Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1891)
O regon H erald BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON?WEDNESDAY I MARCH 18, 1891. A Good IFlor i da. ERALD. Fend addrer.*, on ¡mede r I. ft r iiifornn- tion tum;t<l aîutit ! \NDFt il‘>TELS Kudl'Ec, etc.,etc., Ai.Fv,. ¡it! j iv. I. Y. JENNERS. Q t »-. I Around t he AV orld on Foot. A young gcntleuMMi while look A journev around the world on ing over some paper* the other day foot was undertaken muro than a VANb ,: , FLO I E. McKlhMti, P roprietor . which were dated e g>o<| many century ago by an English Corpor- Everything in our line of th« Best. Liquors—Whiskies, Brandies, i ear* back, esme across the foilow- a! of Marine*, named Ledfard. Ill ISO I’l-ol-lUE'liihS. A Su-ry. F ol ’.: Trial .ua'nrs- Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on haud when i g piiiile whie.h will i-o di>u:-t in- the winter of 1786 he started from With great premium t»;;«T-, on re you call on “Mack," at Drcwsey, Harney county, Or. terestotir n-aders: 'London with u design of wulking A’». K l.AWb. Il is generally believed by the at|(-;cFRt’S r. quircfi tu tfive notice bv ceipt ot 10 CE n TS, iind Putdown the day of month of around the globe, or around as » H|f r i.c»«’io< «ti®.vertici' of Atlanta, Georgia, that f <-f iU MARRIED LADIES. Only people it I- l. i « iivt ßk«- his rain r . much of it as possible. He design Kiie it ! 8..». for 1 8 U..1 - »'il'B 55ce*»tMu vrnr Be>t monthly in Rev J. G Armstrong, who recent-'.vourbitth. !'tiik<« .he st* Double it wer).} fu* ihe pri.• •. Ai) ir ns Wo« I ly died in that city, was J. Wilkes ’ ed to traverse Europe and Asia on publisher hr |m - PATENTS. in ;h’s \Ve»k, A ! ;b’f!*'. 1-«• ‘“L'a Add 7. | foot then 1« ferried across Behring Boot'i. llis resemblance to Booth C. A. SNOW & CO. - - - WASHINGTON, D. C. b I i:Ti»-r « ir m 1 • I Multiply by 51). 1 Strait to the American shore,whence Parents obtalued, and all patent business attended, to promptly and for moderate fee«. was remarks1 le. lie even had a Our Office is cppvsKe the U. tf. Patent Office, and we can obtain iu leas Umc than these i he would continue his journey to sliotgan wound on his leg. and a ( Add your age. remote from Wathiugton. 8eu<t Model or Drawing. We advise as to patentability free ; Atlantic Ocean, some where be- of charge; eud we make no charge unices patent is secured. sc;.t-on the neck. It is rumored | Subtn ct 8G>. We refer here to the Pue.msater, tho Superintendent of Money Order’ Division, and to i tween New York and Labrador, s. ice the man’s death that lie1 Multiply i-y 10<b jn the world . cfficius of the U.b. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, andTefereuces to .actual taring qualities axe unsurpassed, actúa' cumiiiitled suicide and the coroner ' Add number n Axle, •ii ./ vou* ; He wys an American t y birth and rlienia la your wwa Bute u» couat-v. write to above address. ••tí? t b-'L’-JO of ray other bramL j i I 41 yh --i ’ 1 ' <• Cllllivl to hold .1:1 in- lirth. • ri * • had no money. .Sir Joseph Banks i : iiY DI!AusERS CENelR-A LLT. f qii. st. In case of such an event j til it he Add 1500. and others raised u subscription every effort will be made to find r t • »-••efly •I. I ' ' her The first two figures of result for him to the amount of $250 and papers. I •lid v ho, I some of the man’s private ' suioualy, will he the day of your birth; the with this in his pocket he started i>i.llatw Il ubo luroUh Hint >rm<‘Unt. next two figures your age; the last He walked to St. Petersburg by way A Serious Matter. tic quk-My r< i.nty. 1 figure the number of month of your of Hamburg and Copenhagen, going nt a li.rrc » > t A»’ Th? race matter in Oklahoma is birth.—Napa Journal around the gulf of Bothnia to the i ussuming a serious phase, and the north Then he continued to Si Woman Muffiate in Kaiiwas. ' continued agitation which the eub- beria and went as fur as Yakutsk, ijcct is raising will more than likely intending to press on toward Beh The ] a-sage of the woman suf- ; ling strait, in the spring of 1788. • result in a co.’ision between the PERSONAL AND PROMPT ; I.lacks and whites. During the ; frage bill in the Kansas house w as j But in January of that year he was ; ATTENÌ ION GIVEN T > pa r- I last six months negroes have been I the most exciting event in t hat i arrested by order of tho Empress, A Gre:! end Merful Work, K. . I ¡T ” ENTS, OAVEAi', Til A DE flocking ioto the terrilo'y by hun 1 body since the election of Senator; taken hack to St. Petersburg, after CO.NTAJNlNa K----- i MA' KS, etc. M ’t!< dreds in response to the glittering I’efier. Tin- bill had been defeated ! ward put across the Polish frontier l.e»l il ! NO PEE IÎNLE S PATENT inducements off. red by unscrupu I a tew «lavs before, but was re-eon-j wlth orders not to enter Russia 2,176 Pages ÀXD IS SEGUR E Í ). < ;Oii LlliSPOND- | aid« red and passed l.v a vote <4 CO again without the Imperial per- lous real estate dealers, who huve EXCE S »L1C.Ï ED. i7 ! 620 Bcactiiiil Mrfc! laid out a mythical town n<-ar| to 34. The eight democrats and I mission. ST ip, 1A'[} <1 •, .úi Í F.- T n ;' M a -IMOTI! rTCLVFJBCU liBN been pub . all the r-publicans b-jt t f u* Vitsdj Guthrie. The negroes arriving • I” • i t ■ me« i u» vuma u< ilia inatu*« lor « - ï -.'nx «Hu Gi'ir. r nlcoitiprudiuiit of kttt>wi«<ise, rracika«, 613 £i C .j 7th ¡toi *'A- t '■ -i* 1 u-t'ful, a. lenriflc a- <! tjcucral. 1 he w<»rk I n pn.'» here are destitute an;' ’ suffering; against the bill. The laaise also; A Hermit's Paradise. ■ ’¡i* f’- J I 'Lod coiitjr!« to tn «our 'tirge and han« so«'! [ilppo i e I) v v • utiH't, coiut-.l’lurr n tolti! ot 2.17'J ra«a», un i from the severe cold; but the worst 1 pass' d the bill changing the namei I f , pioitih- y |i'v.stiT.feilMiihfi20b<*au:iiiilei.<rAv- . ’ at .' ? ' 'i’~7 •'*; I'*; a. ». Tiivtisu! i iii.tisu! ca «! r ix < k ttotath «lul'avh nwve have iwen Iwen riuti oxuet ucri «led attire of the Case i- tl t <■: that <>f '■ >- ry county to Devi*, during1 London is unlike any other city C > 1 c.ko thlat’.i ' »no-* cmrpi»te. vaiur.b'« »fit . ■* iiM-ful woikR.fCtrtUMMicaivcrpublialieJ. ibi« a new arrive.!- Imv - brought tl; th i me u M. rk fi.r » V- rj body—man. v ¡ innu a.- it clitM, ssion not ■■ il. standing ! says a correspondent to Springfield In !•'’ ry t ccu[>aituii < r walk In Ilf«». Th* ■•!»- loll p-ix « t h th. -u The di < i t'iunl prtM tifai utility < t twenty ordinary vi/orous pro’e't s’g nd l y everv Repo licaii, in that one’s indivi«!