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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1925)
, .. v Sotardny, March M( ltM Oacks Roosvclts -. . r lmii Glmnann. U'lin Kturtcd t n entailer's clerk, and i3 now pro ,. nt of Marshall Field & I C ilcairo, Is financing tho Thcoth md Kcrmtt Roosevelt cxpediti irto the Pamir region of Turko. stnn, for tho Field Muaucm which ho is trustee. Gets Mitchcl's Job 3jJ Jnmcfl E. Kcchot, who becom assistant Chief of tho U. S. Ar Air Service, April 17th, to hucm Urijr. Gen. Mitchell. Soc'y. Week announced the change despite pub He sentiment that Mitchell should not bo demoted for his tostlmony at Washington recently. LAMH FHKIHNG PltOFlTAULH (Kast OrcROtilan) "TtaiTfoodlng of lambs tins provod to bo a proritablo means of market ing alfalfa hay for tho third consoc utlvo year, according to results that woro announcod at tho Hormlstou exporlmont station farm yosterday by Supt. II. K. Dean. Tho stntomont of results of tho experiments enmo on tho third annual feeders' day meet ing which was attended by many farmers on Irrigated land In Iho west end of tho county. Tho lambs have not been sold, and tho selling price Is consoquontly not determined, but a valuo of IT, cents a pound, one cont less than tho pres ent Portland price, was tentatively given tho lots, and on tho basis or this valuation, tho lambs linvo made tho hay thoy were rod worth a llttlo more than $20 a ton. Mr. Doan told his audlonco This valuo or hay as a food allown for tho barley, Interest on tho Itivostmont for flvo mouths at olgbt por cont, labor costs, deprecia tion on equipment, salt etc. I-Vd for ino DayN All of tho lots of lambs woro on food for a porlod of 150 days. Thoy had all tho alfalfa hay thoy would eat during tho entire reeding por lod and oach lot of lambs was fod a total or 75 pounds or whole bar loy por Iamb. Tho rate or grain feeding was dlfforont for tho differ ent lots, some bolng fod at tho rato cf ono-balf pound dally, tbroo-qunr-tor of a pound, ono pound and ono and ono-half pounds. Tho cheapest gains wcro mado by feeding no grnln for tho first 7C days and then feeding ono pound dally for tho last half of tho porlod, Mr. Doan pointed out. Tho cost per hundredweight of gain In tho lot bo fod was 111.44. Tho highest cost por hundredweight of gain, I1G.40, FOLKS iNOUR TOWN FOOLED i umn BkNs 'n&v iff Xb , TOil'VW4r i1 Mt:R HEAON CNTIfieUV D JU. J14HT. - , r 1 L- v - By Kdvvavtl McCulloiigh AUTOCASTER Jys .ilAd THM wns on tho lot fod ono-half. pound of grain dally. In addition to tho report mado by tho superintendent and tho Inspec tion of tho lnmbH by rartnoi, talks on practical reeding probtnmn woro mado by II, P. lloan, of Ufa Prossor, Washington, ntutlonj by Prof, H. !. Potior, head or tho llvoHtnek depart ment or Oregon Agrloultural nollogn; and Hobort Wllltyenmb, Buporlntond ont for inoro than 20 yearn of tho experiment ntutlou at Union. Pror. Potior In his talk called at tontlon to tho fact that lamb feed ing has an olomont of npoeiilatloti In It and should bo gojio Into con survatlvoly with tho fooilor braced for r poodblo loss on any slnglo hoiihoii. Over a period or yearn, feeding re turn a reasonable profit, and In sotuo years tho returns aro excep tionally good. The Investment In comparatively higher, however, ho pointed out, Uio feeding In ovor a short period, as compared to tho sheep breeding buulness proper, and when