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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1925)
PAGK FOUR THHTIMKH-HKRAIiD, II URNS, HAHNHY COUNTY ORHCION HaUmlay, March M, 1090 ! The Times-Herald Im The Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper Ik Ilaraoy County. JUIJAN 1JYIU) Mnnngcr HU118CIU1TION 11ATKB Ob Year , Sa.00 Bit Months 1,00 Three Months m 70 Hatunlny, Marclt 28, 1020 FItANK TAKKH VH TO TAHK Mr. ntitl Mrs. U. K. Johiiflpn drovo oror from l'rlnovlllo lost Hundny nnil pout tho week In this vicinity, ro tnrnltiR homo yestorday. Frank at onco enmo to this olllco and gavo us n "Jacking up" for allowing the flno natural grade from tho top of Hngo hen hill to Silver crook gut ho out of repair. Ho nays that'll ono of tho finest dirt roads In tho Htato and linn a reputation that should ho kept up. It cortaluly Ih not a credit In Its pren ent condition and ho wants It flzod hoforo ho comes hack over to pay tax es, which will ho In about ten days. Ho's rlRht, hut wo have an alibi: Tho January froshot c.iUHod a lot of damage to tho roadM In Harney I county and tho Itond Master linn boon working ovor time trying to got poo plo to ropalr tho damage. Wo aro Infonnoit ho had tho Silver crook road arranged for hut tho man who nhould havo dona tho work In not on tho Job. However, wo hopo ho will bo boforo tho road gots so dry It will bo Impoaalhlo to Improve with out much work. Tho county Judge, Commissioner Uuchanan and Itoatl Mantor Fraztor havo boon making n tour of tho coun ty roads during tho past work with vlow of getting the repair work un der way to tho boat advantage o MOTHKH'H CliUII (Contributed) Mother's Club mot on lint Thurs day at tho homo of Mrs. Chaa. Loo nard with Mrs. Juy Gould us Joint hostoss, Tho I'rosldont, Mrs. John Caldwell, holng 111, Pnst President, Mrs. Ump hlro presided. Details of the Calico dance, to bo given April 10, were further dls cusiod. It hns boon the custom of tho club to glvo ovory year at Kaster time an KgK Holllng for tho children of tho town who aro In tho grammar grades. This matter was taken up and It was decldod to glvo this on tho afternoon -of April 10. Tho children getting out at 2:30 P. M. will have tholr contest first. It will bo hold on tho Presbytorlan church grounds. All mother's Club mombors aro requostod to bring ono dozen colored eggs to Mrs. H, Hotchklss'n house. Atiy othors mothors outside of tho club, wishing to aid In this may also bring eggs. After tho business meeting tho hostesses entertained with cards. Tho color scheme used was green and whlto. Tho house was guyly dec orated. Spring floworH being used along with tho greon and whlto. Kvorywhoro was to he seen the Shamrock, green Shamrorks wore used for table markers, green enn dloB In shape of Shamrocks wore served. A dainty green lunch was sorvod. Tho favors holng llttlo greon candy pigs wishing us luck. Mrs. Hull HntohkfiH won first prlzt and sho vory graciously showed tho mombors how well sho could wear tho greon. Mrs. UiishoII Smith won socond prlzo. Tho next mooting placo was not decided, ns tho member swill be very busy tho opinion was expressed that It might ho woll to wait four wooks hoforo another meeting, QM!'LKTK INHPKOTION OF COUNTY ItOADH Judgo Johnson, Commissioner Bu chanan and Koad Master 0. W, Fraz ler urrlved homo yesterday at noon from a tour of tho county In which thoy were Inspecting tho roads. They went as far south us Cottonwood In Trout crook valloy, going down by way of tho Summit SprlngH road and returning through Catlow valloy. Thoy roport tho roads havo boon pretty badly washed out during tho January run off hut that It will not bo long until thoy aro In good ropalr. o . MItS. IlICHAItDHON OIVKH AFTKUNOON TO FRIKNDH Several of tho older lady acquain tances of Mrs. Joanotto lllchardson roport a vory onjoyablo tlmo at an nftornoon Thursday at her homo. Sho had about a dozon guosts on this occasion and tho aftornoon was pleasantly spent In an ontortnlnlng way; for Instance: "Unwinding a yarn" was accompanied by tho guost unwinding a ball of twine and at tho same time relating an original story of tholr early experiences in pion eering, or a Illblo story, otc. Draw ing a pig whtlo blindfolded was an other diversion that causod