- v ,uirv“ • ’ c‘ i” the»* four. *t.d aw s spreadin; ■ pail a'l-'l t! : r ph le I* lb** r i-rk with knowledge of **err repui liean member ng.-.iiist nam Jif'd t'li'l. «’S! d la d with u-etul lili ta ■ml helpful t aper* hnv op. t l. >1 .1 i ve.,ity is loot i;i the gri-at throng ItP.j rnptP filoni -, I lift we folly to Here that in every Sí’i Í *° wlik Ii it » ha I fimi H a way it will unou ing the county "for that, arch traitor ■of 'ilia'a: tin- against r' »■ b tli-il <’’ tn*' b> b rcgardul ßa worth Ita writ hlin RolA. « )U,0«X) of p-op)e. The mo rii I I**'1’ » i co we tian only brlrflr A'.tuimnr- Jeff. rsJn Davis!” The S Alliance ment he b is passed out of the great rt::!l 8 Ftnui: ponlon vt ihecoutoutaci lina great —a w<-rli,anfoi!bW6 : <- iiis t«i ie getting a very sir ing v centalit, R oorcp.ct j Oilneee, Japan»’*, the penile H India, Africa, Mv-lacaacar, railway station- ,,]) interest in him . i O.vil V.’ar, pro- I’jlci'U , ledami, llo>too, Itv.rmah, the Handele1! island», ip on Kansas. The Suffrage till i- gone, and no one seems to know ! • < f the •?«»► Ili in ; a, ,M. ; vi,, K'ffiaria, Tart ry, Ctwhtnerv and Tunis, tlie Arab*. u.-ry b? f olnribuato 1 ur.a, Hcx¡c»n*. Booth Àr.wrirana. American lmll«n», Fg'j»- i i 1 '.I 1 ’ - <* :.n.| Ilia’ll, r i-incw. Atrnsln'uns, Norv.eaiaus, Muaiilariln. B«tw. ss.idp.oviJe that women twi n- itia-.ia, ta uuoioctcal I”. I..»«, Greeks k’j*»iaii», t iberten«, Afkhaii«. rarriau», pninphk ; cf iafonuatton and :tl>-^ or cure what becomes of him. I Mo .l.-ma, Auavtnlian*, Bulgarian», Slelilana, etc , etc. | ?O .!. htrsntt of Hie lam, showing How to/ i -one y< a s old au<J possessing the Tlnaig'i he might spend bis days j M A?;rFA<’TTT||>,f. In thia great wnrk la al«e dc’criMS a Obtain Fit tents, Cu rents. Trade .1 iliiiMrnnd the ari» amt pt ?e»*c» er |-rl«»iiii<, stereo.) ping. r lai .'ki -’laika, Co;’yr;fLu, a* * , tr l»M>kl.iif.|h!S. woo! (.nyrav log, lltli’ltrnph) , photograph', eolico r neee. s.orr qualification« ot lied . gbts m tile streets, if he I r-rlw'.nr. p»i>* inakiuc, wvclt niakinr, paper making, «ha ni-t ■lif eline of r.llk. irmi. a cci. ria»», perfumery, ao«y, Í» Sill Hrondwajr, with ■ dors shall l.e unfit!-d t«- vote at avoid the vicinity of the Bank ofi Ch* mull, C'J., Ivo’li'r. nnrch. w«U !’!■ ». tuipenilne. postal cards, poc’ige • mtnpn, euio'ope*. pee •, (cm lis. roedle», end many «Ihor ' what is 1.1.1 n ii ns n pinty riilm;*. i.ll v( «Lieh will be fouud peculiarly íutore.tlag *«4 11 general, special and England, the Strand, Oxford and | •»I1! »«•••« ■A’fctl» i -. », ♦«riilixors, liiwnictlv**. y ;ii> ago st-vera) ( . ntn-. ■ ■» I< nt of ’•’nitKHlN ritOlfÜCTIt Tntcrc-tlna dcrlntion». i'lwu <l.e;ions, the same as men; mid Regent stre, ts, he m gilt live five t -n • I, rftl o cu tine ’«ml prcpen»«ton for market nf ten. ooffea, ■el h’tv m '. oiiiHtolai«’, <idt«n E r eugar. riño, nutniei«. e'orcr. [ st. ted together for« t ip t '-»nuli • shall be entitled to be voted for and rbnter, cuinniui-n. alleploc r-eppe . cenn»tiuta. l itiearp’e«. ha», •1 p I • years without meeting a familiar a ver .E aii.i», pinne», dt.iru. ruina», fi»«, olir« indi, rubber, gutta th far W.