hunbriaro prime thoy have to bo sold, whether the market ban In created and mado possible a profit, or whether It has slumped and loft tho fcodor a loRor. Untitling breeding owes and pro ducing lambs and mutton Is on n different basis In .Hint It Ih Iohii spec ulative, according to tbu speaker. To got Into tho breeding g.utio iiocohiiI tains good pasture, and thht pasturo must bo ansured boforo It Is posslblo to got Into tho buslneiw. and tho pas turo must bo something bosldcs al fnlfa. The owes may bo bought and tho market decline, yet ir they aro held over a period or years, the price may Incronsc, and tho speculative Moment In values will mean chance of loss tliati Is true on tho feeding end or tho gaino, ho said. flood management Is absolutely ncrcsmiry with sheep. "I think It tuny safely bo said that Hfi per cent or Oregon fartnora can bo depended on to manage bogs prop orly," Pror. Potter declared, "but I am conridetit that only about 1G por cent will tako Iho proper care of sheep. With Iho proper manngomont under Oregon conditions sheep will give as good returns over a period of years as any other livestock with tho posslblp exception f I!'10'1 tMfy cows." WARNING Dumping of garbage or trash or any kind on our proporty Is absolutely prohibited. Violators or this warning will bo pronecu- led. HUItNH TOWN8ITK CO., Inc. .NOTICK OP FINAL HinTMttlKNT NOTICK IH IIKIIKIIY GlVKN; That D. N. Varlon, Administrator or the Kstate or James I. Varlon. de ceased, has rondored and presented for sottloment and riled In tho Coun ty Court or Ilnrmiy County. Oregon, his final account of thu administra tion of said estate. That Monday tho till day or April, 1925, at the hour of 10 o'clock In tho forenoon, at tho County Court house In Hums, Harney County, Ore gon, has boon appointed as tho tlmo and placo for tho hearing or objec tions to said rinal account, and all persons having objections thoroto shall appear at itaid tlmo and place, and show cause, ir any exists, why Bald final account should not bo ap proved and allowod. I). N. VAHIKN, Administrator of tho Estate of James L. Varlon, docoased. o JUDOMKNT IN KOHKOMWlNfl OF TAX MK.V AND OIlDKIl OP HALH IN THK CIUCUIT COUIIT OF TUB BTATK OP ORKGON POU TIIK COUNTY OF HARNKY. C. A. Foster, Plaintiff, vs. Mabel B. Hooker and Arthur Hooker, husband and wire, nnd all other persons unknown claiming any rlKht, tltlo, ostato or Hon in tho real proporty described horoln, Defendants NO'PICB OF SHHUIFF'S BALK IN cmg udht tose K"L ! rr '.'.'' . -1 tSZF7'mmvl&?i21 1 f im cQX&4 "GLAD CO ts.i-- an anisy I Z-Z KTb "TSft auw IV WAL rlf W .that vgrvj cgjr Sp - Vo AJWO LIKE X StxTttBM U .AL ' M I P'r-J? l KpS I ONW MV J f J Voa old crrv Fi-Ac-Pnn.' irV. . dresses agin - i knew y v apron V- I -v wm l ftil. "T- li- Wmmx r.1- J T'Mv V'(u rw'wal XJI- I UnA'- S t i 'iv ,wvv hkml v 'r iii'J' M&r-Xm' t&S4'f Y--j ' Jim . . t ti"" VJ IMM8 - IimAIiI, nPWWW, FORMOLOBUUR OF TAX LIEN. NOTIOM IB 1IMRMDY GIVEN! That under and by vlrtuo of a dooreo of tho Circuit Court or tho 8tato of Oregon for llarnoy County, mado and entered on tho 20th day of Jan uary, 11)25, ns appears of record In ' Iho oillco of tho County CJlorlc In ami i Tor Iho County or llarnoy In favor I of C. A. Foster, plalntllf, and ngulust I Mabel 0. Hooker and Arthur Hooker, husband and wife, and all other per sons unknown Maiming any right, tltlo, ostato or lion In tho real prop orty described