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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1925)
' f I ! 1AK KIQIlt an ii a1 1 m m h -11 h iuae,i , nv nrrn , ii a u n nrr c ir ji't r o n w nc;f Katardiiy, March 2), li5. i n n n ii ii n. ujJivirwig MaMiiMIi i H 1 n 1 1 ji ' i3 i fl 1 H 1 M 1 1 r : Ii ' Fs I U I ' I 1 , p ' v u ' H 1 M 1 mi li mi ii ii-ir 'UHlffliiliMMliiailliliM U A Strange Creature MONMY In a strange croaturo. It Is over ready to become olthor our Master or our Servant! UK ItKCKLlOSS with It nrt tt bucomon a honrtloHH tyrant) loading uh a sorry chili" nil through llfo! luring ua through all manner of hardships ami prlvntlnun. flAVIO IT and Its tompnr changes. Tt bucomuH our frlondty, faithful servant for llfo. working for uh day and ulKht. And tho longer It works tho Htrongor and moro helpful It boeomoH. It protects uk from tho boat of summer and wanna our flro In wlntor. It shloIdH uh from moRt of tho hardships of llfo and In old ago thrown about us a mantlo of peace, comfort and happiness, Place your monoy In THM FIU8T NAT IONAL HANK. Wo will train It to nurvo you, holp you and oboy you. The First National Bank Burns, OregM aariiJKsaiLEi uiLsinrjntflcraESi grrxcsuifgujj-i xzxrarir:j2iiLjc.-r,:Trzx r LOCAL 'PENINl L A J. K. Loggan In over from Crane. SIU Comogyn was In town from 'JlbuHond on Thursday. Mm. Lee Caldwell Tlult lo Portland. Frank Steele was tbt week. Is absent on a In town during Carroll Curll was In town Tues day. Ilu returned Sunday from u visit to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Joo Lilian! woro over from tholr farm homo on Calamity crook noar Van on Tuesday. Mrs. J. M. MeDado and hor moth-or- Mr. Oeo. A. Smyth, bavo boon up Oscar DowtiHiwnn In town rrnirriWln Callow farm homo for u oouplo of day ii thin wuok. 0. 11. McUoniii'lI Hindu it trip out to Mathuur county' 'during tlm on lognl business, Kd Kgll In In town havliiK arrived horo from Horn! Inst night. Ho mill his family are now'rusldlng In Hond. Mr. and Mm, Jerry Dillon mid lit tto dnughtor worn Its town Tuesday. They have boon IIvIIir at Donlo nlnce last fall whore Mrs. Dillon was teach ing but hor term Is completed thoro'l now and thoy aro moving Into Ne vada, about 30 miles bolow Donld where she will bogltrunothor term of Hchool. Fred Luunburg brings back tile mid news of the death of Perry Ii. Bholdlor, tho Hocond county clerk ofl lliirnoy county. Mr. Hholdlor was a resilient of Los Angellm, living In the block next to where Mr. Lunnburg'A' uluco resides. Mr. Hhuldlur died tho latter nart of lust month and Fred' wuii ouo or tho pall benrors. Hurns McUownu arrived home Hint Sunday from F.ugono whure he has been attending thu University of Oregon. Hums linn Had the good fortune to be selected uh principal I Ir an imnoliitmout to Annapolis. Ho goes to Ilaker the middle of next' month for a mental examination and' lr successful will leave- shortly after for the east where liw will later In? compelled to undergo a rigid physi cal examination. Ills many frleiidw aro hoping ho will 1m successful In both mid that he ri-nlltut- his amlif tlon. C. C. Kllburn ranch' foreman at the Island llanch of tno Pacific LlVo Stock Co., Is getting around with tho aid or crutches thosw duyn as m rw sult of receiving u kick on thu leg by horse. Cam was tho first nronco m mt -....1 !..... . ltn Anilllllf . iroill lliii nuumurii i' ii i h ui v.m.. i ..., ,., ,, vMtV OuSlOr lllll WrilVI "rl nun n County WArtirr Mtate ,V. H. Pffgc