-st Io California. We g< t , hold all State, county, municipal p< rch i, errk. enmphor, castor e.l, tapioca, »U.. «ic. i i-1 8. ». face If lie nialx'B to live the life ?•’\TÜI*Af» IlISTOItV’. Interrati»« and tnsirunhe ;:,i a. * « ■! -T. >«••»■», ncMHitpauhd I v iltM*iraii<.nt. •» aumeron» haaata, to; c'b« r in Chicago and ed on ¡and township offices in Kansas.— I nib aniioii h rd» 1’ !;*» »n t •i »cct*. wi-.u inucl, «urica» iulvrmaitou of a hermit or escape the observa- <1 ti« new« ii;g ih.-lr Ufo ami habit». nnrjonriiry in a happy frame of | [own ¡legist« r. ?. i*> Sot la F A*’*. T ii - )l»MM«wtr Crei.-ewwrt I» »1*e a compfote law In ns of bis fellow-men, then the I k .*, letlltu every luun li.nv he may ho hi* own U*)»r. and mind. Some New Y«>rk reiMirters, i e«’"i ' ,’ht lull pml cunriiHi < iplaiinlfon» of the ron»ral lane thickly sel’led part of London is ir d t'n I 'n • of !•»■■ »rrcrr.lflfot< a iitw,n ail matter* wht»h are /Affairs In <’mirala. »u¡>- vtl i litigai ion. With Lcmcruuc form > of ¡egal UocutuchU. while I was in the city, got wind of I i \\ OR K his safest retreat. Noone will ask MT’IS’fG. Ti »criptico» »nd Rinarratimi» of the mining nf n exe u cd with neatness i. i’lter, d.tiLMuU», coal, »alt, coj pci, kad, tiaa, Uu cud our going and sent a dispatch West1 <;ti cifrili if. ' anv .¡uestions, if he ha* the money liable III 18 VO ttr.rq O? THE BEA. l(e«»ln nr» d»»crl»«M •»« Montree). March 4.— Thursday to the effect that I and a poker party I« Painph’e’a I lu.fiatn I tho t-i.inv wonderful and brauttri I thing» fonad •> *ht to pay his way, or no one will in- •-a s 1 e er lira« , > -afthoor, an. the i lauf», fiowei«, »holt», fish*», tic , like« I of Congressman were abiiird a i will undoubtedlv be one of the |<iuirc y tod ¡'•ari ttlriug, coral tiahiag, etc., eut. I.« a a < 8. T into his Htecedints if he en Livi.s. bvi-KClB, r.T \7IfiTB AE ANI» MfM-'ELLANEOCS. Herein II, special ----- car bound for California. : most critical days in the history gages in a little uusiness. Louden G civi ti a Vii«t atiuuni of useful ami «:<»• re«iln/ I ? form» t loo. 'i-.'f nlibh lube population of American »itfa». ar>« and •»prliiih-ii.f ile «••nriuei»»«. »F lb* Blate* and Itrr.loMo» not I In every Western citv r we entered - of the Dominion. Never before has is the city ot refuge of unfortunates ■ f «»»'.. pilnrlpol coi.’tiri,« cf the world, length of the principal »e-i- regn iu iv or Ter re ACiKrìOW’.'IO3ì£3 THE E-t»T I’ic.i.lentl-I rtie for vlxtr year». Frr.idcntinl »lailxl»». I i'. 1.. ..e NcxvFjLi-cr Ad I 1 their been sc much interest and . •» : n 1 Icp ». cf »e », hike* and óori-n», I'•■»hl of moautaln». br Lì»;’, 8r.r.’zx. kr t?, IbMtas end RtJroadt. r. porters came in to ask us. not Erri il- e *< .. Mtt»v Yvfk. from i.ll parts of the world. Some i ■e-inniinn cf aiiltnn)« rad velocity «Í hodi»«. height vi tuo no- PRICES I:..'.-UUL U. : -’'.I by drF, J.'.GliT PAID. ■ i,i. «>nrr« »«<>1 «ruciare», tilaianet.» from Wa.hlngton, alao ifcMi’i».»ovum' M.'rn.w. New»Magi about the object of our visit to Cal- ■ intense bitterness nrottseil, especial f; ' ri *.'