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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1925)
t lupjiqfyLm. '4uj$2li. ; tft t Batunlny, March 528, 102C T 11 10 T I M K H - II M'U A Tj 1) H'U It N' H II A 11 N K V CO u fT Y o it !: ri o' k i I'AUK TIIHKI3 Xto.T. ..W&jft,S5li, ilO-PUMW S tf-fl,ro'i tf-M lemptatfons yaSSSMH dAD lifcrJ k.. .J ' 1 ssff-''5 . uj u.uji'.miiaiJUic t-ut -arg Gallic Boon Halllo from a Now Vlown olnt "Yes, Is aplto of your sarcasm, that's It!" his emotion sobered me a gal u. "I lovo you," ho contlnuoil fiercely, "and I don't want to touch you again. 1 said you wore everything I hod dreamod of, 'but you'ro nothing of t lint You'ro fluff thuro'B nothing real about you. Nothing hut sur faco In your nmkuuj)." I closed my oyus. For tho first tluio In my lite, I was having my soul Btrlppod hare and, utraugo tho tho osporlonco who, t was thrtllod to my InuermoHt botug. "Go on, 1 want to hoar evurythlug you have to nay." My voloa wnti, i.ilm. I field my chin high. There wan no desire to escape, rather an eagerness to eo from a new perspec tive tho read Salllo, a girl whom It had taken Cnrllsa Wright to rovoal. "You'ro a toy balloon. Yes, by Clod, that's It, and why?" ho hurried on, "because you'vo lot the Groat God Pleasure Ulss your lips and you've breathed Into him all tho flue id'sh, all tho readiest) that In YOU. A beautiful Jowel box with," ho hosl tatcd an If ho would halt tho words that fell, "with tho most precious Jewels gone." "Stop!' I cried, "you can't nay that, you don't know what you'vo insinuated. I've Bat ittletly, heard you through and about a groat many thing you'vo been right but not that not that!" ' An acorn fell. The stlllncsii of a tomb enveloped tho Into afternoon. Still ho npoko no word. "Do you roally think," my volco mink to a whlspor, "that I'm I'm bad?" "Don't nsk me that, don't Salllo. I have no right to Judge." "Hut you know, you know that no matter how frivolous 1 am that "Hut what am I to think when you hold your kisses and caresses mo lightly. When you admit that you allowed Ted HHIIngH to kiss you, Hut, lot's not quibble. It's tho prin ciple, Snlllc. Don't you boo that you can't hold out thin way long. Kvcn If you haven't aroused tho narrow lino?" I remained xtlll, too still. It whh a rullef when lie npoko again, "And 1 loved you like I lovo to morrow's sunrise. I can't" help Hint, I can only lovo you and bu chained away from you, chained by the know ledge of what you'vo thrown away," ho continued, "and tho snddost putt of It It that you can got it all bnolc." My heart heat high. "Hut you never will," ho straight onotl bin tihouldorM with tho houUmico ho had pronounced. "So wo'ro through with each other, Salllo. Wo uld havo to bo after thin. I'll take your bounty for my comfort. Your lovolluoftH that'll flown will bo my dernni. That'll all I'll have to cher ish of tho girl I've adored. Forgive mo, If you can for saying the thlngn I have had to nay. There's only one word for what I've been. A cad." IIo cl.unored from the car, hood- bag of tho pain he had caused. 11 In words had loft mo emotionless, With out nmllo.u without tears. IIo took a ntep In tho direction of the wood abend. Then turned, only to stop, hesitate, then murmur plto ously, "And I lovo you more thnu llfo Itself and oh, I want you so." 'He walked like a man to bin death and I followed silently behind. When tho path widened for a few rods, I en mo to his side without words, and when I put my hand In his, ho let It stay. Suddenly, I saw him start and draw duck Ho lool;d iiulckly down. He had felt tho burn ing moisture of a single tear on tho back of his bund the only ono I hnd shed. -o UMIM-: ti:aciiin I'AHHKD IjAHT I.KdlHI.ATL'Hl? mTOMlsm .Hansen Addition IDEAL HOME NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION Close in, Beat location in City, Level, Alfalfa, First water right. You uclcct your lot and home plans. Wc will build for you. Small Easy Payments. Cheaper Than Kent Be independent. See us to own your Home, and Cheapest in the City Best W. T. Lester C Leading Realty Dealers Fire Insurance Burns omoanv Building Loans Oregon IgSffiMAttaEM Tho law enacted at tho recent ses sion of tho state legislature providing that tho Iltble may bo taught on school time when so selected by pu pils and their parents, Is given the following Interpretation by the state school superintendent's otllce: "Tho law passed at the resent sonsIii of the legislature Hlmply gives