Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1891)
A Me ri. • • -t \ E3 E ast O regon H erald , $2.60 a Year. BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL A, 1891. £ ALD. C lippings F rom O üp E xghangs . TWO BABBI BBNBBAI. 4OUNIUN DB1O. Genera Joseph E. Johnson died, of heart disease, at Washington March 21st. I E. McKTHNEY, - '‘aer rivtoil General Johnston was the last, Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Whiskies, Brandies, save General Beauregard, of the six Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when full Generals ol the Confederacy. you call on “Mack,” at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. With grt’itt prt’iiiinm olhT.s on re Ji: l.AWi, HULHOAU l*O.*MtBlMTIKS He was born at Cherry Grove, Mire<l U> «Ive i»''t' « hv ceipt ol 10 CE.VTS. and adt’roseB ter «,«>*■ Dut ai:f.>erthe <»f 1UMAKKŒ1) LAlUEsS. Only Va., in 1807, graduated at West i.vl «k** lu« r*j*>* ith land singer rung yensuh for i fi u..t « eh’-ff 55 cchtii a v-*ar. ft* st ntotithly in The following Denver. Colorado, Point in 1829, was appointed Second Jw ■ ♦ ii»ukt-« ihe P- « * ith happy lieart and free; Ad ir - k Wo fr.u pnliliahcr ter !»•)• | world f »r tho p;i< < i FATENT8. dispatch dated Match 14lh, W' lild Lieutenant of the Fourth Artillery man’* Wo k. \t’ ’ The living, not the dead. I C. A. SNOW A CO. - - - WASHINGTON, D. C. i hi« paper «J«p. n in- j indicate that. th< re is a possibility ‘ and saw active service in the Black ruiæa «<r .bu Puoilabcr ; Hedialt with, anil he raid, Patent« obtain and all patent bualucaa attended to promptly and fer moderate f«M. il uni H pa.iiiL’Ut i« of the O. 1’. going into hands thatj Our Offl< e is opposite the U. a. I’ateui Office, aud we t an obtain in lew time than tfecaa luie aniouuf whether; "The world is glad imd young, I Hawk Indian expedition. He was •here < au b« nu legal i remote from Washington. Bend Model or Drawiug. We advise as to patentability free will complete the road to an east- j promoted in 1836 and liecame Aid- And goi-d to me ” ■ »eut is uia-e. of charge , and we make no charge uuleee patent 1« ««c ured. leni terminus at some early date: k n ; de Campli n General Scott’s staff in ttkva a paper from t’ e t We refer here to the Pv«tma«ter, the Superintendent of Money Order Divlelon, and to Aiul ever entice { \e i tu l«te naine < r ai.- BEST IM THE WORLD. [ “ it is said on good nuthoritiAjliat officiate of the V. 8. Patent Office. For circular, advice, term«, and*rctor«nc«a to aotual ♦ he SemiJ^ile war. He participated « ribH«l «r loi , i« rc- IM vj(*sur‘.titt qualitieeineunsurpassalk actuad* client« in your ewp State or eouutv. write to above addreaa. eu tin;-: in»; two boxes of any other brand. No- the Rio Grand Western, in order Is shuttled back aiidiforth . . in all the important battles con ciïkctod by boat. UTGETTHE «CMV1NL. *rs hla paper «h pped ! pubhaher cuiitlïiUr« to FOR RAI.T! BY DEAERA PEN’ERAL LT. /y? ¡ to secure a shorter line to the Between these singers tw^^ Pa- nected wiiht Scott’s campaigns in kind tw pay fur it if he ft< e. I cific coast, is negotiating for the , Of glad and sad refrain: Mexico, and was thrice brevetted titled that refn»*nit tc purchase of the 0. P. road, which The south-land warm and kind, • for gallantry during his war, and iiodit a i from the pu«i untalie>i fur, wilhou The bitter north is projected from Yaquina bay. on in 1848 was mustered uutofserviee rima facia eviueuce vi I R ichard E. B urton . the Oregon coast, to the Boise City Lieutenant-Colonel of Volunteers, Idaho, and will build a railroad to be reinstated by Congress in the N KATES: ............... $1.00 THE CURFEW BELL. from Ogden, Utah, to connect with army with the rank of Captain of .............................. 