heroin, defendants, for tho num of $182.11, with legal In tercut thereon which make tho rov cral totals which tuttko upvsald sum of $182.11 as shown by lax lien ror tlflcalon and tax Hen receipts, an shown hereafter, hold by plalulllf from tho 5th day or April, 11)21, and with nil legal Intercut thereon from tho said dato and tho several differ ent dntoi horolnarter set out, and for tho rurther sum of $7.50 costs or bringing abstract down to dntn; WIIHRI3AH. It wan rurther order ed and decreed by mild Court that plaintiff's said Hon by reason of pay ment of said taxes on tho following described roal proporty sltuato In tho County of llarnoy, Btnto or Oregon, and more particularly described as follows, to-wlt: An undivided one-half of Bectlon 1(1 In Township HO, ltatigo 31, and iiIho an undivided ono-balf or sec tion :iG in Township 30, ltatigo 20, Hast or tho Willamette Meridian First: That thero is now outstand ing unrodoomod certificates of de linquency numbered 3007 and 3013, Issued on tho 2nd day of Februnry, 1023, and on (ho 17th day of May, 1023, respectively by tho lax collec tor or tho County or Harney, Btato or Oregon, for the amounts or Forty six nnd 00-100 ($40.00) Dollars, and Fifty-four and 08-100 Dollars, (5.. 08), roHpoctlvoly, tho same being the nmoiiutn then duo nnd delinquent of tho taxes for the yearn 1010 and 1021 respectively, together with pen ally, Interest and costs, HKt'OND. That throe (3) years have elapsed prior to tho commence ment of this suit since tho original dnto or delinquency or tho tnxtn for the years 1010 and 1021. which ire Included in said cortiriontos or de linquency. Til I III). That plaintiff heroin Is the lawful holder of said corlltlcalos or delinquency. That plaintiff here in has paid all nubsequent and prior taxos bulled against said properly, In all, Including said certificates of de linquency, amounting to Ono Hun dred Klgbty-two and 11-100 Dollars (182.11). That thero Is now duo plaintiff herein for said rtirtiriratos or delinquency and taxes pnld as arorosnld with Interest thereon at tho rate or twelve per cont (12Cr) per annum; tho sum or Ono Jltind-od eighty-two and 11-100 Dollars (182. 11), with Interest on Forty-six and, 00-100 Dollars ($40 00), thereof from the 5th day of April, 1021; with Interest on Fifty-four and 08-100 Dollars ($54.08 ), thereof from the 17th ady of May, 1023; with Interost on Forty-two and 73-100 Dollars (42.73.) thereof from April 5th, 1021 and with Interest on Thirty sovon and 50-100 Dollars, ($37.50), from October 10th, 1023. FOUItTII. That plaintiff has a good and lawful Hen ngalnsl said property horelnboforo mentioned, for tho num of Ono Hundred eighty-two nnd 11-100 Dollars (182.11), with Interest thereon as aforesaid. FIFTH. ThatHiimmons and not ico boa boon duly served In this pro ceeding as required by tho statute of UiIh Htato, and such statuto com piled with In all other respects per taining hereto. IT IB THKUKFOUB CON8IDBU BI), OHDKUBD AND PEOUICBD that tho plaintiff horoln bo glvoti Judgment against tho proporty bore Inboforo mentioned ror tho arorosald amount of plulntlff's said Hon, with coats amounting to $ which unld Judgment shall be a llm against each tract or part of said land hcrelnboforo described. It is further ordered and decreed that the HHcrlff or thin County sell said real proporty or so much thoreot -" iZTX "- ' V vcjd uo uinuT j? -v it1' , HAHNWY OOP HY O n ns