■ tr York. tn l»i|H>rtant point», chronotoglctl liletovy of lite- No gayrrtve: Eo Erara Jf’.’ssvy Rrlvajpe. succeed and become good citizens, ,». t > ami r '■•Tre»», ¡.ovular »»briquet» of Arurrfima Stato», Th« Jít4úd£c-i W Co., Cnicegc, Hl- ifmnia, but how th«- poker game ly in tho maratime provinc s, the <>.t more linger on in obscurity, l> ».tic., rommo’igr. n rnniloal »rrure. ni'e» for rpttlBag, pee* nofolh tt » d it«» of csyltab. W " ^ti|'«t ptirtur immhn » I»’H!'( TORY. i'ie w<tl.l, ci.rlmt* facts In naturai hittory, Unger tty uf strongholds of the annexationists. stood. As we were not indulging itnala. origin of th" n»Bt»»«>f Sial' », r.fd of routiiriei. of yrrot and die broken hearted. Every k«, pi’ f-.b'<-* fomlHer r,uofotl*M «I gerla» and of in cards at all. we i'CC-'lne weaned War is being carried on tn the mest one the stranger imets seems to be ,-.» dril i word» i-f famon» perenti«, fol» "f th'i Ai-o’itr«, ! .tic» ¿fib« glob», loading goren, arcui» of tit« trurU. -*«j, ■ ........ Be»jamln Harri scandalous wnv. Priest, preacher, of tin. joke. No sooner h iiii WC l.ev* i*. Morlv» full of hia own business. Now and w»i»t. » r*rii»rlr»My lnl'r»Mlnr, ln*t-ucllvw a»d Jüii.t8 «. Elaine rived at San Francisco than a per politician, demagogue and even then one might stare nt him, but it M .VHOTK ■ YCU'P.ri'l» I’ til r lie ■! .y » I nt A fraction»! part f>t lit« topic» treat*,! in Hiiiiani U indwux I J' H b • a»«, t: • !.”U‘-o < f 11 ■.-fill and rntert-Mli’T fcriowl <U’>'—«in»)a»Ml«»W> I |«r t [r JvhnW. Noble v><iocLI-i •• «,1 • V- |.iit>.'l> b-,1 I any H"«! or I ir«v»rr N »• «»»»• nhntikl b* witk- high-born women are going from »lily I! sistent n-porter tackled me al ' lit •ti -i ■ v ■ av w i’i ’•mrd t th » vannoa perplaxlnr cti*»'in«-a that enitatanD/ Rebfieid Pr.ictur is with u far off' look, to be forgot-! (13- ’i* P • In 1 g n by iii r m > I itutt* vlfv la th#ir daily dull«« au I puinnlt*, and for e<m- Bcujainfn E. Trat vv ! Caveotp, s:»d T^dc-Murkii obtained, and all Pat- the al eg' d ¡Hiker game, lie did door to door begging for vote* and I ten the next moment. Cabmen K tiUU'4.1. wt. v L rthia« .3 or :tu:rucUv.. Hftie. Jcretnlah M Rusk - C2it t . ’S'1?« te<i f”r kiodcra e I ees. ui H. IC-Miner | promising any thing to get their.* Our 0 . •) * (’"« jh I C. S. P' fate Office, not snv alleged, because h<- real!y ‘................ J äh» Wau- ;aak ' a-td ve car cw.’»tent laze»« time than those und drivers of all kinds of vehicles, I remote - n V .i; hlneioE. b— t)Ki UüN ■- thought we had been playing. It Additional letters from Winan to a !follow their employment, intent on! WE WILL scud the MAMMOTH CYCLOPEDIA complete in Four 8euc ■, : • twiiie or photo., v ith drarrip- .. ( J. N Dj’ph | I | J. 1£ MiK IiHti i t aov e. if ptt&r.table or not. free of was to much! I told him it was a certain congressmen have conic to Reaching their destination, and ¡Volumes, as ab >ve described, nil postage prepaid and THE EAST OR •■irr fee not dirs SH patent is «ecured, L R. Binger Hernieun ! EGON HERALD for one year upon receipt of 13.00, which is but 50cts. j,.»\-ivester Pvnnovcr ’ n i ’. “JJnw fo (lurain P”»eris.” with base, foul, malignant, traveling, i light and were published, and only I ! without reference to the crowd of more than our regular subscription, therefore, you get Ibis large and naœ« ____,__________ ci:* :;:s iayvtu-Stusc, ,_________ ,_____ coux.ty,or ... .