tho school the authority to dhimUe tho pupils In tho public schools fur 120 minutes ptr week, for the pur pose of attending tho week-day re ligious schools that havo been or ganized In one or more of the rhurohos in tho school district. "Attendance at Hiobo week-day ro llglous iiehoolH Is not compulsory. Children who do not attend are to remain in school, tho teachen glv lug them lessons on morality or keeping thorn at their tegular tasks. This law dous hot routemplntu the rending of the lllhlo In tho public ..r-hools. A bill to permit tin read ing of tho lllhlo, or selection oni the lllble, .n the public schools .vnr dofenteil at the last legislature. Therefore, a teacher v. ho In roidlug the lllble In her school Is do'tix IS entirely upon her owi responsibil ity." The iiuesllon of Just what oonlil tutes a religious wook day school lit answered In the following circular on the question sent out by tfupt Churchill: "A week-day rollglous school Is ouo organized and financed by a church or group of churchei which puplli with their parents' pormli- slon will attend on school time." It lias boon provided that tho teacher of such a day-school must hold a certificate from the state for siinh special work. Till: HICTTI.HKH' HIDK OK IT The wearing of pajamas on the At lantic City bench Is to bo forbidden. Tho glrln promise to obey without protest. 1 ' . w i,im ma,. This Week By Arthur JSrfciMtto ecaalawM..!.. .. , , , Abo wto'. the 'vwiiti: tx;ow tfcf W&tr XT i 'I.I. vctir, ;-!. mih! It .c, Ui..t 1 1 vcr Ine jrrdewr pnrt of tn earth? IU-r and fiert, along the I'm- , C ., ;.om . oil well out m ia vvvuu. Mwi wtiitunUy will irxplort tho o'.ori' ljffd, as thty now c i'vr A'ilUc, cr AfrkR, nd give to tit f.irm, frr:n th sir, the nitrogen tary r.c. I. Hnry Fori' would do it n.w, it tin 1m(1 IIimcIv SiiuiiIi. w ?mu rLt'UJr'sis&& if :. .- Uivde JokiikJ. There is another side of tho abo lition of United Mates laud ndlces besides that of saving to tho gov ernment on a dwindling business. Much economy hud already been ef fected before nbolltlou of ofllces be gun, for the clerical staff had boon drastically reduced and the olllces of register and receiver had been com bined until the cost of ench olllco wns far less than In tho days when set tlement of tho public domain wns ac tive. There are thousands of uncom pleted entries that require settlers to make periodical visits to tho land olllco. When the doomed olllces nre closed, it will lie necessary for set tlers in Oregon to travel as much as 00 miles In order to transnet their business with the government. (loverniucnt olllces hhoul exist to render service to tho podplo as well as to collect revenue. A man who has undertaken to make a tract tho last shot, these days." WHAT DID Hlli: MKAN? of Idle public laud prodttco does a Of,D KAHIHO.VMD t.orvlco to the country that untitles him to equivalent sorvlco In rolurn, IIIuukh: "My wife is Just like tho Just such men as he, multiplied ninny rest of them. Hho will havo tho last times, converted the wlldoruess of word." Mio west into many wealthy slates, I Hplffy; "Man, hIio'b outtn dato. It' and thero Is ample opportunity to continue that process In Oregon, for this state iias a largo proportion of the remaining public domain (hat bns valuo. Too many questions affecting the west nre decided by olllclnls at Wash ington without propor knowledgo of or Inquiry Into tho situation on tho ground. government docs Injustice to the clltzon and Injury to the public Interest. Settlers htiould at lenst have land olllces at conven ient Intervals, that they may hnve access to records and do business without undue expenditure of tlmu and nionoy Oregnnlan. Heo Polu Negri a In "Uly of the Dust" Saturday and Hunday. Ho "I tell you value Is valuo and wo get In return Just what wo giro'. No ono has over yet got something' for nothing, 8ho "I bought a blrthdny present for you today." o Mrs. Mary Schultr of Long Island celebrntes her hundredth birthday but awakens the following mornlnjt with a hendncho. Without boasting wo have done that much ourselves and wo nro no century plant. Wo hnve evidenced some windy weather tho past few days. - W?' T Jodbb- Brother TYP cr v- I ADOVE TH2 KZES, PLEASE 20 MILLION FEET A DAY SALMON BUT HOT CHILDREN 4N OLD BIBLE Paris rulers of fashion say to wonion ull over tho werld: "Wear your skirts above your l.r.eea and paint your eara red." And tho pathetic fact h that i ...lions of women will wear skirts j short us to bo silly, and point t iclr oars without Joss of time. Also the oyeildi aio to be Htaliiod hrk brown or blue, the oyelashoti curled, and tho inside of t'uo nos trils stained bright red. Tho Saprainu Court decides that Urn jrftui" H"(l "h act is constitu tional, 'lhe N'Uionul jovormcrit therefore jowcr, vr.