1.00 it, which would give them u trans ■ ’ ?/.w» Topographical Engineers. The law governing the “curfew I continental line. FOUGHT FOR THE SOUTH. £UB IJ»T: nell” of which we have all read and Jifa gazine.......... thb bepobt confibmeo . He was commissioned Querter- I weekly ............. heard so much, was established in master-Genetai of the United States . . S.20 Bazar New York. March 15. — Il is said -3.75 Young People PERSONAL AND PROMPT, ' the year of 1058, but was parti'.lly army in June, 1860, but resigned ’.Ml tc-day by Jacob Halstead, of New- sifold Cvcl- pc.lie,. ! repealed in the year 1100. At first j the following April to enter the nr af er Vol. 1, ÓÍ» tenU; ATTENTION Gi VEN TO PAT ine. v« «taue. ENTS, CAVEAT.;, TRADE : York, a director of the Oregon Pa I it rung at eight p m, nt which time , Confederate service, in which cific. that negotiations were in pro «hove works < nn be ex MARKS, etc. llleni.iug NO 1 EE UNLE 8 PATENT gress for tlie purchase of the road ' the people were compelled to put ■ Major-General of Volunteers he as I out their fires anil blow out their: sisted General Lee in organizing isSECUllEIte COliRi.Si’OND- l.v the Rio Grand Western. {candles. Henry I , however, fixed ' ENCE S'iLICiTED. the men pouring into Richmond. • the law as al-ov > mentioned, r~ 80 His subsequent service throughout STODDAOT ê CO., IIOHTILIT1ER CEASE. | that lighted candles were not abso- the war ig ’we|| know" 613 û 61ô 7th Otroot, IT. ' lately prohibited until about the J After the war he became sue- (tlppo ile U. S. Patent Bill c.J U, W.-st \ irginia, March ,-11|t|, ||0Ur_ Qn(J reagon the cur-1 \\ ASHINCrrON. sessively President of a railroad 21. The Hatfield-McCov feud on . few waa rung was to compel company in Arkansas, of an express 0 the Meat \ irginia and Kentucky eVery ()nc ,0 eoyer and putout tires company in Virginia, and was an border, is a thini of the past. C ap- wj1jc|1 ¡n those earlv days was in a • its leader a _ # xi _x ! | - insurance ag nt in Georgia. He tain ■ Hstfi>)<], of the sir West - ■ hole in the center of the housi—a was elected to Congress from the Virginia faction, who has figured ]~‘""^ning ¿¡ng made _____ in th« Richmond District in 1877, and IN AOVEKT^'CKS. -*-- HI Hl - 1 manv bloody . . __e. engH$ „ emet.ts, nit(f <o u,Iow ,he wnoke (o egl.niH.J ili Itllli -, li r r.ina-it rwii'i’TB p- 8 v 1 UH f‘» Hit- during th« twenty years of war be-1 The word "curfew” simply means next saw public life as Commis ]ri »B r<> óead tvi h, < sioner of Pacific Railroad during tween the two families and their I , Lvd bv reienitu’•> Hie i "cover fire," the custom being, uf- beti upvti vur < ircUia- g COHU'.i» •’ branches, has also been the leader j i ter the fire was out, to cover the j the Cleveland administration. » !.. UH !ttó«rlv alvei- A pan-phtet or tnforn'at-o’i a; HE UKOl-PKIt Uta BACK. utile Fui» teher. siractof th® iaws.nhowjtitf if in bringing al out the conferences opening in the floor with a large Fu, a--< «»r iii.g »pace: Obtain Baient», I'xmis, Tuwv ilarta, Cvpyriffbu, M.t free. A w ii< h have resulted in the declara-1 1 flat stone kept fur that purposes! Uto> M-JHM K. CO. J! | n< fi « no pricp. As a crowd of theatre-going Oak1 S.3G1 ilri»a«h*i«y .