< e. . W. Mcl.ride milled fuel to the fire Ly their un I Phil. Meist B . i tews, seat t-.-iiz free. free. Andrei«. corrupting, all around, ba^wiudow J! individual atoms of humanity valuable work for the small sum of 50 cents. We take pleasure in be . J. IÎ. McElr.»« . ■«• .u K.. f. B - . . Frank ! akei | gable-ro«'fed lie. Hr- did not 1 elieve mistakably treasonable untterances. which blea k their wuy everywhere. ing enabled to afford out readers such an opportunity. By making this C.Â.SSWW&CO . R. S. Be* t. [ * Opposite Patera C.ñcs, Washington, 2. C i in«*, and earnestly a»k -<l me to tell Such is the hot blood aroused, es areal offer we hopg to largely increase our circulation. The Mammoth z Win. P. Lord V- K Not that the average Londoner is i Cyclopedia, in four volumes, with a years subscription to THIS PAPER ) W. W. Thajer ; K pecially by this bitter campaign him how much was lost am! won, : MC: . r ¡ different from the rest of mankind, for only $3.00. I D M.*D. CLIFFORD ami who were lhe lucky ones. 1 being waged l>v the priests, that but his daily elbowing by the mill-, f. .1) LI1AH. F. H Y DE b (10. I), b. bl RTIN never heard the last of the alleged the goyertiment is most anxious in titude make him thoughtful of! ■ ,(Dj. H l.fcxcKaiAM poker game. Th«-papers were filled regard to the public peace on elec himself alone. Otherwise his work Cs sJ P ÍC '¿> i Í d ¿ U itirf O fir 6“ Ê R ? If — li ARMEY : Cannot to fncccufully traveled »itb- I D) with all'isi'-n« to it. Some time af tion day. and all the troops will be would never be done. Politeness W . M A. SET OF THE set good heslth. To reach wealth or any ,W. E.,G < a 1... ti») ter thi* I and -everol who were in ordered to la.* under arms during in giving way Io others, even la coveted position In It's requires the full T. li. 11OHETT8 L... ID) T. A. Ht K IN NOS posccMlcn tr.d eperation cf c!l tho fee- A. À. < O 1KO tie- other party made arrangements the time the polls are o|ien. Com 1 -(D) ulties Llr.d ra’-re has endowed ks wllh. >iot \V. E. 3LBEÜ. wN to ink another railroad tri; . An pany B , of the royal at tillcry. < f dies is not expectBl- M«fo I . .ikr These conations car.not exkt unless t! o .N k ELL UM. MEEKER enterprising New York r<p«irtcr tele- Quebec, is already under arms. pay their fare in a railway car, Lus . phyctod being la in perfect working F cr.'or, and this Is Impossible wheo the WK. ALTNO’V graphed West that thv p ker party 1 This is shaking a red flag at ths or tramcar to give up their seat to <D) ' I* 'D? j f Lytis llvwaxd. ; Um ar.d rplecn are torpid, thrs obctract- b ïvj &S vo Largo Volumes, would start on such a bate. It1 others, tut to rest, or Lecauac- they I Ir.g ti e sccreCsr.s, causing Indigestion broke up the party. I never _ go liberals, and they denounce the are in a hurry. Any pretentions and dyspepsia, v'ih all el their accom- t 8. LAND oifick : V7h.tali TT# Ofibr with a Tortr’o OubacriptioÄ pea)ing horters. anywhere with a ¡arty these days. display of military force ns an out ..J. B. H to < hia P¿pcr for n Si riilo Muio than ..H * DR. HENLEY’S One would imagine that I could rage. It is well understood that to superiority are only laughed at, Our Regular bubí»¿i*lptio2x Price. and would he naLol a must seek play poker."