- jr-mo and llsli nr enwrrnud, to protect the Intermit of the people. The Monterey Fish Product Com pany must now discontinue turn ing into fertilizer fish fit for Jiumun food. , What about an act that would prevent exploiter!! of child labor turnliii; young1 lives into dividends and ciinilliifr up children into profits'.' Isn't that worse thnn grinding good Hulmon into ferti-lizor? The short ukirt, In reison, la rr'.biblo, a sUp toward cotnmim imo, end away from mlarobM. . d ert, whtn natural, huHento ' 'J b'ooi! condition, iiut for wo to ..c r nkirii that would look i uiUli on a child, pftbit artificial I'Mlth on tiiclr ert, ctifl tn'r ; hht nnd color their ylida, that H-' ma too much. IIowvvw, back c ii. all tli' i-c is divlno wisdom, un ubtMlij', Woman is on ur ywy v Lome ind (let tiny. jel ui pt i ive t'.'l tKMuuf, but not critlcizo. Tho Sunromo Court vn;i not abl to uphold the constitutionality of, ail nut to protect children, although ciuitiiii so-ollo(l "raiJUil" justisou on that btuch did uphold It. Ilowovor, our hlehost court d&a find a way to protoct ftah and gamo. My nitco has bouirht lior now Winnif hat a smut;, artltti? donictlut looks iil- If wai built to hoop her InurilMkn tit homo; I never like tho "oart wheel" shapes she wore In yenrs agotio, tlint took a half a dozen suwirs to hold the crlttor on. but this hero up-to-date device ' iiai cniwnn nor urow today, I.i cortnlnly a wlnncrr.nd, I'm back of what I say I . " gravy.bowl turned unnldo dov.n" desoribes It mighty nigh and a ainxle, bobbin' feathoi f captivates Hie searchin' eye. Its base-line g'vea the merest hint rW lfj.l.t... Ia ....!! I-.A ll M f S ut vviiun iii ui-iiiiue inn ii rainy nui-nn mo mpn:'.iu on sniuin ruby lips! Although my nieco'n new npriuir hut ain't neodin' no de foiiBO, I'll stake piy reputation it' the pel; of c-o .i.nou iionso. 'J'he uunssuniln' epRf-sholl may ha plumb bereft. vt pride, yot ovory tlmo wo niiH-t one, wo can nwt&j to whtit'a -inside! When wo run acroat perfection it' thu time fcr Hlandln' pat so, I reglstw approval of my nleuo'u naw prlnjf hat. Undo Jolm. trB SEDAN Papulur with women bacuso the sciils nnd springs nre restful, and because tho linos of the cor hnve fpnuinu distinction. Popular with men because tho body is all steel, the finish Dodge Brothers enduring blnclc enamel, the upholstery genuine leather factors which make for long life at lower first and after cost. ' R. V. HOPPER Burns, Oregon About hundred year ago, in a Vermont loj; cabin, a young mother rend to hur children old L:LIe stori , about the whale that swallowed char! withered under Divino rebuke. -rsjsr I'LT . 9S V v ' i-. II Wn. -- M5 Jc; a W& ,-7 . &Ci j frTllM...e-lAl iSK .'e c in r minute tho wealllt uV (' . crounl in this country. Tho J.t-i nd Oil Coiiipany strikes a new, sell in it Colenido territory. ' .c roar of the gits, nishlujf out, i .cnty million feet a day, can bo b ii d for f.lx. lullcs. It jfaa vere .-rth otiQ dollar a thousand, which Is culled "a cheap, uonflseatory price," Jiow much would that veil jicM In rflouey? owVd Jonah, HIIJrIi and bio . KgLW'J, at of flro and tho fig troo that '' " NJr And tho wealth in tho ground is 1-irhaps lcsH than tho woalth in tho b.x. Floating above every farm, vnitlnc to bo taken out nnd used, is enouah nltroyen to fertilize many uuuli farms. Wo buy nitrogen J"i'!"'l all Hie way from South A T -I' . anl thero aro billions of tuns of it above our heads. Tlutt mother wan poor and njl her people wore poor, and oura wuh a young and poor nation then. Tho old Blblo from that loff cabin, carefully wrapped up, wau taken to tho broad platform boforo tho Capi tol. With hii. hand on that lllbio, Calvin Coolidgo aworo to do his duty an Prosldont of tho United States. IIo is tho grandson of tho New Knirlnnil woman that owned tho niblf, 100 years ago. This lu tho land of opportunity nnd growth. What will it bo in yenra to como, if tho' 112,000,000 now horo work as hard and hope fully afl men and women did in tho dny-i of Calvin Coolldgo's grand, mother? TUG WORM THAT TURNS, AT LEvST.UKURCISES T3 LWER,. .VC1A Vk.X W "V A . :iiiIi?Y r . Vet 1 iMmmT rWpJsBllW , i in, J -t.?U ' ..J--' X