<-■»« ke« - bau H per tion of tH-i.ce, anil he liiniself an- ‘ As I •— Vr -U « eiit*. iiu:t«.cu*. "“JuT ----- “ ------ lan,kr8 wcrc hurrying to catch the notii'ces the com luriona o 1 ’ negotia ■strictly adhered to, great conflagra [extra <barge per in 7:30 boat at the Oakland pier, a Lu u fi a’HÌiuK ¡¿v«r t*r tions in the following card, which tions were almost imjwirrilile. Ih m tuu iu fti.l» man suddenly wheeled around, lie sent to the new>p.p«iH of the ----------------— ili «»tir «¿veri’.aebievjt« dashed aside the crowd and sped tjuh'h a iot fi, -fi < »’ b. Southern section of the State: NOT KKsr, BL'TCHAKMiK OF OCCU- fai < ìuim f. l < a .ine. away down the mole. 1*AIION. jnil «lenth aonnu/re- "A general amnesty has been de 1 |uli<i'vtl M» new». I He ran rapiply. He fairly flew, •i id lo re«ÌBÌ»;ua. figliai. BEST clared in the famous Hatfield- From Harper*« Baiar: f! Fear lent wings to his feet, and STÊEL McCoy feud, and I wish to say j As for the feeling that we need WWE ROPE SELVAGE. | over the smooth concrete he sped Wl i something of the obi anil the new. I rest, rest, rest, it is often u fallaci- 1 do not wish to keep the old feud I ous one. It is action which makes as if for dear life. The Oakland train was just leaving the mole, » alive and I suppose everybody, like I niuscle, 'The spirit of life enters and the flying man strained every myself, is lired of Hatfield-MeCoy, I into us when we take a vital part I Words that mean warefa-e in time I in tn-dav. Often we suffer from muscle to catch it. He gained,aud . man in blue clothes, who was uwvnvi« is I d , e I ACKNOWLEDOED TH« BZ8T of peace. The war spirit in me has , rest. A change of occupation and tha81ng him, spurted anew as he for Lawns, fnrdans, Farmi, Ranche» and Satads. abated and 1 sincerely rejoice at I what we most need, as a rule 1 , ------- PRICES 1L.DUCED : < •:! by »ieoten. Ftlr.JGUT PAID. .’ic.’nt’Li EN’S I OULTHY 7 ftTTIW. New ih.»« I the prosjM-cts of peace. I have de- i the relief hours of an active person saw the fugitive grasp the rails of No Kixtfinir! No ba/x>>*kr! Kxti» lleuvw «elvare. The McMullen Woven Wire Fence Co., Crrcago,*”* i voted my life to the fearful lies of i turn out to be very intelligent. We the rear platform of the fast reced .ECTOR Y. i noble lives and valuaLle jirojerty i must rest, l.ut we need not lose our, ing train jin this struggle. We being like electricity, which the will, the' The man in blue was Inspector i Adam, are not the first trausgres- thought can command at all times, Ahern, on duty at Oakland mole . sors. Now I propose to rest in the and which ought to 1« on guard, ; to intercept opium smugglers, »nd '; the speedy sprinter was a young spirit of peace.” r ' I like and orderly, to summon us Caveat it. end Trude-Murka obtained, and all Pat I This letter lias caused a great when we should become alert. man whom the Ispector bad noticed er.-. bosinei® conducted for Modvrue I e«t. Our 3 fl ?« «1 Onnend® U. L ?' ♦««♦ Office, | feeling of relief among the good , Headaches evaporate if we must as carrying a rather heavy valise and we can wmre patent in le«« time than tboia WE WILL send the MAMMOTH CYCLOPEDIA complete in Four remote from Waehington. j people of the Southern section of exert ourselves for those we love' and acting in a suspicious man I J. N Bi'ph Send model, drawing or photo.. with descrip ¡Volumes, as above described, all postage prepaid and THÈ EAST OR ner. ) j. .1 Mitcumi tion. Wo odviee, if petut table or not* free of the Sute. — S. F. Ex. or we almost forget the pain, which ; charge. Our fee not due till patent i» remred. R. i'.¡r.