may bo noconsary to satlsry said Judgment, with accruing costs nnd disbursements, and that tho clork or thin Court mnke out nnd dollver to tho Sheriff a certified copy or thin decree an his authority to make said nalc. NOW, TIIWUBFOUK, In obodlonro to tho commands of said writ and by i'ie authority thereof, I wli on Mon i':iy tho filh day or April, 1025, at Uio hour of 10:00 o'clock In tho fore noon of raid day at tho front door of iho County Court lloitso In tho City or Iliirim, County and Htato afore said, offer for sato lo Iho hlgliost bidder for cash In hand, all or tho right, title, interest, lien and ostato or tho said defendants and each or thorn la and to tho said properly hereinabove described for tho pur pose of satisfying mild decree, Judg ment, tnxen, costn and dliibursometitn and accruing cohIh and disburse montii, subject to tho right of re demption and confirmation of this Court. CLAUWNCM N. YOUNG, Sheriff or Harney County, Oregon. Ditto or rirst publication March 7. Dato or last publication April I. o llrlck for sale Hums llrlck Co., C. K Hllbaugh. Manager. 3-28-tr Kd-Surfnce all your floors. No need to put down new floors, Just re surface o(d ones the American Universal way and they will bo as good as new. Levels worn spots, takes off dirt, stains, paint, varnish and leaves a perfect sur face. Cost Is tow and work done quickly with a guarantee. Phono 100H. T. J. McDonald, Floor Bur faclsg Contractor. 3-2 1 -If. Itesponulblo party desires rurnlsbed house or housekeeping rooms close In Inquire at this office. 3-21 HPICCIAI.H -In black and white bats for Monday and Tuesday. Mrv I.uckoy. 3-21 Public Stenography, reasonable rates Phono 22H. 2-1 1 Itnoins lor rent Inquire phono No. 1 1 CM. 3-7 The Inter-Mountain Nursery will have a yard of trees or all kinds, Fruit, Shade, and Ornamental, in Hunts. Will open up about April tho rirst, kindly send me nset.lfo tho flrse. 2-28. Hrlng the family to thu llitrns Care ror Sunday dinner. Chicken, salads. 3-7-tf. Several hplcndld duelling', -I to (I rooms a to JMOO.OO down, Hal atict) HUo paying rent iimim the Hill or Flat, it'! n-lilrnt ami btiNluobn lot, niy terms. Wo ulll furnish you thu Money to lluihl lo milt jourMiir, vrUI gladly i!iov )ou why, ubundiuiro money for Imiiiedlnlo iHHhiirsfiiieiit. W. T. MCKTKIt COMPANY. TUB I, HADING ItBAlrV DBALKIt. lilt Caldwell's barber shop has added a Heauty shop offering complete norvlco to tho combined establish ment. Specializing In hair cutting for gentlemen and hair bobbing for women and children. 2-7-tf WANTBD Oood Waitress at tho Hums Cafa. 3-7 Our Ilulldlng Loan Companies have announced their willingness to mnko unlimited Lonu In Hums. Let us show our good faith In our city by building tho most modern and best HOMBB IN TUB COUN THY. W. T. LESTBIl COMPANY. Quick service nt thu Hums Cafe, plenty of waltrcisoe and kitchen hol. 3-7-tf -.- .- . - --yr - rr ' 't..'. 'I, " .T 1 .'--; fc ... -i. IB H O If' Moot mo tonight at tho Hums Cafe for Chill Deans and fresh Hot Tnmalo. 3-7-tf k'rosRputf notices printed on cloth at this ollloo, Sold In any quantity desired, 5-12-tf. VANTBD: Alen or women to take orders among n loads am) nulgti born for thu gemiHio guurnnUinO lionlury, full Hue ror iiion, wdiiihi and oliltdron, JOIImlnnttm iluniin We pay 75c, and hour spare tiiuu ' ir 3D IXJ a week for full Unix lOxperlonuo uiiiietuiihary. vViln luturiiatloti Stnr.UliK .Mills Nome tiiuu I 'a ' .i . i ii Host and dheapest dwelling lots In city, 5 bllcn from school. Sqo us first to own your own HOMB. W. T. LKHTlflU COMPANY. 