—N. Y. World. English Dandelion Tonic the government is determined not V.’ îh I g (o ) itgciy iiicrritFe* tho rirciilAiion of thin eurt, a ayocl!:, Influenc, «nr th, Ihrar, and pay for privileges if they would pnjM.r during il o lies* »ix nittnU.s. wo have mn<io DIRECTORY. to put up with any trifling on ncHa, It la kMlth, action, rMo:m ita crtniigfDBciits v ith » l{t tv Y« rk | nblinhing lion«o ehror.te onrarjeoienta. ar» promote, IAc wbrrt Ly wo rf< f-naHccl !»»« iî r iih h |i< tu in io nur Baker Reveille: Newspaper men Thursday, Sir John Macdonald’s | 1« exclusive. These nre to le had uubscií* ‘Hi 8 R Bet c f fl»o W oi k t cf ( lini lc« fil» I*- T EPISCOPAL CUVRC II McrcUon-:: e-.rea H,:^at!on an* constl- for the almighty dollar, but lofty er», in Twrlwo luiRc orni Ilnntl.oinw do more work for a town and com- re-election is, of course, conceded IlLSON Pastor. ,ail:n, il-lrpcn, C ar^t'to, tonoa a, Vilume», wi ll A )<•«!’«• Bill HCIlplitih to tins r'¿Ia y hv the pastor in each tteaail.« C7S‘.cn. and naka, IT, aertk pt per. Jf r t ii Ce »’<*io th «n «»wr n’iruhr st»l>- munily than men engaged in anv The latest sensation of the cam-1 bearing stand» a poor chance in itii further mMe IMng. »« ri| tioni'rice. Our gi mt « flor i > ni¡l/»»cribtn the every day London democratic I at Ham. tad p m oth< r cla*s of busine«*, trunthfully paign is the desertion of the liberal ; rcîîj s«*e arytver i» s*i«»f»»»«» n»a<1<’. (Tinrhw I ei M! lUrse— ai H a u ' crowd. Their patience and good D¡rk» i * was the rrrwtcsi novelist who ever ly—at 7 Ao p m. remark* the Reno Gazette. They cause by the venerable Chief Justice hv< d. No ttiitli4,r » rfor** m r neo hin time lias i— it H a to, ar.d K-3 r m ie_. —at 11 a m. and 7 .Cp m w< li U t faino that I.« arhisved, and I,is works are (X|* ctcd to can fully guard all John Allen of New Brunswick.! huuior are proverbial, even under rr<> t\eu to-day tlmn «lining his hicLnj«. T im ')- r-hmtid in wit, burnt r, interest of a public nature, publish He came cut last night for the con ' circumstances the most trying puth> a, n.:at<riy fit I mo* ti<» u of chttracirr, fETTTff. all the new* of the day, watch care servatives, raying he can find no' When countrymen would storm vixiil dtsciij'kis <’t i'Inccs rii «I incidents, and rave the average Londoner Üirüliti-.’ r»ft sktliftilly wrought viols. Earn fully all the local happening*, and room in a narlv given to treason, Idtok hint« i>»< Ivin rrr»»tiiig. No h« mes! «d»kX ib . ie>. 77, i. o o r and laugh. be will.« nt a K t e f th ar girai ai <1 rmiaik- ms Hall, e\err ffstvnlay in fact act a* sponsor for the whole for a loyal Englishman. The old ' would excuse p ! c ila. Kot to li.tvo rend them is in I»* ______________ F. M. JuRlMJX, M.O. f r bd i d th» age i’i which we live. Tbs comn.unity. For all of thi* work Justice ha* an imui-rnse influence \ nil D.1« : r ’ w«»ii»» which ne offer as • CDAPiXM nxx' ns. ■ ,» «1 f’tr i <t:tirrly li» w plates, wi h new i/p**. they get nothing, comparatively provinces where the liberal are the 1 A reduction in wages is to be fremlnni ________ _ V» _ nnr .u’ «rrl ”• l« ■.»-,■!■».