¿.er Hvrui«uR EGON HERALD for one year upon receipt of $3.00, which is but 50cts. The smuggler in turning to enter more 1 i ;-x ,\i«’.tr Bvaiiover A P .mfihltft. ••flow tr> Obtain Parents.” with IS the same thing; an ill-temper • lx r.L tnwn our regular euinwripeivir, uu a ,-* this vm« large and »uu than subscription, iiicrcivic, therefore, y you get < t o. W . Maride namei' nfactur.l dienes in your State, county, or VhiL MrOuin. town, sent free. AduretF. cannot fl mrish unless wj have idle- le *errv hoU8e caught sight of the va;uaj>ie w,,rk for the small sum of 50 cents. We take pleasure pleasure in in be- be We take . j. F-. MÌEIrui Prince Morgan the thirteen year PYHr.k I «kef lies» in which to reflect upon the 'rai8 butlonB 0,1 the Inspector's ¡ng enabled to afford our readers such an opportunity. By making this C.A.SiWW&CO. . K. S. Be» i. old durkey l>oy, of Shedd, promise* great offer we hope to largely increase our circulation. The Mamnrtfth vest, dropped his valise and ran. / Win. ft’, i.oni Opposite Patent Office, Vtetoinpon, 0. C. J W W. Ti»«>vr. to have a checkered career, and motes belonging to some one else. Cyclopedia, in four volumes, with a years subscription to THIS PAPER An examination of the valise re I-IMTk.UT: already it begins to be somewhat With energy leading the way, en sulted in finding of twenty five-tael for only $8.00. ,(ix. Jl.h. ( LUFOWD D I HAH. I*. li VDK spotted. Within a few months he nui lifts from the borixon, and wc tins ol Hongkong opium, which, • fi i). |>. ?. I. I STI M MEK«« LLAtKJ*AM pure lulled a gun «n a forged order, see color and distance again. There had the smuggler succeeded in get GRAND PREMlüi»! Gt=T£R! ter ET: shot off two fingers, skipped out are women who labor day by day ting to Chinatown, would have net ì A. SET OIT *ri-IE in hunger and dispair. It seems with property belonging to other ì ted him $200. ì T as if others might Ia1>or iu comfort people, wm captured, arrested for J 1. / Deputy Gaskell, when seen at I) larceny, discharged by the grand and health, instead of sitting down the Pacific Mail dock, said: "This i to lassitude and sighs. jury because he was young, went | opium probably came from some home, and yesterday again did of the timber schooners from Puget something to secure a name for Miss Mary E. Dewey, a well-to-do Sound, and while make every pos h Turoba Lazga Volum««, il* u» f it K : himself. Not having a gun of bis spinster of Goshen, Ind, who Whieh w« Of^e» T. lth n YnypW OubacriptxMi sible effort to break up this kind ,J. B. IIU*riM«TOM t« tlU « Fap«r for m Trifl3 Mor« Iharn *’ own now, he concluded to make one moves jn the best society of the .11 AR JURON XELLtfY of smuggling, we cannot, with our Our Hjynlar Sntatoriytlon Priw. himself. Securing a gas pipe he city, has applied for a pension, WlaViaig to Ltrgf’lv incr#»««« V»« <»f l^Ui present force, place sn inspector on prtper riiirihg ti • neit Hx n»'-nV >. v.r havn n>a«l'« made a hole in it. at the right place claiming she served , as a man K-TORY. every coasting vessel coming to •rranftowijt« *in» « N. w Y' rk | ul li*1.inr bomft» and plugged the end with wood. throughout the war in the Twenty akitliwo ar« coal Ird • ff*T n« » nrMMiiJn U» off port.”—Ex. i" a Wnrh» nf Cfiftrle« Dlrk- COPAL CHVBUH Loading it he touched it off with a sixth Ohio volente»«, under the ens, in Twel»« L a ?• ff « ■$•<! II« Faator. Vctumri, m R a yrar> «i:> «criplkwi to üiüi A large Democratic daily with a match. The plug flew into splin alias of Charles Dewey, and that r th« p»r«f in «Mb pnp*‘r. f» r a »r¡ik' »'«oft« «!$ »i- <»«r iv» ular «ait • 1er nullt e «rri| ti<m| rkt. 0 f.« •»•.il*cril»«r« ters, one piercing his ear,the powder during an engagement she receiv capitol of $250.000 ia to lie started « ia. ««ft 4 SO p m rrlij «♦*• «>iy ♦x«,f I oiiidr. (Wftlra ft Hote«- «I II • M in Portland April 15th. The Asto- scattered over hie face, burning it ed a yun-sbot wound in her left leg :i.«J p sa . Dlrhri wa« t* •» $ rvatost «<•>< liai wlio «v« f a nt, and 4 pm Rvr«l. N” : ' "i r ’ • f"ti* o- * I hm * Id« fimv ha« seme; y*t not injuring him serious which forma the basis of her claim tia Express says: The committee 11 a at, ittp » W« IJ • • f Ll<* llu-t l « »I h J iti« Fotk« . .