much nmusemont and for which tho most artistic was awarded with a prlzo. Tho refreshments woro nlcoly norvpd and most geuorous In proportions an woll as attractltva and appotlxlng. Tho hostess was warmly thanked by her guosts for tho pleasant nftornoon. o YOUNO MOTIIKK 1)1 KH Mrs. W. A. Slier died at tho hos pital last Saturday night, tho cauiu of her death being Drlghl's dlsenno. Sho was 28 yoars, tour months and twenty-one days old at tho tlmo of her doath. Mr. Slier came horo last fall to visit his brother, Hart, and decldod to remain horo pormnnontly nnd therefore sent for his wife and llttlo daughter who nrrlved In IJurns on tho 20th day of Docomher. Mrs. Sller's health had not been robust for threo years and sho contracted a sevoro cold which resulted In nor declining rapidly. Charolotte Spcnr-Sltor was born on October 28, 1805 at McOloud, Alhor tn, Canada and wns mnrrled to W. A. Sllor at Plnchor Crook Alberta, Canada on July 7th, 1021. Ono child wns born to them, Jean Inaholl, ngod three years. Sho had been a patient sufforer for more titan threo yoars. Tho funeral sorvlco wns conducted Sunday nftornoon, Hev. Samuel Har ris In charge and Interment inndo In tho Hums cemetery. o FO!tl KNOINKKIt MAK- 1N(1 INVKHTIOATION A. 8. Courtrlght, mechanical en gineer connected with tho Ford Mo tor Co. with hondquarters at Salt l.nke, spent several days tn till' city during tho week consulting with tho Ford authorized agency hero, tho Hums Onrnge, Mr. Courtrlght Is In chargo of the Fordsou tractor de partment and In his Investigations he not only Includes the ndvnntagen of this excellout farm help In tho way of agriculture, hut also Its var ied uses, especially Its practicability as an Irrigation unit In pumping. The gentleman sees a great future In UiIh country for Irrigation devel opment through pumping utilization of the underground water. He Is favorably Impressed with tho future along this Hue In this big valley nnd contomplntoH n more oxteudod and Intense survey of the situation nt home future time when he can de vote a longer stay, o VAM.KV VIKW HOHPITAIi NOTKH J. K. Slzernoro ban sulllclently re covered from his recent operation as to return to his homo early this week. .Mr. Slzernoro Is feeling fine. (loo. II. Hollehnugh, of Hockley, was a patient during thu week but Is able to leave aad hns returned home. Mrs. Karl Graham Is u patient this wcok. Mrs. Millie Patterson Is confined to a room In the hospital this week. Joe Huggman Is nlso a pntleut at this time. Miss Hosollo Iteed had her tonsils removed on Tuesday and has gone tn her home. Till-: liAIMKH' MIIHAKY CI, till '(Contributed) Thu Ladles' Library Club met at tho homo of Mrs, V. K. Huston on Suturday. March 21st. Our now I'rosldont, Mrs. M. A. Hlggs, outlined tho work of thu Club for tho coming year In a fow woll ohoHon remarks, Tho standing commlttoos for tho year woro then appointed nnd tho mooting turned ovor to tho hostesses. Tho subjoot for tho aftornoon be ing Lovo Queens of History. Mrs, Mary Griffin road a vory In- Valley View Hospital BURNS, OREGON Under Direct Charge of Graduate Registered Nurse Graduate Nnrse In Charge of Surgery Rates Reasonable Patients Given Radicu lar Personal Service Maternity Cases Accepted torostlng paper on tbe Life and Times of tho Empress Josephine. Mrs. Joanotto Klchardaon road a ploce from ono of tho loading raaga slnos on John Wilkes Dooth. He Is reported to havo died by poison ad ministered by tils own hand in 10011, at Knocli, Okla. Mrs. Huston told us tho stor of beautiful Noll Qwyn who hnd as n loyal lover King Ohnrles 11 v! Knit land. Llttlo Vertollo Richardson srar.g tho Song of tho Nlghtlngnl' ' d tho Ulncksmlth's Song, plnylng nor own accompnnlmonts on tho Ukulels. Tho Life of Lndy Hamilton, known as Tho Divine Lady, and Lord Nel son of Trafalgar fnmo was read by Mrs. II. 1). Maco and wan listened to with much Interest. Tho program elosod with Mrs. Mnry Cawlflold reading tho slory of Madnmo do Pompadour tho sweet heart of Louis V of Franco. Madame do Pompadour was a groat friend of struggling artists of that day and was tho founder of tho Louvre Art Onllory. This Interesting subject will bo continued nt the next mooting nt thu home of Mrs. II. H, Maco on April 4th. Guests or the