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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1925)
I I, ill iH 1 i'AON SIX V It H 1' I InT ft ft IT ft K A Ij l , II U IT tf ff f II A It N H V , U V N T Y () ft K (I () N Knluriliiy, Munch. 28, JM25 AMMMM mmmmmKMmMmMMMmmmEmmmi . '.ib la utlll - buy ill tt Dodge IlrolhcrB oar3-buflhg itji ho bought boforo." THU t;AT ' llelli: "How In Irad, your uweollo, tb oho clayn?" Olndya: "Wonderful." IJutli: "I'm glad to know nomo ono thliikff no." ACTUAL IHJLD-UP II o 1? .4-, COo Ncvadars Ancient City 10,000 Tvir-CA J inirt ttu y ? rik o u 'r r Jll B. WIH. T JLliCtfBiH IV Jo. ' REAL ESTATE AMU INSURANCE MM M'tv iL r -' R I -LOANS-- (Xyra your own home. Why pay i lots and I Only flMgiiii x'Ola's iatkht putuuh . NAM) TO III-. lll-Hl HKHT (Jrltlca who hao rpn Poln Negri's .VittIRt atrfrrlng picture Our Pnrn in'Sunt. "Lily of the Dint," doclnro It In Ilka tho aleuplu of n cathodrnl, th'o crowning ornament of many ycnrn of enroful building. '.Produced by Dlmltrl Iluehowct-.kl, who directed ".Mon." tho htnr'a now vehicle li at once the inont dramatic end most outortlunlHg of nil the pic turns In which alio linn appeared. Tho Htory duals with 1 ho trugglot of a Klrl with tho world hut It Ih not n ntory of gonornllr.atlon. Thrco men only are luvolvod and each of tneio throe influence tho Klrl for i;ood or svll. Whll the background to tho tour Important figure of tho drama In n colorful weave of Ifiuroponu llfo -with It vtnoa. It virtue and Ita In finite variety, the chlof rlinraelorH theimwlvea etnnd out with tho vivid (strength of Hllhouottoa. In the caat chnaon to aupnort Polu Negri In "Lily of tho Dust" nro fig vTv.H which have atood for genuine nchloveinent on hoth screen nnd ntago. ll'Mi Lyon. Noah Iloury nnd Jtaymoud tlrllllth head tho cant. 'The picture com on to tho Liberty Theatre tonight nnd .Sunday. o .INGIC DP.AMA IS VKHV COl.Oltl-'lM, The old-faahlonod "crook" story -of tho aereen. whloh never failed to attrast capacity audiences If woll pto sentori, Ih dHflultely out-dated with Thomaa II. lore's production, "Thoao Wbn Dance." x Plret National re lease which cornea to the Mhorty Theatre on next Friday uljchl. In way that furnUhoa Mhsottitoly novvl untrtaltwuut. Ihcm Km aertMii cd a pletur dtalluu with a Oiahu of natloa-wlde lutaratt, for baa told tho atory of Honor Ih a Unwly ab luirbtiiK. frnttartion drama. For th f frt mh: u producer tin th mo-t i!ruh"d qun(Iio f tho dav and woven It Into a hum. n-lntfrnt Htorv thiii rarrle au fnthrolllng ro Tnnni hm well at Urn mo tie Inctdaut ulii.'.i ii v'vtdly rolorful. nnd a HI mux ilii' I ona of the b!sRt "urns h- " of the atlvor aheet. Thf tory trauaplroa, for the Jiiofft Wirt. In the New York underworld. "bnU tnnteart or tha "uaual" uudor--worlU lyoea. tho bootlogifar mid tho Til.Jneker nnd all tho nthor tow Hint avo romo Into tho limelight hIiico tht: paenago of the Volntoml law hold hn ocntor of tho Bingo. Tho novolty of thn ehnrnotorlxntlotiH nnd tho on thely original sttuntloutio whloh ro 'Calt -wliun n girl from tho rountry troxiti In with tho undorworld life to uniATL'UK AT TUB LIIlHItTY TIIHATHK HAT..