« »rr «Mn»» .. , g... . . ..... ...... ly. He rushed into the house and The proofs she brings forward are I got in communication with east in wit, Liunor. hin IrfuCjw*. i ern parties and finally Mr. Gray ps$!« »i. r » ■ry ¿'•lit.** timi of «barar'* r, told his mother a big man in a rub genuine and convincing. n it« «n«| iiirldente, «I vh I agreed to start such a paper with a UiriiiHG i l lùJiitiiìr V ii-'ight rio'a. Kao*« ber suit had .hot him through a K iV h » *•.-• •f’jir- N" í»rí.rsi on 14 U« k iah :• • 17, I. O Q F. craek in the barn The true state f ■ il leniaik- A frightful accident occured near plant and capital in sight of $250,- la» 1U« uft » -i tí u TK HIT not , ex err Saturday ><•1 .o L i< <1 i! rn> in Io l»e . JoftbuK, X. U. of affairs was quickly learned, tho*. Georgetown, Colorado, ths night of 000, if Portland would give them a t i J!| I s alt.- h w« l.v«. The f.r U» V which «*• < ffer •« a CBA-.LU D1C a i r ’ —Albany Dem. March 16th. A party of 15 young guarrantee of $100,000 of lusiness Mrtntlrtm ft»» oMt - |frv < <-•* r i»« • |I aì «9 w¡ b new type. la •. vijfinm»*^ |»rh;t'd f »i <l)i Vil, », * « U < i.o • i nhieb is ci •!■*• *ln*t people had engaged a team and the first year, 5,000 subscribers at I’ll* t*r»« v r/twU $10 each, anb $50,000 of secured liHiftfl e-m fe*", >'■('> a g d, ani One of our ministers went into band wagon to bring them home ,1 CAITNA37 r mc A.-IO CnKIlTMAf OAVn COPP^lFF'tUO, advertisement« Mr. T. F. Kane, a BTQ4U3. the country recently to marry a from the St. Patrick’s ball at Silver WABTIH CHUZZI.E.WITV OL!Vul? Tt/nT C.TE XT ffXPYC- Plume. At the point named the i well known newspaper man, wm se fllCMOLAS HIOKEI : loy , WH W-*$k fto lb* fis*wte*o«to I a couple. After the ceremony tlie TAT IO*. 7», «MT WWd «Maryo BeUWO tM OOM3EY ANO CO! lu» lected to secure the guatraniecs. Th« oi9 cupiorrr^ ahö ? aw > MUb aaOivwrwfYoub Upw*'» groom asked the minister what the team became unmanageable and NLÏAK HOJ*f. THBUKCOA.WfllG A{.Tf»AVCMÜI. Wto« »f Appetito. lodtaiw-K»«- He finished it up two weeks ago. LITTLE OCnEIT, !>■<*« ot »■'wngth an-1 Tired a TAth w. '»v’j hab .» >*swiin<abo.‘-rtely«nr®d.Rr«ai, charges were The minister told turned the entire party down the OU fl MUTUAL FVTRO, Art) i rrrswv o, Mr. Gray, a New York man. will him that was optional with biin. mountain side upon the rocks be- ‘ CJ.V.H Px X)V. PICKWICK PAP-.HU, be editor. mdjt -• Tb» He then handed tiie minister a I low. Those that escaped injury ot'rjr t « y ••*/«- h *fr *!*• •’ LADIES Tfaj :-r CÎTT The latest addition to the "frank «od ««*Mr « r* G vsw a etear, b Bom the fall caught >1 from the | trft ««•• tf“«R»*I A small fee and assured him that lie •M4. I >, Fritto’».*«" 4 WH.P4WT «a. nttwae-*« at emaete-fteW ijù < nt « T • •» « I ».«rio«;« «S b r»l -Hty nf ihs »H<4 rs I _ lin Square Library, ’ ’ published by iX toi 1» ▼* ’ wculd not be put to any further ex kicks and plurgee of tlie burses, m ' >^'..oAateKAL owl Efi^r. ¡»*»t «••li»'» $ •(« *^» m ;.,wi Harper A Brothers, is "Tl»; Loet ttifhijlte-j, 1:L ' <• «*$•** iv *•' lu pense as ths license was paid for.— that tut one of the outfit ia uni 1 i. »T Heiress; a Tale of Jove. Battle and r»«W, ar * OAA »tits j«« W'tkM Register. |jured. Ad ventare," by k'rncat Ulan ville. UY WE ONE. 0\Y Four Tdll ?4uuo)rs. . From Harper’« Weekly: THE DREWSEY SOT A bard who wrote i* staves Once made a heathen hymn. It had this stern refrain, Ttuit moved as though in pain, "The under-thought ofgraves Makes the sea grim." I W FBAZER bhasl ÏÏÎ roust VOLUMES f“ w. ^FENCINGI j WORKS OF CHARLES DlfflS, ♦IRON TONIC tti- g»\el -X‘*> «'s 4