Club woro Mrs. G, W. Clnvenger, Mrs. Aco Johnson, nnd Mrs. Horl lllchnrdsnn. Wo aro pleased to report that sev eral members who havo been sor lously III nro much Improved and will soon bo with us ngnlu, Very delicious refroshmonts woro sorvod and a social hour spent In discussing the subject to bo studied next year. The hostesses were, Mrs. Huston, Mrs. II. II. Maco, Mrs. Mary Orlfnu, Mrs, Mary Cawlfleld nnd Mrs. Joan otto lllchardson. MXUL AM PKHHONAL Irn Nelson, of Prlnrotou, was a buslnoss visitor to Hums on Thurs day. Dan II. Kerfoot, of Tho Dalles, wns a visitor to Hums during this week. Dan wns formerly sheriff of Mainour county, Sherman Long was down from his ranch Tuesday on some legal busi ness connected with the rettlemout of tho James Plrle estate. Mr. HusmusHou of the Hnrney County Creamery announces that ho has resumed buying coram and Is paying rnnli for the product. 12. W. Ilarno nrrlved here last night In company with K, II. Con ser nod Archie McGlwau whon they returned from Hend. Mr. Jinnies had met them In Hend by arrange meat on his way In from Portland II. K. Topp and Victor Marshall or the Sknggs ntoro of this city, spent the week end at llolso at a conference of the employes of this chain store concern. Thoy drove over on Sat urday and returned home on Sunday night. liny Huuynrd and his sister, Mrs. Geo. Cawlfleld, arrived home last Saturday from Paisley whore they had gone to bring their motor, Mrs. J. O. Huuyard after sho had visited there for several months. She Is now at home In Hums. All friends doslrlng .'- p.ut'clcato In furnishing homo made candy for tho Presbyterian Ladles Aid Easter Salo, or furnish sugar, nuts or cho colate uro asked to so Inform any ono of the following, who uro mom bors of thut cemmittee: Mrs. Sam Mothorshoad, Mrs. C. H. Voogtly, or Mrs. Julian Uyrd. MRS. SAMUEL HARRIS State Accredited Teacher f Piano flioae 117M Eat a Dtsh of ICE CREAM Every Day Alpine Ice Cream is made from Pare Cream. Quality unsurpassed and prices right. Get a packer far year Saaday dlaaer. Just pheae as and we will deliver. We alio handle sweet milk, cream and whipping cream. Harney County Creamery Phone 55M !tts Dorn TuoBday, March 24, to Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Crossing, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Host woro ovor from tholr Silver crook ranch homo on Tuesday. itovlvnl meetings begins April 20 nt tho Church of tho Nazarouo with T. C. Mthorton ovangollnt. Dr. II. F. Smith was not ablo to boo his patients for a portion of this week as ho contractod n sevoro cold. W. II. Consor of tho First Nnt lonl Dank and Archlo McGowan of tho Hums Garugo made a trip to Uoiul this weok on business. Mrs. John Kvnnn wns up from hor homo nt Crnno yesterday transacting somo business nnd calling upon friends. A. L. Hackney was ovor from Nampa for a short visit during tho weok. Ho was n guoHt of his broth er, I). S. Hacknoy, while In town. Ilnth tho proprietors of tho Pnlaco Peel hall, Messrs, Hognrd and Loth rop urn among the flu victims this week. Hums McGnwnn Is suffering from a sevoro sprain In his ankle which ho sustained yesterday by a fall on tho stnlrwuy at tho high school building. Two of tho buildings on thu Stan dard Oil Co. grounds nro now en closed and tho big storage tanks In their permanent positions. Work Is progressing vory satisfactory on this big development. Our old pioneer friend W. II, John son, of Sliver creek, was In town for a short stay this weok, being a guest at thu homo of his son Albert Mr. Johnson's long experience In ranch ing nnd raising stock In the Silver creok section hns mndo htm more or less an authority on somo of tho problems that confront tho people of this country In the way of benefic ial use of water and tho adaption of crops to this climate. Mr. Johnson hns boon a close student of theso problems nnd knows from actual ex perience how best tn bundle certain details, He Is of the opinion thnl all of his section ns well ns tho Hnr ney valley Irrigation plans will ho worked out satisfactorily within tho moans of tho land owners If thoy will but unite on conservative plans nnd work together. Tho Innd should be classified ns to Its nctual productlvo worth, the water applied systemat ically and