0-0 W. T. LBBTBIl d. COMPANY have for ealo Iho best and cheapest properties In tho city, SBB UB TO OWN YOUIl OWN HOMB. 0-C Towsloy's Wood Saw for prompt work. Leave orders at Pastime Peel Hall or Phono 140W 8-0lf Tho Sabtu Hook Company of Holee, Idnbu, buy. sell, and exchange all kinds of now and used books'. Wanted TUB PHILOSOPHY OF LOVB by Giyn. Intoxicating liquor Is our only competitor. Cash paid for raise tooth, dontal gold, platinum and dlscnrdod Jew elry. Hoko Smelting & Uetlnlng Co., Otsego, Michigan. 1-31-tf Wo know our business, anfl can sell your properties quickly. LIST NOW lr,U QUICK BALB. W. T. LB81 "OMPANY. 0-C Tho Hums Cafe Is open oach train morning at 5 o'clock. 3-7-tf $1100 UBW.wtD For ovldouco load ing to arrest and conviction of any party or parties stoallng my slioop. My sheep are fire branded on tho noos and paint branded on the tiuolt with tho hors shoo bar. Hoth nrnnds are recorded. My re corded ear mark la an upper bit In both oars. My owos havo sev en dlfforont ngo marks an under lope, u crop and an upper slope In bolh ears and my yearling owos havo n small crop ef: both ears. I sell no sheep branded on noso. W. W. Ilrnwn. Fife. Oregon. 7-22. Three sols or 30x314 almost new Flsk tires tor sale Highway Ser vice Station and Garage. 2-28-tf Hath room for ladlei at tho Loveus Hold. CANYON OITV IUIUNH Trl-Weokly Service Fast Auto Conveyances. Pleasant Scenic Uouto for Pas sengers. Connections to Portland or Kasterti Points. Quick Bxpress nnd Freight Sorvtco. N. Drown & Sous, Agents Huron Oregon Save Your Eyes Eye Btntin causes headaches, nervousness and other trou bles. I fit glasses accurately and scientifically. All Work Guaranteed. MAURICE SCnWARTZ Optometrist OHce with Dr. H. F. Smith "1f"M) PAflK BBVKN PROFESSIONAL CAROfl i n . ii . p . i a 1 1 Physician nnd B..oi . , Hums, Oregon Oillco at rosldonco, Dr. OrlHHb5 fr; mor home. 1'hotio No. 14' ,.!' KOHOOK O . WABD Physician nnd Burgeoa Complete X-ray Laboratory t j Connection Hurnfl, Ore Ii. K. lllllDAUD D K N T I H X Oillco first door east ,JU taller? Hums, Or CI . mr UHAULKS W. KLUft- ) I, A W Y H H Hums OregoB Practical In tho SUto Court am boforo tho U. B. Land Offls J. W. McCulloch ltobt. M. Dmm McCUIiIiOClI A DUNCAN Lawyers Offico abovo tho U. 8. Land OB IIUHN8, OUEOON I! . V . H 0 II M A L 2' Attorney nt 1mv Contests and practlco buforo U. Bu Laud Oillco a specialty Office: Masonic Dldit Hums, Orogou J. W. lllggs M. A. WM ii i a ii 8 x uiaoo Lanjcrs Hums, Oregon M . A . O L 1) B K i Painting and Paper Hanger All Work Guar .(oed lIuniH, Oregon lKJAN ClIAPl'KK NO 4 Hoytil Aich .MttSOM llitrns, Orvgon, Hegarft iiieedngM first and Uitr ThurMlii)H of each morntlk H. F. SMITH, II. IV EARL GRAHAM, Secretary. J O II IV GUIMOKKLING Jowcitor Optleloa Watch Repairing Bares, Omtyemi ST. CliAIK SCOTT Ilulldlng Contractors I'Uss and Estimate FuralaheA lluras, Orcgoa OLD POP" OPAWlNSr CONTEST BULLETIN SAV S0V5 HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF DRAWINGS HAV1? COMS IN AND ARI3 GTlLL, COMING IM. EVERVOWE S GREAT AND I WANT To CPMPUMENT VCU ON VSUR. WONpeRPUL WORK THE Cefc.WNLV HAVE ONH HARD TIME3 IN PICKlMSr THE WINNftRS, 6E Ti-ilS SPACE HEYJ AMKOUNCEMENT ASOUT THIS GREAT NATIONWIDE CONTEST. WINNERS WILL BE PUBLISHED 3HORTLV. gKag&fel V