh»g tenderness which had come CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. THE SELF-THHCADIN S- F bamcucq , C al . into the young, handsome face tin- Fair women with dark eyes usnal-j i Yos*. '* * l.v do light up well; I ut how much i.’livd the ntviirv a is due to art and (¡TV’S I wouldn't hat <> done. ■ v .«<»«» tic» *rc lik .■ to say. Nut Juno -q'u in th Who is thia 11,0 »houl it. TH£ BEST » » M. F **▼ & U«*« .Miss Trent who has nee dishAl h a.-t. and. her L^ui*lv was a conccd d, Dcscrírtíve ai.d rri'-ej nl ] oil.I from 111'» first, since it s iit Mhah*-oo>MH'or ... uthux Harner’s ? aSSRKflg! S r LEAVENING POWER P rinters ' I nk . KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS Cleme«» — dyster SO THAT Effectually, - ASK FOR IT’ SE-D ANNUAL <V< fhi FAHiLYPAPEB — PUBLISHED. — F.r IC01 i; 1 te anaCc-I FRZE to k>»t .. better iban ever. i *■ . ^r«.' , I It. Addrt! CARY A CO JlT, MtCM. lsr-4» mi Qeps^r dmitirvfB«* __ Then lie was present:: . 1 iricml to Miss To ut »»th cm; ^^^BMbJN»ntfi'sl h lid think well of eai h otic r „ I* »9 «rnivvii'-ì • _J r'..»»> l. n-iiLj»*, wkh«»it Tl >!•»'t ulrri vri i»«wn».-«it Hl*, r« '« hi . t«it «••»■ « f r irakrt •>■< «« » orv»7. t W< »M ■* lh« a.^et eh »ri y, r »ns r 1» - -er R |iM C8»»’ *».,< , 4 -a • »• - !’>« ptac* af wile, er »tmh'OO FT' ♦<«- •h-?V - M“t» hwtii’ aw e ai»d trw^ lì fVw« ibe e>.Ui ti -j w*»d ♦*'» '-*4 r-o?’* , **■» tts ► tí <l.iy i! I «w ' r • a?v b*’»fcl A eJnrcn each Work tnlair' *.| o»iy ti.ei a Year. u <»•••—t » ‘ 1.1 F'.«. 1»-’lere Xa-uykc-iyN« free» .. . cotu - c«t mechanic al thill, lhe moat and nsefu practica ali kxFiw.i ad. Cl’ EOCKTOKD. ILLINOIS. .TT*. ply'' I mind. In it qre bioed tho fit- exT”'’.* - •s eM Jw-'. S «> ». 1 ■'?. A,. ■tv.«»» frL»« • >r> . L- •Ir^«*.*-”h-«* tttjr '. v'N'Ok «Hrtnr» v. n ,- •>N*T«oee m « íi » wì : • : •« A»jr. A . «r-« V. .■ »X ■ ! «i«rt r»« L»«l »W. r »U tbr tfcn* . r>8 »»-••' rrt‘«r- -»S*. • » , rv «-«.*•'k P» Itr«« '* H.XTnUrtl A < • , ' »« ï» O TurlU. nil, !!•*,*,< io? a acw. macó •jojirablc A»il or uio. ELDREDGE MFC. CO Tisicry «il W?.CÄe, BBr'.ice, uL T«/ /Sr«., f'L .*."•*»*»» ZIrowd Sírr«t, .V«-» T«rfe Absolutely Pure