Judiciously, tho system of Irrigation he worked out on a basis or economy with the least expenso and covering n period or years that will permit tho producer to pny out. If everybody wns as unsolflsh ns Hill Johnson, wo'd got somewhere with this development program, that's sure. YAfter EVery Meal C Pans it around after every noil. Give the family the benefit of Its aid to dlirf tloa. Qcans teeth tao. Keep It always US UK IIUUK, ygf "Costs ttttk-help MM" d WRKUfi m 'JUsWrrMtcHMlmC9rLAl vif7pMVYa4BALW9iik frAnCBnrMaCirT JcC3rePl3lacl -1 ttSBSsW TCHT'M SSV KPT i UAH FAITH IN OUR FUTUMK To Tho Kdltor It dovolvos upon tho writer to express his approcintlon of tho valuo of tho wonderful re sources which tho ICmpIro of Harney hns in storo for Its pooplo, onco tho life giving element beneath Its soli Is ralsod and allowed to bring Its production up, to tho standard to which thoy are entltlod for tho years of patient effort. During tho writer's short visit in your community ho has gone ovor somo of the .developments nnd seen what groat opportunity lays In ntoro with tho proper Insinuations to glvo tho rancher a cheap wator supply and enable him, to havo a power to dovol op It that Is low In cost and econom ical enough for him to pay for it. Tho Ford Motor Company of the Salt Lake Hranch extends Its en gineering sorvlco to you in ovory way toward tho success of tho Irrigation of your rnnchus In Hnrney County, and to that end has promised Mr. McGowan of tho Hums Garage to In vestigate tho possibilities of bringing Into tho district at a rensonnblo cost a well boring apparatus that will bo capabla of boring holes of sufficient size to furnish a supply of water necessary for tho Irrigation, nnd nn ndeuato equipment for pumping In cluding tho power necessary nt a cost within tho means of overy rancher. Permit mo to say that tho ultimata success of ranch productions In Har ney, from the vlow that I have hud and tho faith It hns given mo will go far beyond tho anticipation of tho most optimistic ownor of Its richest quarter. This department will co-operato with you nnd your citizens tnwnrd tho consumption of your hopes and to that ond will ttso Its Information and experienco to help you Individu ally nnd collectively. A. 8. COtJHTIHOHT. Engineer. FOUI) MOTOIt COMPANY, Fordson Knglnoorlng Dopt. Salt Lnkn Hranch. PIIKHIIYTKHIAN GIIUIICII Sunday School nt 10 A. M. Tho genius of Sunday School suc cess Is hard work. When Queen Vic toria said to Padorwskl, "You aro a genius," ho ropllod, "Ah. your ma jesty, perhaps; hut boforo I was a genius I was n drudge." Kvory truo genius hns simply dovoloped drudg ery into mastery so that groat things aro accomplished with ease. Gen- 030I30II01I0E0I0 You're Safer on Balloon Tires Made by Goodyear Safer when you ride on them. Their famous All' Weather Tread gripe the slipperiest road. Safer when you buy them. At these low prices they are the greatest balloon tire value on the market. Burns HARNEY COUNTY ABSTRACT a TITLE CO (Inc.) Abstracts of Jitle i Insurance-Fire and Auto REAL ESTATE Building Loans Surety Bonds Phone No. 63W., Burns Oregon Nw location in Rsed Building adjoining Maioalc Building !maa tun is not luck as somo young poople soom to think but is rather "An endless capacity for taking pains."' This is what counts in Sunday School and Church work. Dlvlno Worship at 11 A. M. Thomb of Sermon "Crucified with Christ." Oxonhnm's llttlo poom might woll stltnulato serious reflection as wo approach this Kaster tldo. "To ovory man thoro oponoth A Way, nnd Ways and a Way; And tho High Soul climbs tho High Way And tho Low Soul gropes tho Low, And In botweon, on tho misty flats, Tho rest drift to nnd fro. Hut to ovory mnn thoro oponoth A High Wny and a Low, And overy mnn davidoth The wny his soul shall go." Tho terminal ground Improvement contlnuos to grow ns tho days go by with tho buildings n oaring- comple tion. Tho plastering is under way, pntnllng ns rapidly as tho stago of building will permit. Tho grounds nro receiving attontion, also. Get The Habit and eat at the CLUB CAFE Levcns Hetel Balldlns; Meals at all hours and the menu includes everything obtainable in the local mar ket in season Special Sunday Dinners Quick courteous service Garage I IOEO Vl i .- -kiv-' '' '"SWSg .M