-HUN., MAItCIl 2H-20 A UIU DUL.IIUYt:t..ll FHunuQiiUN If -irn m M 7 ira POLA LlLYOt.cT K acreages any pari oS City On caoy ftcrau; Leading Realty Dealers got uvldonco to hivvo hop brothor, who hiw bevn "rnunod" lmvo boon dovol opod Into n top-tiutih production. A fight hutwren hl-JnrkorH and tho crow of n "ruui-runnor," tho trapping of n truck loud of liquor on a highway and tho uliootlng of u pro hlbltloti offlcur altuittloiiH BUbim iiuoiitly dovolopod when Hoho Cnr uoy taken a prohibition olllcor In !Ih gulso Into the homo of a hootloggor, Introducing him an her "affinity." and tho final big mcoiio In u ballroom, whoro all tho orookn of tho undor world have gathered for tholr annual celebration and Uoho nnd tho olllcor nro trnppcd nro n fow of tho high light of tho drama. Illnuoho fiwoot uh "Hebo" pitta over a remarkable dual character lz4ttlon. wIiIIb UomIo Love. Warner llaxtor. Itohort Agnow, Lucille Kick im and l.ydla Knott nro limludod In tho all-etar cant ItKHK A HTAH IN "l)AN(Ji:iU)l'N .MO.VHY" Hebo DmiiIoIn tins ooiuo Into hor own! Long tho fnvorlto of inlllloim of picture faiiH, Hebo linn boon rewarded by promotion to ittardnm and Ih now apoken of In tho huiiio breath with Ctorln Hwaimon. I'nla Negri. Tommy Mulghuii and the roat. .'.:'. DauloU' flrat production uh a star In Paramount picture Ih "Dan goroux Monov" which will bo hIiowii at tho Liberty on Sunday. April fi. Tho atory wiih adapted to thu aorueu by Julio Home from tho novel, "Clark1 Hold." by Itohort llurrlok. The notion la laid In the luduatrlnl diatrlct or llrooklyii under thn Hhad nw of the llrooklyii Ilrldge, ut a faith lonablu glrla' Kehool In upper Now York elate and ut Luke Comn. Italy. Tom Monro hottda the aupportlng caai which Include William Powell. Doioroa CaeiMiielll. Mary Hny. ltd ward O'Connor. Peter l-aux and i ('harloe Alattery. -MTOUV WITIIOtTT A XAMir I (aV ALL ItADIO PANS vbAIa Ikiivi kiia hit Ilia iitnvlM? Thore'a no rtatt for tho wonry In or around tho Paramount Itaalarii stud to. The movie atara have fallun mid fallen hard for thu voice of the loud pakor. Ilere'a how It all caino about. When i be Irving Wlllut eompnny making "Tho Htory Without a Name." fea turing AgnoH AyrcH and Antonio Moreno, returned to tho Htudlo,, they wero all more or Ichh confirmed rndlo addlclH. The ntory featuron tho rndlo and tho niuch-tulkod-of "death ray." Several rnlny dayn on location on J-rff4U".V1 irwf.MeMeTio r,v r(Ataihi mo.. JiJH 4. kfUdl y a gyiramvuil f) szww&m. Jr ft -r;wLV ?a i AX j'Hy u. I V ffuUrt I ,.mr"m & HtUU' J ii ..-ht kept tho playom uiidor coor, and they naturally turned to thu mont convenient imiirvo of ainuitu ment which happened lo bo it large enblnol-rndlo iihuiI for areiios In tin picture. Thu netorx aat by tho hour beHire tho liiolrumont pluklug up utray meiwngen from out of the uthur tho big brondcastlng atnllons with tholr ftliigora, Jnz. bamlH, otlturtnlii ora, utu., amateur utatloiiH tilting or talking to other amateur and oven a moHHttgo from a Iluor fnr out on thu Atlantic. "I I'm thu moftt rnnolnatlng thing over.' doclnnm Mian Ayrna. And tho othom all agreed with her. Anyway tho Wlllnt troupo nrrlved back nt