wait over from IiIh homnit' Diamond during tho wwok. Thu pttbllu nlioolii)owwnuiiilpaianl was changed thin wouk ttonr gnnotfno englnea to eKtHrlc inotern: Thu Ilurnej.' county UlgH sckool Htudeitts hold i tholr atinnall clnou-up day yosterday and' liavomot n aco for tho town th ffllfow David Jonon wn In fromi-lii $tlrvr rreok ranch h'cnnn ynitir;l!iv on TVuit! neiut. lie ban recently roMirnwd from a visit to Lulca"coun'.y, There will lib' no prru!Hng; ser vices In the Iftiptlst churult Sunday, Mured 20 an Ittrr; Kugonn ITowiT. and family have htmn-callod tb'Centralln, iVanh , on account of tlio-Horlow III iiohh of Mr. irtwd'J fillt'nr; Tliero will be Huiidhr School lit) thu aiitial hour Sunday morning and' Teung Peoples meeting- at (JSHO'P. M. Miss Ueorglii Feltou wiih imirrled last week to Floyd Itngtw, at Cald well, Idaho. Tho bride Is tile draugh ter or Mr. and Mrs, Hank Feltou, former resident of this olty and well known to many of our older resi dents. MIhh Ooor?lil Is- it wry at tractive you n B" lady ami' her many young school' friends Irn nurmt wish her every happiness, nr The Professional Man ' ,,in tools J Kuar, iiicht i aro 1 Itetatlvos huve irrftVuil the In- formntlon that MIhs Agiius rbtoy ban been given u position lb tbn srlt of (lnry. IndUiia for tho cowing year According to- members or tho leach Ing profi'HHlon the (J.iry hnols nr the mont up to dfttu In tUn United j States, It bng a new" nystem that Itt I attracting much attention. Miss Fot- I oy In n very capabli young1 lady nml I has been drifting to Her (loullflnntlmm by attending somo'orthm tionl schools recently In acquiring- ndvantain i In her Mno of vork. Ilcr mnny frlouds (.tttiKratuliitii Iter upon baying HIS mind runs in other lines than business. He-, hasn't time for many of the details necessary in handling his financial affairs. For instance he want t invest his surplus, funds wisely but feels that he is not sufficiently posted on investments. Such a nan finds the services of this bank es pecially valuable. Our officers are always glad to discuss investments and other matters and to give him the benefit of their varied business ex perience Harney County National Bank BURNS, OREGON National, County and State Depoaitary To Late To Clarify li. 11. Clark wan up from bin ranch ItoaaB In the Happy Valloy section for a few days during this week. Tfl Patterson and M. A. Illggn aro Among tho grip victims who have brcu confined to their rooms during this week. Among the new Improvements go ing forward Is the foundation of a modern stotiu residence being erected by Arthur llahu and Charles llackus In thu addition opened, up by the lluruh Townslle Co. neur tin public .M-bool house. i Tito city council hits decided to be Klu preliminary work on thu propos al) fitter and sewor system In Hums. This tlwlstou was nmcliwl at th rag tihtr ouucll mooting this wok. Ths fliat work In that Hun will h lh jjlnhin of a tot well. Th A mum I Kastur Kbk Uolllng oulMt kIvoh by thu .Mothers Club, will h held at the Presbyterian huruh grounds on Friday. April 10. All children getting out of school nt 2:30 will have their contest first. Knelt mother will supply a loon rulored eggs for UiIh contest, deliver ra to Mrs. llotchklss. Mothurs who not members of me nun mij xJkTtl this week, the former to attend to I some land matters and the Intter to visit hor dentist. Tho rain storm that visited this vicinity yesterday afternoon wtui most wolcomu and it Is hopod III" area coverud