«>■< ly print ( T SO. V, u. A. R. til^-f no nr vork*, carb vue cf which is pub* lw«*r« volwe.e» wi-t'i'i «>■« t.»ll*»*f"4 H.'il' Tí . d Wcdnesdav of rs<h »peaking. Tiic community doe* strongest. He hoe alienated thou»-1 made at Fishers Fi»>e Foundry, in iöir,-<l r m to’-, » e a j •! » •! ab*ilu tbj < na rl ljt t r j -s' Hal’. All Comrades not appreciate the n.-rvice* rendered ands from their principles. The Allentown, Pa. Inside men will 3AVID OOPPFRC-ELtJ, QY nuoce Ato « BR1KU.Y. F. C. CTORICg, M«h 1.«1C them in the sligntest degree. They torie* are jubilant—East Oregoni be cut 10 cent* and outride men 5 MtARTtN CHslZZL-FWIT, OttVi. . TWIST AGO OÍÍ3A r EXPSC- H’OKSLCY, BO HJT CülK, S.CX» OS TATlOGO, take it as mattir of courie that the an. cents J-er day. The Pottstown Iron HICHOLA3 3OMBEY AHU SUI', COMriPATri THF. OLO CUfiivelTY SHOP AH.» newspaper man haa nothing to do! Company posted notices that begin DLIAK HOU' C. THE UHCQi.K.lùROtAt. TRAVILE». Si’- C«r ros Sin K’«s«e»’, MAIL». Í.ITTLS DORAIT, A TALL Or 7 ") CtTIF.8, HARU and all frot*» •» an»», c -"’'-a* but look after their interest* arid The cagcrnc«* of the Republican* ning on March 9 the wages of pud oun MUTU I. FrtffKO, Ir».s*«rxca Cc*»t’pa .i*a« TIM55 AllJ '. lu rnVOTERY OA- I*»-* ttsAC-rBvl- «iva never ttop to think that i. al) cost* to gobble any fund* that happen to dler* will oe reduced from 13 75 to RIOKWIOK TAPIRO, Eov/in jr<ooo. bp Ptsrifplw» t >• rt• »'*•**» kWrMj-**» t>»»t?!i «••. rn • v»»r wri'Un. Fm a Ti» -t»rr« ,<■ «nia. t T-.rrtém f ! m n i i >.»■ !, rnonev. More especially i* thia he lying in the Treasury is evidence 13.50 per ton of 2,240 pound*. Thi* o-eim-r - f » «*,i.nrr • * 7 ■ « ■ i.<, ■■ M-^dem M»wbe’«>»i,r.-» »-’I»». IvyfoUH ■ 'I i r’ttH r <'f Hr i -r I i , I »• iy I: »»••••’ll «Tr.’. 48* ¿nit vp la • « al that they do not expect to get hold r*«-«4 t- • »rr*»** «■ »•»♦. ; «-k«i »V»»« t ' ■ * i»‘t ■ t ( Dicken?, . nr|.|. Y-, ,ii*rr . re <i. s** •' -U »-I i.- A i.- le» I« IV the case in »diallertown*, «here ad j will reduce th* wages of the helper* ■i.. ..»n.l khhe-t f i ■•-» 1» Tr»v»>r« 4 P-.«)*•«■ lea. «tlfea i.iW ;«n-RR r» m »nj«'Viu4 ■ I i h,.st.-r • * ’Trv^e»«’- Tr«d* B-rk. kv4 reee-rwV^». ♦»«. » Wu* ofthe appropiatiug machinery again S m » -' ««4 b«« f m B fie. to •«*■■•* vertiser* expect a whole column of i . i ¡«lirix an.I M'iiebii'4 il.toliu i-7- Um ■««. A to 37 cent* a heat, and other em • I n- • fora longtime. They are 3" right: 1 g 1 1 1 | (_ □<- kAwrtir® H TOMtc. k ■1 » c» »>•> • »iti«-»» in Lie rt *1,-- » f IHHW • < rrsinr« •»• r>*»i t*«uvr»» space to I* devoted to their partic thi* is their last chance. ..i fn V lie* - ‘ ttii at a ’f r 3> *4i" Nauoutl ___ employe» io proportion.—N. Demo- ruto, w« «r« «•* e t. *1 ,rto* vlftot, 4II C,a .ß • ? y 1 •' */ i< —i RtOMKVB-dk4 B«r»><M tm* «»FS’I fT»TF'*a ular line for *10 a month. 'ciaU Democrat. »i et,'<i>»t-ZU, :** i.-.. S BK ATN Vto »«> «'RKIGIH « r»wwF EK Y WEDNESDAY '2 d ¿ SON. d OUB EXGHANGS. AXLE ßREA£ h a î ftêôs & ! PATENTS. w h ii f î a bo hä b hd m strut The Bead to Wealth enry m iller ha mi m mwno ïiînvr bi IDDI uas pstisctox askiso killkv hi hi UTTLE PILLS rahuii ctiristma m t a as a a om a a a ’« BE- foSItii rtKCtMM. $T.ICUIS,U8