tho etudloall with wonder ful atorlos. Tho renult: Now ovon tho atudlo door-man carrion a match box receiving act about with him. "Tho Htory Without a Nnmn," with Tyrone Power. Dngniar (lodowHVy. Jnok Holm. Loula Wolholm and oth era In the aupportlng cant, opens next flaturday at tho Liberty Theatre for one night only. Kred Plilllpa proHldont of tho Ore K)ii Cattle aud'HorMo Italaora' nhho olatlou arrived lu Portland y outer day from Tacoma Waiih.aiid do maliied over for a mooting of thu Htato Uvutttock naiMtary board of which bo Ih director. Mr. Plilllpn la working In the liiteruafn of tho "ordinary marketing' altuullou TIiIh pliui Ih to ho put Into operation In Oregon, Wuahlugtou, Idaho and part of Montana within a abort time Tho aenornl Men Ih to moo that nlook iMimtiH on the market lu no Inrgor iiuaullllua than thu market demaudH Jtintlr)' and lu UiIh innniiur prevent rlcoi from Mlumpliig. Thla orderly marketing programme Iiiin been tin der consideration aluee hint year. Oregcmlan. KIWIIOTB OltDKU POIt IO0 CAHH , "Here la an orrtr, Uttlf slguml bi the proper eteruthw. for 1000 f onr oara." What aaiMirutJt wouulii't gulp I and' grab7 UaUtll ordora for Motor onra tn lota or 1000 ootno to the average Alaatuau about aa often aa loo pod Ilea visit the Kekitnoa. Tbor nru only a fow lu hlntory. Yet tho Incident referred to about the algned order for 1000 cam- actually happened. And what makoH It remarkable U thu fuel that the HalcHinan turned It down! (' II. Junnltiga, Dodge llrothorn Dealer In Now York City, throws I'KATUIIK AT TDK LIUKItTY TUB I gebe O aniels "Pi rK x . - if Tfy )) mtsssi II I h."'. Jl Vf Hi u ansd'ou; LV wjkavj. . mijtbI1 BaaaaFJM- l J Bau i -J 'ii-1 -tins X ? wxtmrrC. H S - A '" . -v .lM'.M Vto&mm ;- jk;u b&if&SP, . WlM7S'inil i T."Wm1' .r .H 'Vif M. R. lIorHnifton (arrow) of New York, nt cono of un inVil city tbnt bo ilb.c(urcd In aonilhlllii of Houthcrn Novwlu, I. . 1.1- hoilcvad to be 10,000 yeurrt old und the habitation tho oWoat avllliatloii li: Uiu U. .''. Home clarifying light on thin pujczlor, llu anyH: "TIiIh Dodge itrothura Hnletimtiii had been working for novornl yonr on u large national account a com pany that opuratoM enra by the Oiouh uiiJh, lu every part of tho country. The company whm buying Dodge llro thorn earn regularly, tun. fifteen and twenty and more nt a time. On huv onil occualoiiH tho chief buyer had iiihiIo the reinnrk -that, "If you tot Iowa would only grant n dlnuount, ua others do. we might order Ih larger tOlH. "The MuloHmuti, of courae, pointed out tho dettlrablllty or buying thu 1000 earn anyhow, regarding of Dodge 1 1 rot bom uo-dlHcounl policy, but tho executive declined to reccdo from IiIh poaltlou. Thu hitter then propnrod what he ufturwardH refer red to iih hla phychologlcal coup. Ho kut.'w that the anluiimau would bo calling again mo ho hail nu Impoalng document drawn up calling for thu delivery, nt u hpeclfled date, of 1000 Dodge Hrothore Motor Cara of var Iiiiih typori, at full Hut prlco minim II) per cunt. ' "When tho naluHiiian called, a few wcoka later, the oltlclal almply hand-. od him tho order. i "Thut'a HorlotiH." said thu olllnlal. ; 1 "Wo nijnd