was of such extent and the ralu tall sutnclontly heavy to do some real good. Tin rangOH need ralu as do the cultivated crops. Lynn Oeorgo left Wednesday morning for Canyon City nfter spend ing a week or more here with his sister. Mrs- Il Millar. Tho bit ter's health having Improved during the week she desired that Lynn re- ' turn home u ho was busy. I dipt. (Jowaii Is arranging to tako i ,'firn nt tint nubile laud matters, af- ter tho first of next month. Ho can glvu Information as to tho siiitus or public lands, having access to the plau or thw district, and Is the duly liialiritfd United 8luts t'oinmlssloii r heroin. Ohm. KMtlhnm and family took their dwpnrturo Wednesday morning ' ror Maryvlllo. Mlwmurl, milking the Journey by auto. Mr. Needham had resldud In this county for several ! . m I ........ 11... Wiinv. yoars, Having tunuim " " er Springs for a time but of reront years he has lived In this commun ity, farming the J. C. Foley place last I year. Ho goes lo Missouri with the remaining ror an m- ' St. in.l fn(llHlk. t(t IhM UnlPt mJ n 1 11I1F KWV HmUHT IU !. nviwi.wi t" lug horse and theerroru has been ,, f th inntructun In tho Uary somolhlng or a hero In his eyes ever Hri,0oUi. since. Ho wouldn't consider It nny o disgrace to be hurt In cranking a NO TMtCHrASSINC) car or an automeblle accldiint, bul j arter all thesu yearn to lot u cayuso Thu gravel Ht'ls adangeriMis place ret the best of him Is something of i und thin warning In glvon points to. a come down In our oy. Cam can't be getting old and raroloss, ho's Just In his prlniw and capable of doing n real day's work every day In the week cautltm their- children not to go om tho promises. In fart trespassing l strlutly forbHidon. II. MARTZ, II. J, h-anhhn;. Itoojtn for Itoiit bot water and Oath prlvllogss Inqulro Mrs. Hoy McOee. 3-28-Lf. Q HALK (Itiod farm wagou Har ris grain drill! 4-scctlon steel' har row, doublo dlso plow, dlscoultl valor, and vnrlotiH small farm toola also supply or 5 and C Inrll wolU pipe. Torma canh. Sou nt C. K; McPhcotem ranch. 3-Z8-31 IrOIl IIKNT3 30 acres of meadour and 100 acres of pasture In section 13, It. 2S, T. 10. In Potter nwutnp. $300 cash. YTrlto Oregon Wenfttrn ColonliHtlon. Co. I), li Johason. PrlnoillJit. 3-J8-31 HLUKPItlNTtt tlrflrr your U-KMlato townklp blao- irlnt nw boforo tht Ilurna Ihih1 OrHtn Is nboiUhr AiiHtmxh, tract. INIiANI) UMPIHK IlEALTV CO. Burns, Ur. il-'M-tU GOITER Se SlmpU hone aMtaed. Sea for VKKK booklet and tesU tnonlalli. Warner's Henowa ed KemcdtM Co., 72S 8ecnriry Dldg., MlnMAaolli, Minn. mm.EE For Easter nxtwictatlon of . ... .. . t iinp. I ..Mj .. itw ..u,nl,er If they desire doflltllo limo nui may "' M participate. i " couly al om" fUtUr Um9t at Weinstein's OT' CARA NOME Face Powder Appeals strongly to wo men of refined taste be cause of its delicate 'fragrance and fine tex ture. There is a color tone in Cara Nome Face Pow der to suit your individ uality, that will blend with your complexion. $2.00 The Complete Beauty Treatment Hvery Cara N'omo toilet article 1h do:ilgnod to holp bonutlfy tho complexion, and each carrion the dainty fragrauco of Cara Nome. You will lovo to uho it for Uh odor alono, You Can Dress Up All Your Family With Very Little Money At Weinstein's $1.00 Sold only at REED BROS. BURNS OREGON I' i We Will Sell You A Man's Suit or Overcoat, or For The Ladies, Dress Suits, Coats or Hats, On The Installment Plan. Come In and Let Us Explain Our Plan To You. Weinstein Merc. Co MM Hi MmWrnW ' 'M