cam and we want Dodge , i lirothoftt onrn. but you can't have the I nriti.r iiiiluk vmi nlilili, liv ItH lertnn ' ' V(,u'vo' l,t l ",v" lw tUv l't' i dIaM)uut.' '"rae "l"""' " "i" "' , nfWr ln UB,, nlwaya utiuU bo ' for- m,t 0Mt ot defuranco to tho rualower .Mid the cxoeptkiiiKl alto of tho onlw, prouifHod to take It up with the factory. Tbe aitbjact came buforo ua whou I waa aaaJataul gen eral aoloa maiiagar of Diidgo Itiuth era." aald Mr. Jonulngi. "mid I iIIh llnclly romombar how (julokly it wnH aottled. There wasn't a motuout'H (liitbblliiK. " 'Wo want to do everything pos alblo to retain UiIh compnny'ri ImihI iiohh and good will,' Haiti President V. J. Hnynea, 'hut tho pnl.'cloa laid down by John V, and Horno Dodge ATHIJ Hl'NDAY, APltlli fi r I SI jTi ft-.i.A $ ynwp&Y: 4PJW rswiAJE it 'unaajiajr4.i k iTTir,n?i3.v 4 Hftif sa'fisw mmmm mwM& ?am 'j&m ..'-j-.-r-n-j- - J'.i,r g-a Hon. We ohargo only for thu uotunl iuvuMlmuut reproaouted by the nuf terlalH and labor that go lo make up tho car, plun a reaHouabto profit for manufaoturor and dealer. TJioro Is no margin that nurmltH us !o.m11 at a iliacouiit.' "Mr. 1 lay n en ulao pointed out that It would bo entirely unfair to tho In dividual puyer If he wore asked to pay a higher price for his car Juat to make It putotlhlu for hodgo llro Uiora to attrauL large buyers through ' tbo ()uantlty dlacount. Moreover, ho aid, the oompuuy that huya 1000. , Dodge UrothLTH cara nlroady hna au.j ndvantngo nvr thu Individual what? buyn one, bimauHu tho natural ndvnnVf tttgea of Dodge llrotliora ownorahll nro multiplied a thouHiiud tlmca. ( "What happened to Uio order rorl 1000 cam? It U utlll lu the deak ot ' tho ttamo otllclal nnd lt never rnlln j to ahow It to nny Dodge Ilrothern .aloHinnn who happoiiH to call. Uut nro Htlll (he policies or thla linlltu- PKATi'ltl-: AT THrt LIIIKILTY KltlD'.i Mr.MIT .iche Sweet Ba.tcv a Tl,ne Who Oftjico e &Mr&wma mY w-t 1 LrM-. I . .-. - - -rwrfi t&tiftfrftim it U4atr hi.( itll.r . . mm v5CIi.SSA .&itf VMW -t aaa.aiiMi m a-H K r FKATUHK AT T11K MUKHTY TilKATUK HATUHDAY, APItlh 4 'Were you over held apt" Uolker: "Ven-boJ I look chorun glrla to dinner onco." hoy wrir iniCA two Hoaa "What la your Ideu lu toP lug mo a llu like Illal7" Olllco Hoy "I am trying to qunl llr nn u road anlcHniuu for thin firm." H'rot'K ki:ncin Good, ntout wire Block fencing lu good nondltlou for anlo nt a bargain. Hoo Tom Llbby, nix mllon of Orano. I rusrii fea-M-a-w ?rf-g-fxi;srwi-ra-nrrag-anr3,ww-fraai Qhose UP-STASE5 "HOW can I keep, them presentable?1 A properly painted sur face! a porcelain-like surface ono that resists water., soap suds, etc. and withstands moving, scrap ing furniture and pounding hecbtThnt'H tho answer. And Rubber Cement Floor Paint givcu jubC that surface. Easy tcapply. Alto. tk lor booklet, "Color I lw many la tlw 1 ion" all about raint inc or GaUhliiK iloon,, woodwoik, walla, etc. It'a lire. r-jr TT? carry a lull line ol Fuller ua uifply your rcalx C.?I.Vo.':..-y W. P. FULLER a CO. 301 MU-4on Skioet San F-ancL--o ; , 1 1 jcb. i la PutCc Cj Cldn piosccr.,kitClcao :iji ni-;t.-i.J3itrTir.-i.iii. ,.i, J, OmlMiaeu: FULLER PAIN VS li VARNISHES (